2015-027 Lia Nissan TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 0.4r0 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20150027 Application Number: A20150027 Tax Map No: 523400-303-016-0001-001-001-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: THE LIA AUTO GROUP For property located at: DIX Ave in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: LIA DIX AVENUE REALTY, LLC Sign 1258 CENTRAL Ave Total Value ALBANY NY 12205-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency INGALLS AND ASSOCIATES LLP JOSHUA D. O'CONNOR PE NY 12804-0000 Plans&Specifications BP 2015-027 Lia Auto Group 373 Dix Avenue 36 sq. ft. freestanding sign(double sided) sign height 22 ft. Sign Copy: Lia Nissan $135.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday, September 09,2016 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T n of eens ry •� •s i ay, September 09,2015 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement 1 Office Use Only Town of Queensbury Building & Codes Received: 44, SIGN PERMIT APPLICAI'I [ 0 o O/5- o, - 7G ...,/ Permitee: $ FEB 10 � 0;;-, _- 1/15/2015 "he Lig Auto Group Date Awotp lican g+� Tax Map ID 303.16-1-1.1 BUILNG I+O�Es'�1r158 C mtral Ave.Box 5789 Zoning C.I. 4.1kaie,4 NY 12205 Property Owner William Lia Contractor/Agent: Joshua D.O'Connor,PE-Ingalls&Associates,LLP Address 1256 Central Ave.,Box 5789 Address 2603 guilderland Ave Albany,NY 12205 Schenectady,NY 12306 Phone (518)489-2111 Phone (518)393-7725 x 125 Contact Person for Sign Code Compliance: Michael Lia Day Phone: (518)489-2111 Building Street Address: Site Plan,Variance,or Subdivision Approvals Location of proposed installation The front of the parcel. Business Complex/Plaza/Mall name Lia Nissan Business name Lia Auto Group Type of Sign proposed Double Sided Free Standing If sign is to be illuminated, indicate X internal external Incandescent _neon other Do signs currently exist on property? Yes X No(if yes, list all existing signage) Change of word/copy From to Sign Wording/Copy Lia Nissan r Sign Size Length X x Width 45 =Total sq.ft. l,45 1 `p 5i ' Sign Height(freestanding) 22 FT \ Color&Material to be used Gray,Silver,Red.Steel&Powder Coated Metal per Nissan Corporate Standard. This application creates a change in the X New following existing site conditions(fill in all Change in number of signs from to applicable spaces) Change in setback for sign from to Change in size from to Change in height of sign from to Declaration: To the best of my knowledge, the statements contained in the application, together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and all other law •ertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is authorized by the owner. APPLICANT-PRINT NAME , Joshua D.O'Connor,PE APPLICANT-SIGNATURE: f/ .._. . - Date: I. 1 S• I S Declaration: I hereby authorize the applic'Ont to place a sign on my property or building: OWNER-PRINT NAME: OWNER-SIGNATURE: Date: Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Sign Permit Application 518-761-8256 NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC. Nissan Retail Environment Design Initiative i i Sign Program j__" III.SCHEDULE OF SIGNS CONTINUED 6'-9" '-2" 2.06m l 0356m 11) �,`� " 1VISSA - t o '-'il-' x• ` . ___,i,\ , ti4iy i i MBS-36 Pylon 36 Sq. Ft. Main Brand Sign (Total of 1) 18'-10" OAH NEW Sept/2012 Rev.3 Page 7 11111111111111111 --- STUART ROMM ARCHITECT DPC I , \ SM.1450 Ma.GA 30303 \ 4:1Z-8:1 It 1 --- 1111711711 0 \ /:j,'10111100,1111171111:111 7 so ' , sio . sig i 1 wil \ sis I SIB \ IPWIToin, , \ WNW 111115... ""104/"1:151 CO 9011 St Ill SO \ \ lill 111.... \ -—-----— \ ----_!--------- '''' \ -, \ , 14 ------------ L.-.-, • - , ,..,...; 4 „...-- -11 ---i'.'..7...:: I A r 1! \ I ,1 t---- 4`1, ----- ,',-', • . • ,$ ... I ; •1, \, TJ1-11 -- • - •• - .. . w I TYL•41111111 / e:,_raster Elevation I ti ,, LW, . •—°•,Itt,•,°,7---- ,. N. . —ow— ,...t, 1,\ a-, BBL Construction reallM2191MIIMIMINIMMININNMEINIIMil I ,,,., , ,,1 Services i - inn ' UsWeVorenir,M= , 0 i 0 !rNitq'otLPral'Am ,, 1 -' .........,=. Lia Nissan EFEEMIlito ,... 1 twrz. ' -- 111111111 MEM L .. •.'... ' ----'-•••-j I,........ , , C'',' M.A.. 1.111111f40 .1 0,WWw,NY 1280,1 , 1 , ..rowevry WRIMWEN '! ' New= DIX AvENue I ITVEUsrg 1 ProWNWNw NM calatEnew 41Z, c) , . e lyeSollard Detail IT ,„D.u.rnoster Plao e PlanSite., Site Plan 5 t A100 1 _LED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN )N BASE. e Lia Auto Group BP 2015-027 3 Dix Avenue sq. ft. freestanding sign (double sided) NFORMATION ONLY -;OR CONSTRUCTION �N:,dwg i $HEET2 OF 10