1977-09-13 137
realized that the buc??� stops 'sere. ^onsiented
on the buff--r zone being taken eux7n at
Pyramid ""all. .
ST777DVISOR BP.ANDT- I arl not aware of that. I :10 not 00 t'le
duties of the planning board . . .
TT19,. ?10 1i 1-TA:. - Th_i_s is not the duties of the Planning Board
or the 'oning Board this is the whole Point. . .
if you read tom law, I would like Vo-u .to
list the duties of the Zoning Board and I
think this would Elear this right un.
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We will lohk into it.
ITR. I:ILr�,ARTIN- Is the State paying for the water lines
to the rest area?
SUPERVISOR BRA:°CDT- Yes. You are welcome to read the agreements
between the State and Queensbury.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Michel Brandt-Supervisor
Daniel Olson-BWc*bmx
Robert Barber-Councilman
Frances Walter-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel
PRESS: Tri Co. News, WWSC, Glens Falls Post Star
TOWN OFFICIALS- George Liapes, Harold Boynton, Shirley Shenk
GUESTS-Mr. Nolan, Mr. Turnbull, Mr. Greeno, Mr. Kilmartin, Mrs. Thompson
Meeting Opened 7: 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Walter.
7: 30 P.M.
Supervisor Brandt- Requested that the Town Clerk open and
read the bids.
Donald A. Chase-
Tri County Tree Removal
P.O. Box 16
Hudson Falls, N.Y. 12339 $120.00-per tree non-collusive attached
Richard Sears Tree Experts, Inc.
P.O. Box 133
Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801 $125.00 per tree. non-collusive attached
No other bids were received.
Councilman Olson requested that the bids be referred to
the Highway Supt. for his recommendation.
Supervisor Brandt- The bids will be turned over to the
Highway Supt.
Supervisor Brandt- requested the reading of the following letteI
September 13, 1977
Michel R. Brandt, Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
Queensbury Town Office Building
Bay at Haviland Road, RFD #1
Glens Falls, NY 12801
Re: Finch, Pruyn &
Company, Inc.
Dear Mr. Brandt:
You have advised me that Finch, Pruyn and Company, Inc. is the
owner of approximately 50 acres of land in the town of Queensbury
and located near the existing Queensbury landfill site off v,
Ridge Road. I am further advised that Finch, Pruyn & Company,
Inc. is presently using the site for the disposal of solid waste
materials, known as sludges, removed from the company's primary
waste treatment facility in Glens Falls, New York.
I am further advised and informed that while the company has
made application to the Adirondack Park Agency and New York
State Environmental Conservation Department for permission to
use the land as a landfill, no application has been made to the
Town of Queensbury or any of its officers or agencies for review
or consent to the use of the site as a landfill or disposal area.
You have requested an opinion on the following points :
1. Whether the existing ordinances and local laws of the Town
of Queensbury control and regulate the use of private land
in the Town as disposal areas.
2. Whether the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury pro-
hibits the use of lands in an R-3 (residential) zone as a
disposal area.
There is no question that the Town Board may adopt local laws
or ordinances regulating and controlling the use and operation
of disposal areas and landfill sites within the Town. Section
130 of the Town' Law, Subdivision 6, expressly empowers the Town
Board to adopt an. ordinance_including such rules and regulations
as may be required for the -use of land within the town as dump
sites and dumping grounds. This would apply to public lands and
private lands.
On March 7, 1959, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury adopted
Ordinance No. 8 entitled "Ordinance To Regulate Dump and Garbage
Disposal in the Town of Queensbury". The term "dump" as used in
this ordinance means a place used for disposal and leaving of
paper, rubbish and waste material of any nature. (Underscoring
mine) , by the public or any person. A person-Ts defined in the
ordinance to include a corporation.
The Ordinance further prohibits the establishment, operation
and maintenance of a dump in the town unless an application in
writing is made to the Town Board for a permit, and a permit is
granted after a duly held public hearing.
It is my opinion that the activities carried on by Finch, Pruyn
& Com-pany, Inc. fall within the intent and purpose of the Ordin•.
ance and that the company must apply to the Town Board for a
permit to use its lands in the Town as a disposal area.
The second point concerns the question as to whether the'use of
the land in an R-3 zone violates the existing Town Zoning Ordin-
ance. My review of the Town Zoning Ordinance fails to indicate
that dumps, landfills or disposal areas are permitted anywhere
in the town. It is a general rule that unless a use is permitted
in a zoning district a variance of the Ordinance for such proposed
use would be required. However, the courts kave consistently
held that the exclusion of use by failure to include the use in
the list of those permitted in the several districts of the town
is invalid. and. is- sub*ect. to judicial. review,
The Zoning Ordinance of the town which was adopted subsequent
to Ordinance No. 8 provides in part as follows:
j "Section 12. 100 Interpretation, Conflict and other Laws
***It is not intended to interfere or abrogate or
j ahnuly other rules, regulations or ordinances,
provided that whenever the requirements of this
ordinance are at variance with the requirements
of any other lawfully adopted regulations, rules,
or ordinances,_ the most restrictive or that imposing
the higher standards, shall govern. "
It is therefore my opinion the Ordinance No. 8 adopted by the Town
Board on March 7,1959 applies and controls this situation.
Finch, Pruyn & Company, " Inc. must' apply to the Town Board pursuant
to Ordinance No. 8 for &permit to use its lands in the Town as
a disposal area.
Very truly yours,
TML/seb. . Thomas M. Lawson
Supervisor Brandt- The Zoning Ordinance does not apply
here but a Town Ordinance does.
It -is his opinion that Finch, Pruyn
and Company must apply to the Town
Board for a permit to use its lands
in the town for a disposal area.
Robert Nolan- on behalf of Finch Pruyn. . .we are
Attorney satisfied with the opinion of Mr. Lawson
and will make applicattfln to the Town
Board. . .
Councilman Robertson --. requested that the hearing be scheduled
pending on the application being forwarded
to the Board. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 201, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr.—Daniel- Olson:
WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 8, of the Town of Queensbury entitled
BURY", Section 3. , stating Any person who shall desire and intend to
establish, operate and maintain a dump or facility for the disposal of
garbage and rubbish in the Town bf -Queensbury may make application in
writing to the Town Board for a permit to establish, operate or maintain
such dump or facility for the disposal of garbage 'atd rubbish. Such appli-
cation shall contain the name and address of the applicant, the status
of the applicant if other than an individual, a description. of the parcel
I of land on which it is to be located, : a msp` vf the particular. area proposed
I to be used for such purpose, a detailed statement of the manner of disposal
proposed to be used, and any' othier pertinent information which may be
required by the Town Board. An*.
WHEREAS, the Finch; Pruyn._&fd Company, Inc. New York has proposed that they
would like to present an I application-, to the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury to operate a dump facility at ( description of boundaries are
not availab"Lw at-:the writing of these minutes -but will be forthcoming from
Attorney Robert Nolan, Attorney for Finch,. Pruyn- Inc.) and that a public
hearing be held on such application,, Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that & _public hearing-be held :ow Tuesday, October the 4th -1977
at 7: 30 P.M. at the Town Office Building, Town of Queensbury, Bay and
Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, -New York 12801. on this application
and that all persons be heard both in favor of and opposed to said
Duly adopted by the follbwing vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
Councilman Olson- Requested that as soon as the
application is received that°.hhe
Town Board ha ';g#ubi:.eoji&es and
copies be available to the public.
Councilman Walter- How long has- .this parcel been used
as a landfill site.
Robert Nolan- approximately 1 month
Councilman Walter questioned the need for an attorney
to interpret our own Town Ordinances. . .
questioned who hired Mr. Lawson?
Supervisor Brandt- I did that. commented that Mr. Brennen
could not represent the Town in this
because his firm represents Finch Pruyh.
I felt that we need someone knowledgable
in Town Law and Mr. Lawson is. . .
Councilman°Walter- I think it is interesting that the Town
Board passes Ordinaaces one year then we
turn around and need an attorney to
interpret our own ordinances.
As the supervisor do you hire ouvside
services or is that a Board function?
Supervisor Brandt- Noted that there are tww ways to pay
a bill, through audit or resolution. ._..J
Councilman Barber . . . It is the Supervisor's prerogative to
choose counsel.
Councilman Olson- requested ENCON reports be biven to the Board
Alan Converse- 12 Mosher Hill, Hudson Falls to locate a mobile home off
Burch Road-property owned by Alan Converse.
Mr. Converse was present. . .
Supervisor Brandt- reviewed a p"blem regarding placement
and occupance of the mobile home. . .
Councilman Olson- questioned how far off a town highway
the proposed trailer would be placed?
Mr. Converse- approximately 850'
RESOLUTION NO. 202,' Introduced by' Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its
adoption, seconded -by Mr. DAniel Olson:
WHEREAS, Alan' Converse has made application in accordance with paragraph
2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled
outside at property situated aff Burch Road, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the
requirements of said. ordinance, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application are sufficient° to justify further consideration by this
board, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said
application on October 4th, 1977 at 7: 30 P.M. in the Quennsbury Town
Office Building, Bay Road, and that . the ' Town Clerk is hereby authorized
and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance
with the provisions of said ordinance. - "
Joan Comeau-40 Luzerne Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. to locate a mobile home
on 2 Newcomb Street-owner of the property George A. Finch Sr.
Joan Comeau present. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 203 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
a option, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS, Joan Comeau has made application in accordance with paragraph 2
(c) Section 4, of °an ordinance-of the :Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE
QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outffde
at property situated` on 2 Newcomb Street, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the
requirements of said ordinance, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application are sufficient to Justify further consideration by this
board, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above aumtioned
ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on skid
application on October 4th, 1977 at 7: 30 P.M. in the Queensbury Town
Office Building, Bay Road, and that the Town Clktrk is hereby authorized
and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance
with the provisions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Barber- Is dog enumerator additional income and
how much?
Donald Chase - Yes. . 50 cents per dog. . .Mr. Davison does
Town Clerk not receive the entire 50C he hires
college people etc. to help . in enumeration.
Councilman Barber- How many Dogs were enumerated last year. . .
Donald A. Chase - approximately 3,000
Town Clerk
Councilman Barber- who accepts the liability for the people
he hires?
I Councilman Olson- Table this resolution until counsel
can give an opinion on this. . .
RESOLUTION NO, 205., Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, monies were not" budgeted` for Personal Services, Research
A8030.1 and
WHEREAS, monies for personal services were included in Research,
Contractual., 030.44, therefore be,. it
RESOLVED, to transfer $1100 . from A8030:44, Research. Contractual;:
to A8030.1 Research Personal Services.
Duly adopted by the following vote: .
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
FOR 1977 ..
RESOLUTION NO. 206 Introduced by:Mr. :Daniel._Olson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS, 1977 Revenue Sharing is aiticiglated to be larger than budgeted
WHIRM, the anticipated increase falls within the limits where a public
hearing is not required, therefore be it
RESOLVED, to increase CF 5110.44 Highway Repairs —Contractual by
$14,829. ,
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brqadtl •
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Barber- Requested of Mr. Harrison that more of
an explanation of coding be placed on
future resolutions. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 207 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson, who moved its
a option, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS, the contract total for the resent CETA Title VI program is
$73,421. and the budgeted amount is $69,821. therefore be it
RESOLVED, ' to increase CETA Title VI Revenue A2768, to $73,421. and
CETA Tital VI - Personal Services, A6256.1 from $56,471. to $60,071.
Duly adopted by• the following vote : .
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
. . .Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 208 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, there exists several openings on the Queensbury Conservation
Advisory Council, and
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board to bring this Council to its
full capacity, and
WHEREAS, two persons have expressed an interest in being appointed tn
this council, therefore be it
RESOLVED, - to appoint Mr. Lars T. Edwards, 21 Cottage Hill Road, Glens
Falls, and Mr. Walter F. Moeller, Jr. , Summit Lane, Glens"Wis, N.Y.
with both terms expiring September 1, 1978.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, .Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: N6ne
RESOLUTION N0. 209, Introduced by 'Mr. -Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, se one by MB. Michel 'Brimdt:
WHEREAS, the Fifth Annual Meeting and Conference for Conservation
Councils' will be held September 30 ,- October 1, at the' Sheraton
in Albany, and
WHEREAS, members of the Queensbury Conservation Advisory Council
have expressed a desire to attend this`worthwhile meeting, therefore
be it,
RESOLVED, to authorize the attendance of not more than 4 members ,
at attend this workshop, at a coat of• $18.00 each, -plus mileage to
and from Albany, at .15 a mile, and a $5.00 per day lunch allowance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes.- Iftm Barber '
Absent: None
Supervisor Brandt- Reviewed the purpose of the Conference
noting that it would review the Environ-
mental Impact Legislation. . .it would be
wish to have someone there to research
this and advise us. . .
Councilman Barber- Questioned if members of tke Planning
Board should not attend this meeting. . .
. Commented on the State Quality Review
act as beingg the Greatest Travesty in
the State of New York. ...fett that anyone
going to this meeting should be aware of
the negative stand of the Board on this
issue: .,;..
Councilman Olson- Asked if a Town Vehicle could be used on
this trip. . .to aveid mileage fees. . .
Councilman Barber- Announced that the- Grant from the Federal
and State Governments has been approvdd
- for the Queensbury Police Dept. The
Grand pays for two police officers and the
Town pays for two. . .the Grant pays in total
the benefits for four police men, the
automobiles and equipment, a substantial
part thereof. . .it is a one year Grant with
a renewable opt&nn for two years. . .
—' UTION NO. 210 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter:
WHEREAS, Mr. Charles Judkins, Acting Chief of Police of the Town of
Queensbury has recommended that the Town Board advertise for bids for
the purchase of two new patrol cars of American make, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for two new
patrol cars of--American make and that the following notice be published
once in the official town newspapers in�the following form:
Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
will receive sealed proposals on the two new patrol cars of American
make up to 5: 00 P.M. on the 4th day of October, 1977 at the Town
Clerk's Office in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland
Roads,-- Glens Falls, New York. . .
Bids must be submitted in sealed OPAQUE envelopes plainly marked POLICE
CAR BID and there shall be included with such bid the certificate of
Non-Collusion required by Section 103D of the General Municipal Law,
and the bidder must state the date of delivery of the equipment to be
The Town Board will meet at the Queensbury Town Office .Building at
7: 30 P.M. on the 4th day of October, 1977 at which time the bids -
will be opened and read aloud.
A copy of the detailed specifications of the gquipment to be purchased
may be obtained during the office hours at the office of the Town Clerk
in the Queensbury Town Office Building.
The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Duly adopted by the follw"gg vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, ,Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Olson- Requested that the word approximate
date of delivery be changed.- to dafre
of delivery. . .
Councilman Barber- Requested that the bid be let out for
October 4th . . . men can noutbe hired
until the equipment has been received
according to the terms of the Grand.
RESOLUTION NO, 211, Introducdd by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS, the top. of Lockhart Mountain has been known for over 50 years
as "TOP OF THE WORLD" , and
WHEREAS, the top of Lockhart Mountain is known for its scenic view
overlooking Lake George, and
WHEREAS, a recent survey by. the Planninb Board shows this to be the most
important area to be preserved and designated as a scenic area, and
WHEREAS, this area of the Town of Queensbury is widely known by residents
and tourists as "TOP OF THE WORLD", Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that thq area of the Town of Queensbury, located on top of
Lockhart Mountain overlooking scenic Lake George, be officially
recognUedl and designated as "TOP OF THE WORLD", and be it further
RESOLVED, that a -copy oft this resolution be sent to Assemblyman
Gerald Solomon and Mr. Donald Jeffroy, Region 1 District, New York
State Department of Transportation.
Duly adopted by the fol lvwing vote: --�
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Barber- Requested that the iatteu be made stronger
and DOT replace the sign that was taken
down—noted that there was an agreement
between former Supervisee, Gerald Solomon
and DOT that the sign was proper. . .
Supervisor Brandt- voiced his concern of the possibility
that this could happen to other businesses
that are not as well known as Top of the
World. . .
Councilman Walter- Commented that in the recent survey that
was sent out. .the most mentioned sesAic
location in the Town and should be peeserved,
was Top of the World.
Joseph Brennan- If the Dog Enumerator on his own sww ftt
to hire other people to .help they would
not be an,- appointment by the Town Board
they in effect would not have the title
and in all likelihood would not be covered
Councilman Robertson- it is our intention in the resolution that
he perform the service. . .
Councilman Olson- Withdrew his original motion of introduction.
Councilman Robertson- reintroduced the motion as amended by Town
Council. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 20a. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
a` opt on seconded by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS, annually in September of each year the Town Board of each town
shall appoint a resident or residents or designate the Police Department
to prepare a list of persons in such town owning or harboring dogs,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that James Davison be -and he hereby is appointed Dog Enumerator
under the provisions of Section 108 of the Agriculture and Markets Law
for the year, 1977 and'be it further
RESOLVED, The Town Board does late At d,:h*>thp,.►&#patent to authorize
or approve the coverage under workman' s compensation or the benefits
provided by the Town to subcontract or hire other individuals other than
the Dog Enumerator to perform the duties. ' ,
Duly adopted by the folliwing vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Olson- Is installation included in the bids?
Councilman Barber- It was an oversite on the part of the
Police Committee that the cost of
installation. was not part of the
specifications: let out to bid. . .
Supervisor Brandt You are saying that this is still the
most economical bid?
Councilman Barberr. Have reviewed-both bidders and Adirondack
Communications does have lower costs
for in taliation and maintenance of radios.
RESOLUTION NO-, 2,12 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoptinn,
seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS, Charles Judkins , Acting Chief of Police for the Town of Queensbury
did recommend that we advertise for bids for four mobile FM radios and
five hand held portable FM two way radios, and
WHEREAS, bids were advertised for and received on August 16th 1977 and
WHEREAS, two bids were received.and turned over to Charles Judkins ,
Acting Chief of Police for his recommendation, Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, ,that upon �Mr.. Judkins request the Town Board accept the bid
of Adirondack Communications, ' Inc. ofiSo. G1ensFalls, N.Y. in the amount
of $ 10,510.00 with the stipulation that Kefore the awarding of the bid
a statement in writing of one year maintenance costs and installation
cost be made available, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the payment for this equipment will be from the Federal
and State Grant.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs—Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Barber- Requested that the monthly reports frman
the Town Clerk' s , Dog Warden and Building
and Zoning and Police Dept. be placed on
file. . .
Supervisor Brandt- Application .for rezoning-requested to be
September 9, 1977
Members of Queensbury Town Board:
We, Henry C. Knoblauch Jr. , Norman C. Benack, and Robert
Ruggles. Known as KBR Associates, request a zoning change
from M-1 (Light INDUSTRY) to C-3 (COMMERCIAL) . This L Shaped
property is located on Quaker Road and Ridge Road, approx.
301.85 feet on Quaker Road and 312.10 on Ridge Road. You will
find enclosed map and deed of this property. This property
is adjacent to Cumberland Farms, which was rezoned March 23, 1976
from M-1 to C-3, and also directly across Quaker Road, North
side, we have two more zoning changes made from R-3 (residential)
to C-3 (commercial) , namely, N.M.P. CORP. , and James Conklin
We have a purchaser for our property on Quaker Road, adjacent
to Albany Engineering Systems, who's prime concern is using this
property commercially, such as : a travel age cy, employment bureau,
and has architectial plan of restoring a 250 year old barn for
historical reasons. This property has been owned soley by
Mr. Knoblauch for the past 10 years or more, and he has had this
property for sale without any success, due to the zoning. Basically
the property is tcosmall for light industry and more suitable for
commercial use.
This has been a hardship on Mr. Knoblauch to the extent
where Mr. Knoblauch brought in partners to save losing the prop-
erty to. Manufactures Hanover' Trust Co.
We have been granted a variance for our purchaser on part
of the property on Quaker Road, but we feel it would be of our
best interest to have all the property rezoned to C-3, like most
of the property adjacent to it, **th the exception of A.E.S.
Would appreciate your bringing this to the attention of
your committee on Tuesday, September 13, 1977. Any help on this
matter would be deeply appreciated.
Norman C. Benack, Sec.
Councilmen Robertson- Requested that a hearing date be set
noting that the application most
likely be acted upon rapidly due
to the fact that it was before the
boards recently in the form of a
Councilman Barber Questioned w)ty the variance was not
Councilman Robertson The variance was granted but was
contested and is before the Courts. . . .
they are now seeking- a rezoning. . .
George Liapes- Outlined the various dates of the
Building Inspector Planning Baardand Warren Co. Planning
Boards. . .
BUOLTTION NO. _2. 13, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its
adoption, secon a by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS, an application'-has bean -made by K.B.R. Associates for rezoning
of properties in the Town of Queensbury, Warren Co. , New York, hereinafter
described in Schedule A, from an M-1 classification to a C-3 and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury, Section 11.100 and
the Town Law of the State of New York, Sections 264 and 265 provide that a
proposed amendment or change in the zoning ordinance of the Town be
referred to the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury and the Warren
Co. Planning Board and a public hearing be held therein and
WHEREAS, the within application has been referred to the respective planning
boards, each of whom has issued their report to the Town of Queensbury, Now,
Thereflre be it
RESOLVED, that a public hearing on such application beheld by the-
-Town-Board of the Town of Queensbury on Tuesday October 18th, 1977 at 7: 30 P.M.
at the Town Office Building Bay and-Haviiand Roads in said Town, and that
notice thereof be published at least ten days in advance thereof in the
official town newspapers ' and it is- further
RESOLVED, that property owners within 500 feet of the- subject property
be notified of the hearing in writing as required by law.
" ALL THAT PRICE OR PARCEL OF LAND, together with the buildings and
improvements thereon situate in the Town of Queensbury, County of
Warren and State of New-York, 'being part of Lot No. .24, Queensbury
Patent, and more particularly bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron pipe' set in the easterly line of Ridge Road at
the southwest corn er of premises heretofore conveyed from Henry C.
Knoblauch, Jr. to Atlantic Richfield Company by deed dated October 1,
1969. and recorded in the Warren County. Clerk' s Office on October .l
1969 in Liber 513 of Deeds at page 459, running thence
(1) South 66020' 40" East 359.48 .feet along the south line of
said premises conveyed to Atlantic Richfield Company to an iron pipe
set in the southeast corner of said premises conveyed to- Atlantic
Richfield Company,, running. thence
(2) North 21-40' 55" East 175.00 feet along the east line of
slid premises conveyed to
Atlantic-Richfield Company to a concrete
monument set in the northeast corner of said premises conveyed to
Atlantic Richfield. Company, running thence
(3) North 21'49' 05" East 33.90 feet to a monument set in the
ground, running thence
(4) South 58 ° 22 ' 15" East 224. 00 feet along the south line of
Quaker Road to a monument set in the ground, running thence
(5) South 66 ° 09' East 77.85 feet along the south: line.- of- said
Quaker Road to an®iron pine set in the ground, running thence
(6) North 81 42' 3! ' West 81. 77 feet to an iron pipe set in
the ground,- running thence
(7) South 25 47'45" West 266- 10 feet to an iron pipe set in
the ground, running thence
(8) North 810 52' 10" West 697.05 feet to an iron pipe set in
the easterly line of Ridge Road, running thence
(9) North .43- 52 ' 30" East 312. 10 feet along the easterly line
of said Ridge Road to the point and place of beginning.
Containing 3.71 acres, more or less, all as shown on a survey map made
by Coulter & McCormack, Licensed .Land Surveyors, dated April 24, 1972
and revised June 28, 1972 and entitled "Map of Lands of Henry C.
Knoblauch and Louis E. Brown, situated in Town of Queensbury, Warren
County, New York".
BEING the same premises conveyed from Louis E. Brown and Ellard D.
Brown to Henry C. -Knoblauch, �Jr. -by deed dated June 21, 1972 and
recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on June 29 , 1972 in Liber
553 of Deeds at page 229.
Duly adopted by the follvwing vot4:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Quaker Road - P.O. Box 762
Glens Falls, New York 12801
Tel: 518 793-3835
September 1, 1977
Town Board-Town of Queensbury
Queensbury Town Office Building
Bay & Haviland Roads
Glens Falls, New York 12801
RE: Colonial Cablevision, Inc.
Dear Sirs, and Madam:
To bring you up to date on our current construction.
We are well along with hbe construction of the Country Club,
Mannis and Blind Rock Roads. We have substantially completed
Rolling Ridge and have substantially completed the underground
required at Wincrest and Orchard Park.
We are completing work on the eastern end of Sherman Avenue
and will be completing Luzerne Road and West Mountain very shortty.
We will service the side streets off Luzerne and West Mountain, as we
Hopefully, we feel that all of-the above will be completed by
October 15th.
Trusting this. brings you up to date. I. remain
Very truly yours ,
Supervisor Brandt- reviewed the progress of Cable T.V. in
Twicwood and the progress in the Glen
Lake. Area. . .
Councilman Barber- questdnned the Bond regarding the work
in Twicwood. . .asked Mr. GArb to
check on this and if the work is done
to his satififaction to return the bond.::
Carl Garb- Will check this out. . .
Highway Super.
Local Property Owners
Town of Queensbury
Red, Town of Queensbury Ordinance Regulation
for Motorboats on Lake George
Dear Property Owner:
There is apparently a misunderstanding on- the part of shoreline
owners in the Town of Queensbury regarding the distance requirement of
the anchorage regulation on -Lake George. The regulation which is
presently in effect generally prohibits the anchoring or mooring of
any boat within 100 feet of any private dock or other impeoved property
without permission of .the upland owner of such dock or property.
It has come ;to the �attention ,of' this Department that some property
owners in Queensbury have stationed buoys and markers some 200 feet
from their property. These actions are apparently founded on the be-
lief that a 1974 amendment to Federal Law increasing the distance from
100 feet to 200 feet is in effect. The State Law requires the approval
of the Commissioner of the Department.of Environmental Conservation in
order for such an ordinance to be effective. For various reasons the
Commissioner of the Department has not approved the 1974 amendment.
Accordingly, the 100 foot prohibition 'remaias the law, and the
placing of any mooring bouys beyond the 100 foot limit requires a
permit from the Commissioner. Flacng:markers or.mooring buoys beyond
the 100 foot limit without such a permit is illegal.
We hope that this letter clarifies the matter and that, in a co-
operative spirit, any of you who is in violation with the law as
explained will take whatever remedial action is necessary to comply
with the 100 foot limitation.
Very truly yours,
Charles F. Hawley, Chairman
Lake George Park Commission
by: Malcolm A. Coutant
Counsel to Lake George Park
DEC Regional Attorney - Region 5
Councilman Barber- Introduced a resolution requesting Mr.
Burley of ENCON to.,sign the Ordinance
creating a 200' limit. . .
Councilman Robertson- seoonded the motion asked for a reason
for not signing the Ordinance. . .
Supervisor Brandt- discussed the work done by officer Crain
in regard to neighbor disputes over buoys.
Joseph Brennen- Reviewed the letter from'Mr. Burley. . .
Town Counsel commented that he also felt that there
were certain portions of the ordinance
that were abbiguous . . .
suggested that the Town Board consider
reminding the approval and adopting a
new ordinance. . .
Councilman Barber- I will withdraw my notion. . .
Supervisor Brandt- appointed Mr. Barber and Mr. Robertson
to draft another ordinance . . .
Washington, D.C. 20260
August 26, 1977
Mr. Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
Queensbury Town Office Building
Bay and Haviland Roads, .R.D. 1.
Glens Falls, New York, 12801 .
Dear Mr. Chase:
This is in response to your August 10 letter to Postmaster
General Benjamin F. Bailar concerning your interest in se'-
parate ZIP Codes for Glens Falls and Queensbury.
The Postal Service is charged with the responsibility of pro-
viding, as a basic function, -mail service for the purpose of
binding the Nation together through the correspondence of its
people. An attendant obligation is to provide mail delivery
service in the most efficient manner possible-'at a' cost to
the public which is raasonable `and equitable.
Postal delivery boundaries are established to provide the i
most efficient system of delivery service possible to quali-
fied areas. Delivery boundaries and ZIP Codes are not adjusted
solely for the purpose of providing local identity and do not
necessarily coincide with city, county or township boundaries.
I regret that my response could not be more favorable. If I
can be of asssistance in the . future, 'please let'-me know.
Sincerely yours,
Glenn A. Metzdorg /s/
General Manager of Administration
Government Relations-'Department
Supervisor Brasidt spoke on talking with the local postmaster
with the possibility being looked into
of using one of the three zip codes in
the Town as the Queensbury Zip Code. . .
reviewed the problems with sales tax
revenues coming back to the town. . .
Fire Marshal
August 23, 19 77 `--�
To: Town Board
From: Mr. Bodenweiser
Town Board,
RHquest pemmission to attend Fire Marshals & Inspectors
Seminar October 19-21, 1977 as per attached flyer.
Approximate cost encluding Transportation, meals and lodging
$135. 00 3 days.
Respectfully Yours,
N. W. Bodenweiser- -
Fire Marshal
Councilman Barber- questioned the last time he went to
a convention. . .
Mr. Bodenweiser- June, 1977
Reviewed hhe programs to be featured
in the convention and the past conven-
tions. . .
Councilman Barber- -Do you have monies in your budget to
allow for this?
Mr. Bodenweiser- I belirve there is enough money in the
budget to allow for this. : . I am in
the A-1 Code. . .
Daniel Olson- noted that the monies placed in the A-1
Code were for,gas and oil. . .and insurance. . .
requested that next year' s budget he
put in for one convention. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 214. Introduced by Mr. DAniel Olson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby *granted to N.W. Bodenweiser to
attend the Fire Marshal' s and Inspector' s Seminar to be held
at Montour Falls, N.Y, on October 19-21 1977 and that the actual
and necessary expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town
j Duly adopted by the follwwing vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs.' Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
September 13, 1977
Queensbury Town Board
Queensbury Town Office
Bay & Haviland Roads
Dear Town Board:
I am requesting that 'the town board advertise for a new
3/4 ton pick-up truck as 'per attached specifications.' '
Thanking you in advance for your consideration.
Carl A. Garb
Highway Superintendent
Carl Garb- This will replace a 1967 Ford pickup. . .
requesting a four wheel drive with
plow. . .
Councilman Barber- questioned where the other four wheel
drive 4ith` plow was. . .
Carl Garb- that is in service. . .
Councilman Barber- questioned why that is not adequate. . .
Carl Garb- better service for' the town if we have
two of them. . .
Councilman Barber- questioned that Mr. Garb had stated
earlier that he did not ,kded another
small truck but wished for larger trucks. . .
Carl Garb- The truck is for no particular person. . .
reviewed the work that will be done -with
the smaller vehicles —plowing mt. ranges
delivering gas. . .emergencies. . .
T- Councilman Barber- Do you nedd two pickups a grader and
dump trucks to plow the mountains?
Carl Garb- reviewed that areas where small trucks
are needed. . .
Supervisor Brandt- questioned if the monies could be
encumbered and be used next year
en ,a larger truck?
Carl Garb- . No, we need smaller trucks toa listed
the samings in gas etc. . . .
Councilman Olson- Do you have this money in the budget?
Carl Garb- Yes, I do.
Councilman Robertson Will you turn in a pickup .truck?
Carl Garb- Yes. . .
Councilman Barber- Have you gotten the plow back from Warren
County maybe this .plow could be used
on the pickup. . :
Carl Garb- This could be arranged. . .
Councilman Olson- Will the purchase of the small trucks
off set the purchase of any .larger
trucks next year?
Carl Garb- No, I do not. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 215 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its
adoption, secon e y Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, Carl Garb, Highway Superintendent of the Town of Queensbury
has recommended that the Town Board advertise for bids for the purchase
of one new Three Quarter Ton 4X4 Pickup, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for one
new three quarter ton 4X4 Pickup and that the followin notice be
published in the official newspapers to read in the following lowing form:
NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
will receive sealed proposals on one new three quarter ton 4X4 Pickup.-
A complete copy of the specifications will be available in the Office
of the Town Clerk. Bids will be received up to 5 :00 P.M. on the 11th
day of October, 1977 at the Town Clerk' s Office in the Town of Queensbury
Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, G1ensFalls, New York 12801.
Bids must be submitted in sealed.opaque envelopes marked THREE QUARTER TON
PICKUP BID and there shall be included in such bid the Certificate of Non
Collusion required by Section 103D of the General Municipal Law and the
bidder msut state . the date of delivery.
The Town Board will meet at the Queensbury Town Office Building at 7: 30 P.M.
on the 11th day of -October, 1977 at which time the bids will be opened
and read aloud.
The -Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Duly adopted by the following-vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs..-Walter.,-Mr Robert:s.oti Mr.:.Brandt
Noes: Nos.. Barber
Absent: None
September 13, 1977
Queensbury Town Board
Queensbury Town Office
Bay & Havilafld Roads
Dear Town Board:
RE: Cottage Hill, Section- four
I have inspecteddthe road in section four of the Cottage Hill
subdivision. It meets all town specifications to become a -town
highway and I recommend it be accepted into the highway system.
/REspectfully yours,
Carl A. Garb
Highway Superintendent
The deed for this new road has not been received as yet in the Town
Clerk's office.
Mr. Brandt. reported that in talking with Mr. Flaherty the Water Supt.
that he has inspected this road and found that the water lines are
properly installed and meet. the criteria of the Water Department
Mr. Brennan requested that because of the water not being tested and the
unavailability of the deed that this matter be tabled to the next meeting.
Ltr, fromMr. Garb.
September 13, 1977
Queensbury Town Board
Queensbury Town Offide Building
Bay and Haviland Roads
Dear Town Board:
I would like permission to attend the New York State Association of Town
Superintendents of Highways 1977 Conference to be held September 27-30
at Swan Lake, New York
Carl A. Garb /s/
Highway Superintendent
RESOLUTION N0, 216. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED. -that permission is hereby granted to Carl A. Garb, Highway
Superintendent to. attend-- the N:Y. - State Association of Town Superintendents
of Highways 1977 Conference to be held September 27 through 30th in
Swan Lake, New York and that the actual and necessary expenses incurred
in such attendance is a proper town charge.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: N®ne
Absent: None
Councilman Walter- questioned Mir. Garb, are you going to
Knish the paving schedule before
starting the drainage work?
Mr. Garb- The paving is almost done except for
the extra monies that were brought in. . .
Edgewood to dress up. . .Sullivan Plane. . .
that will end the paving for the year. . .
Councilman Walter . questioned Pinewood Avenue?
Mr. Garb That will come under drainage. . .major
portion of the road is in good shape,
- will'place drainage system and repair
sholders of the road. . .
-- Reviewed the history of Pinewood Road. . .
. Councilm®n Walter- Noted apparent delays in paving of the
Road. . . did not like having to go back
to these people and telling them that the
road was not he be paved. . .
Mr. Garb- Commented on the drainage problem in that
area . . . . need to be taken care of. . .
noted that the road should not have been
placed under the paving schedule . . .
Councilman Barber- noted that a committment.had been made
on the part of the Highway Supt. when
the paving schedule was made. . . .how are
you going to find enough money to pave
that road. . .
Carl Garb- there has been other committwnts made
by the Town Board after the thing was
made out that other roads be done. . .
Councilman Barber- I resent that remark because I, as a
member of this Town Board did not make
any committments about any road other
ahan what was on the paving schedule. . .
Carl Garb- Maybe you as one didn't.
Supervisor Brandt- Noted that in some instanced some roads
were paved more than was on the paving
schedule due to situations that arose
during paving. . .
Councilman Olson- The roads on the schedule that were not
done this year will be top priority next
year. . .
Supervisor Brandt- The Highway Dept. would. be commended
for the job they did An paving this
year. . .a lot of paving has been done. . .
Mrs. Thompson- requested the Town Board to reconsider
the Coles Woods issue. . . (described the
property) urged Qsby. to ,join the
City on the purchase of this property. . .
requested that the Town Board have a
representative to meet with the City
and discuss the project—noted that .�.
this should not Just be considered
a ski area but a green belt to be
preserved. . .must keep the lines of
communications open. . .
Supervisor Brandt- Willing to look at any concepts in this
matter. . .
Councilman Olson- Reviewed the stand of the Board on the
Coles Woods area. . .
Mrs. Thompson- Noted that she did not feel that the
people' s wishes were met. . .could get
1000 names of people who wish to have
the Town and City purchase this property. . .
Councilman Barber- Reviewed the reasons that the Coles Woods
project was turned down• by the Town Board. . .
Mrs. ' Thompson- spoke on the possibility of the city
of Glens Falls withdrawing their applica-
tion for funds bo puuchase Coles Woods. . .
Supervisor Brandt- This also has been related to me that
. . . unless the City can find help that �--,►
the project with the proposed purchase of
the property will have to be cancelled. . .
Mrs. Thompson- spoke on a joint project with the City
and Town pulling together to have this
prbj a ct.
Supervisor Brandt- Commented that he felt payroll' s could
be cut in the Recreation area and the
monies used for acquisition of property. . .
Mrs . Thompson- questedned the Board on if there were any
i (W
A General 839,298. 510,981. 100, 000. 228,317 .
DRHighways: Repairs 210,625. 18, 000. -0- 192, 625.
& improvements
DM Machinery 191,993. -0- -0- 191, 993.
DS Snow & Misc. 136,204. 16, 000. -0- 120,204.
DE Improvement Prog. 36,000. 14, 400. -0- 21,600.
CF Federal Revenue 80,500. 80,500. -0- -0-
C Pineview 56, 147. 49, 234. 6,913. -0-
SL1 Ft. Amherst -
Garrison 3,200. -0- 500. x,700.
SL2 Cleverdale 1, 000. -0- -0- 1, 000.
SL3 Pinewood 140. -0- 40. 100.
SL4 So. Queensbury 9,700. -0- -0- 9, 700.
SL5 West Queensbury 10,000. -0- -0- 10, 000.
SL6 Queensbury 34, 000. -0- 3, 000. 31, 000.
SW1 Queensbury Water 1, 286,748. 394,192. -0- 892, 556.
SW5 W.G.Falls Ext. #1 745. -0- -0- 745.
SW3 W.G.Falls Water 13,959. 10, 571. -0- 3, 388.
SW4 Shore Colony 2, 375. 1, 575. 800. -0-
SF1 Fire Protection 198, 779. -0- -0- 198 ,779.
P.A.C.Sewer 1, 500. -0- 475. 1, 025.
SD1 Qby Drainage 5, 070. -0- -0- 5, 070.
SS3 Reservoir Park 1,550. -0- 800. 750.
TOTALS 3, 119, 533. 1,096, $53. 111.1�f28. 1, 911,552.
r _ General Fund App . ations 1.
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s -
A1010 Town Board fl2tOOO.00 propriatkons- A,.ppropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
.100 Personal Services $13,000.00 $13,780 .00 $ I3,7F+` ,00 13,000 .00
.200 Equipment
",.440 Contractual 358.00 600.00 600.00 60 .00 600 . 00
Total 12,358.00 13, 600.00 14,380.00 14,380 .00 13 ,600 .00
A 1110 Town Justice
.100 Personal Services 16,284.70 18, 176.00 23,865.00 ? s,865 .00 23, 295.00
.200 Equipment 100.00 70.00 7G .00 70 . 00
.440 Contractual 2,096.08 3,140.00 2530.00 2530.00 2 ,530 .00
Total 18,380.78 21V416.00 269465 .00 2� �.r,c, �00 25, 895.00
A 1220 Supervisor 17 ,740.00
.100 Personal Services 17 ,346.45 165426.00 17,740.00 , 29,455. 00
.200 Equipment 245.00
350 00 1_.x_0 .00 2,950 . 00
.440 Contractual 424.08 500.00 1, � �q� .00 �
Total 18,015.53 16,926.00 19,090.00 1. 32, 405.00
A 1330 Tax Collection
.100 Personal Services 89551.08 8,960.00 9.,169_.00 9,169.00 9,169 . 00
. 200 Equipment
.440 Contractual 3,490.63 3, 650.00 3,875.00 331 ,975.00 3, 875. 00
Total 129041.71 12, 610.00 "13.,044.00 1 %J044 .00 13, 044. 00
A 1340 Budget _Administrator
ZI00 Personal. Services 129230,00 1 ', '30 .!?0t -0-
. 200 Equipemant
.440 Contractual 1,600.00 1.,600 .00 -0-
Total 13,830.00 1.3,830.�;0 -0-
A 1355 Assessors
.1.00 Personal Services 12,706.73 13, 375.00 119170.00 1.39470.00 13, 370. 00
.200 Equipe rent 1.13 350.00 6, �9.00 /6 a 9
. 00
.440 Contractual 5,706. 62 2, 300.00
Total 189413.35 171025 .00 17, 240.00 1.99 540.01 19 , 470. 00
A 1410 Town Clerk i
.100 Personal Services 17,060.00 17, 660.00 190068.00 19,068 .00 19, 068. 00
4200 Equipment 200.00 220.00 220,00 220.00
.440 Contractual 4.403.91 4.480.00 5,095.00 5 C, 5, 095. 00
Total 210468.91 22, 340.00 241, 353.00 ?+'';` ?7- 24, 383. 00
General Fund Appro ons 2.1
1975 Actual , 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
A 1420 Attorney Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
.100 Personal Services 59000.00
.200 Equipment
.440 Contractual 20,014.20 13,000.00 19 000.00 19,000.00 $17,000 . 00
Total 209014.20 18,000.00 99000.00 19,000.00 17 ,000. 00
A 1440 Engineer
.100 Personal Services 179130.00 179480.00
.200 Equipment 400.00 400.00 400.00 400. 00
.440 Contractual 5,879.09 6,800.00 13,500.00 13.500.00 13, 500. 00
Total 23 009.09 24 680.00 13 900. 13, 90-0. 00
00 13,900.00
A 1345 Purchasing
.440 Contractual 150.00 150.00 150.00
Total.. 150.00 150.00
150. 00
A 1450.ETections
.1.00 Personal Services 69003.50 10,230.00 9,253.00 99563.00 9, 563. 00
.200 Equipment 700.02 100.00
.440 Contractual 1,011.85 340.00 900.00 900.00 900 . 00
Total 79715.37 109670.00 1.01153.00 10p466.00 10,463. 00
A 1490 Public Works
t100 Personal Services
.200 Equipment
.440 Contractual 500.00 -0- -0- -0-
Total 500.00 -0- -0-~ -0-
A 1620 Buildings
.100 Personal Services 13,4590.17 99513.00 91,928.00 9,928.00 9, 928 . 00
.200 Equipment 119.88 1,855.00 175.00 175.00 175. 00
. 0410 Telephone 7,000.00 7,000.00 7, 000. 00
.420 Insurance 500.00 500.00 500. 00
.430 utilities 22,900.00 25900.00 2, 900. 00
.440 General Contractual 230144.96 369000.00 69480.00 69480.00 6, 480. 00
.450 Fuel Oil 2,900.00 2,900.00 2, 900. 00
Total 37tl44.96 47,368.00�- 29,883.00 29,883.00 29, 883. 00
3 f
General Fund Approp�. . ,-ons
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
A 1910 Unallocated Uns. AEpropri.a.tions Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
•440 Contractual 49198.00 $ 19500.00 $ 2,900.00 7,10.E
7, 700- 00
A 1920 Mun. Ass. Dues
.440 Contractual 400.00 400,00 400.00 400,00 400.00
A 1940 Contingent Account 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20, 000. 00
A 31.20 Police
.100 Personal Services 989002.00 1349850.00 Y 119 0r�{�00.00 124, 300. 00
.200 Equipment 4,090.19 300,00 i 2� ,( p 12, 000. 00
.41.0 Telephone 19500.00 1, 500. 00
.420 Insurance 3,000.00 3, 000. 00
1401400.00.430 Utilities n0. 0 900. 00
,, t , � � c r;n , C 15,000. 00
.440 General Contractual 14,874.27 16,000.00 • -
.450 Fuel Oil (?f) 1,100. 00
.810 Retirement ����- i4 � ���{� 14,96$.t!0 14, 968 . 00
p ,. } 9,000,00 9 , 000. 00
.860 Hospitalization x a , 7 27;)•t��; 7 , 272. 00
.830 Social Secuvity ?, 2001 .00 2, 200. 00 j
.840 Compensation , `� ;tt' 19� , 240.00 191, 240. 00
Total $151150.00 , .
A 3310 Traffic Control
.�30 Utilities 800.00 80(?.r�0 800 . 00
08 5 000.00 4, 20 00 200.00 4, 200. 00
.440 General Contractual. 6, 1.24. 5, 000 . 00
Total 6 124.08 5, 000.00 59000.00 5,000.00
A 31.50 Jail 1100.00 300. 00
.440 Contractual 42.00 31jC 0 300.00
A 3410 Fire Marshal. -, �+ 770.00 4 , 770- 00
.1.00 Personal Ser?i.ces 4$ 500.00 /4t6, 25.00, 4� `?0pOO '
.200 Equipment
.440 rontr_actual 71.6,18 990.0" ?9c?�0Ca 79n,00 790. 0
216 1.8 5, 1 5 nr, 5, 560,00 5, 560.00 5, 560. 0
Total. 5, -
General Fund Appropr( ns
1975 Actual 1976- Budget - Budget Officer' s
A 3510 DogWarden Appropriations Apprpriations Tentative PreliminarX Adopted
.100 Personal Services 79590.00 $ 71,940.00 $ 81,443.00 8,4 3.00 $ 8, 443.00 -
.200 Equipment 4,500.00 720.00 720 .00 720.00
.420 Insurance 250.00 250.00 25{x. 00
.440 General Contractual 2,998,01 3, 570.00 _ 3, 640,�0(p 3, 640.00 3, 640 . 00
Total.. 100 588.01 162010.00 132053.00 13,053. 0 13, 053. 00
A 401.0 Board of Health
. t00 Personal Services 25900.00 21900.00 2,96�; ,, Jw 2,968.00 $ 2, 800.00
.200 Equipment
.440 contractual 900.00 1. 250.00 1, 250.00 1,250.00 1, 250 . 00
Total. 3,700.00 49050.00 4,21.8.00 4, 218.00 4, 050 . 00
A 4020 Registrar of
Vital Statistics
.100 Personal Services 11.0.50 200.00 1.00 .00 1.00.00 100. 00
.200 Equipment
.440 rDn trac tual
Total 110. 50 200.00 100.00 1.00.00 100. 00
A 501.0 Sup_ t.of Highways
.160 Personal. Services 23,700.00 24, 300 ,00 25,900 .00 75,9n0.00 25,900. 00
.200 Equipment
.440 contractual 8.00 300.00 _ _
Total 23,708.00 24, F100.00 25,900.00 25,900.00 25, 900. 00
A 5132 Highway Garage
.410 Telephone 9C0�00 900.00 900. 00
.430 Utilities 12,0�l0,00 1.2,000.00 12, 000. 00
.450 Fuel. Oil 4,300,00 4, 300.00 4, 300. 00
Total 17, 200.00 170200.00 17, 200. 00
A 5182 Street Lighting
1? 36649 , 1x000,_00 19, 55000 1.9, 55 '__,00
4 . . Contractual s. 19, 550. 00
Total 12, 366.49 1.7,000,00 19, 550,00 190550.00 19,550. 00
General Fund Appro ions 5_
1975 Actual.. 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
A 6256 CETA (Title VI) Appropriations appropriations Tentative Preliminary Ad oed_
.100 Personal Services $ 48,687 .08 $ 49,029,00 -0-
.810 Employee Benefits 4,665 .00 11, 57_ 4.00 11,574.00 11, 574. 00
Total 53,352.08 49,029.00 11, 574.00 11, 574.00 11, 57 00
A 6250 CETA (Title II)
.100 Personal Services 7A296.00 7, 296.00 7, 296. 00
.830 Social Security 445.00 44-5.00 445. 00
.860 Hospitalization 800.00 800.00 800. 00
Total 89541.00 8,541,00 8, 541. 00
A 6410 Publicity
.440 Contractual 7,,025.00 5 ,500.00 -0- $ 52500.00 $3,500 . 00
Total 79025.00 5* 500.00 -0- 5, 500.On 3, 500 .00
A 6510 Veterans Service
.440 Contractual 600.00 600.00 600.00 600 ,'?(, 600. 00
Total 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.0n 600. 00
A 7310 Youth Programs
.100 'Dersonal Services 229947 .73 269543,00 "17,634.00 X26, +3.00 26 , 543. 00
��'?�' 00 1, 000. 00
.200 Equipment 49000.00 500.00 �+, �- -�� � � u'
.440 Contractual 14,095.29 12 ,000.00 9., 300.00 12,000.00 10,000 . 00
Total. 379043.02 422543.00 27,434.00 '+2, 543 ,On 37, 543. 00
A 7320 Joint Youth
Contractual 1, 500.00 1, 500.00 1,500.00
_ ."� 1, 500. 00
' 1, 500.00 1, 500.00 19500.00 1,500. 00
A 741.0 Library
.440 Contractual 25,300.00 26 575.00 26,575.00
Total 250300.00 262575.00 269575.00 ' S�4--- 28 ► 575. 0
, 57. . r`(( 28,575. 0
A 7510 Historian
.100 Personal Services 250.00 250.00 -0- -0- -0-
.200 Equipment
.440 Contractual, 98.80 50.00 -0- -0-
Total 348.80 300.00 -0- `-n_ -0-
General. Fund Appro ons 1-
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
A 7550 Celebrations Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
.100 Personal Services
.200 Equipment 3,,400.00
400 Contractual 733. 58 2,800.00 400.00 3,400. 00
Total. 733.58 29800.00 400.00 32400.00 3,400. 00
A 7620 Senior Citizens 5.400.00 5, 400 . 00
.440 Contractual. 1,8_ 00.00 4,9_00.00 5 400.00 5,400. 00
Total 19800.00 49900.00 59400.00 5,400.00
A 8010 Zoning 25,O 59.00 252059.00 25, 059. 00
Personal Services 266.58 300.00
.200 Equipment 1,120.00 1§ 120.00 1,120. 00
.440 Contractual 493.22 700.00 2,88OsQO 2,R80.00 2, 880. 00
420 Insurance 583.00 5$3.00 583. 00
Total. 759.80 1,00.00 29,642.00 ?9,642.00 29,642. 00
Note: A8O2O Planning now
combined with
A8O10 - Zoning.for 1977.
General Fund Approp'L L&.I-tons_
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget officer' s
A 8020 Planning Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Prelim Dinar Adopted
.100 Personal Services 22 582.35- 23,411.00 -0_
.200 Equipment 200.00 -0- -0-
.420 Insurance -0-
.440 General Contractual 2.047.87 _ 2,614.00 -0- -0' _0_
Total 24,630.22 26,225 .00 to:A 8010 Zoning to A 803.0 Zon'
A 8090 Environmental
Con trot _p_
.440 Contractual 372.80 1,000.00 -0- -0- -0-372.80 _1,000.00 -0- -0-
A 8030 Res earch
. 40 Contractual 5,000.00 -0- -0- 20,000 . 00
5,000.00 -0- -0- 20 ,000.00
A 8160 Refuse & Garbage
.100 Personal Services 249226.00 25,450.00 309000.00 302000.00 30, 000. 00
.200 Equipment 10, 000. 00
.440 Contractual 26 077.96 2Q.000,00 10.000.00 10,000.00 40, 000. 00
Total 50,303. 459-450.00 480, 00 40,000.00
A8510 Community
.440-Contractual 904.50 1,000.00 -0- 100. 0 100. 00
Total_ 904.50 19000.00 _0- 100.000 100. 00
A8540 Dra iage 500.00 22, 500.00 2,500.00
-;�0 Contractual 4 200.00 2,100.00 _ 22
Total , 200.00 2,100.00 2Z 500.00 229500.00 27500. 00
A 900 Employee Benefits
9010.8 State Retirement 20,363.00 289000.00 28, 681.00 280681.00 28,681.00
9015.8 Police & Fire Ret. 9,388.00 130210.00
9030.8 Soc. Sec. 189552.04 259138.00 17,012.00 17901.2.00 17,012 . 00
6 680 00 79000.00 9,3.10.00 5,600.00 5, . 00
9040.8 Workmens Comp. , � 34, 004444. 00
9060.8 Hospitalization 14 574.1 24,QQQ.Q4 34,044.00 34,044.00
Total 69,557.?t $ 97',348.00 $ 8;S�+ .0 $77, 7j-,_ l.(�- $85, 337 . 00
General_ Fund Appropriations
1.975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s Preliminary Adopted
Interfund Transfers Appropriations A22ro2riations Tentative
A 9514.9. Pineview $ 239 700.00 ,.m 4. 15- 34,234
Cemetery _�_ _
A 9550.9 Capital fiord 2,000.00 -0- -0
A 9560.9 Capital Reserve 51 100.00 c!
Total 749800.00 309000.00 28,800.00 34,834.00 34, 234.00
Debt Service, -Principal
A 9720.6 Statutory Bonds 49205.00 41205.00 42205.00 41205.00 4, 205. 00
A 9730.6 Bond Anticipation
Notes 69500.00 99450.00 9,450.00 9,450. 00
A 9740.6 Capital Notes 35 ,000.00 -0- -0- -0-
Total 41,205.00 45,705.00 139655.00 1..32655.00 13,655. 00
Debt Service-Interest
A 9720.7 Statutory Bonds 19398.16 1.9202.00 999.00 999.00 999. 00
A 9730.7 Bond Anticipation 1,952.00 1,952.00 1, 952. 0
Notes 3t234.00
A 9740.7 Capital Notes 3,150.00
Total 19398.16 79586.00 29951.00 2,951..00 2, 951. 0
APPROPRIATIONS $ 848_,'0944.0+0 $67..4,088.00 5839,298. 00 839, 298. 0
General Fund Est W Revenues 94
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s Preliminary Adopted
TAX ITEMS Revenues Revenues Tentative
A 1090 Interest & Penalties 4,734.64 3,100.00 3,750.00 3,-750.00 3, 750. 00
Sales Tax
A 1120 Non Property Tax 2989664.77 300,000.00 200,000.00 $150,000.00 150,000. 00
Distribution by
partmental Income
ZU01 Park Recreation Chgs. 600.00 600.00 600. 00
A 1232 Tax Collection 729.24 700.00 700.00 700.00 700. 00
A 12_S5 -Clerk Fees 1,761.00 115,50.00 1,550.00 1_9550.00 1,550. 00
A 1.520 Police Fees 482.50 350.00 400.00 400.00 400.00"
A 1570 Demolition Permits 130.00 60.00 1.00.00 100.00 100. 00
A 2110 Zoning Fees 1,250.00 1,400.00 1. 600.00 1, 600.00 1,600. 00
Total. 40352.74 49060.00 431950.00 42950.00 4, 950.
'A 2401 Use of Money & Property
Interest & Earnines 10,737.26 12,000.00 15,000.00 15.000.00 15,000. 00'
Total 109327.26 12,000.00 1.59000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
Licenses and Permits
A 2545 Other licenses 3,194.20 41000.00 49000.00 4,000.00 4, 000. 00'
A 2540 Bingo License 900.31 700.00 700.00 700.00 700. 00
A 2555 Building Permits 119778.00 12,000.00 129000.00 129000.00 12,000. 00
A 2544 Dog Licenses 29625.16 2$ 00.00 3,500.00 3. 5 0,00 3, 500. 00
A 2590 Junk Yard Permits 150.00 175.00 125.00 125.06 125. 00
A 2610 Fines and Forfeited 28 145.10 28,000.00 30,000.00 30"000.00 30, 000. 00
Total Bail %60792.77- $47,375.00 $509325.00 50,325.00 50, 325. 00
General Fund Estimated Revenues
1.975 Actual 1976 Budget budget Officer' s
A2768 Public Employment Revenues Revenues Tentative Pre]_imina Adopted
Program (title 6) $ 66,405.00
A 2766 ( Title 2) 18,180.98 $ 63, 237.00 $ 90956.00 $ 99956.00 $9,956. 00
A 2770 Cable T.V. 7,478.64 4, 500.00 89000.00 89000.00 81000. 00
A 3001 Per Capita 168,863000 160,000.00 180,000.00 1800000.00 180,000.00
A 3005 Mortgage Tax 103,291.74 800000.00 80,000.00 809000.00 80.000.00
A 3820 Youth Programs 70110.53 8,000.00 79500.00 79500.00 7,500. 00
A 3803 Programs for Aging 2,450.00 _ 1.500.00 1s 500.00 1,500.00
Grand Total Estimated Revenues 371,329.89 $664,722 ,00 $560,981.00
$51,0,961.0 510,931. 00
Unexpended Balance Applied $ 100,000.00 I00,000.00
$.100,000.0 100, 000. 00
A 1001 Real Property Tax $ 999540.00 $ 63,399.00 $ 13,107 .00 $
228,317. 00 - 228,317.0
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget officer' s
C 8810 APPROPRIATIONS ADPropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
.l 0 Personal Services 350687 .17 $ 380946.00 $ 32, .00 r '314.00
.200 Equipment 19168.47 19000.00 1,000.00 $ 19600.000 � 31, 000.00
.400 Contractual 49799.62 59330.00 - _ -
.416 Telephone 250.00 250.00 250. 00
.4�O Insurance 29000.00 20100.00 2,100. 00
.430 Utilities 200.00 1 200.00 200.00
.440 Gen. Contractual 31300.00 31300.00 3, 300. 00
.450 Fuel. Oil _____._ 7 700_;00 700. 00
Total 471'10 655.26 452276.00 . 399930.00 452364.00 45,364. 0"
9G 000 ._EnnPloyee Benefits
-State Retirement 39014.00 39880.00 40509.00 49509.00 4,509. 00
9030.8 Soc. Security 19987 .89 2,279.00 29290.00 2,290.00 2, 290.00
9040.8 Workmens Comp. 19002.00 19000.00 1,500.00 11500.00 1, 500. 00
9060.8 Hospitalization 1,135.35 1,465.00 2,484.00 2,484.00 2,484. 00
Total 7,139 24 830624.00 10,783.00 109783.00 10
Total Cemetery Approp. $489794.50 $53,900.00 $ 503,713.00 $56,147 .00 $ 56;147.0
C 2190 Sale of Cemetery Lots 5,116.37 69000.00 6,000.00 69,000.00 6, 000. 0
C 2192 Cemetery Serv. 10,123.75 82000.00 89000.00 89000.00 8,000. 0
C 2810 Gen. Fund Trans. 239700.00 28,000.00 28,800.00 34,:23=x,00 34, 234. 0
C 2401 Interest 2,191.57 1,000.00 ?.,000.00 1 000.00 11000.0
Total Est. Revenues 419131.69 439000.00 439800.00 49234.00 49,234. UO-
Estimated Unexpended Balance 10,900.00 6,973.00 60913.00 6, 913.00
Repairs & Improvements 1975 1976 Budget Budget Officer's
(Item 1) - Actual Appropriations Amropriations Tentative Preliminary AdoDted
DR5110.1 Personal Services$104,570.47 -'
$930690.00 $ 879187.00 $ 879187 .00 87,187.00
DR5110.440 1549772.51 105,645.00 23,000.00 239000.00 23, 000.00
DR5110.461 Patching Mix 109000.00 10,000.00 10, 000. 00
DR5110.462 Tars & 639500.00 630500.00 63, 500.00
DR5110.463 Limestone
.Total $259t342.98 $199.335.00 $t83,687.00 $183, 687 .00 183, 687.00
Employee Benefits
DR9010.8 State Retirement 119500.00 12,100.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
DR9030.8 Soc. Sec. 50392.48 51,480.00 59313.00 50313.00 5,313. 00
DR9040.8 Workmens Comp. 3,999.60 4,000.00 2,925.00 30 -5.00 3,425.00
DR9060.8 Hospitalization 6,1 75.34 6, 500.00 6, 200.00 6 200.00 6,200.00
Total - $ 279067.42 $ 28,080.00 $ 26,438.00 $2Z,8.00 26,938. 00
Total Appropriations Item 1 286,41� 0.40 $227,415.00 $ 210_1_2jp $91.0.162 5 0.OO -1V 10,6 2 5.V
Machine y (Item III)
DM5130.1 Personal Services 189775.30 31.500.00 329054.00 $ 32,054.00 32,054.00
DM5130.2 Equipment 8,152.00 250700.00 7% 000.00 75,000.00 75,000 .00
DM5130.420 Insurance 139000.00 179100.00 17,100.00
DM5130.440 General Contractual 329000.00 322000.00 32, 000. 00
DM5130.465 Lubricants
DM5130.400 Total Contractual 53.001.59 63.0_0_0.00
Total. 790928.89 1009200.00 $1.52105 +4 $1. , 156, 154. o
Employee Benefits
DM9010.8 State Retirement 19900.00 19985.00 21100.00 291.00.00 2 , 100. 00
DM9030.8 Soc. Sec. 19107.93 1,843.00 1-30954.00 1. 0954.00
1,954. 00
DM9040.8 Workmens Comp. 386.08 500.00 975.00 975.00 975. 00
DI9060.8 Hospitalization 878.44 1,692.00 21000.00 2.000.0() 2 ,000.00
Total r ,2+ 7245 6.020.nO 79029.00 7,029.00 7, 029 . 00
Debt Service 1975 Actual 1.976 Budget Budget Officer' s
Principle Appr-oerriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
DM9730.6 Bond Anticipation 7149 145.UU $149145.00 $ 14,145.00 $ 14, 145.00 ' JIL 4 • 0 C
DM9740.6 Capital 35,160.00
DM9720.6 Stat. Bonds 11,367.00 11,367.00 11,367.00 11,367.00 11,367.0(
Total 609672.00 259512.00 25,51.2.00 250512.00 25,512 .00
DM9~730.7 Bond Anticipation 39526.31 21829.00 29016.00 29016.00 2, 016 .00
DM9740.7 Capital 19538.25
DM9720.7 Stat. Bonds 2.3,03.92 1.793.00 1,282.00 1, 282.00 1,282. 00
Total 79368.48 4.622.00 3,298.00 3,298.00 aC
Total Appropriations(Item 111)$152,241..82 1$136,354.00 $ 187,893.00 11A91 99.3-.00 191,993. 00
Viscellaneous (Brush
& Weeds)
DS5140.440 General Contractual
Expense 19065.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 G, 000.0
Total L 9 Ub--) II 4,000.00 62000.00 69,000 0
Snow Removal(Item IV)
DS51 2,1 Personal Services 549447.63 729170.00 809640.00 802640.00 80,640. 0
DS5142.440General Cont. Exp. 200966.24 259000.00 92000.00 93,000.00 9,000. 0
DS5412.461 Patching Mix. 39100.00 3,000.00 3, 000. 0
DS5142.464 Salt 12 000.00 12.000.00 12, 000.0
Total 759413.87 979170.00 1U4;b4U:QO $1049640.00 5104,640.0
Employee Benefits
DS9010.8 Retirement 79045.00 89500.00 1.29000.00 122000 .00 12,000. 0
DS9030.8 Soc. Sec. 3,262.90 4,222.00 4,914.00 4, 914 .00 4,914.0
DS9040.8 Workmen' s Comp. 1.9432.32 1,700.00 2, 600.00 3,#50.00 3,150 .0
DS9060.8 Hospitalization 19982.88 42400.00 S 500.00 5, 5nn.n0 5,500.0
Total $ 1:5,723.'T $1010ZZ':OU- �ZJ UI.4.UU $2 5, ,b4.UU 25,564.0
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
Total Appropriations
'Item IV $. 90 9201 .97 $119.992.00 $ 135, 654.00 $ 1 36, ''04.00 $136,204. 0(
Accounts West Mountain Road
Improvement Program
(Project No. 5150
DE5151.1 Personal Services 400.00 400.00 400. 0(
'DE5150.4 Contractual 830.00 830.00 830.0(
ED515O.8 Employee Benefits 120.00 120.00 120. 00
De5150.9 Transfer to
Highway Fund
Total 1,350.00 19350.00 1,350.0(
Improvement Program Eldridge Road
(Prod ect No. 5151)
DE5151.1 Personal Services 400.00 400.00 400.0
DE5151.4 Contractual 830.00 830.00 830.0
DE5151.8 Employee Benefits 120.00 120.00 120.0
DE5151.9 Transfer to
Highway Fund
Total 11350.00 19350.00 1,3 0.0
Thurderbird Drive
Improvement Program
(project No. 515 )
DE5152.1 Personal Services 300.00 300.00 300.0
DE5152.4 Contractual 645.00 645.00 645.0
DE5152.8 Employee Benefits 90.00 90.00 90. 0
DE5152.9 Transfer to
Highway Fund
Total Appropriations 1, 1',035. 0
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
Bridge Meadr%whrook Road
Improvement Program
(Project No. 515
DE5153.1 Personal_ Services ?52000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00
DE5153.2 Contractual 15,820.00 15,820.00 15,820.00
DE5153.8 Employee Benefits 1,50t':*f'f) 1,500.00 1,500. 00
DE5153.9 Transfer to
Highway Fund
Total $ 220320.00 $22,320.00 $ 2,320.00
French Mt. Drive
Improvement Program
(Project No. 5154)
DE515 .1 Personal Services 29500.00 2,500.00 2,500.0
DE5154.2 Contractual 2, 150.00 21150.00 2,150.0
DE5154.8 Employee Benefits 750.00 750.00 750.0
D25154.9 Transfer to
Highway Fund
Total $ 5,400.00 $ 59400.5-0 $5 .0
Bennet Road
Improvement Program
(Project„ No. 5155)
DE1515 Personal Services 300.00 300.00 300.0
DE1515.4 Contractual 555.00 555.00 555.0
HE1515.8 Employee Benefits 90.O0 90.00 90 .0
DE1515.9 Transfer to
Highway Fund
Total $945.0 $945.00 $
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
: Improvement Program
Project No. 5156)
DE5156.1 Personal Services $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 800. 00
DE5156.4 Contractual 23,560.00 2,560.00 2,560 .00
DE5156.8 Employee Benefits 240.00 240.00 240.00
.DE5156.9 Transfer to
Highway Fund
Total $ 3#600.00 $ 3.600.00 $ 3,600.0
Total Appropriations for 'Improvement Programs $ 36,000.00 $ 36,0___ 00._00 36,000.00
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's
Accounts Aoronriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
Local Sources `-"'-
DR2650 Sale Gas $ 39205.17
DR2401 Interest & 59615.02 $ 99000.00 $ 90000.00 $ 91000.00
Earnings $ 1.000.00
DR2680 Insurance 342.00
DR2840 Transfer from
Highway Fund IV 549108.34
DR2770 Personal & Equip. . 241.00
DR2812 Trenefer Gen. 319000.00
State Aid, Mileage
and valuation Aid
DR3507 9,450.00 9,000.00 9.000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00
Total Estimated Revenues
$103,961.53 $100000.,00 . $189000:00 }1.80000.00 $18,000.00
Local Sources
DM1120 Non-Property
tax Distribution
by County
DM2401 Interest &Earning 3,742.24 8.60.00 none none none
DM2665 Sale
DM2416 Rental of 4quip. 17,818.90 8.000.00 none none none
DM2810 Transfer from
General Fund
State Aid none none none none
Total Estimated Revenues --------
210561.14 $16,000.00
Accounts 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Prelimina A do ted
DS1120 Local Sources
Non Property Tax
Distribution by County
DS2300 Services for other $ 169000.00 $ 160000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,00'0.00
dove raMen t s
DS2401 Interest & Earnings $ 11925.56
DS2810 Transfer from Gen. Fund
DS2812 Town Outside Village
02840 Transfer from Highway Fund
DS2650 Miscellaneous 782.19
. DS3650 Sale of Gas
Total $ 2,707.5 169000.00 $ 163,000.00 $ 161000.00 $16,000.00
DE35—2 State Aid 40995.00 149000.00 14,400.00 14,400. 00 - 14,400. 00
Highway Improvement
Program Total ,r 0 140000. 149400.00 14,400.00 14,400
Federal Revenue Sharing Fund A ppropriations
Gr i99/ 03
. Police Highway Bldg. 6051000.00
GF1620.2 Shared Serv.
CF5110.4 Highway Repairs 809500.00 80,500.00 80,500.00
CF ZOT interest
CF 4001 Federal Revenue $ 609000.00 $ 809500.00 80, 500.00 80,500. 00
Total Estimated Revenues $ 601,000.00 $ 809500.00
gQ� SQp.QQ 80,500 .00
Estimated Unexpended Balance none none none
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
5182.400 Anproyriations Anpropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
Contractual Expenses. 2 817.03 $3.1-90 00 $3,200.00 T - '_'-tom' $ 3,200.(
Total 29817.03 39190.00 $ 30200.00 39200.00 3,200.(
SL1 2401 Interest 76.50 none
Estimated Revenues none none
'Estimated Unexpended Balance none none 500.00 5011.00 500.(
SL2 Cleverdale Lightinji District
5182,4 Contractual $ 19000.00 TP000 .00 1,000.0(
Expenses, --
Total 854.47 900.00 19000.00 10000.00 11000.0(
S12 2401 Interest 12.59 none
Estimted Revenues none none -0-
Estimated Unexpended Balance none none -0- -0-
SL3 Pinewoed Lighting-District
5182.4 Contractual $ 108.03 $ 165.00 140.00 140.no 140.0
k2la-ses i
108 03 165,00 140.00 40.0 0 .0
S13 2401 Interest none none
Estimated Revenues none none
Estimated Unexpended Balance none none 40.00 40.0 40.0
SL4 South Oueensbury Lighting District
5182.4 Contractual
Expenses $ 7,611.77 $8,360.00 8,700.00 8.700 .00 $9,700. 00
Expenses 8,360.00 , 81700.00 ,700,00
S14 2401 Interest 204.16 none
Estimated Revenue none none -0- -0- -0-
SL5 West Queensbtxry Lianting Pi strict
1.975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Ad_opted
Contractual Expense M 9.1_46.67 $ 9,020.00 $ 9,300.00 $ 9,300.00 $10. 000. 0
Total $ 99146.67 $ 9,02(1.00 $ 99300.00 $ 99300.00 10,000. 0
S15 2401 Tnterest 222.67 none
Estimated Revenues none none -0-
Estimated Unexpended Balance none none -0- -0-
5182.400 $ 289840.13
Contractual Expense $ 31.350.00 34,000.00 $34,000.00 $34,000. 0,
. Total � � 31.350.00 343,000.00 342000.00
X116 2401 Interest 19395.30 none
Estimated Revenue none none
Estimated Unexpended Balance none none 32000.00 3,000.00 3,000.0
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's
Accounts Appropria_ tions Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
8310 Administration
8340.100 Personal Serv. $ 21,033.60 $ 239901.00 $ 28,325.00 $ 28,325.00 $28, 325. 00
8310.200 Equipment 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
8319.400 'Eorrtractual Total 79769.02 14,730.00
8310.410 Telephone - 39000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
:8310.420 Insurance - 169000.00 129000.00 12,000.00
31x0.440 General Contractual 8.510.00 8.510.00 81,510 .00
Total $ 28,802.62 $ 38,831.00 $569035.00 $ 529035.00 .0 3 5'.00
Source of Power & Supply
8320 Pum in&
83LOPersonal Serv. 499665.71 $ 54,254.00 290900.00 29,900.00 29,900.00
8320.200 Equipment 939.17 29700.00 29125.00 2,125 .00
2,125. 00
8320.400 Contractual Total 65,168.08 869925.00
8320.430 Utilities 699300.00 69, 300.00 69,300.00
8320.440 General Contractual 275.00 275.00 275.00
8320.450 Fuel Oil 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000. 00
'Total $1159772.96 $1439 879.00 $111,600.00 $111, 600.00 $111,600.00
8330 Purification
3 00 Personal Services 119571.60 149320.00 18,647.00 1.8, 647.00 18,647.00
8330.200 Equipment 125.00 29425.00 2,425.00 2,425.00
8330.400 Contractual Total 139141.80 27,870.00
8330.440 General Contractual 20,500.00 20, 500.00 20,500. 00
Total $24,713.40 $42,315.00 X41,572.00 X41,-572.00 4 157T.-o o
8340 Transmission &
8340.100 Personal Serv. $ 639817 .54 61747.00 719095.00 71,095.00 71,095.00
8340.200 Equipment 821.30 13.350.00 79000.00 79000.00 7,000.00
8340.400 Total Contractual ,47.967.52 579000.00
8340.440 General Contractual 62.000.00 62,000.00
62, 000. 00
Total $112,606.36 $134#097.6 0 $140,095.00 $140,095.00 $140,095.00
Accounts . 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
Employee Benefits Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Pre liminar Adopted_
9010.8 Retirement $ 129600.00 $ 149896.00 $ 199350.00 $ 19,350.00 $ 19,350. 00
9030.8 Soc. Sec. 89108.11 99140.00 102990.00 10,990.00 10,990.00
9040.8 Workmens Comp 19780.00 2,500.00 4,260.00 49260.00 4,260.00
9030.8 Hospitalization 6,1.._.� 8,640.00 10,280.00 101280.00 10,280.00
Total $ 280682 .55 $ 35,1 76.00 $44.880.00 44,8'80.00 44,880. 00
394,298.00 $394,182000 $390.182.00
Ddbt Service
.9720.6 Statutory $ 3,760.00 3,760.00 9,760.00 9, 760.00 9,760. 00
9710.6 Serial Bd. 15,000.00 223,000.00
9730.6 Bd. Antic. 137,020„70 15,000.00 223,000.00 223,000.00 12,864. 00
Total $155,780.70 189.400.00 12.864.00 12,354.00
$ 258,160.00 $245,624.00 $24530624.00 $245,624.00
Debt Service
9720.7 Statutory 822.50 658.00 21294.00 21294.00 2,294. 0
9710.7 Serial Bd. 12, 687.50 129163.00 4819367.00 4810367.00 481,367.0
9730.7 Bond Anti. 205,2 61.7 6 313,821.00 3.508.00 3,508.00 3,508.0
Total $2189771.76 $3311642.00 $487.169.00 $487 .169.00 $487,169.5(
9870.6 .Rev. Ant. Note. $ 50,000.00 105,500.00 1.051500.00 1051500. 0
9870.7 Rev. Ant. Note. 50,000.00 89273.00 8,273.00 8,273.0
9975.6 Repayment of Gen. Fund Loan 142,687 .00 $1000000.00 50,000.00 50,.000.00 50,000.0
Total $163;1 73.00 $163,773.00 $ 63,773.0
Total. Indebtedness $ 51.7.239 .46 $ 689,902.00 $ 896,566.00 $896. 566.00 $896,566. 0
$ 827,817. 46 $ 1,084,200.00 $1, 290,748. 00 $1,290 .748. 00 $1,286, 748
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s preliminary Ad_,opt=
Tentative -
Accounts Appropriations
Appropriations 450.00 $ 339,450.00 $ 339 ,450.0
114,061.89 199 ,499.00 $ 3399
SW2140 Metered Sales $ 200000-001 20 ,000.0
SW2142 Unmetered Sales 85,019.37 190,675.00 20,000.00
7,000.00 79000.00 7 , 000.0
SW2144 Water Connection 99726.64 1,126.00 12126.00 1,126.0
SW2148 Interest & Penalties 1,019.11 1,000.0
On Water Rents 1,000.00
777 .99 1,000.00 1,000.00
9W2401 Interest..f&_Ea=nings 400.00 ]3,450 .0
400.00 480.00
SW2650 Sales of Scrap &
Excess Materials 405.75 500.00 500.00
SW2416 Rental 39450.00 3,450.00--0- 1 ,368.00 SW2770 Supervision 11 266.00 16 318.53 5 ,000.00 11,266.00 X000 00 1
SW2770 Relayed Water 10 L000.00 10' 192 0
12 015.40 $3240192.00"' $394. 192.00 $394, .
SW2378 Water Service for 2282 $404.842.00
other -governments. $ REVENUES:
DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 525.00 525.00 525.00 525.0
9710- - er a on s 525.00
DEBT SERVICE INTEREST 736-n 220.00 220.00 220.0
S-0068- 252.00 $ 745.00 $ 745.0
$761.25 $745. 0
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s
Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
34104400 Payments on $125,057 .00 $ 125,592.36 $ 150, 694.00 $ 1509694.00 $173,122.00
Fire .Contracts
3410.440 Payments on 14 499.00 14,499.00
Ambulance Contracts 10,000.00 14,499.00
3410.410 Insurance, Etc. 6.145.00 7,101.00 9,455.00 11 X158.00 11,158.00
_�..._ _
TOTAL $142,693.36 $1.74,648.00 $1769351.00 198.779:00
SF2401 Interest 1,602.34 none none none none
ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED 19602.34 1,800.00 none none none
8310 Administration
ConEraetual 400.00 19000.00 $ 19000.00 $ 1, 000.00
8320 Source of S_ ugly, 6500.00
Power & Pumpl-g 7 .15 69500.00 69500.00 '
6,500. 00
8340 Transmission &
str ut on 6 459.00 6V459.00 6 ,459. 00
83 +0. 0U Contractual 39224.35.35 2 ,000.00 ,
Debt Service -0- -0- -0-
Principal Loan 2 —�-""-
TOTAL DISTRICT $31,231.50 $11,508.00 $ 13,959.00 $ 13,959.00 $13,959.00
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's
Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Ad, opted
2140 Metered Sales $ 159.22 400.00 $ 342.00 $ 342.00 $ 342.00
2142 Unmetered Sales 30863.70 8,270.00 99 929.00 99929.00 9, 929.00
2148 Penalties 28.45 none none none none
2770 Relayed Water 350. 00 300.00 300.00 300.00
TOTAL $ 41051.37
$ 9,020.00 $ 109571.00 $109571.00 $ 10,571.00
8310 Administration
UTFM-ntractuai 968.00 19000,00 19000.00 1, 000 .00
8320 Source of Suppll
Mjie-r 0. Contractual 21.71 50. 00 50.00 50.00 50.00
8330 Purification
ZT-MR-tractual 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
8340 Transmission &
Ns-tribgn Contractual 500.00 ,1 `300.00 1,300.00 1.3 0 0. 0 0
TOLAt WATER DISTRICT $ 1,543. 00 $2,375.00 $29375.00 $2,375. 00
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's
Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
2142 Unmetered Sales $ 690.00 $ 1,495.00 $ 1,495.00 $ 19495.00 $ 1.495.00
2148 Penalties 3.45 10.00 10.00 10100 10.00
70.00 70.00
2770 Relayed Water 8.00 70.00
TOTAL REVENUES $ 693.45 $ 1,543. 00 $ 1,575.00 $ 1,57500 $ 75.00
UNEXPENDED BALANCE none none 800.00 800.00 800.00
8130 Sewage Treatment
ntractual $, 1-500•0.._.0 1,500. 00 $ 19500.00 1.500.00 1,500. 00
• TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 19500.00 $ 1,500. 00 $ 10500.00 $ 19500.00 $1,500. 00
2401 Interest none none none none none
2770 Transfer from none none none none none
Special Dist.
TOTAL none none none none
ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED none none °?x.00 475.00 475.00
{ ( ;7
1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's
Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted
8130 Sewage Treatment
4! Dis o— s az-
ontractual $ 48 $ ]., �QS� nn $ 1.55000 $ 1,550.00 $ 1,550.00
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 486.88 $ 1,300. 00 $ 19550.00 19550.00 1,550. 00
2401 Interest none none none none none
TOTAL none none none none
800.00 800.00 800.00
Debt Service
Fr�nc �as _
9710. Serial Bonds $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 51000.00 59000.00 5, 000. 00
Debt Service
710. � Serial Bonds 350.00 210. 00 _ 70.00 70.00
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 51350.00 $ 5,210.00 $ 59070.00 $59070.00
$5,070. 00
2401 Interest 4.03 none none none
TOTAL none none none none
,BALANCE 366.00 none none
' 1
( Article 8 of the Town Law)
1975 1976 1977
SUPERVISOR 8,000. 00 8,250. 00 8,250.00
COUNCILMAN 3, 000.00 3,250.00 3,250.00
COUNCILMAN 3,000.00 3,250. 00 3, 250.00
COUNCILMAN 3,000. 00 3, 250. 00 3,250. 00
COUNCILMAN 3000. 00 3,250.00 3,250.00
TOWN CLERK 10,210. 00 10,460. 00 11,500. 00
HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT 12, 400. 00 12,650. 00 13,400. 00
TOWN JUSTICE 4,500. 00 4,750. 00 4,750.00
TOWN JUSTICE 4,500. 00 4,750. 00 4,750. 00
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR 250.00 250.00 250. 00
areas in the Town that are going to
be left green?
Supervisor Brandt- Very few. . .
Councilman Barber- Commented on the alternate proposal made
to the City and no comment has been received
from them on this . . .
noted the number of comments anti coles
. . . woods. . .
Supervisor Brandt- Councilmam Walter will meet with you
and discuss the possibilities of Coles
Woods . . .
`-4 Councilman Olson- Spoke on the financial status of the
town. . . in regard to recttapional vs.
.Town needs vs. taxes. . .
David Daley- 'Presented petition to the Board. . .
We, the undersigned, residents of Homer Avenue, Glens Falls , town
of Queensbury request the posting of weight limit signs of ten
tons gross on Homer Avenue, -because we feel the road is not designed to
carry the excessive strain these vehicles apply to this road.
(signatures on file in Town Clerk' s 'Office)
Trucks use this road for a short cut. . .
named several companies that use the
road. . .
Councilman Barber- Stated that there is a resolfion
restricting weight limits on Homer Ave. . .
done in the administration of Geriild
. . . -, Suggested researching this and if this
is postable then it will be a Polite
matter. . .
Supervisor Brandt- Requested Mr. Chase to look into this
and notify the Board on his findings. . .
Carl Garb- 1' do`not think that this was ever
finalized. . .posted for winter use only. . .
Councilman Barber- I recall that it was. . .
Mr. Glen Greeno- Zuested that the Board do something
inate in regard to ENCON and APA
and regional govern' t in general in a
form of a resolution to protect the rights
of the people of the Town of Queensbury. . .
Arthur.Turnbull- thanked Mr. Phil Wright-at the landfill was
courteous and efficient—What is going to
happen now that the landfill is filling up?
Supervisor Brandt- RHviewed the steps that Finch Pruyn went
rthru in gaining the APA and ENCON approval . . .
and° his views on the how he felt at the
tifne. . . son no problem from his view point. . .
is far as town law goes you brought it to
our' attention. . .we have as of tonight asked
Finch Pruyn to make application to us and
they are going to do that. . .
Mr. KRlmartin- Questioned why others were getting water
and.he was unable to?
Councilman Robertson- Have you made out an application for water
Mr. Kilmartin- I will tomorrow. . .
H. Russell Harris- Top of the World is private and it cost
$1.00 to see the view. . .asked that
the Board consider the possibility
that the view could be seen by anyone
without paying. . .
Supervisor Brandt- Commented on the situation on Prospect
Mountain where public fnndds paid for the
highway and you pay to go up it. . .
I do not see anything too wrong with a
man being in private business to sell
his commadtty which is a view. . .when the
. . .State does the same thing. . .
Councilman Walter- Did have some reservations in reggrd to
private business being designated by
the Town, checked out with Town Attodney'
as far as the Town in concerned that
there is nothing illegal about this. . .
. ,it would be a matter of policy of the
Board. . .
H. Russell Harris- Questioned why ENCON will allow a landfill
within-100' of a water supply?
Supervised Brandt- Water monitoring is part is part of the
application. . .the 100' is speculation
ENCON has said'to date the minimum is
100' to the water, it may be as much as
2001 —also testing of Mud Pond will have
to be done. . .
Arthur Turnbull- Has there been a price set for the property
. .owned by Finch Pruyn?
Supervisor Brandt- No.
Unknom- Is there not a budget for the landfill?
Supervisor Brandt- There is no doubt that we will go over
budget. . .Reviewed the new laws for
landfills. . .many expenditures have
to be made to comply with the law. . . _..1
equipment etc. . .
Mr. Greeno- If we did not join with the City on a
landfill wdaLd we still have to purchase
Councilman Walter- In the near future. . .
Councilman Robertson- My guess for the purchase of land would
be in the next five years. . .
Commented that we had to stop the landfill
from growingain Queensbury. . .Luzerne Road. . .
Councilman Barber- REgarding the purchase of land for a land-
fill. . . a substantial amount of acreage
was purchased on two occasions . . . three
years ago an engineer was hired to investi-
gate more purchase of land. . .we were
assured that we ha-de-enough acreage and
we were assured that certain boundaries
did exist when in fact never did exist. . .
We have had parcels of property that
. . existed within the, an island within
the land owned by the town purchased
. . . discretely from out and under the nose
of the town without any knowledge that
we in fact knew, infact knew, it was there.
Five acres recently being purchased,in the
land now being discussed,, by a former, Super-
visor of this Town. . . .
There has been a .ekk of planning hopefully
there will be substantial planning in the
next few menithk. . .
H. Russell Harris- Commented on the volumn that the City is
bringing into the landfill. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 217, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its
adoption, secon a by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 77-9A numbered
1078 through 1207 and totaling $90,599.51 be approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrv. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION 10. 218 , Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its
adoption, secon a by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS, because of insuffieient funds in account number Al 3410. 440
Fire Marshal Contractual, and
WHEREAS, Supervisor Brandt feels that it is in the best interest of
the Town of Queensbury that Mr. Bodenweiser not attend a Conference
but continue his duties for the Town of Queensbury, Now, Therefore
be it
be rescinded.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTT N NO. 219 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its
adoption, second—ea-by Mr. Hammond Hpbertson:
RESOLVED, that the bid on the Police Siren Equipment be excluded from
the original bid, Total bid-now totaling $9,450.00
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. - Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
(The following is tke description for Resolution No. 201 of 1977)
All Those Premises situate in the Town of Queensbury, County of
Warren, State of New' York, and bounded and described as follows :
COMMENCING at a stone monument marked "Southeast corner Lawrence
Patent, 1770 thence N 04° - 09' - 34" E, 861. 34 feet; thence N 03' -28'
-45" E, 255.20 feet; thence N 03' -24' -56" E, 530.25 feet; thence N 02° -58'
-09" E, 163.05 feet; thence N 03' -57' -04" E, 425. 93 feet to an iron pipe
for a corner on the southerly side of Route 149; thence S 870 -59' -10 ' E,
939. 17 feet to an dron pipe for a corner; thence S 040 -15'-31" W, 708.97
feet; thence 8' 85'* -15°-'-17" E, 72 feet more or less to a corner; thence S
4° -15' -31" W, 1560 feet to a corner; thence N 860 -27'14" W, 969. 32 feet
to the point or place of beginning,