11-19-2015 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
Second Regular Meeting: Thursday,November 19,2015/Time 7—11 pm
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
Administrative Items:
Further Tabling/Deny Without Prejudice: Site Plan 75-2014 McDonald's USA,LLC Demolition of current building
and construction of new building.
Old Business
Applicant(s) TOWNHOUSES AT Application Type Subdivision 22-2005&
HAVILAND HOA,INC. Subdivision 3-2014 Modification
Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type I Reaffirm previous SEQR
Agent(s) I Sanford Searleman I Lot size I 2.97 acres
Location I Beekman Place I Zoning Classification PUD
Ward I Ward 2
Tax ID No_ I 290.17-2-39 I Ordinance Reference I Chapter A-183
Cross Reference I Hiland Park PUD
Public Hearing I November 19,2015
Project Description: Applicant proposes to modify a previously approved subdivision to eliminate the walking trail and
gazebo/sitting area. Pursuant to Chapter A-183 of the Zoning Ordinance any Modification to an approved subdivision shall be
subject to Planning Board review and approval-
Applicant(s) HAROLD&PATRICIA Application Type Site Plan 33-2015
Owner(s) Taylor Family Revocable SEQR Type Type II
Agent(s) Ethan Hall—Rucinski Hall Lot size 024 acres
Location I 27 Reardon Road Extension I Zoning Classification WR
Ward I Ward 1
Tax ID No_ 289.7-1-39 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-6-050, 179-
Cross Reference I AV 27-15,BP's I APA,CEA,Other I Glen Lake CEA
Public Hearing I November 19,2015
Project Description: Applicant proposes to renovate an existing home enclosing an open porch and altering interior living area
and bedrooms with a 289 sq. ft. addition; New floor area of 589 sq. ft., new home will have 2,399 sq. ft. floor area. Revised
plans submitted with removal of 109 sq.ft.patio replaced with grass and shrubs along shoreline. Site Plan: Pursuant to Chapter
179-3-040, 179-6-050, 179-13-010 of the Zoning Ordinance altering shoreline within 50 feet of the shoreline and expansion of a
non-conforming structure in a CEA shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) BURNETT FAMILY Application Type Subdivision 8-2015
TRUST Preliminary&Final Stage
Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type I Unlisted
Agent(s) I Stafford Carr&McNally I Lot size I 1.32 acres
Location I 11 Andrew Drive I Zoning Classification WR
Ward I Ward 1
Tax ID No. I 239.18-1-12 I Ordinance Reference I Chapter A-183
Cross Reference AV 51-15,BP 04-677(2 Warren Co.Referral August 2015
Public Hearing I November 19,2015 I APA,CEA,Other I LGPC,CEA
Project Description: Subdivision: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 1.32 acre parcel into two lots of 28,639 sq. ft. &28,754
sq. ft. Subdivision will place existing houses on separate parcels. Pursuant to Chapter A-183 of the Zoning Ordinance
Subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) FRITZ&MARY Application Type Site Plan 58-2015
Owner(s) I Same as above I SEQR Type I Type II
Agent(s) I I Lot size I 0.42 acres
Location I 43 Hanneford Road I Zoning Classification WR
Ward I Ward 1
Tax ID No. I 240.6-1-11 I Ordinance Reference I 179-13-010
Cross Reference AV 58-2015,AV 69-2014, Warren Co.Referral November 2015
SP 61-2014
Public Hearing I November 19,2015 I APA,CEA,Other I APA,CEA,LGPC
Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes to construct a second floor 1,025 sq. ft. addition to a one story 1,410 sq. ft.
frame house utilizing current house footprint throughout. Floor area existing 2,562 sq. ft. and proposed 3,587 sq. ft. Pursuant to
Chapter 179-13-010 of the Zoning Ordinance. Expansion of a pre-existing non-conforming structure shall be subject to Planning
Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) STEWART'S SHOPS Application Type Site Plan 59-2015
Owner(s) I Sandri Realty Inc. I SEQR Type I Unlisted
Agent(s) I Chuck Marshall I Lot size I 0.72 Acres
Location I 1433 State Route 9 I Zoning Classification Cl
Ward I Ward 1
Tax ID No. I 288.00-1-54 I Ordinance Reference I 179-3-040
Cross Reference I AV 60-2015;SV 61-2015 I Warren Co.Referral I November 2015
Public Hearing I November 19,2015
Project Description: Site Plan:Applicant proposes demolition of existing gas service station/convenience store and replace with
a new 3,897 sq. ft. Stewart's Shop with three self-serve multi-product dispensers under a 1,500 sq.ft.canopy(6 pumps).Pursuant
to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance.New convenience store with fuel shall be subject to Planning Board review and
approval. .
Applicant(s) I JEFFERY HAMILTON J Application Type I Site Plan 60-2015
Owner(s) I Same SEQR Type I Type II
Agent(s) Devin Dickinson/Dean Lot size 0.21+acres
Location I 61 Assembly Point Rd. I Zoning Classification WR
Ward I Ward 1
Tax ID No. 239.12-2-19 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-6-060;Chapter
147 Lake George Storm water
Cross Reference I AV 63-2015 I Warren Co.Referral I November 2015
Public Hearing I November 19,2015 I APA,CEA,LGPC
Project Description: Site Plan:Applicant proposes to remove existing single story home of 1,135 sq.ft.,sidewalks and patios to
replace with a two story single family home. Project also includes regrading a portion of property and removal and planting of
some trees on site. Also proposing new septic system and storm water management. Project includes disturbance of greater than
5,000 sq. ft.,floor area of 2,188 sq.ft.Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-060 of the zoning ordinance,projects Win 50 ft. of 15%slopes
and Chapter 147 projects with disturbance of more than 5,000 sq.ft shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) I JOSEPH LEUCI Application Type I Discussion
Owner(s) I Excess Lands LLC I SEQR Type I n/a
Agent(s) I Nace Engineering,P.C. I Lot size I 66.4 acres
Location I End of John Clendon Rd. I Zoning Classification MDR
Ward I Ward 3
Tax ID No. I 295.15-1-6 I Ordinance Reference I Chapter 183
Cross Reference I SUB 11-1992 I Warren Co.Referral I n/a
Public Hearing n/a
Project Description: Applicant proposes a discussion for development of a 24 lot subdivision
-Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board-