1976-06-22 REGULAR MEETING JUNE 22, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel PRESS : Lee Coleman, Tri County News,. -WBZA GUESTS: Representatives from Head Start, League .of Women Voters, Stephen Seybolt, George Kouba, TOWN EMPLOYEES: George Liapes, Harold Boynton, Thomas Flaherty Meeting Opened: 7: 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag. . .led by Councilman Robillard PUBLIC HEARING-Proposed Sign Ordinance-Notice Shown- 7 :30 P.M. Mr. Jack Hallinan-Upper Glen Street-commenting on the proposed ordinance asked the following questions. . . 1. I can not find any limitations on projecting signs in regard to square footage. , .2, temporary signs can the permit be extended or renewed. . .what is the removal time. . . 3. Search lights -which are allowed. . if part of the aim of -the ordinance is traffic-' .safety, I think they are losing something by allowing search lights. . . Supervisor Brandt- questioned where Mr. Hallinan' s report was. . . George Liapes- it was given to the sign committee and the Board was given copies. . . (copies passed out to the board only) Councilman Olson: in comment to your question to signs of special events it was the interpretation of the committee -that after a sale was finished the signs would be removed immediately. . . Asked that Town Counsel review the -draft and make proper changes in wording •J and sentence structure. . . Supervisor Brandt-Our Attorney has looked at these and he feels there -are some minor changes that need to be made in wording and he -recommends to finish the public hearing and let him make a final draft before it is adopted. Bob Platt-Signs of Progress-we are happy to be instrumental in the development of this ordinance, we are pleasedwith the new ordinance questioned some areas 1. illumination are you eliminating scotch-lite ? Councilman Barber-this would not effect scotchlite. . . Bob Platt-questioned chan*ble panels. . . -on page 18 A-5 notes changable panels. . . -discussion was held on level of signs. . .&. Councilman Robertson- We have tried to Out some -reasonable rules in the ordinance, and knowingly we cannot cover all the exceptions. . . Bob Platt- voiced a complaint to having to have permission from the owner of property to place signs. . .noted that this could cause many problems 1 i in that many owners are not in the area and it is very hard to reahh' them. . . only one other coranmity, Albany has this type of requirement. . . A..� r, Councilman Robertson_- we have to have some control, we do not want to have to look up the« owner `if something goes `' rong and the owner says that he did riot give permission for a s . . . Ham Hoffman- roftarated tha tAt is a major problem ,for a tenant to get permission"f s the ownar dace a si . . .it only `places asp=obstruction in •the way _ I i 36 Bob Platt- recommended to .the Town Board that the section on owner approval for a sign be illuminated• • • Harold Boynton- asked if there is found to be an infraction in the sign placed does the Building and Zoning Office have to go to the owner or the tenant for action? Councilman Barber-The tenant who made the application would be the one that would have to correct the infraction. . . Supervisor Brandt- Hearing Closed. . . 7 :59 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING-Stephen D. Seybolt of Luzerne Road asking for permanent mobile home permit-Mr. Seybolt is the owner of the property. . .Notice shown. . .Hearing opened 7: 59 P.M.Mr. Seybolt was present. . . Joan Missita-neighbor of the Seybolts-voiced her complaint in regard to the smell from the septic system. . . Harold Boynton- inspected the septic system that was put in two years ago, the system that was put in there was put in on a temporary basis and in my estimation as enforcement officer, Mr. Seybolt was in the process of going to build a home, the septic system today had no odor I was there and inspected .it, thoroughly and it is functioning properly. Mr. Seybolt does understand that .if this is granted he will have to put in a 1000 gal. septic tank and a suitable leach field. . . Councilman Barber- Have we not had other complaints in regard to this septic system in the past? Harold Boynton- Not to my knowledge. . . Councilman Barber- What was the original date of application for the first permit? Harold Boynton-April 25, 1974. Councilman Barber- reviewed the previous application and then asked ' Mr. Seybolt what his intentions are now? Mr. Seybolt-noted that he did own a home on Pinewood Rsad and hopes to again build, when the time comes when he can either,'that or move, one or the other. . . -Ltr. submitted. . . June 17, 1976 Town Board of Queeneb-4ry Bay Road Glens Falls, NY 12801 . . . Gentlemen: . . . I am writing in regards to the permanent house trailer application filed by Mr. Steven Seybolt, Luzerne Road, filed with the Town of Queensbury, May 18, 1976. I wish to inform the members of the Town Board of my .strong opposition to the approval of this application. I have been a resident of Luzerne Road for the past twenty years, and despite some financial setbacks and having to work twelve hours _ a day at a low-paying-job, I have built up a very comfortable and j presentable residence. I am proud of my accomplishments yet recent actions by the Town Board have left me very concerned and disappointed. Mr. Seybolt purchased the property directly across from my home in 1974. He approached us regarding the placement of a house trailer on his property, on a temporary basis, while he was constructing a house for permanent occupancy. The Town Board issued a temporary permit for a trailer on April 25, 1974, with the understanding that con- struction on the house would be evident and natural barriers retained. Neither stipulation was followed out and a pile of rubble lay in the front yard for over a year. A second permit was issued to Mr. Seybolt apparently because he i claimed several legitimate setbacks. Mr. Robillard advised him n7 that the yard had to be cleaned up and debris carted away (which it finally was) . The second permit expired on May 13, 1976. Now after two years on non-evident improvements on his "proposed home", Mr. Seybolt has the intent to apply for a permanent permit (filed May 18, 1976) . He has once again approached the Board ap- pealing hard -times yet one begins to wonder if his intention to obtain a permanent permit has existed since 1974. I am beginning to believe that the members of the Town Board have bent over backwards to "assist" Mr. Seybolt. He has failed to meet his part of the agreement leaving the neighborhood to face a yard filled with tree stumps, a half-completed shed, water pumps, and i other debris. r Zoning laws were created for a purpose and they should be enforced The Town of Queensbury is alive and growing community. A town forges ahead by the strength of its leadership. If the Board sees fit to grant Mr. Seybolt a permanent permit then I can only surmize that our leaders see fit to take steps back in time. . . I earnestly request that yo+eview Mr. Seybolt' s application care- fully and that you act accordingly to uphold the zoning regulations and integrity of our community. Sincerely yours, /s/ Robert E. Ovitt Mr. Seybolt,— since I received my first one year permit four other trailers have went on that road and I haven' t heard them say one thing about them. . . Councilman Barber- That is not the question, this is the third time before this board, on the two previous occasions we understood your hardships, you led this board to believe that you would do certain things and on two occasions you have not done this,--. . .what are your intentions, you do not have a program of when you are going to do it. . . Mr. Seybolt- I cannot put a time`.limit on it. . .even if I do build there I might decide to move. . .noted several bills when they are paid he would know what he could do. . . Supervisor Brandt- What did you do after your previous application when there was a complaint about your septic system. . . to improve it. . . Mr. Seybolt- I checked it over and it was just like Mr. Boynton said I couldn' t get any odo=, ,I have smelled it in the air too, I have stood outside at night to make sure it was not me. . . Supervisor Brandt- What kind of a system do you have. . . Mr. Seybolt- a 8'x7'x9'deep double leach bed and septic tank: . . Councilman Barber- How many occupants in the trailer now? Mr. Seybolt-six Supervisor Brandt- Hearing Closed. . . 8: 12 P.M. Councilman Robillard- A year ago I pledged to the neighbors up there that if Mr. Seybolt did not make the repairs that I could not entertain this resolution again and I will stick by that gun. . . Councilman .01son- I feel the same way Mr. Robillard feels . . .I stated last year I would vote for a one year but if your program for a modular home was not started I would not vote for another. . . Councilman Robertson- I think what it .points out is that there is a problem with temporary permits once you get into them there is no turning back in my opinion. . . I do not think I can improve the situation by telling Mr. Seybolt that he will have to move his =bile home. . .The answer is not to grant them in the first place but once they are there it is one .of the problems of temporary permits of any kind. . . Councilman Robillard- I believed that this was explained to Mr. Seybolt 38 at the time of his application and that is why he did not go the cost of putting in a permanent septic system, Mr. Liapes has made it a stipulation that a permanent system be put in but I see up here that the fee for the application could not be met, this concerns me.. . . Councilman Robertson I will offer a resolution to approve. . . Councilman Barber- It has come to my attention today that if in the event the Town Board denies the application you would not move. . . is that correct sir? Mr. Seybolt-No it isn't, Where am I going to go? Supervisor Brandt- It will be between him and the court. . . Councilman Olson- If it goes that far. . . Councilman Robillard- Dees he have the money to put in the proper septic system. . .we would be shirking our duty if we said ok here is a permanent permit use the septic system that you have even though we have had complaints. . .last year .at the hearing he was told to get that fixed Councilman Barber- To bring the matter to a vote I will second the motion. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 149 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS , Stephen D. Seybolt has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home at property situated on Luzerne Road, arid-. ' . WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or aginst said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Stephen D. Seybolt to locate a mobile home at property situated at Luzerne Road and that the Building Inspector .is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly defeated by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Robertson Noes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Brandt Absent: None Mr. Seybolt-where do I go from here? Supervisor Brandt- I will tell you my own feeling, we are not just looking at an application we are looking at a health hazard. . .and you had a year to do something about it, . . .I have no sympthy for the improper handling of sewage. . . Mr. Seybolt- But this was approved. . . Councilman Robillard- Maybe it shouldn't have been, Steve, .that is what we are saying. . . if we .were wrong we were wrong and I am the first to admit it. . . Supervisor Brandt- explained the meaning of a temporary permit. . . Councilman Robillard- noted that he felt that the board should be lenient and allow 60 days in wlich to move the trailer. . . 00 Mr. Liapes, noted that- the ordinance allows 60 days in which to move. . . Unknown- noted the she felt that if there .was a problem with the septic system if should have been corrected before they moved in the first time. . . Supervisor Brandt- That is a good point and to the future this will have to be done. . . Councilman Robillard- I would be more than glad to meet with Mr. Seybolt and find an area in the town where he can locate with the proper system. . . �- RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE REFUND TO CERTAIN RESIDENTS OF THOMAS STREET OF WATER TAXES PAID RESOLUTION NO, 150, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, in 1975 certain properties situate on Thomas Street in the Town of Queensbury were included in the records of the Town of Queensbury for water taxation purposes as being located in the West Glens Falls Water District Extension #1, and WHEREAS, Water Taxes have been levied against said properties for the calendar years 1975 and 1976 as a result of the inclusion of said properties in the records of the Town of Queensbury as being located in the West Glens Falls Water District Extension #1, which taxes have been paid by the respective owners of said properties, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the inclusion of said properties as being within the geographical boundaries of the West Glens Falls Water District Extension #1 was erroneous as said properties are, in truth and in fact, located outside the .boundaries of the West Glens Falls Water District Extension No. 1, and WHEREAS, said water taxes were therefore erroneously levied against said properties and were paid by the respective owners of said prop- erties as a result of the aforesaid error, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the properties erroneously in- cluded in the West Glens Falls Water District Extension #1, the owners thereof and the amount of water taxes paid thereon as a result of said error are as follows: Taxes Tax Map NO. Name and Address . . . Assessment 1975 1976 131-2-5 Russell Cobb 12400 18.21 17.52 17 Thomas Street Glens Falls,N.Y. 131-3-1 Carl Lyford 11600 22.45 21.59 19 Thomas Street Glens Falls, N.Y. 131-3-2 Alan R. Hoag 8700 13. 66 13. 14 453 Glen Street Glens Falls,N.Y. 131-3-3 George Taylor 12000 18. 84 18. 12 23 Thomas Street Glens Falls,N.Y. 131-3-4 Robert Kirkpatrick 14400 22. 61 21. 74 25 Thomas Street Glens Falls,N.Y. 131-4-1 Arthur Mead 12100 19.00 18.27 27 Thomas Street Glens Falls,N.Y. 131-4-2 Sam Swirsky 12400 19.47 18. 72 29 Thomas Street Glens Falls,N.Y, 131-4-3 Benjamin Ellis 13000 20.41 19. 63 31 Thomas Street Glens Falls,N.Y. 40 Taxes Tax Map No. Name and Address Assessment 1975 1976 131-4-4 Eugene Bartholomew 12900 20. 25 19.48 33 Thomas Street Glens Falls,N.Y. 131-4-5 Joseph Reilly 10700 16. 16 35 Thomas Street Glens Falls,N.Y. 131-4-5 Helen Cohn 10700 16. 80 131-4-6 Grace Lozier 9700 15. 23 14. 65 ' 37 Thomas Street -� Glens Falls,N.Y. 131-4-7 Gladys Putnam 10600 16. 64 16711 Thomas Street Glens Falls,N.Y. and, WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has no legal right to the retention of said amounts erroneously paid. BE IT RESOLVED, that the appropriate officials and emplyees of the Town of Queensbury be and the same persons are hereby authorized and directed to take all necessary action to refund to the aforesaid persons as exped- itiously as possible the erroneously collected water taxes in the respec- tive amounts set forth above. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None Mobile Home Application for exchange of William J. VanGuilder of Luzerne Road, owner of the property William J. VanGuilder exchange 1962 for 1976 model. . . Councilman Robillard-noted that this did not require a hearing and it was an exchange to a 1976 model which does meet the Fire Standards, I believe this will be an improvement. . . -Councilman Barber- Mr. VanGuilder what is to be done with the old mobile home? Mr. VanGuilder- It has been sold. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT TO IMPROVE OR SUBSTITUTE MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 151 Intorduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, William J. VanGuilder of Luzerne •Road has made application to this Board for a permit to exchange a 1962 mobile home for a 1976 •Fawn F.D. 75'•x14' Mobile Home at property situated at Luzerne Road and owned by William J. VanGuilder, and WHEREAS, upon proper investigation it appears that the applicant has complied -with all of the requirements of the ordinance regulations relating to mobile homes in the Town of Queensbury, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the application of William J. VanGuilder as above described �is hereby approved and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue to William J. VanGuilder the proper permit, upon the removal of the existing mobile home, Duly adopted -by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt -Noes : None Absent: None 41 Mobile Home Court Transfer of ownership- Seaver' s Mobile Home Park on 39 Montray Road-change to Montray Heights Mobile Home Park new owner Ruth and George E. Kouba of 12 Wincrest Drive, Glens Falls, N.Y. Mr. Kouba-noted that his wife and he were purchasing Seavers Park noted that the owners of the park have a fine place and they would maintain it at the same standards. . .noted that last year they purchased Mary Barbers Court and improved on that court. . . Councilman Barber- noted that the Mary Barber Court has been improved. . . moved for approval of the transfer. . . Councilman Robillard- Do you have any plans for enlarging the court? Mr. Kouba- At the moment no. . . Councilman Robillard- That there may be some difficulties from the Town Board in an expansion attempt. . . Councilman Robertson- Noted that he would take a dim view of expansion in that area. . . Councilman Robillard-Questioned if there had to be another form used for the transfer. Councilman Barber-(addressing Mr. Kouba) , Town Counsel asked that .he be allowed time so that he may review this in depth so he can give an opinion to the Board, therefore I will rescind my motion this evening and put it off until the next regular Board meeting. Mr. Kouba-What is the reason for that? The same laws and ordinance existed last year when we bought the other place. Councilman Barber- The only reason is that we have new counsel and he wishes to review it—will this cause you some undue hardship? Mr. Kouba- Yes. . .our closing is set for July 1st. and this will foul everbody UP. . . Councilman .Barber- Due to your explanation Counsel has suggested that the resolution go thru with the stipulation that in the event something comes up we will hold it in abeyance. . . Mr. Kouba- Will this be before July 1? Town Counsel- This will be before July 1st. . . Mr. Kouba- When this has been finalized will the Town Counsel notify my attorney. . . Town Counsel- Yes. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE TRANSFER OF MOBILE HOME COURT RESOLUTION NO. 152, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: The above resolution is forth coming from Town Counsel and will be found on page: Sue Goetz- Wincrest Drive- How is Sweet Road zoned? Councilman Barber- R-4 and R-3 `— Sue Goetz- To expand that trailer park they would have to have special permit? Councilman Robillard- They would have to have a public hearing. Mobile Home Application •of Marion Springer Pincheon- location of mobile home Central Ave. - reason for application is to be able to transfer title in regard to the Queensbury Mobile Home Ordinance. . . Town Counsel-The Board has two choices 1. the board can note that they re- ceived no permission to place a mobile home on the location and thus it would be in violation or 2, accept the explanation of Mrs. Pincheon that at the time of the placement she was told that the dealer got all permission 42 for placement thus they can entertain this application and make it retro- active to the time of placement of the mobile home. . . Councilman Olson- Are we not looking at Mrs. Pincheon wanting to sell this to someone else? Mr. Liapes- Yes . Councilman Olsnn- This would not give permission to the new owner to occupy the mobile home correct? Mr... Liapes : If the Board makes this retroactive then it did preexist the mobile home ordinance exopt for the exchange then she could do anything she pleases with that. . . Councilman Barber- Mrs. Pincheon what are your intentions? Mrs. Pincheon- I am trying to sell it to the man that now rents it. . . Councilman Olson- The rentor will have to have a permit after he buys it to occupy it. . . Councilman Robillard- Why does not Mr. Dunn apply? Mrs. Pincheon- He was waiting to settle this before he applied. . . Councilman Robertson- He might better apply for a ownership conditional sale—this would make things easier, REPORTS : -Highway Report Period Ending May 31, 1976 on file. . . -Monthly statement of the Supervisor-Month May, 1976. . .on file. . . Supervisor Brandt- noted that there had been some discussion regarding a drainage problem on Luzerne Road noted that this was a very complex problem with no easy answer. . .we intend to do some extensive survey work in there to see what options we have. . . it now appears that we are going to see more and more of this. . . this is a problem of the future . . that we have to address ourself to. . . We have a man to do the survey work and right now he is working in the Sherman Avenue area. . .he will !_ establish the data that we need. . . -heard from Assemblyman Solomon today, the Governor has signed the bill making the Bay Road water district rate structure legal. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE AT TRAINING SESSION s RESOLUTION NO. 153 Introduced by Mr.Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr.Daniel Olsnn: RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Gerald .Sawn, Acting Assessor to attend a training session set up by the State Board of Equalization and Assessment on July 19 at Kingston, New York and that the actual and necessary expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr—Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent:None # Ltr. June 21, 1976 Town of Queensbury Supervisor and Members of Town Board Glens Falls, New York Gentlemen: Due to the pressure of business, I feel that I will be unable to continue in the job of Fire Marshal for the Town of Queensbury. My time will be so taken up that it will be impossible for me to devote the attention to the Fire Marshal' s work that should be given to it; therefore, it is expedient for me to resign so that someone else will take over. This resignation is to become effective July 1, 1976. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. Very truly yours, - /s/ Roger G. Hewlett Councilman Robillard- I should think -that we should start with the Fire Committee for their recommendations. . . -Ltr. from State of New York Executive Chamber re: Montray Road drainage notes that the immediate solution rests with the Town of Queensbury on file. . . Open Forum: . 8: 50 P.M. H. Russell Harris-gave the "General Report of Mohican Grange Community Service Committee Regarding Queensbury Landfill" on file. . . Supervisor Brandt- Thanked the committee for their tireless efforts on behalf of the Board and also noted how closely it ran with the efforts of the Town and the City Committee in regard to landfills. . . Noted that the joint landfill committee feels that the landfill is a community effort and hope that the County will act as an agency within the county laws. . .to handle the problem. . . Next week the joint landfill committee will meet in Albany to solicit for State and Federal funds for landfills. . .one solution to the problem is to decrease volumn and in doing so have a reclamation plant. . . . Councilman Robillard: Thanked the committee and told them that there is no doubt that some of their recommendations will be used in the future. . . Councilman Barber- noted that there has been very good communications between the City and Queensbury on the landfill problem in hopes to gain an immediate solution. . . Supervisor Brandt-commented that the landfill will always cost the residents money even though there can be- some reclamation. . . Three Ladies from Head Start Program- presented a petition to the Board ltr. Glens Falls Common Council Queensbury Town Board The Warren-Hamilton Counties Head Start Program is a federally funded program serving 60 pre-school children and their families. There is one center in Johnsburg, one in Lake Luzerne and two in Glens Falls. The parents of the Children in each center'''form a parent group which meets once a month. One function of the parent group is to . plan special trips and activities for the children and to raise money to pay for these activities. A second major function of the parent group is to help the parents become familiar with their community and its services. At our April meeting we were writing a commuAity needs assessment at each center. The parents discussed their community, its strengths and weaknesses . The Glens Falls' parent group felt that a major problem in this area was the lack of a bus transportation system. The parents felt that every aspect of their lives was adversely affected by the lack of a bus system. We knew that the City of Glens Falls and the Town of Queensbury were working on bringing a bus system to our area and because we felt it was such an important issue we decided to circulate the enclosed petition to show our support for your effort in bting a bus transportation system to our area. Respectfully submitted, Glens Falls Parent Group (petition on file) 44 Supervisor Brandt- asked the group what kind of service they needed. . . Unknown- The group,t 'wishes to have transportation back and forth to work, doctors ect. . . , questioned if the se#ior citizens bus could not be used. . . Councilman Barber- told the group that if enough were interested that they should comtact Mr. Fisher and make their needs known. . . on motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, , --1 Donald A. Chase u Town Clerk Special Meeting July 7, 1976 Members. Present: Michel Brandt Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Harold Robillard- Councilma n Hammond Robertson Councilman Absent: Robert Barber Councilman Meeting called to order at 4:00 P.M. RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL TOWN FUND TO THE - QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO, 154, introduced by Mr. Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robertson. WHEREAS, there are certain obligations due and payable by the Queensbury Water District, and funds for such payments are not available, therefore be it RESOLVED, that $20,000 be transferred to the Queensbury Water District on a temporary loan basis, such loan to be repaid on or before December 31, 1976. Loan to come from the General Town Fund. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Barber. On motion the meeting was adjourned. _ d Respectfully submitted Donald A. Chase Town Clerk