1977-11-10 205 - REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson ' Councilman PRESS: Tri Co. News, G.F. Post Star, WWSC, WBZA GUESTS: League of Women Voters , Mike O'Connor, Mr. Turnbull, Mr. Wm. Burns , Mr. Russell, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Hammond, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Little, Mrs. Dougher, Mr. Bowman i ,,_iTOWN OFFICIALS : Mr. Garb, Mr.' Lloyd Demboski, Mrs. Shenk Meeting Opened 7: 30 P.M. RESOLUTION TO GRANT BINGO LICENSES RESOLUTION NO. 255., Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: RESOLUTION THAT PERMISSION IS HEREBY `GRANTED TO THE WEST GLENS FALLS VOL. FIRE CO. TO CONDUCT BINGO FROM NOV. 5, 1977 TO JAN 28, 1978 cinder license 110. 16976 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT PERMSSION IS ALSO GRANTED TO THE GLHNS FALLS ELKS TO CONDUCT BINGO FROM NOV. 2 , 1977 TO FEB 25, 1978 UNDER LICENSE NO. 16975. DULY ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE : AYES: MR. OLEON, MR. BARBER, TORS. WALTER, MR. ROBERTSON, MR. BRANDT NOES : NONE ABSENT: NONE PUBLIC HEAPING BUDGET 1978 NOTICE SHOWN 4 SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Opened the Public Hearing at 7: 36 P.M. r --- MIKE O'CONNOR-Asked if the grade change and guard rails for Mannis and Fitzgerald Rds. were in the budget? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-reviewe-d the flexibility of the Revenue sharing monies which could be used for road improvements. CARL GARB, HIGHWAY SUPT. - I have made no committments for that money. . . noted that some improvemeiatts have been made such as widening of the road. . . this should help this winter. . . HAMMOND ROBERTSON, COUNCILMAN- spoke on the Highway Supt. responsibility as to the spending of the monies" allocated in the budget. . . for roads. . . the Town Board can not make a committment as' to which roads will be worked on. . . CARL GARB, HIGHWAY SUPT. -That road will be on the list to be reviewed for impcevements. . . this would be high on a priority list. . . DANIEL OLSON-COUNCILMAN-Requested that funds' be placed in the budget possibt over the next two years for improvements to these roads. . . ROBERT BARBER, COUNCILMAN- Expressed concern over the Town' s lihtiltyy in this problem. . . requested that Mr. Garb speak with Town Counsel since ( we have been served with official notice. L' MIKE O'CONNOR- Spoke on behalf of the Qsby. Central Vol. Fire Co. pleased with the Fire Marshal' s work and requested that he be increased to a 30 hr. week. . . ARTHUR TURNBULL, Sunnyside Road-R iferring to the Qsby. Water Dist. as a White Elephant questioned who made the original study for this project. . . noted that this seems to be the main problam for a tax increase. . . ROBERT BARBER, COUNCILMAN- Reviewed the studies of Joseph Kestner and Sons in regard to the Water Dist. commented that the Board only used hald' the estimated costs to maintain a stabilized tax rate that was one of the problems.. . 206 HAM OND ROBERTSON-COUNCILMAN- Reviewed the size a6 the plant as per volumn created vs cost and reviewed the financing of the project. . . Bond interest high. . . ARTHUR TURNBULL- What is the originAl cost of the project and what are we now paying on the bonds? HAMMOND ROBERTSON, COUNCILMAN- approximately 52 million . . (as per Councilman Barber' s statement) we are paying off at approximately 300, 000 dollars per year. . . on principle interest per year approximately 400, 000 per year which will decline. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- reviewed the fall of N.Y. City and the impact it made on the bond market for municipalities. . .reviewed the paying of the bonds by Queensbury. . .noted the possibility of sales of water to other municipalities. . . noted that this year we should break even in the water --r' Dept. . . .hope to look two years from now to decrease taxes in that district. . . BILL BURNS- what are the agquence of events om the Budget? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Announced the meeting of November 12 , 1977 at 10: 00 A.M. regarding the sales tax monies—noted that the budget must be finalized and passed by November 20th 1977. BILL BURNS- Questibned what the projected surplus or deficit was going to be? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-projected 253,000 balance from last year with an additional 209,000 which will be used to reduce taxes in 1978. . . $462, 000 surplus keep some surplus for disaateess . . . BILL BURNS- questioned if the Supervisor was satisfied with what the Town was reveiving in Sales Tax Monies? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-no but there is very little that we can do about it, this is administered by the State of N.Y. . reviewed the problem in regard to mail addresses. . . and Sales Tax monies. . . BILL BURNS- questidned what A1320. 1 CPA Audit is? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Noted that he placed this item in the budget. . . gave the following reasons. . .pessible bonding for proposed sewer project CPA Audits will be beneficial for proper bonding. . . noted Audit and Control Reports is mainly on the legality of what we are doing, CPA would look at it as business management. . .redesign of processes etc. in long run save money. . . BILL BURNS- questioned if there was a tie in between the budget administrator and the CPA audit? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- They are not tied in. . .The Budget Administrator as proposed is our own bookkeeping depp. . . .reviewed the computer project. . . believe that we can' t afford not to do this. . . BILL BURNS- questioned the jump in A1450 Elections? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-the jump is in anticipation of a Special Referendum for the proposed sewer dist. . . MRS. PHILLIPS-HAVILAND AVE. EXT. - Requested Drainage on her street. . . CARL GARB, HIGHWAY SUFI. -noted drainage work has been slowed down due to rains —noted other high prority areas. . . noted that the pipe for Haviland Ave. has been purchased, - it is planned to be put in this fall. ARTHUR TURNBULL- questioned what will happen to the County if the Town takes in cash all of the Sales Tax monies. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Explained the history of the Sales Tax monies. . . suggestion of Audit and Control— to take la q of the Sales Tax monies directly to the Town—upon thatIthe Town based its reaeomiRg. . .we understood that we could transfer back to the Co. as a tax credit the monies not used by the Town we found out today that you can take all or none of it but there is no mechanism to take part of it— this is the reason for the meeting Saturday. . . Commented on the items in the Co. Budget which he did not agree with. . . J. DAVID LITTLE- Questioned the drop in personnel services in A1220 9,07 SUPERVISOR BRANDT-The Bookkeeper was transferred from the Supv. budget into a seperate budget. . . Budget Administrator. . . JERRY HA2,21OND-Seward Street-requested more drainage work on his street. . . BETTY MONAHAN, Sunnyside Road- critiaed the budget in regard to the showing of sales tax monies. Where did the figures in regard to sales tax monies come from? How accurate were the figures? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-the projection came from the Co. Treas . the figure was a conservative one. . . ; BETTY MONAHAN, QUE3LiftEH the 4,000 difference in figures from page 9 to page 18 code A9543. 9 SUPERVISOR BRANDT-I made an error and omitted 4, 000 from brush and. tree removal, a correction was made but possible was not on the front page. . . I will reaearch this. . . . . . . BETTY MONAHAN—asked for a break down of personal services in regard to Budget Administrator. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- 11,400. 00 for Mr..- Winne 7,090.00 for an account clerk. BETTY MONAHAN- Engineering,-personal services . . .asked for explamatatmnn. . SUPERVISOR BRANDT-5, 000 for general eng. work in the summer, BETTY MONAHAN- questioned the .4 in A1620.4 higher than last year. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- a true reflection of what we are finding to be the case BETTY MONAHAN-On page 4 is the new federal grant included in this? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-that is an error the federal grant is included in the expense side it is not included in the income side . . . . 22,000 figure. . . BETTY MON [-Questioned why the Dog, Warden' s personal services was less? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- trying to feflect the true salary schedule. ... COUNCILMAN OLSON- has the Dog Warden's Salary been decreased& SUPERVISOR BRANDT- no it is not. . .we will look into this . . . BETTY MONAHAN- questioned how much of a raise was to be given to the Highway Supt. ? COUNCILMAN BARBER- 500. 00 BETTY MONAHAN- questioned the jump to 75,000in refuse and garbage. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- noted the higher cost of running the landfill. . . noted that we have no track history to go by. .... J. DAVID LITTLE- Questioned if the Senior Citizens budget was decreased? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- noted that the monies were split up in the budget. . . SYLVIA DOUGHER--suggested that if the 253, 000 was not being used to reduce --, taxes, that some of it be used for road and drainage work. . . L COUNCILMAN OLSON- 100 to 150 thousand is ample for surplus. . . J. DAVID LITTLE- questioned what the yield on the surplus monies was? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- .around 6% J. DAVID LITTLE- with inflation whaldn' t we be better served by putting it to work? Are you putting on a new patrolman next year? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Reviewed the Police Budget. . . 1976 through 1978 two patrolmen are federally funded. . .2 people for investigators. . . . two cars for replacements. . . COUNCILMAN OLSON- questioned why there was an increase of 10, 985 in . 2 208 COUNCILMAN BARBER-noted the negotiations with the PBAf do not know how this will end. . . these monies can be used for this . . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- also monies for car repairs. . . ARTHUR TURNBULL- questioned the amount in retirement for the Police. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- retirement is billed to us a year behind . . . this is the cost incurred last year. BILL BURNS- questioned the rate 6n retirment? MR. WIT—NE-18k% tier I Tier 11' 14% SYLVIA DOUGHER- suggested that the retirement f_iguees be updated in the budget. . . MR. WINNE- we will review them. . . ARTHUR TURNBULL- asked if Mr. Winne would become the Budget Administrator? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- noted Budget Administrator is an intermediate title under State Law toward a Comptroller. .. . train someone to know the laws so that as new Supervisors come in they have someone who knows the laws . . . ARTHUR TURNBULL- what is the raise for this position? DANIEL OLSON, COUNCILMAN- $800. 00 SUPERVISOR BRANDT- reviewed the new fib assets law. . . sizabl& job in the town. . . DANIEL OLSON, COUNCILMAN- questioned if an appraiser would be needed. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- this would be a bookkeeping function. . . SYLV.IA ROUGHER-questioned if the Budget Administrator and Account Clerk would be civil service? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Budget Administrator is an appointment, Comptroller is an appointment for two years by the Board not civil service. . . the Account Clerk would be civil service. COUNCILMAN OLSON- spoke on the possibility of the Budget Administrator being under civil service. :. . PHYLLIS JOSLYN- questioned the addition errors in the budget. . . is there a percentage increase in salaries for all town employees? COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- reviewed the negotiations for the PBA and CSEA not indicate % until after negotiations. . . DON CLEMENTS- spoke against State and Federal mandates and the trend toward socialism in our governments. . . requested that the Town take less in State and Federal programs. ... BILL BURNS- questioned CESS SUPERVISOR BRANDT- reviewed the contract between the Federal Government and the Town. . . this finances persogial for the town. . . BILL BURNS-hoped with a Budget Administrator and additional help that there would be a better budget presentation then there was this year. . . j noted that the .Fire Marshal was a real plus for our Town. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- will research the possibility of the school system funding ---- of Mr. Bodenweisers' work at the school. . . COUNCILMAN OLSON- noted that the School has purchased some materials for Mr. Bodenweise2s programs— the Town makes the Fire Marshal available for the programs. . .would like to increase his hours and salary. . .and possibility of raising the equipment in his account. . . H. RUSSELL HAR11IS- suggested that the Town Board operate the Town on the same basis as it has. . .requested that when the .new board comes on that a citizens committee of not less than 5 and no more than 9 be appointed to anatysis expenditures, and services of the town and report to the Board. . . �� MRS . MONAHAN- Questioned the increase in CETA personal employees benefits? MR. WINNE-10,000 is due to the State Retirement System, MRS. MONAHAN- noted that she felt that CETA employees are expensive. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT-I look at it as you might as well get what you can back of it in your local town. . .Federal monies. . . felt that the high figures were carry over cost' s from the previeaa years. . . MRS. MONAHAN- suggested that another column be added to the budget which showed figures of actual expenditures to Sept. 30, 1977 —; SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We could do it to August. . .a reasonable request. . . ARTHUR TURNBULL- questioned in the sewer project could the Federal monies be withdrawn, the 872% funding after a few years , lieavlhg the Town with the expense? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I do not believe that is correct, when the Federal Gov. approves a sewer project the allocation that comes to the local communities is set aside. MR. CLEMENTS- eabed if the Supervisor will continue to try and obtain Federal and State funds? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-I contemplate to get the funds that can be made available to the Town to reduce local taxes to do works that are beneficial to the Town. J. .DAVID LITTLE- spoke on the amounts of monies that are coming back to the Northeast vs. the South. . . MR. CLEMENTS- spoke against the use of Federal and State monies. . . COUNCILMAN OLSON- spoke on regional government. . . MR. GEALT- felt that the Supervisor would be doing the residents of the _. Town a disservice if he dffd not accept Federal and State Grants. . . I MRS. MONAHAN- questioned the apparent errors in the budgets is it addition L-- or are the lines wrong? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- reviewed page a -of the budget. . . some of these are typographical errors. MRS. MONAHAN- noted that she had been coming to meeting for a long time and believed that the budget should be in more of a correct .form. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- asked for further input. . . . declare the Public Hearing Closed. The following reports were received and placed on file. Police Dept. for October, 1977 Dog Warden for October, 1977 Tax Collector Settlement of Water Rents Nov. 1, 1976 to Oct. 31, 1977 Town Clerk' s for October, 1977 Ltr. of resignation from the Qsby. Planning Board by Gilbert C. Mellon. on file. Ltr. Beautification Commission—approval of the changes in the sign law. . . -� on file. . . COUNCILMAN BARBER-commented on the 100% increase on complaints from October of last year. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 256 . Introduced by Mr. DAniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertsnn: RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstraat No. 77-11A. and numbered 1341 through 1529 and totaling $97 ,210.5# be approved and be it further RESOLVED, that Audit number 1444 was pulled due to wrong coding. 210 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mrr Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None Ltr. To: Queensbury Town Board Mike Brandt, Supervisor From:. .Thom Flaherty- Water Superintendent RE: Right of Way across Gurney Lane property. !� I recently was contacted by a representative of the Lumac Company, a Forest Land Management Company, currently under contract to do work on property adjacent to Gurney Lane Park (Tax Map No. 32-1-22) This property is currently land locked with no access to. Gurney Lane and the Lumac Company request that the Town grant them a temporary Right of Way across pakk property. I have viewed this area with Mr. Bruce Kirkpatrick of the Lumac Company and the granting of a temporary Right of Way will allow him to reach his work site from existing pard roads or park roads currently under construction by BOCES crews without cutting of trees or timber. In one instance the Lumac Company may assist in completing a road currently under construction a-�, no cost to the Town. It is my opinion that this request can be granted without causing problems and in fact the Town most likely will benefit. /s/ TKF/jds Thomas K. Flaherty COUNCILMAN OLSON- noted his concern over 'damage that might be caused i by heavy vehicles running over culverts and damage to the existing roads. COUNCILMAN BARBER- requested that the permit be granted contingent that any damage be repaired .by the Company. . . RESOLUTION TO ISSUE PERMISSION TO CROSS PROPERTY RESOLUTION NO. 257. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson taho moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber RESOLVED, a temporary right of way across Gurney Lane Park property (tax map no. 32-1-225 be given to the Lumac Company a Forest Land Management Company, so that they may continue to remove trees or timber, and be it further RESOLVED, that any damage to culverts of existing road ways be the sole responsibility of the Lumac Co. to repair . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TOWN CLERK TO ISSUE PERMITS TO DISPOSE OF FIRE WOOD ON WATER DEPT. PROPERTY RESOLUTION NO. 258. Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to draw up a release form for residents to procure wood from the Water Dept. on Corinth Road which has been cut previously by Water Dept. employees. Duly adopted by the following vote: Aves : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Braddt Noes: None Absent : None SUPERVISOR BRANDT-It has been represented that if Mr. Beaty resigns on his elected term, that there is a committment that we appoint Mr. Barton, is that essentially true? BOND ROBERTSON, COUNCILMAN- I •think the Republican members of the Board certainly represent that. COUNCILMAN OLSON- you have to have a resignation before you can appoint. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- but that is basically the committment that has been made. HAM40ND ROBERTSON, COUNCILMAN- That is basically the committment that I have made as one person. COUNCILMAN WALTER- and myself, COUNCILMAN OLSON- The committment was made that Bill Barton would fullfill the unexpired term caused by the resignation of Harwodd Beaty until D8c. 31, 1977. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, DonaMd A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Queensbury SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 12, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT Michel Brandt,Supervisor Robert Barber, Councilman Frances Walter, Councilman Hammond Robertson, Councilman Town Counsel Mr. McLenithan ABSENT-Councilman Olson Guests : Mr. Turnbull Press : G. F. Post Star Meeting Opened 10: 45 A.M. _ RESOLUTION TO ALLOCATE 1978 SALES TAX PROCEEDS RESOLUTION NO. 259, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mk. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, it is estimated by the Marren County Treasurer that the Town of Queensbury will receive as its share of Town Sales Tax Proceeds in 1978, an amount in excess of 1 ,200, 000. therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury does hereby direct the County of Warren to retain $382, 000. to be allocated towards the Town. of Queansbury' s share of County taxes to be raised in 1978. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : `done Absent : Mr. Olson Discussion on above resolution was held before vote: rCOUNCILMAN WALTER- questioned the wordretain' th tha :wording of the resolution. LMR. BRANDT- That is because the county actually collects the sales tax. We are asking them to retain part of it. MR. MCLENITHAN- Reviewed the resolution, noting that this was directing the dounty in the way to use the funds. This allows them to show this as a source of income for 1978. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We are taking the funds, but we are asking them before they hand it to us, to withold a certairinof money. MR. MCLENITHAN- The County is looking for authority and the resolution is intended to give them the authority to do certain things with that money. . .