1977-11-12 SP Noes : None Absent : None SUPERVISOR BRANDT-It has been represented that if Mr. Beaty resigns on his elected term, that there is a committment that we appoint Mr. Barton, is that essentially true? BOND ROBERTSON, COUNCILMAN- I •think the Republican members of the Board certainly represent that. COUNCILMAN OLSON- you have to have a resignation before you can appoint. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- but that is basically the committment that has been made. HAMMOND ROBERTSON, COUNCILMAN- That is basically the committment that I have made as one person. COUNCILMAN WALTER- and myself, COUNCILMAN OLSON- The committment was made that Bill Barton would fullfill the unexpired term caused by the resignation of Harwodd Beaty until D8c. 31, 1977. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Queensbury SPECIAL l4EETING NOVEMBER 12, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT Michel Brandt,Superviamr Robert Barber, Councilman Frances Walter, Councilman Hammond Robertson, Councilman Town Counsel Mr. McLenithan ABSENT-Councilman Olson Guests : Mr. Turnbull Press : G. F. Post Star Meeting Opened 10: 45 A.M. .__ RESOLUTION TO ALLOCATE 1978 SALES TAX PROCEEDS RESOLUTION N0, 259. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its a o�pt .on, seconded by Mk. Michel Brandt : WHEREAS, it is estimated by the Warren County Treasurer that the Town of Queensbury will receive as its share of Town Sales Tax Proceeds in 1978, an amount in excess of 1,200, 000. therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury does hereby direct the County of [Darren to retain $382, 000. to be allocated towards the Town. of Quennsbury' s share of County taxes to be raised in 1978. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Olson Discussion on above resolution was held before vote: I COUNCILMAN WALTER- questioned the word "retain" th_ tha wording of the resolution. MR. BRANDT- That is because the county actually collects the sales tax. We are asking them to retain part of it. MR. MCLENITHAN- Reviewed the resolution, noting that this was directing the dounty in the way to use the funds . This allows them to show this as a source of income for 1978. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We are taking the funds, but we are asking them before they hand it to us, to withold a certainAOf money. 11R. MCLENITHAN- The County is looking for authority and the resolution is intended to give them the authority to do certain things with that money. . . 212 SUPERVISOR BRANDT- noted that the next kesolution is to cover if the Co. fails to accomodate us in the first resolution. . . COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON-. presented the next resolution with accepted ammadments. . . RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER SURPLUS MONEY TO WARREN COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 260 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. RobertsBarber: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury desires to lower taxes and i WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has surplus revenues in the amount of $300,000. , Now, Thbrefore be it RESOLVED, that in the went for any reason the County of Warren does not retain the funds 6f sales tax .revenue as directed by a resolution number 259, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to pay to the County of Warren up to $300, 000. 00 in lieu of taxes. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Olson COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON-In the future we are going to have to take a long hard look at the position we find our-selves in by the actions we have taken previously in that now we are at the mercy of the County Board as to what the tax rate in the County in the Town of Queensbury is going to be. I do not like that position. On motion the meeting was adjourned. t Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt, Supervisor,Daniel Olson, Councilman Robert Barber, Councilman Frances Walter, Councilman Hammond Robertson, Councilman Town Counsel Joseph Brennan PRESS : G.F. Posr Star, 10ZA, T�n-7SC TO77N OFFICIALS: George Liapes, Shirley Shenk, Harrison Winne GUESTS: Mr. Burns, Mrs. Dougher, Mrs. Monahan Meeting opened 7: 35 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Robertson RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RETENTION BY WARREN COUNTY TREASURER OF $388, 000.00 IN 1978 SALES TAX REVENUES ALLOCABLE TO THE TO1,P1.7 OF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION NO. 261, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS , the Town of Oueensbury in accordance with the provisions of Tax, Law Section 1262 has previously duly adopted a resolution to accept 1978 sales tax revenues in direct payment rather than as a credit to reduce the 1973 Warren County taxes levied upon real property in the Town of Queensbury and t1TfiEREAS, it is estimated by the Warren County Treasurer that the Town of Queensbury will teeeive as its share of sales tax revenues collected in 1978, an amount in excess of $1,200, 000, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the operation of the Town of Queensbury will not necessitate the receipt of the total sum of . $1,200,000, and