1977-10-25 194 On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk RESOLUTION TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO SIGN ORDINANCE A&SOLUTION NO. 229, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: . WHEREAS, certain proposed. recommendations for amending the existing sign ordinance of the Town of Queensbury as are specifically set forth in the proposed Notice of Public Hearing annexed hereto have been submitted to the Queensbury Town Board for consideration and WHEREAS, the Town Board on -its own initiative has decided to con- sider a possible amendment to the sign ordinance to allow price. information to be included in the text permitted on signs in the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS, said proposed amendments appear to be worthy of considera- tion and WHEREAS, it is the determination of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury that a public hearing should be hild as required- by law prior to the taking of legislative action by. the Queensbury Town Board with respect to said proposed amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held Before the. Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on Ocotb er 25, 1977 at 7: 30 P.M. at the Town Office Building, Bay & Haviland Roads with respect to the proposed amendments to the Queensbury sign ordinance set forth in the proposed Notice of Hearing annexed hereto and,. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury be directed to cause all notices of said public hearing to be published and provtided and to take all other necessary action to comply with all applicable laws. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, MR. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None Amendments proposed found on Page 194A REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 25 , 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman Robert Barber, Councilman Frances Walter, Councilman Hammond Robertson, Councilman Joseph Brennan, Town Counsel PRESS: G.F. Newspapers, WWSC, WBZA GUESTS: Attorney Case Prime, Susan Goetz, Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Hoffman, Glen Greeno, Mr. Qruso, Mr. Turnbull, Glen Lk. Residents TOWN OFFICIALS : George Liapes, Mrs. Shenk MEETING OPENED 7: 34 P.M. Salute to the flag led by Councilman. Barber PUBLIC HEARING-Proposed Amendments to Sign Ordinance-Notice Read Opened 7: 35 P.M. Case Prime - Representing Chalet Susse Motet Lodge Reviewed the Supreme Rtticta #ecisions on. freedom of speech in regard to commercial advertising The amendments should be passed. . . d s: r (_c NOTICE QF �PUBLIC >H'EARING Public hearing be held on October 1979 at 700 o'clock p.m. concerning amendment to the sign ordinance o sbury.ef NOTICE I3 HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be ` held by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury in. the County of Warren, State of New York, at the Town office' Building Bay & Haviland 'Roads on the .o October`, 1977 at 7x30 o'clock p.m. on said day upon proposed amendments to„rthe:'aign A ordinance for said Town and the following are the proposed ndments -to the designated provisions o€. said sign ordinance. (1) 'Page 61, Par. 7 - On-premises directional and/or instructional signs for -the convenience of the general public, identifying public parking' areas, loading zones, entrances and _ exits, self-service areas and similar signs,', internally ilium- mated or non-illuminated, not to exceed 4 'square feet. Where portion of sign is 'text required by or regulation, total area may be increased to a maximum of 6 square feet per face.` Business names or, personal 'names shall be allowed, not to in- clude advertising messages A 6 ft. maximum height shall be allowed, except where required for public safety and/oraby order of enforcement officers, a 10 ft. maximum height may be i allowed* ,y NOW I 0 -a- g (2) Page 8,` Par 17 - Price signs require' d. on, gasoline pumps by New York State or Federal Law, not to exceed the r ` minimum requirements established by said State or Federal Laws. (3) Page 10, Par, l5 - The text on each sign shall be limited to the following. a.` The name or assumed name of the owner, of:,the' property on which it is located, b. Principal business 'or businesses conducted "on the property' c : Brief 'indication of the products or,,services 4 available. d (No) vacancy. e Price information. f (4) Anon-conforming sign is a `sign which is in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Such sign or , signs` in existence at the effective date of this `ordinance shall be brought' into conformity in all respects with the provisions of this ordinance, or shall' be removed within five (5) years of said effective date. (5) Page 15, Par. 'A. - Application for Permit - Applica- r tion for the permit shall be made in 'writing in duplicate ,upon forms prescribed and, provided by the Buidling, Inspector, to the Building Inspector, "and shall contain' the "followiang, informations f (4) Written consent of the owner or lessor o the building, structure or land to which or on whi.chthe sign is . to be erected, in the event the applicant is not,' the owner thereof All parties in interest and citizens will be' 'heard' by the Board at the` public hearing to be held as 'aforesaid. ' .ffti afe� Dated: 4atzMer , 19 77 DONALD A. CHASE Town Clerk s } r Bill Bodenweiser-Motel Owner- Objected to the amendment to the Sign Ordinance which would allow pricing on signs. . . In regard to the time element 5 yrs. proposed, is this from now, or from the passing of the original sign ordinance. Supervisor Brandt- It would be from the effective date of the amendment. Susan Goetz-G.F. League of Women Voters- Endorsed the conforming of all signs within a five year period. . . Ltr. re. Sign Ordinance i Town Board," We recommend that the time period for existing signs to be made conforming be changed to 5 years , as originally recommended, rather. than 10 years. It is very difficult in reviewing sign variances to require a business to conform to a requirement that will not affect neighboring existing businesses for the longer period. J. Arthur Norton, Chairman Ltr. • . . _ . October 20, 1977 To: Queensbury Town Board FRom: Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Subject: Queensbury Sign Ordinance proposed amendments The Queensbury. Zoning Board of Appeals is unanimously in favor of having the Queensbury Town Board amend the ten (10) year non- conforming sign period to five (5) years. (Page 15 of the Queensbury Sign Ordinance.) Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals . CC: Queensbury Town Board S. Richardeen Robert Platt-Signs of Progress- suggested a change in the sign ordinance on page 13 section 4 there is no provision for under canopy signs. . . would like to see this added. Supervisor Brandt- Suggested that he bring his suggestions to- the sign committee, only those changes that were advertised in the notice of public hearing can be discussed at this hearing. Robert Platt- inquired about the 10 year moratorium. . . Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel- noted that he would review the question in regard to variances granted and the time element involved. . . . will have an answer by the next town board meeting. Ham Hoffman-object to reducing the 10 yr. moratorium to 5 yrs. . . . noted the amount of tA=e ,that was placed into the sign ordinance. . .noted that this would not be a minor change. . . Sue Goetz-noted that her husband is involved with Ray Supply and they are in the process of complying with the sign ordinance. . .questioned that - of the three variances that have been passdd with the restriction that i they must conform by the conformance date, is this legal? Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel- There is such a thing as a conditional variance. . . I believe a variance with a time limitation is acceptable. . . Bill Bodenweiser-in regard to the proposed amendment of prices being allowed on signs does this mean the price goes on an existing sign or is another sign allowed? . . .against the proposed amendment of prices on signs. Supervisor Brandt- basically this is allowing certain copy on a sign, that the -present ordinance does not allow. . . Councilman Olsnn- if this is passed, the prices would go on signs that are presently there. 196 Bill Bodenweiser- questioned why the sign ordinance is being changed? Supervisor Brandt-I made the proposal that this be considered because of the Court Cases. . . Joseph Brennan- reviewed the purpose of a public hearing—Reviewed the supreme court decision in regard to protection of the first. amendment. Supervisor Brandt- noted that the Board will take the information taken here tonight then receive input from the County Planning Board then a decision can be made. . .the decision will not be made tonight. Councilman Olson- noted that the sigg committee after studing the proposals asked the Town Board to hold a public hearing on the amend- ments. Glen Greeno- What is the major thrust of the sign ordinance? Frances Walter-Councilman- the purpose and intent of the sign ordinance is to protect the public health and welfare of the people, safety, aesthaftc values in the community. Ham Hoffman- noted that the original sign ordinance state4l0 years instead of 5 years was because of possible legal problems. . .I think we have a sign ordinance lets stick to it. . .keep the ordinance we got. . . Jerry (kruso-questioned, for the 10 year moratorium was because the Internal Revenue Service allows up to 10 years for depreciation? Supervisor Brandt- That was discussed. Asked for further comments, , , no one spoke. . . . 8: 11 P.M. Declared the Hearing Closed. . . RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO CHANGE MEETING DATE RESOLUTION NO. 246 . Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the Town Board Meeting scheduled. for November 8th, 1977 _ has been cancelled due to the November Election and will now be held on November 10th, 1977 at 7: 30 P.M. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON FRS FUNDS Introduced by Supervisor Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber Open for discussion Councilman Robertson- noted that the demands and time of the Supervisor of this Town f*r. .exceed the compensation that go with it. . .asked to amend the proposed resolution to increase the Supervisor' s salary to 10, 000. . . Councilman Olson- questioned the Town Clerk can a salary be changed at the public hearing after it has been advertised? Councilman Robertson- It can be lowered but not exceed what has been advertised. Town Clerk- By law only the Town Clerk's salary can be increased at the public hearing. Supervisor Brandt- I am willing to .serve at the salary that is there. . . Councilman Walter-Questioned the increase in salary noting the increase in the amount to run the Supervisor' s Office. . .possibly .in the future 197 professionals would be brought in and the Supv, would be a figure head. . . Views the present salary as being adequate, Town and County, with the help that he has. Supervisor Brandt- it is better to provide staff and not demand as much from and individual as a Supv. than it is to add more burden to the Supv. and add more pay, if. there is a staff and we do not demand. such a chaiLjiage there are more people available to run for the post. . . . I have implemented some of that in my own administration. . . Councilman Walter- Viewsthe Town as more of a business than it was 15 years agp• Councilman Robertson- The larger the staff the more responsibilities the Supervisor has. . . RESOLUTION TO AMEND SUPERVISOR'S SALARY AS PROPOSED IN THE 1978 SALARY SCHEDULE RESOLUTION NO. 247 INtuaddeed by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption,---seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: RESOLVED, that the Salary of the Supervisor as proposed in the 1978 Salary Schedule be changed from $8,250.00 to $10,000 and be advertised ad such in the 1978 Salary Schedule Notice. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson Noes : Mrs. Walter, Mr. Brandt Abseutt: None Further discussion of the original resolution. . . Councilman Olson-requested that the poo osed Highway Supt, budget be raised from the proposed $14,070.00 to p$14,570. 00 for his Salary. . . this brings the Highway Supt. Salary equal to the Wighr Supt. Councilman Barber- noted that the Water Supt. served the Town for less than the Highway Supt. . . .noted that he felt the Highway Supt. was slow to resolve problems of the community. . . Supervisor Brandt- Noted that this is a very demanding job. . .want to attract good people to it is to have a salary high enough to attract them. RESOLUTION TO AMEND HcT€ "BIIPBRgA E 'B: BAL1M AS PROPOSED IN THE 1978 SALARY SCHEDULE RESOLUTION N0. . 248, Introduced by Mr. .Daniel Olson.who.moved its adoption, seconded by Mr.Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that the Salary of the Highway Superintendent as proposed in the 1978 Salary Schedule be changed from $14,070. 00 to $14,570.00 and be advertised as such in the 1978 Salary Schedule Notice. Duly adopted by the following vote: . Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter Absent: None Councilman Olson- compliment the raise in salary of the Town Justices. RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON FRS FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. -249, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, -,seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this -Town for the fiscal year beginning on .the first day of January, 1978 the itemized statement of estimated revenues 19E and expenditures hereto attached and made apart of this resolution, and be it further RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours and be it further RESOLVED, that this board shall meet at 7: 30 P.M. on the 10th day of November., 1977 at the Queensbury Town Office Building for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing upon such preliminary budget and intended use of FRS funds for 1978 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law, and that such notice be published and posted in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND INTENDED USE OF FRS FUNDS FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE YEAR 1978 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the preliminary budget of the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1978 has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of said Town of Queensbury will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing there at 7: 30 P.M. on the 10th day of November 1977, and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled, for or against any item or items therein contained. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law that the following are proposed yearly salaries of Town Officers of this Town: SUPERVISOR: $ 10,000.00 COUNCILMRN: (4) 3,400. 00 TOWN CLERK: 11,500.00 SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS: 14,970. 00 TOWN JUSTICES : (2) 5 , 750.00 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that at. this Public Hearing a Hearing will be held on the intended use of FRS Funds for the year 1978. By order of the Town Beard Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs—Walter, Mr. Robertson, -Mr. Brandt Noes: none Absent: None Copy of Budget attached to end. of minutes. . . Supervisor Brandt- November 10th is the Public Hearing on the proposed 1978 Budget. . .chanch for Public input. . . RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUT'(DtQN N0. 250, Intooduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, sufficient funds are not available in certain accounts to meet necessary expenses, therefore be it RESOLVED, to transfer $10,000. from SW18320.43 - Wattr District Utilities to SW18320. 1 Water District Personal Services, and $21. from SW1 8320.43 Water District Utilities to SW18320.2 Water District Equipment and, $1500. fvom SW18330. 1 Water District Personal Services to SW1 8330.44 Water District Contractual and, $900. from SW1 9010. 8 Water District Retirement to SW1 9060. 8 Water District Hospitalization. , and $81. from SW19010. 8 Water District retirement to SW1 9040. 8 Water District Workman Compensation. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None Supervisor Brandt- explained the process of transferring from surplus areas to areas where theie is a shortage. RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL TOWN FUND RESOLUTION NO. 251 Introduced by Mr.' Hammond Robertson who moved is adoption, seconded by Mr.. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, sufficient funds are not available in certain accounts to meet expenses , therefore be it RESOLVED, -to transfer from A1440.4 Engineer Contractual, to A3410.44 Fite Marshal $300.00 A 3120.84 Police Workmans Comp. $448.00 A 8540.44 Drainage Contractual $ 3. 00 A3510.44 Dog Warden Contractual $225. 00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr.- Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr.. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None - REVENUE ANTICIPATION RENEWAL NOTE RESOLUTION Dated October 25, 1977 A resolution delegating to the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, power to authorize the issuance and sale of •a revenue anticipation renewal note of said .Town in a principal amount not exceeding FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($55,500.00) i DOLLARS in anticipation of the receipt of revenues to be received -- on account of the Quennsbury•Cons&lidated Water'District for the fiscal year commencing January -1, 1976. RESOLUTION NO, 252 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its Lion, Seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to paragraph• a. of Section 30.00 of the Local Finance Law, the power to- authorize the issuance of a revenue anticipation renewal note of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, and subsequent renewals thereof, in a rincipal. amount not exceeding FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (p$55 ,500.00) DOLLARS an anticipation of the receipt of revenues to be received on account of the Queensbury Consolidated Water• District for the fiscal year January 1, 1976 is hereby delegated to the Supervisor of said Town. Such note shall be issued which partially renews the revenue anticipation note of said Town presently outstanding in the principal amount of ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN THOUSAND ($111, 000.00) DOLLARS, numbered 1, dated October 28, 1976 and maturing on October 28, 1977 -- Section 2. Such Supervisor is also hereby invested with the power to sell such note at private sale in the manner provided by law. I Section 3. The note hereby authorized shall not be issued unless such Supervisor shall have first fited with the Town Board of said Town a certificate authorizing the issuance of such note, which certificate shall contain statements required by Section 30.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. Such Supervisor is hereby authorized to sell multiple notes aggregating FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($55,500.00) DOLLARS in lieu of the issuance of ONE (1) note. Section 5. This resolution should taTje effect immediately.. _ Duly adopted by the following vote: 200 Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO ATTEND CONFERENCE RESOLUTION N0. 253 Introduced by Mr. kiammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, secon ed by Mr.Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Thomas Flaherty, Robert Lilly and Ralph VanDusen to attend the A Rr®ndakk°mater Works Conference to be held on October 27th 1977 at Lake George, N.Y. The actual and I necessary expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: - Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mir. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None Supervisor Brandt-Reviewed the Qsby. proposal of acquiring land from the City of G.F. for a road between Luzerne Road and Sherman Ave. . . .Stated progress 1. The City has passed a resolution to enter into an agreement with the Town . .requested the following—The Town will have use of the proposed bulldozer for a one week period. . . the City is requesting permission to fill in the ravine next to Mt. Trashmore with the landfill material and build it up to grade level of the surrounding area. . .Requested the Town Counsel to write up an agreement between the Town and City so that we can move ahead with the project, also requested that the Town Counsel write up the resolution on this project. RESOLUTION NO. 254 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its a option, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter-for purposes of discussion. . . Councilman Walter- questioned if the City Engineers had recommended this proposal or was it from the City Counsel . . .has the City spoken to ENCON in regard to the landfill closing. . . Noted that she has spoken with ENCON Mr. Coldman, Warrensburg Office noted that he felt that it would probibly not be feasible to move that pile. ENCON has a letter that is going to the City indicating that they are in violation, they should have an engineering report for the purpose of closing the landfill. Questioned if they are going to move Mt. Trashmore into the ravine? Councilman Barber- Reviewed the purpose of the injunction— phevent the City from expanding the landfill. . .viewed the only practical solution is to move some of the hill into the favine. . . Questioned the stand of Mr. Coldman. . . commenting on the conditions of the landfill. Supervisor Brandt- explained some of the stipulation placed on the City by ENCON to fill the ravine with Mt. Trashmore. . . Councilman Olson- How long will the Town lift the injunction for to allow the City to fIfffitl in the ravine? Supervisor Brandt- They are asking permission, which we can give them under the injunction to fill the ravine to the level of the surrounding -' terrain, now or in the future as they close out the landfill. Councilman Barber- Wound like to have, after the ravine is filled, that the City be prohibited to used that land as a landfill again. . . Supervisor Brandt- That will be incorporated in the resolution. . . Councilman Barber- noted his concern over seeing nothing in writing hhat states that Glens Falls will never use that parcel for a landfill again. . Supervisor Rxan*- took issue tith the statement that tha ,.Citizens of Qsby. are paying to clean up Mt. Trashmore, in a sense that is true, in another sense if we build the road anywhere we would have to buy the land. . . . this is a reasonable price and it is also Carl's judgement that it is a reasonable price. Councilman Olson-would like to have seen the agreement before the 201 resolution is voted upon. . . Supervisor Brandt- There is a time element-frost. . . Councilman Robertson-Requested that two more items be placed in the contract 1. a specific elevation should be stated for filling in the ravine. . . 2, on the completion of the month the work be covered. . . Councilman Barber-on your second statement it d0uld be mulched ready for seeding—or seeded. . .I suggest that we give the Supv, the liberty to inter in a contract, renting the dozer our time 5 to 7 days, if the City has complied with DEC reg. for a closure system then the dozer be brought back for the balance of the month usage. . . Councilman Robertson- requested that there be the fill to cover the work done. . . to protect the neighbors RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF GLENS FALLS RESOLUTION NO. 254 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, secon a by Mrs. Frances Walter: (Resolution No. 254 will be forthcoming from Town Counsel Joseph Brennan and will be found on page _2 3 ,1 ) Duly adopted by the following vdte: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None Ltr.. FromL Town of Queensbury October, 1977 Fire Study Committee To: Town Board Town of Queensbury Dear Members of the Town Board: At the last meeting of the Fire Study Committee, the members met with the town Fire Marshall, Bill Bodenweiser, and reviewed his performance as Fire Marshall and his proposed budget for the forthcoming year. Although there have been some problems in the past, the committee unanimously agree that Bill is now handling his job with diplomacy and expertise. The committee is in agreement that Bill should be reappointed as Fire Marshall. Bill has had numerous important accomplishments in the last year: 1. Bill' s office has excellent rapport with the building department. 2. Bill has kept the town board and the fire .departments fully aware of all activities in his office. 3. Bill has set up a reference library and file system that will aide the fire marshall' s office now and in the future. 4. Bill has started and continued an educational program at the ! Queensbury schools that is benefitting every family with children in the � town. 5. Bill has established an excellent working relationship with the chiefs of all five fire companies. 6. Bill has set up an inspection route and inspection system that covers the town thoroughly. We are all aware that Bill is putting in many more hours per week than the twenty hours per week that he is being paid for. His extra working hours are appreciated and we realize that the more hours he works , the more people he can inform and educate about the importance of a Fire Life Safety program. At this time, the Firs Study Committee is requesting the Town Board to up-grade the Fire Marshall' s position to thirty hours per week and pay accordingly. The committee feels this up-grading is vital to the con- 202 tinued success of the Fire Marshall' s office. The Fire Study Committee also reveiwed the Fire Marshall' s proposed budget for 1978. After, questions and discussion by the members , we agreed that the budget request is justified. We request that the Fire Marshall's proposed budget be adopted as presented. The committee is assured that Bill will continue his excellent work as Fire Marshal; upholding the Queensbury Fire Code, continuing the Fire Life Study education program at the schools and inspecting commercial property. Respectfully submitted, Brian R. Meurs Chairman, Queensbury Fire Study Committee A NATIONAL UNICEF DAY PROCLAHATTOW- The United Nations Children' s Fund - UNICEF - is an international organization which helps provide children of the developing countries with the basic necessities of life and growth - adequate food, health care, clean water and basic education. Since its or*gin in 1946, UNICEF has provided assistance to over 100 countries . UNICEF believes that to help the children of the world, basic services must be provided. It has been instrumental in combatting illness and disease in many countries through immunization programs, the planning and building of health centers, and in training health staff. Last year alone, it helped 82 countries obtain clean water and better sanitation. In 64 countries in 1976, nutrition programs were developed and millions of pounds of food stuffs were provided for ehild-feeding programs. It has helped equip thousands of schools and in training teachers . NOW THEREFORE, we, Robert J. Cronin, Mayor of Glens Falls and Mike Brandt, Supervisor of Queensbury, in recognition of the years of internathanil service by the United Nations Children' s Fund, do hereby proclaim the day of Saturday, October 29, 1977, as UNICEF Day in Glens Falls and Queensbury and do hereby urge all citizens to be aware of the activities of this -' organization and to support the "Trick or Treat" derive by the youth of our c communities. /s/ Mayor of ens Palls /s/ Supervisor of Queensbury Supervisor Brandt- De&care Saturday October 29th as Halloween to parallel Glens Falls Councilman Barber- requested that the Qsby. Police not go to the City to help out but stay within their boundaries of the Town of Queensbury. PROCLAMATION NATIONAL REACT MONTH NOVEMBER 1977 WHEREAS through REACT (Radio Emer§ency Associated Citizens Teams) , over 150, 000 Americans participate as volunteers to provide highway safety and emergency communications using their own CB radios in their local communities; and WHEREAS, their cumulative effort, totaling over 25-million volunteer man-hours this year, result in the saving of many American lives annually, through the greater speed with which medical aid reaches an accident scene and better communication provided in time of natural disaster; NOW, THEREFFRE, I Michel R. Brandt, Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury, do hereby designate the month of November 1977 as NATIONAL REACT MONTH MR Queensbury, during whthh all citizens shall take notice and be aware of the significant contribution every local REACT team makes to the welfare of their .local community, and the nation as a whole. National REACT Month shall be dedicated as time to honor and recognize these local citizens groups and their individual members. /s/ Michel R. Brandt OPEN FORUM �.►`' Mr. Choppa-presented the Board with the following petition j WE, the undersigned, in the interest of safety and security, request that a light be installed on Pole NM23-NYT44 at the intersection of Glen Lake Road and Sullivan Place. ?lease give this petition your utmost consideration. (List on names on file in the Town Clerk' s Office) also requested that the entire Glen Lake Rd. be reviewed for lighting. . . Councilman Olson- I will inspect the area and report back to the Board at the next board meeting. . . DFrances Sullivan-noted the need for lights and the poor condition of the roads in Glen Lake. Mr. Turnbull- questioned if the board will consider raising the earnable income to 7200 for Senior Citizens for 50% tax exemption? Councilman Barber- This in under advisement and there will be a recommenda- tionnthe Town Board shortly. . . Mr. Gealt- questioned Mrs. Walter- do you want to see the town progress to have a town manager? Councilman Walter-No I did not day that. . .reviewed her feeliggs toward the gro*hh �of hhe Town. . . I did not say we were going to a Town Manager I said hhat it could be considered. Councilman Barber- I am a proponent of the idea. . . can see a Town Manager in five to six years . . . in my opinion. . . Mr. Turnbull- questioned the increase in the Supervisor' s Office Administra- tion. . . since Mr. Brandt took office. . . Supervisor Brandt-reviewed his increase in staff and noted that there was shortages in the water dept. interest in the budget when he took office. . . also no monies provided for noted on Highway Police Bldg. . .more professional management of our finances was essential— for economy of government proper .� administration of finances of government is important. . .reviewed the interest earned in three year. . . Glen Greeno- questioned the proclamation of UNICEF-noted their questionable causes in his opinion. . .requested that the Board review this organization before proclaming them next year. . . Supervisor Brandt-upheld the UNICEF program. . .reviewed their past. . . Glen Greeno- If we are going to handout money to poor people lets do it right here. . . Judith Casey- announced Bandidates night Thursday, 'October 27, 1977 at 8: 00 P.M. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chhse Town Clerk Town of Queensbury i 204 i APPLIED FOND AMOUNT TO BE 1978 APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES BALANCE RAISED BY TAXES General Fund A $1,702 ,373. $ 1,493 , 373. $209,000. -0- Highway DR 228, 929. 228,929 -0- -0- DM 192,009, 192, 009. -0- -0- DS 148 ,653. 14a,653. -0- -0- DE 36,000. 36, 000. -0- -0- Revenue Sharing CF 107, 000. 107 ,000. -0- -0- Pine View C 65,062. 40, 000. 25,062. -0- $2,480, 026. $ 2,245,964. $234, 062. -0- FT. Amherst SLl 3, 500. -0- -0- 3,500. Cleverdale SL2 1,205. -0- -0- 1,205. Pinewood SL3 160. -0- -0- 160. So.Queensbury SL4 10, 000. 1,500. 9,500. west__Queensbury_=�SL5 10,500. -0- 1,700. 8,800. Queensbury Water SW1 1,247,163. 340,100. -0- 907 , 063. West Glens Falls Ext. # 1 SW5 730. -0- -0 730. West Glens Falls SW3 13,688. 9,500. 2, 000. 2,188 . Shore Colony SW4 2,313. 1,495. -0- 818 . Fire Protection SF 182,219. 2, 000. 2,000. 178,219. Pershing, Ashley Coolidge SS1 1,500. -0- -0- 1,500. Reservoir Park SS3 1,550 -0- 300 1,250. Drainage SD 500 -0- -0- 500. Queensubry Lighting SL6 39, 200 -0- 6 500. 32 700. 1,514,228. 33, 095. 14', 0001. 1,147,JL 3- 3,994,254. 2, 599, 059. 248 . 062. 1,147,133. • APPLICATION OF SALES TAX MONIES 1978 APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES APPLIED FUND AMOUNT TO BE BALANCE RAISED BY TAXES General A $ 1, 063,745. $ 628,373. $ 209,000. $ 226,372. Highway DR 228 ,929. 17,500. -0- 211,429. DM 192, 009 6,000. -0- 186 ,009. DS 148,653. 22,500. -0- 126,153. DE 36, 000. 15,000. -0- 21,000. Revenue Sharing CF 107,000. 107;000. -0- -0- C 65, 062. 40,000. 25,062. -0- 1—,541 , 8 0, 3. Amount Raised By Taxes 1977 = 754,739. Assessed Valuation 1977 = 161,030,119 = $4.69 TAX RATE Amount Per Work Sheet 1978 = 770,963. Assessed Valuation 1978 = 164,525,885 = $4. 69 TAX RATE Estimated Sales Tax to be Received by Queensbury as per County Treasurer is $865, 000. As applied in 1978 Budget to Remove Taxes ($770. 963. ) REVENUES: A1120 Sales Tax $ 865,000. EXPENDITURES: General. A. $ 225, 372. A 9541. 9Highway DR. 211,429. A9542.9 DM 186,009. These amounts are budgeted in there respective Accounts A9543, 9 DS 126,153. As Revenues A 9544.9 21, 000. 770 . TO COUNTY TREASURER TO REDUCE TAXES 94,037. 865,000. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted A 1010 Town Board Persona Services $ 13,000. 00 $ 13,000. 00 $ 13,600. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- . 440 Contractual 479. 40 600.00 900. 00 Total $ 13 9.40 13,600. 00 1-4, 500. 00 A 1110 Town Justices . 100 Personal Services 16,733. 26 23,295. 00 25,850. 00 .200 Equipment 80. 00 70. 00 700. 00 . 440 Contractual 1,982. 00 2,530. 00 4, 025. 00 Total 18,795. 00 25,895. 00 30,575. 00 A 1220 Supervisor .100 Personal Services 16, 064.44 29,455. 00 17,848. 00 .200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- .440 Contractual 747. 93 2, 950. 00 1,600. 00 Total 16, 32, 405. 00 19,x$.-00 A 1320 Annual CPA Audit . 440 Contractual -0- -0- 10, 000. 00 Total -0 -0- 100, 00—0 A 1330 Tax Collection Personal Services 9, 098.78 9,169. 00 -0- .200 Equipment -0-, -0- -0- .440 Contractual 3,973. 32 3,875. 00 -0- Total 13, 0 13,044. 00 TO TOWN MERK o2oVC . 2 . GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted A1340 Budge Administrator . 00 Personal Services -0- -0- $ 18,490. 00 .200 Equipment -0- -0- 300.00 .440 Contractual -0- -0- 6,415. 00_ Total -�— - 2�,205. 0 0 A 1355 Assessor . 100 Personal Services 11,925. 00 13,370.00 12,900. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- . 440 Contractual 887. 92 6,070. 00 7,195. 00 Total 12,812.92 19, 70.00 20, 095.00 A 1410 Town Clerk . 100 Personal Services 17,660. 00 19, 068. 00 26,787. 00 .200 Equipment 188. 00 220. 00 -0- . 440 Contractual 4,237. 64 5,095. 00 10,604.00 Total 22, 085. 64 24,3 3. 00 37 ,393. 00 A 1420 Town Attorney . 100 Personal Services -0- -0- -0- .200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- . 440 Contractual 18,389. 95 17 , 000. 00 17,000. 00 Total 18,389.95 17,00 .00 17, 000- 00 A 1440 Engineer .100 Personal Services 7,962. 60 -0- 5, 000. 00 ,200 Equipment -0- 400. 00 1,250. 00 . . 400 Contractual 2,219. 16 13,500. 00 7 , 500. 00 Total 10,181.76 13,900. 00 13—, T5U70 .2 6y - GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted A 1345 Purchasing 100 Personal Services $ -0- -0- -0- :440 Contractual -0- 150. 00 300.00 Total -0- 1-50.00 —FO-6760 A 1450 Elections .100 Personal Services 10,060. 60 $9, 563.00 12, 268 . 00 .200 Equipment 478.11 -0- -0- .440 Contractual -0- 900. 00 15,880. 00 Total 10, 5 8.71 10,463. 00 28,148. 00 A 1620 Buildings .100 Personal Services 57. 86 9, 928. 00 7, 310. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- 175. 00 1, 500. 00 . 410 Telephone -0- 7,000.00 7,000. 00 . 420 Insurance -0- 500. 00 500.00 430 Utilities -0- 2,900.00 3,750. 00 :440 Contractual 66, 585. 01 6,480. 00 14,360. 00 .450 Fuel Oil -0- 2,900. 00 2, 900. 00 Total 66,642. 88 29,$$3. 00 37 ,320. 00 SPECIAL ITEMS A 1910 Unallocated Insurance 1 .440 Contractual 1, 099. 00 7,700. 00 8 , 298 . 00 A 1920 Municipal Assoc Dues Con ractual 400.00 400. 00 400. 00 A 1940 Contingent Account -0- 20, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 A 1972 To County Treasurer to Reduce Taxes Contractual -0- -0- 94,037 . 00 Total aY E _F- 4 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS g 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s Expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted A 3120 Police .100 Personal Services $116,872. 35 $ 124,300. 00 $ 130,060. . 200 Equipment 11, 987 . 00 12,000. 00 25, 000. 00 . 410 Telephone -0- 1, 500. 00 700. 00 .420 Insurance -0- 3, 000.00 3, 000. 00 430 Utilities -0- 900.00 1,300. 00 :440 General Contractual 18,242. 91 15, 000. 00 25, 985. 00 . 450 Fuel Oil -0- 1,100. 00 1, 450. 00 . 310 Retirement -0- 14, 968. 00 24,000. 00 .860 Hospitalization -0- 9, 000. 00 13, 300. 00 . 830 Social Security -0- 7,272. 00 9,920. 00 .840 Compensation -0- 2, 200. 00 3,600. 00 , 6 Total , ~2:3 8 ,.3-15. 0 0 Al 3120.Anti Recession 00 Personal Services -0- -0- 17 , 000. 00 A 3310 Traffic Control . 430 Utilities -0- 800. 00 800. 00 .440 General Contractual 3, 948. 66 4,200. 00 5, 000. 00 Total 3,94 . 66 5, 000. 00 5, 5 0. 00 A 3150 Jail .440 Contractual 87. 00 300. 00 300. 00 C>y r. GENE1kAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's A 3410 Fire Marshal Expenses AUpropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted . 100 Persona Services $ 2,$9,12 $ 4,770.00 .200 Equipment -0- -0- 411. 00 .440 Contractual _ 264. 03 _ 790.00 1,4;1,00 Total 5,566.00 8,251; A 3510 Dog garden 00 Pcz6o- n--a�Services 7,940.00 8,443.00 8,339.00 .200 Equipment -0- 720.00 -0- .420 Insurance -0- 250. 00 250. 00 .440 General Contractual 3,139. 44 3,640. 00 4,890. 00 Total 11,079. 13,640.00 13,479. 00 A 4010 Board of Health .100 Personal Services 2,800. 00 2,800. 00 2,8Q0. 00 .200 Equipment .-0- -0- -0- .440 General Contractual 1,080. 00 1,250. 00 1,?50. 00 Total 30.00 4,050.00 4, 05 . 00 A 4020 Resgistrar of Vital Statistics .100 Personal Services 76. 00 100.00 100. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- .440 Contractual 22.62 -0- -0- Total � 8. 62 100. 00 100. 00 A 5010 Superintendent of H�c�hwa ss 100 —Personal Services 24,300. 00 2�,9�U. u� 26 ,570. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- .440 Contractual 213. 00 .625. 00 Total 24,513.00 25r„ 27,195. 0 A5132 Highway Garage . 100 Personal Services -0- -0- -0- .410 Telephone -0- 900.00 900. 00 .430 Utilities -Q- 12, 000.00, 11, 000. 00 .450 Fuel Oil -0- 4, 300. 00 4,400. 00 -0- 17, 00. 00 16. 0. 00 v S/ G_ 6. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's A_5182 Street Lighting Expenditures A pro riations Tentative Preliminary Adopted . 440 Contractual . 12, 541.71 F16,550. 00 $21, 4 Total 12, 541.71 19, 550. OU 21t400. A 6256 (Title VI)CETA Persona Services 103,895.22 -0- 58,056. 00 . r3J Employee Benefits 13,883.82 11,574. 00 33,302. 00 Total 117,779. U4 11,5TT. 00 91,358 . 00 A 6250 CETA(Title II) Personal Services -0- 7,296. 00 -0- . 830 Social Security -0- 445.00 -0- . . 460 Hospitalization -01 800. 00 -0- Total -0- 8,541. 00 -0- A 6410 Publicity .440 Contractual 5, 000. 00 3, 500. 00 3,500. 00 Total 5, 000.00 3, 500. 00 3, 50 . 00 A 6510 Veterans Services ,440 Contractual 600. 00 600. 00 600. 00 Total -0000 600.00 X60 -. 00 A 6722 Pro rams for Aging 40Contractual -0- -0 6,000. 00 Total 6, 000.000 A 7310 Youth Pro rams .100 Personal Services 23,871.27 26,543. 00 18,692. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- 1,000. 00 1,000. 00 . 300 Capital Expens. -0- -0- 8,000. 00 .440 Contractual 11,640.75 10,000. 00 9,950. 00 Total 35,512. 37,54 00 37, 2.00 _ -- - 7 . GENERAL FUND APPROPRIA'T'ION 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget_ Officer 's A 7320 Joint Youth Expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted .440 Contractual $ 1,500. 00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1, 500. 00 Total 1, 500. 00 1,500. 00 1, 500. 00 A 7410 Library .440 Contractual 26,575. 00 28,575. 00 29,575. 00 Total 26,575. 00 -28,575. 00 29, 575. 00 A 7550 Celebrations .440 Contractual 4,241. 83 3,400. 00 1,200. 00 Total 41. 83 3,400. 00 1 A 7620 Senior Citizens ,440 Contractual 4,200. 00 5, 400. 00 2,700. 00 Total 4,260. 00 5,400. 00 "T;M.000 A 8010 Zoning . 100 Personal Services 210. 98 25,059. 00 25,158. 00 200 Equipment -0- 1,120.00 1,320. 00 : 440 Contractual 605. 78 2,880. 00 6,308. 00 . 420 Insurance -0- 583. 00 583. 00 Total 816.76 299, . 00 33,369.00 A 8020 Planning .100 Personal Services 25,197.72 -0- 1,000. 00 .200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- . 420 Insurance -0- -0- -0- . 440 Contractual 4, 847.60 1,000. 00 500. 00 Total 30,045. 32 1,0 0. 00 1,5 .60 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget 1978 Budget Officer' s A 8030 Research Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted 00 Personal SErvices 1,790. 13 $ -0- -0- .440 Contractual 224. 30 20,000. 00 -0- Total 2, 014.43 20, 000. 00 -0- A 8160 Refuse & Garbage .100 Persona Services 27,197 .72 30,000. 00 -0- 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- :440 Contractual 9,270. 09 10, 000. 00 75,000. 00 Total 36,344. 3-7 40, 000. 00 75,000. 00 A 8510 Community Beautification . 474-0 Contractual 859. 98 100. 00 100. 00 Total 59-98 100. 00 100. 00 A 8540 Drainage 2,100. 00 2,500. 00 24,850. 00 .440 Contractual 2,100. 00 2, 500. 00 24, 0.00 A 900 Employee Benefits . 9010. 8 State Retirement 26,776.00 28,681. 00 28 ,850. 00 9010. 8 Police and Fire Ret. 13; 220. 00 -0- -0- . . 9030. 8 Social Security 18 ,990. 28 17, 012. 00 25, 600. 00 . 9040. 8 Workmens 's Comp 7, 922. 00 5, 600. 00 3, 970. 00 . 9060. 8 Hospitalization 16, 371. 32 34,044. 00 25, 000. 00 . 9050.8 Unempl. Ins. -0- -0- 2,500. 00 Total $0,278. 60 8 56-0 85, 920. 00 4 v S. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS Actual u ge Budget Officer 's INTERFUND TRANSFERS Expenditures Appropriations Tenative Preliminary Adopted .A 9514. 9 Pineview Cemetery $ 28, 000 0 $-74,234. 00 15,000. 00 A 9514.9 Highway Department - Repairs & Improvements 211,429. 00 A 9542. 9 - Highway Machinery 186 ,009. 00 A 9543. 9 - Highway Snow Removal 130,153. 00 A9544. 9 - Highway Improvements 21,000. 00 A 9550.9 apital Fund -0- A 9560. 9 Capital Reserve -0- Total $563, . Debt Service Principal i A 9720.6 Statutory Bonds $ 4,205. 00 $ 4,205. 00 4, 205. 00 A 9730.6. Bond Antic. Notes 15,150. 00 9,450.00 9,450. 00 A 9740. 6 Capital Notes -0- -0- -0 Total 19, 355. 00 13, 655. 00 13,655. 00 Debt Service (Interest) A 9720. 7 Statutory Bonds 1,201.71 999. 00 799. 00 A 9730.7 Bond Antic. Notes 1,197 .71 1,952. 00 907. 00 A 9750. 7 Capital Notes -0- -0- -0 Total 3, 3 3 , l,706. 00— TOTAL GENERAL FUND 812, 588.80 1;702,373. 00 APPROPRIATIONS lu. GENIT17RAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES TAX ITEMS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's Revenues Revenues Tentative Preliminary Adopted A 1090 Interest & $ Penalties 3,913. 02 $ 3, 100.00 $ 3, 650. 00 males Tax A 1120 Non Property Tax Distributed by County 378,335. 98 150,000.00 1,015,080. 00 Total 38-2,249. 153,100 0 10 T-,OOF. 0 Departmental Income A 2001 Park & Recreation Chs. 800. 00 600.00 900. 00 A 1232 Tax Collection 983.47 700.00 850. 00 A 1255 Clerk Fees 1,553. 00 1,550.00 1, 550. 00 A 1520 Police Fees 608.00 400.00 1, 600. 00 A 1570 Demolition Permits 110. 00 100.00 240. 00 A 2110 Zoning Fees 1,175.00 1,600.00 :1 , 650. 00 Total .4 X0. 00 6,790. 00 A 2401 Use of Money & Property Interest & Earnings 18,564. 46 15,000. 00 30,000. 00 Total 18, 564.46 15,000.00 30,000. 00 Licenses and Permits A 2545 Other Licenses 4,273. 00 4,000.00 600. 00 A 2540 Bingo License 957.44 700.00 11200. 00 A 2555 Building Permits 15,958.00 12,000.00 12,000. 00 A 2544 Dog Licenses 3,772. 35 3,500.00 3,50.0. 00 A 2590 Junk Yard Permits 175. 00 125.00 125. 00 A 2610 Fines and Forefited 30,256. 00 30,000.00 42,000. 00 Total Bail 55, 391.79 55.00 59,425. 00 A 2768 Public Employment Program(Title VI) 120,252 . 98 -0- 81,008. 00 A 2766 ( Title II) -0- 9,956.00 -0- A 2770 Cable T.V. 1.2,672. 42 8,000.00 10,000. 00 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's INCOME Revenues Revenues Tentative Preliminary Adopted A 3001 Per Capita $180,888. 00 $ 180, 000.00 $ 180, 000. 00 A 3005 Mortgage Tax 64,376. 52 80,000. 00 80,000. 00 A 3820 Youth Programs 9,265.74 7, 500. 00 7 ,500. 00 A 3772 Programs for Aging 600. 00 1.500. 00 3 . 000. 00 A 4720 Anti Recession -0- -0- 17,000. 00 Grand Total Estimated Revenues $848, 096. 38 $ 510,981. 00 $1, 493,373. 00 GENERAL FUND ENTERPRISE - CEMETERY 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's C 8810 APPROPRIATIONS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted .100 Personal Services .200 Equipment 1,225.00 1,000. 00 1, 000. 00 .440 Contractual 8,192.71 -0- -0- .410 Telephone -0- 250.00 270. 00 .420 Insurance -0- 2,100.00 1,800. 00 .430 Utilities -0- 200. 00 250. 00 . 440 Gen. Contractual -0- 3,300. 00 6,100. 00 .450 Fuel Oil -0 700.00 900.00 Total 45,364.00 74 27-60 C 900 Employee Benefits . 9010.8 State Retirement 4,509. 00 4,700. 00 .9030.8 Soc. Security 2,290. 00 2,900. 00 9040.8 Workmens Comp. 1,500.00 1,620. 00 . 9060.8 Hospitalization 2,484. 00 2,900. 00 .9050.3 Unemployment Ins. -0= 700. 00 Total $8,994. 10 10,78 . 00 12,820.00 Total Cemetery Appropriations 55,421.37 56,147.00 65,062 .00 ESTIMATED REVENUES - PINEVIEW C 2190 Sale of Cemetery lots8,430.87 6,000. 00 7 , 500. 00 C 2192 Cemetery Serv. 11,443.83 8,000. 00 10,500. 00 2810 Gen. Fund Trans. 28,000.00 34,234. 00 15,000. 00 C 2401 Interest 8, 495. 58 1, 000.00 7,000. 00 Total Est. Revenues 56,370. 28 49,234.00 40,000. 00 Estimated Unexpended Balance o?6y n. - — --- —13 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS Repairs & Improvements 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's (Item 1) Expenditures Appro riations Tentative Preliminary Adopted DR 5110.1 Personal Services $ 85,891. 00 7, .00-- $ UU,5UUMU- DR5110.440 Contractual 111,484. 00 23,000. 00 28,425. 00 DR 5110.461 Patching Mix -0- 10,000.00 10, 000. 00 DR5110.462 Tars & Cutbacks -0- 63,500.00 65,000. 00 DR5110.463 Limestone -0- -0- -0- Total $197,375.00 $183,687. 0 $1- 91,S25.6-6 Employee Benefits DR 010.$ State Retirement 12,100. 00 12,000.00 11,650 . 00 DR9030.8 Soc. Security 5,531.73 5,313.00 6, 050.,00 DR9040.8 Workmens Comp. 4,000.00 3,425. 00 5,204.00 DR9060.8 Hospitalization 5. 686.15 6.200.00 12,600. 00 DR9Z-SD,8 Unemployment Ins. _ ;--0-- _ -0- 1, 500. 00 TOTAL 27,317. 88 26_,938. 00 37, 004. 00 Total Appropriations Item I 224;652-99 21.0,625. 00 228. 929. 00 Machinery ( Item III) DM 5130.1 Personal Services 17,651.35 32,054.00 25,000. 00 DM 5130.2 Equipment 52.99 75,000.00 82,000. 00 DM 5130. 420 Insurance -0- 17,100.00 17,100. 00 DM 5130.440 General Contractual -0- 32,000.00 31,250. 00 DM 5130.465 Lubricants -0- -0- -0- DM 5130. 440 Total Contractual 39,350. 04 -0- -0- Total 57, 054. 156,1 .00 in-,7 Employee Benefits DM 9010.8 State Retirement 1,184. 00 2,100. 00 3,050. 00 DM 9030.8 Soc. Security 1,085.24 1,954.00 1,706. 00 DM 9040. 8 Workmens Comp -0- 975.00 1,374. 00 DM 9050.8 Hospitalization _ 832.65 2,000.00 3,150. 00 Total 3,101.6 7,029.-U-0 9,280. 00 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS Cont. Debt Service 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's Principal (Item III) expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted DM 30.6 Bond Articit pation 14,145. 00 4,1� , . Notes DM9740.6 Capital Notes -0- .-0- -0 DM9720. 6 Statutory Bonds 11,367. 00 11,367. 00 11,367. 00 Total 25,512. 0 25,512. 00 , i Interest D1497'50.7 Bond Anticipation Notes 2,821. 00 2,016.00 1,097. 00 DM9740.7 Capital Notes -0- DM9720.7 Statutory Bonds 1,792.41 1,282. 00 770. 00 Total 4, 613. 41 1,867. 00 Total Appropriations Item III 90,281. 44 191,993. 00 Miscellaneous (Brush. & Weeds) D.55 0. Genera Contractual 2,605.85 6,000.00 4, 000. 00 Total 2-60 .89 _ 6,000.0 44, 00 Snow Removal ( Item IV) DS5142.1 Personal Services 65,305.74 80,640.00 80,640. 00 DS5142.440 Gen Contractual 34,749.86 9,000. 00 13,532. 00 DS5412.461 Patching Mix -0- 3,000.00 3, 000. 00 DS5142.464 Salt -0- 12,000.00 12,000. 00 Total 100,055. 1064 169,17 2. 00 Employee Benefits DS 9010.8 Retirement 5,917. 00 12,000.00 12 ,000. 00 DS9030.8 Soc. Secuirity 4,239.15 4,914. 00 5,550. 00 DS90,40:8 Workmens Comp. 1,340. 00 3,150. 00 3,831.00 DS9060.8 Hospitalization 4, 010.48. 5,530. 0? 12,600.00 ��'-Sa&0. 3 Unemployment Ins. - 0- =�� 1,500. 00 Total 15— 0� 6.6 25,564. 35,481. Total Appropriations (Item 118,168. 00 136,204.00 148 ,653. 00 HIGHWAY FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS CONTINUED Budget Officer' s Accounts T�IC'? 1� r'� VE Tentative Preliminary Adopted Improvement Program (Project No. 5150) DE 5150. 1 Personal Services $ 1, 000. 00 DE5.150.4 Contractual 3,320. 00 Total 4,320. 00 SULLIVAN PLACE Improvement Program (Project No. 5151) DE5151.1 Personal Services 1, 000. 00, DE5151. 4 Contractual 3,140. 00 Total 4,140. 00 SULLIVAN ROAD Improvement Program (Project No. 5152) DE 5152.1 Per nal Services 500. 00 DE 5152. 4 Contractual 2,2,00. 00 Total 2,700- 00 PAUL STREET Improvement Program (Project No. 5153) DE 5153. 1 Personal Services 100. 00 DE 5153.4 Contractual 800. 00 Total 900. 00 SHERMAN ISLAND ROAD Improvement Program Project No. 5154) DE 5154. 1 Personal Services 3, 300. 00 DE5154. 4 Contractual 12, 000. 00 Total 15, 300. 00 ARBERGER DRIVE Improvement Program (Project No. 5155) DES 5. 1 Personal Services 500. 00 DE5155. 4 Contractual 2, 380. 00 Total 2, 880. 00', tea. 00' a o5/ Q. f S , — 16 HIGM:91AY FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS CONTINUED Budget Officer' s Tentative Preliminary Adopted ZENUS DRIVE Improvement Program DE5�(Project No. 5156) 15 Persona Services 740. 00 DE5156. 4 Contractual 2,500. 00 Total 3t:240. 00 NORTHWAY DRIVE Improvement Pro ram Project No. 515 7) DE 557. 1 Pers3-nal Services 520. 00 DE5157.4 Contractual 2, 000. 00 Total 2,520. 00 TOTAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 36,000. 00 17 HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMAATED REVENUES REPARIS & IMPROVEMENTS ( Item I) Accounts 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's Revenues Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted Local Sources DR2650 Sale of Gas $ 4,427.58 -0- $ -0- DR2401 Interest & Earnings 1,130.75 $ 91000. 00 8, 000. 00 DR2680 Insurance Refund -0- -0- -0- DR2840 Transfer from Highway Fund IV -0- -0- -0- DR2770 Personal & Equipment 224. 22 -0- DR2810 Transfer Gen. -0- -0- 211,429. 00 DR3507 State Aid: Mileage and Valuation 9,570.75 Aid 9,000. 00 ►5�'�'• p0 TOTAL ESTIMATED 15,129.O$ 18,000.00 ?.2931 9_2-9_.-6 0 RE"ENUES HIGHWAY FUND - ESTIMATED REVENUES MACHINERY (Item III). Local Sources - DM 1 0 Non-Property Tax distribution by County -0- -0- DM2401 Interest & Earnings 8, 561. 00 -0- 6, 000. 00 DM26 _ _ -0- DM2416 Rental of -0- Equipment -0- DM2810 Transfer from Gen. -0- -0- 186. 009. 00 State Aid -0- TOTAL ESTIMATED 8, 561. 00 TV17�'� REVENUES -0- HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND MISCELLANEOUS (—Item IV) 1976 ACTUAL 1977 Budget Budget Officer's ACCOUNTS REVENUES Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted DS2300 Services for Other Governments ' $ 20,110. 00 $ 16,000. 00 $ 16,000. 0.0 DS 2810 Transfer from Gen. -0- 130,153. 00 DS 2401 interest 2, 500. 00 Total Revenue (Item IV ) 148,653. 09— ESTIMATED REVENUES HIGHWAY IMPREOVEMENT PROGRAM Accounts 14,400. 00 DE 5 State Aid 8,838. 00 14,400. 00 DE 2401 66 DE 2810 Trans. from Gen. _ 21,00pp 8:0p0 pp Total ' FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING APPROPRIATIONS CF 1997.3 Police Highway Building -0- -0- -0- CF 1620.2 Shared Services -0- -0- CF 5110.4 Highway Repairs 80,500. 00 80,500. 00 CF 510.1; Police -0- 26,500. 00 107; 666. 00 ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE - REVENUE SHARING CF 2401 Interest and Earnings CF 4001 Federal Revenue Sharing 80,500. 00 107 , 000. 00 Total Estimated Revenues 80,500. 00 107,000. 00 Estimated Unexpended Balance -0- -0- -0- � 05/ 1'- SL I FORT AMHERST - GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT 19 • 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s Contractual Expense rXPBUNSES_ Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted 5182.400 $ 2,747. 5,! $ 3,200. 00 $ 3, 500. Total 2,747.54 3,200. 00 3,500.00 SL1 2401 Interest -0- -0- -0- Estimated Revenues 3,233•.88 -0- -0- Estimated Unexpended -0- -0- -0- Balance -0- -0- -0- SL2 CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT 5182.400 Contractual Expense 862.88 1,000. 00 1, 205. 00 Tot— ate'— 86� 1,000. 00 1,205. 00 SL3 Pinewood Lighting District 5182.400 Contractual Expense 115.26 140.00 160. 00 Total 115.29 140. 00 160. 00 SL4 South Queensbury Lighting District 5182.400 Contractual Expense 7,637. 32 9,700. 00 10, 000. 00 Total 7,637. 32 9,700. 00 10,000. 00 SL5 West Queensbury Lighting District 5182.400 Contractual' ' Expense 8,067. 58 10,000. 00 10,500. 00 Total 8 . 58 10,000.00 10,500. 00 SL6 Queensbury Lighting District 5182.400 Contractual Expense 30,008.51 34,000. 00 39,200. 00 Total 30, 008.51 34, 000. 06' 39-2Ob. 60 Eby U . 20. SF1 QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s ACCOUNTS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted SF 3410. 440 Payment on Fire Contracts $136,257.22 $ 173,122. 00 $ 154,644. 00 SF 3410 Payments on Ambulance Contracts 8,299. 00 14,499. 00 15,30-0. 00 SF 3410 Insurance -0- 11,158.00 12,275. 00 - Total $144,556.22 $ 198,779. 00 $ 182,219. 00 SF1 QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES SF2401 Interest 142, 699. 34 -0- 2,000. 00 . Total 142,699. Y4- 21000. 00 � e Y ✓. SS 1 PERSHING-ASHLEY COLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's ACCOUNTS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted 8130 Sewage Treatment & Disposal . 440 $ 1, 545. 00 $ 1, 500. 00 $ 1, 500. 00 Total 1, 545. 00 1,500. OD— 1, 500. 00 SS1 PERSHING-ASHLEY COLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT REVENUES 2401 Interest none none none 2770 Transfer from Special District none none none RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT - SS3 8130 Sewage Treatment & Disposal . 440 513.46 1,500. 00 1,550. 00 Total 513. 46 1,500. 00 1,550. 00 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT - SS3 REVENUES 2401 Interest none none none SDl QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE Debt Service Principal 9710. 600 Serial Bond 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 -0- Debt Service Interest 9710.700 Serial Bond 210. 00 70. 00 -0- . 400 Contractual -0- -0- 500. 00 Total 5, 210. 06— 5, 070. 00 500. 06' SW 1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT 1976 Actual BUDGET BUDGET OFFICER's ACCOUNTS EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS TENTATIVE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED SW1 8310 Administration 8310. 100 Personal Serv. $20, 259.79 $ 28 , 325.00 $ 22,000. 00 8310. 200 Equipment 539. 50 200. 00 -0- 8310.400 Contractual 23, 060.20 -0- -0- 8310. 410 Telephone -0- 3, 000. 00 3 000. 00 8310.420 Insurance -0- 12, 000. 00 12,000. 00 8310.440 Gen. Contractual -0- 8 ,510. 00 8,560. 00 Total 43,859.49' 52,0 . 00 x_5,560. 00 Source of Power & Supply SW1 8320 Pumping 8320. 100 Personal Serv. 41, 542. 32 29, 900. 00 41,143. 00 8320. 200 Equipment 1,708 .77 2,125. 00 =0� 8320.400 Contractual 76, 069. 99 8320.430 Utilities -0- 69,300. 00 55,000. 00 8320. 440 Gen. Contractual -0- 275. 00 11,582. 00 8320. 450 Fuel Oil -0- 10,000. 00 11,000. 00 Total 119, 321. 08 111,600. 00 1 SW1 8330 Purification .8330. 100 Personal Service 10,549. 90 18, 647. 00 11,500. 00 . 330. 200 Equipment 3:x. 00 2,425. 00 . �0- 8330.400 Contractual 8330. 440 Gen. Contractual 15,946. 52 23,550. 00 231550.00 Total 26, 529.2F2 -41, 572. Sp -�;(15U. U SW1 8340 Transmission & Distri ution 8340. 100 Personal Service 71,287 . 27 71,095. 00 73, 000. 00 . 8340.200 Equipment 9,532. 19 7, 000. 00 12, 900. 00 8340.400 Contractual : 8340.440 Gen. Contractual.59,894. 69 62, 000. 00 124,000.0.0 Total 140,7 140, 095. 00 209,900. 00 05,/ x 23 SW 1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's ACCOUNTS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative_ Preliminary Adopted Em— p�yee Benefits 9010. 8 Retirement $ 13,392. 00 $ 19, 350. 00 $ 22,350. 00 9030.8 Soc. Sec. 8,650.17 10,990. 00 10, 100.00 9040. 8 Workmens Comp. 3,568 . 00 4,260. 00 4, 930. 00 9060.8 Hospitalization 7,322. 55 10,280. 00 19,700. 00 9050. 8 Unemployment Ins. -0- -0 3, 500. 00 Total 32, 932. 2 444,880. 00 TOTAL OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS 390,182. 00 469,815. 00 DEBT SERVICE- PRINCIPAL 0. 6 Statutory Bond 3,760. 00 9,760.00 3,760 . 00 9710. 6. Serial Bond 15, 000. 00 223,000. 00 220, 000. 00 9730. 6 Bond Antic. Note 193,389. 00 12,864. 00 18,924. 00 Total 212,149. 00 245,624. 00 772;684. 00 DEBT SERVICE - INTEREST 9720.7 Statutory 658. 00 2,294. 00 329. 00 9710.7 Serial Bonds 290,842. 58 481,367. 00 464,950. 00 9730.7 Bond Antic. Note 308, 335. 61 3,508. 00 1 2,925.00 Total 599, 36.19 487, 6C 9. 00 T68, 204. 00 9770. 6. Revenue Antic. Note 50, 000. 00 105, 500. 00 55, 500 00 9770. 7 Revenue Antic. Note 4, 999. 99 8, 273. 00 2, 360 . 00 9975. 5 Repayment ofGeneral 58,600. 00 50,000. 00 -0- Fund Loan 9995. 5 Repayment of Errors 223.19 -0- 8,400. 00 9710. 4 Fiscal Agent Fees -0- -0- 200. 00_ Total 113,823.71116' 1630 66,460. 00 777,348 . 00 Total $ 1,247,163. 00 ab 24 . SW 1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Bu getOfficer' s ACCOUNTS Revenues Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted SW2140 Metered Sales $ 204,747.21 $ 339,450. 00 $ 280,000. 00 SF12142 Unmetered Sales 60,055. 04 20,000. 00 20,000. 00 SW2144 Water Connection 9,785. 41 7,000. 00 8, 000. 00 SW2148 Interest and Penalties on Water Rents 1, 616.43 1,126. 00 1,200. 00 SW2401 Interest & Earnings 3,645. 97 1, 000. 00 13,500. 00 SW2650 Sales of Scrap 504. 00 400. 00 400. 00 SW2416 Rental 91.74 500. 00 500. 00 SW2770 Supervision 15,154. 99 3,450. 00 3,500. 00 SW2378 Water Service for Other Government- 340. 00 11,266. 00 10,000. 00 SW1 2801 Interfund Reimbursements -0- 3, 000. 00 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES 295, 940.79 394, 192. 00 340,100. 00 �b��- SW3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT 1976 Actual 1977Budget Budget Officer' s ACCOUNTS Expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted 8310 Administration .400 Contractual $ 891. 60 $ 1, 000. 00 $ 3, 000. 00 SW8320 Source of Supply Power & Pumping SW3 8320. 400 Contractual 4,910. 37 6, 500. 00 4,500. 00 SW8340 Transmission and Distribution SW8340. 400 Contractual 1,337. 22 6,459.00 6, 188. 00 Debt Service -0- -0 -0- 9975. 600 TOTAL DISTRICT 7,139.19 $13,959.00 $13,688. 00 APPROPRIATIONS SW3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT REVENUES S1•732140 Metered Sales 403. 29 342. 00 400. 00 SW3 8320 Unmetered Sales 10,246. 00 9, 929. 00 91000. 00 SW3 2770 Relayed Water -0- 300. 00 -0- S23 2401 Interest 64. 11 -0- 100. 00 10,713-4 10,571. 06— 9,500. 0 Total 26. 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's ACCOUNTS Expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted SW4 SHORE .COLONY WATER DISTRICT SW4 8310 Administration 9-310. 400 Contractual $ 978. 00 $ 1, 000. 00 $ 1, 000. 00 SW4 8320 Power & Supply 83 0. 400 Contractual 83. 92 50 . 00 100. 00 SW4 8330 Purification 8330.440 Contractual -0- 25. 00 25. 00 SW4 8340 Transmission & 73. 51 1,300. 00 1,188 . 00 D 18tribution TOTAL 1,135. 43 2,350. 00 2,313.00 SW4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES SW4 2142 Unmetered Sales 1,587 . 00 1,495. 00 1,495. 00 SW4 2148 Penalties 13.80 10. 00 -0- SW4 2770 Relayed Water -0- 70. 00 -0- 1,600. 80 1,575. 00 1,495. 00 Total Revenues o? 6Y gB. 27 . 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s ACCOUNTS EXPENDITURES Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted SW 5 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT, EXTENTION # 1 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL SW 0. 600 Seria Bonds $ 525. 00 $ 525. 00 $ 525. 00 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST SW9710. 700 Serial Bonds 236. 25 220. 00 205. 00 Total Water District Appropriations $ 745. 00 $ 730.00 761. 25 DEBT SERVICE FUND - SPECIAL DISTRICTS APPROPRIATIONS - 1978 Accounts SERIAL BONDS VI 9710.-T Agent Fees 200. 00 . 6 Principal 220,525. 00 . 7 Interest 465,155. 00 Total 685,880. 00 STATUTORY BONDS Vl 9720. 6 Principal 3,760. 00 ,7 Interest 329. 00 Total 408 9. 00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE V 9730 . 6 Principal 18,924. 00 ,7 Interest 2, 925. 00 Total 21,849. 00 REVENUE ANTICIPATIO NOTE Vl 9870'.-6 Principal 55,500. 00 .7 Interest 2,360. 00 Total 57,860.00 REPAYMENT OF ERRORS VI 9995 5 8,400. 00 8,400. 00 REVENUES INTERFUND TRANSFERS V1 2831 778, 078. 00 DEBT SERVICE FUND - APPROPRIATIONS 1978 V 9720 . 6. Principal $ 15, 572. 00 . 7 Interest 1,569. 00 Total 17,141.00 V 9730 . 6 Principal 23,595. 00 . 7 Interest 2, 004. 00 Total 25,599. 0 V2831 Interfund Transfers 42,740. 00 � 05� � E • a 'ate- .:xr���M�11 z .'-.,. ,- a . i SCHEDULE OF SALARIES OF ELECTED TOWNMOFFICIALS - ( Article 8 of the 11 ;Town Law) -11_ - y 1976 k 1977 -, 1978 '. _ , a�: SUPERVISOR 8,250 8,250. aI0,000..1 I re h t_ - COUNCILMAN 3,250 3,250 3,400. ; COUNCILMANx ;3;250." =3 .250 Y 11 ' _ G 3,400 . _. -,; ;yam§ a .y a*t -; ,f - ^'. t i ,-w v x COUNCILMAN - 3;250 3,250 :.3;400. � _I -1 1� 11 COUNCILMAN' 3,250. 3,250. y 3,400. 2, TOWN CLERK - � 10,460. ­.1I_ 11,500. ° 11,500. : . - �s.0 _ _ " _.' 1 r a,< HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT 12,650. ° 13,400. 14,570. - = TOWN JUSTICE 4,750. 4,750. 5,750. TOWN JUSTICE 4,750. r�:.4,750. 5,750. - - _ r.. .,.. DEPUTY SUPERVISOR 250. A 250 300. ` _ . , v w. . . __u _ - s `u� - _ _ -I 11 V S 4 4" t € � . __. a" . i� � �w -� W x 3 ti ,�.