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124 mobile home on Gleam La'Ke. . . 1M. ?3�3YzTTO'T- noted that he had reviewed ttie mobile home and found it to be a construction trailer according to the owner. . .noted that winthin the next three months he said he was going to apply for a buileli.ng permit. . . it is legal while he is putting in drain tit& etc. COUNCIL?1AN BARBER- You are getting a song ar.0 dance contrary to what I see because he lives aacross the lake from me. I thouz''it that perhap- your office would have gotten to the situation long before this . `toted at the mini meeting; there were several complaints—Noted that the mobile home is being used for other purposes other ahan a construction trailer_ . I am displeased with your function as building inspector in situations as we had tonight, the last time that you were confronted with a situation tike this , and this board was confronted with a situation as we were tonight was when Harold Robillard took you on personally at a Board meeting. We have put an end to these situations, we have set policies and standards and I am disgusted when you say and infer that VteiWotheBTevA Board' s responsibility, we do it with the Town Board' s approval. That is a lot of non- sense, because we do not know these applications coming forth. That applica- tion should have been denied instantly and then the politics started. I.f_ we are going to go forth as the result of tile president that was established tonight therefore I think it is your responsibi- lity in your office to go forth and find out these rules and regulations are of the Standards of 1974. You haven' t. It behouvesyQau and your office to know what those standards are. I donntt want to be embarrassed and caught in antther position like I was tonight because your office was not prepared. On ;notion the meeting was- adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Tom Clerk PurrULAR MEETING AUGUST 23, 1977 PL' '1B RS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman T'B?RS ABSr AZT: R6bhri Baibdt=Councilman Joseph Brannan-Town Counsel --� PRESS: Tri Co. News , WNZA, V4SC, Glens Falls Post Star GUESTS: James Coccia, Mr. Turnbull, Don Clements , '"Ir. McDonough, Mr. rreeno TO1•T"i1 OFFICIALS; Shirley Shenk, Mr. Harrison Winne, Thomas Flaherty Meeting Opened Salute to the FULg led by Councilman Olson. 7: 31 P.*T. PUBLIC ?SEARING POSSIBLE USES OF REVENUE STRAR111C FUNDS 125 NOTICE Or HEARING SI101,?N SUPERVISOR BRANDT- It looks like the amount of revenue sharing monies will be $107, 000. There are two classifications of revenue sharing, this is the General Revenue Sharing and not the anti-recession monies which is something we have no way to predict if we are going to get any or how much we are ,going to get, That is specific to employment only, anti recession monies can only be used basically when you read all the rules, to hire people . There are many ways General. Revenue Sharing monies can be used and one of the things required by law is that we have a public hearing to let the public express themselves on how they would like to see these funds used. The Hearing is declared opened. . . 7 : 32 P.ML. anyone wishing to speak on this topic please do so. . . '_.'R. JAMES COCCIA- Would like to see some of the monies used WIITERCREEN ROAD for extending the water lines to some of our areas . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The monies can not be used for a special dist. . The hater Dist. is a special disc. and by law we can not put the funds into it. ?fR. JAMES COCCIA- Noted that he had petitioned the Board for water lines and hoped that this woul(? be a way to receive the funds . . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We have had our problems, but I think that we have made progress . I think that chances are that we can start looking fit expansion. la. JAMES COCCIA- Can you build roads with it? i SUPERVISOR. BRA1dDT- Yes , you can. :. JAMES COCCIA- Noted that 200 yardd of Arbutus Drive needs paving. . . that would complete t'-.e roads in that area. COUNCILMAN OLSO14- Talked with Carl Garb in regard to Arbutus Dr. noting that it hdd been stoned an ! oiled hopefully by next year there will be money to finish up and do a penetration doat. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- This year we used the entire revenue sharing budget for paving, $80, 000 into paving, we still need a great deal of paving work. ARTHUR TUMBULL- Can the monies be used for recreation facilities SUNNYSIDE ROAD in the Town? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Yes, you can. ARTHUR TURNBULL- I think we should use some of t-e monies for recreational facilities throughout t'- e Town. . . this would be advantageous for everyone in the Town. Road repair is great but it only satisffes .one part of the town. COU" CILMAN ROBERTS0i'l- Are you talking about capital improvements in facilities or programs or both? ART RUR TURNBULL- I am talking about facilities that are non- existant. DON CLrrx" 1TS- Reviewed the National, State and Local 0Ur'PNSBURY debt. . .perhaps it would be wise to decide how not to spezizi money then to how to. UNKNOIIN- Presented a petition to the Board. Represent 3 families � on Street August :_3, 1,77 Sargent" t, TO: Quennsbury Board of Supervisors 126 Oueensbury, Jew York We, the undersigned residents of Sargent Street ' in the town of Oueensbury, IJew York, do here- by petition the Board of Supervisors to give immediate attention to the hazardous situation created by the deteriorated condition of the pavement on Sargent Street. This is the third year in succession that this matter has been brought to the attention of the Oueensbury Board of Supervisors; to date, no remedial action has been taken. In view of the fact that services provided in return for our tax dollars are minimal, marginal or non- existant on our street, we feel the least E we can expect from the town is a safe surface on which to travel to and from our homes . (Signatures on file in To�.an Clerk' s Office) COUNCILMAN OLSOJ- The first step would be the drainage work and then do the paving. . . that is a project that qualified for revenue sharing. ?•'R'1. MCDONOUGH- Noted that the Board was petitioned to do 5 SARGENT STREET both Nilson and Sargent Streets for drainage and paving. . Uilson Street was done. . .??r. Barber said to us that they did purchase the pipe at the time to do both streets, then I heard that they did not purchase it, they also said they had the money to do it but then it went back into the general fund. I would like to see the drainage done first and then the paving of Sargent Street. Commented on the fine job that was done on Wilgen Street. . . BILL BODE TkTEISER- Requested $3.0 for equipment for his FIRE MARSHAL department. . .record player , film strip TOT,'N OF OUEENSBURY projector and slide projector. . . Reviewed his program with the school and outside organizations . . . Thanked the Cosby. Central Volunteer Fire Co. for funds and the 0sbv. Elks. . . Noted that the equip- ment that has been requested could be used in other dept. such as the Planning Board. ARTHUR TURNBULL- Asked the Supervisor what he thought t'?e funds should be used for? SUPERVISOR BP,_MDT- Road paving and Drainage is top prmmrity in my mind. Roads, everybody uses them it helps our commerce it cuts down on maintenance costs by proper surfacing. In effect it is utilizing the monies to prevent a tax increase. By utilizing Rhvenue Sharing monies last year we are on a paving schedule of once every 16 years which stili ' isn' t any to much, we are not catching, up on teat. We have many othe- needs, recreation is a possible one. There are other schemes that we can generate to raise money for that. ??e hhve to be very . cardful about raising taxes. Declared the Hearing Closed. 7 :42 P.':T. �--� R^SOLUTim7s DISCUSSION 014 RESOLUTION OF APPOINTI'LE vT COU:ICILTTA�' OLSON- Is tAis the same Judith Fish that works in the accounting office? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Yes . COUNCILT,L&N OLSO 4- 'That is she doing quitinr t'-,at job, Harrison? No SUPERVISOR BP.ANDT- What we want to do is schedule in, Tarrison right now has a light load until we get our computer terminal. We can make use of Judy in the Tax Receiver position, she has some experience and we can bring in someone part time basis to help down stairs in accountingA We figure it would be a better use of manpower to put her .in there full time and that was agreeable with the Tax Receiver . It is a mattez of shuffling people in a way that it is legal and makes the best use of part time help. i COU"1CILMAl1 WALTER- Judy Fish will be full time in the Receiver of Taxes? SUPERVISOR BP.ANDT- Not necessarily. COU ICIU-A d WALTER- It was my understanding that for about a month the receiver was in need of someone in that office because of the amount of taxes that has to be collected. SUPERVISOR BRAND- There are times when you have peak loads in there, if we have time left over there then she will help out with Harrison' s work. COUNCIUlAN OLSON- What is the period? SHIRLEY SHENK- Betty told me the month of Sept. possibly the last week in August, the month of Sept. possibly the first wehk in October. However there are times when the mail is lid;?--t and she is caught up, prior to this we have had . a girl full time for that duration, she feels that there are some days that is not necessary, for somebody there eight hours in her office, she can handle it alone. The problem is she must deposit the funds 2.4 hours after they are received. If there is a load there has to be two people to do it, if she can handle it alone she will. COUNCILMAN WALTER- Harrison do you have an Audit of Bills during that period of time? How do you see the gal who would be in there almost on a full time basis .be able to handle what she is doing for you now on a full time basis . MR. WINNE- This was discussed by us and Councilman Barber, with Mike and with Shirley and we thought it would be advantageous for the Town itself if Judy could ko up into that office at this period knowing that there are pear times and there are lull. Her efficiency in my office would not be lost in that there are certain periods of time that are her peak periods or time in my office, at that time I will have to pick up on. Realizing that this is only a short period of duration it woulc' be more advantageous to the To<<;m and save the Town the I money and the expense of bring'Psomeone else in. �- COUNCI11WT4 WALTER- Mike has just indicated that you would be hiring somebody if needed on a part time basis. *�R. T1Iy.3E- If needed. COUNCIU%71 OLSON- You mean you would have to bring, someone new in there Harrison to fill in the plice that Judy is not preforming in your office when she is in the Assessment Office? I am trying to see how this is going to function. Who is she going to show responsibility to? Questioned if Mr. Harrison had a problem in his office would 1?rs . Fish be T)ulled from the Receiver' s Office to help? 128 The items that necessarily have to be 'aandled by my office I will have to take charge of, if there are certain things that she normally handles that she is familiar with then they will be postponed. Judy function in the Receiver of Taxes Office is her main function at this period of time. COUNCILMAN WALTER- I do not knoc,7 if this is in the best interest, for the town to run an efficient Town Office Building. I can not see that this is the most efficient way- of doing it. I think we are saving some money here, are we undermining; =' the moral of the people, in the building. This is a persoml matter and I am sorry that the Board was not seen to discuss it. SUP7RVISOR BP.AIDT- T•dhat is greater efficiency, to hire someone in, instead of using the people we have here`?` COU'NCILIIAN WALTET;- I think you have to have continuity in a job, and I thin'k it has been difficult in the past to jurk people in and out of offices. I don' t think you necessarily are getting t?ae best word: out of them. SUPERVISOR BI'ILIMm- Are you getting a complaint from personal in the building that we are moving people around too snulah? C0U'1CIL147A'T ?7ALTER- It has been my understanding from Dept. Leads that they would like to have a girl on the basis wEen they knew exactly when they had her. Perhaps they could use t'he personal we have atrailable here more oftennnthen they are able to get them, to do a better job in there dept. SUPERVISOR BRA11DT- I hear those thinks everyday but I also see sometimes that people are not being used when they are regimented into one ....i office. T,M made a hell of a break from that in moving people around. I know that there are people complaining about it, but the work gets done. COUNCILMW- WALTER- Just a couple of months ago Mrs. Fish was needed in our accounting office on a full time basis . Now, we are saying that the ledd there is very lig'at. Perhaps then she should be moving around to other offices instead of being, staying, do<<,rn. there mn a permanent basis. SUPERVISOR BP.A1NDT- We did just computerize payrolls and she was the gal that handled all the forms and works daily with that, that is under our beit t The next project we are going to take on is computerizing the records of the Highway Dept. That is tot in process yet. Until that gets going there is a lull and during that lull we would like to move her up and use her in the tax collection dept, rather than go out and hire someone else. I do not see where there is a real problem with it j but if you do vote your conscious . I will I be damned if I am going to argue about it, --' it seems to be a obvious move of good administration and i-f you do not like it by God don' t vote 66r it. COUNCILMAN WALTER- I naturally will vote the way my conscious tell me to vote. It might be obvious to you that this is the best way of doing it, but I do not know whether if you really get down to the problem at hand, whether it is the best. TAR. TJI11"JE- How would you solve the problem, what would you do? 129 COUNCILl',Wl TIALTER- If is my understanding that the Receiver of Taxes needed someone in the office most of the time on a full time basis and that she would hire someone hourly who when the load was light woul8 be released for the day. Mike, I do not question that at all , my question is that if Teirs. Fish has been needed with you on a full time basis these manv months and suddenly her load is so lig_gt that she can work on an almost full time basis in the Receiver' s Office, I have to question that. I have to question whether I go along with this now, that I can let her go back into your office on a full time basis, that is where I see the problem. SUPERVISOR BP.ANDT- I see the problem now, ??ell then would you like to hire a full time person to put up instead in the other dept. or not? It is at my expense , as we have talked it over, I admit that I am not familiar with the positior of Receiver of Taxes , I am told what it entails it is at my expense and my offices expense that Mrs. Fish is going up there. I agree that t7---is ,qould be a good move, for now ane. :for tl--�e future. Cf)U"?CIT" A ? In othertaords you hay© no objection i` T`rs. Fish assumes the position of Deputy Receiver. You have not objection if she is workee around in the other dept . in the Tot•m that are over loaded, you will then not exclusively have a right to her time. 11Z. I-TI ENE- No, I did not say that. SUPERVISOR BRA'NDT- Enough crap. What you are saying is you are begrudging that we have Mrs . Fish worl,ing t:7it'z our bookkeeper on a full time T)asis . COU=nCIL iA < TTALTIE- How can you move t'?ese people it tl-.ey are need- ed in one dept. one day how can you say t?-ey are not needed the next. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Because we are here everyday and we see what people have to do, we know what t',eir wort_ loads are and we kno- what the wort-. loads are in other places and we try and shuffle ppople around to get the best use of t13em. If you are really begrudging tie fact t',-,.at I put a secretary with the bookkeeper by nod put it . right out in a motion and go after it. COUl1CITTAd WALTER- I never begrudged that before because on the basis of your information that is what I thought was necessary in that office and that is what I was led to believe when in the hours that I spend here in the Town Office Building. When I discussed this position I was led to believe by both you and Mrs . Shenk that you felt that you could not 9611 that position with existing persorvol because of vacations and the problems that we have in the building `— right now. That is why I have these questions. COUNCII21AN OLSON- EThat is the vacation schedule for t}i.e rest of August and Sept. and the statis of the new girl that we have under. manpower? SHIRLEY SH' 3I:- The girl under manpower will leave the Friday before Labor Day. We have scheduled everynne around different dept. including switch board. Almost all of the girls 'save taken . .after this week right now, all the clerical help will have taken their vacat&nn unless 130 they have just a day or two. I do not know what Darleen' s schedule is I believe she has another week. After this week everyone is back. It is the Board' s decision again, what was broukht up last year, what are you going to be about the Court, we are getting into a whole persome-1 synopsis which I do not think that this is the time to do it. You are looking at one position now, but there several that have been in question for a long time. COUNCILMATNT OLSON- There is a possibility of increasing personnel? SHIRLEY SHENK- I do not think that it needs to be increased-" I think we are doing very well w' thhwhat we have. .Every dept. has a high peak and a low peak and we use all of the personnel to fill in on various jobs when people are on vacation you do this in any industry or any business. SUPERVISOR BP.A1DT- Feel free at any tmme to check vacation schedules how we are handling_; personnel. COUINCIL1,1A11 17ALTER- I do not have to call up Take, I walk trrough the building. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Fine walk right through, Talk to us. My God it seems a bit petty here tonigtzt to be taking up a meeting over this . COUNCILI N TJA�TE - Mike, the last time I talked with you and to Shirley, I was under the impression that we were going to have to get somebody from outside naturally when I see this appointment with someone whe was already on out staff I have to question it. COUNCILI-W-1 OLSOi1- Does this recommendation come from t}7.e present Tax Collector? SUPERVISOR BRA TDT- Ile have talked with Tors. ?'ggleston and discussed various ways this could be handled and came to the conclud'imn that this made the most sense . It is her appointment , she asked us to provide a resolution here tonight to do that. COtJa3CILMAN OLSON- The reason I asked, because there is no letter of recommendation From Betty to mare this appointment. SUPFTIVISOR BRA^1DT- I am sorry that is the conversation I had with her. ESOLUTION OF APPOINTTIENT RESOLUTIO1 NO. 197, Introduced by Mr. Ilammond Robertson. 7,7_io moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WTHEREAS , T?rs. Jacqueline Vanderwarker of Ridge Road, Town. of Queen.sl-),,=, has resigned from the post of Deputy Receiver of Taxes an( Assessments, and --' WHEREAS, there is a need to fill this position, NOTI, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Mrs. Judith Fish of the Town of Queensbury be and hereby is appointed to the position of Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Assessments , and be it further RESOLVED, that the Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Assessments shall have' the power to perform all duties of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments and such further duties as the ToT.,m Board may determine, not inconsistant with law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : 1'11r. Olson, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt ±does : Mrs. Walter Absent: 11r. ?Barber RIESOLUTIOii AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE AND SIGNING OF THE PROPOSED ACREEMENT E17 EEll TILE 1 T.? YORK STATE DEPART- ,ITT OF TP.AIZSPORTATIn'I AuID TiTE TOTPN OF QUE'ETTSBURY, NARREN COUI•ITY, NEW VORT�, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TIE SALE OF 7ATER TO ULHE STAT7 Or ITEW YORK, BY TALE TOWN Or, 9UE'7SBTT'7 R:.SOLUTIOI,I 'TO. 1923, Introduced by Mr. hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, second-e-cT by Mr. Michel Brandt: T'IILREAS, the proposed agreement between the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, and the Department of Transportation, : 132 it further R7SOLVED, that tl:Ae payment of ti-is nroject wi'Ll be from? funds received � from State Contract for ?Big, Poom Road. Duly adopted by ti-le follot,7ing vote: Ayes : 11r. Olson, ?'1rs. T°?alter, 7,1r. Robertson, T1r. Brandt toes: ?'one Absent: Mr. ')arber Ltr. from Thomas Flaherty giving; his recorimendation in regard to the awarding* of the bid for Water Dent. "Tinhway Boring under Corinth j noad. . .on file in. the Tov-n Clerl~.' s Office. _ RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID RESOLUTION NO. 200 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its a option, seconded by TTZ. Hammond Robertson: `-JTIE EAS , Thomas Flaherty, T'ater Superintendent did recommend that we advertise for bids for a Water Department Highway Boring under the Corinth Road and r.71,77"nEAS, two 10ids were received and turned over to Mr. Flaherty for his recommendation, Sow, therefore be it rrSOLVT D, that upon Mr. r^. laherty' s request the To7,,m Board accept the Did of Howard LaRose, Inc. of Glens Falls , N.Y. in the amount of 53, 144. Orl and be it further PT,,SOLVED, that the payment of this project will be from funds received from State Contract for Big .Boom Road. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, T?rs. 'Talter, 11r. Robertson, Mr. .Brandt z , Noes: done --+ Absent: "'Ir. Barber -Receive& a Report of Examination of Federal Revenue Sl.aring funds for the To7m. of ().ueensbury. . .period covmring January 1, 1073 through December 31, 1976 on file in the Town Clerk' s Office. Ltr. August 19, 1977 Mr. Donald A. Chase Town Clerk To1"m of Queensbury .. Bay and Haviland Roads , RD1 Glens Falls , T.Y. 12301 re : FEESOLUTION ROUTE 254 UA1?,ER ROAD Dear Mr. Chase: I am responding for Commissioner 1�ennessy concerning; —� Town of Quennsbury Resolution No. 160 forwarded to him via my office on August 10, 1977. I1y staff has been discussing the Quaker Road traffic situation with Fred Austin, Warren County Superintendent of Public Works. We are now examining the funding resources available to support work on (quaker Road, but our current commitments of those limited funds will not allow any action before 1931. Although I cannot give you any firm commitment that condi- tions will improve in the near future, I can assure you 133 that we will continue to work with the County toward a solution. Sincerely, /s/ Donald A?. Geoffroy Regional Director of Transportation DING: CU:JAY: dd dd: TIr. Clarence Fosdick, Regional Planning Engineer, Region 1 Ltr. August 23 , 1977 To' Queensbur;T To-,-7n Board From: Thom Flaherty-Water Superintendent Re: Test Glens Falls Water District I have been advised by the New York State Health Department that for the purpose of complying with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (P.L. 93-523) the West Glens Falls Water District has been assigned a station number and is to be treated as a separate district. This will require that the .folliming sampling be performed: 1. Daily master meter readings and records of consuraption with monthly reports submitted to the State. 2. Daily distribution samples taken and tested TIonday thru Friday. 3. Daily chlorine samples taken and recorded. 4. Monthly bacteriological samples taken and tested (2 per month) . 5. The daily turbidity samplings of the Glens Falls System will be accepted. Thomas K. Flaherty T7,F/j ds SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Requested that the letter from Mountain Tlec- tronics of Star Route, Tlarrensbur?, be placed on file. . . regarding improvermnt of television reception in certain areas with the use of Television tr_anslators. . . cost estimates were given on this endeavor by Tor. Robert C. Green. ,, ROBERT C. GREEN �. Reveiwed his proposed project listing . .proposed cost, and methods of transmission of signals to hard to reach areas in t1_'e Town -of Oueensburv. Commented or ti-, possible use of translators if placed properly to give area viewers channels from ew York City in the future. . . (Letter on file in Town Clerk' s Office) SIJP??nVISOT BRANDT- Thanked Mr. Green for his efforts to T)ring T.V. to remote areas at a nominal. cost. . .he has a location for a translator and made a proposal of this to tie Town. . . the next step is to see if we are interested and then to see if we wish to negotiate uit,i t'.e To--n of Bolton, do do this on a joint b.-- sis. COUNCIUIIATI OLSOtT- T-rnat is our initial outlay? T'Ti. GREEN- Estimate for A.B. C. , ABS any' C"0' o-17 S9,, nnn for initial construction. COTJNCILMAN OLSON- T*iat would be the yearly maintenance cost? 134 ?'[R. GREEN- A couple of hundred of dollars per year per translator. . . COUNCILMAN OLSON- REad the following communication. August, 10, 1977 Oueensbury To<<m Board Ir. Dan Oison Councilman 29 Carleton Drive Glens Falls , New `.Fork 12311 � Dear ?•'fir. Olson: Due to health problems I am resigning my position as Assistant Assessor for t?:te To-,m of O,ueensbur�7 effective September 1, 1977. Thak you for your attention to this matter. Fours truly, /s/ Peter F. Merlow I have spoken with Mr. Merlow and he tol�t me that lie had been in C.?'. hospital and he is anticipating; going back into t1:e Hospital. . . if this did come about with his present health condition he would not be able to do his job for the Town or `?ueensburT7. SUPT RVIS�?R B ?.AIdD"'- I am sorry to l'rear about his healtl nroblernas. OPEI i FORIRI 3: n5 P.rI. SUP=R'JISOP. 71RA:`?DT- r-Je leave scheduled a work shop after. the To-.'m- Board Meeting; with engineer Rist frost in regard to the sewer project. ARTHUI: TUMABULL- As1T.ed xehere the Town Counsel was? SUP',;RVISOR 13RAJDT- Ile had a special meeting that he could not change. . . COt11CIL1u �:, ROBERTSON suggest t1-.at FTr. Turnbull write the Counsel so that Counsel will have the proper_ answer to his questions at another meeting;. . . ARIL UR TURNBULL- I would like to ask Counsel in regard to Finch Pruyn land behind the landfill. . . it is zoned n-3 not land for disposal. . .lzow did they circumvent our zoning law? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I did not circumvent, I dmd not make t':a.e application. "2aybe they have done something illegal, that is between them and the zoning; board. . . ARTI UR TURNBULL- Did it go to the Zoning .Board? SUPERVISOR BRAu1DT- I do not know. I do not go to t13e Zoning; �..j Board meetings. . . They got clearance from E. CON and APA, to do it. If they have clone something; illegal with the To?gym of j !?ueensbur, that is between them and the Town of Pueaasbury. ARTI3UR, TURNBULL- That is what I would like to ask t1i.e Attorney how they managed to do tlis? SUPERVISOR BRAINDT- We will get you an opinion from him. GLN'1 CR,EENO- Does it bother any member_ oL the Town Board that Finch Pruyn, ENCON and APA could bypass the local government? SUPERVISOR B ANDT- They can not bypass local government. Local government has a reveew power_ . GLETN GREENO- Are they using this land to dump rioN,,? SUP-7 ,VISOR BW,. TDT- Yes, They are. GLEN GREENO- They have not gotten permission from t'ie Planning Board? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I do not know that. GLE='1 (7,wE:''0- If the haven' t t gotten permission from the Planning Board then they have bypassed local government. I think that is something that we ought to look into . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- ile have not from my knowledge given up any of our Bights . I signed off no rights of the people. They asked me for my input as the Supervisor, and as far as I could see it was a good anvwer to a tough problen. GLEN OREHNO- They asked you for your input? SUPERVISMV BRANDT- They asked if I had any objections . I tole.' them that I had none. OLEiZ GREENO- It seems that our local government has ')een bypassed for a major project and our property owners werenot really asked about it. If. it was a trailer permit I am sure you would have a meeting about that . I thinl- it woulc' be important to have a public hearing to see what the people thought. SUPERVISOR. BRANDT- ENCEIN AND M APA did not make up our minds for us. . . they passed judgement on t`_ieir review power, tnc' they approved it. . . they have a .right to approve a -project for t'.emselves. If in_f_act the rules and laws of the ToT7n of Queensbury say that they have to go through public hearings or through variance, zoning ordinances that is for our bui.l0J. ? crept. to administer and it is for tier?l to serve notice on Finch Pruyn if t'�ey have not property done that. I will ask thhem to reveew it, I Tlill ask the attorney to review it. If 0,ere is a review that is necessary, I ar, not a=.-Tare of it, but if there is t%at is ti-e 11_w. O 7 r1nr;r�,In < <T� 17... , O- Commented on Trailer regulations Vag;arct _ng the placement and approval of t'.^ em. . .vvs. Finch Pruynshould have gotten our consent. . . they should have core to t1le To,,n not to E ICON or the APIA, we could have consulte(' t Hem. . . this is our town and our land any' I do not see where they can get arounr' our elected officials. COLT 'CIL_ � ' OLU`;A - A mobile home application is a torm function, this application whether we approve the application for a landfill or land recovery if we approve or disapprove E1uCn'-1 wild step chm and have the final aay. Reviewed the `-- Hercules sludge pit. . . p'lle real governing; authority was the state. COIJx1CIL'T�`�a TJALTE' - I would Yio-pe that you felt t? at there was no collusion between Finch Pruyn and t`,e Town Board. Plembers of the To<<Tn Board were not aware of what had been pulled o- f. COUXILMA'I OLSON- I did not knoti,T about it until a day or two after they were operating it myself. . . It is possible for other agencies to come in an(' give a permit for this and we would have no say about it. 136 ^LE-= r7RTl `T0- Don' t you thinl the Town should have a iz resoltition with some other town to make since that this doasn' t happen again. Your power of your office is being taken away from you. SUPERVISOR BRAIDT- I do not believe so . ''LEY rRF.T'7710_ They put a dumpupp there an the Farm to Market road without even asking you, and you do not think that you lost any power? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I think that you misunderstood me, the ,- did -'I ask me for my input. I did gmtzeas j Supervisor have objections . rLE„ (7,71 1^EN0- Did you ask the citizens of the To<<?n o�' Oueensbury? SUPEI VISO",. BP.A DT- No I did not , they did not ask me to ask the citizens, that is a -public hearing, they specifically can demand a public hearing if they want toff/our Zoning Law requires that it is an oversight on: ny part. That could be I do not know the Zoning Law that well. Certainly since our last meeting it is public public record, our Zoning Dept. knows about it if they want to intervene the certainly can. It is the law that they are susposed to administer, and I asanmdd that they would. I would also assumed that Finch Pruyn woulr have researched our law and would have tried to comply to it, if they haven' t then I thine: that it fould have to be reviewed. UNI;_2YO?IJ;111- Uno is the Zoning Board responsible to? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- To the Town Board I would assmmv— Again I do not know the structure t1-)at well. � COTYNCIL311ATY ROBERTSON- Reviewed the structure of the Zoning Hoard. function to be of judicial revieN>>. . . they are responsible to the people. . . UNKNOIT14- If the Zoning Board choosed to ignore this then who jacks them up? SUPERVISOR BP.ANDT- We will get an opinion from the Attorney. . . if the Attorney says that this does come under revie�r power of the Planning; Board and Zoning Board then it must go through those review powers. MRS . MONAHAN- Requested a readinm of Toy n Law as to the duties of the Zonins, Board. . .I believe t ?e zoning; board is a judicial body. . . I (lid not know that they were a policing body. SUPERVISOR '3r,,ANDT- They are not . ?IRS. MO dAHAN- You people are tr*iAg to say it is the duly of the Zoning Board to go out and be aware of this . . . SUP"MSOR Bl?A YDT- That is not ghat I said, it is the ruildi.ng; 'dent. job to enforce the zoning laws . . . '—S. MONAHAN- You direct the Building Dept. , they are under your supervision. SUPERVISOR BRAYDT- I do very little directimn in t'^e building dept. They know t}Ae it laws and they enforce them and they do a pretty good lob. ?RS. M'NATIAN- This has happened too many times in the Tot. of Oucensbur�r anr' it is tiMr.- somebody 137 realized that the buck:. stops '_-iere. Conmented on the buFFer zone being taken dog,\m at ?pyramid ?,Tall. . ST?"?'"NTISOR 117ANDT- I ari not aware of that. I :?o not do t'l= .duties of the planning board . . . This is not the duties of the Planning Board or the Toning Board this is the whole point. . . if you read to�,m law, I would like VoU .to list the duties of the Zoning Board and I think this would Elear this right un. SUPERVISOR BRAND- We will lohk into it. MR. I:IL'��ARTIilr- g � Is the State paying, ._or the water lines to the rest .area? SU?'ET'VI SOR BRAIDT- Yes. You are welcome to read the agreements between the State and Queensbury. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully su1bmitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk. REQULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT Michel Brandt-Supervisor. Daniel Olson-860seti'ax Robert Barber-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel PRESS: Tri Co. News, WWSC, Glens Falls Post Star TOWN OFFICIALS- George Liapes, Harold Boynton, Shirley Shenk GUESTS-Mr. Nolan, Mr. Turnbull, Mr. Greeno, Mr. Kilmartin, Mrs. Thompson Meeting Opened 7: 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Walter. BID OPENING TREE REMOVAL CONTRACT NOTICE SHOWN 7: 30 P.M. Supervisor Brandt- Requested that the Town Clerk open and read the bids. Donald A. Chase- Tri County Tree Removal P.O. Box 16 Hudson Falls, N.Y. _ 12839 $120.00.. per tree non-collusive attached Richard Sears Tree Experts, Inc. P.O. Box 133 Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801 $125.00 per tree. non-collusive attached No other bids were received. Councilman Olson- requested that the bids be referred to the Highway Supt. for his recommendation. Supervisor Brandt- The bids will be turned over to the Highway Supt.