1977-05-24 3
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Town of Oueensbury
RESOLUTION—NO. 123, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption,
secon ed by r. ammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, the office of Town Superintendent of Highways is presently an
elective office in the Town of Queensbury and
WHEREAS, Section 23 of the Municipal Home Rule Law authorizes the Town
Board to adopt a local law changing the office of Town of Queensbury
Superintendent of Highways from elective to appointive and
WHEREAS, such local law is subject to a mandatory referendum pursuant to '
Municipal Home Rule Law Section 23 (2) (e) and
WHEREAS, such a local law would become operative only if adopted by -the
Town board and if approved at a Special or General Election by the affirma-
tive vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of Queensbury
voting upon the proposition and
WHEREAS, a .groposed local law has been prepared and has been presented for
adoption by the Town Board in accordance wit# law, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held concerning the desirability of the
adoption of said local law, and
WHEREAS, it appears that the local law in its present form is in compliance
with legal requirements, NOW THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury adopt a local law
providing for the appointment inseead of election of the Superintendent of
Highways of the Town of Queensbury as local law4upotO of 1977 of the Town
of Queensbury and that the Town Clerk be authorized and directed to take
all necessary action to cause said local law to be submitted to the qualified
electors of the Town of Queensbury voting upon the proposition at the
General Election bo be held in November 1977 in accordance with and as
required by law.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: NOne
Michel Brandt-Supervisor
"Daniel Olson-Councilman
Robert Barbet-Councilman
Frances Walter-Councilman
j Hammond Robertson-Councilman
�-- Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel
PRESS: Tri County News , WWSC, WBZA, Glens Falls Post Star
TOWN .OFFICIALS: COUNTY OFFICIALS: Lloyd Dembmeki, Thomas Murphy,
Carl Garb, Shirley Shenk
GUESTS: William Munoz, Mr. Goetz, Mr. Turnbull, Mr. Morrell,
Meeting Opened: 7: 30P.M. Salute to the Flag, led by Supervisor Brandt.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- First of all, we had discussed earlier in the
year the possibility of providing some tax re-
lief for new business. I was personally opposed
to it, because I felt it lacked control, it
appeared to me that a business simply changing
location could qualify for tax credit, and it
looked like it opened us up to a lot of rating
to try and change locations and that would serve
no purpose for the citizens. However, this law,
as I see it, provides for a regulating body to
oversee that. The business that is getting tax
relief does produce nww jobs, that is constantly
monitored on a yearly basis, by a State Agency,
and its tax relief is dependent on meeting the
qualifications of providing the jobs that are
set out to provide. If it provides new jobs
for one year, and the next year gets rid of these
people it no longer qualifies for the tax relief.
Hearing Opened: 7 : 38 P.M. RBquested input from
the public.
DANIEL MORRELL- Questioned what the qualifications were that had
(Lymnfikld Dr. ) to be met? Number of employees?
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- That is correct, the number of new employees, it
had to create at least five jobs to start to
qualify. The business can also be exempt from
State Taxes on a business. . . .if an industry
qualifies under the State formula then it would
also, if we enact this law be exempt from Town
property tax.
DANIEL MORRELL- What organization will oversee the application?
JOSEPH BRENNAN- The New York State JOB INeRNTIV9 Board—within
(Town Counsel) the New York State Department of Commerce. _
COUNCILMAN BARBER-Arrived at the Meeting.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- Is this only manufacturing or are we also looking
at retail outlets , such as stores?
JOSEPH BRENNAN- Reviewed the proposed law noting that it pertained
only to manufacturing and wholesale businesses. . .
also noted crdteria of training programs that must
be set up.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- Questioned Counsel on the maximum amount of time
that a business may have tax relief.
JOSEPH BRENNAN- Noted that if a business remained eligible it
could receive 100% exemption for the first five
years and 50% for the following five years.
GEORGE GOETZ- Questioned what the old business@s,that have been
paying taxes year after year -.gotng- t6 get in
regard to tax relief?
JOSEPH BRENNAN- It is possible that a new wholesaler meeting
the standards would come into the area, and
receive tax relief, where a long standing bus-
iness of the same type would not be entitled
to the same tax break.
WILLIAM R. MUNOZ- Read the follwwing statement for the record.
Adirondack Regional Chambers of Commerce
The Adirondack Regional Chambers of Commerce representing business
and industry in the Town of Oueensbury as well as her neighboring
communities , strongly supports and endorses- the Town Father'S con-
sideration to adopt a local law which will provide for tax exemption
to eligible businesses persuant to Section 485 of the NYS Real Property
Tax Law.
We highly commend our Town leaders for their consideration of this
important piece of legillation for local adoption.
The ARCC is most interested .in, providing our community and community-
area marketplace with the necessary tools to attract new job producing
industry and business fo.r our citizens , and thereby increase the economic
_. vitality of our marketplace. Throug# the adoption of Seciion 485
of the NYS Real Property. Tax Law, the Town of Queensbury will provide a
tax exemption incentive, which will help our community-area' s industrial/
commercial development efforts by placing our marketplace closer to equal
footing with neighboring states and municipalities who already have
aggressive incentive packages to offer new businesses .
William T_. Munoz
Executive Vice-President
ARTHUR TURNBULL- Questioned that the Board did go against a
(Sunnyside) proposed tax incentive some time ago?
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- That was another consideration of a seperate
bill, this is a different proposal.
COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Questioned Counsel-in regard to lease arrangements , if
there would be any problems because of this? ,
JOSEPH BRENNAN- Noted that he would have to study that problem, but
as far as far as he had read the statute, there is
no restriction which would prohibit this. . .
COUNCILMAN WALTER- Questioned, the Town of Queensbury with passage
of this resolution would theif size of the tax
credit be determined by the same formula?
JOSEPH BRENNAN Basically the formula under the NYS Tax Law, the
tax to be paid to the State of New York, is a
complicated formula based on the expenditure
for the capital improvement itself, it is not
a. l to 1 tax credit situation. It is directly
applicable to the State of course because of the
relationship between funding from the State to
the Town it does have a direct influence but I
do not think the influence is anywhere near as
significant as the impact could be directly on
the property tax situation, insofar as the Town
is concerned.
COUNCILMAN WALTER- Questioned if this took into consideration new
COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- If this does go through there would be no local
- -, JOSEPH BRENNAN- There is always the possibility of Court review.
DANIEL MORRELL- What Board would determine the assessed evaluation
of the property?
ARTHUR THRNBULL- Asked why it was illegal a year ago to give tax
relief_ and now it it not?
JOSEPH BRENNAN- That is the function of the N.Y.St. Legislature.
COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Does this apply to special benefit taxes as well
as general property taxes?
JOSEPH BRENNAN- They do have to pay special benefit District
taxes . . .
COUNCILMAN WALTER- Questioned if this affected School Taxes?
JOSEPH BRENNAN- No. This is left to the independent judgement
of the School dist.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Commented that the School dist. are not normally
giving this relief. . .
Requested other comments. . .no one responded.
Hearing Closed. 7: 55 P.M.
JOSEPH BRENNAN- Requested time from the Board to research several t`
questioned that came up at the hearing and to
give his opinion to the Board. . .
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We will wait for your opinion. . .
RESOLUTION NO 125 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption,
seconded y r. ammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, in 1974, the Town of Oueensbury, in accordance with law caused to
be conveyed to George J. Boychuck certain lands owned by the Town of Queens-
bury for a consideration of SIXTY-ONE THOUSAND ONE ($61 ,001. 00) DOLLARS as
more fully described in Resolution No. 106 of 1974 and
WHEREAS , said lands constituted part of Pineview Cemetery and
WHEREAS, it was intended that one-fourth (4) of the pale price be designated
for the Pineview Cemetery perpetual care fund which sum was paid to said
fund and
WHEREAS , it was understood, intended and agreed that an additional
one-fourth (k) of the sale price, FIFTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY
DOLLARS and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ($15 ,250.25) , was to be designated and
appropriated for improvements at said cemetery and
WHEREAS, said sum intended for cemetery improvements was deposited in an
interest bearing account at the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company
designated as the "Pineview Cemetery Operating Fund" and
WHEREAS, the records and minutes of the Town of Queensbury do not reflect
that said sum was specifically appropriated and solely designated for
improvements at the Pineview Cemetery and
WHEREAS, it appears necessarythat said oversight be corrected and that
said funds together with all interest accrued thereon be specifically
appropriated and designated for improvements of the Pineview Cemetery as
originally intednded and agreed. NOT, , THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED, that all funds on deposit in account with the Glens Falls
National Bank & Trust Company be designated as the Pineview Cemetery Operat
ing Fund and include accrued interest to date, be specifically 1_,,_
appropriated and designated for expenditure, as necessary and as authorized
in accordance with law, for improvements at the Pineview Cemetery.
Duly adopted by the following voce: f
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 126, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS , by Resolution 125 of May 24, 1977 $15,250. 00 was to be
allocated for improvements of said cemmtery, NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT
RESOLVED, that $4,000. 00 of this amount be appropriated at this time
for Pineview Cemetery Improvements to be placed in Code C2 8810.44.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent None
COUNCILMAN OLSON- Requested an explanation.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The Antirecession monies are sometking that Congress
saw fit to send to us with a volume of reading on
how it can and can not be used and these formulas
as we have researched carefully fit the rules and
regulations .
COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Questioned if the Board was under a time limit. . .
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We have two days to qualify. . .
COUNCILMAN WALTER- Are these monies in the budget?
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- No, we had no wayNtn antidipate them.
SOLUTION NO. 127, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS, rules and regulations published by the Department of Audit
and Control spedify payments received under the program must be obligated
or appropriated within six months following receipt thereof, and
WHEREAS , the expenditures can be made only for specified expenditures as
stated in Sec. 52.40 or Rules and Regulations (Permissible Expenditures)
WHEREAS, Section 52.43 of the Rules and Regulations (expenditure time
limitations) states the six month period which begine. the day following
receipt of a payment, therefore be it
RESOLVED, to appropriate $12 , 331. 78 as follows:
Al 1620.44 Building Contractual S 850. 86
Al 3120. 10 Police Personal Service 11 480. 92
12 ,T ..
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
; Absent: None
CETA-Social Security
COURC LAM 01.80K_ Questioned the increase in Social Security since
the budget was made out?
HARRISON WINNIE- These are CETA monies , you are transferring from
(Bookkeeper) personnel services CETA to Social Security CETA.
RESOLUTION NO. 128, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS , a deficit exists within CETA, Title II Social Security Code,
A6250. 83, therefore be it
RESOLVED, to remove such deficit by transferring $1158.91 from A6250. 1
Personal Services to A6250. 83, Social Security.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 129, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS , New guidelines from Audit and Control gequires us to separate
revenue sharing and antirecession monies and
WHEREAS, the:- 1(av_� advised us to account for Antirecession funds in the
General Operating funds , using segregated codes to account for receipt of
monies , therefore be it
RESOLVED, to tranfer $12 ,331. 78, from the Revenue Sharing Account Interest
Bearing Savings Account, to the General Operating Interest Bearing Savings
Account, and accounted for by Audit and Control Guidelines .
Duly adopted by the following vote : '
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
COUNCILMAN OLSON- Requested that the Board review an application
for a mobile home. . .
Called on Supervisor Thomas Murphy to discuss the
OTB signs in the Northway Plaza.
THOMAS MURPHY- The signs which are there now are non-conforming.
I am going back to the County Chairman to have both
or at least one removed. I want to hear what the
Town Board thinks so that I can go back to the county
and have one or both of these signs removed. The
request should come from the town on this matter.
The sign ordinance took years to come about and the
state can come in and put two non-conforming sighs
without contacting anyone.
COUNCILMAN BARBER- I think this matter should be brought before our
town attorney and perhaps he can get a memorandum of
law pursuant to that. We should see if we can
change our ordinance.
THOMAS MURPHY- I think the town should notify the county and the
OTB association and then I think they will confor�
with the request. If they do not do this , then I
think we should go to somebody else to see if the
can help us .
COUNCILMAN BARBER- I do not think that OTB should have any priority.
If they refuse to comply then I think we should go
to a state level. I support a resolution to be sent
to OTB.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- I think the Building Inspector should serve them with
a letter to explain to them that they are in strict
COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- I think this boare
should go on record and introduce a resolution
asking the county supervisors to take whateftr
steps that they need to take to get these signs
tama-,�cdnforming state. Theyshould be made to make
the signs in compliance with our zoning ordinance.
Copy to the OTB corporation.
(Councilman Walter- requested to write cover letter for this resolution)
RESOLUTION NO. 130 introduced by Hammond Robertson, who moved its adoption
seconded by Mic he Brandt.
This resolution will be drafted by the Town Attorney and when completed will
be found on page 32
COUNCILMAN OLSON- Reviewed the. problem of the Bus Terminal not
allowing certain taxi companies on their property
for pick up or delivery. . . (Rozell' s)
COUNCILMAN BARBER- Has created hardships—noted that he felt one
solution would be the licensing of taxi companies
and an ordinance by the Town. . .
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Will advise the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
problem. . .
N.W. BODENWEISER- requested that the signs on buildings that the
businesses have closed be removed. . . stated the
30 day time limit for removal of the signs. . .
COUNCILMAN BARBER- These will be in compliance.
6OHNRYTHaR BRANDT- Requested that this be brought before Mr. Liapes
and the police force. . . .if that does not work
I will be glad to step in. . .
COUNCILMAN WALTER- Noted that one of the signs that was mentioned
has been reviewed and is being taken up with
the attorney of the/owner of the bu&lding. . .
ARTHUR TURNBULL- Asked what are the benCits derived from OTB?
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- As far as I know they are taxed,but they do not
have to comply with the Town Ordinance on Signs. . .
LLOYD DEMBOSKI- Suggested as far as the OTB Signs are concerned
(17 Hughes Court) is to first do to the member of our Board who
serves on the Board of Directors of the Corporate
Board of the Capital District Off Track Betting;
Corp. , have him carry the message to this Board
and see if he can have the signs changed if this
does not suceeed then other pressure will have to
be applied.
(Co. Supervisor) I have a particular subject here in which I think
the town,again I am going back to the Town Board
and asking them for some help. As of yesterday,
I sat on the .Refuse Agency committee for the
County of Warren that consists of the Town of
Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls. As of
yesterday, in talking with Mike, at the meeting,
I was under the impression that he had approached
all members of the Town Board and asked them if
somebody would serve after Mr. Robertson resigned,
would serve on the Refuse Agency for the County of
Warren. At the present time, we are short one man
or one woman, whatever, it might be, on the Refuse
Agency, representing the Town of Oueensbury. I
think we are going to come out of it if we do not
have equal representation, that the Town of
Queensbury, somewhere down the line is going to
come out on the short end of some of the decisions,
which are very, very decisive to the people of the
Town of Queensbury. I think I am asking again, the
Town Board, if there is a possibility that they will
come up with a person, a candidate, or a volunteer,
or whatever it might be, or a suggestion, so
that the County Refuse Agency will have equal
representation, along with the City of Glens galls.
This is going to sound like a crazy request coming
backward, but again, Lime I said, I was told that
they did not hale the people, they did not went to
volunteer, or there was nobmdy to serve on this
committee. Again, I went into the meeting yesterI
day, not knowing exactly what was going on because
we went into subcommittees which made quite a few
rules which I did not like, because, I think the
subcommittee should have. come back to the comm-
ittee, the total committee, and when I did go in,
and also Mr. Nichols from Glens Falls , we found
out we got a new manager of the landfill and we
had decisions , and the stickers were bought, and
they went on and on and on. Again, I jest felt
that the subcommittee, when they met last month,
was a committee that was supposed to come back as
a suggestion to the total committee, and againJI
now representative with Mr. Brandt, the only two
people versus four people on the city of Tlwns
Falls. I think that it is high time that the Town
of Oueensbury either had a volunteer or we had
equal representation to represent us in the land-
fill operation. It is going to be one hell of a
thing if this thing is put together and the people
of the Town of Queenbury do not have equal rep-
resentatmn, or they do not have the input, rep-
resentation or input or ideas . I will tell you
right now, it is going to be a monumental project
.to try and put this damn thing together so that
everybody is going., to be happy. I do not know if ,
everybrody will always be happy, but we do have
the people of the Town of Oueensbury. It has
been our landfill and I think at the present time
it is going around in a circle and it is on its way
to being straightened out, but again I think the
Town of Oueensbury should have more representation
on there, or equal representation, and I am asking
the Town Board if there is a possibility if we can
get another person to serve, so that we will be
able to operate this thing as a joint Glens Falls ,
Queensbury, Warren County landfill operation.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- Tom, can I ask you one question? You spoke about
a new operator of the landfill, or superintendent
of 'the landfill, is that the title, Superintendent
of the landfill?
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- I do not know, I was not asked. I am on the
committee but I was not asked.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- The man had already been hired?
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- Been hired. I do not know what the salary is .
ARTHUR TURNBULL- The salary is $ 15 ,000. 00 dollars .
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- I have no idea of what is going on Dan, we were
not told. I thought maybe I missed a meeting but
I was not told. The man is hired, he sounds very
capable, he is not from Glens Falls or from the
Town of Queensbury and if you want to get your
little baton up there ,Mike. . .
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I thought maybe I would help you, you know, keep it
47 ,
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- ;think it is great except we still have no input
and the man is hired, the landfill is operating.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Now wait a minute, you were at the meeting and you
have input.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- I have input, there is no question about it, not, . . .
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Let' s make that straight.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- Not to the man that was hired. We had no idea, I
was not told the man was hired, I never met the
man in my life until I walked into the meeting
— yesterday. Three men on the subcommittee, and you
are one of them, did not go back to the total
committee and recommend like they were supposed
to before. The man was already hired, and we still
do not know.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Apparently you still do not know.what happened yet
Tom. He was not hired by . . . .
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- Nobody else does except you and two other people. .
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Maybe that is the way it is . He was not hired.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- That is the way it is.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- He was not hired by the Refuse Agencv.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- Who was he hired by?
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- He was hired by the Department of Public Works on
a temporary basis .
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- This does not go back to the landfill committee.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- That is correct. The landfill committee has no
power at this time to hire.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- Does the subcommittee recommend?
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Did the subcommittee recommend?
SUPERVISOR '2RPHY- Who interv*ewed the man. The subcommittee never
met the man in their life, .just went up and hired
him, right, all through Fred Austin and the DPW.
I do not believe that.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The subcommittee interviewed, as a matter of fact.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- Then it should have gone back to the full committee.
All I am saying is that tIa wholg town landfill
committee, the town, city committee. . .
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- As I told you in the meeting Tom, the agency will
have a right to hire and not to hire that man in
due time.
_ SUPERVISOR MURPHY- Who is the agency?
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- You are one of the members.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- That is right, but nobody was informed, the man was
already hired, nobody knew what his salary was ,
It went up to a subcommittee and it was supposed
to have gone as a subcommittee, and it was supposed
to have gone up as an Advisory committee back there
and the whole damn thing was taken care of.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- So what is the whole problem, too much progress?
Or what is the problem?
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- There is not enough progress , that is the problem.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- If we are through with that, I make a motion that
Fran Walter be asked to serve or be our rep-
resentative on the Warren County Refuse Agency.
ARTHUR TURNBULL- I would like to volunteer for that job. Tom ie
asking for a volunteer.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Wait a minute, please, this is a piece of business,
I am looking, is there. . .
COUNCILMAN OLSON- Are you introducing this resolution?
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I just introduced that as a resolution.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- Then I will second that resolution.
SUPERSISOR BRANDT- Motion made and seconded. Is there any discussion `0,
on that?
COUMfiUM M BARBER- For a matter of record I disqualify myself from
all voting.
.COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- I would like to reiterate my comments. Basically
I served on the agency and I basically feel that
part of what Mr. Murphy is saying is one of the
reasons that I elected to resign. I feel that
while Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls are
the people that are ultimately going to pay the
bill on the landfill, it has become a county
function, and the county works in an entirely
different manner, whether we agree with it or
whether we do not, than the town, because it is
a bigger group of people, because it has more
things , it works on a different system. To try
and intermingle those two systems as I personally
think, is courting disaster. In the town, there
are five of us , we do communicate, we do get to
each other, even though one of us may run one
committee and one another, so to speak, in general
all the other members know what is going on, in
the county I understand it gets too unwieldy, so
it is still my personal feeling that this belongs
as a county function, and I think we have
Queensbury Supervisors who are elected by the
people, who are very, very capable of representing
the interests of Queensbury, on a county Board,
and I personally feel that it will work very much
stronger, and be a very much better organization
within the ouunty structure if the Queensbury
Supervisors on the county level represent the
town. I have felt that since I started and I
have to reiterate my position and I have no axe
to grind with any member of- my board here because
any of them can do a fine job, but I still. . .
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- There is one problem with that Ham, there is a basic
agreement between the city and the town in the
inception of this , that the members of the
regulating agency,or whatever, evolved, would
be from the Town Board and two members would be
from the city council, and the city has expressed:j
to me that they feel that even though you have
certain frustrations and co mnents , that it still --,'
be maintained to be represented as we had
basically agreed in the beginning. That is why
I am making that motion.
COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- I understand what you are s;tying to me and I do
not take exception to the fact that the agreement
was what it is . However, and I do not want to rub
salt or go back on a whole lot of things or
try and get involved in a city, town argument ,
however, I can only express my thoughts as I see
them for the benefit of the Town of Oueensbury.
I have expressed them in that form. While it
may change the agreement some, I shall have to
basically feel that way. I do not want to rub
salt in the city and I do not want to do a whole
lot of things , but that is still my profound
SUPER$-ESOR BRANDT- Well, the motion was made. Are there any other
discussions on that?
COUNCILMAN OLSON- I think I would like to ask Mrs. Walter, since
this is the first time I heard about this motion,
Fran, would you like to serve on that agency?
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Sounds like a winner, listen to it.
COUNCILMAN WALTER- I think it is a very difficult situation to go
into something that seems to be floundering. I
was not here on its inception. and I do not think
I basically agreed -with how it was done, in the
beginning. Evidently this was the way it is going
to be, if this is the way it is going to be, I do
think that we should have equal representation in
this joint venture. I have said it before in
another situation, I do not like to see
Queensbury getting the short end of the stick,
and although I do not think that it would be
the. . . I do not know,if I am asked to serve Sir,
I shall serve.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Any other comments?
COUNCILMAN OLSON- Fran, from the remarks that you have made, and
pour interest in town government, since you have
been on this board, In looking at at the main
thing, salaries , which we just got an enlightenment
tonight from a county representative, somewhere
in the $15,000.00 range, which our highway
superintendent, which makes much less money per
year, .and that was running the landfill before
and the highway department. I would think that
this would fit probably in a good line with your
thinking and your feelings. I think the thing
is floundering and possibly you could lead some
direction to it and you can straighten the damn
mess out so that Queensbury does not go down the
COUNCILMAN WALTER- Thank you 'very much for your confidence,
Councilman Ols6n
COUNCILMAN OLSON- One other thing, to .set the record straight Tom,
I think you made a statement that all members of
the board were contacted, or asked to serve on
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- That is what he said yesterday.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- That is not true because I was never contacted
by anybody; County or Town, just to set the record
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- I would like to thank the Board.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We have not even taken a vote, If you would give
us just a few-minutes.to function. We would enjoy
that, thank you.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- I was approached by two members of the city
administration telling me I was on the ad-
ministration on ' the reguse agency and I said
I am sorry I do not think I am because I have
not been told that, and that is where it stands.
COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Just for the record, if Mrs. Walter is willing
to serve, I obviously will support her and she
has my 100% support in spite of my comments.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- I will support her and I will also be glad to
work with her on anything I can.
RESOLUTION NO. 131, introduced by Mr. Brandt, who moved its adoption
seconded y Mr. Olson
WHEREAS, due to the resignation of Hammond Robertson on the Warren
County Refuse Agency there is now a vacancy on this agency and
WHEREAS, without Mr. Robertson, Queensbury would be only represented
by one member. of the Town Board, namely Supervisor Brandt, Now, Therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of- the Town of 0ueensbury requests that
Frances Walter be appointed to the Warren County Refuse Agency.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: Mr. Barber.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- This is an election year, isn' t it.
ARTHUR TURNBULL- I would like to make one comment . You are very
well concerned about the fact that we don' t
get enough of our taxpayers involved in our
government, right, Now, I offered my services
as a volunteer because Tow said he was looking
for a volunteer. I think I have got enough
expertise in forty years of construction work,
also working in refuse business like our learned
councilman is involved in. I want to know why
you had to overlook the fact that I was willing
to do this job with the amount of background
I got1to give it to one of the councilman.
You are removing government, another way of
taking -the government away from the people,
people who are willing to volunteef to do the
job, you do not want them to do it because you
want to keep it within your scope so you can
control government.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- What job is it that you are talking about?
ARTHUR TURNBULL- You are talking about, Tom wanted a volunteer
for representation on the Refuse committee, the
agency he said he has not got the representation.
Am I right Tom, this is what you projected?
SUPERVISOR MURPHY- Yes, but, I, this is also, I think, when this was Li
formed, I think, it was formed with Town Counsel,
the City Counsel, the City Supervisors and the
Town Supervisors, and the Mayor and the Supervisor. . .
between the two towns for a County landfill agency.
At this point, that is the make-up of the landfill
agency, so that is the way it is made up to this
point, and that is the way the agreement was drawn
up and the resolutions were drawn. I think at this
point, they do not have anybody f_rm, the outside
trying to put this together. I hope eventually
we will have somebody from the outside.
ARTHUR TURNBULL- You just got finished saying, before , a.-few
minutes ago, you were asking for volunteers,
and nobody volunteered on that board. You
did not get a volunteer to serve , right?
THOMAS MURPHY- . -I was asking for volunteers on that board or
if they would request a volunteer from somebody
else and I memt from the County levet, Now,
maybe I did not express myVelf.
j ARTHUR TURNBULL- Your expression was not clarified, to satisfy me,
lets put it that way.
COUNCILMAN BARBER-- Mr. Turnbull, I would like to address myself to
you, Sir, I could not have a voice, nor would
I have a voice in the last resolution, nor the
subject. Due to your keen interest in this town
there is a vacancy, in fact there are several
vacancies on the Conservation Advisory Council ,
and I will enter your name in that in recommendation,
in nomination, and I will do it in the next meeting.
COUNCILMAN WALTER- Mr. Turnbull., I, myself, would be very happy to
speak to you and perhaps learn something from
your expertise.
ARTHUR TURNBULL- Well, this is the point, I am getting at. We
ask for help from our taxpayers , when help is
offered to volunteer for a job that is being pro-
jected to the people, and they offer their services,
why should the Council inForporate themselves to
take care of this? Now, you have enough things
to take care of, and I know you do not have the
expertise that I have, along these lines , in forty
years of construction business . I am willing to
offer my service-s and I want to know,why is it,
_ a taxpayer, here for twenty some odd years , I have
to be turned down. I want to do a service to the
COUNCILMAN BARBER- Well , Sir, I think my recommendation, that I
just made to you, in fact, would be more challenging
then the refuse, because it will not only concern
itself with fefuse, but concerns itself with the
entire scope, spectrum of environmental aspects
of what is coming down, from the government today,
from the State and Federal government. Pertaining
to the wetland, environmental impact, refuse, as
I indicated there, solid waste, liquid waste, ,.a
tremendous amount that you could offer here. I
think much more so then that one particular area.
That is Tahy I will strongly support your nomination
if you care to accept.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Any other comments , questions, dissertation?
THOMAS MURPHY- I would again,. like to thank, the Town Board for
recommending, Mrs . Walter, and I am sure she will
work very well with the refuse agency. Again, I
believe the recommendation has to go ffom the Town
Board to the County Board for approval. I am sure
that it will be approved.
COUNCILMAN Ot @M'w Requested an executive session for per.soval matter.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I will also exten6 that into a work shop, to dis-
cuss the sewer system information.
A Special Town Board Meeting will be held on
Thursday May 26th at 8: 00 P.M. in regard to
the Sewer System information.
HAMMOND ROBERTSON- Noted that the Town Board just received from
the Engineers , figures on the Queensbury system. . .
ARTHUR TURNBULL- Questioned the Board on the cost of the sewer
system, both County and Town. . .
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Noted that the cost figures will be brought out
at the meeting Thursday. . .
ARTHUR TURNBULL- Commented that he felt that someone has been lacks
in regard to the project. . .
On motion the meeting was adjourned. "
Respectfully, --J
. Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
RESOLUTION NO. 130, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconde by Mr. Michel Brandt :
1-711FREAS , the Town of Queensbury has received information and complaints
from residents of the Town that the signs constructed and erected at the
Off Track Betting Corporation (hereinafter OTB) facility situate in North-
way Plaza are invviolation of the Town of Queensbury Sign Ordinance and
WHEREAS, no variances or peemits have been granted or issued by the
Town of Queensbury or its duly authorized employees , boards or agencies
for the construction and erection of said signs and
WHEREAS it is the .desire of the Townof. Queensbury to have all signs
located in the Town of Queensbury constructed, erected and maintained
in accordance with the Town of Oueensbury Sign Ordinance and
WHEREAS, the Town Board believes efforts should be made to bring said
signs of OTB into compliance with the Town of Queensbury Sign Ordinance and
WHEREAS, the Town Board understands that it is without legal authority to
compel compliance by OTB with-the Twon of Queensbury Sign Ordinance and
WHEREAS, Warren County received and anticipated receipt of financial
benefits from the operation of said OTB facility in the Town of Oueensburv,
RESOLVED, that the Warren County Board of Supervisors be requested to
request OTB to bring its sign or signs situate within the Town of Queensbury
into compliance with the Town of Queensbury Sign Ordinance wnd that a copy
of this resolution be su�jmitted to the Warren County Board of Supervisors
for its consideration.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrss Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: N6ne