1977-08-09 102 RESOLUTION TO REQUEST THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SEPARATE POSTAL ZIP CODE IDENTITY FOR T014NOOF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION NO. 178 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber W" o moved its adoption, Seconded y Mr. Mi chel Brandt : T,THEREAS , various problems have been encountered recently with respect to the allocation of sales tax revenues between the City of Glens Falls in the County of Warren and WHEREAS , it appears that certain sales tax revenues have been erroneously credited by the State of New York to the City of Glens Falls rather than to ; the County of Warren with respect to certain sales which have occureed with-i in the geographically boundaries of the Town of Queensbury and TJHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury may have been financially damaged as a result- of said erroneous allocation and WHEREAS, it appears that a portion of the problem has been created because of the fact that no independent mailing address identity exists for the Town of Queensbury with all mailing addresses within the Town of Queensbury being either Lake George or Glens Falls , New York and G+THEREAS, prior efforts for the establishment of a separate Queensbury postal identity have met with negative results and T,RTEREAS, if Appears that the problems created because of the lack of a dis- tinguishing postal identity are significant and require resolution and WHEREAS , it would appear that the existing problems may well be solved by simply creating: a separate zip code postal identity for the Town of Oueensbury NOT-T, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the United States Postal Service be requested to establish a separate zip code for the Town of Queensbury and that the Town Clerk be directed to submit certified copies of this resolution to the Postmaster General of the United States , the Glens Falls Postmaster and Congressman Pattison for appropriate action. t_ Duly adopted by the following; vote : Ayes : NIr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: A3on Absent: None REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 9, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph Brennan-Toitm Counsel PRESS : Tri Co. News , WBZA, W1.4SC i TOT111,11 OFFICIALS : Thomas Flaherty, Shirley Shenk GUESTS : Arthur Turnbull, "fr. Glen Greeno Ileeting Opendd 7: 32 P.T% Salute to the Flag. PUBLIC HEARING- LOCAL LAW REQUIRING PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE OF DEFECTIVE CONDITION AS CONDITIONd PRECEDENT TO MAINTENANCE OF CIVIL ACTIONS AGAINST TFF TONIN. NOTICE OF PU$LICATION READ SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Opened the Public Hearing 7 : 34 P.M. Asked for public input both in favor of and opposed to the proposed Local Law. 1.031 Requested t?,e reading of the proposed resolution. . . The resolution was read. No one spoke. . .Declatedd the Hearing Closed 7 : 35 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING-A LOCAL LAT7 AUTHORIZING CONDUCT OP GAMES OF CTTA10E BY CERTAIN AUTHORIZED ORGANIZATIONS IN THE TOWN OF OUEENSBURY NOTICE OF PUBLICATION READ SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Opened the Public Hearing 7: 36 P.M. Asked for public input both in favor of and opposed to the proposed Local Law. Requested the mading of the proposed resolution. . . . The resolution was read. COUNCILMAN OLSON- Will the Town Clerk be issuing the license to conduct games of chance? T7hat will the fee be? =,'T1 CLERK DONALD A. CHASE- The Town Clerk' s Office will issue the license. L belieme: ft will be 25. 00 dollars per permit and only 12 will be permitted per year. The Town will recieve 57, of the net profit from the games . . . COUNCILMAN OLSON- Could the Town adjust the fee lower? TOWN CLERK DONALD A. CHASE- That is an established fee. A Mandatory Referendum will have to be held in November. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Asked for public input. . .no one spoke the hearing was declared closed. 7: 41 P.M. BID OPENING- PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR BIG BOOM ROAD NOTICE OF PUBLICATION SHOWN SUPERVISOR BRATTDT- Requested the Town Clerk to open and read the bids. TOWN CLERK DONALD A. CHASE- Martisco Corporation 2 weeks delivery 3rd. Avenue Road Rensselaer, N.Y. 12144 $43,530. 00 Non Collusive attached United States Pipe and Foundry Co. 2 week delivery � 1 Herbert Drive Latham, New York 12110 $50, 273. 25 Non Collusive Attached Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Co. 4 weeks delivery 183 Sitgreaves St. Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865 $45,421. 90 Non Collusive attached COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Requested that the bids be tabled and reviewed by the Water Supt. for his recommendation. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The bids are tabled. . . BID OPENING- HIGHWAY BORING UNDER CORINTH ROAD NOTICE OF PUBLICATION SHOWN SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Requested the Town Clerk to open and read the bids . 104 TOVIN CLERK DANADD A. CHASE- Gamco Development Inc. 16 Whispering Hills Clifton Park, New York 12.065 $ 6 ,197. 00 Non Collusive attached Howard LaRose 267 Warren St. Glens Falls , N.Y. 12801 $ 3, 144. 00 Non Collusive attached COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Requested the tabling of the bids for the recommendation of Thomas K. �. Flaherty SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The bids are tabled. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- re-introduced a resolution that was � tabled from the last meeting. RESOLUTION ADVERTISINr FOR BIDS FOR TREE REMOVAL RESOLTUION NO. 172 . Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, Carl Garb, Highway Superintendent of the Town of Queensbury has requested the Town Board solicit sealed bids few the removal of designated trees in the Town of Queensbury, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board solicit sealed bids for the removal of designated trees in the Town of Queensbury and that the Town Clerk publish the following notice in the official town newpapers in the following form: NOTICE TO BIDDERS :Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals on the removal of designated trees in the Town of Queensbury. A complete copy of the specifications will be available in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury. Bids will be received up to 5 : 00 P.M. on the 13th day of September, 1977, at the Town Clerk' s Office in the Town of Queensbury Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads , Glens Falls , New York, 12801. Bids must be submitted in sealed opaque envelopes marked "tree removal bid" and theee shall be submitted with such bid a certificate of Non-Collusion as required by Section 103D of the General Municipal Law. The Town Board will meet at the Town Office Building on Tuesday, the 13th day of September, 1977, at which time the bids will. be opened and read aloud. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids . Dated: August 9 , 1977 Donald A. Chase, Town. Clergy: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt k Hoes: None Absent : None R. SOLUTION TO ADOPT A LOCAL LAW REQUIRING PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE OF DEFECTIVE CONDITION AS CONDITION PRECEDENT TO MAINTENANCE OF CIVIL ACTIONS AGAINST THE TOWN RESOLUTION NO. 179, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Tlichel Brandt : Y'IIEREAS , Town Law Section 65-a authorizes the maintenance of civil actions against Towns for injuries sustained as a result of the I 105 existence of defective conditions where the Town had received prior written notice or constructive notice of said defective dondition and WHEREAS , the Town Board has been advised that a 1976 amendment to the Municipal home Rule Law empowers the Town to supersede the provisions of Town Law Section 65-a by the adoption of a local law to eliminate constructive notice as a basis for the maintenance of civil actions against the Town, and WHEREAS , it would be beneficial to the Town of Oueensbury to limit civil actions against the Town for highway and sidewaiR defects to those occasions and instances where the Town has received actual prior written notice of the existence of a defective condition and to eliminate constructive notice there- of as the basis for the maintenance of civil actions , and WHEREAS, A PRO1BO9ER local law has been prepared and has bean presented for adoption by the Town Board in accordance with law, and �WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held concerning; the desireability of the adoption of said local law, and WHEREAS, it appears that the local law in its present form is in compliance with legal requirements, HOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury adopt a local law, as presented, requiring prior written notice of the existence of a defective condition as a condition precedent to the maintenance of civil actions against the Town of Queensbury for injuries sustained as a result of said de- fective condition and that the Town Clerk be authorized and directed to take all necessary action with respect to filing and publication as required by law. DULY ADOPTED BY THE FOLLUWING VOTE: AYES: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt �NOE9: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION TO ADOPT A LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING CONDUCT OF GATES OF CHANCE BY CERTAIN AUTHORIZED ORGAMIZATIONS IN THE T014N OF OUEENSBURY REES_OLETION NO. 180 ,• Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson w io raarvdd its adoption, Seconded by Mr. Ro ert Barber: WHEREAS , Article 9-A of the General Municipal Law grants to every municipality in the State of New York the right, power and authority to authorize the conduct of games of chance by authorized organizations within the terrmtbrtal limits of such municipality in accordance with the provisions of Article 9-A and WHEREAS, various organizations have requested consideration of the adoption of legislation authorizing the conduct of games of chance by authorized organizations within the territorial limits of the Town of Queensbury and T,THEREAS , it appears that bona fide religious and charitable organizations and bona fide educational and service organizations and bona fide organizations of veterans or volunteer firemen within the Town of Oueensbury will benefit from the adoption of such legislation, thereby benefiting the ToT,*n as a whole, and �,MEREAS , a proposed local law has been prepared and has been presented for I,_adoption, by the Town Board in accordance with law, and WHEREAS , a public hearing has been held concerning the desireability of the adoption of said local law, and WHEREAS , it appears that the local law in its present form is in compliance with legal requirements , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, adopt a local law authorizing the conduct of games of chance by certain authorized organizations in the Town of Oueensbury and that the Town Clerk be authorized and directed 106 to take all necessary action Un cause said local law to be submitted to the qualified electors of the Town of Queensbury voting upon the proposition at the general election to be held in November, 1977 in accordance with and as required by law. Duly adopted by the follwwing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None SUPERVISOR BRANDT- It sha-ha+e understood that it is now illegal to conduct these games. . . It will be a referendum in the fall to be voted upon by the residents. . . COUNCIL1,W'T OLSON- If passed by the electorage when will it come into effect? TOWN CLERK DONALD CHASE- As soon as it is filed "th. ehe Secretary of State. „SOLUTION TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION NO. 181, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded y Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the current contract for Manpower CETA VI, expired July 22 , 1977, and, WHEREAS , the contract was modified and extended to September 30 , 1977, and, WHEREAS, the modification resulated in an increase of $15 ,006. as reimbursable expenditures and, WHEREAS, the New York: State Department of Audit and Control required proper accounting for CETA grants , therefore be it RESOLVED, to increase the following appropriations . A 6256. 1 (Personal Services) $ 13 ,071. A 6256. 31 (Retirement) 300. A 6256. 83 (Social Sec. ) 500. A 6256. 86 (Hospitalization) 1 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 182 , Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, second y Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, $1, 856, was transferred from S93410.44 (Payments on Fire Contracts) to cover increased costs in SF3410. 42 , (Insurance) , and WHEREAS, the semi-annual payment of the fire contracts are now due , and WHEREAS, a deficit will be created in account SF3410.44 (payments on Fire Contracts) upon payment and, WHEREAS, the special district SF (Fire Protection) has a legal surplus , therefore be it RESOLVED, to increase the appropriation in account SF34100.44 (Payment on Fire Contracts) by $1855 .55 . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt I : None ()'1 Absent: None COUNCILMAN BARBER- The increase in insurance is due to the increase in compensation raftee. . . the Supervisor has written to each fire co. asking them to be a little bit more concerned about the safety aspect of their operation—an effort is being made and we hope to have a betterr$attRg in the future. RESOLUTION TO CONDUCT BINGO GAMES I L RESOLUTION NO. 183 , Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved for its adoption, seconded- by Mrs . Frances Walter: .- RESOLVED, that the West Glens Falls Fire Co. be authorizdd to conduct Games of Bingo from August 13, 1977 to October 29,1977 under Bingo License Number 16974, as per General Municipal Law 481. Duly adopted by .the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Branc't "'Toes : None Absent : None RESOLTTION TO CONDUCT CARNIVAL OPERATION ZSOLTJTIO*T NO. 134, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by rr-.T�ichel Brandt: P.ESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to conduct a carnival as follows : SPONSOR: Glens Falls PBA Association CARNIVAL: Reithoffer' s Inc. PLACE: Fireman' s Field, West Glens Falls DATE: August lst. through August 6th 1977 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to the aforesaid sponsor upon receipt of proof of liability insurance in the amount of not less than $500, 000/$1,000, 000 bodily injury liability and $50, 000 property damage liability insurance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, '1r. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson,. rfr. Brandt :Toes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON POSSIBLE USES OF REVENUE SITARING FUNDS FOR 1978 RESOLUTION NO. 185 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, --seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS , 121 (b) (1) of the State efd Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended, requires each recipient to have at least one public hearing on the possible uses of entitlement funds before the government authority with .responsibility for presenting the proposed budget, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing on the possible uses of Revenue Sharing for 1978 be h&ld on Tuesday, August 23, 1977 at 7: 30 P.M. at the Town Office Building, Town of Queensbury, Bay and Haviland Roads , Glens Falls New York, 12801 and that all persons present will be given an opportunity to present their views on this matter. 108 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noss: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DEED FOR HIGHWAY RESOLUTION NO. 186 (1977) Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, H. Russell Harris has executed and offered a deed for a town road not less than fifty (50' ) feet in width, which is described therein in Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof , and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, has advised that he recommends that this Board accept this land for highway purposes into the Town Highway system, and WHEREAS , the form of the deed has been approved by Joseph R. Brennan, Esq. , counsel to the Board, NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same is hereby accepted and approved and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s Office after which said dded shall be properly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, and be it further RESOLVED, that the new road is hereby added to the official inventory of Town Highways, respectively described as follows ; Road No. 363, Description Beg. at mud Pond Rd. cunt. South-Northeast ending at Mudd Pond Name: Asure Drive, Mileage . 34. Duly adopted this 9 day of Augtst, 1977 by the following vote: A as Mr. Olson Mr. Barber Mrs. Walter Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt �g , Noes : None Absent: None -Ltr. Carl A. Garb Highway Supp. approving the acceptance of Asure Drive. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DEED FOR HIGHWAYS RESOLUTION NO. 187 (1977) Introduced by Tor. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, Frank K. Bronk has .executed and 6ffered a deed for two .hown roadways not less than fifty (50' ) feet in width, which are described in parcel one and parcel 2, respectively, of Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, has advised that he recommends that this Board accept this land for highway purposes into the Town Highway System, and 7-771EREAS, the form of the deed has been approved by Joseph R. Drennan, Esq. , counsel to the Board, N07, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same is hereby accepted and approved and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s Office after which said deed shall be properly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, and be it further RESOLVED, that these -two new roads are hereby added to the official inventory of Town Highways , respectively described as follows : Road No. 365 Description beginning at Peggy Ann Road North and South to Peggy Ann Roa3� Name: Lady Slipper Drive, Mileage . 40 - I 109 Road No. 364 Description Beginning at Lady Slipper Drive and ending at Lady Slipper Drive. Name: Judmar Lane, Mileage .10 . Duly adopted this 9 day of August, 1977 by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, . Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, ",Tr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None -Ltr. Carl A. Garb Highway Supt. approving the acceptance of Judmar Lane and Lady Slipper Drive. (All Schedule "A" referred to in the past two resolutions on file in the -Town Clerk' s Office) RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO TAX LAW SECTION 1262 TO PROVIDE THAT CERTAIN SALES TA:" REVENUES BE PAID DIRECTLY BY THE COUNTY OF WARREN TO THE TOWN OF OUEENS- BURY FOR EXPENDITURES FOR ANY TOWN PURPOSE RATHER FOR SAID SALES TAB: REVENUES TO BE APPLIED TO REDUCE COUNTY TAXES LEVIED UPON REAL PROPERT7 IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBM RESOLUTION NO. 133, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, certain sales tax revenues received by the County of Warren have in the past been applied by the County as a credit toward and to reduce county taxes levied upon real property situate in the Town of Oueensbury, and 1,1HEREAS, Tax Law Section 62 specifically authorizes the Town of Oueensbury to provide by resolution that the amounts which would be so applied to reduce the County taxes levied upon the real property in the Tom be paid instead directly to the Town to be used for any Town purpose and IiIHEREAS, Tax Law Section 1262 authorizes alternative methods of commutation as to the amount to be received by the Town of Queensbury, and y WHEREAS, one alternative for computation is that the amount be be applied —,in reduction of County taxes .and general Town taxes in the Town may be determined on the basis of the respective populations of the several towns in the County determined in accordance with the latest federal census or special population census taken pursuant to section 20 of the General Municipal Law, completed and published prior to the end of the quarter for which the allocation is made , and WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best financial interest of the Town to have said sales tax revenues paid directly to the Town for use of any Town purpose rather than to have said funds applied as a credit by the County of Warren to reduce the County taxes levied upon real property situate in the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS, it appears to be desirous that the amount to be received by the Town of Queensbury be computed on the basis of population, as authorized by Tax Law Section 1262 , rather than on the bails of the ratio which the full valuation of real property in the Town bears to the aggregate full valua- tion of real property in all the town in Warren County, and WHEREAS , it appears that such action may entitle the Town of Queensbury to receive a greater sum in federal revenue sharing funds, NO1,T, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury elects, pursuant to Tax Law Section 1262, to provide and hereby provides that for the calendar years subsequent to the enactment or adoption of this resolution, the Town. of Queensbury be paid directly by the County of Warren in the amounts of sales tax revenues to which the Town is entitled as a matter of law for use by the ToT,-,n for any Town purpose rather than for said sums to be applied as a credit to reduce county taxes levied upon real property situate in the Town of Oueensbury and that said sums to be paid to the Town of Oueensbury be determined and comput ed on the basis of the respective populations of the several towns in Warren County rather than on the basis of the ratio which the full valuation of real property in the Town of Queensbury bears to thh aggregate full valuation of real property in all of the Towns in Warren County, and it is further 'SOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Oueensbury be directed to 110 immediately mail a certified copy of this resolution by registered or certified mail to the Chief- Fiscal Officer of the County of Warren and to take whatever other action is necessary and as required by law to render this resolution effective. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. 17alter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noss: None Absent: None COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Did we not pass a similiar resolution a year ago? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We passed a similiar resolution however we did not specify the method of allocating the tax to the town and here j we are specifying that. COUNCILNTA'7 POBERTSON- I am not convinced yet. Vou say that it appears in the best interest to the town to have these revenues paid directly. I would like to have some discussion on that. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Calculations were made by both methods . Based on county statistics of tax base in all towns. When the new census comes in it would be to our advantage to go to this method. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- The question that I am asking is , how it really benefits the people of the Town of Queensbury because whatever credit we do not, get on the county level it is going to appear on the county tax rolls . It has an effect of driving Queensbury' s tax rate to zero but it does not relieve the tax burden on the people of the Town of QueenDbury. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The tax rate that the citizen see' s is a combination tax rate, so he can not tell Vkether there has been a tax raise in the County or the Town. The County takes in all the sales tax and spends it, and gives the left over's to the Towns . I think Bay Road is an expaple of what that produces , I think that is a waste of money. The County has more money than it can properly handle. I think that to keep financial controls in the lowest and the closest to the people , then if there has to be tax increases it will be the county that makes those tax increases and then hhe County can be scrutinized on how it spends its money. The Town gets scrutinized very closely on how it spends its money, but very tittle scrutiny is given to the county, I think this will encourage the citizens. to watch what their county is doing a lot closer and I thin: that µ would be for the financial good for allf of us. COUNCILMAN OLSON- Is Federal Revenue Sharing based upon the sales tax that the Town receives? TOWN COUNSEL JOSEPH BRENNAN- You can not get a definite answer on that from the Federal Agency. . . COUNCILMAN OLSON- Could we be cut back in Federal Revenue sharing monies because of the Sales tax revenues? TO1•:►1`I COLRISEL JOSEPH I3RENNAN- It may increase Revenue Sharing. . .or remain stable—no indication of a decrease . I SUPERVISOR BRANDT- It is not necessary for the Town to take all the tax monies and spend it tse.Lf, it can transfer any amount it wishes to the county in lieu of tax credit for its citizens. That would be the direction I would favor. COUNCILMAN] ROBERTSON- When does this take effect? TOT 1IN COUNSEL JOl9EHH BRENNA"J- January 1, 1973. COUNCILlUUT BARBER- ;Doted that the spec' s on the new radios for the Police Dept. which will be coming up for bid on August 16, 1977 appeared to be too stringent, wished now to modify T the specifications for more competitive uidding. .— RESOLUTION TO AMMND SPECIFICATTONS ON PORTABLE ArT',D MOBILE RADIOS RESOLUTION NO. 189 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded y Mr. Michel Brandt : RESOLVED, that the specifications for the portable and mobile radios be amended and that the Town Clerk receives a copy of these changes and to instruct the vendors who have pickal up the specifications of t'Iese changes. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs.Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Joss: None Absent: None SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Waived the reading of the reports. Dog Warden' s Monthly. Report for the month of July, 1977 on file. Town Clerk' s Monthly Report for the month of July, 1977 on file. Building and Zoning Monthly Report for. the month of July, 1977 on file. Police Activity Report for the month of July, 1977 on file. COUNCILMAN BARBER read the following: Queensbury Police Department SPECIAL REPORT Date: July 27, 1977 To: Sgt. David A. Comstock From: C.A. Judkins Subject: Letter of Commendation The action taken by you in regard to the arrest of three subjects for armed robbery displays a willing determination to fulfill your obligations as a police officer. Your observation of a parked car near Exit 19 of the Northway and the possible connection, by you, with the armed robbery of the Sheraton Motor Inn, resulted in the arrest and apprehension of the three subjects involved. As- a result, this case now falls in the category of "Closed by Arrest" . Failure to connect the crime with this vehicle would have undoubtedly resulted in this case never being solved. It is an honor to be associated with police officers who demonstrate their willingness to "give" a little extra in the performance of their duties . My appreciation and. thanks for a job well done. A copy of this letter will be placed in your personnel file. 112 Sincerely, /s/ C.A. Judkins, Chief COUNCILMAN BARBER- Complaints received by the Police Dept. for July 718 up 50%, from a year ago. Commended Sgt. Comstock for his his work. . . OPEN FORUM 8: 24 P.M. ARTHUR TURNBULL- What is the arrangement that has � been made with Finch Pruyn to dump their waste material in the landfill? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Announced that Finch Pruyn had discontinl­Qd hauling to our landfill. . .they are now dumping on their own property with the approval of the ENCON, and. APA. ARTHUR TURNBULL- They did not have to go before the Planning Board? SUPERVISOR BRAND':+- Reviewed the process that Finch Pruyn went through for approval. . . This is not a dump under the laws of Queensbury. . . GLEN GREETO- Questioned the fast approval for Finch Pruyn dumping in Queensbury. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Noted that the Queensbury landfill is accepting septic waste but are now trying to use the City treatment plant as soon as possible. . . i SUPERVISOR BRANDT- . . Septic waste is far more lietentially hadardous than is the material Finch .. Pruyn is dumping. . .we were accepting the material at the rate of 2500 cu. yds. per day it was causing a problem in space I encouraged them personally to go to their own site. . . also contacted APA to request that they more along as rapidly as possible with the process to accomodate these people to get them out of our landfill. . . 1.1h.ere is the Property? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The property is to the east of our landfill site. No close neighbors . . .access off 149 Land 100 + acres. . . ARTHUR TURNBULL- Questioned the proposed rate for the use of the landfill-too high. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The rates have been set but are not in effect. . .60(,% cu. yd. 50(,* for car or pick up truck. . . . nothappy with the rate structure. . .unhappjr-- that the rates are mat in effect yet. . . charge by weight rather than volume because it is easier to administer. --� wish to push toward recycling process . . . ARTHUR TURNBULL- Who oversees Finch Pruyn? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- ENCON UNT1UT011M, - G?hen are the rates going into effect? SUPERVISOR BRMrDT- There is no schedule. . .in the hand of Kist Frost . . . looking to prepare bids for necessary traffic control system and hardware. . . I 113 UNKNOWN- i How much is the Town of Queensbury losing on a monthly basis as a result of not charging? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I can not tell you but I will be glad to calculate it for you. We are losing; revenue there. . . '?FSOLtQTIO'1 TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS �RESOLUTION 1,10. 190, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson z ho mowed for its tiion, seconder by Mr. Michel Brandt: RISOL«lj, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 77-8A numbered x.959 through 1055 and totlaing $21,181. 04 be approved with the exception of the pulling of Audit Number 1035 . Duly adopted by the follw*ing vote : Ayes: Mr. Olson, T1r. Barber, Mrs .Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respecffully, Donald A. Chase, ToT�m Clerk-. SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 16, 1977 11?l`TBERS p'LESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Robert Barber-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman MEMBERS ABSENT: Daniel Olson-Councilvan Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel PRESS : G.F. Post Star, WWSC. TOWN OFFICIALS: Harold Boynton, Acting 'Chi6.f -Judkins, Shir?.<.e, GUESTS : Tracy Stevenson, Mrs . Bernard, Mr. & Mrs . Nall, Tyr. Turnbull Meeting Opened: 7: 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Supervisor Brandt. PUBLIC HEARING MOBILE HOME Carol & Tracy Stevenson of Bay Road to locatt a mobile home on Ellsworth Road.—owner of the land Charles Stevenson. . .reasons for re- quest stated. . .Assistant Building Inspector recommended approval. . . NOTICE SHOWN AND READ. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Opened the Public Hearing 7: 30 Requested anyone interested to speak for or against the application. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSONT- Questioned if there was a sticker on the mobile home that stated that it met some type of standard? HAROLD BOYNTON- That is correct. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Does that seal lead you to believe that it conforms to the code? HAROLD BOYNTON- I would say yes. "I found a panel sticker