03-05-2013 Recreation Commission omw Town Of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the March 5, 2013 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission, Town of Queensbury held at the Queensbury Town Hall, Supervisors Conference Room. Chairperson White called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Roll Call: Present-White, Switzer, Goralski, Matthews, Hewlett Excused- Mott Staff- Director Steve Lovering, Asst. Director Lori O'Shaughnessy, Program Coordinator Jen Baertschi Approval of Minutes: It was moved by Commissioner Hewlett and seconded by Commissioner Goralski to approve minutes from February 3, 2013. All members present approved. Election of Officers and Committee Assignments Election of Officers: • Chairman: Commissioner Matthews nominated Commissioner White, no second Commission White nominated Commissioner Matthews seconded by Commissioner Hewlett, all members present approved. • Vice Chairman: Commissioner Mott nominated by Commissioner Goralski, seconded by Commissioner Switzer, all members present approved. • Secretary: Commissioner Goralski nominated by Commissioner Matthews, seconded by Commissioner Hewlett, all members present approved. Committee Assignments were unchanged other than Commissioner Switzer added as member on Budget Review to vacant seat and Commissioner Goralski added as member to Personnel to vacant seat. Communications: Memo to staff regarding customer service reviewed Memo regarding Mr. Whiteman extended medical leave reviewed Memo to Queensbury Town Board re: Faith Bible Church Land reviewed. Timeframe for QLC to take over management is unknown at this time. Mr. Fusco letter of resignation letter from Recreation Committee was read and discussion about ways to honor Mr. Fusco service to board; public service announcement in paper and plaque. Unfinished Business: -Gurney Lane Pool Renovation updated; including bid deadline and timeline. -Faith Bible Church Property Update -Group User Fee at Jenkinsville Additional information supplied by Director Lovering reviewed including rates from other local facilities. Director Lovering recommended fee structure of $2.50/hour per field for 0-100 hours and 100+ at $2/hr. Motion was made my Commission Goralski to approve fee structure as outlined by Director Lovering, there was no second. After discussion to increase fee, motion was made by Commissioner Matthews to institute fee structure of $5/hr per field for 0-100 hours and 100+hours at $4 /hr for the 2013-14 season, seconded by Commissioner Switzer all members approved. New Business: -Reviewed 2012 Tentative Park Projects List as outlined by Director Lovering Committee Reports: None Adjournment—a motion was made by Commissioner Hewlett, seconded by Commissioner Goralski to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 pm. Respectfully submitted Approved by Wendy Matthews Lisa Marie White, Chairperson