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1977-11-15 SP
212 i SUPERVISOR BRANDT- noted that the next *esolution is to cover if the Co. fails to accomodate us in the first resolution. . . COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON-. presented the next resolution with accepted ameniimen t s. . . RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER SURPLUS MONEY TO WARREN COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 260 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. RobertsBarber: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury desires to lower taxes and i i WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has surplus revenues in the amount of $300, 000. , Now, Thbrefore be it RESOLVED, that in the anent for any reason the County of Warren does not retain the funds 6f sales tax`xevenue as directed by a resolution number 259, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to pay to the County of Warren up to $300, 000. 00 in lieu of taxes. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None . Absent: Mr. Olson COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON-In the future we are going to have to take a long hard look at the position we find our-selves in by the actions we have taken previously in that now we are at the mercy of the County Board as to what the tax rate in the County in the Town of Queensbury is going to be. I do not like that position. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase --� Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 15 , 1977 11EMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt, Supervisor,Daniel Olson, Councilman Robert Barber, Councilman Frances Walter, Councilman Hammond Robertson, Councilman Town Counsel Joseph Brennan PRESS: G.F. Post Star, WBZA, WWSC T07,1N OFFICIALS: George Liapes, Shirley Shenk, Harrison Winne GUESTS: Mr. Burns, Mrs. Dougher, Mrs. Monahan Meeting opened 7: 35 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Robertson RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RETENTION BY WARREN COUNTY TREASURER OF $38?, 000.00 IN 1973 SALES TAX REVENUES ALLOCABLE TO THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION NO. 261, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: I WHEREAS , the Town of nueensbury in accordance with the provisions of Tax Law Section 1262 has previously duly adopted a resolution to accept 1978 sales tax revenues in direct payment rather than as a credit to reduce the 1973 Warren County taxes levied upon real property in the Tovm of Queensbury and TRIEREAS, it is estimated by the Warren County Treasurer that the Town of Queensbury will tteeive as its share of sales tax revenues collected in 1973, an amount in excess of $1,200,000. and WHEREAS , it has been determined that the operation of the Town of Queensbury will not necessitate the receipt of the total sum of $1,200,000, and 213 WHEREAS, an inordinate increase in the 1978 Warren County Tax levied upon the real property in the Town of Queensbury will result unless a portion of the 1978 sales tax revenues is applied to reduce the 1978 Warren County Taxes levied upon real property in the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS , on November 12 , 1977, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury duly adopted resolution no. 259 authorizing the County Treasurer of the County of Warren to retain $382, 000, of sales tax revenues to be received by the Town of Queensbury in 1978 for the purpose of applying said sum of $382 ,000, to reduce the 1978 Warren County taxes levied upon real property in the Town of Queensbury and i WHEREAS , a basic agreement has been reached with the County of Warren with respect to the request of the Town of Queensbury to have said sum o.f — $382 ,000, applied to reduce the 1978 Warren County taxes levied upon real property in the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS, said basic agreement reached by and between the Town of Queensbury and the County of Warren contains a provision as to the manner and time of apyment of said sum of $382, 000. 00 by the Town of Queensbury to the County of Warren wherein the County of Warren through the Warren County Treasurer will retain the first $382, 000. allocable for payment to the Town of Oueensbury which is received by the County of Warren from the State of New York in sales tax revenues collected a-s result of sales during the calendar year 1978 and WHEREAS, said agreement as to its specific points constitutes a clarificatinn and modification of resolution no. 259, adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on November 12 , 1977 and WHEREAS, the aforementioned agreement appears to be in the best interest of the Town of Queensbury and the residents thereof_. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury authorize the Warren County Treasurer to retain the first $382, 000. allocable for payment to the Town of Queens- bury that is received by the County of Warren from the State of New York in sales tax revenues collected as a result of sales during the calendar year 1978 and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County of Warren apply said $382 ,000. , to be retained by the Warren County Treasurer pursuant to the authority provided by this resolution, to reduce the 1978 Warren County tax to be levied upon real property in the Town of Queensbury and BE IT FURTHER REAOLVED that the Warren County Board of Supervisors considered this authorization for payment of said sum of $382,000, as an anticipated revenue in the 1978 Warren County budget for the purpose of establishing a 1973 Warren County tax rate with respect to County taxes to be levied upon real property in the Town of Queensbury and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be authorized to execute on behalf of the Town of Queensbury a written agreement with the County of Warren binding the Town of Queensbury to pay to the County of Warren said sum of .$382,000. in accordance with the payment schedule set forth above and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury be directed to forward immediately a certified copy of this resoltittian to the Chairman of the Warren County Board of Supervisors , the Budget Officer of ! the Warren County Board of Supervisors and the Clerk of the Warren County ( Board of Supervisors. �- Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION OF SORROW RESOLUTION NO. 262, Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber 214 WHEREAS, JOHN SILVA, of 5 Moorwood Drive, Town of Queensbury has served as a member of the Queensbury Conservation Advisory Council and also as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals these past years, and WHEREAS, John Silva served his fellow townspeople in a diligent and unselfish manner, devoting his time to the betterment of the Town of Queensbury; and WHEREAS, John Silva during his life in the Town of Queensbury exemplified the qualities of a good neighbor and a good citizen; and WHEREAS , John Silva passed away in November of 1977, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, on behalf of the j citizens of Queensbury, express their deep regrets at the passing of -- John Silva, and wish to express their sympathy to all the members of his family. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION REGARDING UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE RESOLUTION NO. 263 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, secon e by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, the New York State has mandated that Municipalities become liable for Unemployment Insurance in 197€3, and WHEREAS, there are two. (2) alternatives : 1. The Contribution tax option = 3. 77, of each individuals earnings up to $6, 000. or 2. The Benefit Retirement Option - Pay only for costs incurred and, WHEREAS, the second option is more feasible, therefore be it RESOLVED, to elect the Benefit Reimbursement Option and to notify the New York State Department of Labor of this election. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None Communications Ltr. from John C. Mannix County Attorney-re g: Kevin Scellen ineligibility for ManPower . . .on file. . . Ltrs. D.O.T. 30mph Crownwood Development area. . . 30mpk Midnight Dr. So. area Councilman Olson-noted that the Board will instruct the Highway Dept. 1 to place the necessary signs before winter. . . The following resolution was read by Councilman Barber RESOLUTION TO REZONE RESOLUTION N0, 264, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, it was the original application request by Knoblauch and others for rezoning of premises on Quaker Road from M-1 to C-3, and 2• . WHEREAS, the Town Zoning Board and the County Planning Board recommended to change the Heber parcel from M-1 to C-3. the remainder of hhe property from M-1 to R-4, and WHEREAS , the original application of Knoblauch and others did not request the recommended change therefore was never set forth in the original public notice. Said recommended change cannot be a consideration of this Board unless duly set forth in a public notice. and deliberated at a. public hearing by the residents of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the parcel of property be sold to Heber from Knoblauch and Others is the cause of the original application duly set forth by the public notice at a public hearing, and TMEREAS, the findings of the Town Board in respect to rezoning the Heber parcel from M-1 to C-3 would beiin the best interests of. the Town of Queensbury because the parcel of and in itself is : 1. Not in the best interest for manufacturing. 2. The parcel in and of itself has been dilapidated and continously deter gaging .,fer'_a _song`:period of time. 3. Land has remained dormant for many years . 4. Property of Knoblauch and Others has been available for resale for a lengthy period, approximately 9 years , and no manufacturing; client has been solicited or secured. 5. Within the geographical boundaries of Queensbury since 1973, since the reclassification of Heber Parcel the Town Board has rezoned additional lands M-1 and to date ample space does exist at Kubricky Industrial Pakk for Industrial Development. 6. The Heber parcel is in a logical area for commercial development and conforming. with continudina commercial growth and development of Quaker Road. 7. Other lands such as the Warren and Wahhington Industrial park were zoned industrial prior to the existance of the M-1 classification of the Heber parcel and to date no industrial growth has taken place at said location which provides again sufficient and ample space, for industrial growth.. + WHEREAS, the issue at hand is whether the zoning of the Heber parcel is being accomplished for the benefit of the individual owner or the benefit of the overall community, and also part of the over all comprehensive plan of the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, additional findings of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury are benefits to the Town of Queensbury to. rezone the Heber property from M-1 to C-3 are: 1. Building plans as set forth by Heber Associates for improvements to property are of a definite esthetic improvement . 2. The proposed addition of a travel agency as a new business is a benefit to the residents of the Town of Queensbury. 3. The proposed addition of 'an employment agency as a new business is a benefit to the residents of the Town of Queensbury. 4. The proposed site and building improvements will increase the tax assessment and improve the tax base of the Town of Queensbury, 5 . The proposed new business at the Heber parcel is in conforming with the commercial development of Quaker Road. and therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Heber parcel be rezoned from M-1 to C-3 and the remaining balance of the property remain M-1. (No vote was taken at this time. . .Discussion to follow) �— COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- requested a meeting with the Town Board in regard to the CSEA and PBA Contracts. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- sehtiduled a workshop for after this meeting. . T014N COUNSEL- requested that the specific size and position of the proposed zoning change be listed also requested that the Board consider the the effect on the zoning of property on the balance of the property. . . also requested that the Zoning Map should be mentioned as to the amending of such. . . COUNCILMAN BARBER- requested the following: 216 RESOLUTION TO AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 264 RESOLUTION NO, 265 . Introduced by Mr. Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson RESOLVED, that the specific size as I have noted as the Heber parcel be noted as . 964 acres, or 42, 011. 7 feet, as submitted forth on a map of Coulter and McCormick dated April 24, 1972 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Zoning map of the Town of Queensbury be amended by the passing of this resolution and be it further i RESOLVED, the effect of the rezoning as set forth by this resolution does not effect the overall M-1 zoning of this parcel of property due to the fact that . 964 Acres that has been rezoned is approximately 1/3rd or less of the entire parcel of property zoned M-1. —' Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : none Absent: None COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON-noted that he felt that this was a logical extension of the growth that we have seen in the Town of Queensbury, it is not just picking an isolated area, I think that it is in the best interests of the Townof Queensbury, to rezone the property. . . (The following is a vote taken on resolution no. 264) Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None DISCUSSION ON BUDGET A1010 Town Board left as is . . . A1110 Town Justices Councilman Walter- in . l how many people in the offiee and are they full time? Supervisor Brandt- two people in the office . . . full time. . . left as is H. Russell Harris- discussed Audit and Control 's version of a preliminary budget. . . Town Counsel- gave his opinion in regard to the Board' s action as to the Budget. . .his opinion was that the Board was proper in their actions. . . Councilman Barber- requested that Salaries not be discussed tonight due to negotiations. A1220 Supervisor Supervisor Brandt-requested that Budget Administrator be combined with A1220. Councilman Walter- asked for a breakdown of employees for the Supervisor Supervisor Brandt- broke down the positions,noting an account Clerk position as being new. . . r8gmadtedrehhtsthe Supervisor's salary be brought back to where it. was for the year 1977. Councilman Walter seconded for purposes o£ discussion. . . Councilman Robertson- reviewed his theavy of justifying the raise, 217 . leave the decision of the Supervisor' s salary to the incoming board. . . Councilman Barber- requested that the following be noted for the record the original resolution to raise the Supervisor' s salary was made before election. . .by Councilman Robertson. . . Vote on proposal to reduce Supervisor' s salary as to figure received in 1977. Ayes : Mrs . Walter, Mr. Brandt Noes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson Absent : :None Proposal defeated. . . Councilman Walter- questioned the increase in the Supv. budget since 1977. . . Supervisor Brandt-noted that there have been amendments in the 1977 budget that are not shown. . . some increase that has been spent for computer equip. reviewed the manpower employees that worked in the Supv. office—now are town expenses-, . A132.0 Annual CPA Audit Councilman Walter-questioned. . .where did you get the 10,000 figure? Supervisor Brandt.-I received estimated from CPA's . . . Councilman Walter- I am not happy with that item. . . Supervisor Brandt- reviewed the last CPA audit . . . done due to the Bonding Councilman Barber- if the town is going to have bonding in the future CPA Audits are necessary. . . Councilman Walter- questioned why the add.its could not be done semi-annually? Supervisor Brandt-If you do an Audit every two years it costs exact".same as if you do it every year, it may cost you more in my opinion. . . Councilman Barber- believed CPA audits are proper. . . Councilman Olson- questioned that the Town will get some checks out of the new computers . . . Supervisor Brandt- The computer is doing work from you� the audit is to check the validity of the records. . . A1330 Tax Collection Councilman Olson- questioned the change over . . .the placing of this budget into the Town Clerk' s Budget. Supervisor Brandt-Leave the same function to the same person but organized differently and to expand it to include a cashier for all cash that is handled in the building. . . other than the Courts. . . Councilman Barber- I think that the courts have to be included. . . Supervisor Brandt- this was suggested by the Auditors . . . Councilman Olson- Questioned if not the Courts were responsible for the monies that they take in. . . Councilman Barber- too many people in the two buildings handle cash. . . it should be mandatory that all cash be receipted at the end of the day and deposited. . . A1355 Assessor A1410 Town Clerk A1420 Town Attorney Councilman Walter- how do we stand right now? 218 Supervisor Brandt- My projections are that we will be within that figure. . . A1440 Engineer Councilman Olson- is this for engineering studies? Supervisor Brandt- yes A1345 Purchasing A1450 Elections Councilman Olson- asked for raise for the Custodians —; Supervisor Brandt 320. 00 proposed in budget for custodians proposed for election inspectors registration day 40 . 00 primaryry day 35. 00 general election day 45. 00 Councilman Olson- proposdd 500. 00 for custodians Councilman, Robertson- noted that,that could be worked out in the budget. . . if a new machine is needed that can come out of contingency. . . or in this budget. . . Sylvia Dougher A1410. Town Clergy: you have budgeted 1, 451 less this year than last Councilman Walter- it is doing away with part tame help. . . Betty Eggleston-you are putting more work on but taking away the part time help. . .what will happen when both offices have peak times. . . ? Sylvia Dougher- noted from her personal experience of seeing lines of people at both offices questioned how this be done when help is being taken away? Supervisor Brandt- we have shuffled people around for peak loads and that is what we will reflect in our budget. . . Sylvia Dougher- questioned if you use an Account Clerk that individual _. will be at a higher pay scale than part time help. . . A1620 Buildings A1910 Unallocated Ifisurance Councilman Barber- requested a breakdown. . . Mr. Winne- I can not answer that, called Mr. Roullird and he anticipated these increases. . . Betty Monahan- questioned if the insurance was put out to bid. . . Supervisor Brandt- reviewed the attempts made at bidding. . . A1920 Municipal Assoc. Dues A 1940 Contingent Account A 1972 To Co. Treasurer to Reduce Taxes Supervisor Brandt- reflect resoltLt&nn just passed .440 should be $382 ,048 A 312.0 Police A=0 Anti Recession A 3310 Traffic Control A 315-0 Jail A 3410 Fire Marshal Mr. Burns- does this reflect an increase in the Fire Marshal ' s salary? Councilman Roberteen- this budget reflect enough money to accomodate an increase. . . 919 A 3510 Dog Warden A 4010 Board of Health A 4020 Registrar of Vital Statistics A 5010 Superintendent of Highways Councilman Walter- questiondd what 1100 reflects Supervisor Brandt- Carl Garb and his Deputy I Councilman Barber- requested further breakdown. . . Supervisor Brandt- 14,070 for Supt. and 12,500 for Deputy Councilman Barber- questioned the resolution that was made to equalize the salaries of Highway Supt. and Water Supt. . . . . noted that they are equal. . . Councilman. Robertson- noted that the raise was in the advertised figure in the paper. . . Supervisor Brandt- requested that the salary remain as advertised. A 5132 Highway Garage AA 5182 Street Lighting A 6256 Title VI Ceta A 6250 Tit&& II Ceta A Publicity A 6510 Veterans Services A 672 Programs for Aging A = Youth Programs Supervisor Brandt-add 6 ,000 contingent on State Funding of programs . . . target high crime areas. . . Councilman Barber- reviewed crime areas in Town. :. j � Betty Monahan- questioned what A7310.300 was for? Supervisor Brandt-monies to move on with development A 7320 Joint Youth K-= Library A 7550 Celebrations Supervisor Brandt- in regard to Libaries, Crandall rapresantative was at the last meeting and thanked the Town for adding to our budget. . . A 7620 Senior Citizens AA Zoning Supervisor Brandt- contractual expenses up because of expected advertising expenses incurred for zoning changes. . . A 30?0 Planning A 3030 Research A 3160 Refuse and Garbage _ . A 3510 Community' Beautification 1 A 8540 Drainage Councilman Walter- questioned the major increase. . . Councilman Barber reviewed his request. for 100, 000 for town drainage noted tha need for a Drainage Master Plan. . . Councilman Walter- questioned if Driitrage Dist. was not galled for? Supervisor Brandt- noted that drainage areas have little tax base. . . solve the problem by having a town wide tax. . . 220 A 900 Employee Benefits A INterfund Transfers Debt Service Princloal Debt Service (Interest) Tax Items Sales Tax Departmental Income Licenses and Permits Public Employment Program Title VI Income Cemetery Councilman Olson- is there monies in the . 2 for truek to be paid for in the budget ofrer a two year petiod? Councilman Robertson- a. truck can be purchased with a capital note. . . Highway Councilman Barber- requested a break down of item DM 5130. 2 Supervisor Brandt-I did not try to identify the specific pieces of machinery Councilman Robertson- we should purchase equipment on a planned program. Lighting Dist. Fire Protection Sewer Districts WATER DIST. Councilman Barber- questioned the personal serv. administration Supervie©r Brandt- reflect.what is really happening. Councilman Barber-asked Mr. Winne to compare the unemployment costs of the Highway Dept. and the Water Dept. Special Dist. Town Counsel- discussed the budget and notified the Board that they could pass on the Budget. . . P.ESOLUTION ADOPTING ANNUAL BUDGET WITH AMENDMENTS RESOLUTION NO. 266, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the Time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon: NOTJ, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as amended as the Annual Budget of this town for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st. day of January 1973 and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board and be it, further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this town shall prepare and certify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board together with estimates if any adopted pursuant to section 202-A subdivision 2 of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisorsof this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of this County. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Tlks . T�7alter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt 'Toes : None Absent: "done Open Forum Sylvia Dougher- questioned why there was not a resolution appropriating monies to the . 4 of pineview Cemetery. . . ? Supervisor Brandt- We will dddress ourselves to that. . . The Budget for the year 1973 is as follows : On Motion the meeting was adjourned. i Rdspectfully, r-' Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Tom of Queensbury f^_ � I �I 222 0. i i i Lj - ` 7, APPLIED FUND AMOUNT TO BE 1978 APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES BALANCE RAISED BY TAXES General Fund A $2, 066, 630. 8 1, 857, 630. $209, 000. -0- Highway DR 228 , 929. 28, 929 . -0- -0- DM 192 , 009 . 192, 009. -0- -0- DS 148 , 653. 148 , 653. -0- -0- DE 36, 000. 36, 000. -0- -0- Revenue Sharing CF 107, 000. 107 , 000. -0- -0- Pine View C 65, 062. 40, 000. 25, 062. -0- $2 , 844, 283. $ 2, 610,221. $234, 062 . -0- FT. Amherst SL1 3, 500. -0- -0- 3, 500. Cleverdale SL2 1, 205. -0- -0- 1 , 205. Pinewood SL3 160. -0- -0- 160. So.Oueensbury SL4 10, 000. 1, 500. 8, 500. WeSt__Queensbury_ _SL5 10, 500. -0 1,700. 8 ,800. Queensbury Water SW1 1,247, 163. 340,100. -0- 907 , 063 . West Glens Falls Ext. f 1 SW5 730. -0- -0- 730. West Glens Falls SW3 13, 688 . SW4 9, 500. 2, 000. 2, 188 . Shore Colony 2, 313. 1, 495 . -0- 818 . Fire Protection SF 182, 219. 2, 000. 2, 000. 178 , 219. Pershing, Ashley Coolidge SS1 1, 500. -0- -0- 1, 500. Reservoir Park SS3 1,550 -0- 300 1, 250. Drainage SD 500 -0- -0- 500. Queensubry Lighting SL6 39, 200 -0- 6, 500. 32 700. 1, 514, 228. T5, 14 , 000. 1, 147', 13 4, 350 , 511. 2,963, 316 . 24.8 . 062. 1, 147 , 133. r GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted A 1010 Town Board .100 Personal Services $ 13 ,000. 00 $ 13 , 000. 00 $ 13, 600. 00 $ 13 , 600. 00 $ 13 , 600. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0 -0- . 440 Contractual 479. 40 600. 00 900. 00 900 . 00 900. 00 Total $ 13, 479. 40 13, 600. 00 14, 500. 00 14 , 500. 00 14 , 500. 00 A 1110 Town Justices . 100 Personal Services 16 ,733. 26 23 ,295. 00 25,850 . 00 25, 850. 00 25 , 850. 00 . 200 equipment 80. 00 70. 00 700. 00 700. 00 700. 00 . 440 Contractual 1, 982 . 11 2, 530. 00 4, 025. 00 4. 025. 00 4, 025. 00 Total 18 ,795. 37 25 895.00 30,575. 30 , 575. 00 30 , 575. 00 A_1220 Supervisor_ . 100 Personal Services 16 , 064 . 44 29, 455. 00 17, 848. 00 19, 598 . 00 38 , 088 . 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0 300 . 00 . 440 Contractual 747. 93 2, 950. 00 1, 600. 00 1 , 600. 00 8 , 015. 00 Total 16, 012 . 37 32, 405. 00 19 , 48 . 6-0 21 , 198. 00 46 , 403 . 00 A 1320 Annual CPA Audit . 440 Contractual -0- -0- 10, 000 . 00 10 , 000. 00 10 , 000. 00 Total -0- -0- 10, 000. 00 10, 000 . 00 10, 000. 00 A 1330 Tax Collection . 100 Personal Services 9, 098 . 78 9 ,169. 00 -0- -0- -0- . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- : V 0 Contractual 3, 973. 32 3 ,875. 00 -0- -0- -0- Total 13, 072. 10 13, 044. 00 TO TOWN (LERK TO TOWN CLERK TO TOWN CLERK G r 2 . GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted A1340 Budge Administrator . 100 Personal Services -0- -0- $ 18 ,490. 00 $ 18 ,490. 00 $ -0- . 200 Equipment -0- -0- 300. 00 300. 00 -0- . 440 Contractual -0- -0- 6, 415. 00_ 6, 415. 00 -0- _ Total -0- -0- -2-5-, 205. 00- 25, 05. 00 -u-- ! I A 1355 Assessor . 100 Personal Services 11, 925. 00 13 , 370. 00 12, 900. 00 12 , 900. 00 12 , 900. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- . 4�0 Contractual 887 . 92 6 , 100.00 7 , 195 . 00 7 , 195 . 00 7 ,195. 00 Total 12 , 812 . 92 19 , 470. 00 20 , 095. 00 20 , 095 . 00 20 , 095. 00 A 1410 Town Clerk . 100 Personal Services 17 , 660. 00 19, 068 . 00 26 ,787 . 00 26 ,787 . 00 26 ,787 . 00 . 200 Equipment 188. 00 220. 00 -0- -0- -0- . 440 Contractual 4, 237 . 64 5, 095. 00 10, 604. 00 10 , 604 . 00 10, 604. 00 Total 22, 085. 64 24 ,383. 00 37 , 391. 00 37 , 391. 00 37 , 391. 00 A 1420 Town Attorney . 100 Personal Services -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- .200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- . 440 Contractual 18 , 389 . 95 17 , 000. 00 17 , 000. 00 17 , 000 . 00 17 , 000. 00 Total 18, 389. 95 17 , 000. 00 17 , 000 . 00 17 , 000 . 00 17 , 000. 00 A 1440 Engineer . 100 Personal Services 7, 962. 60 -0- 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 5, 000 . 00 , 200 ^quipment -0- 400. 00 1, 250. 00 1, 250 . 00 1, 250. 00 . 400 Contractual 2 ,219. 16 13, 500. 00 7 , 500. 00 7 , 500 . 00 7, 500. 00 13 ,750 . 00 13, 750. 00 Total 10, 181.76 13, 900. 00 13, 50. 00 3. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted A 1345 Purchasing . 100 Personal Services $ -0- -0- -0- -0- $ -0- . 440 Contractual -0- 150. 00 300. 00 300. 00 300. 00 Total -0- 150 . 00 300. 00 300. 00 300 . 00 A 1450 Elections . 100 Personal Services 10, 060. 60 $9, 563. 00 12 , 268 . 00 12 , 268 . 00 12 , 268. 00 . 200 Equipment 478 . 11 -0- -0- -0- -0- . 440 Contractual -0- 900. 00 15, 880. 00 15 , 880. 00 15 , 880. 00 Total 10, 538. 71 10,463. 00 28 ,148 . 00 28, 148 . 00 28 ,148 . 00 A 1620 Buildings . 100 Personal Services 57 . 86 9, 928. 00 7, 310. 00 7 , 310. 00 7 ,310. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- 175. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 500 . 00 1, 500 . 00 . 410 Telephone -0- 7, 000. 00 7 , 000. 00 7 , 000. 00 7 , 000. 00 . 420 Insurance -0- 500. 00 500. 00 500. 00 500 . 00 . 430 Utilities -0- 2 , 900. 00 3, 750. 00 3, 750 . 00 3,750 . 00 . 440 Contractual 66, 585.02 6, 480. 00 14, 360 . 00 14, 360 . 00 14 , 360. 00 . 450 Fuel Oil -0- 2, 900. 00 2 , 900. 00 2, 900. 00 2 , 900. 00 Total 66642 $8 29, 88 . 00 37 , 320. 00 37 , 320 . 00 37 , 320 . 00 SPECIAL ITEMS A 1910 Unallocated Insurance . 440 Contractual 1, 099. 00 7 ,700. 00 8 , 298 . 00 8 , 298 . 00 8 , 298 . 00 A 1920 Municipal Assoc Dues . 440 Contractual 400. 00 400. 00 400. 00 400. 00 400 . 00 A 1940 Contingent Account -0- 20, 000. 00 20 , 000. 00 200, 000 . 00 88 , 044. 00 A 1972 To County Treasurer to Reduce Taxes 440 Contractual 94 , 037 . 00 94 , 037 . 00 382, 000 . 00 - ��.b. - 4 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS i 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s d E Expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminar Adopte A 3120 Police . 100 Personal Services $116 ,872. 35 $ 124, 300. 00 $ 130 , 060.00 $130, 060. 00 $130, 060. 00 . 200 Equipment 11, 987 . 00 12, 000. 00 25, 000. 00 25, 000. 00 25, 000. 00 . 410 Telephone -0- 1, 500. 00 700. 00 700. 00 700. 00 . 420 Insurance -0- 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3 , 000. 00 . 430 Utilities -0- 900. 00 1, 300. 00 1, 300. 00 1, 300. 00 . 440 General Contractual 18, 242. 91 15, 000. 00 25, 985. 00 25, 985. 00 25, 985 . 00 . 450 Fuel Oil -0- 1, 100. 00 1, 450. 00 1, 450 . 00 1, 450. 00 . 310 Retirement -0- 14, 968. 00 24, 000. 00 24 , 000. 00 24 , 000- 00 . 860 Hospitalization -0- 9, 000. 00 13 , 300. 00 13, 300. 00 13 , 300. 00 . 830 Social Security -0- 7 , 272. 00 9, 920. 00 9, 920 . 00 9, 920. 00 . 840 Compensation -0- 2 , 200. 00 3, 600 . 00 3, 600. 00 3, 600. 00 Total 147, 102.7-6 11191,E ;`2:38t315 . 00 23 ,315. 00 238 , 315 . 00 Al 3120.Anti Recession . 100 Personal Services -0- -0- 17 , 000. 00 17 , 000. 00 17 , 000 . 00 A 3310 Traffic Control . 430 Utilities -0- 800. 00 800. 00 800. 00 800. 00 . 440 General Contractual 3, 948 . 66 4, 200. 00 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 Total 3, 948 . 66 5, 000. 00 5, 800. 00 5 ,800. 00 5, 800. 00 A 3150 Jail . 440 Contractual 87. 00 300. 00 300. 00 300. 00 300. 00 I, t GENERAL FUND AP'rAyrnIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s A 3410 Fire Marshal Expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted .100 Personal Services 2,8-9-4-.T2 4,770. 00 $ 30. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- 411. 00 411. 00 411. 00 . 440 Contractual 264 . 03 790. 00 1, 00 1,420. 00 1, 420 . 00 Total 3, 5 5, 560. 00 8,20300 8 , 201. 00 8, 201. 00 A 3510 Dog Warden . 100 Personal Services 7, 940. 00 8, 443. 00 8 ,339. 00 8, 339. 00 8 , 339. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- 720 . 00 -0- -0- -0- . 420 Insurance -0- 250. 00 250. 00 250. 00 250. 00 . 440 General Contractual 3,139. 44 3, 640. 00 4,890. 00 4,890. 00 4, 890. 00 Total 11, 079.7-4 13, 053. 00 13, E 13 , 479. 00 13, 479 . 00 A 4010 Board of Health . 100 Personal Services 2, 80. 00 2, 800. 00 2, 300. 00 2 ,800. 00 2 ,800. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- . 440 General Contractual 1, 080. 00 1,250. 00 1, 250. 00 1, 250. 00 1, 250. 00 Total 3,8$0. 00 4, 050. 00 4, 050. 00 4, 050. 00 4, 050 . 00 A 4020 Resgistrar of Vital Statistics . 100 Personal Services 76. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100 . 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- . 440 Contractual 22. 62 -0- -0- -0- -0- Total 98. 62 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100 . 00 A 5010 Superintendent of Hihways . 100 Personal Services 24, 300. 00 25,900. 00 26 ,570. 00 27 , 070. 00 27 , 070. 00 . 200 Equipment - -0- -a-- -0- -0- -0- .440 Contractual 213. 00 --d- 625 . 00 625. 00 625. 00 Total 24- ,513.�00 2151, 0 W- 27 , 195. 00 27 , 695. 00 27. 695. 00 A51�2 Highway Garage -0- . 100 Personal Services -0- -0- -0- -0- 900. 00 . 410 Telephone -0- 900. 00 900. 00 900. 00 11, 000. 00 . 430 Utilities -0- 17, 000. 00 . 11, 000. 00 11, 000. 00 4, 400. 00 . 450 Fuel Oil -0- 1-, 300. 00 4, 400. 00 4, 400. 00 -0- 17,200. 00 16. 300. 00 16 , 300. 00 16 , F. - 6 . GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer 's A_5182 Street Lighting Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted . 440 Contractual fi 12 , 541. 79 19, 550. 00 $21, 400. 00 $ 21, 400. 00 $21 , 400. 00 Total , 5 19-17ST-. 6u 21,400. 00 21, 400. 00 21, 400. 00 A 6256 (Title VI) CETA ..100 Persona Services 103 , 895. 22 -0- 58, 056. 00 58, 056. 00 58 , 056 . 00 .103 Employee Benefits 13 , 883 . 82 11, 574. 00 33, 302. 00 33, 302 . 00 33, 302 . 00 Total 117, 7 9. 04 11, 574. 00 91, 3500 91, 35 . 00 91, 358 . 00 A 6250 CETA(Title II) . 100 Personal Services -0- 7 , 296. 00 -0- -0- -0- . 830 Social Security -0- 445. 00 -0- -0- -0- . 460 Hospitalization -0- 800. 00 -0- -0- -0- Tot,n-1 -0- 8,541. 00 -0- -0- -0- A 6410 Publicity . 440 Contractual 5, 000. 00 3, 500. 00 3, 500. 00 3, 500. 00 3 , 500 . 00 Total 5, 000 . 00 3, 500. 00 3, 500. 00 3, 500. 00 3, 500 . 00 A 6510 Veterans Services , 440 Contractual 600. 00 600. 00 600. 00 600. 00 600. 00 Total 600 600. 0 600. 0 600. 00 600 . 00 A 6722 Programs for Aging . 440 Contractual -0- -0- 6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 6, 000 . 00 Total 6, 000 . 00 6, 000. 00 6, 000 . 00 A 7310 Youth Programs .100 Personal Services 23,871. 27 26, 543. 00 18, 692. 00 18 , 692 . 00 24, 692 . 00 . 200 Equipment -0- 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 . 300 Capital Expens. -0- -0- 8 , 000. 00 8, 000. 00 8 , 000. 00 . 440 Contractual 11, 640.75 10, 000. 00 9,950. 00 9,950 . 00 9, 950 . 00 Total 35, 512 . OT 37 ,543. 00 37--66 x. 00 37, 6 . 00 43, .70 i i 7 . GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s A 7:320 Joint Youth Expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted . 440 Contractual $ 1, 500. 00 $ 1, 500 . 00 $ 1, 500. 00 $ 1, 500 . 00 $ 1, 500. 00 Total 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 500 . 00 1, 500. 00 A 7410 Library . 440 Contractual 26, 575 . 00 28, 575. 00 29,575. 00 29 , 575. 00 29 , 575. 00 i Total 26, 575. 00 28 , 575. 00 29, 575. 00 29 , 575 . 00 29 , 575. 00 A 7550 Celebrations . 440 Contractual 4,241. 83 3,400. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 Total 4, 241. 83 3, 400. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 A 7620 Senior Citizens ,440 Contractual 4, 200. 00 5, 400. 00 2 ; 700. 00 2,700 . 00 2, 700. 00 Total 4, 200. 00 5, 400. 00 2, 700. 00 2 , 700. 00 2 ,700. 00 4 A 8010 Zoning . 100 Personal Services 210. 98 25, 059 . 00 25, 158. 00 25 , 158 . 00 25 , 158 . 00 . 200 Equipment -0- 1, 120. 00 1, 320. 00 1, 320. 00 1, 320. 00 . 440 Contractual 605. 78 2, 880. 00 6, 308. 00 6, 308 . 00 6, 308 . 00 . 420 Insurance -0- 583. 00 583. 00 583. 00 583. 00 Total 816M7 29, 642. 00 33, 369. 00 33 , 369. 00 33, 639 . 00 A 8020 Planning . 100 Personal Services 25, 197.72 -0- 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ' . 420 Insurance -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- . 440 Contractual 4, 847. 60 -0- 500. 00 500. 00 500. 00 Total 30�0 32 -0- 1, 500. 00 X0 . 00 1, 500. 00 A 7510 Historian . 100 250. 00 -0- -0- -0- -0- Total 250. 00 -0- -0- _0- - _ 2 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget 1978 Budget Officer ' s A 8030 Research Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary P_dopted . 100 Personal SErvices 1,790.13 $ -0- -0- -u- . 440 Contractual 224. 30 20, 000. 00 -0- -0- -D- Total 2, 0 4. 43 20, 000. 00 -0- -0- -0- A 8160 Refuse & Garbage . 100 Personal Services 27 , 074'. 28 30, 000. 00 -0- -0- -0- . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- . 440 Contractual 9, 270. 09 10, 000. 00 75 , 000. 00 75, 000. 00 75 , 000. 00 Total 36 , 344.E 40, 000. 00 75 , 000. 00 75, 000 . 00 75 , 000 . 00 A 8510 Community Beautification . 440 Contractual 859. 98 100. 00 100. 00 100 . 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 Total 859 . 98 100. 00 100. 00 *_8540 Drainage 2 , 100. 00 2 ,500. 00 24, 850, 00 24 ,850. 00 24, 850. 00 . 440 Contractual 2 , 100. 00 2, 500. 00 2.41, 850 . 00 24, 850. 00 24, 850 . 00 A 900 Employee Benefits . 9010. 8 State Retirement 26 , 775. 00 28 , 681. 00 28 ,850. 00 28 ,850 . 00 28 , 850. 00 . 9010. 8 Police and Fire Ret. 13, 220. 00 -0- -0- -0- -0- . 9030. 8 Social Security 18 , 990. 28 17 , 012. 00 25, 600. 00 25, 600. 00 25, 600. 00 . 9040. 8 Workmens ' s Comp 7, 922 . 00 5, 600. 00 31, 970. 00 3 , 970. 00 3, 970. 00 . 9060. 8 Hospitalization 16, 371. 32 34, 044. 00 25, 000. 00 25, 000. 00 25, 000 . 00 . 9050. 8 Unempl. Ins. -0- -0- 2, 500. 00 2, 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 Total 83 . 60 85,33700 85, 920. 00 85 , 920. 00 85, 920. 00 9 i GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS f Actual Budge Budget Officer ' s INTERFUND TRANSFERS Expenditures Appropriations Terative Preliminar Adopted .A 95 4 . 9 Pineview Cemetery 28, 000. 00 $�� . 15, 000. 00 U $1"5',-O0f)00 A 9514 . 9 Highway Dcpartment - Repairs & Improvements 211,429. 00 211,429. 00 211, 429 . 00 A 9542. 9 - Highway Machinery 186 , 009. 00 186, 009. 00 186, 009 . 00 A 9543. 9 - Highway Snow Removal 130,153. 00 130,153 . 00 130,153 . 00 A9544. 9 - Highway Improvements 21, 000. 00 21, 000. 00 21, 000 . 00 A 9550. 9 apital Fund -0- -0- -0- A 9560. 9 Capital Reserve -0- -0- -$- Total $ 28 , 000. 000 $ 34,234 . 00 $571--U $563, 591. 00 $563, 591.. 00 Debt Service Principal A 9720. 6 Statutory Bonds $ 4, 205. 00 $ 4 , 205. 00 4, 205 . 00 4 , 205. 00 4 , 205 . 00 A 9730. 6. Bond Antic. Notes 15,150 . 00 9, 450. 00 9,450. 00 9, 450 . 00 9, 450 . 00 , A 9740. 6 Capital Notes -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Total 19, 355. 00 13 , 655 . 00 13, 655. 00 13 , 655. 00 13 , 655. 00 Debt Service (Interest) A 9720. 7 Statutory Bonds 1, 201. 71 999. 00 799. 00 - 799. 00 799. 00 A 9730. 7 Bond Antic. Notes 2 ,195 .72 1, 952. 00 907 . 00 . 907. 00 907. 00 A 9750. 7 Capital Notes -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Total 3, 397 . 43 2 , 951. 00 1,706. 00 1,706 . 00 1, 706 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 812 , 588 . 30 83Q ► 298 . 00 101702 , 373. 00 1,704 , 623 . 00 2 , 066, 630. 00 APPROPRIATIONS GEN-IRAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 10. TAY ITEMS 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s Revenues Revenues Tentative Preliminary Adopter: A 1090 Interest & $ Penalties 3, 913. 02 $ 3 ;750. 00 8 3, 650 . 00 $ 3, 650 . 00 $ 3, 650. 00 Sales Tax A 1120 !T-on Property Tax Distributed by County 378 , 335. 98 1501000.00 1,.015,000. 00 1, 015, 000 . 00 1, 351, 257 . 00 Total 378 , 335. 98 150, 000. 00 1,01 000. 00 1, 015, 000. 00 1,:;51. 257 . 00 Departmental Income A 2001 Park & Recreation Ch-�. 800. 00 600. 00 900. 00 900. 00 900. 00 A 1232 Tax Collection 983. 47 700. 00 850 . 00 850 . 00 850 . 00 A 1255 Clerk Fees 1, 553. 00 1,550. 00 1, 550. 00 1, 550. 00 1, 550. 00 A 1520 Police Fees 608 . 00 400. 00 1, 600. 00 1, 600. 00 1, 600. 00 A 1570 Demolition Permits 110. 00 100. 00 240. 00 240. 00 240. 00 A 2110 Zoning Fees 1, 175. 00 1,600. 00 x_ , 650. 00 1, 650 . 00 1, 650. 00 Total 5, 229. 47 _ 4, 950. 00 6 ,790. 00 6, 790. 00 6, 790. 00 A 2401 Use of Money & Property Interest & Earnings 18, 564. 46 15, 000. 00 30 , 000. 00 30, 000. 00 30, 000. 00 Total 18, 564. 46 15,000. 00 30, 000. 00 30, 000. 00 30, 000. 00 Licenses and Permits A 2545 Other Licenses 4, 273. 00 4, 000. 00 600. 00 600. 00 600. 00 A 2540 Bingo License 957. 44 700. 00 1,200. 00 1,200. 00 1, 200. 00 A 2555 Building Permits 15, 958. 00 12, 000. 00 12., 000. 00 12 , 000. 00 12 , 000. 00 A 2544 Dog Licenses 3~772. 35 30, 500. 00 3, 500. 00 3, 500. 00 3, 500. 00 A 2590 Junk Yard Permits 175. 00 125. 00 125. 00 125. 00 125. 00 A 2610 Fines and Forefited 30, 256. 00 30, 000. 00 42, 0. 60. 00 42 , 000. 00 42 , 000. 00 Total Bail 55, 391. 79 50, 325. 00 59 ,425. 00 59 ,425. 00 59 ,425 . 00 A 2768 Public Employment Program(Title VI) 120, 252 . 98 -0- 81, 008 . 00 81, 008. 00 81, 008 . 00 A 2766 ( Title II) -0- 9, 956. 00 -0- -0- -0- A 2770 Cable T.V. 1.2, 672. 42 8, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 i ~ J-1. GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s INCOME Revenues Revenues Tentative Preliminary Adopted A 3001 Per Capita $180, 888. 00 $ 130, 000.00 $ 180, 000. 00 $ 180, 000. 00 $ 180, 000. 00 A 3005 Mortgage Tax 64, 376. 52 80, 000. 00 80, 000. 00 80, 000. 00 80,000. 00 A 3820 Youth Programs 9, 265.74 7, 500. 00 7 , 500. 00 7 , 500. 00 13, 500. 00 A 3772 Programs for Aging 600. 00 1. 500. 00 3 . 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 i 22 . 000. 00 22, 000. 00 A 432.0 Crime Control -0- -0- 22, 000. 00 17 , 000. 00 17 , 000. 00 A 4720 Anti Recession -0- -0- 17 , 000. 00 Grand Total Estir:ated Revenues $849, 496. 38 510,981. 00 1,515,373. 00 1, 515, 373. 00 1, 857, 630. 00 1 i , i ( ` 12 GENERAL FUND ENTERPRISE - CEMETERY 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer ' s 1 C 8810 APPROPRIATIONS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted .100 . Personal Services 37 ,814. 00 $ 41, 922 . 00 41, 922 . 00 . 200 Equipment 1, 225. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000 . 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 . 440 Contractual 8, 192.71 -0- -0- -0- ."0- . 410 Telephone -0- 250. 00 270. 00 270. 00 270. 00 . 420 Insurance -0- 2, 100 . 00 1,800. 00 1,800. 00 1, 800 . 00 . 430 Utilities -0- 200. 00 250. 00 250. 00 250 . 00 . 440 Gen. Contractual -0- 3, 300. 00 6,100. 00 6, 100. 00 6 ,100. 00 . 450 Fuel Oil _ -0- 700. 00 900. 00 900 . 00 900. 00 Total 7= 45, 364. 00 52, 24 . 00 52, 242 . 52 , 242 . 00 C 900 Employee Benefits . 9010. 8 State Retirement 4, 509. 00 4,700. 00 4,700. 00 4,700. 00 . 9030. 8 Soc. Security 2, 290. 00 2 , 900. 00 2 , 900. 00 2, 900. 00 9040. 8 Workmens Comp. 1,500. 00 1,620. 00 1, 620. 00 1, 620. 00 . 9060. 8 Hospitalization 2,484. 00 2, 900. 00 2 , 900. 00 2 , 900 . 00 . 0050. 3 Unemployment Ins. -0- 700. 00 700. 00 700 . 00 Total $8, 994 . 10 10, 7°3. 00 12 ,820. 00 12 ,820. 00 12 ,820. 00 Total Cemetery Appropriations 55,421. 37 56 , 147. 00 65,062 . 00 65 , 062 . 00 65, 062 . 00 T ESTIMATED REVENUES - PINEVIEW C 2190 Sale of Cemetery lots8, 430. 87 6, 000. 00 7 , 500. 00 7 , 500. 00 7 , 500 . 00 C 2192 Cemetery Serv. 11, 443. 83 8 , 000. 00 10, 500. 00 10, 500. 00 10, 500. 00 C 2810 Gen. Fund Trans. 28, 000. 00 34, 234. 00 15, 000. 00 15, 000. 00 15, 000. 00 C 2401 Interest 8, 495. 58 1, 000. 00 7 , 000. 00 7 , 000. 00 7 , 000. 00 Total Est. Revenues 56; 370. 28 49, 234. 00 40, 00. 00 40, 000. 00 40 , 000. 00 Estimated Unexpended Balance � �� . 01 . 13 i HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS Repairs & Improvements 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer ' s (Item 1 Expenditures 'appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted DR 5110. 1 Personal Services $ 85, 891. 00 87,187 . 00 88, 50u. uu X83,500 . 00 $ 88 , 500. 00 DR5110. 440 Contractual 111, 484. 00 23, 000. 00 28 ,425 . 00 28 ,425. 00 28 ,425. 00 DR 5110. 461 Patching Mix -0- 10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 10 ,.000. 00 DR5110. 462 Tars & Cutbacks -0- 63,500. 00 65, 000. 00 65, 000. 00 65, 000. 00 DR5110. 463 Limestone -0- -0- -0- -0- Total X197, 375. 00 $183, 687. 00 $191, 925. 191, 925. 00 191, 925. 00 Employee Benefits DR9010. 8 State Retirement 12, 100. 00 12 , 000 . 00 11, 650 . 00 11, 650. 00 11, 650. 00 DR9030. 8 Soc. Security 5, 531.73 5 , 313. 00 6, 050. 00 6, 050. 00 6 , 050. 00 DR9040. 8 Workmens Comp. 4 , 000. 00 3, 425. 00 5, 204. 00 5, 204 . 00 5, 204. 00 DR9060. 8 Hospitalization 5 . 686. 15 6 . 200.00 12 ,600. 00 12 , 600. 00 12 , 600. 00 DR.9.-0a5.0, 8 Unemployment Ins. _ -0, -0- 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 TOTAL 27, 317. 88 26,938 . 00 3700 37, 004. 00 37 , 004 . 00 Total Appropriations Item I -124; 697.-99 210, 625. 00 228 . 929. 00 228 , 929. 00 228, 929. 00 Machinery ( Item III) DM 5130. 1 Personal Services 17, 651.35 32 , 054. 00 25, 000. 00 25, 000. 00 25, 000. 00 D"1 5130. 2 Equipment 52. 99 75, 000. 00 82 , 000. 00 82 , 000. 00 82, 000. 00 DM 5130. 420 Insurance -0- 17 ,100. 00 17 ,100. 00 17 , 100. 00 17,100. 00 DM 5130 . 440 General Contractual -0- 32, 000. 00 31,250. 00 31, 250. 00 31, 250. 00 DM 5130. 465 Lubricants -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- DM 5130. 440 Total Contractual 39, 350. 04 -0- -0- -0- -0- Total 57, 054. 38 156, 154 . 00 1-5-5-,750. 00 155, 350 . 00 155, 350. 00 Employee Benefits DM 9010. 8 State Retirement 1, 884 . 00 2,100. 00 3, 050. 00 3, 050. 00 3, 050. 00 DM 9030. 8 Soc. Security 1, 085. 24 1, 954 . 00 1,706. 00 1,706. 00 1,706. 00 DM 9040. 8 Workmens Comp -0- 975. 00 1,374. 00 1, 374. 00 1,374. 00 DM 9Q50. 8 Hospitalization 832. 65 2, 000 . 00 3,150. 00 3 , 150. 00 3 ,150. 00 Total 3, 301.E 7 , 029 . 00 9, 280. 9, 280. 00 9 , 280. 00 a � HIGHWAY FUND APPROPisHriZ1NS Cont. - Debt Service 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's Principal (Item III) rxnenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted DM 730. 6 Bond Antic pation $ 14 , 145. 00 14, 45. 00 $ 14 ,145. $14 ,145. 00 $14, 145 . 00 Notes DM9740. 6 Capital Notes -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- DM9720. 6 Statutory Bonds 11, 367. 00 11, 367. 00 11,367. 00 11, 367 . 00 11,_367 . 00 Total 25, 5 . 00 2 5,5 . 25, 51 . 00 25, 512. 00 25, 51 . 00 Interest DP49730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes 2, 821. 00 2, 016. 00 1, 097. 00 1, 097 . 00 1, 097 . 00 DM9740.7 Capital Notes -0- DM9720.7 Statutory Bonds 1,792. 41 1, 282 . 00 770. 00 770. 00 770 . 00 Total 4, 613. 41 3, 298 . 00 1, 867 . 00 1 1,?67 . 00 Total Appropriations Item III) 90,981. 68 191,993. 00 192 , 009. 00 192 , 009 . 00 Miscellaneous (Brush & Weeds) DS5140. 4 0 General Contractual 2,650 . 85 6, 000. 00 4 , 000. 00 4 , 000. 00 4 , 000. 00 Total 2, . 85 6, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 4 , 000. 00 4, 000. 00 Snow Removal ( Item IV) DS5142. 1 Personal Services 65, 305. 74 80, 640. 00 80 , 640. 00 80, 640. 00 80, 640 . 00 DS5142. 440 Gen Contractual 34, 749.86 9, 000. 00 13, 532. 00 13 , 532 . 00 13 , 532. 00 DS5412 . 461 Patching Mix -0- 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 DS5142 . 464 Salt -0- 12, 000. 00 12 , 000. 00 12 , 000. 00 12 , 000. 00 Total 100., 055. 60 104, 640. 00 109 , . 00 109, 172. 00 109,172 . 00 Employee Benefits DS 9010. 8 Retirement 5, 917. 00 12, 000. 00 12 ,000. 00 12 , 000. 00 12, 000 . 00 DS9030. 8 Soc. Secuirity 4, 239.15 4, 914. 00 5, 550. 00 5, 550. 00 5,550. 00 DS9040. 8 Workmens Comp. 1, 340. 00 3,150. 00 3, 831. 00 3, 831. 00 3 , 831. 00 DS9060. 8 Hospitalization 4, 010. 48 5, 530. 0n 12 , 600. 00 12 , 600. 00 12 , 600. 00 't 0. 0 Unemployment Ins. -� 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 Total 15, 506. 63 25, 56 . 00 35, 1. 00 35, 481. 00 35, 481. 00 Total Appropriations Item 118,213 . 08 136, 204. 00 149 , 653. 00 148 , 653 . 00 148 , 653. 00 15 HIGHWAY FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS CONTINUED Budge Officer ' s Accounts StTLLIVA*1 DRIVE Tentative Preliminary Adopted Improvement Program (Project No. 5150) ! DE 5150. 1 Personal Services $ 11000. 00 $ 1, 000. 00 $ 1, 000. 00 DE5150.4 Contractual 3 , 320. 00 3, 320 . 00 3, 320. 00 Total 4,320. 00 4, 320. 00 4, 320. 00 i SULLIVAN PLACE Improvement Program (Project No. 5151) 075151. 1 Personal Services 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 DE5151. 4 Contractual 3, 140. 00 3,140. 00 3, 140. 00 Total 400 4,140. 00 4 ,140. 00 y I SULLIVAN ROAD Improvement Program (Project No. 5152) DT: 5152. 1 Personal Services 500. 00 500. 00 500. 00 DE 5152. 4 Contractual Total 2,2,00. 00 2 , 200. 00 2, 200. 00 2,700. 00 2 ,700. 00 2 ,700. 00 PAUL STREET Improvement Program (Project No. 5153) i D- 5153. 1 Personal Services 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 DE 5153. 4 Contractual 800. 00 800. 00 Total 800. 00 900. 00 900. 00 900. 00 SHER11AN ISLAND ROAD Improvement Program Project No. 5154) DE5154. 1 Personal Services 3, 300. 00 3, 300. 00 3, 300. 00 DE5154•. 4 Contractual 12, 000. 00 12 , 000. 00 12 , 000. 00 Total ---15, 0 0 15, 300. 00 ARBERGER DRIVE Improvement Program (Project No. 5155) DE5155. 1 Personal Services 500. 00 500. 00 500. 00 ]E5155. 4 Contractual 2 2 ,380. 00 2 , 380. 00 Total , 380. 00 � 'JOT 2, 8 0 0 2,880. 00 .2:?-2 P ' i --- _ 16 HIGH-, AY FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS CONTINUED Budget Officer' s Tentative Preliminary Adopted ZENUS DRIVE Improvement Program (Project No. 5156) DE515 Personal Services 740. 00 740. 00 740 . 00 DE5156. 4 Contractual 2 , 500. 00 2 , 500. 00 2 , 500. 00 Total 3~ 240. 00 3, 240 . 00 3 . 00 NORTHWAY DRIVE Improvement Program Project No. 5157) DE 5157 . 1 Personal Services 520. 00 520. 00 520 . 00 DE5157 . 4 Contractual 2, 000. 00 21000. 00 2 , 000. 00 Total 2, 520. 00 2, 520 . 00 2, 520. 00 TOTAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 36, 000. 00 36 , 000. 00 36, 000. 00 .2�� , Q• 17 HIGH11AY FUNDS - ESTIMAATED REVENUES REPARIS & IMPROVEMENTS ( Item I) Accounts_ 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's Revenues Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted Local Sources DR 6 0 S—a-1—e--oT Gas $ 4 , 427. 58 -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- _ DR2401 Interest & Earnings 1, 130. 75 $ 91000. 00 8 , 000. 00 8 , 000. 00 8 , 000. 00 DR2680 Insurance Refund -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- DR2840 Transfer from -0- Highway Fund IV -0- -0- -0- -0- DR2770 Personal & Equipment 224 . 22 -0- 11 429. 00 DR281:) Transfer Gen. -0- -0- 211,429. 00 2 211, 429. 00 DR3507 State Aid: 9, 500. 00 Mileage and Val-.-ation 9,570. 75 9, 000. 00 9,500 =00 9,500. 00 Aid TOTAL ESTIMATED 15, 353. 30 ?_$, 000. 00 2 , 228 , 929. 00 228 , 929. 00 REVENUES HIGHWAY FUND - ESTIMATED REVENUES MACHINERY (Item III) Local Sources DPI1120 Non-Property Tax distribution by County -0- -0- DM2401 Interest & Earnings 8, 561.16 -0- 6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 DM26 _ _ -0- DM2416 Rental of -0- Equipment -0- 186, 009. 00 186 , 009. 00 DM2810 Transfer from Gen. -0- -0- 186 . 009. 00 DM2680 Ins. Revenues 1,269. 07 -0- bm'650 Sale of Gas 2, 565. 29 "_ 0 0� -0- -0- TOTAL ESTIMATED 192, 009. 00 192, 009. 00 REVENUES 12 , 395. 52 -0- 192, 009 00 a - 18 + � t HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS ( Item IV) 1_+76 ACTUAL 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s ACCOUNTS REVENUES Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted DS2300 Services for i Other Governments $ 20,110. 00 $ 16, 000. 00 $ 16 , 000. 00 $2810 Transfer from Gen. -0- 130,153. 00 $ 16, 000. 00 $ 16, 000. 00 DS 2401 Interest 130,153. 00 130,153. 00 6 0 0. 00 1 9,653. 00 2 , 500. 00 2 , 500. 00 Total Revenue (Item IV ) 148, 653. 00 148, 653. 00 i i ESTIMATED REVENUES Accounts HIGHWAY IMPREOVEMENT PROGRAM DEState Aid 8,838. 00 14 , 400. 00 14, 400. 00 14,400. 00 14 , 400. 00 DE 2401 Interest -0- pp 600. 00 600. 00 DE 2810 Trans. from Gen. -0_ 21, 888:88 21, 000. 00 21, 000. 00 Total 8 , 838 . 00 14,400. 00 36; 000. 00 36, 000. 00 36, 000. 00 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING APPROPRIATIONS CF 9950 Transfer To Capital 74,'562. 00 -0- -0- -0- -0- CF 1620. 2 Shared Services -0- -0- CF 5110. 4 Highway Repairs 8, 158 . 00 80,500. 00 80,500. 00 80, 500. 00 80, 500 . 00 CF ; Police -0- 26 , 500. 00 26 , 500. 00 26, 500. 00 CF 5130. 1 Machinery 7 ,337 . 00 -0- --0- - - -0- Total 90, 057. 00 80, 500. 00 l57—, 000. 00'- 107 , 000. 00 107, 000. 00 ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE - REVENUE HARING CF x720 Anti Recession 13, 962. 00 -0- -0- -�- -0- CF 2401 Interest and Earnings 199. 00 -0- -0- -0- -0- CF 4001 Federal Revenue -0- -0- -0- -0- Sharing 82, 643. 00 80,500. 00 107 , 000. 00 107 , 000. 00 107, 000. 00 Total Estimated. Revenues 96, 804. 00 80,500. 00 107 , 000. 00 107, 000. 00 107, 000. 00 Estimated Unexpended Balance -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- __- - SL I FORT AMHERST - GARRI.,�)AD LIGHTING DISTRICT r I '19 . 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s Contractual Expense ^XP-NSES Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted 5182 .400 $ 2 , 757 . 5^ $ 3 ,200. 00 3, $3 3 , =. 00 Total 2 , 747 . 54 3 ,200. 00 3 ,500. 00 3, 500. 00 3, 500. 00 SL2 CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT 5132. 400 Contractual Expense 862 . 88 1, 000. 00 1, 205. 00 1, 205. 00 1, 205 . 00 Total 862 . 88 1, 000. 00 1, 205. 00 1, 205. 00 1, 20 SL3 Pinewood Lighting District 5182 . 400 Contractual Expense 115. 26 140 . 00 160. 00 160 . 00 160. 00 Total 115. 26 140. 00 160. 00 160. 00 160. 00 SL4 South Oueensbury Lighting District 5182. 400 Contractual Expense 7 , 637 . 32 9 ,700. 00 10, 000. 00 10 , 000 . 00 10, 000. 00 Total 7 , 637. 32 9 ,700. 00 10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 SL5 West Oueensbury Lighting District 5182. 400 Contractual Expense 8 , 067 . 58 10 , 000. 00 10, 500. 00 10, 500. 00 10, 500. 00 Total 8 , 067 . 58 10, 000 . 00 10 , 500. 00 10, 500. 00 10,500. 00 SL6 Queensbury Lighting District 5182. 400 Contractual Expense 30, 008 . 51 34 , 000. 00 39, 200. 00 39 , 200. 00 39,200. 00 Totes— 30, 008. 51 34, 000. 00 39, 200. 00 39, 200. 00 39, 200. 00 SF1 QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s ACCOUNTS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary - Adopted SF 3410. 440 Payment on Fire Contracts $136 , 257 . 22 $ 173, 122. 00 $ 154, 644. 00 $ 154 , 644. 00 $ 154 , 644. 00 SF 3410 Payments on Ambulance Contracts. 8 , 299. 00 14 , 499. 00 15, 300. 00 15 , 300. 00 15 , 300. 00 SF 3410 Insurance -0- 11,158 . 00 12 ,275. 00 12 , 275. 00 12 , 275 . 00 Total $144 , 556. 22 $ 198 ,779. 00 $ 182, 219. 00 $182 , 219. 00 $182, 219. 00 SF1 QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES SF2401 Interest 1,291. 29 -0- 2, 000. 00 2 , 000. 00 2 , 000. 00 Total 1, 291. 29 -0- 2 , 000. 00 2 , 000. 00 2 , 000. 00 21 SS 1 PERSHING-ASHLEY COLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's ACCOUNTS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted 8130 Sewage Treatment & Disposal . 440 $ 1, 545 . 00 $ 1, 500. 00 $ 1, 500. 00 $ 1, 500. 00 $ 11500 . 00 Total 1, 545. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 1 , 500. 00 SS1 PERSHING-ASHLEY COLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT REVENUES 2401 Interest none none none none none 2770 Transfer from none Special District none none none none RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT - SS3 8130 Sewage Treatment & Disposal . 440 513. 46 1, 550. 00 1, 550. 00 1, 550 . 00 1, 550 . 00 Total 513. 46 1,550. 00 1,550. 00 1, 550 . 00 1, 550. 00 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT - SS3 REVENUES 2401 Interest none none none none none SDl QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE Debt Service Principal 9710. 70-7 Serial Bond 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 -0- -0- -0- Debt Service Interest 9710. 700 Serial Bond 210. 00 70. 00 -0- -0- -0- F,') "540. 4 Contractual 431. 68 -0- 500. 00 500. 00 500. 00 Total 5, 6x1. 68 5, 070. 00 500 . 00 500. 00 500. 00 _ 22 SW 1 QUEENSBURY 14ATER DISTRICT 1976 Actual---1-977 BUDGET BUDGET OFFICER' s ACCOUNTS EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS TENTATIVE PRELIMINARY ADOPTED SWl 8310 Administration 8310. 100 Personal Serv. $20 , 259.79 $ 28 , 325. 00 $ 22. 000. 00 $ 22, 000. 00 $ 22, 000. 00 8310. 200 Equipment 539. 50 200. 00 8310. 400 Contractual 23, 060. 20 -0- -0- -0- -0- 8310. 410 Telephone -0- 3, 000. 00 3 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 8310. 420 Insurance -0- 12, 000. 00 12, 000. 00 12, 000. 00 12 , 000. 00 8310. 440 Gen. Contractual -0- 8 ,510. 00 8 ,560. 00 8, 560. 00 8 , 560 . 00 Cotal 43, 859 52, 035. 00 x5 , 560. 00 45, 560. 00 45 , 560. 00 Source of Power & Supply SWl 8320 Pumping 8320. 100 Personal Serv. 41, 542 . 32 29, 900. 00 41, 143. 00 41,143. 00 41, 143 . 00 8320. 200 Equipment 1,708 . 77 2 ,125. 00 •0- -0- -0- 8320. 400 Contractual 76, 069. 99 8320. 430 Utilities -0- 69, 300. 00 55, 000. 00 55, 000. 00 55, 000. 00 8320. 440 Gen. Contractual -0- 275. 00 11,582. 00 11, 582. 00 11, 582 . 00 8320. 450 Fuel Oil -0- 10, 000. 00 11, 006. 00 11, 000. 00 11, 000 . 00 Total 119,, 321. 08 111, 600. 00 I-TE, _ 118 ,725. 00 118 , 725. 00 SWl 8330 Purification . 8330. 100 Personal Service 10, 549. 90 18, 647. 00 11,500. 00 11, 500. 00 11, 500 . 00 . 330. 200 Equipment 33. 00 2,425. 00 -0- -0- -0- 8330. 400 Contractual 8330. 440 Gen. Contractual 15, 946 . 52 20, 500. 00 23, 550. 00 23, 550. 00 23 , 550. 00 Total 26 , 529. 42 4 1, 5T£. 00 5, 35, 050. 00 35 , 050. 00 SWl 8340 Transmission & Distribution . 8340. 100 Personal Service 71, 287 . 27 71, 095. 00 73, 000. 00 73, 000. 00 73, 000. 00 . 8340. 200 Equipment 9 .532. 19 7, 000. 00 12, 900. 00 12, 900. 00 12, 900. 00 . 8340. 400 Contractual . 8340. 440 Gen. Contractual.59 , 894 . 69 62, 000. 00 124 , 000. 00 124, 000. 00 124 , 000. 00 Total 140, 714 .15 140, 095. 00 209, 900. 00 209,900. 00 209, 900 . 00 ��� , kJ, 23 SW 1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer 's ACCOUNTS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted Employee Benefits 901-0. 8 Retirement $ 13, 392 . 00 $ 19, 350. 00 $ 22, 350. 00 $ 22, 350. 00 $ 22, 350. 00 9030. 8 Soc. Sec. 8 , 650. 17 10, 990. 00 10, 100. 00 10, 100. 00 10, 100. 00 9040. 8 Workmens Comp. 3 , 568 . 00 4, 260. 00 4, 930. 00 4, 930. 00 4 , 930 . 00 9060. 8 Hospitalization 7 , 322 . 55 10, 280. 00 19,700. 00 19,700. 00 19 ,700 . 00 9050. 8 Unemployment Ins. -0- -0- 3, 500. 00 3 , 500. 00 3, 500. 00 Total 32 , 932772 44 , 880. 00 b U , L) 60 , 580. 00 60 , 580. 00 r TOTAL OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS363, 356. 86 390 ,182. 00 469,815. 00 469 , 815. 00 469 , 815. 00 DEBT SERVICE- PRINCIPAL 9720. 6 Statutory Bond 3 ,760. 00 9,760. 00 3 , 760. 00 3, 760. 00 3, 760 . 00 9710. 6. Serial Bond 15, 000. 00 223, 000. 00 220, 000. 00 220, 000. 00 220 , 000. 00 9730. 6 Bond Antic. Note 193, 389. 00 12 , 864. 00 18 , 924 . 00 18 , 924. 00 18 , 924. 00 Total 212 , 149. 00 245, 624. 00 - , O 242 , 684 . 00 242 , 63 . 00 DEBT SERVICE - INTEREST 9720. 7 Statutory 658. 00 2, 294. 00 329. 00 329. 00 329. 00 9710.7 Serial Bonds 290,842 . 58 481,367. 00 464, 950 . 00 464, 950. 00 464 , 950 . 00 9730. 7 Bond Antic. Note 308 , 335 . 61 3, 508. 00 2 , 925. 00 2, 925. 00 2 , 925. 00 Total 599, 836. 19 487 , 169. 00 -476-8 = 00 463 , 204. 00 468 , 204. 00 9770. 6. Revenue Antic. Note 50, 000. 00 105, 500. 00 55, 500. 00 55, 500. 00 55, 500. 00 9770.7 Revenue Antic. Note 4, 999 . 99 8 , 273. 00 2, 360. 00 2, 360 . 00 2 , 360 . 00 9975. 5 Repayment of General 58, 600. 00 50 , 000. 00 -0- -0- -0- Fund Loan 9995. 5 Repayment of Errors 223. 19 -0- 8, 400. 00 8 ,400. 00 8 , 400 . 00 9710. 4 Fiscal Agent Fees -0- -0- 200. 00 200. 00 200. 00 Total 113, 823. 18 163,773. 00 66 , 460 . 00 66, 460. 00 66, 60 . 00 925, 808 . 37 896, 566. 00 777 , 348 . 00 777 , 348 . 00 777 , 348 . 00 Total 1, 289,165, 23 1,286,7 .:8 . 00 $ 1, 247 , 163. 00 1, 247,163. 00 1, 247 , 163. 00 X2.2 X 24 . SW 1 nUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Bu getOfficer' s ACCOUNTS Revenues Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted I i SW2140 Metered Sales $ 204, 747 . 21 $ 339, 450. 00 $ 280, 000. 00 $ 280, 000. 00 $ 280, 000. 00 S 142 Unmetered Sales 60, 055. 04 20, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 20 , 000 . 00 E SW2144 Water Connection 9,785 . 41 7, 000. 00 8, 000. 00 8 , 000. 00 8 , 000. 00 1 SW2148 Interest and Penalties on Water Rents 1, 616. 43 1,126. 00 1,200. 00 1, 200. 00 1 , 200. 00 SW2401 Interest & Earnings 3 , 645. 97 1, 000. 00 13, 500 . 00 13, 500. 00 13 , 500. 00 SW2650 Sales of Scrap 504. 00 400. 00 400. 00 400. 00 400 . 00 SW2416 Rental 91.74 500. 00 500. 00 500. 00 500. 00 SW2770 Supervision 15, 154 . 99 3 ,450. 00 3, 500. 00 3, 500. 00 3 , 500 . 00 SW2378 Water Service for Other 340. 50 10, 000. 00 10 , 000. 00 10, 000. 00 10 , 000. 00 r SW12770 Relayed Water -0- .11_, 266-:00 -0.- -0- -0- SW1 2801 Interfund Reinbursements -0- -0- 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3 , 000. 00 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT $295, 941. 29 $394, 192 . 05 $340,100, 00 $340,100. 00 $340 , 100. 00 ESTIMATED WATER REVENUES 1 SW3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT 1976 Actual 1977Budget Budget Officer' s ACCOUNTS Expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted 8310 Administration . 400 Contractual $ 891. 60 $ 1, 000. 00 $ 3, 000. 00 $ 3, 000. 00 $ 3-, 000. 00 SW8320 Source of Supply Power & Pumping SW3 8320. 400 Contractual 4 , 910. 37 6, 500. 00 4, 500. 00 4, 500. 00 4 , 500. 00 SW8340 Transmission and Distribution SW8340. 400 Contractual 1, 337 . 22 6,459. 00 6, 188 . 00 6, 188 . 00 6, 188 . 00 Debt Service -0- -0- _ -0- -0- -0- 9975. 600 TOTAL DISTRICT 7 , 139. 19 $13, 959 . 00 $13 , 688. 00 13 , 688. 00 13, 688 . 00 APPROPRIATIONS SW3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT REVENUES S�732140 Metered Sales 403. 29 342. 00 400 . 00 400 . 00 400. 00 SW3 8320 Unmetered Sales 10, 246. 00 9, 929. 00 9, 000. 00 9, 000 . 00 9, 000. 00 SW3 2770 Relayed Water -0- 300. 00 -0- -0- -0- 523 2401 Interest 64. 11 -0- 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 10, 713. 40 10, 571. 00 9, 500. 00 91500. 00 9, 500. 00 Total 2 -Z Z . 26. 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer' s ACCOUNTS Expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted SW4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT SW4 8310 Administration 8310. 400 Contractual 4i 978 . 00 $ 1, 000. 00 $ 11000. 00 $1, 000. 00 $ 1, 000. 00 SW4 8320 Power & Supply 8320. 400 Contractual 83 . 92 50 . 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 SW4 8330 Purification 8330. 440 Contractual -0- 25. 00 25. 00 25. 00 25. 00 SW4 8340 Transmission & 73. 51 1, 300. 00 1, 188 . 00 1,188 . 00 1,188 . 00 516tributlon TOTAL 1, 135. 43 2 , 375. 00 2 , 313. 00 2 , 313. 00 2, 313 . 00 SW4 SHORE COLONI WATER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES SW4 2142 Unmetered Sales 1, 587 . 00 1,495. 00 1, 495. 00 1, 495 . 00 1, 495. 00 SW4 2148 Penalties 13 . 80 10. 00 -0- -0- -0- SW4 2770 Relayed Water -0- 70. 00 -0- _ -0- -0- 1, 600. 80 1,575. 00 1,495. 00 1,495. 00 1, 495. 00 Total Revenues 1976 Actual 1977 Budget Budget Officer's ACCOUNTS EXPENDITURES Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted SW 5 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT, EXTENTION # 1 I DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL SW9710. 600 Serial Bonds $ 525. 00 $ 525. 00 $ 525. 00 $ 525. 00 $ 525. 00 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST ! SW9710. 700 Serial Bon s 236. 25 220. 00 205. 00 205. 00 205. 00 Total Water District Appropriations $ 745. 00 $ 730. 00 $ 730. 00 $ 730. 00 761. 25 DEBT SERVICE FUND - SPECIAL DISTRICTS APPROPRIATIONS - 1978 j Accounts i SERIAL BONDS ' V1 9710. T Agent Fees 200. 00 . 6 Principal 220, 525. 00 . 7 Interest 465,155. 00 Total 685, 80. 00 STATUTORY BONDS Vl 97 0. 6 Principal 3 ,760 . 00 , 7 Interest 329. 00 Total 4 , 089. 00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE V1 9730 . E Principal 18 , 924. 00 , 7 Interest 2 , 925. 00 Total 21, 849 . 00 REVENUE ANTICIPATIO NOTE Vl 9770. 6 Principal 55, 500. 00 . 7 Interest 2 , 360. 00 Total 57 , 860 . 00 REPAYMENT OF ERRORS V1 9995. 5 8 , 400. 00 8 , 400. 00 REVENUES INTERFUND TRANSFERS Vl 2831 778 , 078 . 00 2��. C.L i. DEBT SERVICE FUND - APPROPRIATIONS 1978 V 9720' Statutory Bonds . 6. Principal $ 15 , 572. 00 . 7 Interest 1, 569. 00 Total 17 , 141.00 V 9730 Bond Anticipation Notes . 6 Principal 23, 595. 00 . 7 Interest 2, 004. 00 Total 25, 599. 00 V2831 Interfund Transfers 42, 740. 00 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES OF ELECTED TOWN OFFICIALS ( Article 8 of the Town Law) 1976 1977 1978 SUPERVISOR 8, 250 8 , 250 . 10, 000. COUNCILMAN 3, 250. 3,250. 3,400. COUNCILMAN 3, 250. 3, 250 3,400. COUNCILMAN 3,250. 3,250. 3,400 . COUNCILMAN 3,250 . 3,250. 3,400. TOWN CLERK 10, 460. 11, 500. 11, 500. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT 12,650. 13, 400. 14 ,570. TOWN JUSTICE 4,750. 4, 750. 5, 750. i TOWN JUSTICE 4,750. 4,750. 5,750. i i DEPUTY SUPERVISOR 250. 250 . 300. { i i I 4