1976-07-13 46 Regular Meeting July 13, 1976 Members present: Michel Brandt' Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Harold Rgbi]lard .Councilman Hatdamo�tid ... bertson Councilman J'oaeph. Brennan, Town .Counsel Meeting. was"called ' to ,order at 7: 30 P.M. with Councilman Robertson leading the salute to the flag. Members. of the press were present. residents frpm the .Luzern Road area., Floyd Martindale, George Ligios, Susan Goetz of ,the League of ..1jomen Voters. RESOLUTION`TO t ATTEND TILkINING SCHOOL -' $B$Qy inf troduced by Mr. ,Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded RESOLVED, that Mr. Ted-Merilll be allowed to attend a Muriicipal' Accounting Course, at Albany, New.,York, ,,the course .to ,,be .made up into seven sessions, and be it further RESOLVED, that the . e peilses. incurred in taping this course -be. a proper Town charge. . Duly adopted by the fgllQwing.vote: . Ayes.- `l�r. Olson, Mr. BArbe*, - Mr. Robillar'd, Mr. Robertson,, .Mt. Brandt. Noes: None. Absent: None, _ RESOLUTION TO RELOCATE STREET LIGHT RESOLUTION NO..R:$BBCAT#it*5EflBWd by Mr. Robertson who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Olson. RESOLVED, that authorization is hereby given to Niagara Mohawk to relocate a streetlight from pole No. 8-3 on Route 149 to Pole No. 11-2 on the Glen Lake Road, and be it further RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be sent to the Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION TO CONDUCT A BAZAAR OPERATION RESOLUTION NO. 127, introduced by Mr. Olson who moved its adoption seconded y Mr. Robertson. RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to conduct a bazaar operation as follows: Sponsor: Glens Falls Lodge #81 of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the USA Place: Elk's property on the Cronin Road, Town of Queensbury Date: July 23 and 24, 1976 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to .A r7 issue a permit to the aforesaid sponsor upon receipt of proof of liability insurance in the amount of not less than $500, 000.00/$1,000,000.00 bodily injury' liability and $50,000.00 property damage liability insurance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes: 'None. i Absent-., None,. RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM THE G-ENERAL TOWN FUND TO THE QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 158 introducdd.by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded y Mr. Brandt. WHEREAS, there are certain obligations due and paybble by the Queensbury Water District, and funds: for such pa*ehts are not a*ailable, therefore be it RESOLVED, that $13,500.00 be transferred to the Queensbury Water District on a temporary loan basis, such loan -to be repald one-or before December 31, '1976. Loan to come .from the ,Geheral Toni Fund. Duly adopted by the following vatez Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr:.� Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr.. Robertson, tit. Brandt. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION TO AMEND: APPROPRIATIONS. WITHIN THE :GENERAL FUND RESOLUTION NO. 159, introduced by Mr. Robillard tft moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Rortsbn. WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend appropriations in two General Fund Accounts in order to. meet obli.gationg, '.ther*fore be it,: RESOLVED, to transfer $150-:08 from A1440.1 to A1220 4- and to transfer $1.0.00 from A1110.4 to A1110.2. Duly adopted by the follovirig�.vote: Ayes: Mr: -Olson, Mr-. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes: ,None Absent: None. RESOLUTION FOR ISSUANCE OF A $42,300.00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE TO FINANCE THE PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT DATED JULY 13, 1976 �-- RESOLUTION NO. 160 introduced by Mr. Robertson who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Olson. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury.on June 13, 1974, adopted a bond anticipation note resolution in the amount of $70,720.00; and, WHEREAS, such a bond anticipation note was renewed and sold by the Supervisor of-.the Town of Queensbury to the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust' Company, :Glens-, Falls,. New York>,.=arid WHEREAS, said bond ant-icipation note is due as of July 17, 1976; 48 NOW, THEREFORE,, be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and he hereby is authorized to (a) pay toward said bond anticipation note the sum of $14,145.00, and (b) to partially renew said bond anticipation note with a balance of $42,430.00 with the First National Bank, Glens Falls, New York for' a period running from Julyl7, 1976 to July 16, 1977 with interest at the rate of 4 3/4 percent (4. 75) per annum. (A copy of the renewal bond anticipation note is attached hereto) . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WARREN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE 1976 No. $42,430.00 The Town of Queensbx&y in the County of .Wart4m, a municipality of the State of New York .(hereinafter called the Obligor) hereby. acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this note on the 16th day of July, 1977, ,_,$42,430.,00. tog•ether _wth interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of 4 3/4 percent (4. 75) per annuli, payable at maturity.. Both principal and interest .on _thia note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America at the First National Bank of Glens Falls, New York. This note may be redeemed prior to maturity and may not be converted to registered form. This note is one of a tonal authorized issue of $42,430.00 issued pursuant to the proceedings duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on the 13th day of July, 1976, pursuant to: "RESOLUTION FOX ISSUANCE OF A $42 ,300..-00 :BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK, TO FINANCE THE PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT." The faith and credit of the Obligor are hereby. pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this note according to; its terms. It is certified and recited that all conditions,: acts, and things, required by the Constitutt6n and stat utes of the State of New York to exist,' to .have happened: 'mod �to have been performed precedent .to ,arid :in.. the issuance of this note, exist, have happened And have bean peeformed, and that this note, together with all other indebtedness of the Obligor is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the .Constituti.on and laws of the State of New York. IN -WITNESS. WHEREOF j the Obligor, in accordance with .the;.proceedings authorizing this note, has caused this note to be signed and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested as appears below, and this note to be dated as of the 16th day of July, 1976. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK BY SUPERVISOR ATTEST: The Town Bowen postponed a .;decision on the new Sigh: Ordinance because of a typographical error. The ordinance gill be .,corrected and presented to the Board at the next regular board meeting. Communications were received from Whiteman Chevrolet that the Dog Warden ,1 Van that •they bid on can not be supplied by the factory. Mr. Brandt suggested that we go out for bid for a 1977 Van and to change the specifications from an automatic transmission to a standard, this would take care of the price increase because -of our purchasing a 1977- Van. RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FORA, MW 195.5 VAN FOR USE B Y THE DOG WARDEN RESOLUTION NO. 161, introduced by Mr. Brandt who moved its adoption seconded y Mr. Olson. WHEREAS," Whiteman -Chevrolet is unable to produce a 1976 Vasa for the j Dog Warden of which they previously bid on, now t-herefore "be it RESOLVED, that .the Town Board of-:the T- awn of Queensbury -solicit sealed bids for the plircha" of a n4w 1977 _Vad and= `that the following :notice be published once in the official Town newspapers in the following form:' NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE is hereby given that' the .Town Board- of . the Tawn mf Queensbury, will receive ­sealed proposals on, & uew 197T'Van to be used :by the Queensbury Dog Warden. A couplete copy of the spd�.*;if ications will be available in the office of the Town Clerk. Bids will be received up to 5:00 P.M. on the 27th day of July, 1976 at the Town Clerks office in the Town of Qwenabury Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, New York, 12801. Bids must be submitted in sealed OPAQUE envelopes marked "DOG WARDEN VAN BID" and there shall be submitted with such bid a certificate of Non-Collusion as required by Section 103D of the General Municipal Law and bidder must state the approximate date of delivery. The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will meet at the Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. on the 27th day of July, 1976 at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud. i The Town Board reserves the right- to reject any or all bids. U Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes : None. Absent: None. Mr. Robillard reported that -he had been contacted by several, senior citizens asking ,the Town Board to incrsase !the -tax exemption from $5000.00 to $6,000.00. He understood that the State recommends this to be done at the County level RESOLUTION INDICATING THAT THE QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD WISHES TO GO ON RECORD IN -THE'COUNTY ASKING-FOR. AN INCRBASE ,1N THE TAX. EXEMPTION .FOR SENIOR CITIZENS FROM $5000.00 to $6,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 162 introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded y Mr. Barber. WHEREAS, there have been many requests by Senior Citizens to have the tax exemption increased from $5000.00 to $6,000.00 in the Town of Queensbury now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that upon request of the Town Board, Mr. Brandt present their request to the County 'Board of Supervisors with .the hope that the increased exemption can be put into effect as soon as possible. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes: None. Absent: None. J0 Mr. Olson- asked that the Board extend their appreciation to Mrs.. Joan Robertson, for all: the f time that 'she has put in,,1or. they, Queensbury, Bicentetmiel .Goamittee t,and- also :tha,time :9pent -putting the gigantic parade together for Hometown Days with the City of Glens Falls Commission. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO MRS. JOAN ROBERTSON RESOLUTION NO. 163, introduced by Mr. Olson who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. : randt. WHEREAS, during this 200th year celebration of the United States, much time and enarrBT .has been needed to put on many programs pertaining to the Bicentennnial and 1 WHEREAS, the 'Town is. blessed to have such a. n as Mrs. J sn Aabertson, whb -has -put much time and .effort in all of t programaj now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queens ry wish** to go on record and personally thank Mrs. Joan Robertson fourtall her efforts pertaining to the Bicentennial and to also thank her cownittee, for a job well done, especially at the recently held Hometown Days with the City of Glens Falls Bicentennial Commission. Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes: None. Absent: None. The following letter was read: i Teddy Carlow 50 Wincrest Drive Li Glens Falls,, New York, 12901 July .10, ,1976 Mr. Michel Brandt, Supervisor Queensbury Town Board Dear Mr. Brandt, I regret very much that I must submit my resignation as a member of the Queensbury Planning- Board effective,Augusta6, 1976. My husband has been transferred to Mobile,, Alabama, and we •will be ;moving there-:in early August. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the other P1anni►g bard members and have learned to appreciate more fully the problems involved in making our town governMebt work. Thank you for the opportunity to have served on the Board. Sincerely yours, /s/ Teddy Carlaw (Mrs. James B.) Mr. Robillard expressed his thaflks to Mrs. Carlow. He `noted-that she . had served for just a short period but she was dedicated in what she believed was right,-for .the .Town of Queensbury. Sometimes the Board disagreed--with-some of her findings but she said what she felt and he commends her for it. Mr. Olson also expressed a thank you to her for her help on the Sign Committee. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO TEDDY CARLAW (Mrs. James B.) RESOLUTION NO. 164 introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Olson. WHEREAS, Mrs. Teddy Carlaw has served the :Town .o€ Queensbury for several months and •has seen the need to resign because of her- movin& away from the area and WHEREAS, Mrs. Carlaw has shown devotion to her duties°:and has received no compensation other than-the esteem and gratitude of ,her fellow -citizens, now therefore. be it RESOL'VVEI>, that ,the Town Board of the -Town of; Queensbury ba behalf of all the citizens and friends of the Town, hereby convey to Mrs. Teddy Carlaw sincere appreciation for her service and best wishes. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes': Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. obillar&, Mr:' Robertson, Mr. Brandt.. Noes: None. .absent: None. T-he following letter was read: Office of City Engineer City Hal Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 12866 John C. Hay,. P.,E. - June R30, 1976 Mr. ThomaszFlaherty, .Water Supt. Town of Qupensbury 'Water 'IIepartment Corinth Road Glens Falls, New York, 12801 Dear Tom... I would.like to e'(press the _appreciation of the .City of Saratoga Springs for your help with; the .repair. sleeves last-Sunday afternoon. ° We were in a desparateepmition and it is rwissuring to have the Queensbury Water Department .wtlling .to 7help us sa'rapidly and courteously. It is my ,undersstanding that the s :eaves have .been=returned to your Department. Thanks ,again and -should you have: a heed of our assistance at any time do not hesitate to call us Very truly yours, /sl John C. _Hay City Engineer Mr. aRobillard asked that the -reading of the reports be waived and they be placed on file in the office of the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk's -report for June was placed on file.. The Building and °loaning report 'far :June .was placed- on file. The .Dog Wardens report for June was placed on f ile. Open Forum: Mr. Nelson Pratt. and some _residents Hof Luzerne Road asked the Board if anything had been done on the water situation on Luzerne Road. Mr. Brandt replied-by-' saying that they.hav+e just about completed a study on the water problem-.in the .Seward Ave, area.' We have taken a preliminary look at another water problem 'in the Aviation Road area, Luzerne Road area. We have done- some transit work .and now we have got to do a lot of field work, study it and find out what can be done. We would like to design a pipe to bring the wat-er from the open oluthway to Clendon Brook. It .appears to be a surface runoff problem that -is in combination with> a, higher ground water table from a lot getter season. We have looked at Clendon Brook to see if it is contributing to it, we do not believe that is is. We looked very hard at the Beaver Dan ,-and ve do not think that is a factor. In my opinion . it is coaxing .from -the "increased housing in the :area which is giving us a faster runoff, less area to let the water back into -the ground. I think it is going to be more of a problem in the West Glens Falls area as that area builds up.. We have & ,crew working- on the area and it is going to take months of work. Mr. Zimmermann asked Mr. Brandt if he had to o u , a hill g p 1 to get to the � beaver dam. Mr.. Brandt said that he would .not 'say if he had,to gQ-up a hill but that you do rise. Mr. Zimmermann stated that it was perfectly flat. The beavers are the cause of the high water table. T-hey have got to go one way or another and he did not care which way they were to go. Mr. Brandt stated that it was looked at on contour maps and that it was not a contributing factor. Mr. Zimmermann stated that._go ng up and do*n the road with surveyors is not going back in to see the problem in the swamp. Mr. Brandt stated we are trying our best to come up with a solution. We have not done enough field work to come up with a solution as yet.; Mr. Zimmermann stated that he now is using five sump pumps and may have to purchase a `sixth one.°die is getting sick of pumping water. Russell Harris representing the Mohican Grano -asked if :the Board is planning to hire a superintendent for the landfill -and ..if �_The Town is !going to take the landfill operation away from the Highway Dept. and save the 1 taxpayers money. Mr. Brandt-We have had a meeting with ENCION two weeks ago,. Let me say this first. We are proceeding to try and put together a joint committee or comtission -with -the city_and hopefully -with they county and that is our' first line of endeavor. ,.To,:pursue that we wanted�to: become knowledgable as to what monies were available from the State or Federal Government. We found there was nothing available from the Federal_ governmant-. and there is nothing immediately .available from the 'State. Wer found,that with a project of doing a landfill, the state was trying to discourage that approach and. its funding Was designed toward resource reclamation but same nonies�fiwere available on a 25% formula to help on 1andfil,ls.::A,t, that meeting the State criticized our. landfills bit like you =people did and we know we got it coming. It was not properly run, they also told us when the city- and town- com b ne, in their eyes it would be a whole new landfill and a new application would have to be made out and a new application is an expensive thing to handle. Since then I have had a meeting with one of their :edgineers at the landfill recently, we looked at the operation and we looked at what they had in mind for changing it, at least in their judgement, what needed to be done, and it all cost money. They want to see us lay down the garbage in layers approximately 100 feet wide, .I do not know how deep:and-compacted with some kind of machine and then covered. This is to be done on a daily basis, - which is going to take some pretty good management which is really what you people have asked us .to do. There is a county :meeting. Fridag in which we hope to move .further along with this-. I sat-down over .the weekend and tried to list all .the costa of what it is going to take to .do it. In the end,we have got dollars we are going to allocate to this and we do not have dollars budgeted for it. It means, where is our budget,what surpluses can we anticipate. Legally we have no surpluses at this time, however there will be some surpluses, we collected a little more:-sales tax than we anticipated, various places we are going to show slight surpluses, we are trying to get a handle -on_what:-that should- be -so me . can make an intelligent decision on how much,,money can be spent, what kind of a financial arrangemtent can we make to go in and do this correctly. The State is pretty well telling us that- whatever move we. make, we are going to :hare-�_to make it ,,-by the standards they were discussin . 4e have another meeting tomorrow with ENCON, the City and ourselves to see if we can define the next step, get some more information from them and move along with it, and next week early .there is an additional meeting where we are trying to bring in one of "the top people in ENCON to also survey the sight so .that we can propose- our, game :plan -and get their views from the top right now in the beginning when we- make the transition. Mr. Robertson-Russ this -board intends to follow your recommendations, We do ,have. to Improve the -facilities -and those dollars' have 'to come from somewhere. We can=not gat. the uney gout of thin air. That `quite frankly is our =dilemaa. 'We are moving• is the right direction. Your Vecommendations and ours are very parrallel. This thin' is going- to put" the pressure on - everbody elses landfill except ours. ` a ll have to provide the services, we still have to provide the' equipment and manpower and it just ts_�not going to come out until the end of the year even. We have' to spend dollars which we have to pay for before we can get the thing going and that is what Mike is talking about, where Ito we find these dollars that we -spend initially, we can` get them back, I do. not argue that-­point with you but we have got to have them first, we' have got to know where they are coming from. Mr. Brandt-We have two landfills obviously within the town. One is run by the city and one is run by the town. lowever'lboth are ,in the town and they are- both town problems. I can not. see that ve should put all our efforts to have a better- operation of just-'our landfill and ignore the other one. That is probably a more acute problem than our own landfill as far as being an eyesore., ale far as being a burr under the saddle of the "people of this town. It has been the committees thrust to try and push for a proper joint venture to' solve both problems` at once. I can aee that the people are perturbed at the lack of visible accomplishment, however I will tell you that it is getting a lot of effort and a lot of push by many of us within the government.. We. will continue to. work on it and hope to have an answer very soon. Mr. Harris-asked about the joint operation in relation to ENCON Mr. Brandt-There is a problem with the city landfill every time they get a two inch rain the city can not drive their trucks to the top of their E landfill. If they can not make the hill they are going to dump beside the pile. That certainly aggravatescithe people that live there. Mr. Barber-Three part sixty, now regulations that just came =out -4hicli will be in effect in September mandate both to private and municipal state that we will have to submit 'a;very 'extenstve.plan for further enlargement of -'the` existing lind£i 1,or'if we took in=.the. city..,Either way -we are going �to -,have to",spend :40,-or 50 thousand dollars an engineering plans just to get or determine the hydrology, put in more monitoring wells , in fact we had a meeting two weeks ago, which Mike indicated,in which we sat down with-meimbais frbm,ENCON. They,told us about-tht forthcoming regulations that they felt that we should be in compliance with; and we were not. We are having another meeting tomorrow, outlying what we feel is proper both,as we 'operate it at present "and.Af we were to go -jointly with the City. It does appear at this time that the State will mandate regardless of what route we take. This means much more extensive engineering and sU*v+eys. Mr. Brandt-Russ, what they said is essentially this. The State said if you are going to put more material in •your 'landfll per day, per °gear you must submit `a-new game ,per,, a new eangineor#Wt study, a, whole new analyses to- them. They '1,{skald consi i -the n app=ilk tiori. Just the fact that the two contunities ate going' -to put th±eirr material t in the ame spot will effect them. The other thing we are not in a hurry to send two thousand cairn a defy to our;* andfil T ` There is #io' 9 Ve +can hAidle it. It would be a very irresponsible answer for everybody concerned. We have got to find a way of handling this withftt pulft4iug hiss-kind of a traffic increase in our landfill. The other thing the establishment of charges and fees at the ithdffl.l,•-eve 1661- 'this- best way =tip bundle -that is with a set of scales for the commercial haulers where they pay by the ton and put a charge for vehicles going in. This means a strain on all of the other landfills because some people are going to say that they are going to use the other landfills. We are trying to notify our neighboring communities that this is the direction we are going in so that they are not shocked to find out that we did •it 'Aftd"'ajll of a sudden' they have a new stress that they did not expect. Mr. Barber-One of "the thing- thiM concerned me at the last meeting, I asked the question regarding impervious soil and the Regional Engineer representative stated it was not- required. J� However, ,the Engineer from. thre .Division in Albany stated that this soil within -a year ,. nay be :a regpirement, which leads me to .think before we- spend any tdrmay, ahatsoever in the existing landfill, we have to get a determination -from the director of Solid Waste in Albany as to whether we are going to have an impervious soil condition or not. The philosophy of ENCON three or -four.-Year, ag�hat sand and gravel was an ideal situation for Landfills;. Today lt-is just .the.'reverse, a clay composition soil is morei;preferreA. There are many studies- throughout the nation that sand- and gravel,-is more preferred than clay. So, it may revert back again to sand and{ gravel Before we get into a situation-whereby -the State mandates.,of ter we spend a significant. ammou=,A-f.rmmey , and we have to have a .clay landfill. -we are going to makeethat determination first and it is going to take, some, time. Mce Brandt- ThwZtate. in" telling. us there are. .two factions v.thin ENCON. One says we ought bo have impervious soil, that it tha. bast.4,,_tha tither.. . says, what -you .now have is the best. What we want-, is some -clear definitions from them before we spend a lot of money. If in effect we spend a good lot -of money to start a good landfill there and they come the next day and say you need to be totally on clay soil and we have to move completely out of there to some other site, we will. waste=-a lot .of ,money.. ENCON is attempting to help us get a .straight answer at this -time. Mr. Eddy complained about the appearance of the landfill, from a beautification standpoint: Mr. Olson agreed with Mr. Eddy. He .stated that it was certainly nothing to be proud of. Mr.. Brandt explained about Mr. Garb being sick. Mr.. Martindale is trying to do the job but that it is tough doing the work of two men. Mr. Martindale complained about people throwing their garbage outside the gate. Mr. Brandt stated he would notify the Police Dept to look out for these offenders. Jack Hallinan-Tow is paving done in a development? Mn?eHvkectsBnandt-meted on the question by saying that developers have tea..bxin g the -road up..-to-,grade level, it: is _then the t6vn'.s respons ilitys-mfter accepting the road, to .pave it when it is financially possible.. ; Mr. !Hallinatn-qwwtioned if there was .any way the developer could be made to pave roads Mr: iobdrtsou This has been discussed by the Town planning and 2oning Boards. . Mr. Hallinan-I believe that this is illegal, paving for the benefit of one area and the whold town paying for it. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS so It! m ytlad by Mr. gdbil rd &ad moUe i Mr. Barber: Ctialt- t of rB lls as listed on No. 61 numbared 922 through 1086 and t�otali�ng $70,853.51 be accepted, and be it further RESOLVED, that _audit ,number 968 Supervisor Michel Brandt abstains on. _ Duly adopted -by tha following vote: Ayes: 'Mr. Olson, Ma. Barber, Mr. R.obillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes: -None, Absent None. On motion the meeting wad °adjourned. Respectfully submitted Donald A. Chase Town Clerk