03-17-2015 QueensbM Planning Board A eg nda
First Regular Meeting: Tuesday,March 17,2015/Time 7 — 11 PM
Town of Queens6ury Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
1.0 Approval of Minutes
1.1 Dates-January 20&27,2015
2.0 Administrative Item
Subdivision 6-2015 Maurice Combs-Planning Board request to be Lead Agency for purposes of SEQR review
3.0 Planning Board Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals
Applicant(s) I ACTION SIGN CO.,LLC I Application Type I Site Plan 15-2015
Owner(s) I Primax Properties,LLC I SEQR Type I Unlisted
Agent(s) I Same as applicant I Lot size I 0.87 acres
Location I 61 Main Street I Zoning Classification MS
Ward I Ward 4
Tax ID No. I 309.10-1-57 I Ordinance Reference I Chapter 140-7
Cross Reference SV 9-15,SP 76-14,SUP 77- Warren Co.Planning March 2015
Public Hearing I Not required
Project Description: Applicant proposes three (3)wall signs -each sign is to be 69+/- sq. ft., and internally illuminated. Signs
will be located on the east,west and south side of building. Site Plan: Pursuant to Chapter 140-7 of the Zoning Ordinance Signs
in the Main Street shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief from number of signs allowed,
illumination and placement of signs in the MS zone. The Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the Zoning Board of
4.0 Tabled Items
Applicant(s) WESLEY PADGETT Application Type Subdivision 1-2015
FOR RCG VENTURES Preliminary&Final Stage
Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type I Unlisted
Agent(s) I A.Stellato,CHA Consulting I Lot size I 22.87 acres
Location I 820 State Route 9 I Zoning Classification Cl—Commercial Intensive
Ward I Ward 2
Tax ID No. I 296.18-1-47 I Ordinance Reference I Chapter A-183
Cross Reference I SP 4-15,SV 4-15
Public Hearing 1-20-15,Tabled to 3-17-
Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 22.87 acre parcel into two commercial lots of 2.16 & 20.71 acres.
Pursuant to Chapter A-183 of the Zoning Ordinance subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) WESLEY PADGETT Application Type Site Plan 3-2015
Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type I Unlisted
Agent(s) I A. Stellato,CHA Consulting I Lot size I 2.16 acres
Location I 820 State Route 9 I Zoning Classification Cl—Commercial Intensive
Ward I Ward 2
Tax ID No. I 296.18-1-47 I Ordinance Reference I 179-9, 179-3-040
Cross Reference I SB 1-15,SV 4-15 Warren Co.Referral I January 2015
Public Hearing 1-20-15,Tabled to 3-17-
Project Description: Applicant proposes development of a 7,319 sq. ft. Texas Road House restaurant with associated site work,
storm water, lighting and landscaping. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9 of the Zoning Ordinance Food Service shall be subject to
Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) LELAND JAROSZ Application Type Site Plan 5-2015&
Subdivision 10-2007 Mod.
Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type I Unlisted
Agent(s) I Same as applicant I Lot size I 1.2 acres
Location I 61 Twin Channels Road I Zoning Classification WR—Waterfront Residential
Ward I Ward 4
Tax ID No. I 309.18-1-18.1 I Ordinance Reference I 179-6-060
Cross Reference BP 13-354,AV 35-07,SB APA,CEA,Other NWI Wetlands
Public Hearing 1-27-15,Tabled to 3-17-
Project Description: Applicant has filled an area of approximately 700 cubic yards to make area more level. In addition
applicant wants to fill approximately 700 additional cubic yards. Subdivision modification for removal of trees that were to
remain. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-060 & Chapter A-183 of the Zoning Ordinance filling more than six (6) feet and any
modification to a subdivision shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
5.0 New Business:
Applicant(s) SANDRO MEI-RCG Application Type Site Plan 13-2015
Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) I A.Stellato,CHA Consulting I Lot size I 20.71 acres
Location I 820 State Route 9 I Zoning Classification Cl
Ward I Ward 2
Tax ID No. I 296.18-1-47 I Ordinance Reference I 179-9
Cross Reference I Many I Warren Co.Referral I March 2015
Public Hearing I 3-17-2015
Project Description: Applicant proposes renovation of a 22,123 sq. ft. retail space, and new 617 sq. ft. fagade. Pursuant to
Chapter 179-9 of the Zoning Ordinance Shopping Plaza-Retail in a Cl zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and
6.0 Discussion Item
Applicant(s) I STEPHEN ETHIER I Application Type I Discussion Item
Owner(s) Performing Asset Strategies, SEQR Type
Agent(s) I Same as applicant I Lot size I 1.0 acres
Location I 87 Main Street I Zoning Classification MS
Ward I Ward 4
Tax ID No. I 309.10-1-37 I Ordinance Reference I N/A
Cross Reference BP 14-499,BP 08-73,SP 2-
03,SP 63-00
Public Hearing I Discussion Item Only
Project Description: Discussion Item: Applicant proposes one (1) two-story building and one (1) one-story building with
associated parking and site work.
Any further business which may be brought before the Board