Property Deed 1
N.Y.DEED -NVARRANTY with Lien Covenant r
TRIS IMENTUR13,made tho 8'h day of April,2002
BE-TIVE-'N: RO11ERTBOOT11GOODIVIN,ieslrlingar104Pay Street,Glans ralls,
NY 12801
party of Ilia first part,and
nOBERT BOOM GOODIVIN,reskling firt 104 Bay Slreal, Glens halls,
i NY 12801 and ROA'AM4 GOOD W IN,residing at II Liralarit HIR Road,
Quacnrsbiuy,NY 12804
parties of Ilia second ltart,
Wlluesseth that lite party of Ilio first part lit consideration of ONE DOLLAR lawful money of Ilio
United States,and other good and vitlualrlc consideration paid by Ilia parties of the second part,
does hereby grant and release wilo Ilia parties of Ilia second part as Joint tearints and not its
tenants In common,all of Mot cerinin real property described as follows;
situate lit the Town of Quccnsbury, Warren County, Now York, io it settlement known its
Goodspeedville,bounded and described as follows; Beginning lit lite center of Elio Pitcher road; t 1
Ilience running northerly along what is known as fine Sirect,to within seven and one-half rolls of p
Ilia northerly line of sold Jason R, Rawson's lanai; thence easlerly about forty feet to and
including a row of apple Iroos; thence southerly alolig 1110 cost line or side of Tho rote of aliplc CD
trees,aforesaid,to ilia canter of the Ditcher road,thence to lite place of beginning,and being Ilia
sonic premises now or recently occupied by Ashley J. Rawson, and being Ilia sinue premises
conveyed by decd dated November 20% 1898,to Charles P.Nununt,and George It.Mutual,of
Glens Falls,NY by Joseph A. Kellogg, Refarea, and recorded In the Warren Cotnly Clerk's
Office January 25a',1899,In Liber 82 of Dccds at Page 305,as Ilia ammo teas described in n deed
from Corrie M. Numan and others to Alfco,Rawson, dated October 16, 1907 and recorded lit
Warren County Clerk's Office October 17, 1907 in Book I I I of Deeds tit Dago 413. SECONM
ALL THAT TRACT OF PARCEL Of- LAND, situate in Ilia Town of Quccnsbury, Warren
County,New York,at What was called Goodspeedvi Ile now'West Glens Falls,conlinaticing lit a
point in Ilse center of the highway lending front Glens Falls to I•ludson hill and known its Ilia
Pitclier Road,and at a pint(sic)ten fact Cast of lite now easterly line of lands owned by said
parties of the first part(meaning Merritt Duell and Nora Diteli, his wife, grptnors lit the decd
hereinnfler referred to), and which point is also ton feet cost of said second party's Post litre
(meaning said Alice L.Rawson),running thence Northerly in a sltaight line twelve and one-half
rods to an iron pipe driven in the ground; Ilience Westerly at riblet angles Willi the first
mentioned llae about ten feet to the East litre of lands owned by said party of ilia second part
(meaning said Alice L, Rawson) to and (sic)iron pipe driven in the ground, 11tence Southerly
along tits Cast line of said party of the second part's land (meaning lands of said Alice L.
Rawson)twelve and one-half rads to Ilia center ofsaid PItcher Road; thence L+nsterly along ilia
center of said Pitcher Road ten feet to the place of beginning. Being it strip of land about twelve
and one-half rods in length and about ten feet wide off from ilia wcsicrly side of lite promises
owned by said llntlics of tilt first part(and mcnilhlg snid Merritt Dull and Nora Duell,Ills Wlfe)
and deSQribed Ill it deal from Rlicr!.Joslyn and Wife of Molrltt Ducll,di led March 316,1909,and
recorded In the Warren County Clerk's Office on the 4"'day of March,1909,1n Book No,115 of
Deeds at Page 307,as ilia simic was tlsscribed is a decd from Merrill Uucil anti wire to sold Alice
L.Rawson,dated September 16, 1911 and recoricd lit Warren County Clark's Offica lily 11.
1912 ht Book 124 omceds et Page 167"
s BEING the spino promises described in it decd Einar Donl11d Piper to Rabcrt Iloolli Goodwill �
tinted July 25, 1968 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office ml August 3, 1989 hl
Liber 719 orDccils at Page 155,
kgclirt.'r with the allpti lematces mild all tits cstalo and rights of lire early of file first 111111111 atld to
stud premises,
i 7b have and to boli!Ill,: shove-gruned lircnliscs unto tiro paliles of tilts second part us jolili
lanais,with ilia right or survivorship,and to ilia survivor ortheln and to the heirs and assigns of
il; such survivor forever, And ilia party orae first part covenants that lie has not done or mffclyd
aisyllsing Whereby 111c Sall promises have item hlc mlbered Its Idly Way wilatever,
'fald,sold purly of Ilio first put coveaants as follows;
171I.a.That the parties of(Etc secolul part 6111111 tluielly etljoy tilt said pretllisor,
Sucntul,That said plstly of elle first part will forever Wlnram Ilia title to said prentises,
'1'lrf,'rl, That in Coulp linnca Willi See. 13 of the Hell Luw, the grimtor will rccclvc ilia
considcratlon for this conveyance and will(told tits right 10 receive such conshperatioll as it i111M
Iillid to be applied fitst for the pulltose of 1111yin611le cost of tlsc hllpi mvillent Plitt wIll apply the
sante first to ilia puyllncnl of the cost or tlic Improvement bernre using any part of tilt total of ilia
sante for any other putflosc.
IN WITNESS li'lIJ:I;fi(Jl; the pony of the firsi pari hnve lieremilo set hand alnd wad till slay
and year first above Wriuctl. /
RuluaY Ilau1 a tivadn l+i
Oil this 8'''day of April,2002,lie rorc tile,Ila unAersigned,it Mainly Peddle is and ror sold Stale,
personally appeared Suhart Minth Gragdnla+,personally knokvii to Inc or proved to me ml the WON of i
satisraclory evldcaee to be nhc Individual Whesa nallle Is Milmoribctl tit the Li'f111i11 inamment and
acknowledged to me that lie cxesatcd 1110 Salilc ill 1116 capacity, sad 111a1 by III$ signnture on the
btsirument,dic individual or the person oil behalf of+vh1ch Zile indi> du )Paled,executed the fulmIllcnL
Nolaryhiblfc \j toISJ.AMUON
i NntnN PuLlto,Btnto ut Naw Yaik
} Qualnled In Warren County
i 2 Ato,A0006R7 hoz
Gnrn+niadon Explrue Mnrclt 30,W
GRANTOR: ROBERT B. GOODWIN, as the Executor of the Estate of
PO Box 636
Bolton Landing, New York 12814
PO Box 636
Balton Landing, New York 12814
THIS EXECUTOR'S DEED made between Grantor and Grantee on the deed
date stated above WITNESSES THAT GRANTOR by virtue of the power and authority
given to him in and by the said Last Will and Testament and in consideration of,and in
partial satisfaction of, Grantee's interest as a residuary beneficiary pursuant to
Paragraph Third of Decedent's Last Will&Testament and other good and valuable
consideration, paid by Grantee,
assigns forever all that property located at:
75 and 77 Main Street
Town of Queensbury
County of Warren
State of New York
TAX MAP # 309.10-1-48 and 309.10-1-49
Parcel 1
ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate,lying and being in West
Glens Falls,Town of Queensbury,Warren County, New York,bounded an described as
On the north by the French burying ground; on the south by the highway leading
through West Glens Falls to Corinth; on the west by lands of Merritt Duell, and on the
east by a line parallel to the west line, and sixty feet distant therefrom.
EXCEPTING AND RESERVING All that tract, piece or parcel of land situate in the Town
of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York,being more particularly bounded
and described as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of Main Street(County Road
Number 28),with the common division line of lands of Grady as conveyed in book 671
of deeds at page 791 to the East and lands herein described to the West,thence along
said Northerly line, South 67 deg. 43 min. 41 sec. West, a distance of 11.6o +/-m(38.06
+/-ft.)to the Easterly corner of Parcel M33, of the Proposed Reconstruction of Main
Street,thence along said Parcel M33, North 68 deg. 35 min. 36 sec.West, a distance of
5.21 +/- In (17.08 +/-ft.)to a point,thence through the lands of the Grantor the
following 9 courses:
z) North 67 deg. 43 min. 41 sec. East, a distance of 5.89m (22.62ft.)to a point,thence
2) South 22 deg. 16 min. 19 sec. East, a distance of o.8om (2.62 ft.)to a point,thence
3) North 67 deg. 43 min. 41 sec. East, a distance of 1.9om (6.23 ft.)to a point,thence
4) North 22 deg. 16 min. 19 sec.West, a distance of o.8om (2.62 ft.)to a point,thence
5) North 67 deg. 43 min.41 sec. East, a distance of 3.29 m(10.78 ft.)to a point,thence
6) South 22 deg. 16 min. 19 see. East, a distance of o.8om (2.62 ft.) to a point,thence
7) North 67 deg.43 min. 41 sec. East, a distance of 1.80 In (5.91 ft.)to a point,thence
8)North 22 deg. 16 min 19 sec. West, a distance of 0.80m (2.62 ft.)to a point,thence
9) North 67 deg. 43 min. 41 sec. East, a distance of 1.46 +/-in (4.80 +/-ft) to a point in
the aforementioned common division line, thence along said common division line,
South 22 deg. 43 znin. og sec. East, a distance of 3.59 +/- in (11.78+/-ft.)to the point of
Intending to be a strip of land of varying width and approximately 15 meters in length to
be used for the installation, reconstruction and maintenance of utilities.
Being the same premises as described in a deed from Edith M. Davignon to Roxanna G.
Goodwin dated November 28, 1975 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on
November 29, 1995 in Book 964 of Deeds at Page 155.
Parcel 2
Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York and which said parcel is more
particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marked by an
iron rod set in the northerly bounds of Main Street, said point being situate a distance of
85.00 feet and bearing South81 degrees 29 minutes 50 seconds West from the
southeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of Ethel Fischer; running thence from
said point of beginning North o8 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of
181.25 feet to an iron rod set;thence South 81 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds West,a
distance of 55.34 feet to an iron rod set in the easterly bounds of Pine Street; thence
north 07 degrees 5o minutes 40 seconds West, along said street boundary, a distance of
23.75 feet to an iron rod set marking the southwesterly corner of the premises described
in a deed from Ethel Fisher to Stanford L. Gilman, dated November 21, 1983, and
recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on August 7, 9184 in Liber 663 of Deeds at
Page 505; thence North 81 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East along the southerly
bounds of said Iands of Gilman, a distance of 140.01 feet to an iron rod set in the
westerly bounds of lands now or formerly of Davignon;thence South o8 degrees 39
minutes 10 seconds East, along the westerly bounds of said lands of Davignon, a
distance of 205.00 feet to an iron rod set in the northerly bounds of Main Street;thence
South 81 degrees 29 minutes 5o seconds West, along said street boundary, a distance of
85.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.43 acres of land, more or less.
Being the same premises as described
EXCEPTING AND RESERVING All that certain tract,piece or parcel of land situate in
the Torn of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York being more particularly
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of Main Street(County Road
Number 28)with the common division line of lands of Goodwin as conveyed in Book
719 of deeds at Page 155 to the West and the lands herein described to the East,thence
along said common division line, North 22 deg. 43 rain, og sec. West, a distance of
1.85+/-m (6.07 /-ft.)to a point.Thence through the lands of the Grantor the following
3 courses:
1) North 68 deg.43 min.41 sec. East, a distance of 23.37+/- m (76.68 +/-ft.)to a point,
2) North 22 deg. 16 min. 19 sec.West, a distance of 1.75m (5.74 ft.)to a point, thence
3) North 67 deg.43 min.41 sec. East, a distance of 2.53 +/- m(8.30 +/-ft.)to a point in
the Westerly line of lands of Goodwin, as conveyed in book 964 of deeds at page 155,
thence along said Westerly line, South 22 deg. 43 min. 26 sec. East,a distance of 3.60
+/-m (11.81 +/-ft.)to a point in the aforementioned Northerly line,thence along said
Northerly line, South 67 deg. 43 min.41 sec. West, a distance of 25.92 +/-m (85,02+/-
ft.)to the point of beginning.Intending to be a strip of land of varying width and.
approximately 26 meters in length to be used for the installation, reconstruction and
maintenance of utilities.
The said Roxann G. Goodwin, aka Roxanna E. Goodwin, died a resident of Warren
County, New York on April 14, 2003.
TOGETHER with appurtenances and all the estate in said premises which the Testator
bad at the time of his/her decease, and also all the estate in the premises,which the
Grantor has or had power to convey or dispose of,whether individually, or by virtue of
said Will or otherwise.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises granted by this Executor's Deed unto the
Grantee and his heirs and assigns forever.
FIRST: : That, unless noted in Schedule A.,the Grantor has not done or suffered
anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever;
Grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to
receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying
the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of
the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose.
If there are more than one Grantor or Grantee,the words "Grantor" and
"Grantee"used in this deed includes them.
IN WITNESS OF THIS CONVEYANCE, Grantor has executed this
WARRANTY DEED on the deed date stated above.
Robert B. Goodwin, as Executor
the Estate Roxanne G. Goodwin
a/k/a Roxanna G. Goodwin
On this day of October, 2014 before me,the undersigned, personally
appeared Robert& Goodwin, personally known to me or proved to me n the basis
of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to within
instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his ca a 'ty, and that
by his signature on the instruments,the individual, r the Pers p n b h if of which
the individual acted, executed this instrument.
Notary Public
Record and return:
Matthew R. Ludemann, Esq. MATTHEW R. LUHEMANN
Glens Falls, New York i28or No. 02LU4829772
Quall(led in Swologa Courtly ti1
My Cortimtsslon EXPlres lyoveml)er 30, 20.1-