Area Variance Faden Enterprises I 2452 STATS ROUTE9 T M 181 8,9, -5243 J;anuary 15,2016 Craig ro n Zoning Administrator 74.2 Bay Rd Queensbury,NY 1 ^ 4 RE: p'aden Emerprises Tear ., . Brown: We have been made aware that time Zoning Board oaf.Appeals,is passed a resolution rear the sine show existing and proposed "tienns.We feel that this is a liability ire for tone survey to slow the proposed conditions as he has not designed or prepared the proposed design drawings. We as the project engineer sew the proposed condition on our design drawings and we will be sing and signing the proposed design.Therefore,wewould like to request a,waiver to allows the propeet to show the on,the engincering design drawings.. 1 hope that all is in order.Please oontaa nue at l 899-5243 extension 104 if there are,any questions or if any additional isnforrrnation is needed.That&you. Sincerely, LANSING ENGINEERING, PC Yates S t fi ans,inn ,IPE.,^ PFRIS `,CPSWQ C; f' 71-OWN OFQUEENSBURY, 742 Bay Road, a rreerasiaury, NY. 128'04-590' January 2-0,,2016 Russell Faden Faden Enterprises 29 Liz Bann D^rive ' Saratoga springs,NY 12866 Re: Commercial Nowa Build 75-79 Main Street Tax Map No. 3,09.10-1-4 7, 49,49, Dear,Mr. Faden.: 1 aura writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project and to document the recent: conversations between your agent; Lansing 'nsineerin „ P.C. and Laura Mneme of ray office, Upon my rev iew 1 find that your proposal, 'Fill require area Variances and 'Site Pian Rev iew prior to the commencement of the project. Specifically, variance relief is required as two of the proposed buildings do not meet the setback requirements of the Main Street (MS), district, Additionally, variance relies" is rNunired from the rninirrrurn setback requirement as the bank drive-fhru is not located within the setback requirement from interstate, 147. Site Ilan Review is necessary for the construction of the:neer buildings and the,associated site improvements. Further, i understand that you 'wish to install a 45 sq. 1 . freestanding sign. with less than the required 15, ft. minimum setbatk restriction on Marin, Street. As,such, a Sign Variance is required. Additional clarification regaarding,the materials to be used.for the:project signs are needed so that we can identify any additional relief., if necessary, Please provide this information as soon as possible. For your reference, please find the specific sign requirements for the Main Street:zone, This letter serves as the required denial letter for the processing of your application package, Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application,, please do not hesitate to contact this office., n Craig Brown n Zoning Administrator ld/ h Cc: Lansing Engineering, P.C. LXraig,B�rownVo 16;LetrerskDenial Farden Enterprises 1�1916� -doc " Hoire of Natural Beauty.. Graa.d Place toLive " A, Main Street Zoning District. (11) Wall signs_ S,ig n s above i n d ivid u a I e stab H shimenits s,h a 1,1 be, centered a b ove each respectivieshop front. If an, awning is, present, signs shall be two feet above the awning. F r or siZe flimitations, see 1§ 140-613(2)(b)- (2) Hanging or projecting signs. (a), S,hall 'be glair d perpendicular to the wall and should be loran ed above the establishment entrance doorway. (b) Shall not extend. below the bottom of the lintel, nor above the top of the upper bay on mUlltilstory buildings, (C) The lowest point of any projecting sign must be eight feet above any pedestrian. walkway. (d) Bracket designs shall) be ifltegrally planned, detailed andi highly ornarnentall in nature. Brackets shall be consistent throughout their use on any individual buil,clinig. (3) Window signs. 'VVindow, signs are enCIOUraged, subject to the following: (a) Lettering on street level storefront glass shall be no, more than eight inches high and obs,clurs no more than, 20% of the, glass, area. (b) Temporary signs advertising specific products oir services may be placed behind the! storefront g1lass, limited to six square feet or '15% of the glass area, whichever is less. (4) Awnings: Awnings shall be subject to the standards noted in, § 179-7-070E(4) of the Code of the Town of Queensbury. (5), Signs on upper floors. Businesses on upper floors are permitted two siglns: one, on the edge of an awning or canopy and one painted, on the window in separate letters on a clear background no more than six inches, high. (61) Materialz. (a) All signs shell be made of durable materials. (b), Woodl, metal, s,tome, brick or similar traditional sign materials are recommended. (c) Resin or composite, materials that gi'Ve the appearance of traditional materials may also be used. (7) Lighting, If the sign is to be ifluminated, it must utilize exterior downcast cutoff illurninatilon- (8), Prohibited: (a) Translucent or backlit sigins, canopies or awnings. (b) Paper displays and posters attached to windows are not Ipermissibl,e wi,thout Town Board approval- (C) Changeable copy signs. (d) Individual letter signs. not installed to appear flush-mounted, or with exposed raceways containing electri call transformers or s1millar, components, are prolh,iblited. (e) Signs, thal extend above the principle rooffline at the top of the lbuilding facade- (9) Planning Board r : Ind[vidualsigns, are subject to Planning Board review as part of any required site plan review applicatbri- �P4 Ne-Stibmission Conference I o J 79 mm vu 1. Tax Map pry Ike.aso"f r Review. f U a c 4. zoinfog'S000"t 6. PreSubffijsskon MOOMIS Nomeutst"An tlri Items To 130 Addressed ftl l .. beOd Yes NO e tiqri aWn,Oornplote =Yes —,'No She:be0topront Data Couplet Yes " o 1dl n t Project Information l tia x-' Y#t N MR addressod "deg No Ch kli t item's addrossed Yes No 4e Staff Re Wifte., nZa_° e- ppii apt/',gpm'. Da C � Am voylote Reviod Mprcc#, 014 is Tom of Queensbury,-Zoning 742.Buy-,Road. ue �,MY 12804 61$-761-6238 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number Leat 1 309.14-147, Lot )309.10-1 , Lot B)309.10-1-49 p d Zoning District M Il- aln Street ��kmm Detailed !Descrilption of Project [includeteurrent&propmduse]': Site Development Data dai�r� .°' . xisfing Sq. ft. �ttU q A. Building footprint Lot 1)2,081,Lot )IA K, NJA Lot 3)1 u'9 P . detached Garage JA 10 C. Acoessory tru f uini� D. 'Paved, graviel or other hard, surfaced area tpt,)IAOO,Lot 2),9 n, A 37,,8 7 w3pso E. Porches/Decks NIA NA 0 Faur NIA G. Total l ri-i"'°efteabl [Add -F] 4,66 /A 9,147 H. Parcel Area [48,660 sq. ft. /acre' ], 48,787 N/A 47,044 lw Pern g of lmr pl rmba l area of [I-/H] 17.4'% NIA 8 Setback,f3gquirements, ry ; . is in Front 11 " a In Street, 45' +1- alin Street 40°Main Street Emit,[2) 20' Pine Street 51, +1-Phe Street " Pine Street h reflil* �„ NIA NIA SidaYard'C Oq_ 0 Side,Yard [ ) NA NIA NIA Rbar Yard, 101 N/A 19 Roar Yard C A N/A NIA Travel CorhdoT NVA N/A NIA Permeability B3% 20% F` p r Ing Spaces 68 6 7 2 Area Variance RWsed Mamb 2014 Tomof Queensbuiry Z rpinvg Office-742 Bey Road• Queepsbtiry, N"d"""12804 51i B-781-8238 Additional Project Information T. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Ton Board of Health? no 2. If the parcel lays pre yipus approvals, list application number(s): n1a 3. Does ttfis, project.require coverage under the PAYS DEC Stormwater Pol lution Prevention Program? No. 4, 'Estimated project durolfion: Start Date 412016 End Date 1212,0,16 5. Estimated total cost of project': TBD 6. Total area of land disturbancefor project. 0-'a mOrO$ Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR ARREA RATIO-(FAIR); —The relationshIp oflauilding s1ze to lot sizo, derived by dividing the total building floor-area by thelot,size in sq Uarofeet, yieldfno a percentage. 54 Waterfront Residenficil VV'R 0.22, Commercial Mod erat e/Commeircial IntensiTe GM Cl Main Street '0.3. A. The combined area of-allaquam footage, as measura from exterior waft of all,strucAu res,on the pro,pefty� Including all ,fibors of"the, st I ructuras, garages, basements and attics With more, than five (6) feet of oelling helot and covered porches. 8u1Id1ngs:quamAbota;9e does not McAude: Open dock, drcoc,ks and'thaf portion of cqvBred.doo:ks extending -ower,water r and one stors-gai shed: of one hundred twenty (120) squaro feet or less. Any adds bnol sheds gill be Included, (See"FLOOR,AR EA.RATIU). K 'Commerclafor fndus#lak�the,tofal area In square,-feet asmasured fromm the-exterior-of the outside walls ofa.building or,,iAructure-, and whien':applicabtEp the sum total of ail-fluor areas of the.principal and;acpessory buildings or structures on the,projed—site. A. Parcel Area _EX116tigg Floor Ari of G lir opor."od'Additi;I Q noqrrea s. D., Pria pb"d Total Floor AFe—a ft., E. Total Allowable F1l6jW_Arii7 (&reax &e, e:above table] I *if E is lariger than D. a varianpio orj*vj�%Jons to your pign m4y' be needed. Ptease, consult wistaff. 3 ArqaVaflaoico Rwi�Mwc:h 2014 T n,of Oueensbury 1-ZonIng Office,-742 Bay koad-Queensbury, NY 128041-518-761-8238 CompliaMe with Zoning Ordinance Requesting relief from E TION: 14 Need relief from the requirement(s) listed below which can not be met'by the project as propulsed,. fCheck a#diattpplyj OSetback 0 Buffer Zidde, ❑I Lot'i dth 0 Other anlu Drive' hFough, and 0"setback from, Pine Street TheJ11biloviiiiing-questions,refibct the criteda for gr n ng bus type,of vadance. Please complete,thea; use additional sheets Iff needed. I. Whether an undestrable-change WH be ptodu ced In the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property Will be created by the; rantiwng of this area nrariannoe' The proposed variances are consistent with the surround Ing properties with In the area. The wrarianuces allow for the ethic lent develluaprrnent of the pard an 'ailllruw for desirable tenants to,grow and sustain the(Ma in 'Street commercial corridor. Whether the benefit sought by the pplibant can be adhieved by soros method,feasible.for the applicant to pursue, other, than an area variance? financial institution is a desirable tenant for the applicant end the Main Street.cairridoir Unfortunately a beak would not,be feasible without a drive through,fau ilityr:'The existing pr>alu rties are relatively narrow and when the setba ks are applied the developable area is limited,. 3. Whether;the requested area variance,is substantial? The requ ested variance will have minimal impact on the surrou indirng properties. The proposed wradarnces are consistent with the surrounding properties'Iwnrithirn the area. The varlances allow for the efficient development of the parcel and allow for de suable tenants to grow and sustain the lwlaln Street commercial corddoT, 4. Wbeftr the,proposed variance Will ham an adverse ege t or impact,on the phi :sfpal'or en ironme t l conditions in the nee hbPrhp d or district The variances npwill not have an adversaa affect of Impact urn the physical or environmental condiboris in the neighborhood as the proposed variances,wnwill allow for the development of the property,to be consistent with surrounding uses. . W°Oher the allegied difficult was self-created? The difficulty was not self-created as the building setback line will reduce the developable area and without the drive through the bank wwouuid not be feasible. 4 Area. Revised March'2014 Town of Oueensbury.e:Zoning tti -,742 Bay road- use:nae bury, NY t 518-761-8238 Submittal of a stamped and signed SURVEY MAP depicting existing and proposed conditions ll include the items as noted below. I Title,, Name,Address of applicant&person responsible for preparation of dMWIng CV-1 Deed Attached North arrow,Tax Map ltd,Mate prepared and scale[miinlrnurn 11n.-40,ft.] -1 Boundaries of the property pfbtled to,soaped zoning boundary ED -1.LM -1 b Frinc pall strud uresm accessory struttuTes With,enrterior dimo nsierns LI" -1 fl Site Improvements incl.outdoor storage areas.on, ays, perking arem eto„: exist'inproposed LMIG-1 7 etbacius f'or.all structures and irnprrovements., existing, proposed LM -1 8 Elevationsand floor orals-of all proposed and affected strn.nr wires Attached �. �.`: , ` nG rod r , HE .T ,w .,,; % a .d.E 1 I Project.sewage duspO al fosillffes, design d t lls. constmoti n de(ells, flog rate% and number laf bedroofrts L -1 proposed; 2 Water supply [Le, well] & septic on adjoining lots moth separation distances to ekisting or proposed ren slt LMIG-1 water supply midi sepntfb Separation Ofstan es fart proposed sewage.d"uspael q0enj,to well and,water odfas. NJA F-Xistibg put iq or private wnrater supbpply[w ij f.”etr',). Method ofsecudN puMic or prlvate water, location. desggn and consirta1lon of water supply I nckAirng dailywater usage L -1 Pemolatton test lo,bptlo n anct resuulttn LM -1 I . v. d Number of spaces required for p inject ncluding!calculations and auustiftat ow. a sting -proposed V-1 2 1 No. of eAsting parldng spaces,number to be xerrnove ,, number to maintaurn and type of sudWrig material ' -1 �-1 Ie.gF,.,gravel, papaved] ,; Provision for pedestrian and handicap-a sand,pasrking; existing_4,proposed LUG-1 4 I Design details of'ingM s,egos,loadlEng ir6as and r tting", existing A pro DT-1 b Lpratfoni end cfngra t r of green areas [end ft and proposed), modifncalJon to green area, buffer zooelo L Mt -1 r4main unndfsturbed. 6 Ug[vtinuo0 00 a igq of all On stlu am&prow d r�;utdoor lhlglntirtg LT-11 o 1On-site adjacent watercourses., strearrre„r ve�m take and wetlands WA Lltllfty/energy fttpf br dlon systern fps, electdA,solar,,telephone], existin .&propo's d ECD-1 Location,,retainiing nails,fences,fire lrnergeunoy qnd hydran � Piloyy 1pn frn�a7rVemn irar turd[dg droirns, DT-1I-DT quare footage,of bldg; area, proposed for^offics, rttanuuf6rturing, retail soles or other commercial stWMO's. eunPwsting&proposed e Signage: Location, St .type,design ar4setback. eAsting A proposedl t. ;_1 f Waiver Regu"L p"ide letterw ittn application req ue Ung any wrral'veua: please reference specific i OMS Letter Attached g rstrfal Dewelo aent requires sd.brr sirn of Landes pi , fMwa r Management, Grading LP-1, 1-MG-1Lightingpland to Fdfentifir t"won offederal:,,$tat or CoU*permits required,fbr the projd ,tog Cher with a record of app#6aton Attached for all necessary permits 5 AreaVariance Revised Mar 014 Town of Queensbury.Zoning Office.,742 BayRoad. Queep,sbucry„lily' 12804 -&IB4611-8238 ShortEnviroInniental Assessment Form Part I -Project Lnformation Jnstmetions for CoMpletin Part 1-Project Information, The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses bol part of the application for,approval or fiml are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification, Complete Paft I based on information currently available. If additional research or invest�igation would be needed to fully respond to any item,pleaso awwor as thoroughly as possible based,on current,information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1-Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project Faden Enterprises Silo Plan Project Location(describe,,,and attach a location rnap)- 76-7,91 Main Street,Clueensbury,NY Brief Description of Proposed Action: The pmjoct site Na 1.08 acres and affrenflyomtains 3 resider&d bralklings.The applicant proposes"demolition,of ft 3residetial'buNdlings and construction of 3 bulldings:a 8.200 square foot building with a Subway and retail space. P 1,600square foot office Wl and a,2,400, square foot bank with Oval Site hgress1egrel bl one,point from,Main Stmetand one point from Pine Street.The site email be seryl by proposed connections to public water and scanner.Stormwaler vAl be managed on site mW tled In to the existing storm system located on Main StreeL There Y41t be a,lot consollidagon from,3 lots to 2 Taft.There WAl be,a sign Variance request for the setback from the property fine ll 1 V to 6.. Name elf Applicant or Sponsor: 'Telephone. 518.796,3716 Russell Faden I 'aden Enterprises Inc E-Mail, russellfgidlen@,yah,00l.com, Address: 29 Liz Ann Drive city 'o, state" Zip Code, Saratoga Springs NY 12866 L Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,'Imal.law,ordinance, NO YES administrativerale,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative descriptionofthe:intent of the proposed action and the enviromental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed,action require a pwmil,approvalor filinding fromany oilier governmental Agency''? NO, YES If Yes, list agency(s)name and permit or approval. Towle ZonnIng Board,Town Planning Board Site Plan Review,&Special Use:Pe It Review 3.a.,Total acreage of the site of the:proposed action?' 1,08 acres b.Total,acreage to be physioally disuribod? 0.9 acres al. Total acreage(pr site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by die applicant or roject sponsor? pp p Loacres 4. Check.all land uses that occur on,adjoining and,near the proposed action. E]Urban 0 Rural(non-agriculture) ElIndustrial O,Comniercial 0111esidential(suburban) 0 Forcst ClAgriculture EI.Aquatic El Other(specify): J Page I elf 3 5, Is the proposed action, I NO YES NI a. A permitted use under the zoning;regulations?. L�I b.. Coornsistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? IT 6. Is the proposed action connsisten.t,witlu the predominant character of the existing„built or natuuraI NO YES, landscape? T Is the site of the proposed action located in,or duces it 4oin,a state listed.Critical Environmental,Via? NO ' Iff"Y",ideuu i � ' . a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above,present levels? NO YES j b, Are,public transportation service(s)available at or aw the site of the proposed action? I� �J c. Am, any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle:routes available on. or near site oufthe proposed action"? Does the proposed action,meet or exceed the state onagy code requirements? "�Z— If the proposed action,will exceed mquirments,d scrnbc dl featunr�es and technologies'ies' 10. Will tine proposed action connect to,an existing puiblict'private water sunpply"? NO, YES If No,describe:method for providing potable water: 1 ff. Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater Utilities,?' NO, YES If No,describe method for providing wastc ater treatment. 0 1Z 12. a,. Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic -iTO— YES Places? b.Is the praposed action.located in an archeological sensitive ares? 13. a..Lees any portion ofthe site of the proposed action,or lands adjoiaiun, the proposed action,contain NO wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a feral,state or local Agency? b.Would the pronponsed action physically alter„or encroach into,a.¢ny existing wetland or aterb d ? If Yes,identify,the wedand or watetbody and extent of alterations in square feet or worm 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are lolly to be found on the prcoiect site. Chl all Nati apply: E'Shoreline 0 I7-onrest O Agricultural/grasslands, Early mid-sucoessional El Welland urixul Cl Suburban l ,.Imes the site of the proposed aetio n contain any species of animal„or associated habitats, listed YE by the State or Federal gid errarruennt as threatened orendangered? E] M Is the pl site located in the 100 year llbod plain? NO YIES l7, Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either,from point or noun-point sources? NO, YES a. Will storm water discharges flow to,adjacent properties? NO AYES K Will storm water discharges be directed to,established conveyance systems(runoff and storm drains)? If Yes,brie ydes beM ZY w � � _ n main streat. P 2 o3 i 8.Dnp the proposed actions.include:construction or other activities that result:in ft irrnpena,ndmeant of NO I'TE9 water or offer liquids e.g.retention pond,;waste lagoon,damp? If"des,e)rpiaixn purpose and size: lig.,Has the site of the proposed.action or as adjoining property been the location of an, active or closed NO I YE solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe: El Cpm Has the site of the proposed action or an adibinhig properly the aub*t of iation(Pngoing or i NO, I YES, . compItted)dor hazardous waste's If Yes,dribs;; I AFFERM, THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS' RUE AND ACCURATE TO TIC, BEST OF M KNOWLEDGE Applicaznt/sponsnr e: L.rW Date, Signature: , PRIM Page 3 of V4411.1ZIZIV O. Mir ;IAIL x :L .a11J. 1% vnVVI;looly 40 z oo •�j�� fes' �- barsp� the,1. u - n &'obdom I ) mem t e ' requhd ComPLMO that ldmhg 9 Of thb 'a a s ib the MpkaM Doman FOrTax W- saawm —i L QWNM61MAWRF-- PATE AppUCANT IsunWe 10 aad tM rAOMN air rahes to be,ilk' r pady As QW ftlod". vwbfieo � Mrtlo Df ama .. PgQo DAWw AKMAWS TUM JDAM 4Y' G*n M t pts 0ft" mO*mvb"vM be d*Wd dhcW to wpm for A�w w ,t OA $1 10 1 - *p t*pW'gno pwtofak%a 4 a flftft 6Lftflzvft zwtv ani or P*"fia SXW AO Ymn b 4140f,lie Twpand""US ftwoed *m wwwft the the a '. b UnI&OgbriK We riam WoKollind, d aw be:oomnkh-AW am ano m4odrdm Astaft am a tam fiat 1hji�tk vA&ft ap" ra . M baa met L'waIm ba rimed iia PWM an wwa"W by I ax�a wat @u P-- 11 - -Avs'a". du i 11-1a, 3�m7,� "�ivj 5 re 1401 Pjkn Nam[Aaanq! ad TOM;of hx Plan Raaf^ W9 ,20"14 �r pT4 Bay RmW-,auvansb^NY IZW, M71-=1