09-02-2014 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the September 2, 2014 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held at the Town of Queensbury Supervisor's Conference Room Chairman Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:0 1pm Roll Call: • Present—Judy Goralski, Jennifer Switzer, Wendy Matthews, Lisa White, Greg Hewlett, Todd Eicher • Excused —Lloyd Mott, Lisa White • Staff—Director Steve Lovering, Program Coordinator Lori O'Shaughnessy Assistant Program Coordinator Jeri Baertschi, • 2.) Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Hewett motioned to approve the July 29, 2014 minutes, seconded by Commissioner Eicher; all members approved 3.) Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) a.) Monthly Correspondence: Letter from Bob Underwood complimenting the Churney Gurney event held in August Letter from Roger Biss positively commenting on the mountain bike trails at Gurney Lane Letter from Karen Andrews commenting that the Hudson Pointe trail system needs upgraded signage Letter from Maureen Schmidt and Karen Sheehan complimenting Q-Club Letter from Director Lovering requesting a transfer of monies to Rush Pond Budget Control — One more payment needs to be made to the Gurney Lane contractor. It will be paid once the contractor generated at final invoice. 4.) Unfinished Business (see file for copies) a.) Gurney Lane Pool Project: there are some anticipated funds that will be left over after final invoice is paid. These will be used to take care a list of small items. b.)Hovey Pond Water Quality: a permit will needed from the Army Core of Engineers. The DEC will also need to be involved. These discussions are anticipated to happen in the fall of 2014. b.) 2015 Budget Report: had a budget meeting with Supervisor Strough, in addition to Director Lovering were Commissioners Mott and Hewlett. Discussed operating budget, revenue projection for 2015, salary of an employee. 5.) New Business (see file for copies) a) 2014 Summer Programs: People were happy with the variety of programs offered. Gurney Lane closed 11-12 times due to the weather. b) 2015 Seasonal Brochures: A discussion about online brochures versus hardcopy. It was suggested that the QRD website needs to be improved in order to transition to online. c) 2014-2015 Park Projects: Director will create an agenda of what maintenance projects need to for 2015 d) Hudson Pointe ATV/Trail Issues: Director Lovering is attempting to have a local law rewritten to stiffen penalties for riding ATV on public land. Erosion tracks made by the ATV can be seen from aerial photographs. New Discussion From Commissioners: e) Churney Gurney Feedback: The participants were very impressed with the venue. About $1500 was raised for Camp Comfort. f) QHS Track Coach Interested in using Gurney Lane Trails: Bob Underwood would like to use the trails for the QHS cross country team. 6.) Committee Reports • Budget Review • Safe and Quality Cycling Bylaws- • School Liaison • Personnel • Planning • Program Review 7.) Additional Information and Reports Adjournment—A motion was made by Commissioner Goralski, seconded by Commissioner Switzer to adjourn at 8:07. All members present approved. Respectfully submitted Approved by: Judith Goralski Wendy Matthews Commissioner Chairman