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[ r" r7 r l l REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 23, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph Brennan-Town Council MEMBERS ABSENT: Harold Robillard-Councilman -- GUESTS: League of Women Voters, Residents of the Town PRESS: WWSC, Post Star, Tri Co. News TOWN OFFICIALS:, . Betty Eggleaten=; ,Mr. Bodenweiser, Mr. Robert Eddy, Members of the Conservation Advisory Council. Meeting Opened: 7: 34 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Robertson. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO RESCIND RESOLUTION 242 OF MEETING OF NOVEMBER 9, 1976 RESOLUTION NO. 247. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by .Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that resolution No. 242 of. the meeting of November 9, 1976 be and hereby is rescinded,-due to the fact that this material was not received in time from the Bonding Attornies to properly record in the office of the County Clerk. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr, Robertson, Mr. Brandt — Noes: None Absent: Mr. Robillard RESOLUTION, MAKING CERTAIN- DETERMINATIONS.,IN RELATION TO A PROPOSED INCREASE IN` THE MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF THE INCREASE AND IMPORVEMENT OF- THE FACILITIES OF THE BAY ROAD WATER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, WHICH. WAS AUTHORIZED IN 1975. RESOLUTION NO. 248 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, has had under consideration an increase in the maximum estimated cost of the increase and impoovements of the facilities of the Bay Road Water District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, heretofore authorized in 1975 ursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law at a maximum. estiiaated cost of $70, 000, consisting of the reconstruction of a water line; and WHEREAS, said Town Board has. duly caused a map, plan, and estimate of cost for such reconstruction to be prepared .by a competent engineer duly licensed by the State of- New York and the same .are still in effect; and WHEREAS, Bubb increase of cost is $34,800 (from $70,000 to $104,800) ; and WHEREAS, said Town Board duly adopted a, resolution on October 12, 1976, calling a public hearing to consider said proposed increase to be held at the Town Office Building in Glens Falls, New York,,, in skid Town, on the 9th day of November,' 1976, at 7; 30 o'clock P.M. , Eastern Standard Time, to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held at the time and place. aforesaid at which all persons interested were duly heard and WHEREAS, said Town Board has duly considered all of the evidence presented at such public hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 158 RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: Section 1. Based upon the evidence presented at the aforesaid public ear ng— it is hereby found and determined to be in the public interest to increase the maximum estimated cost of the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Bay Road Water District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren -County, New York, as more fully described in the preambles hereof, and such increase is hereby authorized. Section 2. The Town Engineer is hereby directed to prepare further definite of ns and specifications, if- necessary, and to make a careful estimate of such increase and, with the assistance of the Town Attorney, prepare proposed contracts for such -increase, if necessary, and to submit the same to this Town Board for examination and approval. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, 'which resulted as follows: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Robillard RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $34,800 SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN--COUNTY, , NEW YORK TO PAY AN INCREASE IN THE MAXIMUM ESTIMATED- COST OF AN INCREASE AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE FACILITIES 'OF THE BAY ROAD WATER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY NEW YORK. RESOLUTION NO 249 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who 'moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, pursuant to proceedings heretofore had and taken under Section 202-b of the Town Law, ' this Town Board has determined it to be in the public interest to authorize, and has authorized„an increase in the maximum estimated cost of the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Bay Road Water District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, which was authorized in 1975; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to provide for the financing of such increased cost; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows : Section 1. To increase.,. and. i rovementtof the rfacilities of the BaysRo d Waters Dist the District, in the. Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New Rork, consisting of the secon struction of a water line - there are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law_ �34,800 serial bonds of said Town. Sec i®n_. 2. The maximum_estimated cost of such water line reconstruction is now-$IU4,800 and the plan for the financing thereof consists of the issuance of the $34, 800 serial ,bonds of said Town. herein authorized to be issued. therefor pursuant to . the Local. Finance Law, and of the issuance � of the $70,060. serial bonds of said Town authorized by a bond resolution dated June 10, 1975 duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town to _ pay the original maximum estimated cost of the a.foresaid ,pbject or purpose, " which $70,000 serial bonds comprised a portion of the $6,088,000 Public Improvement (Serial)Bonds, 1976, of said Town, dated March 1, 1976, issued on March 30, 1976. Se�ction 3. It is` be7reby determined that{ the period of probable use- fulnesj�� "tie afore4A d' specific object or purpose is forty years, pursuant to subdivision 1 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, computed from July 31, 1975, the date of the first bond anticipation note issued in anticipation oet.ohei ,470,000 serial bond herein referred to. It is hereby further determined that the maximum maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized will exceed five years. Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town of Queensbury, New York, are hereby'irrevocably pledged 'to the ,payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. There shall annually be assessed upon all the taxable real property in said Bay Road Water District, in the manner provided by law, an amount sufficient to pay said principal and interest as the same become due and payable, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property within said Town shall be subject -to the. levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate or amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds. 1 Section 5.- Subject to the provisions of- the Local Finance 'Law, �— the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of ,such notes, his hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be-sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the provisions of the Local Fimm ee Law. Section 6. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose f+6erwhich said Town is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publ-icatioti of this resolution are not subatantial-ly complied,with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty- days- after the date of auch publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of tah provisions of the Constitution. Section 7. This resolutiont,- which tskes effect immediately, shall be published full in The Post-Star and Times and the Tri County News, the official newspapers of said Town,, together with arnotice.of the Town Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81 :00 of the Local Finance Law. ' The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows : Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr, Robertson, Mr-,- Brandt. Noes: None Absent Mr. �Robillard RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NQ. . 250 fntroduced by- Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, the Shore Colony Water District Administration- -Contractual Account (SW4 8310.4) is over expended by $10:00, and WHEREAS, the source of supply power and pumping Contractual Account (SW4 8320.4) is overexpended by $9.80, therefore be it RESOLVED, to transfer $10.00 from the Transmission and Distribution Account (SW8340.4) to .the Administration Contr-actual Account. .{SW4 8310..4) ccount (SW4 8340.4) to the source of Supply and Pumping Contractual Account (SW4 8320.4) transfers 950.0 ftryT Transmission and Distribution Contractual) u y a opte y t e o owing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber,• Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Robillard 160 RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND ELECTIONS ACCOUNT RESOLUTION No 251 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconneT�by Mr. 'Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Election Machine Custodian has requested a purchase order for supplies totaling $119.00 and, WHEREAS, 'the Election contractual account, A1450.4 shows a balance of $31.23, ftvw efheielerifbe it RESOLVED, to transfer $100.00 from the Elections Equipment Account (A1450'.2) to the Contractual Account O provide funds for. such supplies. Duly adopted 'by tiie following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr'. Barber, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Robertson RESOLUTION OF SORROW RESOLUTION NO, 252_; ' Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS,-`Mrs. Paul Perkett a part time employee of the Town of Queensbury has suffered a great loss by the passing of hek` husband Paul, Perkett, Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the. Town Board of the Town of Queensbury wishes to express their deepest sympathy to Mrs. Paul Perkett at the death of Her husband and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury send a certified copy of this resolution to Mrs. Paul Perkett. Duly adopted by the following vote:• Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Robertson (Resolutinn No. 253'-found on page 161.) RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE QUEENSBURY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 254, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Transmission and Distribution Contractual Account (SW1 8340.4) currently"Us art appropriated balance insufficient to= meet. expenses for the remainder of the Fiscal year 1976, and WHEREAS, "'the` Purification Contractual Account (SW1 8330:4) projects a surplus balance, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED,' to transfer $3,000.00' from SW1 8330.4 to SW1 8340.4 Duly adopted by the following vote: --� Ayes: Mr. Olsari, Mr. •Barber, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Robillard Supervisor Brandt-waived the reading of the reports. Police Dept. Activity report-October 1976 'on file. Highway Report -October 1976 on file. Supervisor's monthly statement-October 1976 on file. a 1E, 161 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $50,000 REVENUE ANTICIPATION RENEWAL NOTES OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, IN ANTICIPATION OF THE RECEIPT OF REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED ON ACCOUNT OF THE QUEENSBURY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF SAID-TOWN COMMENCING JANUARY 'L, 1976 RESOLUTION ON: 253 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, is follows: Section 1 . The power to authorize the issuance of and to sell not exceeding X50 0 revenue anticipation renewal notes of the Town of Queens- , bury, Warren County, New York, including renewals thereof, in anticipation of the receipt of revenues to be received on account7.6f the Queensbury Consolidated Water District for the fiscal year of said Town commencing January 1, 1976, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer. Such note shall be of the denomination of $50,000, shall be numbered 1-R, shall be dated December 10, 1976, shall bear interest at the rate of per centum (____2o) per annum, payable at naturity, shall nature on , 1977, and both principal of and interest on said note shall e pays e n awful money of the United States of America At in New York. Such note is a renewal note. a ate of maturity o such note does not extend beyond the close of the applicable period .provided in Section 25: 00 of the Local Finance Law for the maturity of such note. Section 2. It -is hereby determined that the principal amount of the revenue anticipation renewal note hereby authorized is not in excess of the limitation prescribed by subdivision.-1 of paragraph d of Section 25: 00 of the Local Finance Law. The only other revenue anticipation note presently outstanding fair the aforesaid specific object or purpose is a $100,000 Revenue Anticipation' Note, 1975, dated December 10, 1975, numbered 1, and maturing on December 10, 1976 , which is hereby being renewed impart. Section 3. Said $50,000 revenue anticipation renewal note shall be executed in the name of said Town of Queensbury, New York, by its Supervisor, sealed with its corporate seal, attested by its Town Clerk and shall be in the, followigg form: to-wit: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW.YORK County of Warren Town of Queensbury REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE, 1976 (RENEWAQ No. 1-R $50,000 The Tompf 'Queensbury, in the''County of Warren, .a municipality of the State of New- York'=(herein' called the "Obligor"); hereby acknowledges itself indebted and' for- value received promises: to .pay to the bearer of this note, or if it be registered, to the registered holder, the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($50;000) on the day .of 1977- together with interest thereon from the`c e oTeireof at the rate or er c6ht 1(. .0*at 'f it.Bann% paya°_ afti4eppyAblinat Maturity. ' Bo principal of and interest on tT—note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America at in Naw� York. This note may be redeemed prior to maturity- and registered only in accordance with the applicable provisions stated on the reverse side hereof, which- are hereby. made a part of this note. This note is one of a total authorized issue of $50,000 issued pursuant to proceedings duly adopted by the Finance Board of the Obligor, including particularly a resolution entitled: "REVENUE ANTICIPATION RENEWAL NOTE RESOLUTION DATED NOVEMBER 23.,_ 1976. A RESOLUTION AUTAORIZING. THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $50,000 REVENUE ANTICIPATION RENEWAL NOTES OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, IN ANTICIPATION OF THE RECEIPT OF REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED ON ACCOUNT OF THE QUEENSBURY.CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF SAID TOWN COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1976." The faith and credit of the Obligor are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this note 162 according to its terms. It is certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this note, exist have happened and have been performed and that this note, together with all other indebtedness of .the Obligor is within every debt and other limit prescribed.by the Constitution and laws of such State. IN WITNESS WHERE OF', the Obligor, in accordance with the proceedings authorizing this note, has caused this note to be signed and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested as appears below, and this note to be dated as of the 10th day -of December, 1976. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK BY upe sor ATTEST: Town Clerk Section 4. Said renewal note is hereby sold at private sale to in New Yor at a price o not le than par an accrue interest any. To the best of my knowledge and belief, no officer or employee of said Town has an interest in the sale of said note prohibited by Article 18 of the General Municipal Law, as amended. Section 5. The faith and credit of said Town of Queensb-ury, Warren o�y,New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such note as the same respectively become due and payable. Section 6. - This resolution shall take effect immediately. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resglted as follows : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr Robertson., Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Robillard Councilman Olson-Spoke on the recent tragedy of a child that was killed crossin#the road at Queensbury School, suggested the following to prevent this in the ' future. . .l. - have the Chief of Police check with the school for the need of a Patrolman or School Crossing Guard at the School when the children are released. . .noted that the Town had causion lights and limited speed signs in the area and the State took them down saying that they were not necessary. . . there has been substantial growth since that time and I feel that a lower speed limit and lights are necessary at this location. .2. request the Town Attorney to write to D.O.T. to pursue the placing of a lower speed limit in this area. RESOLUTION REQUESTING SPEED LIMIT CHANGE RESOLUTION NO. 255 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt. Resolution forthcoming from Town Counsel, to be found on page. 272. —' OPEN FORUM Supervisor Brandtt explained that different_ taxea`paid by the residents of Queensbury, reviewing the rates for the Town Taxes. Richard Ward-Mannis Road-Asked the Board if. they could not.cut out the fat in the budget. . .no new mandates or programs to warrant a 38%increase in Town Taxes. Joseph Daire-So. Queensbury-questioned if the town was receiving any sales tax monies from the county? Supervisor Brandt-We are receiving less this year than last from the County. The County is consuming more of the sales tax monies and not rebating it to the Town's. The bulk of the county expenditure is welfare, ,approxmately six million dollars. Mr. -Ward- question Supervisor Brandt are-their businesses in the town that do not pay taxes? Supervisor Brandt- I am not aware of any. If you are asking is new construction tax exempt, no it is not. There is a State law that was passed that says that unless the Town adopts a different law that new construction in this year will not be taxed, I think it should be taxed. I bhink we should pa" a local law recinding the State Law. This has been done on the County level. Councilman Robertson- temi4d the public of taxable status day, May lst. Mr. Ward- asked for the Board's resignation if the 38% increase in the tax rate was not lowered. Councilman Robertson- reviewed his own personal tax bills showing that the Town Tax had been reduced for several years running. Alice Hubert, Ridge Road-questioned what property Mr. Robertson was speaking of? Councilman Robertson- In Cleverdale. Alice Hubert-stated that her property in Cleverdale has gone up every year. Councilman Robertson- asked the public to look at only the Town Taxes .not the School. Claude Morehouse-Blvd. - questioned, that his taxes have gone up, why? Councilman Robertson- You are in , the water district that those taxes have gone up. Supervisor Brandt- the Water rate was 5. 76 and will go up to 8. 72 per — thousand this will cover the capital cost of construction of the water plant and distribution system. Claude Morehouse- questioned if the Board had raised the water rent? Supervisor Brandt- the Water rent has not been raited 'since February. Claude Morehouse- question where the money from the water rent goes? Supervisor Brandt- That is used for the Water Dist. Claude Morehouse- If the lines go by your house do you pay water tax? Councilman Olson- You pay .water tax if you are in the" dist. . Jim Weller-Glen Lake-When the plant was conveived we were promised that we need a large facility because we would. be selling .water to other municipalities, we. have..not` sold the water to other communities, why. has not the revenues been derived? Supervisor Brandt-we have approached other municipalities with very good rates, I believe that we can sell-water to other municipalities. . .this year they were not interested in water because of the .wet 'year. . . 1. communities might be encouragedto buy out water because tt exceeds the= high standards that the State has set. 2. ask the Health Dept. not to recommend ``federal grants for building .duplicate facilities in other comm mtties. Councilman Olson- The plant was planned_to put out 5 million gallons a dayjour highest peak has been 2. 7 million a day. Mr. Weller- Why- did the Fijian Board four or five years ago� feel that they could diapease the water and they {lave not? Councilman Olson-This . is due to the economic conditions changing in the country. Arthur Turnbull, Lake Sunnyside-The reason that no one is building in the town is because the taxes are so high. i�4 There is too much difference of opinion between you Councilman and the Supervisor. Mr. Robertson-stated the different categories where the tax is spent. . The Highways , the general administration of the town, the Town Clerk the Receiver of Taxes, the Police Dept. Unknown-requested that the one dollar per thousand be taken off, he did not want the police protection. Mr. Sommers-Asked where most of the people were two .or three weeks ago when we discussed the Police Dept. and other items. The Police Dept. amounts to 4/10 of 1 percent of the Total Budge and you-.are ggetting a lot of,Police Dept. Requested the citizens to,uisit the local dept. and see for themselves. Dale Taylor-West Mt. Road-agreekhat his taxes are-,the same or a little lower then when he built. . . .question if water could be placed on West Mt. Road. Councilman Robertson- stated the pro' s and con' s of extending new water lines. . . trying not .to increase the water debt when increasing the amount of water lines. Herbert Sommers- questioned that there .shouid. be many areas in the Town where/the lines could be extended short distances and more revenue could be brought in. Mrs: Bandin-Dixon Road- complained that the water line came within 150' from their home and even though they offered to place the pipe in they were refused. Councilman Barber- I am sorry, noted that bn the West Mt. Road 728' of of eight -inch pipe put in by mistake, I thought that was xiticulous because it cost this town 25,000 dollars. Mr. Taylor- asked if the water dept. could make a survey asking howimany people in the water d4st •would like water piped to them. Councilman Olson-agreed that this was a good proposal but noted that the town must look into the the cost of placing a line into houses and the cost derived from the revenues that eould be brought in. t, ft eker-The people who want water, but were not included into the district, will�ave to pay to have the lines placed? Councilman Robertson-For the- first year theylpay the entire cost and then it is consolidated into the district. Jim Weller-Noting the growth of Queensbury questioned the Town Board on how they felt •the' future 'looked for 'Queensbury. Councilman Barber-Noting the deficit in the Sales Tax revenues if we had had the gales tax monies we would probably have had a cut in the tax rate. . . because of the lack of building in the Town due to the economy the tax base has not increased significantly, as it has in the past. Supervisor Btandt-In ' the Water tax I feel that it has met its peak, it will probably ' stay-there for a few years and then come down. . .the amount of expansiott .will dictate what the rates will be. . .In regard to the general tax rate, as our indome decreases we have to decrease services. . . Mr. Sipos-Meadowbrook Road- the 'Taxes are' too high. . .we hhve got 'to cut them,I live on a fixed income and can not make more. . . We are paying for three police depts. requested that the Board cut the Town Police Dept. Mr. Streeter-Sherman Avenue-recently it was reported in a local paper that you Mr. Brandt woul&Ivote for any cut that would lessen the tax increase I submit that you have in your staff a pos;tion that is not necessarq,. your personal secretary, noted that in his administration there was a bookkeeper personal secretary in one posttion under man power. . . submitted that if Mr. Brandt was not an absentee leader he would not have to have a secresury to carry the ball for him. . . listed the secretaries salary with fringe benefits at approximately 10,500 to 11,000 a year. . .questioned the need for a new position of budget administrator for approximately 15,000-;:! Supervisor Brandt-Mr. Streeter in your budget you failed to provide 100,000 dollars for debt interest. . .you failed to provide a 10,000 dollars for a note that was due on the building out here. . .many expenses. . .no monies to do the engineering expenses for the sewer dist. . .we have a little more staff to try and avoid- those problems. I feel financial planning is extremely important and should not be left to a Supervisor who .may or may not be an expert in finances. I submitted a budget with no tax raises with more accounting function, for this year. - Mr. Streeter-gave }his sympathy for having to work with another persons budget, he knew how it felt. . .noted that there was a 100,000 surplus in the budget and the was conservative estimate in sales tax— there was also 30,000 for help and employment in some departments. . .I know it is a very demanding job, but if you-want to function -as Supervisor of the Town of Quennsbury you ought to be here an do the job. Supervisor Brandt- We are going to turn 100, 000 dollars surplus to next year for the reduction of taxes that is part of the budget. Joe Daire-complained that the Town 'Board was not working with the Supervisor, it is no wonder that we can not get taxes down. Jim Putnam-Stonegate drive-questioned the need for Dog Warden and .the 34,.000 for Pineview Cemetery is too much . . .questioned the 37, 000 for Youth Programs . . . felt that the school could take care of this. . .paying too much for the Highway Supt. at 30,000. Councilman Olson- The Highway Supt. Salary is not 30,000. . . Mr. Hicken- questioned if some of the fat could not be cut from the budget such as cutting 10,000 dollars from the Police Dept. Budget. . . not donating to the Opera. Councilman Olson- We did cut the Police Dept. Budget, we cut every dept. in the Town of Quteensbury, every budget is below what it was last year, we reduced the Opera by 2,000 dollars ° . . .we cut recreation 5, 000 dollars noted that he wished more people had come to the budget hearings when the Board needed the input from the residents. . . Doris Middleton-Mannis Road-felt that the problem was the School Taxes, felt some of that money could be cut down and placed into the Town taxes for new roads to up date the community. . . complained that the School Tax bills should be made clearer in regard to penalties. . . Robert Guyett-250 Bay-Road-noted that the Queensbury Conservation Advisory Council aaved the -Town 5,000 and will_san�me,much more with further studies in the future. . .the Town is now seeking to eliminate this committee. . . Marilyn Tallon-Asked if the Town could put a bulletin in the papers regarding the dates and time of town board meetings. John Moravito-Asked what would taxes be if we form a new sewer district? Mr. Brandt-That will be a referendum for the people to vote on,if they want it or not, and you are right, it will be expensive. As far as the newspaper is eoneroed, we can buy space, that will cost more money, I will try and talk to the-media and see if,we can make a better arrangement in regard to advertising town board meetings. Tim Miller, Cherokee Lane-Do the commercial establishments pay a different rate than residents? Mr. Brandt-There is a difference on rates, it has .to do with- the amount you consume. We have less servicing to do for a large consumer. In regard to taxes, they pay the same rate. b Ronald Stewart, Fuller Road-compared the electrical utilities with water service, in his view it cost more for larger consumers. Mr. Brandt-Understood his ideas but noted that the town had a surplus of water and needed to sell this water. Jim Weller-questioned Mr. Brandt on when there has been a decrease in activity in .the Town why is .there a need for an 11,000 dollars secretary, when Jerry Solomon and John Austin served when there was a lot of growth, they did not . . . questioned why the board is seeking to eliminate a volunteer committee. . . Supervisor Brandt-There was .a secretary to .the Supervisor when I came here, I raised what I expected of that secretary and raised the pay. . . the bookkeeper was also here when I came here, also paid through federal monies, he has gone to schools and I have gotten a raise for him through federal monies, I hope we can go to a comptroller type government. . . I am not trying to duck responsibilities. . .I will lay out my ..record for everyone to see. . ,In regard to the volunteer committee the board has not made any decision on this. . . Councilman Barber- I made a resolution to abolish the council but did not receive a second. . .the other board members wished to study the matter. Peter Taranaa27 Edgewood Drive-noted that the Town is finding it difficult to cut services but easy to cut our services. . .the Conservation Advisory Council. . .reviewed the services to the Town that the committee did in the past. . noting the Hercules project. . .noted that the Board has given them a lack of appointments 'and by .December 31, there will be no council. . .. in the future the Board will have to hire consultants to .serve the needs of the Town. . .it would be better to have people from the Town to work with their government. Mr. glee, Centennial, Governor of the Glens Falls Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club, - submitted the following: November 23, 1976 The Glens Falls Chapter of the Adirondack,.Mountain -Club wishes .to present a resolution to the Queensbury Town Board- favoring the reinstatement of the Queensbury Conservation Advisory Council. The Chapter enthusiastically supports the concept of this Town Commission. In 1975 several members of this chapter met with the commission in regards to the proposed sludge lagoon .facility for the Hercules Company. Without taking a stand oo .the 'viability of the proposal, we were able to supply technical information and sources of valuable data relating to the issue, to 'the commission. We were impressed with the willingness and determination of the commission members in their efforts to reach a solution satisfactory to 'both the town residents and company officials. Their final decision is a testament to those efforts. Queensbury residents can be proud of the commissions short history but much more needs to be done. Local town issues and mandated federal/ state regulations must be addressed and solutions found. Unfortunately, the time frame is very short. The Town of Queensbury encompasses 66 square miles, one of the larger" towns -in the State. The last two decades have brought about two significant changes within the Town. The national trend away from the core cities and into the surrounding suburbs has manifested itself .as pockets of residential developments throughout the town. The completion --� of the Northway, with its easy access to large-urban markets, .has stimulated commercial cluster development. Peripheral shopping centers ring the city of Glens Falls. At the present, time, one is expanding and two new ones are on the planning boards. At the same time, acquisition of land.for- recreation usage is .,being proposed. At the present time, no land area has been set aside within the town for recreational purposes. Some serious questions are being addressed as to the workability of the existing town land use map and zoning regulations which are 10 years old. At the very least a review and updating is in order. f Recently both the federal and state governments have passed laws regulating the quality of -our environment. These statuatory regulations re- quire that significant local administrative review and control be exercised. Four such state laws are: Solid Waste Management Facilities Act, Land Mine Reclamation Act, State Environmental Quality Review Act, and the Wetlands Act. The Town of Queensbury has- exercised its option and will administer the Wetlands Lew locally. However, an inventory of all -such wetland areas is a prerequisite to effective control. One major element •of all environmental conservation commissions is the completion of a natural resource inventory. The inventory is a necessary step in developg a town environmental plan, including the identification and mapping of such natural and man made features such as wetlands, soils, geology, hydrology, slope, scenic overviews, unique natural areas , historical and archaeological sites. In effect the commissions have been established to perform the very work the Wetlands Act requires! The State Environmental Quality Review Act (S.•E.Q.R.A.) was established, ". . . to introduce environmental factors into the planning and decision making processes of local government, at the earliest possible time, so that decision can be made in a manner which protects and enhances environmental quality." The effective date for this law, .as it applies to local government, is June.' 1, 1977. An important requirement under this very comprehensive law is the filing with the Town of an Environmental Impact Statement (E.I.S.) for almost any proposed project. The E. I.S. is a very detailed document .which will increase the workload of the planning board drastically. The Q.C.A.C. , being an advisory body, can,-help the Planning-Btard _review this document and more efficiently process the application. Instead of causing a delay the Q.C.A.C. can expedite the review process ! Today, 33 counties in New York State have established environmental management councils and nearly 250 towns, cities and villages enjoy the services of municipal environmental or conservation commissions. The board scope of the enabling legislation for both councils and commissions has allowed these groups to get involved in,,'a myriad of land use planning and environmental concerns at all levels of local government. Their flexibility and close working relationship with local government has allowed environmental management councils and commissions to tackle a variety of local environmental concerns: recreation,. solid waste, visual pollution, pesticide and chemical control, environmental education, litter campaigns, recycling prmj,ects, power plant siting studies, erosion and sedimentation control, environmental impact review, wetland inventorying and preservation, and air and water-pollution control. In today's society it is becoming a rariety to find qualified, dedicated people who sincerely wish to contribute their time, ideas and efforts, voluntarily for their czanazitty betterment: Such a group now exists, all they ask is a chance to serve. We urge the members of the Town Board to vote for reinstatement of the Conservation Advisory Council. Gary E. Klee, Governor Glens Falls Chapter Adirondack Mountain Club Mr. Eddy-as chairman of the Regional Environmental Council, I have encouraged the community to set up a commission. He suggested that with the wetlands act this commission could take care of the problems that come forth. He felt -that the commission could also handle resource recovery. He noted that Peter Berle has stated that he will give matcRing funds for this commission. In regard to special projects the Environmental Management Council could provide funding. Mr. Guyett-We spent, to date about $100.00. Mr. Eddy asked for a hand vote on the question of who wanted to .retain the Queensbury Conservation Council and who .Wanted to discontinue it and an overwhelming majority approved retaining it. Mr. Streeter-Felt that the Environmental Conservation Council performs a necessary job for the Town of Queensbury and felt that we need them. I plead with the board to not let them die out. Marjorie ,Moeller_ of the League of Women Voters-urged yo-. to give careful consideration to .the status of the Q.C.A.C. , felt that it .would be helpful in the development of the environmental aspects of the town' s master ,plan. Mr. Brandt-Felt that we need a new master plan, and that we should have input from the public, felt that the council could help in analyzing the information that we now have. Mr. Roberts©n-spoke on the great amount of work that the Planning board has already done on this plan. The basic work-has been started by the planning board. Mr. Guyett-urged the board to continue the committee and to appoint the members to fill the board. Mr. Tarana-requested the Board to act on the continuation of the Qsby. Conservation Council... : concil Joseph Daire- Does new business coming into the Town have a five year tax relief? Supervisor Brandt- No they do not. . .again review the State Law for 507. tax break. . . Jean Sullivan- Did the Pyramid Mall have a two year tax break? Supervisor Brandt- No. . . . Jean Sullivan- Is the water rent for the mall based as a company or seperately? Councilman Robertson- The company pays by the advalorum tax and each store pays the usage fee. Joan Tully- The Co. has 'xecinded the State 50% 'break for new business when will . the Town'. Supervisor Brandt- I intend to offer such a resolution, we want the proper wording for this resolution. . . Councilman Olson- We will have our attorney draw up a proper resolution so it will be legal action will be taken at the next_meeting. . . _. : Mr. Tully-What .is 'the 51% increase in the Water? Why is it going up? Supervisor Brandt-There is a tax increase to. pay `for the bond which we sold. . .a 28 year note. . . reflextion for professional money management for the town Mr. Tully-Is - there any alternative to the increase for the water? Supervisor Brandt- No. . .This is by law. . . The Water operat on ;muat by paid from the revenues collected., we.have nun into debt and the State has stepped in and aaid .v can no longer borrow money until this has been stopped. Mr. Tully questioned tlae board to cut the 38% increase in the General tax. Councilman Robertson- In total expenditures of the General Town Fund we are spending no more dollars then we did last year. . .what has happened is the revenue we had deptended on have been taken away from us. Dan Thompson- noted that we are blaming the wrong people tonight—viewed that Social Services is using up the monies that would have come to the Towns. are there any revenues that the Town can call on and also could the town request more from the Counfy. Supervisor Brandt-Spoke on the cut in revenue noting that with less revenues you have to cut services. . . felt the major problem was social services. . .Wehave to look for fraud in the Social Services, we have to look for savings everywhere. . . felt we can ask for more value from our County. . . �C1 Dick Bates-Sherman Ave. -questioned where the monies that the City is paying back/ going? Supervisor Brandt- That is being paid to the County and then divided between the towns. Patricia. Collier-Asked each member of the Board what their staizd is on the QCAC. Councilman Barbet-Noted that he had brought this to a head. . .I take exception to Mr. Tarana'sremark and that is there has been an attempt on their part since January 1st, of the Town Board to reappoint their members, we have not received any correspondence from your organization I pertaining to same. . .noted that he had complemented this Committee on their past performance. . . .going taribueiehArgstBeunoA*"* Barber reviewed in depth the process an applicant has to go through in obtaining a permit to build in the Town of Queensbury. . .The Committee has the possibility of becoming a review function and I feel we have enough review functions in the Town. I am advocating to bring everything together and avoid delay, to have the Environmental Advisory Council a subcommittee of the Planning Board. I am not asking to abolish the groupe I am asking that the group(,be a subcommittee and that they not have the power of review. Mrs. Tallon-commented that the more the Town of Qsby. grows the more taxes the people are paying. Councilman Barber- Commented that the Board as it stands now reports to no one, undeu:_ this planrthe Advisory Council would have direct contact with the Planning Board. Mr. Krebs- Noted that he had been through the different steps .to building in the Town and felt that there were toomany. Mr. Tarana-noted that on Councilman Barber's chart they-:were not represented because they are strickly an advisory group. . .this will continue unless the Town Board under Article 12F of tho-General Municipal Law designates us as a Conservation Beard with review capacity. Noted that the group has met several time since January 1st. and pleaded with Mr. Barber to approve the appointments to the Board. During the summer we have made phone calls to the Board in rsgard to the appointments. In terms of receiving full support from Mr. Barberrour representative from the Town Board, to our committee we hiddly received full support of 'Mr. Barberpon our one major project the Hercules Landfill. Mr. Barber, who trucks the sludge from Hercules to the landfill, we did not make a big -point of that when we involved in it because we wanted to do it right and not play politics, Mr. Barber did not support us at all. Noted that they have nine people on the group-: from a number of various occupations. Councilman Barber- I would like to point out that little or no support or no remarks upon my part were involved en epKetcules situation pertaining to the development of the lagoon purposely, and so stated it to the group and the Town Board, in fact, when it came down, least December 9th 1975, I purposely abstained from voting. That was my postion throughout the whole endeavor. Supervisor Brandt- commented on the good job the commission has done and was aware of their concern over their appointments—noted that the Town is concerned with the environment . . . concerned over the establishment of new business. .-this may not happen with too many review functions. . . we have to include a function to assess environmental impact- by law and by oommon sense. . . Walter Stern-inquired about the mechanics of the Q.C.A.C. He asked how the Town Board got into the appointments of 'these members. Mr. Barber-This is done by Executive Order. Also by General Municipal Law. Mr. Stern-asked why the Board did not appoint members to this group when it should have. Mr. Robertson-If I am going to ask(, a group of citizens to advise then I am .going to have to listen to their advice. There is very little interference with this board and the town planning board on any of their decisions. The question is where to put these people to work and still get their advice. 70 Unknown-Did I understand the board will eliminate the 50% tax reduction for businesses coming into this area? Mr. Barber-We never had it. Unknown-What incentive do you give big businesses to come into this area? Mr. Brandt-We ask them to pay their way and be a good citizen like everybody else. Unknown-If you discourage business, then you discourage the growth of the tax base. Mr. Brandt-Why should the existing business subsidise the new business to take away it' s business. Howard Kranz-New York-state is basically dying. If I had to do over again I would live in another state. To get industry to move in today you have got to be competitive: If you think businesses are going to move here because they want to be a first class citizen, you are wrong. T hose days are gone. Unknown-The Conservation Advisory Council does not .and has not wanted review power4they wish to serve as an advisory council and as such an aftisory council to the Planning Bard not the Town Board. CouncilmanBarber- That is wkv& we are proposing. Unknown-No. you are proposing, Mr. Barber a subcommittee, we do not want the committee to be a sub to anything, it should be a complement to the Planning Board so it can serve in the field. It can do the field work and advise the Planning Board. As a subcommittee they would have no legal stance, as an advisory council they have legal standing and as such what they advise goes into the record and is there for public record. Peggy (Unknown)-question-the board wants input how much input does it take to advise the town that the public wants the advisory council? Councilman Barber- In the law there are two charges the advisory council has, 1. file an annual report - 2 - get an .open land index and once that is done they can achieve the starts of a Conservation Board with reveiw powers, upon town board approval. In their minutes, they themselves asked for review authority in October 4th of 1974. once they got .their open land index formed . . .I want them to stay but I want them..to be a intrigal part of the planning board and plan together. Bob-Guyett-Commented that in 1974 we were a new committee knowbody knew what our functions were going to be,�we then talked about having review authority at that time it seemed to be a good idea, as we progressed it became obvious if we had review authority it would undermine our potential, I am now speaking for myself. . .we are afraid of being a review authority or the town board is at any rate, and they appoint us as a subcommittee of the Town Planning Board which in effect.,gives us by the fact that we are a sub committee,.review authority. Bob .Eddy-suggest that the Advisory Committee be a seperate committee to allow 6utside funding. . .spoke on a possible solution forming one committee from the three committees to review projects—then go back to their committees and report. 1 Mr. Howard-Twicwood,Iane-believed everybody would be in favor of consoLiadia .ng function. . . should appoint the members to make the group function. . . Mr. Streeter- noted that another resolution from the Board was not necessary just the reappointment of members to the Board and asked for the Board to state if they would go along with that. . . Councilman Barber- reviewed the stat+is of members6f the commission. . . Mr. SeMILIUM-Westland Avenue-questioned the Board on the sales .tax revenue generated by the new mall. . . Supervisor Brandt- We can say there is more sales tax revenues this year then last year. Councilman Robertson- reviewed the problems of the sales tax in regard to the proper placement of the monies to each community. . .moted that we depend on each business to fill out the forms properly in order to receive our fair share of the sales tax. . . Mr. Krebs- noted that the County is taking a bigger share of the sales tax. . .as long as Queensbury does not have .postal identify we shall have a problem. . . Mr. Streeter- Reviewed the processes the Town has gone thra#dn trying to receive postal identity. . . Supervisor Brandt- noted that he had conversations with Rep. Patterson, the local postmaster and frankly we are kidding ourselves if we think ' we are going to get postal identification. . . . the Postal Service on a Regional Basis has a directive not to create new entities if it possibly can prevent it. Councilman Barber- noted that there was an agreement with Mr. Collins ' to receive a different zip code. Supervisor Brandt- he reported to me there was no way this can be done. . . Mr. Streeter- requested. to see the submitted application for a zip code from the local postmaster and the reply of denial they received. . . Claude Morehouse- noted that as long as the Town cannot seem to get a postal identity from the post office maybe it. is time for the people of the community to try. . . Mr. Howard -questioned the Board if a program of education could be set up to eft tFe businesses know that it is in their own best interest to use Queensbury in their Sales Tax forms. . . Supervisor. Brandt-this: has been attempted. . .regarding the census the census being done between interume census cannot change the revenue sharing formulas or State Per Capita Aid. Unknown- asked for Councilman Olson opinion on the Advisory Council. . . Councilman Olson-Well aware of the work that the Advisory Councilrhas done. . .believe thAtL the functions of the Beautification and the Advisory Council tealdobe.plaeed tog-ether. I .see no problem having an Advisory Council as long as it stays. advisory. Mr. Brandt-Noted that the law states that three members constitute a council, this means that you have a legal council right now. Mr. Tarana-This is not legal in our by-laws. Mr. Brandt-requested applicants for members to he Advisory Council. Mr. Tarana- requested the Board not to wait any longer. . .appoint new members to the commission—make a commiMment on this. Supervisor Brandt- I will commit :myrself to look over applications as soon as possible . . . Mr. Krebs-questioned the sign law if the one that was passed was the one that was agreed upon. . . Mr. Sommers- Do I understand that the Board is in favor of this group? Councilman Robertson- The Board has made the committment to reappoint the members to the Board. RESOLUTION TO APPOINT MEMBER TO THE QUEENSBURY CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL 0.f RESOLUTION NO. 256 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, second e"' y Mr. Ahial Olson: WHEREAS the term of Peter Tarana of 27 Edgewood Drive, Queensb-ury has expired and WHEREAS , Mr. Tarana wishes to be reappointed to the Queensbury Conservation 722 Advisory Council, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby reappoints Mr. Peter Tarana •to the Queensbury Conservation Advisory Council for a term to begin November 23rd, 1976 and to 'expireaNeuember 28tH, 1978. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Robillard Mr. Brandt asked for applications from anyone who would like to serve on this commission. Mr. Ward- Can you change the 387. in the General Town area? Mr. Brandt-The only thing that can be done yetis to cut spending on the budget and to end with more of a surplus. Mr. Kranz- hasn't there been quite . an increase in the assessment roll in the past year? Supervisor Brandt- yes. several million dollars. . . Councilman Barber- compared to other years we were lower in growth. Mr. Kranz- ask the board to again review the tax break for new industry. . . Supervisor Brandt- I am against this, I do not believe that that will bring growth to the town. Mr. Kranz- what is the town- doing to encourage' industry. . . Councilman Robertson- probably- supporting the industrial park. . . Councilman Barber- commented that he felt the town has not done a thing tc bring in industry to the community. Supervisor Brandt- reviewed the progress of the industrial park. . . Mr. Kranz- felt that the town should make a more concerted effort. to search out industry 'for the Town of Queensbury., . . . very concerned With the percentage jump in the Town taxes. . . Mr. Behan-suggested Chat, a -committee of residents be formed to try and receive postal identity. .-.he said he would start on the committee. . . requested all the records on the past efforts of the town in regard to postal identity. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Queensbury RESOLUTION TO REQUEST DETERMINATION BY NEW YORK, STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CONCERNING POSSIBLE CREATION OF REDUCED SPEED ZONE ON AVIATION ROAD IN VICINITY OF QUEENSBURY-;UNION FREE SCHOOL RESOLUTION NO. 2X5, introduced by Mr. Olson, who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Brandt. WHEREAS, the tragedy of a collision between a motor vehicle and a young male pedestrian has recently occurred in the immediately vicinity of the Queensbury Union Free School on Aviation Road in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York which resulted in the death of the young boy and WHEREAS, no reduced speed zone or caution signals for vehicular traffic exists on Aviation Road in the vicinity of the school and , 7 WHEREAS, information received by the Town Board indicates that the crea- tion of a reduced speed zone in said area along with the -placement of caution devices may be advisable to lessen the future possibility of the occurrence of similar tragedies and WHEREAS, the determination of the necessity or advisability for such action lies within the authority and discretion of the State of New York and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Town Board that the determination whether a reduced speed zone should be created on Aviation Road in the .vicinity of the Queensbury Union Free School and whether the erection of appropriate caution devices at that location are justified, necessary and advisable should be made at the earliest possible date, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney direct a written communication to the New York State Department of Transportation requesting that the State of New York conduct an appropriate inspection and survey at the earliest possible date to determine whether the creation of a reduced speed zone for vehicular traffic on Aviation Road in the Town of Queensbury in the vicinity of the Queensbury Union Free School along with the erection of certain caution devices would be justified, advisable and appropriate for the safety of pedestrian traffic. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. Noes: None. Absent: Mr. Robillard. SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Barber-Councilman Meeting Opened-5: 00 P.M. The following resolution was received from the' Queensbury' Bicentennial Commission: WHEREAS, the Queensbury Bicentennial: Commission had established as a project the building of a display case to hold a copy of the Town Patent and WHEREAS, the funds for this case were to be raised by the sale of copies of the book Halfway Brook inc'History, and WHEREAS, the amount of $396.28 was raised for this project, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that these monies be turned over to the Townof Queensbury and placed in the Celebrations fund A7550.4 so that it can be used to pay Robert L. Clary for work done on the display case. Passed by unamious vote of the BicentenniAl Committee. RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATION IN CELEBRATIONS A 7550.4 SOLUTION NO 257 Introduced by Mr. Michial Brandt who moved for its adoption, seco'�nded- by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS the sum of $306. 28 has been received from the Queensbury BicentenniAl" Commission and WHEREAS, said Commission has requested that these funds be placed in the Celebrations Account A7550.4 to be used in the purchase of a