Revised Final ZBA agenda Wed. July 22, 2015 _ 07.01.2015 Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda
Meeting: Wednesday,July 22, 2015 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm
Queensbury Activities Center— 742 Bay Road
Agenda subject to change and maybe found at:
Approval of meeting minutes: June 17 and June 24,2015
Administrative Items: To Further Table or Deny without prejudice for the following:
Area Variance No.88-2014 McDonald's USA,LLC
Sign Variance No.87-2014 McDonald's USA,LLC
Applicant(s) Michael Hutsenpiller,Jr. Area Variance No 36-2015
Owners Michael Hutsenpiller,Jr. SEQRA Type II
Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 1.38 Acre(s)
Location 185 Sunnyside East Zoning MDR
Ward No. 1
Tax Id No 279.19-1-25 Section 179-5-020
Cross Ref BP 2010-374 Res.Alt.;BP 2010-358 Warren County Planning July 2015
Septic Alt.
Public Hearing July 22,2015 Adirondack Park Agency n/a
Proiect Description Applicant proposes construction of a 570 sq.ft.shed. Relief requested from minimum property line
setback requirements.Relief requested from minimum allowable 500 sq.ft.limit for sheds on parcels less than 3-acres.
Applicant(s) Church of the King,Inc. Sin Variance No 37-2015
Owners Church of the King,Inc. SE RA Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Tom Hutchins,P.E.-Hutchins Lot Size 3.06 Acre(s)
Location 681 Bay Road(intersection of Evergreen Zoning Office
Ward No.2 Lane and Bay Road at Cedars Senior
Living Community
Tax Id No 289.19-1-16 Section Chapter 140
Cross Ref SV 38-2015;SP 56-2000;BP 2007-143 Warren County Planning July 2015
Deck;BP 2003-009 Sign;BP 2010-392
New Church;BP 97-678 Septic Alt.;BP
97-462 Int.Alt.;BP 98-075 Demolition
Public Hearing July 22,2015 Adirondack Park Agency n/a
Proiect Description Applicant proposes construction of a new retaining wall between Evergreen Lane and Church of the King
for installation of 12 sq.ft.sign on the wall for the Cedars Senior Living Community. Relief requested from minimum front and
side yard setback requirements for signs. In addition,relief is requested from maximum number of allowable signs on the
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Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda
Meeting: Wednesday,July 22, 2015 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm
Queensbury Activities Center— 742 Bay Road
Agenda subject to change and maybe found at:
Applicant(s) Cedars I,L.P. Sin Variance No 38-2015
Owners Cedars I,L.P. SEQRA Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Tom Hutchins,P.E.-Hutchins Lot Size 5.54 Acre(s)
Location 35 Evergreen Lane;Intersection of Zoning Office
Ward No.2 Evergreen Lane and Bay Road at Cedars
Senior Living Community
Tax Id No 289.19-1-15 Section Chapter 140
Cross Ref SV 37-2015;BP 2002-816 Com'l Bldg. Warren County Planning July 2015
Public Hearing July 22,2015 Adirondack Park Agency n/a
Proiect Description Application proposes construction of a 12 sq.ft.freestanding sign to be placed on the northerly entrance
drive; Cedars Senior Living Community.Relief requested from minimum front and side yard setback requirements for signs.
Applicant(s) Dwight&Kim Campney Area Variance No 39-2015
Owners Dwight&Kim Campney SEQRA Type II
Agent(s) Michael Schusteritsch Lot Size 0.14 Acre(s)
Location 20 Sullivan Drive-Glen Lake Zoning WR
Ward No.1
Tax Id No 289.9-1-46 Section 179-3-040
Cross Ref BP 2007-600 Res.Alteration Warren County Planning n/a
Public Hearing July 22,2015 Adirondack Park Agency n/a
Proiect Description Applicant proposes construction of 672 sq.ft.garage addition to an existing 713 sq.ft.single-story home;
Floor Area Ratio(FAR)increasing from 24 percent to 36 percent. Relief requested from minimum front and side yard setback
requirements as well as from Floor Area Ratio requirements.
Applicant(s) Elizabeth Little Hogan Area Variance No 40-2015
Owner(s) Elizabeth O'Connor Little Irrev Inc Only SEQRA Type II
Trust;Elizabeth Little Hogan Trustee
Agent(s) Michael J.O'Connor,Esq. Lot Size 0.21 Acre(s)
Location 11 Pioneer Point Zoning WR
Ward No.1
Tax Id No 289.14-1-14 Section 179-5-060 7
Cross Ref SP 46-2015;BP 2015-273 Boathouse Warren County Planning n/a
Alterations;BP 2001-808 Garage;BP
2001-759 Deck
Public Hearing July 22,2015 Adirondack Park Agency ALD
Proiect Description Applicant proposes rebuilding an existing 420 sq.ft.+/-covered boathouse with a sundeck. The new
boathouse with a sundeck will be open sided and to be located in the same position and height as the previous one. A portion of
the boathouse will be a rear 48 closet. The existing concrete dock is to remain as currently located. Relief
requested from minimum setbacks for new construction in the Waterfront Residential zone.
Any further business that the Chairman determines may be properly brought before the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Revised Final Version: 07.01.2015 CB/LM/sh
Final Version: 06.25.2015 CB/LM/sh
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