BOTH-000424-2015 Lia TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 712 flay!toad,Qucensbury,NY 12804-59111 (518)761-8201 i Community Development- BUilding& Codes (5 18)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT 1"en,nit Number: 130111-011111424-2015 Tax Map No: 303.16-1-1.1 Permission is hereby granted to: Sign Studio Inc. f°°"or property located at: 373 Dix.AVI: In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at tice above location in accordance with application together with plat plans and cattier information hereto filaQd and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Tyne a af,Construction Owner Name: LIA DID AVENUE REALTY,I,,I,,C Sign $0.00 Owner Address: 373 Dix AVE Total Value S@.til) Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name I Address Electrical Inspection Agency Sign Studio Inc. I Ingalls AVE Troy.,NY 12180 Plans&Specifications Wall Sign 16.96 s.f. "SE`RVIC1:" (Cross Ref: Sign Variance PZ-100-2016 Approved 3/23!20116 by ZBA for 2 additionalwall signs;this is 2 of 2 additional wall signs) $50.88 1'P;12MIT PAID-THIS PERMIT PXPiRES': (Ifa longer period is required.an application for all extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer ofthe'rowvn of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Datedat the Town of C c rfs turn &!116 �1) r the Town of Queensbury. SIGlw11:�:1]13Y: Q ry. Director ol'Building&Code Enforcement Office Use Only Town of Queensbury Building & Codes Received: ID: SIGN PERMIT APPLICAT 01 Tax Map i ION Permit No.:2 DE' Permit Fee: Q_ 6(, 9-D Applicant AA Date _S_100 fax Map ID5 340"- 3--0 1b.___C0()L-W ' Address j 0 Zoning Property Owner LIh hkkUM6 LL.0 Contractor/Agent-­<Amf-n�-, 3_� _hk� —- -— Address E_�N LAE Address -7 12i !SIB -_q8 a' IL Phone Phone, IS 6"1 on 1 Code Compliance: Contact Pers Day Phone: 5!8-c)bts�,. '7 _Rc Building Street Address: Site Plan,Variance, or Subdivision Approvals Location of proposed installation Business Complex/Plaza/Mall name L,IA �J 53AP4 R I ------------ nusmess name Tvpe of Sign proposed sign is to be iHuminated, indicate nternal --external —Incandescent —neon ther Yes No (if yes, list all existing signage) Do signs currently exist on property? o Change of word1copy From to S i g n W'ord ing/Copy 5 x Width��T� ft Sign Size Total &g�, Height(freestanding) C�olor& Material to be used This application creates a change in the New cllawing 0 t_�-K —nuig—ns fr6"m_: to existing site conditions (fill in ak ChangeinWAVI applicable spaces) Change in setback for sign from =to Change in size from to Change in, height of s�gn from to Declaration: To the best of my �nowiedge, the statements contained in the application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and, complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Or6nance, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted, and that such work �is authorized by the owner,. S J A e-VeZ Q1AQ- C -1 6 t4 ST�-A '~`V APPLICANT-PRINT NAME APPLICANT-SIGNATURE: Date: Declaration: I hereby authorize the applicant to place sign o:ri�y�roperly or building: OWNER-PRINT NAME: � v 0 r ) OWNER-SIGNATURE: Date: Town of Queensbury Budding&Codes Sign PerrnIt Appkation 518-761-8256 Date: 7/23/2015 RE: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION Lia Nissan of Glen Falls To Whom It May Concern: This letter authorizes Architectural Graphics Incorporated (AGI) as licensed sign contractors (or Agents or Subcontractors) for the dealership to secure permits, variances and perform sign installations, removals or maintenance at the property located at 373 Dix Ave Queensbury NY 12804. All work done by said contractors will meet Code requirements and NEC standards. By: Owner/Agent Address 1258 Central Ave Albany NY 12205 Phone–bus-518-489-2111 x 235 or cell 518-281-8640 NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC. Nissan RetailEnvironment Design Initiative Sign Program III.SCHEDULE OF SIGNS --------—17-w3 27/32" — 3 0" Nissan Word-rd a�,l Channel Letters T0, C 1,! n (Tata!of 1)43,30 s q,ft. NEW 4'-5 5/16- 24 L— L F" DP'L "N L"N -"T L 4-Ch Channel Fers(Total of 1)BAB sqk NEW 21 , L Sgv e haqoT2"— 2 ilpCch. t Channel LLI,,,(Total of 1)M96 sq.ft. illee .................. Sk variance for thes NEW L 20_ Ex rens Channet tetters 20"Channel Letters(Total of 1)18.15 sq.ft. NEW 7" 6'"10 13/16"—� 5r 10" NISsAN Entry Element-70" 40.25 Sq.Ft.Main Brand Sign(Total of 1)7t1'OOH NEW Lia Nissan of Glenn Falls RSept/2012 ev.3 Queensbury, NY Page 6 07/31/2015 Rev#1 -08/12/2015 LSSA' NORTH AMERICA,, I N . Nissan Retail Environment Design initiative Sign Program II.SITE PLAN AND COLOR RENDERINGS The following provide a visual representation of the prepared solution. °N m.. . I „mow Ql NEW (N ISSAN'� � . 10 NEW NEW ,) ,h i I AN ' c 10 NE 2zpo Taa V NEW 4 NEW ref north Lia Nissan of Glenn falls Sept/2012 Queensbury,NY Page 4 Rev. 3 07/31/20,15 Rev#1 -08/12/2015 NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC. Nissan Retail Environment Design Initiative Sign Program SITE BEFORE NEW CONSTRUCTION .......... J ,.......... PROPOSED BUILDING AND SIGNAGE Note:Center Service and Express above bay doors. Note:Mount NWM and DNL level on second louver. G 0 22'-1'5;16 1 2"r 7 ter 7 .......... ........... Note:Center Nissan Entry Element above door. El: 30" Nissan Channel Letters C: 26" Dealer Name Letters D: 20"Service Channel Letters E: 20" Express Channel Letters Lia Nissan of Glenn Falls F: 70" Nissan Entry Element Sept/201 2 Rev.3 Queensbury,NY Page 5 07/31/2015 Rev#1 -08/12/2015 I j A IV unG Sx 'any � l i IN ^ 1 Ig �Y 10 : -- - I �� 3 i��a a•4 i---:- �!L----i ' m v:Vain arcHi v-osi ae �vj _gig �� tkt s a a ay, kgo Alt @Et I i �& 9^mm WIN NO aR-Ma TV e 0 Li I a i e l _ n —Y e•F kH:�GSE�Bd III H �I I fi