Michel Brandt- Supervisor
Daniel Olson-Councilman
Robert Barber-Councilman
Harold Robillard-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel
PRESS : Tri County News, Glens Falls Post Star
TOWN OFFICIALS : Thomas Flaherty, Carl Garb, Chief Schlierer, Members of
the Queensbury Police Dept. , Betty Eggleston, Joan Robertson, Floyd Martindale
GUESTS : H. Russell Harris, Sylvia Dougher, Betty Monahan, Herbert Garrant,
Joseph Goldsmith, Mrs-. , H. Russell Harris, Mr. Sweet, Mr. Sawn, Mr. Steer
Meeting Opened: 7: 32 P.M. Salute to the Flag .
Supervisor Brandt- read following notice:
Memorandum of Change
Fire Protection Contract-Queensbury
SF3410.440, Payments on Fire Contracts - The figure shown in the
preliminary and Budget Officers ' Tentative, presently reads $150, 694. 00
This should be corrected to read, $ 173, 122 .00. This change represents
monies owned to the Fire Companies for the year 1976 , which was not
previously budgeted, and is being calculated in the 1977 budget.
Hearing Opened:
H. Russell Harris- suggested to the Board that in order to hold the line
on taxes the elected officials should not receive a raise as the employees
would; receive increases.
Councilman Robillard- Mr. Harris when you talk about the elected officials
you are talking about the Highway Supt. which is his only means of income
and the Town Clerk,which is his only means of income ,it is a full time job.
H. Russell Harris- I am talking about the elected officials.
Betty Monahan- requested a job description for budget administrator.
Supervisor Brandt-It is aimed At an intermediate step toward comptroller. . .
the comptroller would become the budget officer of the town, at pres@,�,t
the Supervisor is the budget officer of the town.
Betty Monahan- Would the job be under Civil Service?
Supervisor Brandt- I would have to check by law whether that is or not,
I believe that is an appointed position that ' is for a two year term, but
I would have to check the law.
Councilman Olson- I think Mike ,part of the question that she is asking is
that your budget administrator is going to be your present bookkeeper right?
Supervisor Brandt- That is correct, but with a lot more responsibility for
auditing and for total bookkeeping, and toward financial management of the
Councilman Olson- I think you told us at the last meeting that you broke
the salary down to $10, 700. 00 is that right?
Supervisor Brandt- It is $10, 700.00
Svlvia Dougher- I personally feel this is a poor time to create a new
position of budget administrator when we are trying to bring our taxes
down as much as we can. I think the Supervisor can do this position
himself along with the employees working with him. It seems to me that
it is something in the future, if we need a comptroller we could look
toward it in the future, but not : now.
Herbert Garrant-Queensbury- I agree with that lady. Questioned why
employees benefits show up in many different areas?
Supervisor Brandt- We tried to reflex the costs of each department .
Herbert Garrant- Who pages for retirement?
Supervisor Brandt- The Town does . _
Harwood Beaty- Glenwood Avenue- tzlae3aa� ah�-a�ad9QQ =d� "ac
g t. Administrator "16,, 12 90 ads- that z_the. jab` tb:h 5V1#ia _DOugher
used to handle, the combination of both?
Supervisor Brandt- She was not Supervisor.
Harwood Beaty- I did not say that, I said Secretary.
Supervisor Brandt- I believe that is correct. The question is ,do we need
a budget administrator and is the Supervisor the man to do the job?
The question directly reflects on me and it says are you trying to get out
of your work: After looking at this town for a brief period of time, some
ten months,I have come to the conclusion that you can not run a three million
dollar business with people that are not normally financially atune to
finances. I think that when you elect a Supervisor whetheriit be Mike Brandt
or any other Supervisor the provability of getting a whiz-bang in finances
is pretty poor. Reviewed the bond selling and noted that he felt that
we should have stronger accounting for the Town.
Councilman Olson- I am not in favor of a comptroller because this would
take some of the power away from the Town Board and make one individual
too powerful in the Town.
Isabelle Harris- noted that she felt that she was not in favor of
a comptroller and that this job was part of the Supervisors.
Councilman Robillard- Spoke on the growth of the Town but also noted that
the Town Board has not decided on a comptroller. . . still looking into it.
Herbert Summers- Arbutus Drive-Noted his approval of increasing the Police
Shirley Shenk- Budget Officer- noted that the Town has had a bookkeeper
for a year or two, it may be a new title but we have been expending the
funds for the position that is presently being taken care of.
Supervisor Brandt- Although there is a sizable increase in salary here,
and an increase in duties, Y think the question is what quality of
bookkeeping do you want done by your town.
Joan Robertson- What qualifications are required for this position?
Supervisor Brandt-This person has been trained here under manpower
and has gone to schools put on by the state ,his qualifications are
not heavily as a bookkeeper before he come here, it is my observation
that he is doing a fine job.
Councilman Barber- Spoke on the void that was Deft when Mrs. Dougher
r*6tred and noted that Mr. Brandt has seen that the job that was ----�
presently held by one,is now held by two,doubling the cost. . .The Town
Board has not decided on a comptroller.
Councilman Robertson- outlined the purpose of a public hearing noting
that the Board wished input from the public on what they felt was
important. . .
Mr. Summer- Could a person in that capILcity saves the Town money?
Supervisor Brandt- Yes.
y � r
Betty Monahan- questioned the figures in the Assessors point 1.
Supervisor Brandt- noted that there could be an error there.
H. Russell Harris-questioned why there was more than the six percent
put into the Town Clerk' s Salary-$400. 00 more.
Councilman Robillard- He is also director of purchasing and that covers
that salary, 1 -7,-. previously he was not paid .for this .
Supervisor Brandt- There is an increase in purchasing duties, we are
attempting to refine purchasing procedures that includes quite a bit
more work and there was an attempt by the Board to reflect that in the
H. Russell Harris-question the 150. 00 dollars in the Purchasing
Budget. . .
Supervisor Brandt-The 150. 00 is for purchasing forms etc.
Councilman Olson-Spoke on the possible increase of election districtyhoting
that this would mean two more voting machines at 4400 and eight more
election inspectors. . . we should be looking for this,fror the following year.
We may be mandated by the Board of elections to split those districts
next year. . .
Councilman Robillard- I would favor holding the budget this year. . .
Daniel Sweet- questions the amount for the .telephnne bills . . .
Supervisor Brandt-This is an estimate from last years bills. . .
Harwood Beaty- Was the insurance put out to bid?
Supervisor Brandt- We placed it out for proposals but no one took an inter-
est. We wrote to the insurance agents in the .region but no one responded.
Les. Hillis- West Mountain Road-questions the 12,000 for equipment.
Harold Robillard- That is for two cars.
Lesi, Hillis- I do not understand the 50,000. . .
Harold Robillard-The 50, 000 was proposed by the budget officer to be
given to Warren Co. for police protection. . . last week the town board
met- and the budget was increased to cover the police department.
Councilman Barber- If we abolished the Police Dept. there was 50, 000
dollars allocated by Mr. Brandt to be paid to the county for their
services to cover the Town of Queensbury.
Robert Rowe- What is your reason for eliminating the Police Dept?
Supervisor Brandt-I am trying to eliminate duplication of service, we
have three police agencies that cover the area, I was trying to
consolidate into a County Police Force.
Robert Rowe- commented on Chief Schlierer, noted that he was a kind and
considerate man. . .
Coucilman Robillard- explained whati\to be purchased under the equipment
portion of the budget to Mr. Less 'Hillis. . .
Mr. Goldsmith- stated that it showed in the bu�et,that the Budget Officer
placed 50, 000 in lieu of 191 ,240.00 for the Police Dept.
Councilman Barber- This is a falacy, the 50,000 can not be given to
Warren County because the town cannot contract with the County Sheriff' s
Mr. Goldsmith- Is not the County obligated for Police protection for the
Councilman Robillard- The County is responsible for police protection in
the Town of Queensbury,what magnitude is determined by the budget.
Mr. Sommer- questioning the number of square miles vs . the number of men
for Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls-noted that the City has better
police protection than the Town of Oueensbury.
Councilman Robillard- The question seems to be duplication- if my wife
calls the Police when I am not at home,I would like to see more than
one car respond to my house. Responded th. .t even if five more men were
put on the county they would still have to respond county wide. They can
not guarantee the service for the Town of Queensbury.
Mr. Whitmore-asked if the men in the county were appointed or were they
Civil Service?
Mr. Robillard-stated that they were appointed. This was done by the
sheriffs committee and the Board of Supervisors. The policemen in the
Town of Queensbury are Civil Service. There are no political overtones
in the Queensb-ury Police Department.
Mr. Barber-commented on that he felt that it was beneficial to the
residents of the town in some instances to have more than one agency
respond to an accident.
Mr. Harris-asked about the difference in $50,000 to . $15,000 contractual
Mr. Robillard-explained that this figure was for tires, gas , supplies etc.
Jay Morey, Detective and President of the Queensbury Police Assoc. requested
that funds be retained as per Mr. Robillard's proposal. He commented
stating facts and percentages of the Queensbury Police Department past
record from .1970 through 1975. Mr. Brandt stated last week to eliminate
the Police Department and I think we can live a reasonable safe life. If
A 69% increase in serious- ct-ines= is- reasonably safe, then I feel sorry
for the people who live in the Town of Queensbury. .,
Mr. Brandt -said he felt that there was room for improvement in a
consolidated service. It is great to have three cars to pull up to every
accident if they are needed. You need one man making that decision, one set
of dispatchers, that is going to happen in time anyhow. You will have
centralized dispatching and you might as well one commander in chief
of police services . Then the amount of police services you want to give
is a matter of a ° ecis!.Dn of how much you want to give. What I am trying
to get to is to avoid duplication where we can avoid duplication. I think
it should be a high priority for Warren County to establish a police force
in the near future to try and consolidate all these little town police
forces and large town police .forces under one command and direction and
to make it as professional as possible. I still feel that way, I think it
is a priority that should be very high, we pay a great deal for police
work on the county level, and .on the town level and I think just to get
the maximum value on the dollar spent for protection, we need to consolidate
as long as well done.
Tim Rogers-asked why we do not do away with the county and just have the
State Police?
Mr. Brandt-said that he did not think that was a bad idea either. _
Mr. Sommer-It is my understanding that you feel that you would do away
with the Queensbury Police, which is a professional and go to an
appointed department.
Mr. Brandt- I just said we need to consolidate under a civil service
police force on a county level.
Councilman Robillard- As Chairman of the Police Committee I agree with
the philosophy that the larger .the better under one control,;if we could
get a professional police dept. and when I say professional I mean
Civil Service, along with a Civil Service leader one that is not a political
&ntley. I feel the Sheriff should run the jail and serve civil papers, period.
The crime investigation should be left up to professional policemen because
they know how to cope with those situations. If somebody is wrong they will
be arrested) it will not be who are you the son - of.
Supervisor Brandt-I take issue. By Jesus, the first meeting I ever
presided over the Town Board,a gentleman got up and crit3$_,ed the Town,
for many, many things, and after the meeting I heard one of the Town
Board members say By, Jesus, .I am going to talk to the Chief and we will
put a ticket on his , and the next morning I went into see the Chief. I
heard that one of the Town Board members is going to call you about this
gentleman that spoke up the other night at the meeting, and he said yes ,
he did, and that is all taken care of. I am saying there are politics
in our local police, they can be used as an enforcement and I do not
think that that our police are above examination and I think that is our
duty to examine how this is done and I think that it is a proper cnnsidera-
ttion to look at this.
Gilbert Schlierer-Chief of Police of the Town of Queensbury, I want to state
now, and I want it on the record, that I do not recall any such incident
that our Supervisor is now speaking about.
Supervisor Brandt- Your memory is short Sir.
Councilman Robillard- I have no knowledge of it either as Chairman of the
Police Committee.
Supervisor Brandt- Your's is short too.
Mr. Summer- You said the statement was madejthat it was taken care of- Are
you assuming of how it was taken care of?
Supervisor Brandt- I., in fact told the Chief that I did not want to know
how it was taken care of anJ I told the Chief that that would be a violation
of someone's civil rights and that if ever found the Police to harass
anyone for this type of duty,that they would be in court and I would be on
the opposite ide fighting for the rights for a person to stand up in this
town forum or any town forum and say what ever they think,whether I like it
or don't like it or anyone else likes it or doesn't like it.
Mr. Swmer- Therefore the Chief's statement,to you,that it was taken care of,
could also mean that he reprimanded the person that talked to him.
Supervisor Brandt- It could have meant anything.
Mr. Whitmore- You do not have conclusive evidence gs to the final outcome,
of that. . .you are trying to put a devious means to this for another end.
Supervisor Brandt- I call them as I see them.
Mr. Sweet- I believe to have a municipal Police force it has to come to a
Supervisor Brandt- You may be correct. I still think it is something that
we should strive for and I will work for it.
Councilman Robillard- I have a petition bearing about 400 names
We the undersigned individuals being residents, taxpayers, and or business
men in the Town of Queensbury, feel that the Queensbury Police Department
should not be abolished nor should there be any reduction in the size of
the department. If anything, the department should be increased to combat
the increase in crime. I just might add that these petitions were paid for
by the Q.P.A. the printing of them, , they were not circulated by the members ,
it is out there it is just like cord °pup to a uniform and say,will you sign
this, it is just like saying would you buy a ticket to the Policeman ball,
it is hard to say no. These were circulated by individuals , citizens of the
Town of Queensbury.
Betty Monahan-It is a small item but I feel the budget can be brought down,
by the nickel and dime, across the board raises for people without considering
the amount of hours put in, �he productivity of the position whether it is
a full time job or just an icing on another income I question the fact that
this is going up every single year.
Councilman Barber- Noted that the Fire Marshall ' s job was for a 4500 .dollar
position for a 20 hour week the job is presently vacant.
Mr. Goldsmith- questioned the necessity of the job?
Councilman Barber- This job is mandated by the Town Fire Code.
Betty Monahan-I just question the constant i.,raisesFor jobs like that.
Councilman Barber- Your point is well taken.
Mr. Sweet-I would like to see this .increaseo.
Councilman Robillard- I am not positive ,but I believe that by law this
is all we can give.
in the Publicity Figures.
Jane Caffrey-Asked for a break down
Councilman Olson-It consisted of supporting the Lake George Opera
Festival the Chamber of Commerce and also the Balloon Festival.
Mr. Goldsmith- requested that the Board pay for necessities and not
the luxury items such as Opera.
Councilman Barber- noted that in the past years the Town has not
supported the Opera as it did in the past, each year it has decreased. . .
Commented on the fact that the Opera brings a substantial amount of
revenue into the Town of Queensbury each year.
Councilman Olson- The 3000 for the Ope -a used for a large ad , in
the Lake George Opera Pamphlet which is distributed throughout the
State and adjoining States , this brings in many people to the area
who use are recreation, facilities etc. We receive back much more
than our 3, 000 dollar investment.
Mr. Summer- Commented that the Opera was an outlet for local talent
and gives the youth of the area another outlet.
Unknown- noted the money that the people who work in the Opera itself
bring into the community through rent etc. and also noted that many
countries in Europe support Opera:
Mr. Sweet- questioned the Supervisor if any of the monies that the
City is paying back in reference to the Sales Tax will be paid to the
Supervisor Brandt- That does not come to the Town cif_ Oueensbury it goes
to Warren County, only the monies that the County doesn't use ,goes to the
Town. We would like to get a cash grant ,we passed a local law asking for
that and we are examining just whaq ffects that has, it is a very complex
Stan Fredeiick-Resident of Cleverdale- Also representative of and President
of the Board of Trustee' s of Crandall Library- asked the Board for an
increase in the Library funding in the amount of 2,000 dollars-commented
on the past accomplishments of the library and where the Town stood in
regard to patrons of the library. . .noted that with the increase along with
three other communities they could get 50% increase in State aid there
is a great concern that the Library will have to be closed on Saturdays
to cut down on expenses and also some cuts in staff.
Betty Monahan- question ed:.-i' couldn' t the 2000 t'iet was in the Youth
Program be of better use in the Library. . .
Joan Robertson- commended the library for their service to the Youth
of our community. . .
Councilman Barber- Commended the public for their input for reallocation
of funds in the budget. . .
Mr. Peter Daley- questioned the Board whether the Dog Warden could be
cut from the Budget?
Mrs. Dougher- commented that the Dog Warden does a good job and shouldn't
give him up.
Mr. Dutcher- questioned the Board on an article in the local paper stating
that the taxes in the Town of Queensbury had not risen in seven years .
Supervisor Brandt- That was in the water district that the raise was
established. . .
Joan Robertson- Does ttis mean you will not have a Town Historian or
that that individual has agreeded to do this job without compensation.
Supervisor Brandt- No Historian,
Joan Robertson- If this is so'has there been any provisions to collect
the historical documents from this individual?
Councilman Barber- I will personally give you the commint_ that the
records will be retrieved.
Supervisor Brandt- I felt that this was a . newspaper clipping service
in my understanding and our newspapers are on record in other places,
I felt that is was not very importantL
Harwood Beaty- Why was there a big jump in Zoning.
Supervisor Brandt- I changed the title, combine the two totals from last
year it is now under zoning rather than planning. Noted that the day .
will corLe when we will have to look toward professional planning.
H. Russell Harris- question the lumping of the two codes .
Supervisor Brandt- You may be rights it may have to be in two functions
and carry it in a seperate items .
Unknnwn- What does this entail?
Councilman Robertson- That is the salary for the people who operate the
landfill, and equipment .
H. Russell Harris-commented on the Granges proposal fur the landfill with
no tax raise for a good landfill operation. Objected to the item in the
Councilman Barber- noted than.the Granges comments have been given to .
the County Solid Waste Agency. . .
H. Russell Harris- I understand that if there is a joint landfill it
will be on a 40-60 basis is that correct?
Supervisor Brandt- That has not been defined.
H. Russell Harris- From studies the City of Glens Falls has 2k times the
amount of disposal materials than the Town and 2Z times is not a 40-60
basis .
Supervisor Brandt- Data is being collected on this .
Dick Sawn- Sunnyside Road- question the Board if there would be a charge
for individuals going into the landfill and also being taxed?
Supervisor Brandt-There has been no decision made on this yet.
Councilman Robertson- Noted that when the new policy is set up and charges
etc. support the landfill the monies left from the 40,000 base would be
left for the General . . . the 40,000 is in the budget to support the landfill
if the new policies are not implemented.
Supervisor Brandt- The landfill will cost more to run because of state
mandates to run a properly run landfill. . .
Harwood Beaty- questioned if this would be a general town charge or
a Special District.
Supervisor Brandt- We received a legal opinion on that and it basically
says that it can be done as a general town charge if you do not go
special districts. We have one special district in the town which has
basically retired its debt next year so it could be d4snlved so we could
go at it from a general town charge or we could continue in the realm of
creating special benefit districts.
Harwood Beaty- I would think you would go special benefit district since
people that are not benefiting from such district should not pay for it.
Les H,%uus- questioned why he should pay for a special district when he did
not benefit from it.
Councilman Barber- Commented that the Town has never provided for adequate
drainage in the Town. . .
Mr. Beaty-Is this amount in the drainage budget for a feasibility study?
Mr. Brandt-No, this is just to have money to start with.
Mr. Beaty-If it is for a study, I can see that it should be a town charge
If it*for some specific drainage area, I believe it should be a special
Mr. Brandt-I believe the crux of the report from the town counsel is that
an appropriation for drainage can be a town charge.
Mr. Harris-questioned the use of a general town charge in regard to
drainage,commenting that he felt many residents who are not in need of
drainage would object to paying for such.
Mrs. `Colin Grey-Wished to put a plug in for the Land Use Plan. This might
help to prevent some of these things that are happe*Ing.
Mrs. Dougher-If they are going to do it as a feasibility study as Mr. Beaty
spoke of, perhaps it should not be under drainage but under Research so it
would not set any precedent that we are doing a drainage.
Mrs . Dougher also questioned whether revenue sharing funds could be used
for this project.
Mr. Garrant-questioned why this was not put under the Zoning budget.
Mrs. Monohan-questioned the rate on Social Security.
Mr. Goldsmith-asked what was meant by miscellaneous brush and weeds,
Mr. Garb-The biggest portion is for eliminating dead trees.
Mr. Brandt-there was a question in regard to the Meadowbrook road bridge.
If the bridge is shorter than 25 feet it is the Town' s responsibilitv, .if
it is over 25 feet it is the County' s responsibility.
Mr. Goldsmith-questioned the word APPROPROATIONS under the Estimated
Mr. Barber-It is a revenue estimate instead of an appropriation
Mr. Brandt-the format is wrong and should be corrected. It is estimated
revenues .
Councilman Olson- questionoJSupervisor Brandt in regard to the repayment
of 50,000 from the water to the general as per a loan that was made from
the General to Water .was this placed into the unexpended revenues?
Supervisor Brandt-We are borrowing surplus and we are repaying surplus .
Councilman Olson- You will be starting your budget out with a 100,000
dollar surplus.
Supervisor Brandt- We are transferring 100,000 dollars from surplus into
the revenues or in other words to be expended on the cost of running the --
Town, we are leaving 150, 000 dollars roughly untouched. We are reducing
taxes with 100,000 dollars of it, approximately 150,000 the best guess of
what would be beyond that would be left untouched. Or the 150,000, 50,000
would be borrowed and repaid.
Councilman Olson- This fifty that you are going to pay back you are
figuring in the 150,000.
Supervisor Brandt- That is right.
Supervisor Brandt-' In the past we have overestimated our revenues in the
water dept. which meant that at the end of the operating year we had
i A I
a deficit, that is against the law. The State has notified us that
next year they will not allow us to borrow any money if such a condition
were to happen. I think to protect ourselves we may have to raise rates
slightly may be as much as loo to make sure we do not get into a situation
of having a deficit. If we raise rates and sales come through as projected
then the monies that are left belong to the water disttiet and would be
a surplus.
Councilman Olson-Supervisor Brandt could we assure the Fire Companies
that after the first of January they could have their check for the
balance owed them from this year?
— Supervisor Brandt- That is what had been agreed to.
Betty Monahan- stated that she felt that at a time like this elected
officials should not receive a raise excluding the Highway Supt.
and Town Clerk because they are full' time jobs and require a great
many hours a week.
Councilman Olson- requested that the Supervisor question the bookkeeper
in regard to the first page of the budget, that the last three columns
do not match the first.
Commented on the fact that all the comments made by the public will be
looked at and considered , in the formulation of the budget.
Mr. Goldsmith- questioned what the rate increase will be for the Tom?
Supervisor Brandt- about 1. 36 per thousand increase.
percentage about 407.
Councilman Barber- reiterated the fact that the sales tax monies have
been greatly reduced. . .
Betty Monahan- What is the increase in assessed evaluation in the Town
compared to last year that would bring the base the same?
Supervisor Brandt- I think about 4 million dollars or there about .
Declared the Public Hearing Closed.
RESOLUTION NO. , 239, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard:
WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, .Highway Supt. of the Town of Queensbury did
recommend that we adv-drtise for bids for Four "V" Box Spreaders , and
,4HEREAS, Six bids were receives' and turner' _over to Mr. Garb .for his
recommendation, Nuw, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Mr. Garb has requested the Town Board of the Town, of
Queensbury to accept the low bid of Carswell ' s in the amount of
$2, 947. 00 per unit cost $11,733.00, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the funds are, available in the 1976 budget.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brarldt
Noes : None
Absent : None
R OLUTION _N0. _, 240, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, the Town of Oueensbury was privileged to host the third annual
Balloon Festival this past September, and
WHEREAS, the Balloon Festival Committee will hold a special event at the
Queensbury Hotel on November 7, and
WHEREAS , the purpose of_ this event is to judge .the photo contest entries ,
sponsored by the Festival Committee, THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, to proclaim November 7 , 1976 as Balloon Festival Day, in the
Town of Queensbury, and be it further
RESOLVED, to encourage participation of the public in saluting all the
balloonists and workers that made this event possible.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson,Vr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None --�
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
Michel Brandt- Supervisor
Daniel Olson-Councilman
Robert Barber-Councilman
Harold Robillard-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel
PRESS: Tri County News , Glens Falls Post Star
GUESTS : Mr. Sweet, Mr. Turnbull
OFFICIALS: Lloyd Demboski, Thomas Murphy, Floyd Martindale, Betty -
Meeting Opened: 7: 37 P.M.
Supervisor Brandt- requested in-gut from the public. . .
No one spoke
Councilman Robertson- basically this is long term financing of a major
piece of equipment for the water dept. something that can not and should not
be assd as a one year operating cost, therefore we must go through the
formalities of borrowing;, the monies for a long period of time.
Councilman Olson- Are you proposing a five year note?
Councilman Robertson- I believe that is what is proposed.
Councilman Olson- noted that the backhoe was put out to competitive
bid. . .best bid for what was requested. Requested the Supervisor
to seek' out the best interest available.
Supervisor Brandt- Hearing Closed. 7:39 P.M. --�
Councilman Robertson- This is an extension of cost incurred by the Town
due to the reconstruction of Bay Road when we initially entered into
the project, the information that we had available to us indicated an