06-03-2014 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the June 3, 2014 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held at
the Town of Queensbury Supervisor's Conference Room
Chairman Mott called the meeting to order at 7:08pm
Roll Call:
• Present—Judy Goralski, Lloyd Mott, Todd Eicher
• Excused —Jennifer Switzer, Wendy Matthews, Lisa White, Greg Hewlett,
• Staff—Director Steve Lovering
• Guests —QHS Student and parent observing for participation in government class
2.) Approval of Minutes:
Due to a lack of a quorum the minutes from the May 6th meeting could not be approved
3.) Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
a.) Monthly Correspondence:
Resolution: Kaitlin O'Shaughnessy will be working registration through August
Memo to The Town Council: clarification of local law resolution 274 passed originally passed in 2011.
This clarification was needed regarding transient merchants and peddlers at town parks.
Halfway Brook Clean-Up day May 20, 2014 -three bags of garbage were collected.
NYSDOH Tick and Lyme Study Gurney Lane is part of the study. The program is administered through
Paul Smith's College.
Hovey Pond Parking: some patrons are parking on the lawn. This was brought to Director Lovering's
attention via the Friends of Hovey Pond.
b.) Budget Control —
Update on budget. Discussed the state mandated minimum wage implementation and the fluctuation of
the cost of utilities and fuel.
4.) Unfinished Business (see file for copies)
a.) Gurney Lane Pool: Project is still under budget by approximately $7800.00. Final piece of
installation for a grid system over the new gutters needs to be completed. Still anticipating a 6/28/14
opening. Director Lovering also gave an overview of the May payments and remaining work to be
b.) 2014 Park Projects Update: Director Lovering provided an overview of the projects that have
been completed and are due for completion at the following parks; Jenkinsville, Hudson River Park
and Hovey Pond
5.) New Business (see file for copies)
a) Rush Pond Way Bike Trails: There is a potential for a capital project to create bike trails. A
possible transfer of funds that were set aside for the Faith Bible Institute.
b) Customer Survey Cards: the sample customer survey cards were shared with the commissioners.
c) Parks Report: Director Lovering provided a narrative of park activity for April 2014. Also saw a
photograph of the new playground to be installed at Gurney Lane.
d.) New Discussion Items From Commissioners: none at this time
6.) Committee Reports
• Budget Review
• Safe and Quality Cycling Bylaws-
School Liaison
• Personnel
• Planning
• Program Review
7.) Additional Information and Reports
Adjournment—A motion was made by Commissioner Eicher, seconded by Commissioner Goralski to adjourn
at 7:59. All members present approved.
Respectfully submitted Approved by:
Judith Goralski Wendy Matthews
Commissioner Chairman