1977-10-18 SP 185
RESOLUTION N0, 240. Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS, Carl Garb, Highway Supt. for the Town of Queensbury did recommend
that we advertise for bids for one three quarter ton 4x4 pickup, and
WHEREAS, bids were advertised for and received on October 11, 1977 and
turned over to Mr. Garb for his recommendation, Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that upon Mr. Garb's request the Town Board accept the bid of
Whiteman Chevytown pf Glens Falls in the amount of $6,870.00 and be it
RESOLVED, that thks ,bp6ag .the lowest of three bids received will be paid
for from the Highway Budget.
"-- Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: Mr. Barber
Absent: None
COUNCILMAN BARBER- Asked Mr. Garb if the plow was coming from
the county?
MR. SHERMAN- Questioned what the situation of water
lines are on Popular. Street?
COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- The lines will be replaced before the freeze. .
Mr. Dunn foom .hhh same area appeared in regard to the water lines. . .
I On. motion the meeting was adjourned.
LRespectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman
Robert Barber, Councilman Frances Walter, Councilman Hammond Robertson,
Councilman Joseph Brennan, Town Counsel. .
PRESSx- Glens Falls Post Star, WBSC, WBZA
TOWN OFFICIALS: Carl Garb, George Liapes, Thomas Murphy, Shtrley Shenk
GUESTS: Attorney Laden, Attorney Stewart, Mr. Smith., Mr. VanDusen, Mr.
Joseph Daire., Mr. Lester Baird, Mr. Shenk, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Glen Greeno
Mr. Clements
Meeting Opened with a Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Olson.
While awaiting the arrival of Councilman Barber Supervisor Brandt requested
that the following resolution be introduced.
RESOLUTION NO. 241., Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption,
seed by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
RESOLVED, that a streetlight be installed on Pole No. 189 at the intersection
of Assembly Point and Route 9L and be it further
RESOLVED, that Niagara Mohawk be sent a certified copy of this resolution.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: Mr. Barber
Councilman Barber arrived.
Opendd 7: 16 P.M.
Edward Loden-Attorney representing the owners of the property KBR and
possible purchasors of the property Mr. & Mrs. Heber. . .Description of
the Property given. . .Reviewed Mr. & Mrs. Heber Variance which was granted
by the Zoning Board of Appeals and is nov in litigattnn, for the placement
of a Travel Agency, Tempor&yy H&Pp off*ee,-- And Curio Shop, the owners now
wihh to rezone the entire parcel. . .Commented on the surrounding area
as C-3 in nature. . .noted the rezoning of property of Cumberland Farms
from M-1 to C-3 and Conklin P*bg. and Heating from Residential to C-3.
Stated the hardship faced by Mr. Knoblauch Jr. in the ownership of the
property. Noted the two prier variances granted for commercial use
of this parcel of land. . .Reviewdd the property as being non productibre
an eye sore and not a great deal derived for .tax purposes. Gave the
Board an Artist Rendering of the proposal of Mr. &- Mrs. Heber. -. .
Noted that Albany Eng. objected to the rezoning for the sole purpose that
it should stay M-1. Presented the Board with letters favoring the
rezoning from Mrs. Dorothy Chartier, James Conklin, R&chard Mead, Ethel
& Ray Wynn and Mr. Willett. (Letters on file in Town Clerk' s Office)
Mr. Les Baird- questioned kbm long this has been going on?
Edward L w4en-Since May of 1977.
Ralph VanDusen-lives next door to the property, noted that he only
received two days notice of the previous meeting. . .not enough time. . .
no objection to the property on Quaker Road being rezoned but did
object to the property on Ridge Road being rezoned to C-3.
Joan Robertson- suggested that the property be preserved as good early
Bob Stewart, Attorney for Albany Engineering. . .appearing in opposition. . .
reviewed the zoning law in respect to the Town Board' s position in
rezoning. . .Commenting on the Town Plan, Murphy and Kren Plan of several
years ago stated that the property should be made more industrial not less.
Viewed the rezoning proposal as spot zoning. . .Noted that hardship reason
on the part of Mr. Knoblauch is not by law a reaenn for rezoning. . .Rezoning
is not the problem of the people who own the property rezoning is the long
range plan of where the community should go. Reviewed the purchase and
history of the Knoblauch property. . . noted no hardship but a profit on the
propetty. . .Commented that the Town is top heavy with commercial and not
enough industry for employment—Noted that the Albany Eng. property was
rezoned as per Murphy Kren plan. . . If the property is zoned Commercial
you are giving them a card blank for anything commercial, if left they then
have to ask for each purpose,ask for a variance and there is control. . .
Albany Eng. is concerned about being a good neighbor and they are concerned
about who is going to move in on them. Albany Eng. is concerned over having
a compatible neighbor. . Noted that hhis application has been to the Town
Planning Board and rejected. and has gone before the Warren Co. Planning
Board which has tabled it. Commented that there is nothing in the
application that states that the barn will be left— there is no long range
plan for this property. . .
Mr. Smith-Albany Engineering-here as a resident of Queensbury and a
businessman. . .objected beaause. he coild see no plan use. . .seen little
justification as per the economics of this chagge. . .o�posed the Heber
Variance because it was spot zoning. Concerned over the lack of a
plan, profitability does not justify rezoning. Suggested that the Board
asked for a detailed plan of the usage of this property..
Councilman Barber-questioned if Mr. Smith would object to an industrial
complex on the site?
Mr. Smith-no That is consistant with the Zoning Law. Commented that he
was not with AES in 1973.
Councilman Barber-reviewed the first rezoning of AES from R-4 to M-1 noting
the opposition of their neighbors, and the opposition of Warren Co. Planning
Board, as a result the rezoning failed to receive a 4 to 1 vote.
Noted that another application was filed and did go through, this Board
extended itself well to AES and local industry. I feel what the Hearer's
have presented tonight is good utilization of that property.
Bob Stewart-Noted that the Heber plan is not part of the rezoning application,
the only application is to rezone the property commercial. Commented that
there is no protection in the plan submitted for the residents of Ridge
Councilman Olson- reviewed his stand on the first application of Albany
Eng. rezoning. . .noted he appioved the second application because it had
protections for the residents of Ridge Road. . .
Supervisor Brandt- we have to judge what the best use of the land for the
plan .of the Town and for the use of all the citizens of the town.
Mr. Len-noted that it is ludicrous to say that it is the. intention of this
prope ty as an M-1 area is essential to the industrial development of Qsby.
Glen Greeno-Noted that he felt that the best way to plan land use is un an
individual basis.
Mr. Eddy-speaking on his own behalf-opposed to rezoning this property. . .
felt it was better variances to be used so the Town has a handle on what
is to be done. Commented that the G.F. Historical Association has passed
a resolution asking for the preservation of the barn. ...
Joseph Daire- commented on the number of closed stores on Quaker Road.
Councilman Robertson-Questioned if there is both M-1 zone on Quaker And
Ridge Road'
George Liapes-yes
Councilman Robertson-Anything of an industrial nature could open on the
Ridge Road.
George Liapes-yes.
Supervisov Brandt- Closed the hearing 8: 34 Commented that the Warren Co.
Planning Board decision is needed before the Board can make theirs .
Councilman Barber- When we receive the Warren Co. Planning Board recommendation
does this then have to have another ptLblic hearing?
Mr. Brennan- Town Counsel-No, Reviewed the procedure. . .
Councilman Olson- requested that the Supervisor' s Office inform the. parties
involved of whsn this will again come before the board.
Supervisor Brandt-Noted that. the: Boadd has no ,intention 61 threatening
AES, we want to encourage it to grow, likewise we have a responsibility
to help all our lands get utilized in the best way possible.
RESOLUTION No. 242 Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter who moved it adoption,
seconded by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS, Niagara Mohawk relocated transmission lines to facilitate
Pyramid Mall Corporations. businesses, and
WHEREAS, on Pyramids original survey the land showed to be theirs and,
WHEREAS, Niagara Mohawk' s survey showed this land to belong to the
Town of Queensbury, located adjacent to Pyramid property, Their
Reference Number SC-C-8816-E, Spire Falls Queensbury Transmission
Lines, and
WHEREAS, Niagara Mohawk requests permission to leave a guy wire
from this transmission line on the Town of Queensbury Property,
Therefore be it
RESOLVED, to grant permission to Niagara Mohawk Company to leave.
above stated guy wire in its present location.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mg. Brandt
Noes: None
Supervisor Brandt-stipulate that in the agreement with Niagara Mohawk
that any kiability on the guy wire be the respnnsibiltty of Niagara Mohawk.
October 13, 1977
Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
Twwn Office Building
Bay and Haviland Roads
Glens Fails, N.Y. 12801
Dear Members of the Town Board:
The vacancy in the office of County Supervisor should not be
filled until after the November 8th election. There are contests
for all three Supervisor positions, and your appointment should await
the results of the election. After the election, you can appoint one
of the successful candidates, and thereby enable him or her. to take
office immediately— This would give a voice to thepeople and would
enable the Town to have continuity of representation.
Yours truly,
WM/pl BY William EcCarthy, Chairman
Ltr. 17 Lynnfield Drive
Glens Falls ,NY 12801
October 17, 1977
Town Board --J
Dear Members :
It was by unanimous decision of the full Queensbury Republican
Committee that William H. Barton of 7 Meadowbrook Road he recom-
menddd to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. N.
Harwood Beaty for the remainder of his term (until December 31,
1977) .
I am sure this board realizes the importance of Queensbury' s
contribution to the decision making process on the County Board
of Supervisors. I don' t feel that this town can sacrifice Queensbury' s
eleven weighted votes for even one meeting. The citizens of Queensbury
are entitled to full representation at all times at every level of
Two years ago the people of Queensbury alected a Republican
Supervisor, and they are entitled by that election to have a
Republican Supervisor reppesent them for the full term.
Dan Morrell, Chairman
Queensbury Republican
Councilman Olson- Introduced a motion of appointment for Mr. William
Barton to be appointed as a Warren County Supervisor.
Supervisor Brandt- refused to accept the resolution due to other applications
for county supervisor.
Councilman Olson- I withdraw my motion.
Michel R. Brandt, Supervisor Daniel R. Gealt
Town of Queensbury Rd.l, Ridge Rd.
Oct, 17, 1977
Dear Mr. Brandt,
I am writing to comment on the policy that is presently used
to fill vacancies in elective offices in Queensbury.
I would like to point out that Queensbury has a long history
of resignations and appointments among it' s elected officials .
Statistically, in the last 13 years, 2 Town Supervisor ,
2 County Supervisors, and 7 Town Council members were originally
appointed to their positions.
By comparison, Glens Falls , with it' s 5 Supervisors, and 5
Council seats, has only had one person appointed to fill a vacancy
caused by a resignation in the last 28 years..
I will also add that all four of our present Town Council
members, and both of our present County Supervisors were originally
appointed to their positions, and had the advantage of incumbency
when they faced their first elections.
I believe that the citizens of Queensbury are truly tired of
this "government by committee" policy, and I request your help in
putting a stop to it.
Queensbury does need to be fully represented in county govern-
ment, and full reppesentation can be maintained by appointing one of
the candidates chosen by the people of Queensbury in the coming
General Election.
May I suggest that the Town Council postpone the appointment
of a County Supervisor until Wednesday, November 9, and return the
choice of elected representatives to the ep opk of Queensbury.
Thank you,
Daniel R. Gealt
f Statistical Reference for letter to Michel R. Brandt 10-17-77
Resignations and appointments to elective offices in Queensbury.
Town Supervisors :
Gerald Solomon resigned 12-31-72
John Austin appointed 1-1-73
John Austin resigned 12-31-74
Gordon Streeter appointed 1-1-75
County Supervisors:
Thomas Lawson resigned 12-69
Thomas Murphy appointed 1-1-70
Lloyd Demboski appointed 1-1-73
Town Council Members:
Harold Aikens resigned 2-29-64
Hammond Robertson Jr. appointed 6-5-64
John Austin appointed
John Austin resigned 12-31-71
Robert Barber appointed 1-1-72,
Hammond Robertson Jr. resigned 12-2-71
Gordon Streeter appointed 1-1-72
Lloyd Demboski resigned 12-31-72
Daniel Olson appointed 1-1-73
Gordon Streeter resigned 12-31-74
Hammond Robertson Jr. appointed 1-1-75
Harold Robillard resigned 1-5-77
Frances Walter appointed 2-8-77
All information is from record books - at Wareen Co. Board of Elections
DRG 1-17-77
Ltr. Nine Pershing Road
Glens Falls, New York 12801
October 18, 1977
Mr. Michel Brandt
Town of Queensbury
Bay Road
Glens Falls, New York 12801
Dear Mr. Brandt:
According to recent articles in the local press, it appears
that the Queensbury Town Board is about to seriously consider
appointing someone to $-11- the existing vacancy on the Warren
County Board of Supervisors..
In my opinion, I am well-qualified to fill this position
and would apprectite the opportunity to speak to the Board
prior to their making any decision on this matter. .
Thank you for your consideration.
Frederick R. Shenk, Jr.
Councilman Olson- reintroduced the motion to appoint Mr. William Barton
as a Warren Co. Supervisor, seconded by Mr. Hammond Roberteon
Supervisor Brandt-Requested that he be allowed to meet Mr. Barton and
interview him for the position of Warren Co. Supervisor—and interview
others for the position other than just those chosen by the Republican
committee. Queensbury is not represented by the 17, 000 residents of the
town. I think we should nominate whoever is elected at the next election.
There are no county meetings until November 18. There are many Republicans
who are not happy with the decsisions of the Republican Committee.
There are many nice people from all the parties. The appointment
is by this Board and not the Republican Committee, even though all you
were first put on this Beerd. by appointment I hope you are not ---�
in such servitude to this committee that you can over-look all the other
residents of the town.
Councilman Olson- Commented that three of the councilmen have can in
elections, a person does not hold office by appointment forever.
Councilman Robertson-There is another side to this it is really the
responsiblity of the political parties, to produce candidates for
election. I want to prodide the people of Queensbury with a full
choice of one candidate from each party, because of the circumstances
the law does not permit the changing of the name on the ballot, this
is the only way the RepublicawParty has of getting the name of a qualified
candidate to the people, I do not think that is circumventing the election.
I feel to not fill one it would automatically insure the election
of a Democratic candidate, and I do not say that they are not qualified
but I want the people to make that choice, and have a full choice of
Republican and Democratic, and not automatically elect a Democrat4:.
Supervisor Brandt-questioned if Councilman Robertson i=ld consider
another candidate?
Councilman Robertson- noted that the Republic Committee met and advertised
for anyone interested in the position to come to the meeting. . .I will
consider any individual. . .
Supervisor Brandt- Commented that he felt it was a personal insult that
he has not been abbe to interview the candidate for Warren Co. Supervisor.
Councilman Robertson- it was not meant as a personal insult. . .
Councilman Olson- reviewed the hiring of the Town Bookkeeper noting that
the Board had nothing to say about that. . .
Supervisor Brandt- legally that was my decision. . .this decision by law
I am susposed to have something to say about it.
Questioned, is it possible that the committee likes people that are obedient
they do not like people that get into primaries.
Councilman Robertson- reviewed some history of Republicant PrInaries. . .
Supervisor Brandt-questioned the election of Committeemen as being rare.
Councilman Walter and Councilman Barber- refuted this statement.
Councilman Barber- explained the committeemen' s election in his district
invilving his wife and himself.
Speaking in regard to Harwood Beaty noted that he had served the County
for 16 years asked Mr. Beaty what he desired to have done this evening
I felt that it was his choice, he said he would like Bill Barton as his
-- choise.
Mr. Shenk addressed the Board- as a life long Republican he wished to
place his name in consideration for County Supervisor. . .Commented that
in speaking with residents they felt that the ,34 Rapublican Committee,
person3At making the decision of the Town Board, this was broug);t .aut
in Mr. GgAlt's letter. I feel qualified to serve on the committee meeting
that will take place before election.. .I would resign after election day
8o that the Town Board could appoint the person etipetn'A# bixe Committee
this would allow the people' s choice rather than the party's choise.
Councilman Barber- question Mr. Shenk and asked him if he would not have
a. confldet of interest since both the Town and the County deposit monies
in the -,First Nat' l Bank.
Mr. Shenk-No I would not be a chairman of a committee.
Councilman Robertson- Are you an officer of the Bank?
Mr. Shenk- I am a Senior Officerof the Bank.
Mr. Murphy asked to speak. . .
Supervisor Brandt- I am ruling you out of order, because I do not want
to open this to a general discussion. . .
Mr. Murphy- what party are you endorsed -by, Supervisor Brandt.
Supervisor Brandt-I am endorsed by both the Conservative and Democratic
Mr. Murphy- Did the Conservatives have a meeting to choose a candidate for
County Supervisor?
Supervisor Braudd-I really do not know. that. I am rullAg ,you out of order.
Ltr. Can. I place my name on a list for Warren County Super-
Joyce Thompson
Joyce Thompson-Noted that shs is very interested in local government and
listed her degrees. . .has taught school. . .
Councilman Barber- requested that the motion on the floor be withdrawn to
allow more applicants to come forth and discussion to follow. ..
Councilman Olson- I will withdraw my.=metinn . . .
Councilman Robertson- I will withdraw my second. . .
Supervisor Brandt- called for further applicants. . .opened the floor to
discussion. . .
Mr. Murphy-reviewed the. Republican Committee action of this matter. . .
_ Questioned the Supervisor if the Democratic or Conservative party had
a candidate for County Supv. ?
Supervisor Brandt- I do not run those parties_ I do not.know what they have
done. .'.Noted that he did not realize that this would be brought out tonight. . .
felt that the Board should interview the people that are interested.
Mr. Murphy-Mr. Brandt, if you cjj.,rsit right there and say only two minutes
before the Board meeting that younknow there were going to bit any applicants
for this post I have got to call you a liar, because there is no way, it
has been in the paper for two weeksor a week, rather, that there will be
applicants or there will be endorsements from candidates for different peeties,
that would be brought to the- Town- Board..
Supervisor Brandt- noted that phis is not a party position we are
talking about a representative of the Town People.
Shirley Shenk-Candidate for County Supv. - commented that there are
three Republican candidates on the ballot there are three republican
people being voted for� you may vote for tree people of the six running,
the resignation' of one of the Supervisor is from now until January and
in January. if he is elected. a.l.l anyone of the top, . three are the Supervisors)
after that may may not come another appointment.
Joyce Thompson- questioned if is whs possible to not appoint anyone until
after the election?
Supervisor Brandt-yes.
Joyce Thompson- If Mr. Beaty won the ilection he could take office in
Supervisor Brandt- He legally could. .
Councilman Walter- He definitely will not.
Jerry Cruso- Do not feel that the Town Board should choose anyone tonight,
wait until after election, and pick someone that the people have chosen.
Councilman Walter- what happens if a County meeting is called if there is
not a fourth member. our people will not be full represented.
Jerry Cruso- I feel that the people have the right to be represented by the
people and not by the committee.
Councilman Barber- Found it ironical that Mr. Caruso did appear before the
Committee for the position of Councilman to be- recommended for the position
to the town board. . .
Supervisor Brandt- was that not about a year away from election?
it seems to be an obivious dffference.
Mr. Clements- questioned why the Town surveys were only sent to 10% of
the Qsby. Population?
Councilman Walter- noted the expense of mailings and reviewed the mini meeting ,
Joan Roberteon- NOted that there were locations where the mailings
could be picked up by the public. . .
Supervisor Brandt- hearing no further comments closed the floor. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 243, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who. moved its adoption,
seconded by MR. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, N. . Harwood Beaty, County Supervisor for the Town of Queensbury
has resigned as of October 7th, 1977, and
WHEREAS, the Republican- Committee has recommended that Mr. William
Barton of 7 Meadowview Road be appointed as a Warren County Supervisor
for the Town of Queensbury, Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby appoints
Mr. William Barton of 7 Meadow view Road as a Warren County Supervisor.
to fullfill the unexpired term of N. Harwood Beaty, December 31, 1977.
Supervisor Brandt-opened this to discussion- I suggest that on November
9th that we convene a special meeting to consider an appointment sifeer bhe
people have had a chance to poll themselves.
asked for further discussion-no one spote called for the roll on resolution
Number 243
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs.. Walter, Mr. Robertson,
None: Mr. Brandt
Absent: None r
The active list for Queensbury Central is now placed on file. . .
Petition- September 1977
We the undersigned residents of Heinrick Circle and South Midnight
Drive in Queensbury, do earnestly seek your approval of electric street
lights for our area. The intersection of Dixon Road dnd South Midnight
Drive would profit greatly by good illumination, as would the area where
Heinrick Circle joins S. Midnight. There are approximately
35 families living in this area, who use these streets constantly. We
would appreciate your consideration of our need. Thank you.
Respectfully submitted,
(list of names on file in Town Clerk' s Office)
Councilman Robertson- requestdd that this be referred to the lighting
Councilman Olson- noted that he had received a note from Dist. 11
Voting Dist. feel that they are in need of another voting machine. . .
RESOLUTION_ 244 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its
adoption, secon e y MR. Hammond Robertson:
RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby directs the
Town Clerk to contact the Board of Elections to investigate the possibility
of placing an extra voting machine in district 11 because of the 800
votes in that district.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
1 Noes : None
Absent: None
Councilman Barber- questioned the progress on Apple Lane?
Councilman Robertson-baying weebherve drill get%at .tt as soon as possible:
Glen Greeno-Where are the monies of the Town Deposited and at what
Supervisor Brandt- First National and Glens Falls National. I try and
split it evenly between the two banks according to the competitive bids.
Councilman Barber-The last time the board had an appreciation of the
differential was three months ago at the time approximately 1 million 3
First National and slightly in excess of 700,000 in the G.F. National .
Supervisor Brandt-explained that at that time we moved into savings
accounts which were producing better revenues than time deposits the
First Nat' l Bank encouraged us to use the savings accounts for awhile
and G.F. Nat' l didn' t so we shifted some monies into First Nat' l. Since
then G.F. Nat' l encouraged us to use that same service and now we are
back where there is equal bids the monies are split equally between the
two banks.
RESOLUTION NO. 245 INtroduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who. moved its
a optinn, secon e by Mr. Michel Brandt:
RESOLVED that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 77-10D and numbered
1321 through 1327 and totaling $2, 010. 75. be approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. OlsoU, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Abset►r- Nnnc
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
RESOLUTT N N0, 225. Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: .
WHEREAS, certain proposed. recommendations for amending the existing
sign ordinance of the Town of Queensbury as are specifically set
forth in the proposed Notice of Public Hearing annexed hereto have
been submitted to the Queensbury Town Board for consideration and
WHEREAS, the Town Board on -its own initiative has decided to con-
sider a possible amendment to the sign ordinance to allow price
information to be included in the text permitted on signs in the
Town of Queensbury and
WHEREAS, said proposed amendments appear to be worthy of considera-
tion and
WHEREAS, it is the determination of the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury that a public hearing should be hild as required. by
law prior to the taking of legislative action by- the Queensbury
Town Board with respect to said proposed amendments.
RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held Eefore the. Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury on Ocotb er 25, 1977 at 7: 30 P.M. at the Town
Office Building, Bay & Haviland Roads with respect to the proposed
amendments to the Queensbury sign ordinance set forth in the proposed
Notice of Hearing annexed hereto and, BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury be directed
to cause all notices of said public hearing to be published and
proldided and to take all other necessary action to comply with all
applicable laws .
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, MR.. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
Amendments proposed found on Page 194A
MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman
Robert Barber, Councilman Frances Walter, Councilman Hammond
Robertson, Councilman Joseph Brennan, Town Counsel
PRESS: G.F. Newspapers, WWSC, WBZA
GUESTS: Attorney Case Prime, Susan Goetz, Mrs. Richardson, Mr.
Hoffman, Glen Greeno, Mr. Qruso, Mr. Turnbull, Glen Lk. Residents
TOWN OFFICIALS: George Liapes, Mrs. Shenk
MEETING OPENED 7: 34 P.M. Salute to the flag led by Councilman. Barber
PUBLIC HEARING-Proposed Amendments to Sign Ordinance-Notice Read
Opened 7: 35 P.M.
Case Prime - Representing Chalet Susse Motet Lodge Reviewed the Supreme
Rdticta decisions on. freedom of speech in regard to commercial advertising
The amendments should be passed. . .
I 1