1978-01-03 ORG Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robertson, 11r. Brandt 2loes: None Absent: Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter Ltr. from the N.Y. State Public Employment Relations Board- appointment of mediator- Mr. Theodore N. Gerber of PERB' s Albany Staff -ltr. on file in the Town Clerl�' s Office Councilman Robertson- noted that there will be a meeting on Jan. 0, 1073 in regard to negotiations . . .any Town Board member is welcome. . . Supervisor Brandt- announced that the Organizational Meeting of the Queensbury Town Board will be held on Jan. 3rd. 1973 at 7: 30 P.M. at the Town Office Building. On motion the meeting was adjourned. T'espectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Queensbury ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING JANUARY 3, 1978 '�,TEMBETS PRESENT: 'Michel Brandt, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart, Councilman Frances Walter, Councilman I3amrmond Robertson, Councilman Joseph Brennan, Toti-n Counsel PRESS : C.F. Post Star, 14WSC TOVr-T OFFICIALS: Carl Garb, highway Supt. Phyllis Joslyn, Court Clergy: Shirley Shenk, Sec. to Supervisor James Davison, Dog Warden — Thomas Murphy, County Supv. John Bowman, County Clerk Floyd �4-artindale, Deputy Highway Supt. GUESTS: Mr. Arthur Turnbull Former Councilman Robert Barber ]Teeting Opened 7: 40 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Supervisor T')randt RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RULES OF PROCEDURE, RESOLUTIO'N X10 1 Introduced by *?r. I?ammond Robertson who moved its adopt on, seconded by Mrs. Frances Falter: R^SO=_.D, that pursuant to the authority granted by Section 63 of t'1e Town Law of the State of New York, the Town 7oard hereby determines that T'.obert' s Rules of Order shall be its rules of procedure during the year 1973, except when the same are not in accord with the Town LaTq or wit?l_ other resolution of this Board. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: I1r. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . 7alter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent : "lone R7SOLUTIOTT TO SET TO"OPT BOARD IKIF1 ?TI'TrS 'DES_ OLUTIZ X10, 2, Introduced by Mr.Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by ?-ir.!1ichel Brandt: RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 62 , of the Tom Law of the State or New York, regular meetings of the To-,m Board of time Town of Oueensbury shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month hereafter at 7: 30 P.M. at Oueensbury Town Office BuilOi.np; Ray at Haviland Roads, Town of Oueensbury and be it further RESOLVED, that any special meetings of said Board shall be subject to a two day notice in advance by the Supervisor. 252 Duly adopted by the following, vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Tars. T<Talter, T-Tr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt "Toes : done Absent: None Ltr. December 2.3, 1977 Oueensbury Town Board Dear Members of the Queensbury Town. Board: I respectfully request reappointment as Oueensbury Building Inspector and Zoning Officer for the year 1973. Respectfully, /s/ George P. Liapes RESOLUTION TO APPOINT BUILDI"dG INSPECTOR RESOLUTION NO. 3, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mrs Frances Walter: RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 138 of the Town Law of the State of New York, George P. Liapes be and he hereby is appointed Building Inspector of the Town of Oueensbury for the year 1`173. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart , Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None Ltr. December 23, 1977 Oueensbury Town Doar_d Dear Members of the Oueensbury Town Board: I respectfully request reappointment as Deputy Building Inspector and Zoning Officer for the year 1973. Respectfully, /s/ Harold E. Boynton RESOLUTION TO APPOINT ASSISTANT RUILDIT1r I",TSPFCTOR RESOLUTION NO. 4 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 138 of the Town Law of the State of New York, Harold Boynton be and he hereby is appointed Assistant Building Inspector of_ the Town. of Oueensbury for the year 1978. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. IJalter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brand Noes : None Absent: "Tone Ltr. January 3 , 1978 Supervisor, Michel Brandt ToT,m of Oueensbury, and Queensbury Town Board R.D.;!rl Bay Road !dlens Falls , New Yorlc 12301 Gentlemen: 2 TTe hereby request the re-appointment of Phyllis E. Joslyn Farm-To-Market Road, Lake George, New "ork as Court Clem: for The ( ueensbury Town Court for 1975 to serve in this capacity at the pleasure of the Town. Board. Yours Truly, /s/ /s/ J. David Little, Town. Justice John S. Carusone, r- Tom Justice 4 Ltr. January 3 , 1978 Supervisor, Michel Brandt Town of Oueensbury, and Queensbury Town Board R.D. ,r1 - Bay Road Glens Falls, New York 12,101 r-entlenen: TTe hereby request the appointment of Karen S. Stockwell ??illcrest Drive, glens Falls, Aleti� York as Court C1.er1 for The Oueansbury ToT-m Court for 1975 to serve in this capacity at the pleasure of the ToGm Board. Yours truly, /s/ /s/ J. David Little, ToT Justice John S . Carusone, '"own Justice f - PESOLUTION APPOINTING TOT7171 JUSTICE COURT CLEn''.S RESOLUTION NO. 5 . Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mrs . Frances t,,falter: PURSUANT to Section 20, Subdivision 1 (a) of the Tom Law of the State of New Fork and pursuant to Section 109 of the Uniform ,Justice Court Act of the State of New York, Phyllis Joslyn of Farm to Market Road, Queensbury and Karen S . Stockwell of 6 ITillcrest Drive, Oueensbury, are hereby appointed Town Justice Court Clerks , to serve at the pleasure of the Board, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Administrative Board of the Judicial Conference of the State of New York be notified of the appointments . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. ?Iranclt Noes: .lone Absent: None RESOLUTION TO RETAIN TOWN SURVEYOR RESOLUTION NO. 6,. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that John B. VanDusen of the Town of Queensbury be retained as Town Surveyor of said Town for the fiscal year 1975 at an annual compensation of $ 3, 600. 00 and that the Town Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute on behalf of the Town a contract with John B. VanDusen for such services , and be it further P,.ESOLVFD, that in addition to the services provided by such contract the Town Board employ said John B. VanDusen to perform other services as may be required .which will involve the employment by him of persons to assist in compiling; data, drafting and similar work, and that the Town reimburse John B. VanDusen for such additional work and expenses in connection therewith during the fiscal year 1973, not to exceed in the aggregate sum of $1,000. 00 which reimbursement shall be made 254 upon itemized and certified vouchers therefor audited by the Town Board. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, TTrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, "Tr. Brandt does : 'done Absent: None R1?SOLUTION TO APPOINT R1rISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS RESOLUTION NO. 7, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: i P.ESOLV^D, that pursuant to Section 4121, subdivision 3 (a) of tl-.e Public Tlealth Law of the State of New "orl., Donald A. Chase, be and he hereby is appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics , to serve at the pleasure of the Board. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, 14rs . TTalter, TTr. R-obertson, Tr. 'Irznot Noes: : None Absent: None Ltr. January 3 , 1973 TO: TTembers of the Oueensbury Town Board, Gentlemen: I respectfully request that T Tie reappointed as Dog T-Tarden for. the Town of n?ueensbury for the year 1973. Respectfully, /s/ James Davison Don T:Tarden -- ToTm of Oueensbury RESOLUTION AT'POT_"1TI°7G DOO WARDEN RESOLUTION NO- 8 . Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who .moved its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: P.ESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 130, Subdivision 9 , of the Totm LaT,,7 of the State of New York, James Davison be and he hereby is appointed Dog Warden of the Town of Queensbury to serve at t?=e pleasure of the Tor-m Board. Duly adopted by the following; vote: Ayes : M.r. Olson, Dr. Tisenhart, Mrs . Ualter, ATr. Robertson, TTr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: stone RESOLUTION `1A?IING COUNSEL TO TTTF TOT,TN P)OARD RPSOLUTION ;JO. Introduced by Mr. uammond Robertson who moved its I adoption, secahed by Mr. Daniel Olson: WTjEREAS, this Board deerks itself_ in need of legal counsel in the conduct of its affairs , and T-MEREAS, the Office of Town Attorney has not been established or provisions for a salary therefor included in the 1973 budget; therefore be it RESOLVED, that Joseph Brennan, ESQ. an attorney and residing in the Town of Oueensbury, be employed by this board to render such legal services as may be required and that payment for such service be by ToTm voucher audited by the Town Board. Duly adopted by the .following vote : -A�,) Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. 7 isenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, 11r. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICLAL NEWSPAPER-) RESOLUTION NO. 10 Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: �- RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 64, subdivision 11 , of the ToN�m Law of the State of New York, The Post Star be and it is hereby designated as the Official Tlewspaper of the Town of Oueensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Aires: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Tlalter, Mr. Robertson, "?r_ . TIrandt Noes: None Absent: None DISCUSSION- After the reading of the next resolution it was decided by entire Town Board to drop Citibank New York State "l.A. from the list of depositories . REESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL BANKS RESOLUTION NO. 11_, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 64, subdivision 1, of the Town Law of the State of New York, the following be and they hereby are designated as depositories for the funds of the Town of Oueensbury for tTe fiscal year 1973: Glens Falls National T?ank and 'Trust Company, rirst '�Tati_onal Bank of Glens Falls , State Bank of Albany, Chase rTanhattan Bank or T as tern New YorT:, N.A. and be it further ESOLVED, that authority be and hereby is delegated to the Toum Supervisor to determine the accounts and the amounts to be deposited in each bank. Duly adopted by the following vote: s : "?r. Olson, Dr. 7isenhart, "?rs . 7alter, Mr. Robertson, "Tr. ';randt "Toes: None A�;sent : '.Tone 7SOLUTIO w AUTTTORIZT77 ATTETTDA?TCF AT ANNUAL MEFTINr. Or TTTF ASSOCTATIO"T 0 TOT^1`TS . RESOLUTION NO. 12 Tntroduced by Mr. 'Michel 'Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Mammond Robertson: R7- SOLV7D, that pursuant to Section 102 , subdivision 10, of Town Law of the State of "lew York, the following town officers and emploirees be and they hereby are authoized to attend the annual meeting of the Association o' Towns of the State of New York to be held in New Yorl- City on February 20, 21 and 22 of 1975: Town Supervisor, Town Justices , k Town Clerk, Superintendent of Mighways , Town Attorney, Buildin- Inspector, Chief of police, Four Councilmen, and be it further. RESOLVED, that the actual and necessary expenses of any town officer any employee attending such meeting be and the same are town charges ; and be it further r'77SOLV",D, that the To-,.m Supervisor be and he hereby is authorizes' to cast the vote of the Town of r)ueensbur"7 in said Association, and in his absence Councilman Daniel Olson is to cast the vote of the Town. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : 11r. Olson, Dr. 71senhart, Mrs . ?,Talter, TTr. Robertson, 1,11r. nrandt N 'foes : one 256 Absent: None Councilman Walter- requestdd that if anv ;person so named above could not attend the meeting; that members og the Planning or Zoning Board be considered to be allowed to go. . . RESOLUTION STTTII r COMP""?SATI_ON FOR SCYOOL CROSSI�Tr- GUARD RESOLUTION N0, 13 . Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that the daily rate for Special Policemen of the Town of Queensbury be established as follows : School Crossing Guard - $ 9. 00 per day Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: 'Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, ?1rs. T•'alter, Mr. Rol-)ertson, Mr. T3ranr't Noes : None Absent: None Ltr. January 3, 1978 Queensbury Town Board I respectfully request reappointment as Acting Assessor for the Town of Queensbury, serving; at the pleasure of the Board. Respectfully, /s/ James A. Howe Acting Assessor R?ESOLUTIO31 APPOINTING ACTING ASSESSOR RESOLUTION NO. 14 Introduced by r'r. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the position of Acting Assessor of the Town of O,ueensbury was established pursuant to Section 1522 of the Real Property Tax Law, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that James Lowe , of nueensbury is Hereby appointed Acting Assessor, to serve at the pleasure of the Town Board at an annual Salary of $ 10 , 12.2. 00 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, ?'?rs. Walter, ?'Ir. Robertson, Mr. Brandt ,Toes: "None A?,sent: ?lone RESOLUTION REGARDING FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE TOT,,, SUP7 VISOR RESOLUTION 110 '15 , Introduced by Mr. T?ammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles 7isenhart: R 7-,SOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be and he herebir is permitted and allowed to file a copy of the annual financial report to the State Comptroller. , as required by Section 31 , of the General Municipal Law, with the '"own Clerk on or befor• '•?arch 1, 1978 in lieu of filing; a separate financial report, as required by Section 119 , Subdivision 2, of the ToTm Law, by February 1 , 1073 . Duly adopted by the following; vote : Aves : Mr. Olson, Dr. Tisenhart, T,Trs . T7alter, 11r. Robertson, Mr. . Bra.nc'-t logs : .None_ Absent: "lone 257 RMESOLUTIO'l TO AU71ORIZ7 PURCHASE OF POSTAGE FOR T4ATE7Z D^PT. , '?Ir7,I7?1ANr DEPT. AND POLICE DEPT. RESOLUTION NO. 16 . Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances halter: T7T7RE,,AS , it is deeded advisable to purchase stamps for the use o-17 the T,Tater, highway and Police Departments for small mailings rather than using the postage machine at the Tot-,7n Office Building therefore be it RESOLVED, that each department shall be allowed to purchase 100 stamps and the supply be replenished as needed. Duly adopted by the folloi,aing vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. 7isenhart, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Rohertson, '•Tr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None 17IT?r ITP ?SOLtTION AUTHOR 7T liT ? ?II TTAYS RESOLUTION NO. 17 . Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by 'Tr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that-purchase of materials supplies and tools for the Highway Department may be made by the Town Superintendent of Highways without the prior approval of the Town Board where the cost thereof does not exceed an aggregate of $2 , 300. 00 during; the fiscal year. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . T{lalter, Mr. Robertson, TTr. '3ranllt Noes: :lone Absent: None RES0LUTION ESTABLISHING MIL7APE ALLOTTANCE n'?SOLUTION NO. 13, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved. its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, Pursuant to Section 102 of the Town Law of the State of New York, the sum of . 15 per mile be and hereby is allowed for the actual and necessary use of the automobile ef- any Town Official in the performance of his duties . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . T-lalter, TTr. Robertson, TTr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None Discussion- before the vote on resolution no. 13, it was decided by the entire Town Board for clarity sake to change the wording of the above resolution from The Town Officer to Any Town Official. . . RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT TO T7,7 TOT^TN OF, QUEENSBURY INDUSTRIAL D?'VrLOP''T`7 ,, Arr�;CV. RESOLUTION NO. 19 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, secon ec by Dr. Charles Eisenhart : Tp?i ^':BAS, pursuant. to Chapter 752 of the Laws of New. York_, 1071, e.`fecti`Te June 25, 1971, the Town o4 nueensbury Industrial Development A?encr was created, and T,rlr?;EAS, the certificate of establishemnt of such agency was filed pursuant to Section 356 (1) of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York designating the membership of said. agenc'77, rTOT', T';FRE''ORT' 259 RESOLVED, that a certificate of appointment of the chairman and members of the Town of Oueensbury Industrial Development Agency be filed with the office of the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 956 of tl-le General Municipal Law of the State of rdew York designating the respective parties for the position set forth after their respective names. Michel Brandt-Chairman Daniel Olson-Tleraber Dr. Charles Eisenhart-TTember Frances TTalter-N[ember_ Tlammond 'Roberts on-T'ember Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: 14r. 01_son, Dr. Eisenhart , Ttrs . T�?alter, Tyr. Robertson, Tyr. ?�aanc i, Noes : None Absent: Mone T7S1}L?J'T'Tf?T1 prGARDI?lr PAYTr'IENT OF UTILT T V PILLS PJESOLUTIOT? NO. 20. Introduced by T�"r. 'Tammond Robertson w'-).o moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel T',randt: tra"11,17AS, the utility bills such as Niagara 7ohaw1k and the. 77ew Fork Telephone consistently show an overlap in billings because of the payment schedule used by the Town of Oueensbury, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that t',2e bills from these corporations be paid as soon as they are received by the Town Clerl-, and with Department Head approval, and be it entered. in the regular monthly abstracts. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Tyr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . TTalter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT RESOLUTION NO. 21 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 159 of the Tom Law the Tom Board hereby appoints Charles Judkins , from Acting Chief_ to Chief. of Police of the Oueensbury Police Dept. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, T'rs. TJalter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt :Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPOINT PJ CEIV7R OF TA`s"S AT?D ASSESSMENTS rRESOLUTION NO. 22, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart, who moved its adoption, seconded by '-11r. Hammond Robertson: PURSUL. T to Section 20, Subdivision 6 (e) of the Town Law of the State of New York and to Resolution No. 97, of the 1957 of the Torm, be it RESOLVED, that T'Ir. Donald A. Chase of 225 Fifth St. Ext. Queensbun,,7 is hereby appointed Receiver of Taxes and Assessments of the Town of Oueensbury for a two year term for January 1, 1975 through December 31, 1979 . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Tyr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . Tlalter, Mr. Robertson, T,Tr. Brandt ,Toes: None Absent : 'Bone ,7SOLUTION APPOINTUM DIRECTOR OF PURCIIASI1Ir' SOLIIT ON NO. 23 Introduced by 11r. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, secondeff by Mr. Michel Brandt: PURSUANT to Section 2!?, Subdivision 3 (e) Donald A. Chase is hereby appointed Director of Purchasing for a term of two years, becri_nnin January 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1979. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. "isenhart, Mrs . ?Halter, 'tr. Robertson, TTr. Iira_nr't Noes : `lone Absent: Hone Ltr. December 31, 1977 T,Tembers o s the Town Board Town. of 1.ueensbury I wis., to make t' .' fo11oT,?i_ng appointments for the year 1973-79. Darleen Rougher - Ist. Deputy Town Clerl Depute ?registrar, Assistant Director_ o r Purchasi_nn I'er duties will be to assist in the operation of t' .e Town Clerk' s Office and assist in the collection of taxes when needeO. ne tty 7gulestion - Deputy 'receiver of Taxes and Assessments and other Cashier duties as assigned. (Then needed she will also assist in the operation of th.e Town Clerk' s Office. Judith Fish 2nd. Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Assessments Lois Chase 2nd. Deputy Town Clerk to assist in the sales of Conservation Licenses at the home of the Town C1er'-., 225 Fifth St. rxt. , Glens Falls , New vork Respectfully, /s/ Donald. A. Chase ToT.�rn Clerk RESOLUTIOII APPOINTI1i BUDGET OFFICER 117SOLUTIOI3 110. 24 Introduced by Mr. Ilammond 11obertson V o moved its adoption, seconded by TTr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 103, Subdivision of the Town Law of the State of New York, Supervisor Michel Brandt be and he herel v is Budget Officer of the Town of Oueensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . ??alter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Branch 1do e s: None Absent: Bone �I Ltr. January 3 , 197c' Totim Board Town of Queensbury Bay at Ilaviland Road Glens Falls , New York 12801 Pentlemen: �lursuant to Section 29, Subdivision 15 , of the Town Lana of the State of New York, I hereby appoint Mrs . Shirley B. Shenk of 9 Pershing Road, Glens Falls , New York, as my Confidential Secretary for the year 1973. 260 Sincerely, /s/ Michel R. Brandt Supervisor ?FRB/SID S Ltr. January 3 , 1970 The Town Board Tmm of Queensbury Bay at Faviland Road Glens FAlls , New Fork 12301 Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section 42, of the Town Law of the State of New York, I hereby appoint Hammond Robertson, Cleverdale, New York as Deputy Supervisor. Sincerely, /s/ ?Michel P.. Brandt Supervisor TTRB/sbs Ltr. January 3 , 1978 Town Board Tox-m of Queensbury Bay at Haviland Road Glens Falls , New York: 12301 C-entlemen: Pursuant to Section 29 , Subdivision 15 , of the Tawn. Law, of the State of 'New York, I hereby appoint Richard Townley, of 53 Knight Street, Clens Falls , ''Tew York 12301 as Bookkeeper for ._..+ the To=m of Queensbury. Sincerely, /s/ �Tichel R. Brandt Supervisor HR.3/sbs Ltr. January 3, 11)7 q Queensbury Tom Bard Queensbury Town, O-fice Building; ??ay & TTaviland roads Dear To-,-m 73oard rTembers: I tgish to appoint Floyd Martin(kale as ?deputy Highway Superintendent for the Toi-m of Queensbury, 1972. Respectfully, /s/ Carl A. Garb Tlighwav Superintendent CAC/]-)j r R, SOLUTIQ ? OF APPOZN7P '.7m TO PLANT-UTI ', 13OA?'T) R7,,SOL;4, ;Q a '3O. 25 , Introduced by ?Tr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, secondeck by Mrs. .Frances .,Tatter: MITI E'2.?:AS , there e;-lists a vacancy due to the resimatiozi of Cilber_t 'Teflon in Noveml-)er of 1977 on the ToT,,-n of nuennsbury Planning 7oar_d, and TI EREAS , Donald. T:rebs of 33) Twicwoock Lane has expressed an interest in fillin.o- this vacancy, *TnT:T 77r" 7±�nr�r�-� n+� m 261 R7,SOLV7,D, that the To�•'n Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby appoints Mr. Donald '.rebs o'' 3S niicwood Lane, Oueensbury to replace Gilbert Mellon on t'-?e Tow o-' '?ueensbury Planning hoard, term to expire Sept. 30, 1934. Duly adopted by t7-in following vote: Ayes : rZr. Olson, Dr. 7isenhart, 1,-Irs . Ualter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTIONI TO SI'T SALARY SCHEDULF RESOLUTION '10. 26 , Introduced by TIr.TTichel Brandt T,7T o moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. 77ammond Robertson Discussion on the Resolution to Set Salary Schedule Councilman Olson- requested an explaination of the salaries . . . Supervisor Brandt-most are currect rates subject to negotiations , some reflea. nerit raises as were talked about bar t?,.e To«n Board Councilman TTalter- questioned the title of Judit'z fish Supervisor Brandt-noted a change in% work description now under a new classification under civil service. ` Ublihbilman Robertson- questioned if Ralph VanDusen' s Salary reflected a merit raise? Supervisor Brandt- there is a merit increase but there is no increase that would come with negotiations . Councilman Olson- noted that the health Officer salary was left blank the Board will meet with Dr. Reid oti Tuesday January 10th 1^7" at 7: 01' 1 RESOLUTION TO XTEND RESOLUTION '10. 26, OF 19q-8 RESOLUTION NO. 27 . Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Tars . Frances TTalter: RESOLVED, that the PYLPLOYEF 'E`IWTE, Shenk, Shirley TITLE, Confidential Secretary and SALARY BAST? $3, 798.00 be removed from Resolution No. 26 of 1973. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . TTalter Noes : Mr. Pobertson, 'fr. 'Brandt Absent: 'lone RESOLUTION TO SET SALARY SCITE-DULE AS A7`77"I DED 731' P7SOLUTIOTI '.-TO. 27, OF 1978 RESOLUTION NO. 26 Intorduced by Mr..Ilichel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RFSOLVTD, that the salary of each Town Officer set forth in the } p following schedule be and hereby is fixed at the amount specified: 1978 SALARY S CIiE DI'LE EITLOYEE KATIE TITLE SALARY 73AS7, Bodenweiser, Norbert U. Fire Marshal y 7, 155 . 00 Boynton, Harold Asst., Bldg. Inspector 9, 763. 00 Brandt, Michel R. Supervisor 10,000. 00 Carusone, John S. Justice 5 , 750. 00 Cederstrom,. Paul Rec. Director 3, 302 . 00 Chase, Donald A. Town Clerk 11, 500.00 Cease, Lois Third Deputy Clerk 313. 00 Davison, James Dog T•Tarden 262 17,T PLOvE'? NAME TITLE SA.LAT,'Nx BASr Dougher, Darleen First Deput,T Town Clerks 7, 0?2. 00 Dunn, John Cemetery Careta'-per Tisenhart, Clia.rles Councilman "-gleston, petty Secone, Deputy Totrm Cler-?r f Flaherty, Thomas TTater Superintendent 13 , ''26• �?'` Garb , Carl A. Highway Superintendent 14,570. 0() Howe, James 0. Acting Assessor 10, 1''' • !TO Joslyn, Phyllis Court Clerk 7 0,20 . or,, Liapes , reorge 7uil(l.i.ng Inspector 11,434. 00 31artindale, 71oyd ?deputy 77.1ghT,,rav Supt. Olson, Daniel Councilman 3,�' ?0• '10 Raid Robert 77ealth Officer P,obertson, ':ammon, Councilman (Depute Su-Dv. ) 3 , 70n, nn Townley, Richard Roo1,J-:eePer 12 ,500. 00 VanDusen, Ralph Chemist 11, 164. 00 Walter, Frances Councilwomen 3, 1e.Or)• 00 POLICE '?ott, Steven patrolman 9, 264. 00 Cleveland, Larr,7 Patrolman �? , _C��-• '? . Comstock, David) Acting Sergeant 1^ ,��62 . 00 Dee , James Patrick Patrolman pl $ ' 4. 0!' Hall, David N. Patrolman ?6A. O0 Ilull, David C. Patrolman 9. 264. 00 Judkins , Charles Chief of Police 16, 5'!^• !Tn Litwa, Edward Patrolman 9 , 664 . ^0 McFarland, 71evin Patrolman 9 ,461t. 00 "orey, Jay David Sergeant 10 ,462 . n,0 Ogden, James F. Sergeant 10, 462 . 00 Stannard, George Sergeant 10,462 . 00n Trombley, Timothy Patrolman `' , 26<< . 0^ GENERAL HOURLY RATE Bennett, Edward Working Foreman 4.46 Bowman, Edith Pt. Time Typist 3.03 j Cutter, David Labor A. 3. 67 Fish, Judith J. Account Clerk 3. 31 rITontgomery, James Cleaner 3 . 37 Obenaur, Stephanie Pt. Time Clerk/Zoning 25 . 00 / month Stockwell, "_aren Court Clerk 3. 08 POLICE -rte Michael Dispatcher 3. 08 Jordan, Larry Dispatcher 3. 0? T•Taters, John Dispatcher 3 . 03 Cooney, Ernest Dispatcher 3. 08 Davies , Stanley School Crossing guard 3. 00/Day Jarvis Lee School Crossing Guard 1 . 00/Day PIjNEVIEW CEMETERY Bombard., James Labor A. 3. 67 Tzatraw, Edward Labor A. 3. 67 Engwer, Robert Labor A. 4. 11 '1IMIWAY rno , Frank M.TT. 0. 3. 36 Blair, Joseph M.E. O. 3. 36 Counter, James ''•Z.".0. 3. 46 Dufour, Ronald "I.?'.0. 3. 36 Havens , Ronald Labor A. 3. 67 I Howe, Charles .IT.7.0. 4. 11 Hughes , William Jr. T1.F..0. 4. 11 Johnson, John Labor A. 3. 67 Keller, Fred Ttechanic 4. 46 Manney, Edward IT.Fl.0. 3. 86 Tlanning, George M.Ell.0. 3. 11 Morehouse, Terry Labor B. 3. 15 Benway, Beverly Clerk/Typist Skellie, ' rnest T?. E. 0. 3. 36 South, Eugene M.E.O. 3. 36 Stockman, Gordon Tiechani.c 4. 46 Trombley, Timothy Labor A. 3. 6,7 Voorhis, Everett Labor A. 3. 67 '77TLOYEF] NAME TITLE SALAPNr ;3A..g7 x'63 I'0URLV 7 Martindale, Irving Labor A. 3, F7 rwarb, Charles Labor A. 3, 67 WATER DEPARTMENT Allen, Steven M.S. 3, 336 ?'.,orthers, Ralph Labor A. 3. 67 Burch, Timothy Labor A. 3. 07 Carpenter, George Mechanic 4. 46 Cartier, Donald T+?. T.P. 0. !+, 0 Coon, David. Ass ' t. Foreman 4. 27 Finch., George T7. T. P.0. !+.�? TTamell, A. Rene 7.T.P.O. 4. 13 Lilly, Robert T-1.?1. Foreman 4.1+6 ,lar_tindale, Russell Labor A. 3. 07 Mer1011, Peter M. T,1.^%IM. I1 3. 335 1lissita, RiC'+ard Labor A. 3. 07 Ogle, Donald T°T. T.P.O. 1, Phillips , Stanley Senior Account Clerk 3. �E Seelye, Michael TA1..T.P.O. Seelve, Joyce Clerk 3. 9 TJl.ite, Claude TIT.TT.JR. I. l . 11 POSITIO11S P-7ceiver of Taxes and Assessments 1,000. 00 Director og Purchasing 1, 000. 00 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Tisenhart, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, 71r. T3r_anclt Noes : 'lone Absent:-lone RESOLUTION TO SET SALA7,Y IfSOLTJTIO°I NO. ^S Introduced by Mr. Tlammond Robertson who moved its .._ a option, secon e . by Dr. 7isenhart: 7SOUTED, that the Salary of Shirley Shenk, Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor be set' at 1>1 8, 793. 00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Aves : Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, '1r. . ';ranch Noes : Mr. Olson, rIrs . T'Talter Absent: Discussion -held before vote or. Resolution no. 23. Councilman Olson- noted that he felt that 3, 793 was a .high rate, comparinn the rate for patrolmen vs. Confidnntial -Secretary. . . Councilman Eisenhart- questioned if that was the salary as set last year? Supervisor Irandt- yes . Ltr. January 3 , 1072 ( Pursuant to Section 63 or the Town Law of the State of Net* `pork, �— I hereby revise the--appointment of the following committees to aid and assist the Town Board in the performance of its duties durin¢ the year 1973, with the first person named to serve as chairman in ' each case. Highway (includinm drainage) Brandt Robertson T�Tater Supply Robertson T<Talter Solid. Waste Disposal Brandt Walter Sewerage Robertson risenhart Fire Protection Walter Olson Police (including Traffic Safety) Brandt Walter Cemeteries Olson Robertson Town Development (including Planning; Zoning-Promotion) � TTalter T3randt 264 Assessments ^isenhart Olson Recreation Brandt Olson Beautification Olson T,,Talter Town Buildings Robertson. Olson Lighting; Olson Eisenhart Libraries Eisenhart Robertson Elections Eisenhart: Walter Health & Conservation Advisory Council Olson Eisenhart Insurance Eisenhart: t,:Talter Personnel Robertson Brandt Legislative TTalter Tisenhart Senior Citizens Olson Iisenhart Sincerely, /s/ Michel R. Brandt Supervisor Councilman Walter.- noted that there now exists vacancies on the Planning and Zoning Board and Recreation Board.—wished to encourage anv person interested in these positions to come forth—hope to rill the vacancies by the end or this month. . . A discussion was held by the TON,m Board in regard to Queenway Drive it was decided that the Board would not make a decision on acceptinsT this highway until the water dept. had completed its study. . . OPEN FORMIT Mr. Turnbull- requested that his name be placed in contention For the Zoning Board. . . Supervisor Brandt- asked if he would be interested in the Planning Board? Mr. Turnbull-yes . Former. Councilman Barber- addressed the Town Board- reviewed his 6 years on the Board as happy years . . . wished all the Board members and ttie employees of the Town a ?.Iappy NeT&T "ear. Joseph Daire- requested that everyone in the Town work together. On motion by T)r. Eisenhart, secondeda I,ST ?Tr. Robertson the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clergy; Town or O.ueensburV REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 10, 1978 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart, Councilman . Frances Walter, Councilman Hampnond Robertson, Councilman ABSENT: Joseph Brennan, Town Counsel PRESS: G.F. Post Star, WWSC GUESTS: Mr. Turnbull, Mr. Kilmartin OFFICIALS: Mr. Wm. Barton, Mr. Thomas Murphy, Mrs . Shenk Mr. Townley Meeting Opened 7: 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Town Clerk Donald A. Chase RESOLUTION TO APPROVE TOWN BOARD MINUTES RESOLUTION N0, 29, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: i