1976-10-19 SP 116
of the disposal of solid waste material .in both the Town of Queensbury
and the City of Glens Falls, and
WHEREAS, at the request of both the Town of Queensbury and the City of
Glens Falls, the Warren .County Board of Supervisors has established
said Marren County Refuse .Agency, and
WHEREAS, the Warren County Refuse Agency, which is comprised in part of
representatives from both the governing bodies of the Towrkf Queensbury
and the City of Glens Falls, has held many meetings to explore the solid
waste disposal problems of both municipalities and to formulate joint
potential solutions thereto, and
WHEREAS, the membership .o.f the Warren County Refuse Agency has by reso-
lution unanimously recommended to the Warren County Board of Supervisors
the implementation of a solid waste disposal program pursuant to County
Law Section 226-b for planning, design and operation of a solid waste
collection and disposition system and the facilities relating thereto
for both the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls, which recom-
mendation was totally contingent on the pledged financial support for .the
project by the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls in accord-
ance with an agreement to be made by and between the Town and the City,
WHEREAS, the membership of the Warren County Refuse Agency has also by
resolution unanimously recommended to the Warren County Board of Super-
visors that the County of Warren finance the cost of the initial plan-
ning work being performed by the Warren County Refuse Agency with the
contingency that the City of Glens Falls and the Town of Queensbury agree
to totally reimburse the County of .Warren for said expeditures according
. .to a ratio of contribution to be decided by and between the Town and the
City, Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury requests the Warren County
Board of Supervisors to implement a solid waste disposal program pursuant
to County Law Section 226-b with the pledge of the Town of Queensbury for
full financial support of said program in accordance with the terms of an
agreement to be entered into by and between the Town of Queensbury and
the City of Glans Falls, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury requests the Warren
County Board of Supervisors to finance the cost of the initial planning
work being performed by the Warren County Refuse Agency with total reim-
bursement to be made to the County of Warren by the Town of Queensbury
and the City of Glens Falls for said expenditures in accordance with a
ratio of contribution to be agreed upon by the City of Glens Falls and
the Town of Queensbury, and
BE TI FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be
filed by the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury with the Clerk of
the Warren County Board of Supervisors.
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
Members Present:
Michel Brandt-Supervisor
Daniel Olson-Councilman
Harold Robillard-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel
Members Absent:
Robert Barber-Councilman
Press : Tri County News- Lee Coleman
Town Officials- Joan Robertson, Betty Eggleston`,. Mrs. Thomas Dougher,
Robert Eddy
Guests : Mr. Miller, Mrs . Goetz
Meeting Opened-Salute to the Flag. . . 7 : 30 P.M.
`_EAR 1976.
RESOLUTION NO 230, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconded by 14r. Harold Robillard:
WHE",EAS , it will be necessary for the Town of Oueensbury to issue
Revenue Aniticipation Notes for the Oueensbury Consolidated Water
— District during; the fiscal year 1976 and,
T%TFEREAS , the total amount of said notes may not exceed $111, 000. 00
7HEREAS, said notes, pursuant to provisions of the local Finance
Law, must be paid in full before December 31, 1973 , therefore be
it further
RESOLVED, that the Revenue Aniticipation Notes be issued during the
fiscal year 1976 for a period of one year and funds be appropriated
for the Queensbury Consolidated Water District 1977 Budget to make
payment of one half the total principal plus interest due on said
notes and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Revenue Anticipation Notes be renewed in 1977 for
a period of one year and funds be appropriated in the Oueensbury
Consolidated hater District 1975 Budget to make full and final
payment of the total principal plus interest due on said notes .
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : r?r. Olson, Mr. Robillard, rsr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent : None
RESOLUTION NO. 231, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for
its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, the transmission and distribution contractual account (SW1 5340.4)
is experiencing a deficit and,
WHEREAS, the purification contractual account (S?\?1 5330.4) has a surplus , There.
fore be it
RESOLVED, to transfer $3, 000. from S?.I1 5330.4 to SWI 5340.4.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 232 , Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS , current appropriations in the Supervisor' s Contractual Account
(A 1220. 3) are insufficient to meet expenses incurred through travel
on Town business , and
WHEREAS , a surplus currently exists in the Engineer' s Personal Services
(A 1440. 1) , therefore be it,
RESOLVED, to transfer $20r? . 00 from the A1440 . 1 to A1220. 4.
Duly adopted by the followingq vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, 1-4r. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, '[r. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 233, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel. Olson:
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Thomas Flaherty and David
Coon to attend the AWWA Safety Seminar to be held at Syracuse Hilton Inn
Syracuse, New York on October 23, 1976 and that the actual and necessary
expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent : None
-Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury has announced that
a school for Election Inspectors of the Town of Queensbury will be held
at the Queensbury Town Office Building;, Bay and Haviland Roads , Glens Falls
New York on October 27th, 23th and 29th, 1976 at 7 : 30 P.M.
This school will be conducted by the Town of Queensbury Machine Custodians
Vic Miner and Donald Sullivan and is used to instruct the inspectors in
all phases of the operation of a voting machine.
All inspectors should make an effort to attend.
Ltrs . --
October 13, 1976
Councilman Harold Robillard
Police Commissioner
Town of Queensbury, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Robillard,
I wish to extend this note of appreciation and thanks to the police
force of the Town of Queensbury for their service to us over the past
four years.
So often we take these things for granted only noticing when
something is wrong and we do wish you to know we are aware of the
excellant service being rendered to us . Our building is well patroled
at night and your help with traffic when we have a funeral service
is greatly appreciated. Many families (particularly those from other
areas) comment on this service as being so helpful and also much safer.
This letter is long overdue and has been prompted by the recent
newspaper articles concerning the police force. I am certainly in favor
of cutting costs and saving tax monies wherever possible but I would not
want this at the expense of poorer service.
John J . Ross
ltr. October 4, 1976
Harold E. Robillard, Councilman
1 Thomas St.
W. Glens Falls , N.Y.
Dear Sir:
Supervisor Brandt ' s suggested budget cut pertaining to the Queensbury
Police Dept. , we feel , is completely out of order.
This feeling is also shared by our Kattskill Bay neighbors .
We have noted that T?arren County and three neighboring counties
stand with the lowest crime rate in New York State. Let' s keep
it that way.
Please make this correspondence a part of your records . Thank you.
Very truly yours,
P.FS :mq Robert F. & Etta C. Stutz
Councilman Olson requested the Tn. Clerk to again list his hours for
selling hunting licenses-
Town Clerk-Donald A. Chase- Regular Business Hours 9-5 Monday through
Friday- The Month of October Saturdays 9-12 noon and nights and week-
ends at 225 5th Street Ext.
Open Forum:
Joan Robertson- Chairman- Bicentennial Commission
Michel Brandt, Supervisor
Daniel Olson, Councilman
Robert Barber, Councilman
Harold Robillard ., Councilman
Hammond Robertson, Councilman
Attached to this memo is a chronological list of the
activities of the Queensbury Bicentennial Committee since its
inception in 1974. Our original ideas for the celebration of
the American Bicentennial were: publications , pageant and/or
parade, restoration of historic cemeteries , designation of
historic sites, preparation of special programs , and exhibit
of historic documents . We have accomplished what we set out
to do, with the exception of the cemeteries . These have not
been finished because our funds are nearly depleted. The work
that we have done represents more than 550 hours of volunteer
labor. These volunteers have not only cut brush, straightened
crooked stones and reset footmarkers , dug out long fallen stones ,
but also have mixed concrete and repaired many stones that had
been originally designated for a professional stone mason. A
conservative estimate puts this work ie repairing fallen stones ,
at a ;figure amounting to a $3290 dolma saving of money that would
have been paid to a professional. It is hard to put a dollar value
on the 120 volunteers, but I 'm sure you will agree that this also
represents a fantastic saving to the town.
still have broken monuments in Jenkins, West Glens Falls ,
Gurney Lane, Butler, and Sunnyside cemeteries , amounting to approx-
imately 105 stones . Based on the professional work that we have
done so far, I estimate that we would need $3000 more to complete
the restoration work. This is an estimate since each stone is
unique and presents different problems .
This has been a most successful endeavor with the wide inter-
est we have engendered throughout the town. The Chepontuc Chapter
of the DAR adopted one cemetery, neighborhood groups did three
others, descendants of early Queensbury families gathered to do
two others . The age range was from young teenagers to folks well
into their seventies . Because we feel it is so important to complete
the work on these historic cemeteries and because we, the members of the
committee and many residents of the town, have given such Teat deal of time
to this, our major Bicentennial event, we ask you to continue to fund
this project in either one yea;, or two years if it seems more feasible.
Very truly yours ,
Joan Robertson, Chairman
Bicentenn ial Committee
(Activities list on file. . .Town Clerk' s Office)
Mrs. Betty Monohan commented also on the fine work that Mrs. Robertson
has done on the cemeteries .
Mrs. Betty Eggleston also noted the fine word: that was done in the West
Glens Falls cemetery.
Mr. Brandt-There is no question that a very good job has been done.
Mr. Olson asked Mrs . Robertson if this could be done in one or two years .
Mrs . Robertson said it was a question of money. She has a stone mason who
can work part time. It could be completed next spring. It is just a
question of having the money to pay for it. Mrs. Robertson went on to
explain just what had to be done in each cemetery.
Mr. Brandt asked Mrs . Robertson what her original budget request was.
She answered $500. 00. But that was before she procured a stone mason.
Mr. Robillard inquired if all of this should be accomplished during, the
Bicentennial year.
firs. Robertson stated "No" . According to state law cemeteries should be
kept in a good condition but it also says there are no provisions for
repairing headstones except the stones of members of the armed forces as
set forth in the General Municipal Law. Many of the old stones that are
broken are the stones of deceased members of the armed forces because they
have these commemorative markers . This can be done as a special project,
it can not be done by the cemetery commission . The year 1977 is the state
bicentennial, it can be continued as a bicentennial project.
The Board can also appoint a cemetery restoration committee. I just feel
that this work should be completed. I have worked hard on this project.
Mr. Olson concurred that this would be a good thing to look into in the future,
the appointment of a Cemetery Restoration Committee.
Tim Miller-inquired about the budgetary items,mainly the Recreation and
the police budget. His family has always made use of the recreation areas
in the town and it is the only town around that provides these services.
Mr. Miller stated that he hates to see this go down the pike for a _few
thousand dollars worth of funding from the Town of Queensbury.
He also questioned the doing away with recreation on one hand for the youth
and on the other hand doing away with the police force. The two cuts
together can cause a serious problem in the town of Oueensbury.
( Tim Miller- 19 Cheidcee Lane)
Sue Goetz-It is not all the recreation program just the Arts and Crafts?
Supervisor Brandt-Arts and Crafts and what I propose is a cut back in
the organized recreation activities , the supervised play, cutting it in
half, keeping Turney Lane fully staffed and budget in tack but cutting
down on the supervised play programs .
Sue Goetz- I agree with it . . .noted that she would like to see the Recreation
Dept. present to speak on behalf of their commission. . .
Councilman Robillard- noted that this was not an official budget hearing
just an informal meeting. . .
Sue Goetz- '?hen is the Budget Hearing?
Councilman Robillard- November 4th.
Supervisor Brandt- I see a need for drainage work in the Town of Queensbury,
I think it is a matter of arranging priorities . Personally I think what
I provided for in the budget is totally inadequate, the problem is getting
worse and worse. . .You have to look at the stark realities of the budget
there are a lot of things that are nice and a lot of things you would like
to do, but essential services come first. I have five children I feel
however that I should provide for my childrens recreation not someone else.
My own feelings are that the Town should provide for drainage, I can' t,the
average citizen can' t provide for drainage, that is a function that govern' t
has , to fulfill the same with paving roads . There are many needs that we
have it is a question of allocating our resources. We can raise taxes a
great deal and provide everthing for everybody including bankruptcy. We
have got to look at the fact that industry is leaving the state it is
leaving the region there is a reason for it and taxes is a part of it .
Zile have to be very, very careful about raising taxes we have to make
sure we are providing essential services in my estimation before we do
Councilman Olson- Your actual cut in recreation is $15, 000. . .
as given in the Supervisor' s Tentative budget. . . some of the money is
reimbursed back to the Town from the State for youth. . . it is matching
funds . . .
Councilman Robillard- I feel that it is essential to keep kids off the
street, I feel it is essentiallakeep kids active, I feel that it is
essential to have someplace to go to do something, some of us are
fortunate that we can afford to send our kids to summer camp others
can' t send their children to summer camp. I think it is our obligation
to take care of this , the State is very explicit in saying that you can' t
spend money in certain areas for drainage but you can spend money for
recreation. . .it all depends on your philosophy and what you call essential. . .
^Zr. *?iller- If I had to choose between drainage and my children I do not
think there would be any question. . .we could not duplicate., in,,- private.
You talk about public and private work and I can not duplicate the programs
that are offered here in Queensbury, on my income, in no way, the programs
that are offered here. I hate to see it go down because of this .
Supervisor Brandt- Don' t you believe it is partly the parents responsibility
to raise their children?
Tr. Miller- Of course it is . I am not .turning the raising of my children
over to the Town of Queensbury, I am asking that they do provide a certain
amount or they do continue to provide a certain amount of recreation
facilities for them, and make these available . You mentioned the pool
at Gurney Lane, when I go there with my children, I go there with my children
as part of a family recreation and others are also available but there
are other facits that are available for the children, I do not say that this
is raising the children, it is providing for them a recreation that other
wise would be greatly lacked, we are a spread out community and it isn' t
as if we are a small packed area as Glens Falls is where we could/provide
a central facility . . . I just hate to see it go down. . .
Mrs. Goetz-Has the Recreation Dept. presented a budget to the Town?
Supervisor Brandt- Apparently it wasn't signed and it came in after the
dead—.line . . I first became aware it came in on the 28th which was
a couple of days before my budget was due. . .by law if it was not in by
the 21st. I had to submit a budget so I made this budget myself.
Mrs . r-oetz- . . . I am not for getting rid of all recreation but sometimes
these things become a luxury.
Councilman Robillard- A luxury to the poor Mrs . Goetz, as far as I am
concerned, or those who can not afford to do something.
Mrs . Goetz- Right, that is why I feel that you should hear the other side
of the story.
Councilman Olson- suggested that some of the dept. heads be at the next
meeting and speak on their budgets . . .
Robert Eddy- Was there a letter requesting a budget be sent in to the Fiscal
Officer or Town Board?
Supervisor Brandt- ves . A budget request went out to all dept. heads. . .
Mrs. Joan Robertson- I did not receive one.
T1r. Robert Eddy. - Neither did I.
Supervisor Brandt- I apologize, it was an oversi . .
Mr. Robert Eddy- questioned the drainage dist. why it was not being done
as a special dist. . . instead of a general concern. . .
Supervisor Brandt- noted that it could be done both ways. . . noting that
the town thus far has done it under a special dist. . .patr of the problem
is that many areas cause the problem but the problem shows up in a limited
area. Commented on the Luzerne Road Area. . . setting up a special benefit
dist. in this area that is effectn(there is no way that there is enough
tax basis there to fund the problem. . . to expand the dist. to the
area which is causing the problem and who are not experiencing
difficulties"'will vote the disc . down in a referendum. . .
It is my own philosophy to undertake it as a general town charge. . .
'fr. Robert Eddy- I_f_ an individual builds in a drainage problem area that
problem is their own make-ing. . .
Supervisor Brandt- I agree and this is being studied in subdivision reviews
we are now seeing problems where there have not been problems before. . .
Joan Robertson- Spoke on the great amount of building on the Meadow Brook
area. . . in a poor drainage area. . .question if this problem would be a
general town charge to correct. . .
Supervisor Brandt- Aren' t you critizing our Planning Board and Zoning
Board for allowing development in those areas?
Joan Robertson- I think I am saying the architect goofed. . .
Supervisor Brandt- I think. Town government goofed. . .
Joan Robertson- That could be. . . that would not be a reasonable town
charge because they built in it. . .
Supervisor Brandt- If the Town allowed the development perhaps the Town
is responsible for the development. . .
we have to find a solution to solve the problem. . .it is the function of
government to take care of these problems . . .
Councilman Robillard- question Mr. Eddy that there was no monies for
the Beautification Commission in the 1977 tentative budget.11ave the
signs for the Town been completed?
Mr. Eddy- Yes, they were completed -from the 1 )76 budget. . .would request
monies for postage and possibly awards for the coming year. . .
Supervisor Brandt- the 100 . 00 dollars that Mr. Eddy has requested will
have to be added to the budget without question. . .
11. Russell Harris-Critized the Town and the County for propoaa>lna very
expensive, it appears-. proposed landfill. . . .also noted that they had not,
as a Grange Committee been invited to any of the meetings to establish
the landfill. . .
Supervisor Brandt- noted that even the Town Board is ignorant of what the
cost of the landfill will be. . . we do not know exactly what we are going
to do. .we have not made hard decision of what is going to be done—other
than to start a detailed study of what we have as far as the present land-
fill , what capacity it has , andtwe are trying to put together a plan. . .
you say we have proposed a very expensive proposed landfill operating
proceedure that is not a fact. . .as it stands right now we do know it will
cost more than it has in the past. . . we have to by law run it better than
in the past. . .As far as the 1977 budget I have put in 5340, 000 for landfill. . .
I have asked Mr. Harrison to invite interested parties to the landfill meeting. ,
so you can learn first hand what is going nn. . .
11. Russell Barris- listed the qualifications for a landfill operator
as it was listed in a news release. . .
Councilman Robillard- noted that a major recommendation of the Grange
was to establish a charge . . . it is my understanding that that fee
will be established to support the operation of the land-fill. . .we have
not established the fees yet. . . this project will still take some front
money but we do intend to put this on a paying basis . . .
H. Russell Harris- when we handed in the study from the Grange the proposal
was to give the residents a well run landfill and save the residents money. . .
it doesn' t appear that you are concerned with the cost to the taxpayer when
it will cost several thousand of dollars to establish the thing. . .
Supervison Brandt- whyxam interested in a users fee is that it will
discourage people who are creating refuse from continuing to create
refuse— the burden will be placed on the user rather than the general
tax payer. . .
y '
1-1r. Tiller- Would a users fee discourage the people frorl using; the
landfill and run into the problem of just dumpArefuse along the
road? lot
Supervisor Brandt-I think it probably would, but that is a function of
the Courts and the Police to do something about.
11. Russell Harris- In our plan the individual would not be charged for
use of the lamdfill I only the commercial truckers . . .
Supervisor Brandt- If you encourage people to handle their own garbage,
they may be the least equipplto handle it. . .causing littering on the
roads. . .
Councilman Robertson- gave the Town Board Thomas Flahertvsrep_ ort on
the drainage—have the board look it over. . .
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
Members Present :
Michel Brandt-Supervisor
Daniel Olson-Councilman
Robert Barber-Councilman
Harold Robillard-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Counsilma.n
Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel
PRESS : Tri County clews, Glens Falls Post Star
GUESTS : Mr. Ginsburg, Mr. Towne, League of Women Voters , Mr. '824rs. Chandler
TOt,PN OFFICIALS, George Liapes , Harold Boynton, Floyd Martindale
sleeting Opened-Salute to the Flag. 7 : 34 P.M.
BID OPENING 4 "V" Box Spreaders Highway Dept.
Notice Shown. . .Bids opend and read by Town Clerk.
Purley Machinery, Incorporated
42-A Morris Lane non collusive
Elnora, New York Model .r . Spreader per unit $ 3, 4'15 . F 5
Total Cost- 13, 622 . 60
Trans-All Equipment Corp .
Railroad & "Maple-wood Aves , non collusion
Albany, N.Y. 12205 Henderson Unit per unit 3, 787.57
R.B. 17innqq& Son Corp .
384-386"troadway non collusion
Albany, 3ew York 12201 Model AF-24 Air Flo per unit 3, 095. 00
Total Cost- 12 , 330. 00
State Equipment
P .O. Box 829 non collusion
Latham, il.Y. 12110 Swenson Spreaders per unit -----------
Total Cost- 13 , 553. 00
Carswell Equipment Inc.
637 Glen Street
P.O. Box 31 non collusion
Glens Falls , New York 12801 Frink Model F1S-510 per unit 2, 947 . 00
Total Cost- 11, 732 . 00