1978-03-14 286
GILBERT DELISLE-asked for assistance from the Town Board in regard to
a neighbor placing vaults and cement on adjoining property causing
COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- referred the problem to the Building Inspector.
ARTHUR TURNBULL- questioned the status of the landfill
SUPERVISOR BRANDT- noted that the City and Town have met and it is now
a matter of identifying the legal mechanism for the joining. . . .there
is another meeting Thursday on this. . .
ARTHUR TURNBULL- questioned if there was any trouble with the County? -�
GLEN GREENO- would like to see the practice of people running to government
to solve neighbor disputes stopped.
RESOL1jTT m Nn - rcrsi. Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter who moved for its
a option, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 78-2C and numbered
223 through 226 and totaling $61,471.42 be approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman
Hammond Robertson, Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart, Councilman
Joseph Brennan, Town Counsel
MEMBERS ABSENT: Frances Walter, Councilman
GUESTS: Mr. Brian Harrison, Warren Co. Donald Clements, Mr. Bodak,
Mr. Coccia, Linda Eastwood, Joseph Daire
TOWN OFFICIALS: Mr. George Liapes , Mr. Harold Boynton, Mrs. Shirley
Meeting Opened: 7: 31 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Robertsnn �.
Supervisor Brandt- requested the Town Clerk to open and read the bids
FORD GARAGE COMPANY INC. 1978 Dodge Model W200
109 Warren Street List Price 7328. 00
Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801 Allowance: 2203. 00
Net Delivered: 5125 . 00
_________ _non_collusive_attached
-- ----------------------------------------------
Rte. 9 1978 Chevrolet
Glens Falls Road List Price: 7413. 75
Lake George, N.Y. 12845 Allowance: 2844. 25
Net bid price: 4569. 50
GLEN FORD 1978 Ford F250
116 Saratoga Ave. List Price: 72.12. 00
So. Glens Falls, N.Y. Adjustment: 1917. 00
Selling Price: 5295. 00
no non collusive
Supervisor Brandt-requested that the Town Clerk open and read all bids
37 Meadow Street $10. 70 cwt
Utica, N.Y. 13502 $400. 00 per container
----------------- --------- ---------------------------------------------
Howland Avenue $114.95 per net ton
Adams, Mass. 01229 non collusive attached
NOTE: No Bids were received for Caustic Soda
Upon Councilman Robertson' s suggestion the bids were turned over to
Thomas Flaherty, Water Supt. for his recommendation.
Discussion on Housing and Community Development Program-proposed resolution
{ read.
Brian Harrison-this particular program is not to rehabilitate housing
but to subsidize someone who is currently renting a house, the program
cannot be used to build anything. two part program j�1 Community Development,
Federal monies to come to the community to be used in local projects
#2 Section 8 portion, the housing portion
Seeking Community Development dollars for the purpose of achieving monies
for water lines , economic development projects etc.
The County is administrating this project due to the point system used for
project based on population. . .
Supervisor Brandt-questioned if elderly persons who own 'their own home
which needs repeirs) can they apply?
Brain Harrison- nog it can be used only for renters and the rented space
must meet certain standards. . .
Councilman Olson- questioned how much money would the Town residents
receive on rental subsidies.
Brian Harrison-130 rental subsidies in the county, Queensbury can make
use of how many they want.
— Supervisor Brandt-that is the County but does not include the City.
Councilman Olson- will the Town be obligated to pay for any clerical work
f ete. for this program?
Brain Harrison-no the program is designed to administrate itself.
Supervisor Brandt- there is in this grant monies available to the Town
to make improvements in the Town. . .water lines to areas where no lines
exist, or run railroad siding to the industrial park which would attract
industry. . .
Brain Harrison- noted each project is viewed and given points as to its
merits-. . .
28ouncilman Olsnn- questioned if the Town would be available to subsidize
Brian Harrison-Section 8 is a subsidize housing program, you get a
subsidy- to help a person pay the rent. . . in that case it is subsidized.
Town Counsel- stated that this program with modifications , is only for
existing rental units. . . there is no committment of the Town to allow
construction of subsidized housing projects . . .
Supervisor Brandt-e opened the meeting to the public on this topic.
Mrs . Phillips- The program is unfair. . .asked if there was any assistance
to people who own their own home and wish to repair it. . .
Brian Harrison- reviewed Community Development program . . . stimulate
person to rehabilitate their home. . . that is what the County is putting;
together available to Queensbury residents if they participate in the
Supervisor Brandt- If we pass this resolution, then she could apply through
the County for help. . .
Brian Harrison- that is correct.
Donald Clements-If the Town does not pass this resolution, can the County
receive the community development funds to be used in Queensbury?
Supervisor Brandt- no
Queensbury Town Board and residents
It is difficult for me to understand how you, the members of the
Queensbury town board, and many of you who attend the Queensbury Town
Board meetings, can continue to enjoy the benefits afforded us under
our free enterprize system, and still constantly try to persuade the
majority of the citizens to accept a little more socialism.
Individual freedom, initiative, aid incentive have made this
the greatest county in the history of civilisation. We have received
little if any thing save trouble from the communist-socialist states.
We have aided them possibly more than we have aided those countries
whose principles more closely parallel the principals that this country
was founded upon.
Our farm products, industry, and technology have all bean exported
to these Communist-Socialist states with a on& way ticket at the U. S.
taxpayers expense. These "gifts" have helped destroy the value of our
dollar, caused the collapse of our own industries (unable to compete with
slave labor) , and brought about severe inflation with planned imposed shortages
We pay at least in triplicate for everything the government supposedly
"gives us", for the government whether on a local, state, or federal level,
has nothing to "give" until it has taken it from us .
I have heard on nearly every instance where state or federal aid
was to be utilized on a project in Queensbury that it really wouldn't
cost us anything. It is costing us plenty, not only in our hard earned
money but in our freedom to keep the reins of local government in our
own hands where we can keep a closer watch of what is taking place.
And the socialist programs continue to be thrust at us in a never
ending stream.
Thank you,
Donald W. Clements /s/
Supervisor Brandt- there are a lot of people that pay income taxes and
would like to compete for a return of some of those federal dollars to
this community, from my view point I would have to go along with them. . .
if we restrict ourselves not to accept any federal funds then we are paying
for a lot of other peoples projects , that is a self imposed restriction
that I am not willing to go along with.
Councilman Olson-reviewed the project and in favor of it. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 66,, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption,
seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
By and Between the Town of Queensbury, New York (hereinafter referred to
as the "Town") and the City of Glens Falls Housing; Authority.
WHEREAS, the County of Warren is participating in the Housing and Community
Development Porgram and will be receiving Federal Financial Assistance for
Community Development Activities pursuant to the said Program, and
WHEREAS, the County' s Housing Assistance Plan identifies a need to assist
low and moderate income families through the use of the Section 8 - Housing
Assistance Payments Program - Existing Housing, and
WHEREAS, the Town wishes to assist such low and moderate income families ,
' elderly and handicapped residents in obtaining affordable, decent, safe
and sanitary housing, and
WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title II,
201 (a) (8) (b) authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Housing and
Urban Development to enter into annual contributions contracts with
public housing agencies for the purpose of making rental assistance pay-
ments to owners of decent, safe and sanitary housing on behalf of lower
income, elderly and handicapped persons, and
WHEREAS, the Town possesses the necessary authority under the laws of the
State of New York to participate in this program as a public housing
agency defined by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title
II, 201 (a) (3) (part 6) as "any State, County, Municipality or other govern
ment entity or public body (or agency or instrumentality thereof)
authorized to engage in or assist in the development or operation of low
income housing, " and
WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has stated in
24 CFR Part 882.103 (c) that preference in funding will be given to
Public Housing Agency' s which provide the broadest geographic choice of
housing units, and
WHEREAS, to prevent duplication of effort and promote the greatest possible
efficiency of administration, the Town may enter into a cooperative agree-
ment with the City of Glens Falls Housing Authority under the laws of the
State of New York.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
as follows:
1. That the Town affirms that it qualifies as a public housing agency
as defined in Title II of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
and may administer a Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program for
existing housing pursuant to Title II of the Housing and Community Develop-
ment Act of 1974.
2. The Town shall enter into cooperation with other municipalities in
Warren County for the purpose of applying for and administering a unified
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program for existing Rental Units only.
3. That the Totem agrees to authotize the City of Glens Falls Housing:
Authority to act as applicant PHA for the purpose of applying to the United
_ State Department of Housing and Urban Development and-contracting with the
isame for participation in the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program-
for existing housing pursuant to Title II of the Housing and Community
--- Development Act of 1974,
4. That the Town agrees to authorize the City of Glens Falls Housing
Authority to operate the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program for
Existing Rental Units only within its territorial jurisdiction,
5 . That the Town agrees to the entering into6 a contract with the
City of Glens Falls Housing Authority within the limitations of pertinent
State and Federal laws for the administration of a Section 8 Housing
Assistance Payments Program for existing housing pursuant to Title II of
the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent : Mrs. Walter
RESOLUTION N(�, Introduced by Dr. Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
se o�by Mr. Olson:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board Minutes of February 28th 1978 be and hereby
are approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None "'
Absent: Mrs . Walter
RESOLUTION N0, 68,, Introduced by Mr.Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS, Superintendent of Highways, Carl A. Garb, has recommended
pursuant to Section 1660, Subdivision (a) 11 of the New York State
Vehicle and Traffic Law, that certain highways within the Town should
be closed to any vehicle with the gross weight in excess of 3 tons per
axle effective from the time of the erection of the signs and
WHEREAS, the restriction will be in effect until the removal of the signs
as directed by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the following roads be closed under this order and further
RESOLVED, that proper notice be made in t4.e local press.
AVIATION ROAD-Potter Road to Mountain Road .�
GURNEY LANE MT. - County Road to Town Line
BUTLER POND ROAD-From Mountain Road to the end.
FULLER MOUNTAIN ROAD-From Mountain Road to Boot Jack
CLENDON MOUNTAIN ROAD-From Mountain Road to Town Line
LUZERNE MOUNTAIN ROAD-From Mountain Road to Town Line
PITCHER ROAD-From VanDusen Road to Mountain Road
VANDUSEN ROAD-From Corinth Road to Luzerne Road
RICHARDSON STREET-From City Line to Corinth Road
LUZERNE ROAD-From City Line to Mountain Road
SHERMAN AVENUE-From City Line to Mountain Road
PEGGY ANN ROAD-From Old Forge Road to Mountain Road
HIGHLAND AVENUE-From Dix Avenue to Boulevard
EAST SANFORD Street-From (quaker Road to City Line
CHESTNUT RIDGE ROAD-From 9L to Sanford Ridge Road-Town Line
CRONIN ROAD-From 9L to Bay Road
14ANNIS ROAD-From Blind Rock Road to end
GLEN LAKE ROAD-From OxBow Rd. to Route 9
TEE HILL ROAD-From Bay Road to Moon Hill Rd.
JENKINSVILLE ROAD-From Sunnyside East to 9L (Ridge Rd. )
MUD POND ROAD-From Jenkinsville to Town Line
CLEMENTS ROAD-From 9L to Town Line
ASSEMBLY POINT ROADS- (Both Roads) From 9L to end
LOCKHART MOUNTAIN-FromBay Road to 9L --+
ELLSWORTH ROAD-From Bay Road to end
PICKLE HILL GRAD-From 9L to Bay Road
SWEET ROAD-From Route 9 to Country Club Road
MEAD014BROOK ROAD-From 9L to Haviland Road
MOUNTAIN VIEW LANE-From Aviation Road to ?Nest Mountain Road
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: Mrs. Walter
� s
Councilman Olson- noted that this does not effect local delivery trucks.
RESOLUTIDN. NO. 69 . Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to have an independent firm appraise
approximately 10 acres of property which is owned by the Town of Queensbury,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, to authorize Supervisor Brandt to negotiate to find an
independent appraiser and to obtain this appraisal as soon as possible.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: Mrs. Walter
Councilman Olson- questioned what the maximum amount of money would be spent,
on this appraisal?
Supervisor Brandt-preliminary figures under $500. 00- appraisal of Rush Pond
Property and equipment.
Councilman Olson- Will there be two seperate appraisals?
Supervisor Brandt-yes .
RESOLUTION_NO.;_ 70t Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption,
seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
` WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors expressed a desire to have an
additional representative on the Warren County Sewer Agency, from the
,___,� Town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, Councilman Robertson is a licensed professional Engineer and
has a good working knowledge in this field, and
WHEREAS , Hammond Robertson has been a leader in developing .a sewer system
for the Town of Queensbury, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury submit the name. of Hammond Robertson
to the County Board of Supervisors for their consideration in adding a
representative to the Warren County Sewer Agency from the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: Mrs. Walter
Mobile Home Application- Robert S. Ellsworth-RD1 Lake_ George- location
of mobile home Gravel Pit Dream Lk. -reasons for applications noted on
form-1 year permit requested-
` George Liapes-November 1st. he was given a 90 day permit, he is now askin¢
-- for a one year permit. . .no complaints issued in the area in regard to the
mobile home. . .
Councilman Olson- has this trailer been occupied?
George Liapes- periodically
RESOLUTION N0. 71 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
a opt on, secon e by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS, Robert S. Ellsworth of RD1 Lake George, New York has made
application in accordance with paragraph 2 (B) Section 4, of an ordinance
of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE
YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court
at property situated at Gravel Pit-Dream Lake, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application
are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said
application, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance,
temporary permission is hereby given to Robert S. Ellsworth of RD1
Lake George to locate a mobile home outside of a licensed mobile home
court for period of one year at property situated at Gravel Pit-Dream I
Lake, Town of Queensbury, and that the Building Inspector is hereby
authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms
and conditions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt .
Noes: None
Absent: Mrs. Walter
Ltr. Warren Co. Planning Board
Re: Zoning Change Request-Texaco Inc. & Bernard Rogge
No. Side Aviation Road
At a meeting of the Warren County Planning Board, held on the 8th
day of March, 1978, the above application for a Zoning Change from R-4
to C-3 classification was reviewed and the following action was taken.
Recommendation to: Disapprove
Comment: This recommendation is in concurrence with the Town Planning
Board' s in that it is possible that there will be rezoning, at a
later date, of the area. Also, there is no real hardship at this time.
Charies F. Riekert,
Warren County Planning Board
Ltr. Zoning Review
Planning Board-Town of Queensbury
re: Texaco, Inca Bernard Rogge rezoning
North side Aviation Road
We have reviewed the request for rezoning and have the following re-
Comments: The Board recommend disapproval of this Rezoning request.
The Planning Board feels the Town should keep control
of this land. The owners can request up to SO% expansion by
variance. Board discussed possible rezoning by a master
plan at some later date. There is no real hardship at this
Very truly yours,
R. S. Montesi
Linda Eastwood-represent Mr. Rogge, requested a postpbnement of our
obligation, noted that Mr. Rogge was out of town and Texaco did not
attend the meetings. . .
Supervisor Brandt- lets look at this through the Planning Board and look at
the whole region as a package.
Ltr. March 7, 197"
Mr.-Michael.. R rtindt, Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
Town Office Building
Bay Road
Glens Falls , New York 12801
Dear Mr. Brandt:
I am owner of Parcel #27. 2 fronting on Route 9, bounded north by Bodenweiser
and south by Meadow Run Development Corporation.
Parcel ;27. 2 is bisected by the boundary of Residential Zone R-4 and
Commercial Zone C-3. I am formally requesting that this boundary be
re--established in conformance with the westerly line of this property for
the following reasons:
The above properties have been used for non-conforming commercial purposes
for ,many years without objections.
Adjacensty, to Route 9 makes commercial use the logical, highest and best
use for them.
There are no apparent reasons for the present boundary placement and
therefore it must be considered capricious.
Having the zoning boundary conform to the property lines will clarify
the potential use of these lots to the benefit of present and future owners .
Thank you for your attention to and consideration of this request.
Charles E. Hawley
Mr. Mike Brandt
Queensbury Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Oueensbury Town Office Building
Bay at Haviland Road, R.D.J�l
glens Falls , New York 12.801
Dear Mr. Brandt:
Request -for Rezoning
This is a request that the Queensbury Town Board consider changing
the zoning of our property from R-4 to C-3 in order to reflect accurately
its actual use. For the past thirty years a commercial building has
operated on this site at the corner of Dix Avenue and Queensbury lace.
It was built by Mr. Nassivera, sold to National Dairy (Sealtest) in 1959
and then purchased by us in 1974.
The building' s layout and construction are suitable only for commercial
use, not residential. The area along Dix Avenue on both sides of Queensbury
Place is also commercially used. Barretts Hertz business , Waite' s Motorcycle
Sales , and Fox' s Quaker Repair and Sales Center occupy the other three corners.
Lot in Question
All that Tract or Parcel of Land, situated in the Town of Oueensbury,
County of Warren and State of New York, known and designated as Lots Nos .
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 as shown on a map of Imperial Heights Park filed
in the Warren County Clerk' s Office.
Present Hardship
The current zoning makes it difficult and on several occasions
impossible for us to rent retail space due to the need for a variance
prior to tenant occupancy. Being able to plan and react immediately
—to business opportunities is necessary to keep our ice business
competitive and responsive. We are hampered in this because we
operate under a variance. Long-range expansion plans are not possible
without commercial property zoning because existing requirements for
variance offer no assurance of what will be possible several years in the
Because the property was originally developed for commercial use
and has continued as commercial property for thirty years , it should be
zoned to conincide with that use.
294 It seems appropriate also for the Town Board to zone for commercial
purposes the other businesses along Dix Avenue so the entire area is
consistent with the use and nature of the buildings occupying; the land.
Please let us know if additional action on our parts is necessary
for you to act on this request.
Yours very truly,
Lacinda N. Hess
Donald E. Hess, Jr.
Town Clerk Donald Chase- letters of support on file from Quaker Repair
and sales center, Barrett' s Sales and Service, Waite' s ?larley Davidson _
Motorcycle Sales
Supervisor Brandt- referred to the Town Planning Board. --�
Joseph Daire-spoke against the rezoning;. . .
Supervisor Brandt- noted that Mr. Daire should voice his objections
at the Public Hearing. . .
Good evening gentlemen. MY name is Don Bodak! and I reside on Bullard
Avenue in the Town-of Queensbury. I'm here this evening to bring to light
a condition which isn' t corrected soon, it could become serious and even
have fatal consequences . This letter I'm about to read will ,give a
thumbnail sketch of the problem before I continue.
Gentlemen, that letter speaks for itself. I would like to elaborate
for just a moment if I may.
I have never heard of a private hydrant. It' s new to me. This
particular hydrant is in two feet of water, below road level, and frozen.
solid on cold mornings . I understand that this condition a7xists elsewhere.
T°?hen land developers come into the area they buy these hydrants
so that they can get an insurance break. .Wh.en the development is
finished, no one, either the Town of Queensbury or the City of Glens
Falls lays claim to them, because they are considered private. This
kind of leaves the Homeowner out in the cold. He is not sure when the
hydrant works or not. But he is confident that if they As a fire department
will be able to put out his fire. But they may be fooled once the
department is on the scene.
The area I live in is heavily wooded. Crandell Park is to the east
of me and the ski trails are to the north of me. With the upcoming of
spring and the eventual cook outs it will take only one careless action
to cause a disaster. It could make the one twelve or fifteen years aAo look
like a campfire.
I would like to make a few suggestions to possible correct this
1. Identify all private hydrants in the town.
2. Check to see if they are serviceable.
3. Turn the control over to the water department
4. Pass a resolution turning the jurisdiction of these
hydrants to the Fire Marshall
If these four suggestions are followed, it would surely give
homeowners a better feeling of security knowning that protection is
only a few hundred feet away and in some instances , closer. ._
I sincerely hope you will give this problem some close consideration
so we all can rest a 1P.ttle easier in our homes .
Don Bodak
5 Bullard Avenue
Oueensbury, New York
Councilman Robertson- Water Districts are a special district and service
can be supplied only within that district. In Broadacres a large number
of families buy their water from the City of Clens Falls . Glens Falls 29-5
has set a policy that they will not provide service outside of the Citv
Line. I feel the solution is to form a maintenance, district in that area.
Supervisor Brandt- noted that the Town Counsel has been working on this
problem. . .will bring this up at the workshop session. .
Reports placed on file and made available, to the press .
Town Clerk' s monthly report-February 1978
Dog Warden' s monthly report-February 1978
Police Dept. monthly report-February 1978
Councilman Robertson- asked for a workshop session after this meeting
in regardto CSEA` and PBA Contracts.
Mr. Bodak-voiced his concern over the fire hydrants in his area noted
from a letter he received from Mr. Bodenwieser that there is another
hydrant behind Barkers that is covered over. . .
Thomas Flaherty, Water Supt. -explained that Barkers has placed their own
hydrant in and that is the one that has not been uncovered. . . the Town
also has a hydrant in the vicinity which is operable.
Supervisor Brandt- noted that the Water Dept. clears water hydrants in
the Water Dist, and checks them. . .
Mr. Bodak- questioned when the hydrants are flushed?
Thomas Flaherty- TheyLare flushed in the spring of the year in the Water
Unkndvn - presented the Town Board with a petition to put two storm
sewers on Wintergreen (petition on file) photo' s shown.
Jim Coccia- Wintergreen Rd. noted that this was his fifth anneal appearance,
! before the Town Board requesting water on his street. . . .read from the
National Geographic stating that the Town is looking for Water Customers. . .
When can we receive water from the Tnwn?
Supervisor Brandt— commented on the financial situation of the Water Dept.
noting that we intent to extend districts, we can now address ourselves
to your request. . .
Councilman Robertson- noted that at a meeting of the Water Committee that
was one area that was discussed as a project for this year.
Jim Coccia- questioned if a special water district has to be formed?
Supervisor Brandt-yes .
Several Residents spoke on the drainage problem on Wintergreen Road.
Supervisor Brandt- we are going to have to develop better rules for
drainage prior to accepting developments . . .
Councilman Robertson- suggested that the Town Planning Board should see this
problem. . .
! Linda Eastwood-re: Mr. Rogge's Rezoning- informed the Board that some
hardships were not brought out to the Planning Board, he now requested that
--,the Board hear his case. . .
Councilman Olson- suggested that Mr. Rogge speak with Mr. Liapes and
restart the route of the application.
RE50LUTTON NO. 72 , Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 78-3A, numbered
237 through 343 and totaling $42 , 805 .47 be and hereby is approved.