1977-01-11 Unknown-asked how the town could be off_ by 70%. Figures are available.
Mr. Brandt-Those figures are not available to my office. The County cant"
get the figures either. The county informed us that their best sales
tax estimate for this town would be $152 ,000. We based our budget on that.
If you want to talk to the county treasurer, .I am sure he will explain it
to you. It is very involved.
Mr. Hermance-We started talking to the other haulers today, we are going
to start an association. We want to be informed as to when these meetings
on the landfill are going to be held.
Mr. Brandt-I will do my best to have the county group notify you of any
future meetings.
Mr. Wolfe-Feels sorry for the haulers who have to be in the landfill by
3 P.M. It is difficult for them to get there if they are on the other
side .of town.
Mr. Barber- I hope the haulers do get to the county and tell them what
our problems are. The hours should be changed. I would appreciate it if
you would direct your comments to the Warren County Board.
Mr. Wolfe asked Mr. Murphy what .he meant uhatL hheseid that the cost would
be in the area of $400, 000. He asked that a meeting be held on the landfill
at Queensbury School where the people could here better what was going on.
Suggested .that the City, Town and County have a joint meeting.
Mr. Tarana-asked how long are we committed to this Joint landfill?
Mr. Robertson-stated that we can probably back out tomorrow if we go
six months, the contract is for five years but realisticly we are married
to it forever.
On motion the meeting was . adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase , Town Clerk..,_,
Michel Brandt- Supervisor
Daniel Olson- Councilman
Robert Barber-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel
PRESS: Tri Co. News, Glens Falls Post Star
TOWN OFFICIALS: F1oyd. Martindale, Shirley Shenk
GUESTS: League of Women Voters , Arthur Turnbull, Mr. Kilmartin,
Mr 1*4-foie . . .
Meeting 4penod: 7: 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag, led by Donald A. Chase
Town,.'Clerk. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 25, Introduced by Mr.' Robert Barber who moved its
adoption, secon ed by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Highway Supt. of the Town of Queensbury did
recommend that we advertise for bid the sale of several pieces of
obsolete equipment, and
WHEREAS, two bids were received and turned over to Mr. garb for his
recommendation, Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Mr. Garb has requested the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury to accept the following bids:
1973 Plymouth Sedan - $222.00 .
1970 Plymouth -Sedan $111.00
George E. Kouba of 12 Wincrest Drive, Glens Falls, New York
1969 Dodge Pickup - $100.00
Maille's Used Cars of Connecticut Avenue, W. Glens Falls, New York 12801
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury accept the above
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson,' Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, Ifr. 'Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 26 Introduced by Mr: `Daniel Olson who moved its
option, seconded-by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, Carl Garb, Highway apt. did recommend that we advertise for
bids on one three quarter ton °4x4 pickup with full four way hydraulic
snow plow, and
WHEREAS , four companies bid on the above pickup and the bids were opened
on December 28th, '1976 and read aloud and-then turned over to Mr. Garb
for his recommendation, Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that upon Mr. Garb's request the Town Board accept the bid
of Glen Ford for the bid of $6 ,969.16 and be it further
RESOLVED, that the financing 'Of the pickup truck is encumbered from the
1976 Queensbury Highway Dept. Budget.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, b ,, , ii,,rire Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : ftpeBarber
A discussion regarding the Carswell bid vs. the Ford bid on a 1977
Dump truck. . . . the main discussion centered on wheel size, sleeve and
sleeveless engine ind° double .frame size. . .
Councilman Barber- questioned Mr. Faubel on the Warr- ate questioning
if the Warrent a would be the same on,-the 76 as for 77
IMr. Faubel- Yes
-- Supervisor Brandt -asked that the bid on'the 1977 Dump .truck be held
for further study. . .
WO ►UT 0�1. ,.., 7,. Yltroduced by Mr. Robt�t Brber who moved
its adoption l econ Led by Mr. DAxie1 Olson:
WHEREAS', Carl A. Garb, Highway Supt. did. recommend that we advert�,'ge. I y
for bids on two. new dump trucks equipped with dump body and snow jid*,: d
WHEREAS, -two bompt*06 °bid on the above dump truck and the bids were
opened on December 28, 1976 and read aloud and then turned over to Mr.
Garb for his recommendation, Now, Therefore be ,it
RESOLVED, that upon Mr. Garb's request the Town Board accept the bid
of Carswell Truck Center for one .new 1976 International dump truck
with snow plow for $31,688.00 and 'ohe tewfurther
RESOLVED, that the financing for the dump truck is included in the 1977
Queensbury Highway Dept. Budget.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 28, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption
seconded y Mr. Olson.
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has heretofore contracted with the
Glens Falls Senior Citizens Center, Inc. to provide for the services for
the elderly, and
WHEREAS, New York State Aid is available for the establishment,
maintenance and expansion of senior citizens center programs,-which
aid was expanded by the provision of chapter 1001 of the laws of
New York, °1974, :providing among other thtags that state aid 'will .be
available to pay up to one-half of the entire amount of approved
expenditures for a municipal program, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury desires to continue its support of
the Glens Falls Senior Citizens center, Inc. under provisions of ,
law so as to be eligible -for state aid as a co-sponsoring municipality,
now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and hereby
is empowered to contract with the Glens Falls-Senior Citizens Center,
Inc. for the furnishing of services to the elderly residents of the
Town of Queensbury for the year 1977 and the payment of $2400.00
therefor is hereby approved, and the Supervisor� is hereby directed to
execute the contract on behalf of the town and a copy of such contract,
duly executed, shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Brandt.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 29 introduced by .Mr. Brandt, who moved its adoption,
secon e y Mr. Robertson.
WHEREAS, Cleverdale Real Estate, Inc. has executed, 'obtaine& and offered
a deed for a Town roadway, not less than fifty feet in width, which is
described in schedule A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and
WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of highways, has advised that he
recommends to.:this b oaird' that it accept this land for highway purposes,
into the Town highway system, and
WHEREAS-.the form of the deed has been approved by Joseph R. Brennan,
Esq. , counsel to the Board,
RESOLVED, that.,,the aforementioned deed, by and .the ..satme is hereby
accepted and approved and that, the Town Clerk is hereby .authorized and
directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s
Office,; meter which said deed shall be properly filed ,in the office of
the T ` .jr4, and be it further
RESOI: , that this new road is hereby added to the official
inventory of Town highways, described as follows :
ROAD NO. 327
DESCRIPTION- Hunter Lane from its easterly intersection with Knolls Road
north in a northerly and then westerly direction to westerly boundary
of a lot 35 on subdivision map referred to in deed.
NAME - Hunter Lane
MILEAGE - 0.21 miles
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Brandt.
Noes : None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 30 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption
seconded y Mr. ammond Robertson:
WHEREAS , the 1977 budget of the Town of Queensbury provides for an item
of $28,250. 00 to be paid to the trustees of Crandall Library in return
for which said trustees will! furnish library services to the residents
of said town; Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that a contract between said town and said trustees for
furnishing such service during the year 1977 is hereby approved, and
be it further
RESOLVED, that the town supervisor is hereby authorized and directed
to execute the contract on behalf of the town, and that a copy of such
contract duly 'executed, shall be filed with the town clerk.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
West Glens Falls active list for 1977 on file in the Town Clerk' s Office
January 5, 1977
Dear Supervisor Brandt and Members of the Queensbury Town Board:
It is with deep regret that I must submit my immediate resign&-
tion as Chairman of the Queensbury Conservation Advisory Council. .In-
creased-professional and personal responsibilities necessitate this
move. I certainly hope that my departure from the council will not
be viewed as a retreat from the town's environmental problems. I
simply need to reassess my priorities and specifically, the alloca-
tion of my time and resources.
During my tenure as Chairman, I 've had the opportunity to work
with many, leading citizens and for that I am grateful. I found working
with Supervisors John Austin and Gordon Streeter extremely beneficial.
Councilman Dan Olson's candor and cooperative spirit were essential
to the council's success. A special thanks to 'all!
I will be forwarding council materials to Peter Tarana, a dedicated
environmentalist and efficient administrator, who would serve well as
the council' s next chairman.
Rer#a#s, &u t§e future, I'll be able to serve the town in a less
demanding role.
RHJ:mvt Robert H. Jones, MS
RESOLUTION NO. 31, by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its
a op , C'c(c ed by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Jones has served the Town of Queensbury as
the First Chairman of the Queensbury Conservation QVIggff
Council and has now chosen to resign from the council, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Jones has shown devotion to his duties and
has received no compensation other than the esteem of his fellow
citizens, Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on behalf
of the citizens of the Town of Queensbury hereby convey to Mr.
Jones their sincere appreciation for his service.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr.: Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Town Clerk- because of Mr. Robillard'-s resignation the Supervisor. has
submitted the following list of committees :
January 1 1977
TO: Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Bay at Haviland Road
Glens Falls, New York 12801
Gentlemen: .._..+
Persuant to Section 63 of the Town Law of the State of New York,
I hereby appoint the following committees to aid and assist the
Town Board in the Performance of its duties during the year 1977, with
the -first person named to serve as chairman in each case :
Highway (Including Drainage) Brandt Olson
Water Suoply Robertson
Solid Waste Disposal Robertson Brandt
Sewerage ., ' - Olson 'Barber
Fire Protection Barber Robertson
Poliae (Including Traffic Safety) Barber Brandt
Cemeteries Olson 'Robertson
Town Development (Including Planning) Brandt Robertson
Zoning Promotion
Assessments, - _ ' Barber Olson
Recreation Olson Brandt
Beautification Olson ,
Town Buildings _Robertson Olson
Lighting Olson Barber
Libraries Barber 'Robertson
Elections Olson
Health & Conservation Advisory Council Olson Barber
Insurance Brandt
Personnel Robertson Brandt
Leg is littive Brandt
Senior Citizens Barber
S inceraily,
Michel R. Brandt
January 4, 1977
Queensbury Town Board'-
Town of Queensbury
Cor. Bay & Haviland Roads
Glens Falls , N.Y. 12801
Att: Mr: Mike Brandt, Supervisor
Dear Mr. Brandt:
Please accept my resignation as a member of the Recreation Commission
effective immediately.
I have thoroughly enjoyed being a small part of Town government, but
do not feel that I have enough time to devote at this time.
Joan M. Kubricky
JMK1 j op
321 Introduced by Mr. Rxobert Barber who moved its adoption,
seconded q Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS, Mrs. 'Joan Kubricky has served theaTown of Queensbury as a 'ffiember
of the Queensbury Recreation Commission and has now chosen to resign from
this commission, and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Joan Kubricky has shown devotion to hers= duties and .has
received no compensation other than the esteem and gratitude of her,
fellow citizens, Now, Therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on behalf of all
the citizens and friends of the Town of Queensbury hereby convey to Mrs.
Joan Kubricky their sincere appreciation for her service to the youth of the
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
January 10, 1977
Mr. Michael Brandt, Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
Bay Road
Glens Falls , New York 12801
Dear Mike:
On numerous occasions I have called the Town regarding the
possibility of cable television in Glen Lake. I think the
people in the Glen Lake area should be given some consider-
ation. '
I would appreciate you and your Board finding out why
Colonial cou#tn't service this area. Five years is a long
while to waitt
W. Joseph McPhillips
Councilman Barber- commented on the letter from Mr. McPhillips and
questioned Supervisor Brandt on where the situation now stands?
Supervisor Brandt-noted that he had not heard from Mr. Nolan since the
last meeting. . .at which time he was going to get back to us with a proposal
Councilman Barber- requested that a letter be sent from the Supervisor's
office asking where Mr. Nolans proposal is and what he intends to. do,if
he intends to do nothing then we should seek other channels, we have
to provide some service to these people that have been asking -for. more
than five years. . .
Supervisor Brandt- I will gladly write such a lettex but again its
delays and delays. . .
Councilman Olson recalled during a meeting with Mr. Nolan that in the
Spring he was going to survey the Glen Lake Area. . .
Councilman Robertson- concurred. . .
Councilman Barber- requested a deadline. . .that if Mr. Nolan,,after a survey
cannot provide the service, the Board then has the alternative to go else-
where. . .
Supervisor Brandt- We can make a request to the regulating agency on a
State Level for the competitor in the town to, service stoma of these areas. . .
Councilman Olson- requested that an informational meeting be set hp with
Colonial and have residents in the Town come in �an speak with the Cable'T.V.
people.'.- .
Supervisor Brandt-First see if he will respond to the letter and then set
a date..;
January 10, .1977
R.D 2 `Northwest Vill.
West Mtn. Rd.
Glens Falls , N.Y.
Town Supervisor
Town Office Bldg.
Bay Rd.
Glens Falls , N.Y.
Mr. Brandt,
In reply to your recent Town Councilmen vacancy, I
would be most interested in being considered for the vacant
Job and representiig� th* residents of the Town of Queensbury.
Jerry W. Caruso, Jr;
January 7, 1977
Mr. Michel Brandt,` Supervisor
Queensbury Town Office Building
Bay Road
Glens Falls, New York 12801
Dear Mr. Brandt:
This is to advise you that I am interested in being
appointed to the vacancy on the Queensbury Town Board.
Please address yourself to the enclosed information.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Susan Goetz
19 Wincrest Dr.
Glens Falls New York 12801
(enclosed information is on file in the Town Clerk' s Office) .
January 7, 1977
Mr. Michael Brandt
Queensbury Town Supervisor
Queensbuty Town Office Building
Bey Street
Glens Falls , New York 12801
Dear Mr, Brandt:
I commend you on your recent comments regarding the manner in
which a replacement for a councilman should be made.
As you are probably aware, I have sold my travel business. After
hearing about Harold Robillard' s resignation, I gave much thought
to my qualifications in filling his position. My education is
Industrial management with twenty years experience in both that
and sales/sales management. This parallels many of the criteria
of the position of Councilman.
Please put my name before the council. If appointdd I will make
decisions and vote in a non-partisan way, doing what I feel is best
for the Town and its Citizens.
I believe in this part of the world; and, having the opportunity
to move to another area, there is no doubt that my family will
remain` hare as we have for the last ten years.
If there is a formal application, or further information required,
Please contact me for same.
With best wishes for a Happy New Year. . .
Michael .I. Brody
11 Lynnfield Drive
Glens Falls, NY 12801
January 10, 1977
Mr. Mike Brandt
R.D.#2 West Mountain Road
Glens Falls, New York
Dear Mr. Brandt:
I would like to be considered to fill the vacancy on the Queensbury
Town Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Harold Robillard
on Wednesday, January 5 , 1977.
I feel that I can serve the people of Queensbury, with ability, dedica-
tion and efficiency. As a committeeman in the 9th el Rion district, I have
always worked for good government in my district, and have lived in this
area since 1943
I am a graduate of Queensbury High-Schbol and SUC Plattsburgh with a
Master Degree in Education and a major in history, and have been teaching
Social Studies in the Queensbury School system for the past eight years.
I will be retiring from the Naval Reserve next year with 23 year ' s service,
and am past president of the Glens Falls Chapter of the Navy League.
My wife and I have operated summer tourist businesses for the past
13 years which would aid me in dealing with fiscal town government.
My community involvements are or have been:
1. Delegate to N.Y.S. Teachers' Conventions. - 3 years
2. N.Y.S. Teachers' Retirement System - 3 years
3. Treasurer of Glens Falls Teachers' Association
4. Member of Queensbury Faculty Association
5. Current, President, Tri-County Teachers' Bowling League
6. Past "member - Board of Directors - Coquin Swim Club
7. Basket ball coach - Queensbury Junior High School
8. Member - Navy League - Past President
9. Member - Reserve Officers' Association
10. Member U.S. Naval Reserve
11. Board of Directors - Queensbury P.T.A.
Queensbury needs good government, and if I am a membel(of the Town Board,
I will strive to see that the needs of the people are net with, efficiency and
Dan Morrell
January '11+, 1977
Queensbury Town Boar
Att. Michael Brandt.' Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
Town Office Building
Bay Road
Queensbury, New York 12801
Re: Cotmcilperson vacancy
Town of Queensbury
Dear Sir:-
Pursuant to your request I enclose herewith a personal Resume and you
may consider this an application for appointment to the vacancy created by
the resignation of MZ -Robillard:
I am registered in the Conservative Party--having been a Reganite
Republican. Prior to this I wa$ .a registered-Republican for over 20 years
and served under both Democratic and Republican Administrations in the
City of Glens Falls from 1955 thru 1960.
My record as an Independant representing the people of Queensbury is
well known having lived in Queensbury for over 16 years and having been
an advocate for them individually and in my profession. Both my oldegt
son and daughter are 'graduates of Queensbury Highway School and my youngest
son is a Junior. I ' feel,my `appointment would add balance to the Town-Board.
Sincerely yours,
DBT/rt Daniel B. Tallon, ESQ.
(Enclosure is on file in the Town Clerk' s Office) --r
Couincllman Olson- requested that copies- be made for .the Town Board of the
letters. of application,.
Councilman Robertson- Let me say this , I do not' know if there is any great
rush.,. .again to' let people-have an opportunity to consider whether they
want -want to app ly -.
Supervisor Brandt- To me it is aemaffi.t tythateVeenethatn*V neraught
to be able handle by the next meeting. Welhave plenty of chance to
review the qualifications of anyone interested and if any of the letter
come in in the interim copies should be made available to the board.
Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976
Water Districts
Queensbury $264,802.25
Shore Colony 1,587.00
West Glens Falls 10,649.29
Town & County 1,560,837.89
School-Lake Geo. 636,046.64
Queensbury 2,549,849.82
Hudson Falls 3, 370.29
4,750,104. 74
Water 1,511. 71
Town & County 1,585. 90
School 2 ,327.12
5,424. 73
Supervisor 1,596,851:43
County Treasurer 246,449.83
Lake Geo. School 636,046.64
Queens. School 2 ,549.849.82
Hudson Falls School 3,370.29
Total payments $5,032,568.01
respectfully submitted,
Betty Eggleston
Jan. 11, 1977 Receiver of Taxes
Sept. 1, 1976 to Oct. 31, 1976
Amt of Total Taxes Taxes
Tax Levy Collected Returned
Lake George Central $ 709,582.78 $ 636,046. 64 $ 73,536.14
Queensbury Union Free 2,913,671.38 2 ,549,849. 82 363,821.56
Hudson Falls Central ' 3,370.29 3,370.29
Tax Levy of 1975 for tax year 1976
Amount of warrant $ 2,014,091. 71
Franchise taxes collected by treasurer 95,067. 74
Collector' s payments 'to Supervisor 1,314,388.16
Collector's payments -to treasurer 246,449.83
$1,655,905. 73
Total returned taxes , 358 185.98
Respectfully submitted,
• Betty Eggleston
Rec. of Taxes
Police Dept.
To Iron. Town Board:
Complaints Received--------------------------------------- 4914
Accidents Investigated:
Property Damage---------- 399
Personal Injury 54
Fires-------------------------- -- ,-------------- 82
Escorts------------------------------------------ 755
Assists to other Dept---------------.-------------- 78
Missing .Persons---------------------------------- 18
Burglar Alarms----------------------------------
Vehicle and Traffic Summons Issued,--- ------ 398
Parking Tickets Issued------=-------------------- 351
Driving While Intoxicated Arrests---------------- 35
Criminal Arrests :'
Assault ------------ 19 Attempt to Commit a Crime --- 1
Burglary------------ 19 Bench Warrants--------- ----- 3
Petit Larceny-------153 Theft of Service---------- 3
Harassment----- ---- 33 Forgery---------------------- 2
Bad Checks----'--:-- 40 Endangering Welfare of Child- 2
Controlled Substance-13 Warrants for other Dept. ---- 1
Criminal Trespass--- 6 Town Ordinances-------------- 11
Criminal Mischief--- 10 Aggravated Harassment-------- 3
Auto Theft---------- 3 Disorderly Conduct------- -- 14
Poss. Stolen Property 9 Obstructing Govt. Process---- 2
Violation of Probationl Perjury-- ------- --- --- 1
Filing False 'Repo rt- 2 Resisting Arreet-=--- -______ 2
Conspiracy-___7___..!_ 2 Mensc4ng-----------------
-- 1
V&T Misdemeanors---- 6 Loitering;__-------- 1
Family Court-------- 1 Child Abuse------------------ 1
.Reckless Endangerment 2
Sexual Abuse-------- 1
Public Lewdness----- 2
Total Criminal.Arrests--.------------------------------------------ 427
Total Mileage Travelled----------------------------------------- 151775
Value of Recovered Property------------------------------------$72618. 00
Respectfully Submitted,
Chief of Police /s/ .
Mountainside .Free Library
R.D.#1 Lake George, N.Y. 12845
Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1976
Receipts Unexpended Balance 121. 73
State Grant (SALS) 300.00
Special Grant for Children's Books
(SALS) - 100. 00
Town Grant 325.00
Gifts 322. 15
1,168. 88
Baker & Taylor 83. 62
Doubleday Co: 3. 61
Other Books 43.25
Literary Guild Club 48.07
Doubleday Bakgain Club 42. 08
Readers' Digest Cond. Bks . 24.70
(Nr. 33)
Insuramge Saratoga Co. Mutual Fire Ins. 61.00
Bank°Urvice."Charge 4.64
Petrolane Gas 22. 36
Niagara Mohawk 75.00
Crandall Snow Removal 10.00
Vaughn Cleaning 35.00
Supplies 3�2. 85
486. 18
Balance -on hand 682. 70
(Fall gas bill not in several book bills)
We are trying to save money to paint inside of library but must open
SALS grant on books .each year.
Alfaretta Durham, Treas .
Dog Warden
January 11, 1977
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Dear Sirs:
I submit this report for the year 1976 of amy activities
as Dog Warden.
There was a total of 866 complaints answered compared with
a total of 809 in 1975.
A total of 295 dogs were picked up in comparison to a total
of 256 for the year 1975.
Miles traveled in 1976 were 16, 301, a decrease of 991 miles
in 1975.
There were 23 persons brought before Justice Court. This
reflects an increase of 16 cases over the year 1975.
The year 1976 showed a total of 3,204 dogs enumerated in the
town which is an increase of 409 over 1975.
There were 296 summons issued to delinquent owners compared
`— to 397 in the year 1975.
I wish to thank the board for my appointment for the coming
Respectfully submitted,
J.F. Davison
,A 2110 Zoning Fees 1,225. 00
A 2555 Building Permits 15, 725.00
A 2655 Maps, .Books, etc. 78.42
A 1570 Demolition Permits 150.00
Total Receipts 1976 '17, 178.42
Fees Returned
A 2110 Zoning Fees 50.00
A 2555 Building Permits 52.00
Total returned 1976 102 .00
TOTAL FEES RECEIVED 1976 17,076.42
PAID TO SUPERVISOR IN 1976 (this° represents
receipts for 12 months Dec. 1975 thru
November 1976Y 17, 323. 86
"9 28
Balance in Checking Account as of Dec. 31, 1976 595.56
17, TE 7f
Less December 1975 Fees 843.00
Respectfully submitted,
George P. Liapes
Building Inspector
Town of Queensbury
MONTH December 1976 Twelfth Month
ONE FAMILY 5 188,000. 00 112 4,068,000.00-
MULTIPLE FAMILY ` 137,000. 00
NO -
GARAGES 3.3 84,400. 00
SIGNS 10 115
ALTERATIONS-ADDITIONS 2 3,050.00 129 2,124,047.00
DOCKS 1 4 1,000. 00
TOTALS 22 194, 850. 00 618 7,289.251. 00
MONTH December 1976 Twelfth MONTH
99 Field Inspections 1448 Field Inspections
12 Violations Cited 221 Violations Cited
8 Violations Abated 188 Violations Abated
None Court Actions 3 Court Actions
$ 541. 00 Total Fees for Month $15,914.0.0 Total Fees for
Mileage: Respectfully submitted,
Reading Dec. 30, 1976 61,049.9
Reading Nov. 30, 1976 59,784. 1
Mileage Dec. 1976 1,265. 8
George P. Liapes
Building Inspector
Town of Queensbury —'
January 3, 1977
The following is a list- of activities in the Office of the Town Clerk
for the year of 1976
Licenses sold: 2427 Male and_ Apayed Female Dogs
256 Female Dogs
1 - Seeing Eye Dog:
37 Kennel Dogs
7 Kennel Licenses
36 Lost and Transfer Licenses
4 Transfer to New Owners
3 Void Licenses (Dog)
835 Resident Fishing Licenses
233 Resident Hunting Licenses
343 Res. Hunting & Fishing Licenses
858 Res.' Big Game Licenses
90 Archery Licenses
9 Lost License Certificates
13 Trapping Licenses
22 Non Res. Fishing Licenses
28 Non Res. 7 Day Fishing Licenses
2 Non Res. Hunting Licenses
3 Non Res. Big Game Licenses
49 Free Fishing Licenses
73 Free Hunting Licenses
72 Free Big Game Licenses
75 Marriage Licenses
197 License and Ordinance Permits
13 Certified Copies
1 Delinquent Dog Report
Fees paid to the Supervisor as a result of the sale of Conservation
Licenses: $619. 75
Dog Licenses: 690.00
Marriage Licenses: 187.50
Certified copies:` 26.00
License and Ordinance Permits: 5103.97
Delinquent Dog Report 37.00
Paid to the County Clerk for Conservation Licenses : $ 15,635.50
County Treasurer for Dog Licenses: 6 ,513.40
N.Y. St. Dept. of Health for Marriage Licenses: 37.50
Parks and Recreation: 955000
Received from Warren Co. Treas. for 1975 Dog Licenses 3,772. 35
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
January 11, 1977
TOWN JUSTICES , TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 76,042. 75
TOWN JUSTICES, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,774
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis E. - Joslyn, Court Clerk-
JANUARY 11, 1977
JANUARY 386 $ 3, 117. 00
February 113 1 ,380.00
March 204 2 ,525.00
April 209 3,024. 00
May 147 2,003.00
June 163 2,109.00
July 311 fit,856. 50
August 232 3,837. 00
September 326 5,474. 50
October 257 3, 769.00
November 183 2 ,522. 75
December 200 3 091.25
Totals 2; 7, Ci $ 37,709.00
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis E. Joslyn, Court Clerk
Queensbury Town Court
- - January 11, 1977
FORWABj) •T0 A.&C.
January 159 $ 2,287. 00
February . 133 2,138. 00
March 123 2,913.00
April 186 3,252.00
May 128 1,542. 00
June 151 2 ,864.00
July 191 3,223. 50
August 281 5,001. 50
September 202 3,989. 75
October 203 3, 354. 50
November 263 3,549.50
December 223 4 219.00
Totals - $ 38"333. 75
�sespectfully submitted,
Phyllis E. Joslyn, Court Clerk
Queensbury Town Court
January 11, 1977
Balance 314,498. 77
Encumbered 13 ,101.17 ✓
1977 Budget Encumbrance 100 000. 00
Cash Surplus �11397T0
Outstanding Note - Water Dept.. 30:�00.00
Total Surplus BSI,397.-60
Balance 68,866. 86
Encumbered 30 489.46
Surplus 3$�TT-5+0
Balance 29,691. 86
Encumbered 381. 55 A"
1977 Budget Encumbrance 6,913. 00
Surplus 22,397. 31
Balance 172. 78
Encumbered 172. 78
Balance 11,011.20
Balance 9;749.53
Encumbered 6 022. 27 . . .
Surplus 3,727-.76
Loan Balance to General Fund 50, 000. 00
Net Balance (-
Balance 2,288.10
Balance 5,378.16
a ance 1,261.58
1977 Budget Encumbrance 800.00
Surplus 451. 58
Balance 11. 31
Balance -0-
Balance 12 ,491.20
1977 Budget Encumbrance 3,540. 00
Surplus 8,951.ZU
Balance 1,359.41
1977 Budget Encumbrance 10275 1 00
Surplus F. +
Balance 296. 76
---Balance -0-
Balance 36.108. 58
Balance 0-
Balance 30,263.43
Balance 9 ,055.49
Balance 40,832.54
The following monthly reports were placed on file in the Town Clerk's Office.
Police Dept. Month of December 1976
Dog Warden Month 'of December 1976
Cemetery Commission-minutes Jan. 5, 1977
Town Clerk Month of December 1976
Councilman Olson-noted that the Highway Supt, had notified the councilman
that his report would ,be in this week but could not be ready for tonight
due to the snow storm. . .
Councilman Barber- reviewed tke process of the Annual Reports due from
each department and Commended the Town Clerk for always havt*gg his
done on time. . .
Councilman Olson- .requested the reading of the next two letters into
the minutes. . . `regarding 'landfill. . .
January 5, 1977
Councilman Olson,
Dear Sir:
Having lived on Carlton Drive for 22 years paid taxes and each
week garbage collected, I feel Mr. Brandt and others are rubbing it
in on the Queensbury residents.
To pay to use our own landfill which we have supported for years,
and will now be required to pay, is a little too .much.,
On Social Security, we love our home. But I shall pile the bags
even if disgraceful, for pick up, when we begin to rake in April. A
month of That is not too good, but to pay to take tken up as we will
is out of the question as taxes raise and food, we can riot do anything
Please read this at our next council meeting.
Mildred E. Pepin
8 Carlton Drive
Bad enough to sit five minutes to get out to Aviation Rd. , since the Mall
has come and is expanding. Am sending a letter to Bd.of Supervisors also.
Ltr. 396 Ridge Rd.
Glens Falls , N.Y.
Jan. 6, 1977
Dear Mr. Olson,
I am so glad that you are against the landfill fees planned.
Here I am one person in a home, and usually I take my own refuse to
the landfill about three times a year in a bushel basket or two. I have
my own garden, and I collect few cans which I flatten. I have a fire-
place and use papers to start the fire. I Vass along my magazines.
My leaves I use for mulch, even my neighbor s leaves. I have a dog
to feed and wildlife ffalore and that means less waste to go to
the landfill. So with *hat refuse I have, I should pay $20.00?
And with taxes rising at the present rate? That to me is ridiculous.
We tax payers are becoming more and more disillusioned. Of
course, we have known that city refuse went to our landfill via
Bay Road.
Please, Mr. Olson, Hold on to what is good for Queensbury anti
its taxpayers.
Elisabeth Renner
PS. I am so glad that the Conservation Council will'-,be able
to carry on. I resigned because I !do not 'care to drive at night,
but principally because I felt a younger person could do more
however, I enjoyed very much-working with the group, Some of whom
I had known or heard about way back .in their high school years.
Arthur Turnbull- questione4the Town Counsel on the defingtion of
conflict of interest. . .
Town Counsel-general defin.S on- „anyone who personally in any way
would receive any benefit from acting do something that is before them
to consider in their 'capacity.
Arthur Turnbull=What ,was..your affiliation with Sperry '!rucking Co. ?
Councilman Barber- I am President and still am of Sperry Trucks Inc.
Arthur Turnbull Were you not doing the same type of business as you do
Councilman Barber-Some what-.
Arthur Turnbull- Were you not a Councilman on .the Boatrd and also on the
Councilman Barber- I do not believe 3 have been a member of the landfill
committee for the last three maybe four year-s.'
Arthur Turnbull- Were you not on the Council when you were affiliated .
with Sperry Trucking Co.?
Councilman Barber- yes
Arthur Turnbull-Were they not +en gaged in the sr 'endaeavors as North
American Recycling is in?
Councilman Barber-Somewhat, they a not involved in the same thin, they
are both two .on--going corporations?
Arthur Turnbull- questioned, -the -Town Counsel if this was not a conflict of
Town Counsel-was not familiar' with Councilman Barber's ,businesses. . .
Councilman Barber- .questioned Mr. Turnbull if he- was -not trying to find out
if there was a conflict of interest. . .
Mr. Turnbull- yes.
Councilman Barber-You have already come here with an established thought in
yow mind, that there is a conflict of interest even though the county
attorney and other public officials of the county say it is not a conflict
of interest.
Mr. Turnbull-That was concerning you with your bid with the Warren Co.
Refuse Agency.
Mr. Barber- My involvment with the landfill, as my fellow board members
will attest, that I havenubsiehAitbd tbaf'fa*lft&fit-ic6t=iEtfee fon�.oWjntzmb+i<r of
years and when`I did we were trying7 to reorganize "the landfill to make it
more beneficial to the., residents of our community. If you are trying to
associated my ,preasn.t capacity -with the recent negotiations that are being
conducted with, the city and the town, `the only involvment that I had was
acquainting them with the knowledge of the wast4*ndustry as far as the
. . .. techniques or- tschnology of rates and charges or the legal mechanism of
establishing a joint landfill, I withdrew and refused to have any involvment
because I made it known, If at any time that it went to public bid that my
corporation, -if,-it was 'not a 1 l 'ct of interest,° would bid.
Mr. Brandt-To back that up, that is my observations also In every discussion
and negotiations, Mr. Barber was very generous in educating us as to how
this recycling industry works. He has gone way out of his way to help us.
Whenever there was a -decision to be made, he stepped -out of it.
Mr. Turnbull-The people-.rof this town are wetting this conception of- the idea
that he has not been and is itivolved. I am trying to get this thing aired
out. I am not after Mr. Barber' s head, he is very knowledgeable.
Mr. Barber-I did nothing with the landfill committee other than inform them
of my knowledge and background on this subject of landfills. I have worked
with various engineering firms around the country. I maintain my position,
it was regretful that this editorial was written in the manner that it was,
I am a business man in this community, I am a taxpayer and I am aldo* a
councilman on this town board. Because I am a councilman and a business-
man there-are sometimes-occassions which arise then we have to ,decline _
where your involvment comes and goes. After-ra strict interpretation of the
law by the county attorney, that it was not a 'conflict of interest that
I entered my bid. Vhav-e cooperated since the awarding of the bid with the
Advisory Council making theta aware what -t°be -volume and traffic is, and I
think my input is going to reduce the rates hopefully.
Mr. Turnbull-I am glad you answered the question. This was not projected to
you as an •indivtdual. I wanted it aired so the people would know that
somebody had some gumption to say to you that you were affiliated with
Sperry Trucking Co, you were a councilman at the time that had charge of
the landfill, you had your opportunity to answer my question, the attorney
had his opportunity too, and he gave me his opinion as to what he thought
was-a conflict of interest.
Questioned if some of the sales tax monies could be used for the landfill
Supervisor Brandt- It can be.
Mr. Turnbull- Can we get aid from CDA or EDA for -this project'?
Councilman Robertson- To the best of our knowledge no, but we are exploring
every avenue.
Councilmman Barber- conaeeted ,atr some monies frost the State and Federal
Governments for certain landfill project such as transfer stations etc. —'
Supervisor Brandt- The basics are this, the State Government does not asst
to encourage landfills they want -to encourage resource recovery sa the
bulke of the monies are for resource recovery. . .we are trying to design
to fit -an over all goal.of `a resource recovery plant, it may be that we
can get help because we are taking that first step. . .
Councilman Barber- reviewed theppaddle wheel coticept of mixing solid waste
with siudge 'Sdge. . .being done in Europe. . .and in two states in this country. .
also possible engineering 'studies can be reimbursed: . .
Supervisor Brandt- commented on Norm Barnes who is working on this project. . .
possible federal funding of a pilbetprogram . . .
Arthur Turnbull- Have we"-had any monies from CDA?
Covncilman>-Barber� We -are not eligible.
Arthur Turnbull- noted that he would like to see the Councilman's vacancy
filled wi:th someone Prow Labor.
Mr. William Thorne-Chestnut Ridge Road-questioned why we have to pay the j
proposed $20.00 fee'?
Councilman Robertson-reviewed -the
past and the proposed futu� of the
joint -landfill. : gated. that 1no matter what war did.-one snide- oe'the other
would ,have- a problem justifying what we did. ..usRe they approach if you
use it, you pay for< U. .the one fairway to apportion -the' cost-of the landfill.
Councilman Barber reviewed ENCON law 360 and its effect on. the landfill. . .
and the closure standards on the Luzerne Road 'site.'. .
Supervisor Brandt. reviewed. the states mandates 4s to a properly run landfill,
and engineering study on how the landfill is to be operated. ..
Mr. William- Thorne- What is the State going to' do if.we do not follow the
Councilman Barber-commented on a meeting with Mr. Peter Burley of ENCON-
noting that part 360 will become effective on the 15th of the month. . .
commented that ENCON law does not hgve 'to go before the legislature for
passage. . .I understand Assemblyman Solomon will chafe ENCON ability
to form rules at will..'.'i;f the bill is passed all rules and regulation will
have to go before the legislature for passagge. . ..
There will be more meeting on the Counry 'Refuse Committee regarding the
rate structure. . .
Supervisor Brandt-we have to 'be responsible to the residents of Queensbury. . .
if the law is explicit in trying to prevent a deterioration of that envir-
onment and try and do a reasonable ,job of 'running a landfill, personally, I
` honor that. . .for 38G. a week to�.handle the garbage from my home if that is
what is established, $20.00 a gear, I think that is very little to ask. . .
if we establish a fee system that generates more revenue than what it costs
to run the landfill we are not going to throw that revenue in the landfill,
that revenue belongs to the people if there is a surplus it belongs to the
two communities , that means the next year we can lower it or we can use it
to buy lands that we know-In time we are going to have to buy more lands,
or we. can use it to buy more equipment or we can use it to provide things
we need to provide, we are not adding blk$ngalaries we are not adding any
new jobs, we are not creating a new boondoggle. , .we are trying to do a good
job of running a .landfill we are ,using ,the umbrella provided under county
law, this landfill is not going to be run'by the County Supervisors,persay,
it is really the refuse agency and Ham and I are your representatives on the
Refuse Agancy: . . � there are two from the City. and one from up county supervisor
to provide direction: . .everyone is' trying. to do one thing to do a quality job
and be conscious of costs to run a good landfill. . .and not to destroy a
neighborhood. . .
noted that we must mine out the gravel that is in the landfill and make more
room. . .sell the gravel to :the county. . .
Councilman Robertson- reviewed the years since 1964 when the City and the
Town started negotiations toward a joint landfill. .
Mrs. Turnbull- questioned why funds were not placed in the budget for
landfills. . .
Councilman Barber- There were funds allocated in a special fund the reserve
fund for the Queensbury landfill, at least three years ago for this
eventuality. . .
Councilman Olson- we got to a point .where we could see that we could not
run a joint fiaridfill and the City couldn' t so we had to go to the County.
Supervisor Brandt-There was. no way to do it other than to go to the County. . .
Richard Kilmartin-Bay Road-questioned where the dog warden is five days
a week. . .there are dogs running all over., . .auestioned by the dogs are
not contained. . .
Councilman Olson- With the type of law that we have a Dog In the Town
can run free as long as it is not a nu*lance, if a formal complaint is
issued then the Dog Warden picks up the dog, takes it to the owner and
the dog bas to be restrained. . .
Richard Kilmartin- questioned the enumeration of dogs in the town and the
fines on unlicensed dogs. . .
Councilman Barber- read the/yearly report of the Dog Warden. . .
Councilman Olson- requested the Tnwn Clerk to ask the Town Dog Warden
to visit Mr. Kilmartin. . .
Richard Kilmartin- complained about the County Trucks kbcking down his mail
box. . .requested that it be replaced. . . requested that .Mr. Brandt contact
the county for this. -. noted his concern over his fence also that it might
be knocked down. . .
Questioned the paying of a water tax checked out . . .notiin the district. . .
on the Glen Lake Road. . .
Councilman Barber- noted that. he had contacted the Town Assessor on this
problem-, he will contact the Town Counsel and Water Supt. and the matter will
be ree3dft". . . questioned will their
Mr. Kilmartin- questioned ,if ,'he :could receive interest on the monies
that he has been paying for water. . ...
Town Counsel- reviewed the question of intere,st. . . there are ,l irdtation
as to interest. . .that can be paid by a municipality. . .below what you
would pay if you are delinquent. . .
Mr. Kilmartin- questioned if the owner of Court house estates is paying
„tax on the foot of property along the road. . .
Councilman Olson- he should. . .
Councilman Barber- noted that Mr. Kilmartin should see the Td-tn, Assessor
'to solve this problem. . .
Mr. Gealt- inquired- if part -360 of the law was to make the landfill more
safe environmentally.
Councilman .Barber- I would, not say that, but if ENCO.N was here they would
say }yes, yes, yes.. Mariy;of the .parts .of 360 are for the betterment of the
environment, but there are various aspects of . 360 that t"think, are over
stepping the boundaries .'iA the respect that they mandate the _kind of equipment
you, will have for. a landfill.. . .noted many aspects that are very costly. . .
there are many. aspeots., _that are good we are looking at. the absurdities. . .
Mr.- Gealt; questioned the proposed, rate schedule. . .unfait�for flat fee. . .
suggested that the cost of- running the landfifl` COmefrom the General
Fund or persons be charged by the pound. . . '
Councilman Robertson-noted that by charging by the pound you have small
transactions which increase the cost of doing business. . . noted that
it is a ,worth while idea. . .
Mr. Gealt- questioned *Supervisor Brandt-has the Board conAidered' any"more
members for- the Conservation .Advisory Council?
Councilman Olson- noted that he mistakenly thought there were more members
on the Council than there.were. . .presently three members on the council. . .
Councilman Robertosn- noted that he made the same error on the number,`-'
of members. . .
Councilman Plson- asked the rbst of the Town Board memberso%be thinking for
the next meeting and try and appoint two people to the council. . .
Mr. Walter Guys- questioned paying a tax plus a fee to use the -landfill and
will G.F. be. going scott free in not flaying taxes?
Councilman Robertson- the answer to the last question is" no.
Reviewed the agreement between the City and the Town., .
Councilman Barber- coammented on the sunshine law and the changes in the
Police Dept,
Mr. Turnbull- question the use of Glens Falls Animal Hosp. for the housing
of dogs for the town.
Councilman Robertson noted that the town must- follow'�aPCA laws and
us4Ag;= the Glens Falls Animal Hopp. at this time was the best means. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 11. Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved* 6dr its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
188MUM, that Abstract. No. 77-1A Numbpped%rge 70 and totaling'
$16,070. 61 is hereby approved, noting that Audit number 48 is .
decreased by $62.50. • • •
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robertson, , Mr. `Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None