1977-06-14 any area he knew that had good soil to get it out, I did tat get them all won but in the end tt is a political decision, there are a lot of people that have their input, they each have their vote, they did their best and everyone of them did it for the good of the people they represented, they did not represent themselves, not one soul, did I ever see that represented himself_ and his own personal interests. I think the decision that came out of there are very solid decisions . . .I personally think it is a good system and I think it is time to go with it. PAUL HILLMAN- I think this is a grand system, I think they are looking to the future. . . MR. ARNOLD- I think it is a crime to put areas where there is no water quality problem into this district just to gain the tax assessment. . .noted that the project should have encompassed the problem spots not the whole area. MR. IRISH- The size of the district is up th ,thh Town fathers and the residents of the town. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Commented in setting up of the district we would service as much of the area within good economics , that can be predicted. . .if you want to shrink the Town District, that can be looked at . . . COUNCILMAN BARBER- Commented that the membersi)of hhis Board did .go to the County and try .and have the County change certain area such as areas of W X.F. and Harrisena, but this did not succeed. . . SUPERVISOR BRAND.T- Reviewed the process of formulating the district. . . areas to be serviced and not to be servicecL noted that he worked hard to get Westland out of the district because he felt they did not need it , but the finding was that it be included. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Queensbury REGULAR HEFTING JUNE 14, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel ABSENT Robert Barber-Councilman PRESS 1,A7SC T014N OFFICIALS Carl Garb, Floyd Martindale, George Liapes , Harold Boynton GUESTS Joseph Daire, Les Baird, Arthur Turnbull, Glenn Greeno, Mr. Fish, Mr. Gealt Meeting Opened 7: 39 P.M. Salute to the Flag. BIG OPENING NOTICE, SN.OTM HIGHWAY OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT TOWN CLERK DONALD A. CHASE READ TFE FOLLOWING BIDS THAT WERE RECEIVED. Morgan K. Combs VanDusen Road W. Glens Falls, N.X. 60 Huber Warco grader 205 . 00 1950 Ford Van Truck 51.50 1966 Ford F-800 Dump 76 .On Broken 5 yard Dump box 35.00 Home made trailer 41. 00 Cab for Cat D-8 bulldozer 15 .O0 . Morgan K. Bombs Non Collusive attached ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Heil Auto Machine & Parts Co. 4 Boulevard Glens Falls , New York 12803 Town of Oueensbury Municipal Building Queensbury, N.Y. Bid for surplus Town equipment as follows; Truck with dump body attached $75. 00 (Seventy Five Dollard) Broken dump body $40. 00 (Forty Dollars) Huber Warco read grader $325 . 00 (Three Hundred-Twenty Five Dollars) Cat D8H Cab $3.0..00 (Thirty Dollars) Sincerely Edward R. Dunne S/S Non Collusive attached ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Councilman Robertson- requested that the bids be turned over to the Highway Supt . and Committee for their recommendations . . . RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO PROPERLY RECORD TRANSFER OF VEHICLES BY POLICE DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION NO. 132 , Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, there is no longer a need of the vehicles specified $n resolutions #108 and #109, by the Police Department, therefore be it , RESOLVED, to transfer $2.50.00 from A1355. 44, Assessors, and $250. 00 from A3410.44 Fire Marshal, to A3120.44, Police Contractual fvv the Detective Car and $500.00 from A8010. 44, Building and Zoning to A3120. 44, Police Contractual for the car pertaining to resolttzion #109. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs . VTalter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber - RESOLUTION TO RESCIND RESOLUTION NUMBERS--20$ and '109, EXLLE EB VEHICLES BY POLICE DEPARMMT RESOLUTION 00. 133 . Introduced by Mr. Himbeil Brandt- who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, Resolutions #108 and #109 do not meet certain Audit and Control criteria, therefore be it RESOLVED, to rescind Resolution ; 108 and #109, and to replace them with 61 . resolution #132 . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 134, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS , a deficit exists in the Builddng Contractual Account A 1620.44 (Buildings Contractual). Therefore be it RESOLVED, to transfer $4, 021.92 from A901 9. 80 Retirement to A 1620.44 Buildings Contractual. Duly adopted by the following: vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mrv. Halter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent : Mr. Barber RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 135 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption; seconded by Mr, Daniil Olson: WITEREAS, a deficit exists in various insurance appropriations due to increased Bates, therefore be it RESOLVED, to .transfer: $1856. 00 from SF3410.44 (Fire Contracts)to SF3410. 42 (Insurance) $184. 00 from A9010. 80 (Retirement) to A9040. 80 (Insurance) $555 . 77 from DR9010. 80 (Retirement) to DR9040. 80 (Insurance) $78. 73 from DR9010. 80 (Retirement) to DM9040. 80 (Insurance) $910. 87 from DS9010. 80 (Retirement) to DM9010. 8 (Retirement) Duly adopted by the following vote:. Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Barber Councilman Walter- questioned if .the figures reflected the adjustment in the job classifications? -- Supervisor Brandt- Yes RESOLUTION TO. APPROPIRATE MONEY FOR CETA TITLE VI CONTRACT RESOLUTION NO. 136 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel. Olson: WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury, on January 3, 1977 entered into a CETA Title VI contract with the County of Warren, and ?WHEREAS, appropriations must be made before monies mFy be expended, therefore be - it, 62 RESOLVED, to make the following appropriations: Personal Services - A6256. 1 $ 43,400. 00 Retirement - A6256. 81 2 ,900. 00 Social Security - A6256. 83 2 ,600. 00 Workmen' s Compensation - A6256. 86 4, 865. 00 Total $ 54, 815 . 00 Duly adopted by the following vote: i I 1 Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : - None Absent: Mr. Barber RESOLUTION TO ATTEND WORKSHOP RESOLUTION NO. 137 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances ?Matter: WHEREAS, New York Department of State, Department of Community Affairs is sponsoring a one day workshop in Albany on June 29, 1977, and WHEREAS, this workshop is for the purpose of discussions relating to the Accounting Office or municipal governments , therefore be it RESOLVED, to allow Mr. Harrison Winne to attend the Regional Meeting of the Department of Community Affairs and be it further RESOLVED, that the expenses incurred be a proper Town Charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: �a Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Barber Ltr. June 7, 1977 Members of the Twun Board Town of Queensbury In checking with the City of Glens Falls I find that their Inspectors of Election receive $25. 00 for Registration and Primary days and $45. 00 for Election Day because of the 6: 00 A.M. to 9: 00 P.M. voting hours. In travelling to the election districts in the Town of nueensbury, the inspectors are asking for equal payments , the same as the inspectors of the City of Glens Falls for Election Day or any day that they have to spend 15 hours or more at their posts . I also found out that, in the city, there is no extra $5. 00 payment for the inspector who has to be Chairman. The town has been paving this to the past to the inspector who delivers the suitcase back to the Warren County Board of Elections. I am asking the Town Board to consider the following. rates : Registration and Primary Day - $30. 00 Election Day - 45. 00 Chairman of Inspectors - 5. 00 I also request at this time that the Inspectors of Election be paid $45 . 00 for working; on the June 7th referendum and 515. 00 for those Inspectors who worked on the voter eligibility lists in April, 1977. These monies will be reimbursed by the Warren County Sewer Agency 63. to the Town of Queensbury. Respectively, /s/ Donald A. Chase Town Clerk DISCUSSION REGARDING ELECTION INSPECTORS Supervieer Brandt- reviewed the payments to inspectors in other local areas . . . would go along with an increase. . . Noted next tuesday night there will be a work shop with Rist Frost - to discuss next steps with regard to the sewer system. . . i Councilman Robertson- suggested that the inspectors be paid for 12 hours or less $30.00, for more than 12 hours S45. 0O with the Chairman receiving $5. 00 extra for the days that the elections materials have to be returned. . . RESOLUTION TO PAY ELECTION INSPECTORS RESOLUTION NO. 138 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its a option, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED that Election Inspectors be paid $45 .00 for work on the Warren County Sewer Referendum on June 7th, and that 17 of these inspectors be paid $15 .00 for work on the voter qualification list peeparation and be it further RESOLVED that the monies paid for this work be reimbursed to the Town. of Queensbury by the Warren County Sewer Agency. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent : Mr. Barber RESOLUTION TO APPOINT INSPECTORS OF ELECTION RESOLUTION NO. 139 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, .secon ed by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, it is provided by Section #43 of the Election Law that the Town Boards shall each year appoint Inspector of Election who shall hold office for a term of one year from July 1st. of that year, and WHEREAS , Peter Merlow, Chairman of the Queensbury Republican Committee and William McCarthy, Chairman of the Queensbury Democratic Committee have submitted the following list as their appointments , respectively, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following named persons be and they hereby are appointed Inspectors of Election in the existing 17 Election Districts to hold office until July 1st. 1978 to wit: REPUBLICAN DEMOCRATIC Dist. 1 Florence Bovee Helen B. Sullivan Catherine Daire Gertrude M. Wood Dist. 2 Robert Dumas Helen R. McElroy Floyd Chambers Ann Lampkins Dist. 3 Mary Martindale Elva S. McDermott Susan Mellon Mary E. Dougher Dist. 4 Neida D. Fishher Marjorie A. Gazeley Elizabeth Ferris Dorothy G. Robinson Dist. 5 Norma Baertschi Carol M. Nelson Adeline Scheidegger Janet H. Nelson Dist. 6 Teresa Pizzuto Mary E. Davidson Thelma Gilheany Lucille F. Turner Dist. 7 Deborah Turner Dorothy B. Barker Margaret Turner Betty S. Lynch Dist . 8 Ruth Coclanis Mae Schmidt Grace Hillis Ruth Funicelli Dist. 9 Barbara Varney F. Warren Grinrod Marianne Morrell Roslyn L. Robinson Dist. 1O Yvonne Allen Martha J. Searleman 64 Bess Willson Elona M. Gebo Dist. 11 Claire Blanchard Florence G. Durkee Milita Patch Jane C. Gasper Dist. 12 Jeraldine South, Marie G. Austin Margaret Wiles Julie A. Donnelly Dist. 13 Cedric Traver Beatrice Chadwick Earl Jones Barbara J. Howk Dist. 14 Louise Baltazar Blanche B. DuBois Dorothy Holzhauer Elizabeth J. Hunt Dist. 15 Cecelia Lamphear Elizabeth Schearer Blorence Viele Dist. 16 Joanna McGuire Dorothy A. Baird Marjorie .Hudson Theresa Mindock Dist. 17 Dorothy Derry Juliette Ellingsworth Isabel Barker Lucalle A. Munoz RESOLVED, that the compensation of each inspector be and hereby is 'fixed at $30. 00 per day for a day twelve hours or less and $45. 00 per day for a day twelve hours or more and be it further RESOLVED, that the Chairman of each district shall receive $5. 00 additional for each day they return election materials to the Board of Flectfna. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent : Mr. Barber RESOLUTION TO DESIGNATE POLLING PLACES IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION NO. 140, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mrs. .$ances Walter: WHEREAS., Article 4 Section 66 of the Election Law provides that this board shall designate the Polling Places where registration of voters and the election shall be held during the year following, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following locations be and they hhereby are designated as the respective polling places in the Districts as enumerated. DISTRICT LOCATION 1. So. Queensbury Fire House 2. Oneida Grange Hall 3. Bay Ridge Fire House 4. North Queensbury, Fire House 5. Warren County Municipal Center (Supreme Court Entrance) 6. Oueensbury Junior High School (Middle School First Door) 7. Queensbury Town Office Building S . Oueensbury Central Fire -House 9 . Oueensbury Senior High School 10. Aviation Road Fire House 11. Oueensbur-r Middle School 12. Kensington Road School (West Entrance) ._.✓ 13. West Glens Falls Community Chapel 14. West Glens Falls Firehouse (West End. ) 15. West Glens Falls Firehouse (East End.) 16. Queensbury Water Department Maintenance! Bldg. --- 17 nueensbury Town Office Building RESOLVED, that purodant to said law a private building, namely the Oneida Grange Hall is so designated as the Polling Place for a district , namely District #2 , in which a public building is situated, namely the Queensbury Town Hall, for the reason that said Public Building is used as the Polling Place for another election district, namely Election Districts #7 and #17 and be it further RESOLVED, that the rental for such Polling Places be and the same hereby is fixed at the sum of $40. 00 per annum. 65 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt N6es: None Absent: Mr. Barber RESOLUTION TO REQUEST NAIGARA MOHAWK TO MOVE LIGHTS FROM QUEENSBURY PROPERTY RESOLUTION NO. 141, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, second y Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, there now exist theee street lights which are not presently needed at that site, and WHEREAS, there is a need for these lights within the Town, therefore, be it RESOLVED, to request Niagara Mohawk to transfer these lights numbered III-A III-B III-C TO: Pole # N/M 2, located at Mallory Avenue Pole # N/M 5-322 , Pitcher Road (Projecting towards bridge -West) Pole # N/M 45 , Bronk Drive and West Mountain Drive (Projecting on Bronk Drive. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Barber I RESOLUTION TO ATTEND SEMINAR RESOLUTION NO. 142 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, secon e by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, January 1 , 1978, all municipalities will become liable for the cost of unemployment insurance, and WHEREAS, a seminar is being held in Albany on Monday June 27, 1977 for the purpose of assisting governments in understanding how the system works, and the accounting practices required, therefore be it RESOLVED, to have Harrison Winne, Accounting Department attend this seminar, with all the necessary expenses of same be a proper Town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber TOWN COUNSEL JOSEPH BRENNAN- requested that the Town Board give a quit claim deed to Northern Homes for a 25' piece of property situated on t— Revere Road commenting on the existing problem with Niagara Mohawk. RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER BY QUIT CLAIM DEED 25 ' OF PROPERTY ON REVERE TOAD TO NORTHERN HOMES RESOLUTION NO. 143_, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson- This resolution will be forthcoming from Town Counsel Joseph Brennan and will be found on page 73 SUPERVISOR BRANDT- proposed a resolution to adopt local law #2 of the Town of Queensbury regarding tax incentive for industry ss TOTJN COUNSEL JOSEPH BRENNAN- noting some items that have not been clarified requested that, he be giveNmore time to get certain items cleared up. . . have written the Attorney General for clarifications . . . . awaiting answer. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I withdrawn my motion. . . COUNCILMAN WALTER- Does this relate to Special Dist. taxes? TOT-7N COUNSEL JOSEPH BRENNAN- the business would not be exempt from special dist. taxes. . . COUNCILMAN WALTER- Questioned if the Town has any recourse as to the lengtr t of time. . . TOWN COUNSEL JOSEPH BRENNAN- The business will be reviiwed annually as to their eligibility. . . The Town has the right to repeal a local law. . . RESOLUTION TO ATTEND CONFERHNCE RESOLUTION NO. 144 , Introdueed by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, secon a by Mrs. I?eitces ?Walter: WHEREAS, George P. Liapes , Building Inspector has requested permission to attend a seminar at Clifton Park on June 28 1977 from 1 to 4 P.M. in regard to New York State Construction Codes, Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that Mr. George P. Liapes be and hereby is granted permission to attend such seminar and that all necessary expenses be a proper Town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber LETTERS DATE: May 26, 1977 TO: Queensbury Town board FROM: Building and Zoning Department SUBJECT: Mr. Bodenweiser's Sign Complaint Mr. Bodenweiser' s sign complaint of May 25 , 1977 in regard to removal of certain signs at the Northway Plaza has been acted upon by the Building Department. The Queensbury Building and Zoning Department, as you know, serves (1) building permits and the required inspections (2) requests for Variances (3) complaints that at times outnumber all other functions (4) signs , septic, mobile home permits and any other duty the Town Board may request. The above is not meant as an excuse, However, the following is a partial list of signs that the Building Department has caused removal of since the enactment of the new Sign Ordinance of August 1976. 1. J. R. Sousa - Corner 9L and Route 149 (2) 2. Clarence Daggett -� Corner Luzerne Road and Holden Avenue 3. Donald Krebs - Ouaker Road 4. Last Chance Saloon - maker Road (2) 5 . Gulf Oil - Aviation Road 6. Sherwin - Williams Paint - Upper Glen Street 7. Midas Muffler - Ouaker Road 8. Idle Time Arcade - Route 9 9. Inside Edge - Glen Street (2) 10. Consumer Auto Parts - Upper Glen Street 11. Ramsey Sunoco - Main Street 12. Mobil Oil - Corner Route 9 and Aviation Road 13. Pekin; Restaurant -Route 9 67 14. Watkins - Crownwood Lane 15. 0. Fuller *+ Crownwood Lane lb . Daniels - Main Street 17. Johnson billboard - Route 9 18. Grey Estate - Route 9 (2) 19. Sutton Farm Market - Route 9 20. Scherer - Sunnyside and 9L 21. Hertz - Dix Avenue 22. Bar-B-Q - Route 9 23. Inside Edge - Glen Street (second tune) 24. Sizzle Shack - Glen Street 25. Aviation Mall (cow) -- And other not recorded. I welcome and encourage complaints. I attempt to resolve complaints prior to Town Board meetings when my attention is called to a particular problem. Respectfully, /s/ George P. Liapes Building Inspector cc: twin. Bodenweiser Harold Boynton Joseph Brennan Donald Chase Ltr. League of Women Voters May 24, 1977 Honorable Gerald Solomon New York State Assembly Albany, New York 12223 Dear Mr. Soloman, It is of great concern to the Glens Falls Area League of Women Voters that the Off Track Betting group has eeected signs in the Northway Plaza, Town of Queensbury, completely ignoring the General Regulations of the Town Sign Ordinance. In addition OTB has not sought a variance to the General Regulations as required by said ordinance, even though a "governmental agency" . This , .to us , is blatant violation of the town' s laws , and serves as a poor example to local merchants who must comply with said ordinance. To cite the violations : 1. On Page 10, #14: "Sirs which project above any rood ridge line or parapet line shall not be permitted. " OTB has erected a roof sign above the ridge line. . 2. On Page 9 , #3: "Hazard: r10 sign shall be placed as to be a hazard to traffic or the public generally. " OTB has placed a free-standing sign - the color of Vhich we believe poses a hazard to the traffic signal light on Route 4 at the entrance and exit to the Plaza. We wrote Mr. David Etkin, Capital District Director of OTB on April 22 , 1977, registering disapproval of the OTB roof sign. To date we have not had the courtesy of a reply. The League worked diligently with the Oueensbury Sign Committee to write an ordinance that would enhance the town' s visual appeal and business climate as well as maintain safety along our highways . We would appreciate your consideration of and action on this matter. We look forward to hearing from you. Very truly yours , /s/ Katherine Cornwell League President /s/ Susan Goetz Betty Monahan Directors , Oueensbury Land Use 68 George Liapes- The OTB Roof sign has been taken down. . . Supervisor Brandt- noted that Ronald Stafford will be contacting the OTB Office . . noted that Tony Scott on the OTB Board has been contacted and asked to be in complete compliance with the town ordinance Councilman Walter- A letter has gone to the Warren County Board of Supervisors in regard to this problem. . . Ltr. League of Women Voters May 24, 1977 Mr. Donald Chases Queensbury Town Office Building Queensbury, New York 12801 Dear Mr. Chase, The Glens Falls Area League of [women Voters congratulates the Queensbury Town Board on their decision to expand the Zoning Board of Appeals from five to seven members. A wider segment of Queensbury residents will now be represented in vital decision making in the town. Problems caused by absence and abstention of board members will be avoided. Very truly yours, /s/ Susan Qoetz Betty Monahan Queensbury Land Use Directors Ltr. I would like to thank Mrs Frances Walters for having the guts and decency to speak out about the open deception in relation to the sewage system. _ The people in the Town better get busy on a referendum if it is not too late. Its disgusting to see Barns try to block it. Its unfortunate the taxpayers are not told the truth about the costs of installations and sewer - water rent Also the takeover by bureaucratc police powers related. You must know you are taking* food off the tables of the majority. /s/ Sincerely J Doyle 29 Haviland Ave. G.F. Ltr. Mr. Brandt: Why are your people not told the truth about the referendum= If its too late? Also the true cost of sewer-water connections and rent . An# the true cost of the sewage system and bonded debt. ?Thy the deceptive and disgraceful procedure that has been used to sell this project. Why are the handicapped and other being deceived when it is obviously beyond the ability of the majority to pay. No doubt much more will be said about this before election. J. Doyle Ltr. Queensbury Town Board RD1 Bay Road Glens Falls , New York 12.801. Dear Board Members : 69 I submit my resignation from the position of Acting Assessor for the Town of Queensbury to be effective July 8, 1977. Respectfully yours, /s/ Gerald Aawn DATE: June 3, 1977 TO: Queensbury Town Board FROM: Building and Zoning Department SUBJECT: Unsafe Apartment Building I received a complaint on May 23, 1977 from a Linda Labick, tenant of Cassie Rozell apartments on Ash Drive , Glen Lake in regard to the building being unsafe and hazardous to the occupants. Also, that the sewage system emitted odors and the water supply made her sick. Mr. Boynton made inspections on May 23 and 31, 1977, and a notice was sent to Cassie Rozell. The owner, Cassie Rozell, is an elderly woman. The seven (7) apartment building was constructed in 1959, prior to any Town regulations or controls. The water supply and sewage has been referred to the New York State Department of Health, Brian Fear, who has jurisdiction in this matter. The wiring was inspected by the New York Board of Fire Under- writers and electrical violations cited. The above is intended to inform :you of a serious situation that could result in injury and. life of the occupants of the Rozell apartments . Respectfully, /s/ George P. Liapes GPL: eb Building; Inspector cc: All Town Board Members Joseph Brennan, Town Attorney Harold Boynton George Liapes- Mrs. Rozell has been notified of the violations and and been given 30 days to repaft of start repairs . Councilman Olson- eequested that'hhe Building and Zoning Dept. watch the situation closely. . . Ltr. Michael Brandt Supervisor Town of Queensbury RD 1 Bay and Haviland Roads Glens Falls , New York 12.801 Dear Supervisor '11randt: As chairman of the New York State Assembly' s Task Force on Navigable Waterways, I Izave the responsibility of investi- gating the entire spectrum of marine commerce, transportation and recreation in New York State. We have been investigating the possibility of improving the New York State Barge Canal System and are quite exEtted about its possible benefits for this State. TJ .,e are in the process of applying for federal money to fund a Corps of Engineers study of the entire canal system. . Vle .are also asking the State to fund a Department of Commerce marketing study. Since both of these are necessary to proceed with this project and since your area stands to benefit most 70 directly in terms of jobs and increased commerce, we hoped that you would submit a statement of your support for these studies . These letters will be submitted to the Corps at public hearings in Syracuse on June 1st and Buffalo on June 2nd. They will also be used as evidence of support in asking the State Legislature for funds . Your help on this important pvvject is greatly appreciated. Please don' t hesitate to contact my office at (518) 472-6060 for further information. Sincerely, /s/ Richard J. Keane ' ASSEMBLYMAN SUPERVISOR BRANDT- requested input from the residents of Oueensbury on the improving of the Barge Canal. . . MOBILE HOME Robert W. Fish of Rainbow Trail-to locate a travel trailor on Old West Mt. Road- 6 mos . requested - reasons for application given Mr. Robert Fish present. . . Councilman Robertson- noted that he would not approve of an extension after the first 6 mos. questtdnMd Mr. Fish if six months would be enough. . . Mr. Fish- I have no intention of asking for an extension. . . George Liapes- commented that he had inspected the site. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 145,, Introduced by 'Mr. lffithkil Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by MR. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, Robert W. Fish of R.D.1 Rainbow Trail has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (6 mos .) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Oueensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN T?TE TOWN OF QUEENSBURy, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated at Old West Mountain Road, and WHEREAS , it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance , temporary permission is hereby given to Robert W. Fish of R.D. 1 Rainbow Trail to locate a mobile home outside of a licensed mobile home court for a period of six months at property situated at Old West Mountain Road, Town of Oueensbury, and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance, and that the septic system and water system are in compliance with the Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter , "fr. Robertson, Mr, Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber The reading of the reports was waived. . . . the following reports were placed on file. . . Town Clerk' s monthly report for the month of May, 1977 Building & Zoning monthly report for the month of May, 1977 Dog Wardnn' s montly peport for the month of May, 1977 Police' s monthly report for the month of May, 1977 OPEN FORUM 8: 38 P.M. GLEN GREENO- questioned that Board if they were violating the constitutional rights of Mr. Fish to limit his use of his property for a six months use of a mobile home?, COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON-dented on the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance as being an accepted standard of society—we have the laws on the book and as long as we have these laws when I sit up here, I will do my best to inteerpret them in the best interest of the community. DAN DEALT-questioned if the Town Board granted permits for standard dwellings? - SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The Board does not get involved. . . DAN DEALT- questioned why the Building Dept. could not regulate mobile homes in the Town? GEORGE LIAPES- commented on the Mobile home ordinance. . . DAN GEALT-questioned what the reason was for the Town Board handling mobile homes? COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- The Town Board has chosen to go that route. . . LES BAIRD-Questioned what the assess on the local trailer parks are? Noted his disapproval of not allowing mobile homes on private lets without Board approval and the existing fire hazards of mobile homes in small lots in trailer parks. . COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Noted that several communities will not allow mobile homes in their communities at all— the Town Board Queensbury will view mobile homes on a case by case basis . . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- noted that he personally feels that we should provide a section of the Town where mobile homes- can be placed on private lots. . . ARTHUR TURNBULL-What has the Board done in regard to Maki Cabs? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- There has been no discussion by the Board nor has there been any action in regard to Taxi Cabs. COUNCILMAN 01SON-Commented that Mr. Barber was out of Towns but did speak with him in regard to the Taxi Cabs and Mr. Barber will be ready to speak on the topic possibly at- the next regular meeting. . . ARTHUR TURNBULL- My personal opinion is that we should not get involved in free enterprise. . . Questioned why the Town of Queensbury did not recieve any EDA funding? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- reviewed the application for monies for drainage work in the Town of Queensbury noting that the application was turned down. The application was turned down because the Town could not show clear title of some property owned by Niagara Mohawk. . . the Town had an agreement with Niagara Mohawk that they would deed the property over to the Town if the appropriation was made. . .The people in the Federal Government were mis- informed . . . . we were ruled out of the project on a technicality. ARTHUR TURNBULL- questioned why a project was not submitted on a recreation area for federal monies? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-It was not a recreation area we were trying for. . .we were looking for a long gange . . .we tried to design a project that would give the maximum benefit to Queensbury and the highest standing in the point syetem that Congress had designed. . . ARTHUR TURNBULL- I do not think our endeavors are diversified enough. . . MR. CLEMENTS- Felt that it is better than to work with the money that we have in the Town of Queensbury and forget about the monies that the Federal Govermmnt can hand out to us. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT-reviewed the establishment of the Co. Board of Safety, noting that he had proposed funding fete speed limit signs in front of the School. . . turned down because it did not meet the criteria for federal funding. . . . . . corT e-�ited that you have to distort facts to = meet formulas if we are going to hire people in the local government to do thatteo that we can hire more in our federal goverment to make fdore of these formulas 72 I do not see any productivity in that at all, I am totally against it I think we should continue on our best effort basis . . . .Every time you take a grant they control us , they tell us what we are going to do and i[ow we are going to do it, if we pay our own way we can control ourselves, and I think there is an awful .lot to sav about that. . . commented that the Town looks very hard into programs to get all the funds that we possible can. . . SYLVIA DOUGHER-CHAIRMAN CEMETERY COMMISSION- Reviewed the damage that had occurred to the J.G.F. Cemetery approximately 28 stones were turned over and damaged. . . . questioned the Board as to their legal and moral stand in regard to repairing the cemetery. . .noted that the cemetery had just been refurburshed in the past year and this now had been destroyed by vandalism. . .have spoken to Mr. Winne in regard to insurance and we are not covered. . . the insurance company noted that many people's homeowners insurance will cover the damage. . . also noted that many of the stones were of families that no longer existed. . . COUNCILMAN 01SON- I have spoken with Mrs . Dougher about this situation and suggested that she approach the Board ask the Board to think about this and try and come up with a solution at the next meeting. . . questioned COUNCILMAN WALTER- „ Mrs . Dougher on how much it would cost to repair the cemetery? SYLVIA DOUGHTR- It cost approximately 25 to 40 dollars to repair a stone. . . hope to contact all those that are possible to contact to repair their own stones of family members . . . TOWN COUNSEL-JOSEPH BRENNAN- Will look into the formation of the Cemetery Commission and the establishment of the W.G. F. Cemetery. . .questioned if in repairing stones, more damage is done there is a possibility of problems. . . .will look into the possibility of funding etc. by the Town Board and to its legality of this —before the next board meeting. . . LES BAIRD- questioned the Board . . .will there be a Town referendum on the sewer system? COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- yes COUNCILMAN OLSON- I am not going to take the responsibility of spending that kind of money, that the people of the Town of Queensbury are going to have to pay for, without. having a referendum on it. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- I belive the Board will make this a mandatory referendum. . . LES BAIRD- questioned if the grant ig going to come through for the sewer project? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We do not know that. . . COUNCILMAK ROBERTSON- Commented that this is all contingent on the funding and Audit and Control has power to stop the project. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- announced a work shop after the regular meeting in regard to the cemetery vandalism and town computers. LES BAIRD- requested that monies be given to the cemetery commission to repair the cemetery in W.G.F. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- we must balance the budget. . .we tzvtve to know where the money is coming from— and how we are going th handle it and set our priorities. . . JOSEPH DAIRE- commended the Police in helping him find the persons who vandalised his garden. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 146, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Dankel Olson: RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 77-6A and numbered 606 through 745 and totaling $102 ,096. 79 be approved and be it further 73 RESOLVED, Councilman Robertson abstained on number 625 of Abstract No. 77-6A. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Robertson Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber On motinn the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Queensbury RESOLUTION TO ABANDON A PORTION OF REVERE ROAD PURSUANT TO HIGHWAY LAW SECTION 212-a REgOT.I TQN Nn_ 1LI_ Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by MR. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, by Deed dated November 23, 1976 NORTHERN HOMES, INC. conveyed certain premises in the Town of Queensbury to the T014N OF OUEENSBURY for the extension and improvement of Revere Road for town highway purposes, which Deed was recooded in the Warren County Clerk' s Office in Book 601 of Deeds at Page 133, and WHEREAS, said Deed conveyed certain lands up to Seventy-five (75) feet in width for said Revere Road extension and WHEREAS, only three (3) rods in width for Revere Road is necessary for said town highway purposes and j WHEREAS, NORTHERN HOMES, INC. has informed the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury that the conveyance of the width of Seventy-five (75) feet for the Revere Road extension was as a result of an error and WHEREAS, the Town Board has been informed that Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation will not install power facilities along Revere Road since the remaining portion of Revere Road is Fifty (50) feet in width and Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation will not construct said power facilities unless the same may be accomplished in a straight line and WHEREAS, NORTHERN HOMES, INC. has requested the TOWN OF QUEENSBURY to reconvey to NORTHERN HOMES, INC. certain lands which would leave Revere Road with a width of Fifty (50) feet and . LIHEREAS, NORTHERN HOMES, INC. is the owner of the property on both sides of said right-of-way for the Revere Road extension and WHEREAS, it appears that the retention of a Seventy-five (75) foot width for a portion of the Revere Road extension would serve no useful highway purpose to the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Town of Queensbury Superintendent-of Highways , has recommended that a certain portion of the Revere Road extension, i where said Revere Road is Seventy-five (75) feet in width, be abandoned to NORTHERN HOMES, INC. , which premises are of no further use of highway purposes , and WHEREAS, Fred Austin, Warren County Superintendent of Highways , has consented to the abandonment of said premises and WHEREAS, Revere Road after such abandonment will not be less than three (3) rodd in width, and WHEREAS, a proposed Deed has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, a copy of which is annexed hereto, and . WHEREAS, Joseph R. Brennan, Town Counsel, has approved the form of said Deed and 74 WHEREAS, it appears that Highway Law Section 212-a authorizes the abandonment of the premises described in said Deed annexed hereto upon the recommendation of the Town Superintendent of Highways and with the consent of the County Superintendent of Highways , and WHEREAS, it appears that no useful purpose would be served by retaining ownership of the lands described in said Deed by the TOWN OF nUEENSBTTRy, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the premises described in the Deed, copy of which is annexed hereto, be abandoned by the TOTA1N OF QUEENSBURY to NORTHERN HOMES, INC. , A10 Michel R. Brandt, Town Supervisor, is hereby authorized to execute and acknowledge in the name of the T014N OF QUEENSBURY and affix the seal of the TOWN OF QUEENSBURY to a Ouit Claim Deed of the lands so abandoned and to deliver the same to the abutting owner, NORTHERN HOMES, INC. , for the consideration of ONE ($1. 00) DOLLAR. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Barber REGULAR MEETING JUNE 28, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel ABSENT: Robert Barber-Councilman I PRESS: Tri County News , G.F. Post Star, WBZA L GUESTS : Mr. Turnbull, Mr. Lashway, Meeting Opendd 7: 3n P.M. Salute to the Flog led by Councilman Walter RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 147 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded b y . r. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS , the appropriation A3410.44, Fire Marshal Contractual, was depleted to purchase a car (Resolution Yk132) and, WHEREAS, these funds were anticipated for the operation of the office of the Fire Marshal, therefore be it, RESOLVED, to appropriate $250 from Anti-Recession funds to A1-3410.44. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None { r Absent: Mr. Barber Councilman Olson- these monies will take care of the Fire Marshal' s gas and insurance expenses for the rest of the year. RESOLUTION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR A OFF-LINE DATA STATION RESOLTUION NO. 148 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertsnn: WHEREAS , page 4 of Information on Anti-Recession/Countercylical Fiscal Assistance to State and Local 7overnments , issue in ecember 1976 by the N.Y. S. Department of Audit and Control, states that it