1977-12-06 SP 22s COUNCILMAN WAFTER- questioned why the light on Aviation are not in operation. , COUNCILMAN OLSON- noted a problem with the timing. devices hope to have them in operation by next week. . . DONALD A. CHASE- asked if there would be a Board meeting next week. . . HAMMOND ROBERTSON- a work shop meeting next tuesday. . . COUNCILMM -OLSON-Hope to have action at the next meeting in regard to the Sign Ordinance. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Queensbury SPECIAL MEETING DECPIMBER" 6, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt, Supervisor - Daniel Olson, Councilman Robert Barber, Councilman Frances Walter, Councilman. Hammond Robertson, Councilman Joseph Brennan, .Town Counsel PRESS: G. F. Post Star, WWSC GUESTS: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kestner Meeting Opened 7:40. P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Deputy Town Clerk Darleen Dougher SUPERVISOR BRANDT- opened for discussion the Contract #20 Storm.Water & Subsurface Drainage System. . Mr. Joseph Kestner Consulting Eng. for the project was present. JOSEPH KESTNER- Reviewed the project using aerial photo' s. Noted that the project resulted from a Federal Economic Development Grant in the amount of 634,000-Dbll°ars this Grant was -decided to. be used to take care of a drainage problem on Luzerne. Road, VanDusen Rd. and Corinth Road. . . commented that with the grant there is a restriction that- within 90 days the project must be under construction. . .project is designed to be expanded. . .no' sanitary sewage can be placed in the system. . . there will be 2.6 miles of pipe placed and 37 catch basins. .. Seven bids were received for-the- project and'the firm of Kilby Bros ., Inc. of Albany is the recommended firm to be awarded the contract. . . -The Board was presented with Bid Tabkkation` sheets and project tabulation. sheets. . . - j dodo the bidding, the work has been increased. to do the maximum amount of work that the grant.will' allow. . .Mr. Kilby meets the EDA requiremests for minor&.ty labor. . . COUNCILMAN BARBER- questioned Mr. Kestner on item 31. . .excavation of.rock, if there is no rock met in the project will he be paid th'e 9000 allowed? JOSEPH KESTNER- no he is paid 30. 00 per yd. for the roar removed. i SUPERVISOR BRANDT- if no rock is met the 9000 will be used to expand the project. . . COUNCILMAN BARBER- who will be the project manager? JOSEPH KESTNER- Mark Kestner. . .under supervis&on Paul Lavisa. . COUNCILMAN" BARBER-note for the record any time you (Mr. Kestner) have done] j any work in the Town of Queensbury because of the specifications that you have set forth you always have a good responee. Questioned if the project was a union Job. JOSEPH KESTNER- no Mr. Kilby is union: . .you do have the union wage saale a man does not have to be a union member but has. to be paid the union wage scale. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- moved the acceptange. of the bid of Kilby, Inc. COUNCILMAN BARBER- seconded the motion COURCUMM ROBERTSON- requested that this be made more formally, that we accept the engineer's recommendation and you as the Supervisor be authorized to enter into both this letter and the contracts. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I will accept that as the motion. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON-1 will make that motion. COUNCILMAN BARBER- I will second that, TOWN COUNSEL- noting the difference between the bid and the amount that Mr. Kestner has set forth. . . this should be in the resoltitiion . . . COUNCILMAN WALTER-As of the first of the year I will not act on any. resolution unless they are writtan in front of me. . . I am going to vote ion something and I want to know exactly what it says . 1--� COUNCILMAN BARBER - Noted that the Town has had competent records in the past. . .noted that the Board has to take counsel from our Engineers and i Town Counsel. . .reviewed Mr. Kestner' s work on the pro,ject. . . COUNCILMAN .WALTER- pleased with Mr. Kestner' s work—noted that she still wished to have a resolution in final form before voting. . . b4lieve the Town is leaving itself wide open without having it in final form. . . COUNCILMAN BARBER- noted the analysis as set forth by Mr. Kestner. . . the Board shoild be able to make a decision with Counsel advice. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The Town Counsel will prepare the resolution to accept the bid. . . COUNCILMAN BARBER- requested a break-down of the engineer's fees and grant. . . JOSEPH KESTNER-Mr. Kilby-545,169.00 6,400 -contingency 82 ,431. 00 eng. total 684,000 the amount of the grant. . . COUNCILMM OLSON-noted that he understood what Mrs. Walter was commenting about. . .also felt that he was not afraid of Mr. Kestneils estimates on this project. . . RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID ON CONTRACT #20 STORM WATER & SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM RESOLUTION N0, 272 Introduced by Mr. Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Barber (The abrove resolution will be drawn up by Town Counsel and will be found on page 231 .) SUPERVISOR BRANDT- It has been a pleasure working with Kestner Assoc. through -his project. RESOLUTION TO RESCIND RESOLUTION .NO. 273, Introduced by Mr. .Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that Resolution NO. 135 RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS of the year 1977 is hereby rescinded. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None j Absent: None L SWERVISOR BRANDT—noted that this was correcting the fact that you cannot transfer from a DR code. . . RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS IN HIGHWAY DEPTRTMENT RESOLUTION NO. '274. Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its , adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, Funds cnanot be transferred from the DR.Aecount, and WHEREAS, Resolution #135 has been rescindedyl therefore be it RESOLVED to make the following appropriations 228 $ 1856. From SF 3410. 44 Fire Contracts To SF 3410.42 Insurance $ 184. From A 9010. 80 Retirement To A 9040. 80 Insurance $ 555. 77 From DR 9010. 8 Retirement To DR 9040. 8 Insurance $ 78. 73 From DM 5130.1 Personal Services To DM 9040. 8 Insurance $ 910. 87 From DM 5130. 1 Personal Services To DM 9010. 8 Retirement Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS IN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION N0, 275 , Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its . a�coption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS surplus funds are available in certain accounts and WHEREAS, deficits exist or will exist in .various accounts, intthe Highway Department, therefore be .it RESOLVED, to transfer $ 1000. From DR 5110.1 Personal Services To DR 9030. 8 Social Security $ 2300. From DR 5110. 1 Personal Services To DR 9060. 8 Hospitalization $ 1000. From DS 9010. 8 Retirement To DS 9030. 8 Social Security $ 475 . From DS 9010. 8 Retirement $ 475. From DS 5140.4 Brush $ 375. From DS 9040. 8 Workmans Comp To DS 5142.4 Contractual Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: .None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS IN THE OUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT ACCOUNTS RESOLUTION NO. 276, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved is adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: WHEREAS, a surplus exists in various accounts and WHEREAS, deficits exist or will exist in various accounts, therefore be it RESOLVED, to transfer $ 5000. From SW1 8310. 1 Administration - Personal Services To SW1 8320. 1 Power & Supply - Personal Services $ 600. From SW1 8320.45 Power & Supply - Fuel Oil To SW1 8320. 44 Power & Supply - Contractual $ 3000. From SW1 8340.2 Transmission - Equipment To SW1 8340.1 Transmission- Personal Services $ 100. From SW1 9010. 8 Retirement To SW1 9060. 8 Hospitalization Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE MONEY RESOLUTION NO. 277, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded y Mr. Rammond Robertson: WHEREAS, The Town of Queensbury has entered into an agreement with the Staeewof New York through the Police Department of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, certain expenditures are reimbursrable by the State of New York, and WHEREAS, the revenues are unanticipated, therefore be it RESOLVED to make the following appropriations $ 3713 to A 3120. 1 Police - Personal Services $ 5288 to A 3120. 2 PoUce - Equipment $ 900 to A 3120.44Police - Contractual Duly adopted by the fo&lowing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noesr.,. None Absent: None I Winne Mr. Harrison- explained the next- resolution reviewing the past accounting single entry vs the new double entry system. . . RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER APPROPRIATIONS IN GENERAL TOWN FUND RESOLUTION NO. 278, Intooduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, a surplus exists in various accounts and WHEREAS, deficits exist or will exist. in various accounts, in. the General Town Fund, therefore be it RESOLVED, to transfer: $ 40. From A1010.4 Town Board - Contractual To A1010.1 Town Board - Personal Services $ 4350. From A1110. 1 Justice - Personal Services To A1220. 1 Supervisor - Personal Services $ 500. From A1110. 1 Justice - Personal Services To A1330. 1 Tax Collection- Personal Services i $ 650. From A11M0.1 Justice - Personal Services To A1330.4 Tax Collection - Contractual $ 475 From A1110. 1 Justice - Personal Services To A1410. 1 Town Clerk - Personal Services $ 125. From A1110.1- Justice —Personal Services To A3410. 1 Fire Marshal - Personal Services $ 1155. From A1620.&1 Buildings - Telephone To A1450. 1 Elections —:Personal Services $ 80. From A1620.41 Buildings - Telephone To A4010. 1 Board of Health 9 Personal Services 230 $ 3750. From A1620. 1 Buildings - Personal Services To A1620. 2 Buildings - Equipment . $ 700. From A1620.1 Buildings - Personal Services To A1620. 43 Buildings - Utilities $ 700. From A1620.1 Buildings - Personal Services To A5010.1 Superintendent Highways - Personal Services $ 400. From A1620. 1 Buildings - Personal Services To A8010. 1 Zoning - Personal Services $ 150. From A1620. 1 Buildings - Personal Services To A8540.4 Drainage - Contractual I $ 1300. From A1620. 1 Buildings - Personal Services To A 3120.1 Police - Personal Services $140. From A 1620. 1 Buildings - Personal Services To A 3120.42 Police - Insurance $ 160. From A 1620. 1 Buildings - Personal Services To A 312.0.43 Police - Utilities $ 500. From A 1440.44 Engineer - Contractual To A 3120. 2 Police - Equipment $ 4500. From A 1440.44 Engineer - Contractual To A 3120. 44 Police - Contractual $ 2000. From A 1440.44 Engineer - Contractual To A 3120. 83 Police - Social Security $ 3500. From A 1440.44 Engineer - Contractual $ 700. From A 1410.44 Town Clerk - Contractual To A 3310.44 Traffic Control - Contractual $ 1200. From A 1940.4 Contingent To A 7310.44 Youth Contractual $ 200. From A 1940.4 Contingent To A 5010.44 Superintendent of Highways - Contractual $ 40. From A 1940.4 Contingent To A 8090.44 Environmental Conservation Advisory Council Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absetti: None The reading of the following reports was waived. (Reports on file) Dog Warden monthly report- November 1977 Town Clerk' s monthly report - November 1977 Building & Zoning monthly report Sovember 1977 SUPERVISOR BRANDT- reviewed the progress on the second light at Bay and Quaker Road. j COUNCILMAN BARBER- questioned the Highway Committee if the 6 wheel drive grader hay ."been broken down since January. . . . asked why the Superintendent of Highways did not bring this to the Board' s attention? COUNCILMAN OLSON- reviewed the problams with the grader noting that three rear ends had been placed in that vehicle. . . . requested that Supervisor Brandt contact the grader firm to see if we can get any restlts . COUNCILMAN BARBER- requested that the Board be notiEled on how long the machine has been on the road since the last rear end was placed, how mush has this vehicle been used in the past year. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- questidn#d tffi the machine was. needed? Called for anworkshop session to discuss contract negotiations. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 279, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved adoption, seconded by Mr.Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 77112A and numbered 1543 through 1545 and totaling $630. 00 be approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: i Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None On motion ehe meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID AND TO AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO EXECUTE CONTRACT RESOLUTION NO 272 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded NO, by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has applied for and been awarded a grant from the Economic Development Administration for the construc- tion of a storm water and subsurface drainage system in a certain part of the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury, in accordance with law has invited bids for the performance of the construction wark on said project and WHEREAS, five bids have been reeeived by the Town of Oueensbury, and WHEREAS, the low bid has been submitted by Kilby Bros. , Inc. , Kraft Avenue, P.O. Box 5113, Albany, NY 12005 and WHEREAS, the various bids have been reviewed by Joseph A. Kestner, Consulting Engineer, who has been retained by the Town of Queensbury to provide engineering services in connection with this project and WHEREAS, Joseph A. Kestner has recommended acceptance of the bid of Kilby Bros. , Inc. and WHEREAS, a proposed letter of acceptance of the Kilby Bros . bid has been prepared for submiabion to Kilby Bros . , Inc. by the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS, said proposed letter recites as follows : "December 6, 1977 Mr. Gordon Kilby, President Kilby Bros . , Inc. Kraft Avenue P.O. Box 5113 j Albany, NY 12205 Re: Town of Queensbury Contract No. 20 STORM WATER & SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE.-SYSTEM E.D.A. Project No. 01-51-26363 Dear Mr. Kilby: The Town of Queensbury has considered the bid submitted by you for the above described work in response to its Advertisement for Bids dated November 29, 197.7 and Information for Bidders. Based upon the information submitted by you as part of your bidding documents , it has been determined that Kilby Bros. , Inc. is the 232 responsive low bidder for the above mentioned project. You are hereby notified that your bid has been accepted for items in the amount of $545 , 169. This contract is being awarded pending final approval of the proposed minority business contractors by the Town of Oueensbury and the Economic Development Administration. In the event it is determined that Kilby Bros. , Inc. is not the responsive low bidder, or cannot provide satisfactory documentation that�T—company can meet this requirement, the Town of Queenbbury reserves the right to either accept the next lowest responsive bidder or reject all bids and readvertise this project. Item Nos. 5, 21 and 39 have been altered according to the terms and conditions ot the biMing documents to allow the total construction costs not be exceed the gaant offer for this project. You are required by the Information for Bidders to execute the Agreement and fumn.ish the required Contractor' s Performance Bond, Payment Bond, and certificates of insurance within ten (10) calendar days from the date of this Notice to you. In order to comply with the agreement to commence work on or before December 16, 1977, the Town has scheduled the following to occur on Thursday, ecember 9, 1977 at 10: 00 a.m, at the office of the Town Supervisor, Bay at Haviland Roads , Glens Falls, New York 12801: (1) SigAing of Contract Documents/ Refer to Supplemental General Conditions (SGC 47-48) for required insurances . Refer to the Contract Documents for the required Perform- and Payment Bonds (PF 1 - 2/ PB 1 - 2) . (2) Pre-construction conference. (3) Receipt of "Notice h6 Proceed. " You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this "Notice of Award" to the Town. Dated this 6 day of December 1977 -� Town of Oueensbuyy BY: Michel R. Brandt TITLE : Town Supervisor ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE: Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby acknowledged. BY: Kilby Bros . , Inc. this the day of 19 BY: TITLE: and WHEREAS, it appears that the bid of Kilby Bros . , Inc. should be accep�ied4 I NOT,1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid of Kilby Bros . , Inc. be accepted in accordance with the provisions of the letter set forth above and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of nueensbury be authorized to execute said letter and to cause the same to be transmitted to Kilby Bros . , Inc. and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be authorized to execute a contract for the performance of said construction work by Kilby, Bros. , Inc . with said contract to be in a form approved by the Town Counsel.