1978-03-28 29D%ly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mrs . Walter On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Tom Clerk Town of Queensbury � - REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 28, 1978 MEMBERS PRESENT: Supervisor Brandt Councilman Olson Councilman Dr. Eisenhart Councilman Walter Councilman Robertson Town Counsel Joseph Brennan PRESS: G. F. Post Star WWSC TOWN OFFICIALS George Liapes Harold Boynton Shirley Shenk GUESTS: Joseph Daire Arthur Turnbull Mrs. Phillips Dick Palmer Meeting Opened 7: 33 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Walter DISCUSSION Mobile Home Court- Berry Converse-North of Warren Lane East of Burch Road Supervisor Brandt- requested that Town Counsel review the proposed mobile home court application. Town Counsel Brennan-Noted that Mr. Converse had applied for a variance to place a mobile home court this was denied by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Queensbury. . . in regard to the application that Mr. Converse had before the Town Board to place a mobile home court at the location of- North of Warren Lane and East of Burch Road since the variance was denied the Town Board is without authority to grant a permit to place a mobile home court on the property. Supervisor Brandt- the Board will not consider that application tonight or in the future,if there are modifications then that will be considered laterr after it has been placed before the various Boards-again. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BOARD MINUTES RESOLUTION N0. 73. Introduced by Dr. Eisenhart who moved its adoption, se—conded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that the Town Board Minutes of March 14th, 1978 be and hereby are approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None i Absent: None Abstain: Mrs. Walter Councilman Walter- in so much as I can not attest to it, I will abstain. Ltr. on file from Mr. Flaherty naming Maltbie' s Garage as his recommendation for the bid on the Pickup Truck`. 207 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID RESO d Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, secon ed by Mrs. Frances Walter: WHEREAS, Thomas Flaherty, Water Supt. for the Town of Queensbury did recommend that we advertise for bids for a new 1978 Pickup Truck, and WHEREAS, bids were advertised for and received on March 14th, 1978 were opened and read aloud and turned over to Mr. Flaherty for his recommenda- tion, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that upon Mr. Flaherty' s recommendation the Town Board of the Town of- Queensbury accepts the bid. of Maltbie's Garage in the amount of $4,569. 00 and be it further RESOLVED, that this being the lowest of the three bids received, will be paid for from the Water Dept. Budget for 1978. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr,. .Eisenhart, -Mrs. Walter, Mr, .,Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None Ltr. on File from Thomas Flaherty naming Holland Co. -Liquid. Alum and Monarch Chemical- Liquid Chlorine as his recommendations to the Town Board. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BIDS FOR WATER DEPARTMENT PURIFICATION MATERIALS RESOLUTION Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, Thomas Flaherty, Water Superintendent did recommend that we advertise for bids for Water Department Purification Materials to be L used for the year 1978, and WHEREAS, two bids were received for Purification Materials and such bids were turned over to Mr. Thomas Flaherty for his recommendation, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that upon Mr. Flaherty's request the Town Board accept the bid of Holland Company approximately 20 dry ton @ $114.95 for liquid Alum and Monarch Chemical Co. 7 Ton (a 10. 70 cwt. of Liquid Chlorine and be it further RESOLVED, that the. Town Board of the .Town of Queensbury accept the bids as listed above and be it further RESOLVED, that the financing of Purification Materials was included in the 1978 budget of the Queensbury Water. Dept. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None i 1RESOLUTION TO AMEND BINGO LICENSE LLRESOT.TTTTnN Nn_ U- Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded. by Mr. Michel . Brandt: RESOLVED, that Bingo License No. 16977 be and hereby is amended to include the date of April 9, 1978, hours from 1: 00 to 4:00 P.M. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson,--Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . Walter, . Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None 2.98 RESOLUTION TO ATTEND CONFERENCE ARSOLUTIONO77, Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Thomas Flaherty and Ralph VanDusen to attend the Annual Spring; Meeting of the Adirondack Water Works Conference on Thursday March 30th, 1978 at Albany, New York. The actual and necessary expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None Councilman Eisenhart- how many times a year does this conference meet? Councilman Robertson- approximately three timesa year. . . Mr. Flaherty is an Officer of this commission. RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE SALE AND REMOVAL OF SCRAP METAL RE&GLUTION NO 78, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded y Dr. Charles Eisenhart: i WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has expressed a desire to go out for bids for the sale and removal of Scrap metal from the Queensbury-Glens Falls landfill, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk-Director of Purchasing solicit sealed bids for the sale and removal of scrap metal from the Queensbury-Glens Falls landfill and that the following notice be published in the official news- paper of the Town: NOTICE TO BIDDERS The undersigned shall receive sealed bids for sale of the following item: Q-G.F.L. 1-78 - SALE AND REMOVAL OF SCRAP METAL Detailed specifications may be secured from the undersigned at the Town of Queensbury Office Building, Town Clerk' s Office, Bay and Haviland 'Roads , Glens Falls, New York, during regular business hours . All bids must be submitted on proper bid proposal forms . Bids will be received at the Town of Queensbury Office Building, at the Office of the Town Clerk up until Tuesday, April 11, 1978 at 5: 00 P.M. Bids will be opened and read aloud at 7:30 P.M. at the Regular Meeting of the Queensbury Town Board held at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads , Glens Falls, New York on April 11, 1978. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Donald A. Chase Town Clerk-Director of Purchasing Town of Queensbury (518) 792-5832 Ext. 21 or 22 t _ Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None Supervisor Brandt- this is in anticipation of taking; over the landfill by April lst. of this year. Councilman Eisenhart- is the bid for tonage? Supervisor Brandt- yes. Councilman Olson- what is the length of time of the bid? Town Clerk- the period of time will be a six month contract. RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PICK UP AND REMOVAL OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES AND OTHER PAPER PRODUCTS RES 7 , Introduced, by Mr. ,Micheh.:-Br,indt who moved its a option, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has expressed a desire to go out for bids for the Pick up and Removal of Newspapers and Magazines and other Paper Products from the Queensbury-Glens Falls Joint Landfill, Now, Therefore be I it w ` - RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk-Director of Purchasing solicit sealed bids for the Pickup and Removal of Newspapers and Magazines. and Other Paper Products from the Queensbury-Glens Falls Landfill and that the following; notice be published in the official newspaper of the Town: NOTICE TO BIDDERS The undersigned shall receive sealed bids for sale of the following item: Q-G.F.L. 2-78 Pick Up and Removal of Newspapers and Magazines and other Paper Products Detailed. specifications may be secured from the undersigned at the Town of Queensbury Office Building, Town Clerk' s Office, Bay and Haviland Roads , Glens Falls, New York, during regular business hours. All bids must be submitted on proper bid proposal forms. Bids will be received at the Town of Queensbury Office Building at the Office of the Town Clerk up until Tuesday, April 11, 1978 at 5: 00 P.M. Bids will be opened and read aloud at 7: 30 P.M. at the Regular Meeting of the Queensbury Town Board held at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and HaviUnd Roads, � - Glens Falls , New York on April 11 , 1978. jThe right is reserved to reject any or all bids. r Donald A. Chase Town Clerk-Director of Purchasing Town of Queensbury (518) 792-5832 Ext. 21 or 22 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None Supervisor Brandt- reviewed the specificatiotis as to the bidding of the Newspapers and Magazines and other paper products. RESOLUTION TO PURCHASE TRUCK FROM WARREN COUTNY D.P..W. RESOLUTION' NO. 80, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, the Warren County Refuse Agency is currently utilizing a 1970 Cheverolet k ton pick-up truck at the Ridge Road Landfill Site, which 'belongs to Warren County Department of Public Works , and WHEREAS, the Warren County Department of Public Works is willing to sell this vehicle to the Queensbury, Glens Falls , Joint Landfill, therefore be it RESOLVED, to authorize the purchase of this 1970 Cheverolet k ton Pickup Model C-10 by the Queensbury, Glens Falls , Joint Landfill, from Warren County Department of Public Works for the sum of $500. Duly adopted by the. following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None r 300 Absent: None Councilman Walter- is this the vehicle that the supt. has been using? Supervisor Brandt- yes . Supervisor Brandt- presented the Board with a tentative budget proposal on the Queensbury-Glens Falls Joint Landfill. . . . modified the County's landfill budget to reflect what the situation is now. . .reviewed the total budget reviewing its structure. . . Councilman Eisenhart- questioned the income of the landfill? Supervisor Brandt- $ 70, 200. 00 noted that the proposed budget does reflect an accelerated -in-crease in costs of running the landfill. . . to comply with the ENCON requirements for landfills a great deal of �- money is required. . . This is a realistic budget and gives the landfill committee room to operate in. Councilman Olson-: Is it necessary to rent a bulldozer? Supervisor Brandt-that is in anticipation of the approval of the Mud Pond site . . .dam work and roads to Mud Pond— the plan for this project has been submitted to ENCON. Councilman Olson- Will there be any more transfer stations? Supervisor Brandt-yes this is noted in the Capital expenditures. . . I Councilman Eisenhart— Where is the interest coming from? Supervisor Brandt-The interest comes from revenues that we are holding during cash flow. . . Councilman Olson- Questioned the number of employees? Supervisor Brandt- Five running the landfill. . . Councilman Eisenhart- Why is there $14, 000 in overtime estimated? Supervisor Brandt-Noted that the landfill is open Sundays and the established set of hours that are open to accomodate the commercial haulers which requires overtime— commented that the- Landfill Supt. has done a very good job of cutting .costs at the landfill. Councilman Walter- This proposed budget runs from April lat. to December 31st. Councilman Olson- questioned if it would not be of benefit to hire another person instead of paying the overtime? Supervisor Brandt- noted that qualifications that are necessary for the man at the landfill and noted the committee will stay on top of the over- time. . . Councilman Olson- questioned if the Queensbury Highway Dept. Personnel will be used at the landfill during vacations etc. ? Supervisor Brandt- yes Councilman Eisenhart- questioned if there would be any trouble at the salary of the Supt. being more than some other employees of the town? Supervisor Brandt- This was a salary set by the County, he is a very capable person. Councilman Walter- Was the 15, 000 dollar salary set by the Refuse Agency and adopted by the entire board? Supervisor Brandt- yes. Councilman Olson-What .is the usage of the truck? Councilman Walter- the Truck is being used in the operation of the landfill. Councilman Olson- will the vehicle be used by the Supt. to take home? Supervisor Brandt It i•s Town policy not to ao that. , . 3A1 Councilman Walter- Will we be using the same employees that are there and at the name salaries? Supervisor Brandt-The employees will be kept, but at a higher rate, the Town rates are higher than the County rates. Councilman Eisenhart- questioned the building of garages etc. Councilman Robertson- that is one of the capital improvements. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BUDGET OF THE JOINT QUEENSBURY GLENS FALLS LANDFILL RFSO TTTC1N Nn- Al -, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption,"seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that the Tentative Budget as presented by the Budget Officer involving the Joint activity of the Queensbury, Glens Falls Landfill be and hereby is approved as the adopted budget. The following vote was taken: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent 'None RESOLUTION TO AMEND SALARY SCHEDULE ADOrTED BY THE TOWN BOARD JANUARY 3, 1978 RFGQT.T1!fTON Nn R9 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded' by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Salary Schedule was adopted by the Town Board for the year 1978, and amended for certain changes on January 17, 1978, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the 1978 salary schedule to include a Landfill Superintendent, for the Queensbury, Glens Falls Joint Landfill, therefore be it RESOLVED, to amend the 1978 Salary Schedule to include the title "Landfill Superintendent, for the Queensbury-Glens Falls Joint Landfill" at a salary of $15, 000. 00 annually. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Dr. Eisnhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter Absent: None DISCUSSION: Held before vote was taken: Councilman Walter- What are the Water Supt. and Highway Supt. being paid? Councilman Olson- $14,500. 00 for the Highway Supt. and the Water Supt. comes up to that. Councilman Walter- questionedlthe _salary because the Highway Supt. and the Water Supt. have been with the Town for some time, and have a staff of between 18 and 20 people. . . .I do not understand how we come up with a salary for a new man when our own employees that have worked for the town for some time and are not making that kind of money. . . Councilman Robertson-Commented-This man was hired by the County and we - are accepting him from the County and that was the salary that was adjusted 'by the County and that is something that we do have to take into account in future years that there is an inequity. I have found in my experience that you dd not do anyone a favor by cutting their salary and you will probably 'lo*e a good man and if you can find another one to run it or not, I question, to cut that man' s salary just because he transfers from the County to the. ..Town, is just my own feeling. . . Noted that- the Town cannot raise the Highway Supt. salary at this time be- cause it is not legal. . . this is something we have to consider at budget time next year. Councilman Walter- we have to get all the salaries into line. . .I agree you do not cut a man' s salary when he is doing a g ood j ob. . . 3 0�. Supervisor Brandt- There is something very important here, this is not a salary that the Town set. . .it was set by the joint landfill committee. We may not always agree with what the joint group decides but it is important that we honor their requests. Vote taken on resolution No. 82 Supervisor Brandt- To me that is a very easy no, it is politically expedient to do, I sat on the County when the agency went through the same stress, when the agency requested the county to adopt certain measures and the county spit in their face and said no. One of our agreements with the City was explicit that we will implement the plan as agreeded upon by the _joint board. I am very distressed to see in one of the first resolutions we have lost track of that problem, I hope that we do not see that too often. Councilman Eisenhart- I voted yes on it because I felt that this was something we had inherited although I am distressed at the inequity. . . Councilman Walter- As part of the joint landfill committee, I do not know when this was talked about, perhaps at the last meeting I was not at, I would have at that time expressed my dissatification because of the inequities of the other salaries in the Town of Queensbury. Councilman Olson- I did not attend any of the joint workshop meetings when salaries were debated, I am not a member of the committee to operate the joint landfill. My reason for voting no for the salary for the landfill operator is because it employs approximately four people and comparing the salaries of Water Supt. and Highway Supg. being 500.00 more I think it is too high. I think that we cbald have contracted with this gentlemen and come up with a more reasonable figure, or maybe found someone else to oper- ate it. Town Counsel- reviewed the next resolution. . . Resolution No. 83 was read. . . Introduced by Michel Brandt and seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter. . . Councilman Eisenhart- requested an amendment to the proposed resolution, No. 83. RESOLUTION TO AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 84. Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that the wording in resolution No. 83 paragraph six be amended to read"All unpaid obligations" not all monies paid. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT TERMINATING WARREN COUNTY OPERATION OF LANDFILL IN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF GLENS FALLS CONCERNING LANDFILL OPERATION. RESOLUTION Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, _ seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: j WHEREAS, in 1976, the County of Warren, pursuant to Section 226-b of the County Law, established a County landfill operation in the Town of Queens- bury, and the County of Warren entered into an agreement with the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls providing for the operation of said landfill for the benefit of the City and the Town and WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls have determined that it would be more beneficial to the City and the Town if the landfill was operated by the Town of Queensbury in cooperation with the City of , Glens Falls , and WHEREAS, the City of Glens Falls and the Town of Queensbury have proposed termination of said agreement with the County of Warren in such manner as will fully indemnify and hold the County of Warren harmless for all costs incurred by the County during the County' s operation of the present land- fill, and WHEREAS, the County of Warren by duly adopted resolution of the County of Warren Board. of Supervisors has authorized an agreement terminating the County' s operation of the landfill in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Town of Queensbury to operate said landfill in the_ Town of Queensbury in cooperation with and in accordance with an agreement to be entered into with the City of Glens Falls. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and he hereby is authorized to execute an agreement with the County of Warren and the City of Glens Falls, terminating the County's operation of the landfill in the Town of Queensbury, which agreement of termination will provide that, in accordance with the provisions of the contract previously agreed upon. by the County, City and Town, all unpaid obligations , including debts that have been contracted by the County of Warren during the lifetime of the Warren County Refuse Agency, be paid back to the County of Warren within eighteen (18) months from the time of termination of said prior agreement , in such-,a manner that the City of Glens Falls will be responsible for sixty (60%Q) percent of the debts and the Town of Queensbury will be respon- sible for,.`fbrty (40%) percent of the debts and that said termination agree- ment between the County, City and Town shall be in such form as approved by the Town Counsel for the Town of Queensbury, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and he hereby is authorized to execute an agreement with the City of Glens Falls for the operation of the landfill in cooperation with the City of Glens Falls under terms and conditions specified in the agreement between the County of Warren, City of Glens Falls and Town of Queensbury, with said agreement between the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls to be in such form and containing such conditions as are approved by the Town Counsel for the Town of Queensbury. fDuly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION NO. 85 , read Introduced by Mr. Brandt, seconded by Dr. Eisenhart. Discussion Town Counsel- reviewed the history of the proposed resolution Councilman Eisenhart- requested an amendment to Resolution No. 85. RESOLUTION TO AMEND RESOLUTION NUMBER 85 OF 1978 Introduced by Dr. Eisenhart who moved f6r its adoption, secon ed" by 11r. Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that 'in paragraph five the word "Not" shall be placed to read "said road it not and has not been" and be it further !? RESOLVED, that in paragraph 9 the word"Not" shall be placed to read " (12) feet is not and has not". Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent;, None RESOLUTION DECLARING A PORTION OF BERTHA ROAD, ALSO KNOWN AS WASHBURN ROAD, .3oy NOT TO BE A TOWN HIGHWAY OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RF.SOL• iTTON NO. 89, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, secnnded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, there appears on the inventory of Town Highways of the Town of Queensbury a listing that Bertha Road, also known as Washburn Road, is a Town Highway of the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS, said road is therein described as proceeding in a northerly direction from Sherman Avenue and then easterly to an intersection with: Seward Street and WHEREAS, no record exists which discloses that Bertha Road, also known as Washburn Road was ever dedicated to the Town of Queensbury by deed or other formal legal action and WHEREAS:, it appears evident that a portion of said Bertha Road has never . been used as a public highway within the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS, a visual observation of said Bertha Road discloses that a portion of said road is not and has not been in the past maintained by the Town of Queensbury nor used for public travel and WHEREAS, it appears that the inclusion of that portion of Bertha Road which extends allegedly from its intersection with Sherman Avenue a dis- tance of one hundred seventy seven (177) feet in a northerly direction was the result of an administrative error in completing a listing of Town Highways in 1962 and WHEREAS, a formal abandonment proceedings pursuant to appropriate pro- visions of the Highway Law are unnecessary as said portion of Bertha Road has never been a highway for public travel within the Town of Queensbury but was)_,simply erroneou'tly listed as a town highway as a result of an administrative error and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Town of Queensbury Highway Superintendent, has recommended that that portion of the so-called Bertha Road where it commences at its alleged intersection with Sherman Avenue and extended for a distance of one hundred seventy seven (177) feet in a northerly direction from Sherman Avenue with an alleged width of twelve (12) feet be deleted from the inventory of Town Highways . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that it be declared that that portion of Bertha Road, also known as Washburn Road, which alleged extends in a northerly direction , a distance of one hundred seventy seven (177) feet from its alleged intersection with Sherman Avenue and having an alleged width of twelve (12) feet is not and has not in the past been a town highway of the Town of Queensbury and be it further RESOLVED, that said one hundred seventy seven (177) feet of Bertha Road be deleted from the inventory of Town Highways and be it further RESOLVED, that the Highway Superintendent of the Town of Queensbury ben and hereby is directed to inform in appropriate fashion, the State of New York of the deletion of the aforesaid portion of Bertha Road from the inventory of highways of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes :- Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brihdt Noes : None Absent: None Ltr. QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD Due to personal reasons and of my own volition please accept my resignation as Assistant Building Inspector and Zoning Officer for the Town of Queensbury to take effect on the 20th day of May, 1978. Thank you, /s/ Harold E. Boynton 3bS, Communication-Warren County-Resolution 85 of 1978 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT TERMINATING 0 C UNTY OPERATION OF LANDFILL IN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY - on file in the Town Clerk's Office Ltr. Mr. Laurier Lavigne Chairman of the Recreation Commission Town of Queensbury Dear Laurier, I resign from the position of Recreation director of the Town of Queensbury effective May 1, 1978. Yours truly, Paul H. Cederstrom Communications- regarding Barry Converse Mobile Home Court Applications from the Qsby. Beautification Commission, Qsby. Planning Board, Qsby. Zoning Board- on file in the Town Clerk's Office. Councilman Olson- regarding the resignations of Mr. Boynton and Mr. Cederstrom-sorry to see both of these gentlemen leave both have done an excellent job for the Town of Queensbury wished both men the best of luck in their future endeavors . OPEN FORUM: Joseph Daire- Who will be the boss of the landfill? Supervisor Brandt-Formally and Legally the Town of Queensbury however there is an agreement that the Town of Queensbury will honor the requests of the joint landfill committee. The Committee is composed of two members from the City and two member from the Town and a fifth member agreeable to all four. This cotffnittee will administer the landfill. I Joseph Daire- requested that a member of the committee be someone from the private sector. ... Supervisor Brandt- the fifth party will not be from the political arena. Joseph Daire- who will maintain the landfill equipment? Supervisor Brandt_ routine repairs will be done at the landfill by the employees. . .major repairs will be done at the Highway Garage by the mechanics . . . Joseph Daire- Is there a seperate budget for the landfill fees? Supervisor Brandt- no that is included in this budget as estimated revenues. Joseph Daire- How many men work at the landfill? Supervisor Brandt-three at the landfill and one at the transfer station. Joseph Daire- How much does that cost? Councilman Eisenhart- reviewed the salary figures as presented in :the budget. Dick Palmer-Opposed to the Queensbury Mobile Home Ordinance critized the set back requirements . . . 20' between homes not the lot lines . . .believed '--this to be poor planning. . . critta ed the style of garbage collection in Mobile home courts. . .requested -that the mobile home ordinance be reviewed. . . Supervisor Brandt- requested that Mr. Palmer give the Board more input on this topic. . . Mr. Arthur Turnbull- What is our indebtedness to the County of Warren. . . commented on the purchase of equipment. . . ? Supervisor Brandt- noted that the County books are not up to date. . . all the bills have not come in. . .reviewed the 18 month period allowed for repayment from the two communities to the County of Warren. . .No ed that the County Treasurer does not know the exact amount that is owed,. 3 oto, Mr. Arthur Turnbull- How much of the indebtedness has been paid off? Councilman Robertson- One Fifth will be paid this year. Mr. Arthur Turnbull- A four fifths indebtedness. . . Councilman Robertson- reviewed the areas of study that the City of Glens Falls and"Queensbury have reviewed in landfill structures. . . nothing has been feasibrle to us . . . we are still searching but we have to take one step at a time. . . Mr. Arthur Turnbull- questioned if other communities could not come in and join for a solution to the landfill problems . . . Supervisor Brandt- This has been discussed with our neighboring communities. Mr. Arthur Turnbull- How are we going to Police the contracts for Paper and Scrap metal? Supervisor Brandt- This will be weighed: at the site. . .a scale is on loan from Mr. Zoli for this . . . Mr. Arthur Turnbull- When will the toll gates and scales be in? Supervisor Brandt- Now we are getting figures on read out scales, with proper information in regard to computers etc. as soon as all this is put together w¢ will do it. . .there is a possibility of using Mr. Zoli' s scale automating it at our expense and letting Mr. Zoli use it for his business . .also talked about the possibility of extending his mining rights for providing certain benefits to the Town of Queensbury. . . we are actively pursuing these goals. . . Mr. Arthur Turnbull- Are the empployees at the landfill residents of the Town of Queensbury or Glens Fa11s. 1 Supervisor Brandt- I know that one is not. Mr. Arthur Turnbull-requested that all the personnel should come from , the two communities. The fee for the use of the landfill is outragdous, requested that the fee be lowered. . . Supervisor Brandt- . . .I do not disagree with you at all. ...I hope we change it. Reviewed the purposes of the fee schedule. . .I believe we have to go to weights for a basis, for charges . . . Jean Phillips- asked for an explanation of the Dog Ordinance. . . Councilman Walter- reviewed the Dog Control 'ordinance. . . Jean Phillips- voiced here concern over the children in the area and dogs running. . .requested that the Board consider a Leask Law. . . i Councilman Robertson and Councilman Walter voiced support for a leash law.. . . i if the owners of dogs do not keep their dogs under control. . . !! Supervisor Brandt- requested a Workshop-CSEA-LANDFILL On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk