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r ,n Mr. Miller- Would a users fee discourage the people from using the landfill and run into the problem of just dump%refuse along "the road? I"4 Supervisor Brandt-I think it probably would, but that is a function of the Courts and the Police to do something about. H. Russell Harris- In our plan the individual would not be charged for use of the lamdfill� only the commercial truckers. . . Supervisor Brandt- If you encourage people to handle their own garbage, they may be the least equipfwAto handle it. . .causing littering on the roads. . . _ Councilman Rob&ktison- gave the Town Board Thomas Flahertyireport on the drainage. . .have the board look it over. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk REGUALR MEETING OCTOBER 27, 1976 Members Present: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph Brerinan-Town Counsel PRESS : Tri County News, Glens-Falls Post Star GUESTS: Mr. Ginsburg, Mr. Towne, League of Women Voters, Mr: &Mrs. Chandler TOWN OFFICIALS, George Liapes , Harold Boynton, Floyd Martindale Meeting Opened-Salute to the Flag. 7 : 34 P.M. BID OPENING 4 "V" Box Spreaders Highway Dept. Notice Shown. . .Bids opend and read by Town Clerk Burley Machinery, Incorporated 42-A Morris Lane non collusive Elnora, New York Mode1 .E. Spreader per unit $ 3,405 . 65 Total Cost- 13, 622. 60 Trans-All Equipment Corp. Railroad & Maple-wood Aves . non collusion Albany, N.Y. 12205 Henderson Unit per unit 3,787.57 R.B. Wi & Son Corp. 384-386-Broadway non collusion Albany, New York 12201 Model AF-24 Air Flo per unit 3,095.00 Total Cost- 12, 380. 00 State Equipment P.O. Box 829 non collusion Latham, N.Y. 12110 Swenson Spreaders per unit ----------- Total Cost- 13 , 558.00 Carswell Equipment Inc. 687 Glen Street P.O. Box 31 non collusion Glens Falls , New York 12801 Frink Model FMS-510 per unit 2, 947.00 Total Cost- 11, 788.00 T&T Sales , Inc. [111 Old i�iskayuna Road non collusion Latham, New York 12110 Flink Sanders Total Cost- unit 14,131. 00 non collusion (Second Bid of T&T. ) Tarrant Sander per unit 3 ,414.75 Total Cost- - 13, 659 .00 Councilman Robertson- requested the bids be turned over to the Deputy Highway Supt.and the Highway Committee for their recommendations . PUBLIC ITEARINC Mobile Home application of Tammy and David Chandler of Henry Hudson Townhouses location of mobile home to be placed on Dawn Drive Notice Shown-Mr. & Mrs . Tammy and David Chandler present. . . Hearing Opened 7 : 36 P.11. Mr. Liapes-noted a change of location of the mobile from Leo Street to Dawn Drive. . . will own adjoining lots . . . Councilman Robillard-noted that the Chandler have shown good faith in having their mobile home inspected by the electrical inspector and installing; smoke electors in the mobile home. . . Supervisor Brandt- Hearing Closed 7 : 44 P.M. Councilman Olson- question Mr. Liapes if the Elec. Underwriters have approved the mobile home? Mr. Liapes- The letter has not yet been received by the dept. . . from the Underwriters . . . Councilman Olson requested that the mobile home be approved with the stipulation that it -be approved only when the letter from the Underwriters has been received and it does show approval . . . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PEM,1IT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 234, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Councilman Olson: V7HEREAS, Tammy and David Chandler has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Oueensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOTIE COURTS IN THIS TOWN OF OUEENSBURY, VIARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home at property situated on Dawn Drive, and T,HEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and ,4HEREAS , it is hereby determined that the faots presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application and WHEREAS, it has been stipulated that the permit not be given for this mobile home until a letter from the Board of Fire Underwriters approving the electrical system has been received by the Building and Zoning _ Dept. , therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Tammy and David Chandler to locate a mobile home at property situated at Dawn Drive, and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent : Noone RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE nUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 235 introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption, seconded-by I1r. Brandt. T-THEREAS, the Administration Contractual Account of the Oueensbury Water District (ST7 3310.4) is experiencing a deficit and, WHEREAS, the Purification Contractual Account (ST-7 93310.4.) is experiencing a surplus , therefore be it RESOLVED, to transfer $200. 00 from SW1 8330.4 to S71 3310.4 Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes : None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION TO APPLY TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION FOR A GRANT TO COVER THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF STORY-1 SEWER SYSTEM. RESOLUTION NO. 236, introduced by Mr.Robillard, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Brandt. WHEREAS , Title I of the Public T°Yorks Employment Act of 1976 which is entitled, The Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976 (herein called the Act) , authorizes grants to any local government for local public works projects that will stimulate employment, and GTiIEREAS , the overall objectives of the Act are to expedite construction of useful public facilities and to provide a countercyclical stimulus to the national economy, and WHEREAS , the most relevant objective of the Act is to stimulate the construction industry, and 71EREAS , the Town of �ueensbury proposes to design and construct a storm sewer system at a cost of one million dollars to service a portion of the Town (herein described as Exhibit A) , and WHEREAS , the construction of said storm sewer system will provide emploin-ent and the presence of this system will stimulate residential construction in the area, thus stimulating future employment and rendering this project compatible with the Act, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury hereby applies to the Economic Development Administration for a grant of one million dollars, as provided for by the Act, to cover 100°m; of the cost of construction a storm, sewer system described in Exhibit B. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes : None. Absent: None. Town Clerk Donald Chase noted to the Board that the two Exhibits are not on file in his office at this time. Mr. Brandt stated they are being prepared. REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE RESOLUTION DATED OCTOBER 26, 1976 . A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A $111 ,001. 00 REVENUE ANTICIPATION1 "'TOTE OF THE TOWN OF OUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, IN ANTICIPATION OF THE RECEIPT OF REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED ON ACCOUNT OF THE QUEENSBURY CONSOLIDATED DATER DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF SAID TOWN CO?mFNCINr; JANUARY 1, 1976. RESOLUTION NO. 237 , introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Olson. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Oueensbury,Warren County, New York, as follows: Section 1. The power to authorize the issuance of and to sell a $111,000. 00 revenue anticipation note of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, including renewals thereof, in anticipation of the receipt of rev enues to be received on account of the Queensbury Consolidated Water District for the fiscal year of said Town commencing January 1, 1976 is hereby delegated to the Supervisor of said Town, the chief fiscal offic-er. Such note shall be of the denomination of $111, 000. 00, shall be numbered 1, shall be dated , 1976, shall bear interest at the rate of four and three quarters per centum (4. 75%) per annum, payable at maturity, shall mature on , 1977 , and both principal of and interest on said note shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at First National Bank in Oueensbury, New York. Such note is not a renewal note. The date of maturity of such note does not extend beyond the close of the applicable period provided in Section 25 . 00 of the Local Finance Law for the maturity of such note. Section 2 . It is hereby determined that the principal amount of the revenue anticipation note hereby authorized is not in excess of the limitation prescribed by subdivision 1 of paragraph d of Section 25 . 00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 3. t?ith respect to the issuance of said $111, 000.00 revenue anticipation note, it is hereby found and determined as follows : a) The amount of such specific type of revenue which has been estimated in the annual budget of such Town for its fiscal year commencing January 1 , 1976 is $ 390,174.00 b) The amount of such specific type of revenue which was estimated for and actually collected or received during the fiscal year of said Town commencing January 1 , 1975 was $ 199 , 081. 26 c) The amount of such specific type of revenue so estimated in the budget of such Town for the fiscal year commencing Januaryl, 1976 which has actually been received or collected as of the , date of issuance of the note herein authcized is $ 196, 726. 51 d) The amount of all outstanding; revenue anticipation notes issued ' against such specific type of revenue for the fiscal year of said Town commencing January 1 , 1976 is $ None. e) Pursuant to subdivision 3 of paragraph d of Section 25 . 00 of the Local Finance Law, the State Comptroller has authorized such Town to issue revenue anticipation notes in anticipation of the receipt of such specific type of revenue for the fiscal year of such Town commencing January 1, 1976 in an amount not exceeding Section 4. Said $111 , 000. 00 revenue anticipation note shall be executed in the name of said Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, by its Supervisor, sealed with its corporate seal, attested by its Town Clerk, and the same shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: Section 5 . Said note is hereby sold at private sale to ' in , New York, at a price of not less than par and a I ccrued interest, if any. To the best of our knowledge and belief, no officer or employee of said Town has an interest in the sale of said note prohibited by Article 18 of thePeneral Municipal Law, as amended. Section 6. The faith and credit of said Town of Oueensbury,Warren County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such note as the same respectively become due and payable. Section 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted by the followilig vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes : None. Absent: None. BUDGET DISCUSSION Councilman Robertson- the attempt here tonight is to put the rest of the Board's philosophy into the Budget. . .after tonight the public can make its input and the figures can be changed again at the next meeting. . . ASSESSORS OFFICE Councilman Robertson-What is included in the budget for the Assessor? Supervisor Brandt-In point one an Assessor and a Part Time Clergy:, not to include an assistant Assessor. Councilman Olson- I would like to reinstate the part time assessor for 2200. 00 Supervisor Brandt- I would very much like to exclude it` I think there is a conflict of interest there, when you have an assistant assessor who is also a committeeman of a party that is kind of like putting the enforcer through to give some political muscle to, through the assessment department. I disagree withjthat I think that there should not be any party official in any capacity working in the assessor' s office and I think that should not be included unless it specified that he is not an official of a party. Councilman Robertson- Whether it is one individual or another I suspect that the office rates a position of a part time assistant. Supervisor Brandt- I think there is plenty of time to do the assessments, there is plenty of man power there and I do not agree. Three councilmen moved for the monies for a part time assessor be replaced into the budget. BUDGET AD iI ?ISTRATOR Councilman Olson- The Budget Administrator is a new position what does it include? Supervisor Brandt-4 secretary help at 1 , 530. 00 and Ted Merrill at 10, 700. 00 totaling 12 , 230. 00 It is my attempt to build that to a comptroller' s function, this is a step toward that. 'OLICE DEPARTMENT Councilman Robillard- met with Chief Gilbert Schlierer and peared down his budget with the realization that taxpayers haveA burden which is becoming more extreme every year, but still with the thought of giving adequate Police protection for the toi.:.-n. The Chief had asked for 14 men but I told him there was no way this Tntm Government could appoint the additional patrolmen that we would be very fortunate to come out with the twelve man staff that we have at present. Per. sonel services 1.26 , 3010. 00 Equipment two patrol cars - 3, 000. 00 Clothing allowance-mand$.torv-3 , 500. 0'? 500. 00 amunition Total Equipment (12, 000. 00) Contractual-gas oil tires ect . 15, 000. 00 Total request 151, 300 plus 337., for social security-compensation- pension ect. estimate or 41, 000. 00 in the 1076 police budget the amount granted was 160 , 203 .40 plus fringe the 1077 request is 151, 300 plus fringe police budget down 17, 903 .40 expect a surplus of 11, 000. 00 as of December 31st. I am saying the budget of 151, 300. 00 minus the surplus would be 140,000. 00 less the 50, 000. 00 earmarked in the Supervisor' s budget proposal for the Sherriff' s Dept. would necessitate an additional 90, 000. 00 plus fringe benefits to maintain the Police Dept. at its present level. Supervisor Brandt- the Sales tax will be 50 , 000 less than we anticipated in our budget. . . In my own mind we could eliminate the entire Police Force and still live a. fine wholesome, happy and safe life in the Town of Oueens- bury. I have looked into it and found that the 50, 000 I put into the budget for the County Sheriff could not be given to them because Marren County is legally bound to give service to the Town. Noted that it was triplicate service. . . Three Councilmen moved for the proposal for monies for the Police Dept. be placed into the budget. PUBLICITY Councilman Olson- requested to reinstate 5 , 500.00 for publicity. . . felt that we have to sell nuennsbury to the outside people. . . Councilman Robillard- opposed to the 1, 000. 00 to the Chamber of Commerce I would agree to a reinstatement of 4, 500. 00 . . can't agree with the Chamber of Commerce that is business and husiness usually takes care of itself. Councilman Barber- How much money does .the County give to the Balloon Festival? Supervisor Brandt- that is negotitated each year. Councilman Olson- I would like the people to express their views on this proposal . . . Supervisor Brandt- In effect) you would like to put it in as it was last year. Councilman Olson- For Budgetary purposes ye-4. . . Three Councilmen moved for the proposal of 5, 500 for the Publicity account. YOUTH PROGRA^1S Councilman Olsnn-questioned what was eliminated in the program ? Supervisor Brandt-basically) I left Gurney Lane Rec. Area and baseball program- eliminated the arts and crafts program, can cut the supervised Play in half. . .and also reduced the busing. Councilman Robertson- We feel that we should restore the budget to what it was last year and get public input. . . Three Councilmen moved for the Recreation Budget be put back to where it was last year-$41-, 543 . 00 LIBRI AR7 Councilman Olson- requested that the library budget be increased 2 , 000. 00 Councilman Robertson-supported the action. . . Motion defeated for lack of a third. . . CELEBRATIONS Councilman Olson- We have had a request from the Bicentennial Commission for 3 , 000 to finish the fallen and broken stones in the abandon cemeteries we propose 'to increase the celebrations account by 3, 000. 00 Three Councilmen moved for the increase in celebrations by 3, 000.00 now totaling 3,400.00 BEAUTIFICATION —° Supervisor Brandt- This should be increased by 100. 00 for postage .ect. Three Councilmen moved for the increase. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Supervisor Brandt- will issue a memo showing workmen' s compensation rates The Councilmen moved to accept this . . . SALES TAX Supervisor Brandt- The income should be reduced to 150, nnn. on . Councilman Barber- explained the difference in the sales tax revenue from the County. :doted that if the residents of the Toin7n wish to keep the same servicesyknoxT-ing that the sales tax will be reduced as a revenue for the Town they will have to pay more in Town Taxes . . . For the last 7 years t�e basic town wide tax hard not increased because Of the sales tax. . . Councilman Olson- questioneAthat the Town Attorney investigate the possibility of receiving some of the monies that the City is paying back to the County as the result of their being over-paid in Sales Tax monies-noting that a great amount of that money came from businesses located in the Tox,7n. Councilman Robertson- I do not thinY, from this time on we can count on Sales Tax monies . . .to support programs of the Town. Councilman Barber- What we are looking for is input from the residents of the community to state if they want the services continued. . . Three members of the Board agreed on the reduction. IN 10 1 IWAY Councilman Barber- would you define item DM 5130.4 in item III . Supervisor Brandt- listed the items and amounts totaling 32, 000 Councilman Robertson- question-Item I in highway repairs and improvements to highways. . . Supervisor Brandt-I took an 8 mile repaving schedule totaling 144, 000 .00 of that 4.4 miles would be paid for directly by Federal Revenue sharing and 3 . 6 miles paid for directly out of the Town the Town' s share would be 63, 500. 00 under Federal Revenue Sharing 80, 500.001 for gas fuel and oil drainage and patching there would be 30, 000. 00 three thousand for hand tools, we could expect to do eight miles of repaving. Councilman Barber- There is 1070 less in personnel services than last year do you have any comment? Supervisor Brandt-I felt that the personel services could be more effective and efficient and felt that the department could work hard to try and get a 107, boost in personel services and cut payrolls 1070 and get the same work done. Increase on Tree removal from 4, 000 to 6, 000 because of the number of dead trees in the Town. Would like to get a bid on a number of trees and let the bid out. . .on a package of trees . . . Snow Removal, I raised it. Have to budget for awabove the middle of the road on what we expect to use in snow removal costs . . . in a harsh year we will have to go into surplus� in mild years we should create a surplus . DRAINAGE Supervisor Brandt- I do not feel that the 22 , 000 is not enough. I feel that we should view this as a general town charge not a special district view point. . . Councilman Robertson- I hear what you are saying but I do not agree with your philosophy. . .I feel at this time we should go at a specific case and certain problem and take it one step at a time. I have no atis$ *°' with the 22, 000 I feel that it is front money, you could use to solve many problems in many areas in the Town, but I do have a quarrel with the approach. . . Supervisor Brandt- Here again we will have to look for Federal Funding for help in these projects, the County has been helping me with this . . . Plan Councilman Barber- questioned the use of the Donovan.Aon the Meadowbrook bridge and requested that this be checked out) thet possibly the county could take on the project, with the use of their Federal monies . Supervisor Brandt- gave the machinery break down. . . two trucks at 30,000 ea. and a backhoe 20, 000 toward that the balance to be financed as a note . 1 00 omI3Y. WATER Councilman Robertson- a discussion was held and it was stated that in regard to the proposed revenues this was the best answer that they could come up with, the revenues were based on a typical year with a normal rain fall, reflecting a normal use of water . . . Supervisor Brandt-noted that to protect ourselves we might have to look at a 5 or 10 °7, rate increase in water rents . . .we have to be careful not to get into a deficit position. FIRE PROTECTION Councilman Olson- questioned that in the Fire Protection budget did it include the amount that was due this year and not paid. . . Supervisor Brandt- yes . Mr. Ginsburg-43 Garrison Road- reviewed his problem with drainage and water in his cellar. . .requested that the Board do something about the drainage as soon as possible. Spoke on the Taxation of Commercial Property the Assessments are all wrong . . . SPECIAL DIST. Councilman Robertson- questioned that in the Special Dist. such as Pershing Ashley Coolidge there has never been a maintance budget set up where a special dist. tax was paid to maintain these areas , I ask that the attorney look into this and see if a tax could be set up in these special dist. for the maintance of these areas . . . Councilman Barber- suggested that a firm be hired to anp&*M the pipes that now exist in the drainage areas and give a firm propojal on the conditions of the pipes . . .also suggested that a 100, 000. 00 be placed in 'the drainage budget. . . noted that this is a .great problem in the Town . . . a very high water table. . . Councilman Robillard- questioned the legality of that as to the expenditure of 100, 000. 00 or even 20, 000.00 that only benefits a few people . . . Councilman Barber- I do not feel we are talking a few people, we are talking about a major area of our town, noting the high water areas through- out the town. Councilman Robillard- I went on record that 100, 000 was not sufficient I just question the legality of that expense, if it is legal I would have no quarrel. Councilman Barber- As far as legality , I do not know� I will seek an opinion on that, there has to be an effort made by the Board to direct someone to concentrate on the drainage problems . Councilman Olson- I do not think you can charge all the residents of the Town for this special benefit use. . . . Councilman Barber-spoke on the development of the town in regard to Quaker Road, Bay Road ect. noted that even 100, 000 toward drainage would just be a start. Supervisor Brandt- asked the Town Attorney to have his opinion in regard to a general or special district tax on the drainage problem. . . . .for the next hearing on November 4th. RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPARATION ArdD APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET RESOLUTION NO. 238. Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, secon a by 271r. Harold Robillard: RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January, 1977 the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made apart of this resolution, and be it further RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the To�,m Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours and be it further RESOLVED, that this board shall meet at 7 : 30 P.M. on the 4th day of November, 1976 at the Queensbury Town Office Building for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget and(,.be it further r, RESOLVED, that the Town Clergy: give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law, and. that such notice be published and posted in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARIITG Oil PRELI'MIINIAn" BUDGET FOR TOt;.M OF OUEE111SBURY FOR TLIE YEAR 1977 NOTICE IS IIE^EBY GIV^^1, that the preliminary budget of the Tom of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of 'New `'ork for the fiscal year beginning, January" !, 1977 has been completed and filed in the office - of the Town Clerk of said Town where it is available for inspection by an_v interested person at all reasonable hours . TID FURT-L-TT, ', NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of said Town of Queensbury will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a , public hearing there at 7 : 30 P.M. on the 4th day of November, 1970}, and that at such hearing-,any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled, for or against any item or items therein contained. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law that the following are proposed yearly salaries of Town Officers of this Town: Supervisor: 3, 745 . 00 Councilmen: (4) 3 ,445 . 00 Town Clerk: 11 , 5'10. 00 Supt. of Highways : 13, 40n. 0O By order of the Town Board Donald A. Chase REPORTS : Town Clerk Councilman Robillard waived the reading of the reports . . . Highway Report on file. Supervisor's report on file. Budget Control Sheets on file. Police reports July, August and September, 1976 on file. Ltr. from the Glens Falls Historical Association on file in the Town Clerk' s Office copies were sent to the Board riembers . . . OPEN FO RUII: I,Ir. Towne- Garrison Road-reviewed his water problem noting that he felt that since Kubricky filled in his property that problem has ha d also the problem at Quaker Road near Millbrook� the drainage pipe is not adequate. . . Councilman Barber- The County Supt, of Highways has been confronted with the problem. . .he has promised that the problem will be corrected.,he has not done so yet. . . Supervisor Brandt- noted that he had spoke with ENCON about the Quaker Road problem . . .noted that halfway brook is the problem, it has filled in— this stream should be dredged. . .and the area improved. . . .part of the responsibility iS the Town' s, part the Counties . . .part the State . . . Councilman Barber- again requested that a firm be hired to analyse the pipe and review the problems with the pipes that are i-z ,I:e :;round. . . determine where the trouble areas are and repair tbem. . . this could help resolve some of the drainage problems for 111r. Towne. ` Supervisor Brandt- I will go around with the Highway Dept. and look into the problem including the Sherman Avenue area drainage problem. . .then we might have to have a special meeting on these two areas . On motion the meeting; was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk 1 f` / f 1/ / �f t 1 / f' 1 1 r` i i� SUN NARY OF LEA MATED I_,ESS UNEXPE:dnM AMOUNT TO CODE APPROPRIATIONS REVM+IUES ItnySZD BY TA;.ES A General 848,401 . 518981. 100,000. 2372420. DR Highways Repairs 2101,625. 18,000. -0- 192,625. & Improvements DM Machinery 1919993. -0- -0- 1919,993. DS Snow & Misc. 136,204. 16,000. -0- 120-,204. DE Improvement Pro&ram 369000. -0•• 114�,400. -0 215000. r � CF Federal Revenue 80, 30 500., ,SOOT ..0,�. C Pinev ew 569147. 49,234. 6,91.1 L3 -0- SEECIAL DISTRICTS SLl Ft. Amherst-Garrison 3,200. -0- 500. 29700. SL2 Cleverdale 19000. 70- -0- 1,0000 SL3_Pinewood 140. -0- 40. 100. SL4 So. Queensbury 30700. -0- (11000. ) 91,700. SL5 West Weensbury 91,300. -0- ( 700. ) 101000. SI,�eensbury 34,000.. -0- 31,000. 31,000, ..r.......r, r 394 192. -0- 892,556. SWl�eensbu dater 7_,286 748. `0- -0- 745. .SW5 W.G.Falls Ext.-- #1 345. SW3 W.G. F. Waver 13,959. 10-11.571. -0- 3,388. SW 4 Shore Colon 2,375. 2075. .-0- _0- SP 'Fire Protection 176, 351. -0- -PPo 176,351. P C Sewer 1,500. -0- 475. 190250 SDI_Queensbury Drainage 5*070. -0- -0- 5,070. SS3 Reservoir Park 1,556. -0- 800. 750. Totals 39 1042508. 100969253. 1139428. 19898,227. w 9 e General ro ria t ions 1. 1975 Actual 1�., adget Budget Officer' s A1010 Town Board Appropriations'� Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted .100 Personal §ervices 129000.00 $13,000.00 $13,780.00 $ 13,79.0 .0n .200 Equipment ---440 Contractual 358.00 600.00 600.00 600- .00 Total 129358.00 13960.0.00 14,380.00 14,380.00 A 1110 Town Justice .100 Personal Services 16,284.70 189176.00 23,865.00 23,865 ,00 .200 Equipment 100.00 70.00 -70.00 .440 Contractual 2,096.08 3,140.00 2, 530.00 21530.00 Total 18 s 380,78 21V416.00 265465.00 5 00 A 1220 ,Supervisor .100 Personal Services 17,346,45 169426.00 17,740.00 ?110740.00 .200 Equipment 245.00 .440 Contractual 424.08 500.00 1,.350.00 1.350.00 Total 189015.53 16,926.00 19,090.00 19,090.00 A 1330 Tax Collection .100 Personal Services 89551.08 8,960.00 9,169..00 .200 Equipment .440 Contractual 3,490.63 3,650.00 3,875.00 �,875.00 Total 12,0.71 12P610.00 '13 91044.00 1 ('4'+ C0 , A 1340 Budget Administrator 7170 Personal Services 12,230.00 t.2,230, .200 Equipemennt .440 Contractual 1,600.00 1,600000 Total 13,830.00 131830.00 A 1355 Assessors .100 Personal Services 129706.73 139375.00 119170.00 $ 130470.00 .200 Equipement 19350.00 .440 Contractual 5,706.62 2,300.00 6,070.00 6,070.00 Total 189413.35 179025.00 17,240.00 1.9,540.00 A 1410 Town Clerk .100 Personal Services 179060.00 172660.00 19,068.00 19,068.00 :$00 Equipment 200.00 220.00 220, 0 .440 Contractual 4.408.91 4,480.00 5,Q95.00 5 095.00 Total 21,468.91 22,340.00 24,353.00 24#333.00 General FuL Appropriations 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s A 1910 Unallocated Uns. Apyrpr ti_ s Approprigtions Tentative Prelimina� Adopted .440 Contractual 49198.00 $ 11500.00 $ 2,900.00 7,700o A 1920 =. Ass._ Dues .440 Contractual 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 A `1940 Contingent Account . 209000.00 209000.00 20,000.00 120120 ,e .10_ Personal Services 98,002.00 134t850.00 124,300.0C .200 Equipment 49090.19 300.00 12,000.00 .410 �elephofie 19500.00 .420 Insurance 33,000.00 .430 Utilities 900.00 90�? .440 General _contractual l4,874.27 1650,000.00 � S •00 �_S,Q00.00 .450 Fuel Oil (To �earren Coenty 1,100.00 .810 Retirement for .Polire, 14,968.00 .860, hospitalization Protection) 9,000.00" .830 Social Secuicity 7,272.00 .840 Compensation - --.200 Total $151,1.50.�0 770-,006.00 S 191.240.00 A 3310 Traffic Control .430 Utilities.. 800.00 800.00 .440 General Contractual 6,124.08 51000.00 4,200.00 4,200.±0 Total 61124.08 5,000.00 5,000.00 59000.00 A 3150 Jail .440 Contractual 42.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 A 34i0 Fire Marshal 4 770.00 .10 Personal Services 49500.00 49625.00 41770.0 .200 Equipment .440 Contractual 71.6.18 990.00 790.00 790.00 Total 5,21b.18 50615.00 59560.00 5,5 Gen era 1 Fun_ ria ti on s 1 1975 Actual 1976. Budget Budget Officer' s A 1420 Attorney Appropriations propriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted .100 Personal Services 59000.00 .200 Equipment .440 Contractual 20.014.20 13 000.00 19 000.00 1_9,_000.00 Total 20,014.20 189000.00 19,000. 00 19,!300.00 A 1440 Engineer .10.0 Personas.Services 179130.00 179480.00 .200 Equipment 400.00 400.00 400,00 .440 Contractual 5.879.09 6,800.00 _ 13.500.00 1.3,SOC?.(0 ` ' ' Total 23,009.09 24,680000 9 0.00 13,90MO Ay1345 Purchasing .440 Co-n-tractual 150.00 150.00 Total 150.00 150.00 A 1450.E4)ections .100 Personal Services 69003.50 109,230.00 91253.00 99563.00 " .200 Equipment 700.02 100.00 .440 Contractual 1,011.85 340.00 900.00 900.00 Total 72-715.37 109670.00 1.01153.00 1094 A 1490 Public Works Administration. jo- m pissonal Services .200 Equipment .440 Contractual 500.00 -0- -0- Total 500.00 -0- 0 A 1620 Buildings .100 Personal Services 131459.17 . 9,513.00 99928 0 Co. 91928.00 .200 Equipment 119.88 1,855.00 175,00 175.00 . y?�10 Telephone - 79000.00 7,000.00 .420 Insurance 500.00 500.00 .430 Utilities 22900.00 2,900.00 .440 General Contractual 23,144.96 369000.00 69480.00 69480.00 .450 Fuel Oil _ 2,900.00 2.900.00 Total 379144.96 4793Z8.00 29s883.00 29,883.00 �, ! _s General Fungi-_. -priations 1975 Actual 197�get Budget Officer' s "^ A 3510 Dog Warden #2proBriations Pamropriations_ tentative Preliminary Adopted .100 Personal Services 79590.00 $ 72940.00 $ 8,443.00 ,n E. .00 .200 Equipment _ 4,500.00 720.00 720.00 .420 Insurance 250.00 250.00 .440 General Contractual 2,998.01 3, 570.00 3,640.00 3,640.00 Total 100 588.01 169010.00 139053.00 139053.00 A 4010 Board of Health_ . .100 Personal Services 2,80(7'.00 21800.00 2,969 .001 2,968.00 .200 Equipment 0n 1 250.00 ? 250 Q0 1,250.00 .440 Contractual 9� s -, Total 3,700.00 4,050,00 4,218,00 4,218.00 A 4020 Registrar of Vital Statistics .100 Personal Services 110.50 200.00 100.00 W0.00 .200 Equipment .440 ron trac tual Total 110.50 200.00 100.00 100.00 A5010Supt. of H,i&hways - 6100 Personal Services 239700.00 24,300.00 25,900.00 25,900.00 '.200 Equipment .440 Contractual 8.00 300.00 Total 3,708.00 2 , 600.00 259900.00 25,900.00 A 5132 Highway Garage .410 Telephone 9C0.00 900.00 .430 Utilities 12,.Q00.00 129000.00 .450 Fuel_ Oil 4,300.00 4_ .300,00 Total 179200.40 17,200.00 A 5182 Street L ightin, 00 Contractual 12 ,366.49 17,000.00 19,550.00 19.550. Total 120366.49 17,000.00 199550.00 199550.00 w _T General_ Fund __ riati.ons j "'( 5 1975 Actual 1976 &idget Budget Officer' s A 6256 CETA (Title VI) ropriatons Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted ted .100 Personal Services 8., i687.08 $ 499029.00 -0- .810 Employee Bene�its- 4,665.00 11,574.00 11 Total 53,352.08 499029.00 11,574.00 11,574.00 A _6250 CETA (Title iT�. 100 Personal Services 7,296,00 79296.00 .830 Social Security 445.00 445.00 .860 Hospitalization 800.00 800.00 Total 80541.00 8,541.00 . A 6410 Publicity _. .440 Contractual 7,025.00 5,500.00 -0- $ 5,500.00 Total. 79025.00 51500.00 0 5,500.00 A 6510 Veterans Service .440 Contractual 600.00 600.00 '600.00 600.00 Total 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 A 7310 Youth Pros rams .100 personal` Services 22,947.73 26,543.00 '17,63.400 426$543.00 .200 =Equipment 4 9000, 00 500 00 4,000.00 .440 Contractual 144095.29 12 ,000.00 9,300.00 1',000.00 Total: 379043.02 42,543.00 27,434.00 421,543.00 A-7320 Joint Youth Contractual 1,5500`00 1.500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Is 500.00 1,500,00 19500.00 1,500.00 A 7410 Library .440 Contractual 25,300400 26,575_00 26,575.00 26,575.00 Total 259300.00 269575.00 269575.00 26,575.00 A 7510 Historian .100 Personal Services 250.00 250.00 -0- -0~ .200 Equipment .440 Contractual 98.80 *5x,0.00 -0- -0- Total 348.80 300.00 -0- -0- General Fut, .__,. ...,priations ( r 6. 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s A 7550 Celebrations Appropriations Appropiiations Tentative Preliminary adopted .100 Personal Services .200 Equipment .400 Contractual 733.58_ 2.$00.000 400:00 3,41DO.00 Total. '733.58 2,800.00 400.00 39400.00 A 7620 Senior Citizens Contractual 16800.00 4.900.00 5,400.00 5, 00 Total 1,80 00 49900.00 59 +00. 59,400.00 A 8010 Zoning 25 05900 259059.00 Persona Services 266.58 300.00 . .200 Equipment 19120.00 10120.00 ' .440 Contractual 493.22 700.00 2,860,00 2,880.00 ti . .420 Insurance 5_ 83.00 583.00 Total 759.80 .10000.00 29,642.00 299642.00 Note; A8020: Planning now combined with A80.10 Zoning.for 1977. c,� k General Fund Appropriations 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s A 8020 Planning Appropra_tion_s Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Ads .100 Personal Services 22,582.35 230411.00 -0- _� _. -o- .200 Equipment 2 __ 00.00 © -0- .420 Insurance -0- -0 .440 General Contractual 2,047.87 2,614.00 -0- -0- 'Total 249630.22 260225.00 to:A 8010 Zoning to A 301-0 Zoning A 8090 Uvironmental Con trol - 0 Contractual 372.80 1,000.00. -0- 0 Total 372.80 19000.00 -0- -0- A 8030.-Reseatch 0 Contr catual00 -0 -0- Total 59000.00 -0- -0- A: 8160 Refuse & Garbage ra-r r��.•r r- - .100 Personal Services 24,226.00 259450.00 369000.00 ° 309000.00 .200 Equipment .440 Contractual 26 077.96 2Q.000.00 100000.00 10.c00.00? Total 50,30 .9 5,00 0.00 40,000.00 401000-.00 A8510 Community Beautif ication .440 Contractual 904,50 1,000.00 -0- �100. j0 Total - 904.50 119000.00 -0- 100- -A-8-5�40 Drainae a .2X Contractual 4,200.00 2,100.00 .2?500,00 22,500.00 Total 49200.00 . 2,100.00 229500.00 229500.00 A 900 §Mloyee Benefits 9U10.8 State Retirement 209363.00 289000.00 289681.00 289681.00 9015.8 Police & Fire Ret. 9,388.00 13,210•.001 9030.8 Soc. Sec. 189552.04 259138.00 179012.00 179012.00 9040.8 Workmens Comp. 69680.00 79000.00 9,1.10.00 55600.00 9060.8 Hospitalization �14 574.1 4,404.44 ?4,044.00 34,044.00 Total 9;557:2 $ 97-0348-000 -7-1818,B47,U $ 1;� `' General. Fund Appropriations 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s . Preliminary Adopted Interfund Transfers Appropriations Api2ro2riations Tentative A 951471 Pineview $ 23,700.00 428SUM.Ou ,80063"` Cemetery -0- A 9550.9 Capital. Fund 2,000.00 -0- A 9560.9 Capital Reserve 51 100.00 Total 749800.00 30,000.00 28,800.00 340834.00 Dent S c®-Princi al A 9720.6 Statutory Bonds 49205.00 4,205.00 4,205.00 49205.00 A 9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes 60500.00 99450.00 9,450000 A 9740.6 Capital Notes X52000.00 -0- Total 9205.00 45,705.001 1.-3, 655.00 1.3, 655.00 Debt Sexviol.-*Interest A 9720.7 Statutory Bonds 19398.16 t',202.00 999.00 999.00 A 9730.7 Bond Anticipation 19952.00 1;952.00 Notes 3,234.00 A 9740.7 Capital Notes 3.150.00 Total 1,3198.16 700 2, 51.00 2,951.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPPRIATIONS $ 848,V944,00 $67..4,088.00 $8432401.00 w m Genera I t ima ted Revenues 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s Preliminary Adopted Revenues Revenues Tentative A 1090 Interest & Penalties _4,734.64 3,1.00,00 3,750.00 3, 750.00 Total 514,824.64 5299,860.00 528029,00 528,12Q.00 Sales Tax -X41120 Non Property Tax 2980664.77 2009000.00 $150,000.00 Distribution by county 300,000.00 Total. 2989664.77 3009000.00 2009000.00 1.509000.00 De artmental Income . A 2001 Park &Recreation Chgs. 600.00 600.00 A 1232 Tax Collection 729.24 700.00 700.00 700.00 A 1255 Clerk Fees 19761.00 r,5EJ6.00 (-To�00 19550.00 1_9550.00 A 1.520 Police Fees 482.50 350.00 400.00 400.00 r A 1570 Demolition Permits 130.00 60.00 100.00 1x0.00 A 2110 Zoning Fees 1.250.00 1,400.00 1. 600.00 1_ 600.00 Total_ 49352.74 4,0 .00 4,950.00 49950.00 A 2401 Use of Money & Property Interest & Earnings 10,737.26 12,000.00 15,000.00 1.5,000.00 Total 10,327.26 12,000.00 1,59000.00 15,000.00 Licenses and Permits A 2545 Other licenses 39194.20 41000.00 49000.00 43,000.00 A 2540 Bingo License 900.31 700.00 700.00 700.00 A 2555 Building Permits 11,778.00 129000.00 12,000.00 1.20000.00 A 2544 Dog Licenses 2,625.16 2,500.00 3,500.00 3, 5("? .00 A 2590 Junk Yard Permits 150.00 175.00 125.00 12:,, A 2610 Fines and Forfeited 2828,145,1_0 28,000:00 30,000.00 30,000.00 Total Bair x+6,792,77 $47,375.00 $50,325.00 50,325.00 General rued Estimated Revenues 1975 Actual 1976 Budget 6-tidget Officer' s A 2768 Public Employment Revenues Revenues Tentative Pre1_imnary ted Program (title 6) $ 669405.00 A 2766 ( Title 2) 189180.98 $ 631237.00 $ 90956.00 $, 9,956.00 A 2770 Cable T.V. - 7,0478.64 4, 500.00 89000.00 89000.00 A 3001 Per Capita 168,863000 160,000.00 1809000.00 180,000.00 A 3005 Mortgage Tax 1039291.74 80,000.00 809000.00 8011000.00 A 3820 Youth Programs 7, 10.53 8,000.00 7,500.00 71,500.00 A 3803 Programs for Aging 2.450_00 _� 1,500.00 1,500.00 ' Grand Total Estimated Revenues 3719329.89 $684,722.00 $560,981.00 $510,981.00 Unexpended Balance $ 100,000.00 U0,000.00 $1009000.00 A 1001 Real Property Tax $ 999540.00 $ -639399.00 $ 13,107.00 $ 237,420.00 C,� GENERAL MID ENTtap CEMETERY PINEVIEW 1975 Actual 1.976 Budget Budget Officer' s C 8810 APPROPRIATIONS APT)ropriations 62propriations Tentative Preliminary . Adopted .100 Personal Services $ 359687.17 $ 382946.00 $ 32,4`80j.00 $ 37 814.00 .200 Equipment 19168.47 12000.00 1,000.00 1,600.00 .400 Contractual 41,799.62 5, 330.00 - - .410 Telephone 250.00 250.00 .420 .Insurance 2,000.00 21, 1'00.00 .430 Utilities 200.00 200.00 .440 Gen. Contractual. 32300.00 3,300.00 .450 Fuel ' Oil ___ 700.00 700.00 Total 41.1655.26 45, 276.00 399930.00 45,364.00 C 9000 ftloee Benefits 9010.8 State Retirement 39034.00 39880.00 4, 509.00 4, 509.00 9030.8 Soc. Security 10987.89 2,279.00 29290.00 2,290.00 9040.8 Workmens Comp. 19002.00 1,000..00 1,500.00 1,500.00 9060,8 Hospitalization 10135.35 1 465.00 2:484.00 2,484.00 Total 79139.24 8, 24.00 10,783.00 109783.00 Total Cemetery Approp. $489794.50 $ 53,900.00 $ 50P713.00 $56,147 .00 ESTIMATED REVENUES - PINEVIEW C 2190 Sale of Cemetery Lots 5,116.37' 61000.00 6,000,00 61000.00 C 2192 Cemetery Serv. 10,7.23.75 81000.00 89000.00 89000.00 C 2810 Gen. Fund Trans. 239700.00 289000.00 28,800.00 34j234,00 C 2401 Interest 2,191.57 1.,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total Est. Revenues 4120131.69 439000.00 43,80 0 49#234.00 Estimated Unexpended. Balance 10,900.00 6191-3.00 6,913.00 I HIGHWAY APPROPRIATIONS Repairs & Improvements 1975 1976 Budget Budget Officer's .(Item 1) Actual Avpropria_tions Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adonted DR5110.1 Personal Services$104,570.47 "`-- $939690.00 $ 879187.00 $ 87,187 .00 DR5110.440 1542772.51 105,645.00 239000.00 23,000.00 Contractual DR5110.461 Patching Mix 109000.00 10,000.00 DR5110.462 Tars & 639500.00 639500.00 Cutbacks DR5110.463 Limestone Total $2599342.98 $199.335.00 $1839687000 $183,687.00 Employee Benefits DR9010.8 State Retirement 110500.00 12,100.00 122,000.00 129000.00 DR9030.8 Soc. Sec. 50392.48 10480.00 51,313.00 51,313.00 DR9040.8 Workmens Comp. 39999.60 49000.00 20925,00 39425.00 DR9060.8 Hospitalization 6.175.34 6. 500000 6,200.00 6,200.00 Total $27,7.42 $ 28,080.00 $` 26438 00 $ 269,938 - 00 Total Appropriations Item 1286,410.40 $227, 415.00 $ 21 p 1 00 �21 n,625.on _. _ Machinery (Item III) DM5130.1 Personal Services 18,775.30 31.500.00 329054.00 $ 329054.00 DM5130.2 Equipment 89152.00 25,700.00 75000.00 759000.00 DM5130.420 Insurance 13,000.00 17,100.00 DM5130.440 General Contractual 320000.00 329000.00 Expense DM5130.465 Lubricants DM5130.400 Total Contractual 5�3._001..5_9 63,000.00 Total. 79t928.89 100,200.00 $1529o54. b $1-5601 "4'f Employee Benefits DM9010.8 State Retirement 19900.00 19985.00 29100.00 29100.00 1 107.93 1 843.00 1 954.00 1,954.00 DM9030.8 Soc. Sec. , DM9040.8 .Workmens Comp. 386.08 500.00- 975.00 975.00 DM9060.8 Hospitalization 878.44 .1,692.00 2,000.00 22 Total 41272.45 6.020.00 79029.00 72029.00 w v G) - 3. HIGHWAY F- ROPRIATIONS Cont. Debt Service 1975 Actual . 1.976 Budget Budget Officer' s Prin ciple Appropriations AnRrropriations Tentative Preliminary Add DM9730.E d Anticipation s $149145.00 $ 149145.00 $ 1`� Ors Notes DM9740.6 Capital 35,160.00 Notes DM9720.6 Stat. Bonds 114"1367.00 11,367.00 11,367.00 11.367.04 Total 609672.00 25,512.00 251512.00 259512.00 In t...�. e...re DM9730.7 Bond Anticipation 3,526.31 29 829.00 29016.00 2,016,00 Notes DM9740.7 Capital 19538.25 Notes - ]_,.282..00 1.282 DM97.20.7 Stmt. Bonds 2.303.92 1„7-93.00 Total 7,36$.48 4.622.00 3,298.00 3,298.00 Total Appropriations(Item III)$1529241.82 $136,354.00 $ 1$7.893.00 $.191-a.9.3.011, Miscellaneous (Brush & Weeds) DS5140.440 General Contractual 1065 6.000.00 Expense , .00 4,.000.00 6�000.C�O Total 49000.00 69000.00 6,000.00 Snow Removal(Item IV) 54 447.63 80 640.00 DS51 2.1 Personal Services 72,170.00 80,640.00 '000.00 DS5142.440General Cont. Exp. 20,966.24 259000.00 9,000.00 9, DS5412.461 Patching Mix. 3:100.00 3,000.00 DS 5142.464 Salt 12,000 0 12,000.00 Total. 75,413.87 970170.00 1U 0 $1049640.00 Employee Benefits 1.2 000 .00 DS9010. Retirement 7,045.00 8,500.00 12,000.00 , DS9030.8 Sot. Sec. 39262.90 49222.00 49914.00 4,914.00 DS9040.8 Workmen' s Comp. 1,432.32 12700.00 29600.00 3950.00 DS9060.8 Hospitalization 19982.83 4 400.00 5 500.00 59510.00 Total $ 1'3Tzj.TO $2'" j.U14.UU $2 'S'6 14. t - - - HIGHWAY- 'PROPRIATIONS Cont. 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted Total Appropriations Item IV $ 909201 .97 $119.992.00 $ 135,654.00 $ 3`, "'0�+•�'0 Accounts West Mountain Road Improvement Program (project No.. 5150 DE5151.1 Personal Services 400.00 400.00 DE5150.4 Contractual 830.00 830.00 ED5150,8 Employee Benefits 120.00 120.00 De5150.9 Transfer to A Highway. Fund Total 1,350.00 -19350.00 Improvement Program Eld~r#dge Road (Project No. 5151) _.._._ D85151.1 Personal Services 400.00 400.00 DE5151.4 Contractual 830.00 830.00 DE5151.8 Employee Benefits 120.00 120.00 DE5151.9 Transfer to Highway Fund Total 19350.00 19350.00 Thurderbird Drive Im rovement Program project No 515-1 DE5152.1 Personal Services 300.00 300.00 HE5152.4 Contractual 645.00 645.00 DE5152.8 Employee Benefits 90.00 9. 0.00 DE5152.9 Transfer to Highway Find Total Total Arpriations 1,035.UO 1, w Transferred,_ HIG1 WAY 'UDTL` ..,m RI ATInNS COi1T. -- - 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s Accounts Anpprrg riat� Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Ado pted Bridge MeadDwl,r_ook Road Improvement Program (Pro i ec t N_ o. 5153) DE5153.1. Personal Services $51000.00 $ 5,000.00 15 820.00 15 820 DE5153.2 Contractual .00 . DE5153.8 Employee . Benefits 1, �r �rn ' 1,500.M DE5153.9 Transfer to - Highway Fund Total $ 22,320.00 $22,320.00 French Mt. Drive Improvement Program (Pro'(ect No. 5154) DE5154.1 Personal Services 211500.00 2,500.00 DE5154.2 Contractual. 2,150.00, 2,150,00 DE5154.8 Employee Benefits 750.00 750.00 DE-5154.9 Transfer to Highway rund 59400.00 50400�.OU Total Bennet goad Improvement Program (Pro i ect No 5155_) DE1515 Personal Services 300.00 300.00 DE1515.4 Contractual 555.00 555.00 BE1515.8 Employee Benefits 9fl.00 90.00 DE1515.9 Transfer to Highway Fund Total $945.0 $945.00 16. HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS CONT. MEADOWBROOK ROAD 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted Improvement Program (Eelect No. 5156) ~ DE5156�.1 Personal Services $ 800.00 $ 800.010 DE5156.4 Contractual 22560.00 2,560 .00 DE5156.8 Employee Benefits 240.00 240.00 DE5156.9 Transfer to Highway Fund Total $ 32600. 4 3.600.00 Total Appropriations for Improvement Programs $ 36,000.00 Y 36.000.00 w ' N . 1-. HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS ( Item 1) 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's Accounts Apnronriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted Local Sources DR2650 Sale Gas $ 39205.17 DR2401 -Interest & 51615.02 $ 99000.00 $ 9,000.00. Earnings $ 1.004.00 DR.2680 Insurance 342.00 Refund DR2840 Transfer from Hy 1V 54,108.34 Dg277Q Petaonal`& Equip. - 241.00 DR284 2°Tr*wate_r Gen: 31,000.00 State "Aid,` Mileage d°vluation Aid . 9,000,00 DR3507 9,450.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 Total :vstima.ted Revenues $1039961.53 $100000..00 $18,000:00 $18,00,(`0 HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES MACHINERY (ITEM 3) Local Sources DM1120 Non-Property tax Distribution by County DM2401 Interest &Earning 30742.24 , 8.80.00 none none DM2665 Sale DM2416 Rental of 4-quip. 179818.90 8.000.00 none none DM2810 Transfer from General Fund State Aid none none none Total Estimated Revenues ---""— '—`-- 21,561.14 $16.,000.00 t f HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED RE j -- ° SNOW AND MISCELLA EOLT9( ITem 4) -- - Accounts 1975 Actuat 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted DOS1120 Local Sources Nan Property Tax Distribution by County 23f 0 Services for other $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ ? 6,nOr, .�0 t2281events 02 4 1 I terest & Earnings $ 1,925.56 8 Transfez, from Gen. . Fund Town Outside Village D#2840 Transfer. from Highway Fund *2610 Miscellaneous 782.19 DS2650 Sale of .Gas Total $ 2,70 5 $ 169000.00 $ 169000.00 $ -16,000.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Accounts DE3�521 State Aid 40995.00 14,000.00 14,400.00 Highway Improvement Program Total 4,995.0-0 14 000.0-0 14, 00 14,000.0 Federal Revenue Sharing d A ro riations Police Highway Bldg. 609000.00 GF1620.2 Shared Serv. CF5110.4 Highway Repairs 800500.00 809500.00 ESTIKATED-YEVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPEISDED B C - REVE,',,U', S!IARING CF 240T Interest Earnings CF 4001 Federal Revenue $ 609000.00 $ 809500.00 80,500.00 Sharing _ Total Estimated Revenues $ 60,000.00 $ 809500.00 80, 50 0Q Estimated Unexpended Balance none none none w L4 SLl FORT AMHERST - „ i, N ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICTS 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer' s $182.400 Avnroeriations v ro riar_ ens Tentative Preliminary Ads 7 90 00 .20 Y .3, 190 . _ Contractual Expenses. $2,817.03 $ ,0 - ;, 3,200.00 Total 20817.03 39190.00 $ SL1 2401 Interest 76.50 none Est ted Revenues none none 00 Est , ted Unexpended Balance- none none 500.0 SL2 Cleverdale Luting District $ 900,00 1,000.00 �_}ovo .can 5182.4 Contractual $-" 5 . .Expen___ses_ _.�— -------- Total 854.47 900.00 19000.00 j,Ono,n0 S1122 _2401 In__terest , 12.59 none _ Estimated Revenuues none none Estimated Unexpended Balance none none -0- SL3_ Pinewood Lighting-Disc trict 5182.4 Contractual $ 308.03 $ 165.00 140.00 1.40.00 gx�u SeS _ 140.00 Total 108.03 165 00 - 140.00 S13 2401 Interest none none Estimated Revenues none none 4.00 Estimated Unexpended Balance none none 40.00 SL4 South OueensbuU Lighting District 5182A Contractual 8,7n� n.o0 enses $ 7.6__-_11.x? $8,360___.__00 8,700.00 R 700.no To 7,611.77 8,360.00 8,7UU,t� ' S14 2401 Interest 204.16 none -0- -0- Estimated Revenue none none 20 SL5 West Queensbury Lighting Pistrict 1975 Actual 1.976 Budget Budget Officer' s Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Add 5182,400 Contractual Expense r 9.146 67 9.020.00 $ 9,300.00 $ 9,3010.0 ..;:Total $ 99146.67 $ 99020.00 $ 99300.00 a ? 300.00 S15 2401 Tnterest 222.67 none Estimated Revenues none none :'Est ime ted'• Un : pended Balanote none, none; SL6 QVEFI SB[JRY LIGHTING DISTRICT 5182.400 $ 289040.13 Contractual Expense 34.000.00 ? .. $ 31.350.00 X-20.I)C' Total 31.350.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 S116 2401 Interest 1,395.30 none Estimated Revenue none none Estimated Unexpended Balance none none 3,000.00 3,000.03 w -- .., 21 SWl QUEENSBURY WATER DII RICT 1975 Acttlal 1976 Budget Budget Officer's Accounts pronx3ations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted .m 8 10 Administrat ion QO Personal Serve $ 219033.60 $ 23,901.00 $ 28,325.00 $ 28, 25.00 10,200 Equipment 200.00 200.00 200.x0 1p °400u"+'4rttractual Total 79,769.02 14 7-30.00 10.410 Telephone 39000.00 3, 000.0: 1.0.42Q:;Insurance 16,000.00 12,{`00.4 ' 444f Gemer&l Contractual ----- 8,510,00 3. 51,0 00 ,.28" 802.62 $ 38 831.00 $56 035.01 $ Sim oval ' rge of power &;'MRIZ Pum in . 20:100 Personal Serv. 49,665.71 $ 54,254,00 29;900.00 2;,,900.00 ., 8320.200 Equipment 939.17 2,700.00 2,125 .00 x,125 .00 -8320.400 .Oontractual Total 65,168.28 $6,925.00 69 `8320.430 Utilities 300.00 69, 300.00 8320.440 `General Contractual 275.00 275.00 8320.45Q Fuel Oil. - 10...,000.00 � 14,Q00.00' Tot al $1150772.96 $143, 879.00 $111,600.00 600.00 8330 Purification 83 � �-8 fi47.O0 100 personal Services 11,571.60 14,320.00 18,647.00 , 83330.20© Equipment 125-.00 2,425.00 2,-'2$.00 8330,406 Contractual Total 13,141.80 27,870.00 ; 8330.440 General Contractual �_ 20 500, 00 -0. 500.f Total $249713.40 $42,315.00 4419572.00 X41,572.00 8340 Transmission Distribution 71 ,n95.00 8340.100 Personal Serve $ 63,817.54 63,747 .00 719095,00 � �000.00 8340.200 Equipment 821.30 13,350.00 7,000.00 - 8340.400 Total Contractual 47.967.52 579000.00 62,000.00 8340.440 -General Contractual 62,000.00 Total $1120606.36 $13 ,0"'_L Q $140,095.00 $1405095.00 SW�1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT - Accounts 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's Employee Benefits Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted 9010.8 Retirement $ 12, 600.00 $ 14,896.00 $ 199350.00 19, 350.00 9030.8 Soc. Sec. 897.08.11- 99140.00 102990.00 10,990.00 ...,WQ40.8 Workmens Comp 19780.00 21500.00 41260.00 4, 260.00 9050.8 Hospitalization 6.194.55 8.640.00 10,280.00 i01280.P0 Total $ 288 682.55 $ 359116.-00 $44.8FO.00. 44,8"80.00 TOTAL OPERATING APPROPRIATIO iS: $310.578.00 -394 0.. $394 182 152., . 00 00 Sibt; Selvice f20.6 Statutory $ 3'7 60.00 39760.00 9,760.00 9, 760.00 s 10.6 Serial Bd. 159000.00 159000.00 2232000.00 223,000.00 9730.6 Bd. Antic. 137,020.70 189.400.00 12 864.00 12.864.00 Total $155,780.70 $ 258,160 00 $245,624.00 5245,624 00 DP-bt Service 9720.7 Statutory 82.2.50 _ 658.00 2 294.00 29294.00 ''. 9710.7 Serial Bd. 12,687.50 129163.00 4810367.00 4819367.00 9730.7 Bond Anti. 205.261 76 -313,821.00 , 2,5089-00 3 508.00 Total $218,771.76 s--�- $331,642.00 $487.169.00 $487.169.00 9870.6 Rev. Ant. Note. $ 509000.00 1059500.00 105,500.00 00 9870.7 Rev. Ant. Note. 50.000.00 89273.00 9975.6 Repayment of Gen. Fund Loan 142,687.00 50,000.00 Total $10 ,000.00 8,273.50000 00 $1631,111.00 $16 397 73.00 Total Indebtedness $ 517,239 .46 $ 689 902.00 $ 896.566.00 $896. 566.00 w u ' r 1 SW1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES 1975-Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted SW2140 Metered Sales li4 061.8, 199,499.00 $ 339 450.00 $ 3399450.00 $ a SW2142 Unmetered Sales 850019.37 190,675.00 20-,000,.00 20,000.00 SW2144 Water Connection 99726.64 6,000.00 79000,00 7 ,000�00 450.00 1,126.00 1,126.00 SW2148 Interest & Penalties 1;,019,11 ' On Water Rents _ 8W2401 Intereat-&-Earnings 777.99 .1,000.00 19000.00 1,000.00 SW2650 Sales of Scrap & 400.00 480.00 400.00 Excess Materials 405.75 SW2416 Rental 450.00 500.00 Stet),t}0 SW2770 Supervision 1 ,368,00 39450.00 3,450.00 SW2770 Relayed Water 69318.53 5,000.00 119266.00 119266.00 SW2378 Water Service for Z2-015.40 10,000.00 10,000.00 228 894.68 $404.842.00 $x,44-1� $394.192.00 other governments. $ -- -__ TOTAL WATER DISTRICT ESTIMA REVENUES: WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DIST. BOND ACCT EXT. 1 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 525.00 525.00 525.00 era on 525.00 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST 236.25 220.00 220.00 er a on s 25 2.00 $761.25 $745.00 $ 745.00 .TOTAL WATER DIST. 777 .00 APPROPRIATIONS 2 r SF1 QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted 34104400 Payments on $1259057 .00 $ 125,592.36 , $ -156;694;Fire Contracts 7 3,/,2,?,o o 1;73 3410.440 Pa 7,500.00 Payments on Ambulance Contracts 10;000.00 149499.00 149499.00 3410.410 Insurance, Etc. 6.145.00 7,101.00 99455.00 11.158.00 $138,702.00 TOTAL $142,6193 36 $1740648.00 $176,351.0 . ESTIMATED REVENUES SF2401 Interest 19602.34 none none node r ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED 1,602.34 1,`800.00 none none BALANCE SW3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER` DISTRICT 8310 Administration Contractual 400.00 1,000.00 $ 19000.00 8320 Source of Supply, owP—er & Pumprng 7.15 69500.00 . ntractual 6,500. 00 6,500.00 8340 Transmission & Distribution 8340.400 Contractual. 39224.35 2,000.00 6,459.00 69459.00 Debt Service -0- 9915.600 Principal Loan 2,608.00 -0- TOTAL DISTRICT $3'231.50 ;11,508. 00 $ 139959.00 $ 139959.00 APPROPRIATIM w 7 25. SW3 WEST- GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT 1975 Actual 1976 Budget Budget Officer's Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted REVENUES ESTIMATED 2140 Metered Sales $ 159.22 400,00 $ 342:00 $ 342.00- 2142 ,13timetered Sales 39863.70 $,270.00 99 929.00 9,929.00` 2148 Penalties 28,45 none none none 350f00 300,00 �3C000 2770 ,,RQla�red,,Water $ 4 ;051.37 TOTAL ' . $ 3,.020.00 $ 1.0,571.00 l_0, 571.00 UNEXPENDED BALANCE i�orie SW4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT 8310 Administration 1 000,00 968.00 1,000:00 tractua 8324 Source of SupPly Power & PLAming 21.71 50,00 50.00 50.00 8320.4UU Contractual 8330 Purification 25.00 25.00 ?5• ntractual - 8340. Transmission & Distribution, 500. 1,300.00 1,300.00 Contractual 44 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT $ 1,543.00 $21375.00 $2,375.00 APPROP I T NS 21.71 26 SW4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT 1975 Actual 197E Budget Budget Officer's Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted ESTIMATED REVENUES 2142 Unmetered Sales $ 690.00 $ 1,495.00 $ 19495.00 19495.00 2148 Penalties 3045 10.00 18.00 10 00 2770 Relayed Water 38.00 70.00 70.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 693.45 $ 1,543.00 $ 1, 57SQ00 $ 1,575.00 UNEXPENDED BALANCE none X1",00 ESTIMATED none �_��!,100 SS1 PERSHING-ASHLEY-COOLIDGE SEWER DIST. 8130 Sewage Treatment & Disposal 8 ntractual $. 1,500400 1 ,500.00 - $ 12500.00 1,500.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1.1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 19500.00 10500.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES 2401 Interest none none none none 2770 Transfer from none none none Special Dist. none TOTAL none none none ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED none none x''4.00 475.00 BALANCE w u 2s SS3 RESERVOIR 'PARK SEWER DISTRICT 1975 Actual 1976 -Budget Budget Officer' s Accounts Appropriations Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted 8130 Sewage Treatment & Disposal h $ �n . ontractual 486.$8�...___._._ 1- nn n nn $ 1,550.00 $ 1.550.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 486.88 $ 1,300. 00 $ 19550.00 19550.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES 201 Interest no none none -Tone: TOTAL none none none ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED 300.00 800..00 800.00 800.00 BALANCE 3 SDI QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE Debt Service Princ a 7M. 6 Serial Bonds 59000.00 5,000.00 Debt Service. nterest` 97ro.- f6 Serial Bonds 350.00 210.00 --�- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 5, 350.00 $ 5,210.00 $ 5,070.00 $59070.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES 2401. Interest 4003 none none none TOTAL none none none ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED nand none 366.00 none BALANCE SCHEDULE OF SALARIES OF' ELECTED TOWN OFFICIALS (Article 8 of the Town Law) 1975 1976 1977 SUPERVISOR 8,000. 00 8,250. 00 COUNCILMAN 5,000. 00 3,250.00 COUNCILMAN 3,000. 00 3,250.00 3,445.00 COUNCILMAN 3 000. 00 3,250. 00 3,445.00 COUNCILMAN 3,000. 00 3,250.00 3 ,445, 00 TOWN CLERK 10 210. 00 10 460. 00 0 . HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT 12 400. 00 12.650. 00 13 400.00 TOWN JUSTICE 4 500. 00 4,750.00 5,050 00 TOWN JUSTICE 4,500.00 4,750.00 DEPUTY SUPERVISOR 250. 00 250.00 265.00 W i � i �.