ZBA Final Agenda Wed December 16 2015 Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm Queensbury Activities Center- 742 Bay Road Agenda subject to change and may be found at: www.queensbury.net Approval of meeting minutes: November 18, 2015 OLD BUSINESS: Applicant(s) Burnett Family Trust Area Variance No 51-2015 PZ-0021-2015 Owner(s) Burnett Family Trust& Estate SEQRA Type I I David Burnett Agent(s) Thomas R. Knapp, Esq.Stafford, Lot Size 1.32 Acre(s) Carr, McNally Location 11 Andrew Drive—Ward 1 Zoning WR Ward No. Tax Id No 239.18-1-12 Section 179-4-050; 179-3-040 Cross Ref SB 8-2015; BP 2004-677 Dock Warren County Planning September 2015 Public Hearing September 16,2015, November Adirondack Park Agency ALD 18,2015; December 16,2015 Project Description Applicant proposes a 2-lot subdivision; lot size 28,639 sq.ft. Lot A and 28,754 sq.ft. Lot B; no changes to existing homes or features,driveway. Relief requested from minimum road frontage,water frontage, lot width requirements,and lot A for not having physical road frontage. Also, relief is requested from minimum lot size, property line setbacks for the WR zoning district. Subdivision approval is required for the creation of two lots from the one parent lot. NEW BUSINESS: Applicant(s) Robert& Renee Little(Trustees) Area Variance No PZ-0031-2015 Owner(s) Robert& Renee Little Revocable SEQRA Type II Trust Agent(s) Phinney Design Group, Hutchins Lot Size 0.30 Acre(s) Engineering, Little&O'Connor Location 20 Pioneer Point Zoning WR Ward No. Ward 1 Tax Id No 289.14-1-19 Section 179-3-040 Cross Ref PZ-0032-2015 Site Plan Review; Warren County Planning n/a TBOH Septic Variance 7-2015 Public Hearing December 16,2015 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Project Description Applicant proposes demolition of existing 1,305 sq.ft.single-family dwelling and construction of a new 1,730 sq.ft. single-family dwelling with main floor and basement(2,975 sq.ft.floor area). Relief requested from minimum setback, permeability requirements, maximum allowable Floor Area Ratio(FAR),and from minimum frontage on a public highway for the WR zoning district. Project includes new well,tie-into existing community septic system, stormwater measures,and installation of shoreline plantings. Project subject to site plan review for work within 50 ft.of the shoreline and 15 percent slope. Any further business that the Chairman determines may be properly brought before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Final Version CB/LM/sh 11.25.2015