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E ,— 15 w p C'� CIA a C� 22 u 0 C1. 00 �k 00 CN cs Q � Cd ca ° c clLn O"n +- °' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (S 18)761-8201. Community Development- Building& Codes (518,)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: RC-000006-2016 Tax Map No: 309.7-1-41 Permission is hereby granted to: Clute Enterprises For property located at: 26 HOLDEN AVE In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above'location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type Of Construction Owner Name: Joseph Gross Single Family-New $115,000.00 Owner Address: 26 Holden Total Value $115,00f1.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's.Narne/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Clute Enterprises 61-OLDEN AVE Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications SFD wl2 car attached garage $268.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: friday,.January 20,20117 (If a longer period is required„an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer ofthc Town ol`Queensbury betbre the expiration date.) Dated at the'town of , rryy, d,uesd .la ary 26„20j16 SIGNED BY: G d�� w � for the Town ofQueensbu,ry. Director of Building,� Code En'orcement K PWNCIPAL STRUCTURE APPLICATION Office Use Only I Received Tax Map IBJ _ IAX MAP ID �..� -� � -� �� C Permit No. 21 Permit Fee " - F ZONING Rec FainAll �•�w 07 6Site Plan HIS_TORIC SITE Yes No Subdivision ff SUBDIVISION NAME" Lot TOWN BQ.IRE_S©LUT10Nf &X173. 850 RECREATION FEE FOR NEW DWELLING UNITS,INCLUDING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS,DUPL X OR TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS, MULTIPLE FAMILY DWEWNGS, APARTMENTS, CONDOMINIUMS, TOWNHOUSES, AND/CSR MANUFACTURED i MODULAR HOMES,BUT NOT MOBILE HOMES. THIS IS IN ADDITION TO THE PERMIT FEE. ell e_ y APPLfCAJ T 771 OWNER �. ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE/E-MAIL `7" a PHONE/E-MAIL CONTRACTOR RACT'C?R R a RT OF c r T TT ra E.sTjmA p)• I t" I- cc ADDRESS, RBUILDINGA DDRESS: -�, PHONE/E-MAIL CONTACT PERS DWECDIT'BUILDI,I g& CODES COMPLIANCE.- PHONE ,,TYPE OF C�CDLmdUC"7G"ION Check all that apply Please indicate measurements as required below New Addition Alteration 1s1floor sq.ft. 2ndfloorsq.ft. Total', sq,ft. Height Single Family Two-Family Multi-Family I of units Townhouse Business Office Retail - Mercantile Factory- Industrial ,Attached Garage of � Other Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application July 2014 If commercial or industrial indicate name of business Proposed use of building or addition Source of heat(circle one) Ga it Propane Solar Other Fireplace: complete a separate application for Fuel Burning Appliances& Chimneys Nf Are there structures not shown on plot plan? �o Are there easements on the property? Site Information a. Dimensions or acreage of lot b. Is this a comer lot? c. Will the grade be changed as a result of construction Yes 'ti' No d. Public water or Private well, e. Sewer or Private Septic System Value of all work to be performed(labor or materials) $ DECLARATION: 1. 1 acknowledge no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If work is not complete by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed,subject to fees and department approval. 3. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NY State Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances,and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed,I or my agents will obtain a.certificate of occupancy. 5. 1 also understand that 1/we are required to provide an as-built surve„tea-ii nsed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupa I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: f DATE SIGNATURE: DATE FOR OFFICE ME ONLY Operating Permit Issued: Yes No Occupancy Type Conshuction Classification Assembly Occupancy Urnit Special Conditions z Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application July 2014 169 Haviland Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Phone-518-745-4400 Fax -518-792-851 January 25, 2016 Project 49394 Via Fax 745-4437 John O'Brien Code Enforcement Officer Town of Queensbury JN 2 5 2016 742 Bay.Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Re; 26 Holden Ave—Seasonal. High Groundwater Determination Test Fit Request Dear Dave: As requested we performed a deep soil test pit for determination of groundwater in relation to the proposed single family home to be constructed by +flute Enterprises at 26 Holden Avenue in the town.of Queensbury.The results are as follows: Deep soil test pit observation performed on 1-25-16. Test Pit results; 0-4$5 Topsoil 4—26" Loamy Medium pine Sand 26-66 Medium Fine Sand Mottling observed at 60",No groundwater observed to 66". The top of the house footing should be set 12"above the mottling layer and the finished floor of the basement will be approximately 24"above the mottling layer. Please feel free to contact me at 796-2S 15 if you have any questions and that you for your assistance with this request. Sincerely,. Thomas R.Center Jr,P.R. Faxed to Town Building Office,--74.5-4437 � -M COPY - M Town of Queensbury Thomas R. Van Ness Highway Department Highway Superintendent 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Home: (518)745-0929 Phone. (518)761-8211 Fax: (518)745-4466 David Duell Deputy Highway Superintendent Home: (518)745-0938 DRIVEWAY PERMIT Date: t -(-'>-`r(c5 _ Applicant Name: CW .., s-c .,�►.,: r „c Telephone No.: —79 3 -7-'l-7 Address to Be Inspected: .2 tc, 4z\o XA , � Return Address: (i, 4r- 2,-�av Qo3 Applicant must show exact location and width of driveway(s) to be connected to the highway t placing stakes at the specified location. The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has reviewed this application. Th fbilowing action has been taken: STEP 1: ( ) Preliminary approval NEED ( ) Slight Swale { ) Deep Swale ( ) Level with the road ( ) Level with the top of the paved wing Size culvert pipe to be used(if necessary) ( ) 12" ( ) 15" ( ) 18" ( )24" ( )36" Preliminary inspection completed by. Date: Approval by Highway Supt.: (or)Deputy Supt.: Upon completion please resubmit this approval permit for a final approval. STEP 2: ( ) Final Approval ( ) Rejected Date: Thomas R.Van Ness, Highway Superintendent David Du elf, Deputy Highway Superintendent Town of Queensbury Binding&Codes p 7 rinaQal Structure Application Ju{y 2x94 COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE,INC. Main Office 176 Doe Run Road-Manheim,PA 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL ?L— 0 0!p - 240 1 1c Permit No.,",..................................Cert. NO 44966 Cut-in Card No..................................... Owner...... L! !l: .......�...L`�......... ................................................................................ / t...... Location..�.6...... i1.��� .....A�......................................... .L G. ........................ Installation Consisting of�'�� i�. .L .... >%r.. ,......... 41 C0/..� I.,A-_1 -Acl....................................................................... ................................. ................................................................................................................................................. InstalledBy......s .................................................................Lic.No................................................... The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate,and any certificate previously issued is cancelled:- This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations,application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege akin ons at any time, and if its rules are violated,the Company shall have the right to r e his if Date../.... .... �.1.............. INSPECTOR............ ......... . ......... ........ ...... ...... ................................. Member N.F.P.A.,I.A.E.I. SEP'T'IC DISPOSAL PERMIT 7Received DATE �" "L a=�XM MAP2��� LOCA TION QF1,VSrALL4—T10,V �..Er ,�rwr Pxartir IL ADDRESS ADDRESS: t lylt+lTR / P, ONEIE-MAIL Address " —7T. ..,. -? CQ ACT ERSQN bpR BUIL r;&CL?fJFS Co r zrarw a Pcarua 10 ES1Dr NQE LrrFORJ4 A770 V Year Built of bedrooms X Gallons per bedroom =Total Daily Flown 1980 or alder Garbage grinder installed Y 1 1981-1991 Spa or Hot Tub installed y ., 199 -Present EARCEL LNFORMA Topography Flat rolling Steep slope %shape Sail Mature Sand loam Clay Other Groundwvater At ghat depth? Bedrock 1 Impervious Material At what depfh?' C7omesUG Water Supply Municipal Well Cif well,water supply from any septic system absorption is ft) Percolation"Test Hate. per minute per inch(test to be completed by licensed engineering A architect) PROPOSED SFOR NEN CoAfsTRr---rw Tank Blare r rption field witFa#2 stone a 1,gtlCl gallons,add? garbage g or spa or hot tub) System Type Abso g 9 f1.,Each trench x �` g ( 'Total ( eons to sires far each arbe cinder Seepage Pit usrith#3 stens How many: ;size Alternative System Bed or other type'? Holding Tank System Total required capaclty? Tank size #of tanks NPIM 1)Alar rn system&associated electricalwork must be inspected by a")`own.approved electrical inspection agency, )We will aro longe allow systems to be covered until such time as an As-Built plan is received&appror ed. The Installed system must match the septic systen layout on fine—no exceptions. l7 tst ,a rcaev. Any permit orapproval ,granted whi w is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation o. failure to make a material tact or oifd6rnstance know half of aro applicant,shall be void.. I have read the regulations am agree to abide by these and lt'requirem rats o , C ueensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance Pant Name: - Date: Signature: ,, Date: Town of QueensburyBuilding&CodesE Principal Structure Application July l~M14 zk- j'n r6ll w ......_._ ..Tm55 Job Tess Type .....,.,... ......... .,. - DNr ly ., ..., ..... .. .. . .. ... ...., .. 16011711,E 15 8SC QU���IPCST 3 1 CIuNe 26 Holden ._.,.,.._...................... ...I _______.._._.....,..._..._...... ' ---__. Taa._.R._urt._..n.__. _ a) tMvosaFarost Produrs � ..�._...... ' -..--- ---__ .. 10T9YrxCfKMHvRORTKCqwUERzSovv84bjz)i�Ce1bGt6�'pkC'l41'9'6i1"�elt's� �PgV_Nz__..._.._ 1-0-0 w 4-+9-11 7-10-0 10-10-5 15-8-0 121-8-0 1-t�100 4-9-11 3.0.5 I 3.0-.6 4.9.11 4x4 = Scale=1:32.6 S 6.00 F12 2x4 2x4✓✓ 4 6 19 20 4x4 4x4 3 7 12 1 16 2 8 H � RA 11 13 10 17 15 4x10 II 3x8 410 II 7-10-0 15-8-0 ...Plate Offsets.. Y . _.. ..._.........................................-....7..-..1...0...-_0 0-3"-8 Ed - f_ ..__ ..... . ..., ., ..,7.10-0 . .. ........,I .,...._.. _.__._...., ..._... �,.- LOADING 1psf) SPACING- 2-0.0 C51. DEFL. in iloo pion Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 39.5 Plato Gap DCL 1.15 TO 0.28 berl(LL) -00410-13 >999 240 MT20 1971944 (GrTCIDL nd Srvow=50.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 8C 0.42 Vwl.(A'L) -0.1210-13 >999 1'80 TCDL 10.0 Rep Straw fact YES WI5 013 HorztR) 0.03. 8 rr/a We BCDL 0.0' Code IRC2000✓TPI2002 (Matdx�-M) Wnd(LL) 00f' 10 x999 380 W aght 62 lb FT=4% BCCA.. I'.0.0 LUMBER- BRACING. TOP CHORD 2x4 SPFNo.2 TCP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applhed or 4-11-1 00 purfins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF N0.2 BOT'CHORD Rigid calOng dhactfy appl�odl or 10-0.0 on bracing WEBS 2x4 SPF Na.2 SUCER Left 2.6 SPF Not 2190.Right 20 SPF No 2'.2-0-0 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 2-1014105M tarn.0.1-S)„8=1014AYM loan.01,9} Max Harz 2=90(LC 6) Max Upin2=-61(LC 8),8=-81(LC 9) FORCES. l!b)`M1ax.CarnpAdm.Tea. All forces 250(1b)or lose except when.shown. TOP'CHORD 2-f2=dAfd0,3-12=-4{P&'0,3-i9=_b21811d0.4-15}=-k 102ft57*V-S=-'98i1t38.'S-B=..991f139.8.2(x-1192fP57.7.20®-12181ti40,7-18=-4O6F0,8-18=:-d41d0 BOTCHORD 11-13--=482 10-13=-53tlt 020,10-17=-53V1020..1517=-W482 WEBS 4-i0=354/10lVSt�SOf511,&YO=,7541'1042-71=-527I74,2-14�Od34:2,1Y-14=-595J7'A7.3-'R4=-7071✓E188.15=N�a'277^i1.8.19=Ofd42.1*a�18=-595aM 177.1$=-1071VY,18 NOTES. 1)Wnd::ASCE 7-05;90repht TCDL-6.0psl;BCDL-6.Opsf:h-24ft;"a II;Emp B:.enclosed:MVVFRS(Yaw-rise)gribm eau&zoom and C-C Etdodaa(2)zone;ssntiever lenand Ohl exposed:met vnrtllcal Ion and rghk exposed:C-C for amemt.»em and Enron&MNAFRS for reactions shown;Lurnher DOL-1.60 plater quo DOL®1.90 2)TCLL:ASCE 705;Pg=50-0 ps1 Wound snow);.Pi 38.5 pal(Bak roof snow);Category ft;Exp 8:Partially Epp.:Ct=1.1 31 Unbalanced aortas loads here bean Camssdewad farthisdeargn.. 4)This truss has been designed Wr greater of rrdn eaof Ova load of 19.0 pit a'2.00 Bares Bat roof lead of 38.5 psf on overhangs noxa-concranenlwin other Ove lands. - 5)This truss has been designed for a 90.0 Pat bottom chord Ova load nonooncunent wish,my other Into bads. 8)'This buss has.Innen designed Wr a We load of 20tipst 0n the bottom chord in all meas where a rectangle 340-0 tali by 211-0 wvWa Wil B behoeam the tioaamu chow!and any other musmbers. '... 7)Pice ide.mechanroal Canmectoren(by rmwa)of krrsy 10 hearing plate xapallo of xMthrua�nding 100 lir upfitf at ont(s)2.8., �.. 8)This sassis designed in acizedanrn worth the 20091mfema8cim!Residential Cade sections R502.1 1.1 and R'80210.2 and referenced'.standard ANSB,lel 1. 9y'Sear- M plkchbreaks including heels"Merrdser end fix11y nwdel'.was used In the anaBysls and design of this truss.. LOAD C:ASE($)Starched .zw I F �11 fAjj A0 No, 085777,1. � 'k1u le i+hulk �ceE lace.115tly1"l"'1 epualiiy m1 eta.,.H�ce.izall 1pt crd carni oync wh<+woo rad ttwcred xlwoes shalt air rar, ext 110 "h,<rpuc I 1 l reep a lo.wv d Yw auoi a9nvidv�l ter ldavunwrn t9a lx mu�tallnl xud lawAcd verorunll.A lieabolat rofdasl r« renacrexw,ura ua urn wnoeefuran. ¢r xi eh:uty nhluc eei7riing llrnPier.Bere¢din,p lhKlyonca nhaVl in isy xh dr�soAon n Ism O IT Y R 1* s nITM 1 eSPe "vntcernatttxn on IN:,dvttn for erwrfserm mare "Ib au'xuasnuam awl...furr-ul 4 the qxnefic Ino la`O and$ crv.roaB ! and ms$r aac.'k:a 8uildiuziv Dasogr�er rrccizox ir,xnnxudrol@iry Yaw tyro rrpe^ct rtes op w;ai a-way cf thcdawdpon bra, by i 4-:A T!oar eeevlicp,and i-murrorl b-otg YEcfer Oo IYnva9duny 9'tmpuM1nese Sxf 9y Infrrutrnccpn ttllC'a"61 sus Oenti ai.µruldacerp xctisadGirg sorncaAc,doh,ry,crrrcluon and wacerrfi-AAA,tliu"ury SIWA arveI l"cuzuw Mir IbWituly. Jab 'I"t aw ..., .. Truss Typo ., . Ofi, P#y �.._. _..._ ...__ ..,.., 16011711J 2Q QUEENPOST 1Q 1tute-26 FM�ald l R.ferenr�aZ.(,a�panni y p q I y 7q [TyL,Iq,g, @ 1Jkrt^ersal&'creat Pfewxula ._... ....,.,._.. .,. ......... --_-�_..,-- VV� 4�2 YIL.�efhlN4.) CICffi•Ppi H`�L6c"�IJ lb11f1 ®10 ._ ID:T9'YrxC1F:MHv�;QRTK0quUERzS I @2 x OYnn q p 1.0-0 6-3-8 10-0-0 13-8-8 20-0-0 21-0-0 1-0-0 6-3-8 3-8-8 3-8.8 6.3.8 4x4 - Scale 1:40.1 5 6.00 12 2x4 2x4✓/ 6 19 4 20 4x4 r 4x4 3 � 12 1 1 16 8 a 2 � 1 � 0 c� 11 13 10 17 15 5x10 Il 5x8 5x10 11 10-0-0 20-0-0 100-0 10-0-0 ._.._ .... :..... ..._...._...._ .w_. ..,.,. TCLLOADING SPACING 2-0.0 CS1. DEFL.. In (0 c) Udan Vd IPLATES GRIP TCLL 35.5 Photo Gxfp DOL. 8.15 TO 048 Vad(LL) -01210-17 >999 240 MT20 1971144 (Ground Snow-504} Lurcher DOL 1.15 BC 0.64 Ved(TL) -0.32 10-i7 >760 150 TCDL 80.0 Poop Sttiass I- YES 1x1B 0.25 Horzjf.) 0.05 8 too am BOLL 0,0" BG;pL, HCl�._ Cada IRC2006YTPI2002 (Malex-M) Netrxl�(LL) 0.03 10-13 1999 389 Waii 76 to FT-4% ...__.. .' ................I_..,..._._._ 1-1.1141 BRACING- TOP'CHORD 2x4 SPF Ni TOP CHORD Structural wood shaadntng directly applied or 3.194 oc purlins.. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPPNo.2 BOT CHORO Riipid coding directly applied or 10-M ao bradng. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 SURER Len 2x8 SPF Ni 2-90.Right 26 SPF'Not 2-0-0 REACTIONS. gblsgee) 2.1267/0-"(non.0-:2-0),8-12670"(ravn.0-2-0) Max:.Harz 2-6018) Max I ialffl --70(LC 8),8--70(LC 9) FORCES. jib)-Max.Comp./Max.Tan.-ACI forces 250(Ib)or lase except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-12.4SiS5A0.3.12-di2519,3.1 g-18391188,4-19-_14381191,4S 1297/108,55--12971160,0.20--14351191,7-24-.18391168,7.18+w-82SP0.8-18=-88'510 BOT CHORD 11.13--1441042.10-13--M1373.10-17-8&+1373„16.17--1327842 WEBS 4-10--5061135,5.10--711752.8-10--500A135,,2-1 8--8 3510,13-14-M$2,2-14-01522,1144+w-7811176,3-14-147W361,8-15-635d%17-16=01552,8-18.1 15-18--7811178,7.18-•14701381 NOTES- 1)Wed'.ASCE 7-05 90nrp h;TCDL-B.Opti SCOL-B.Opaf;Ir-24h„Cal.II;Exp B;enclosed:M'WVFRS gfow-dsa)gable end zone and C-C Exferrior( zrx o:Cantilever loot and right exposed end verba l,nand fight expcmd;C-C for members and fair"8.MWFRS Our neaclfons shown;:Lumber DOL-1,80 plate gap DOL-1.80 2)TOLL:ASCE 7.05,:Pg'-..50.0 par(ground snow);P'f-38.5 psf(ftal root snamr);Calegery h:E*p B;Par1IaCIy Exp.:Ct-1.t 3)unisafamod snow leadshave boon Considered ter riga design.. 4)This truss has b irm designed for greeter of ntin real'five load of 10.0 psi or 2.00 docs hart roof load of 38.5 pat an ovavhangs non-concrarent with oli live losdi 5)This ones tins been deaYgnwd for a 10 0 her bottom chard live load nonconounent wdh any other live bads. 6).This loess has been designed for a ire Wait of 20.0ps1 on the bottom chord in..at areas where a mistani 3-6-0 tan bY.240 wfde will B between nue bottom chaad and any other asambars. 7)Proviafe rnoshandcal Connection(by'others)of buss to bearing glom capable at w irestand'mg 100 to uplift at 1ox4(s)2.8. 8)Thk buss is dssignred In accordance wild the 2400 international Rasidendaf Code s0000ns 8502.11 1 and 8802 10.2 and aefmror cea standard ANSVTP1 1. 9)"Serrx-rgad ptfchbioabs intruding trach"Mleni end tr..xity model was used in the i nalyas and design of firs tress. LOAD,CASE(SI...Standard Cil P61 0 f N 018577 J.1 �'SS 1C"1 'l1a rain r,1.ry taYvscuaewl lvea ANSV✓t Pl afnahry f -e wr: C tl.rrr^e wh.wl to m4 ue.e9 tgra.<9 a n.and-hired si l'waur .ooh,, k ru,n,a+,wE 11ux 6-pr 1-od upwao r,,er,rtoea ho n and a sn lnctlrw d.l M.utdneu f: tar tn•rnwr,a,llwvr uod lrr,wdu^+Y wextrr rlty Ap9slf¢ahrho9 rardcarin pxvnasxaerx oParp-s tx'. r i pwxre rrwnwlWiiwutuhrgc6gfioltirnmiar ncir orcr tt kd np C7n..P wh VI x£-ornpa. fn}ksraataran tae dux slicer tin cnxrt'cxrn icor vwt9ia cru,irtrn a.0 d rrnl ems t esk'rfrc{ we hs..olduix ns perrvuaarup vxkw,rnud r..xd,inn,n xs Iwaulsia y Ianmrxaacr xaccpt I rwrhuliry Y �e n�rx�.occtuuxs ex nscvu:w�y edadc devigrr !"note.r xs it rnaH fx!kwtx:to a;4xrdrn tmkfd'rmp.S Dubs ans',o�r is vab,tl cult^wtlernr Yruxs.Due rabdrmaai by s LIFT'roaipsmra,g.Ora-°Dnp,dran wan rx Yo-v Itnr7ou1 wnplxwo o'l ave¢taocazhrrx windy cad dares drab.ar:plaee xccriavn and Waseadmri I,u:r as iGarw•e Iar fdrnrYnlrnp t'runpvaroxa 6'a�fny fnfnruasnox¢xr Ylat,a11 far g,cnsrsd georaluusxr cep�dinti xtr;wsp,deliwerr,t".mrrrxt ward ix:acirrx mve[Iubic havoc Sfad;'A arvd"N7as e I~omre°lauritars. deb Truss Trosx Type GABLE 1 Clute-26 Holden ............ .............. ........................... 16011711 J 2I AB .......... —xA Forest Podicts !g' ...........---or ID:TgYrxCfKMHvRORTKOquUEFZoW!torgd% 10-0-0 20,0-0 00 10-0-0 10-0-0 1-0.4 4x4 Sca$e=1:40.0 7 6.0 0 r1_2 6 8 2 9 26 4 10 10 1 T ur, 3 (T3 cT4 T3 ST2 T 2 12 1 1,�, ju 0 r—h InI U1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 5XIS 20-0-0 .................... ...................................... .............. LOADING(psQ SPACING. 2-0-0 C, DEFL. �n Qoc) Wall Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL p OOL 115 Vert(LL) .0.02 13 n1r TOO MT20 I97fI44 (Ground S�50.0) PE."..:'DO L 1.15 Ved(TL) -0.02 13 rdr TCOL Rep YES Hoa(rl-) 0.00 14 We FV80a Sclj� 00 Stre"Incr B" ®CG IGB Code IRC200611712002 ""I Wtoght 84 lb FT-4% .......................... F-............... LUMBER. BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 SPF NOr2 TOP CHORD StructuralwoadsheaUurVdiiedysprAodarg.O,Oocpurfins,except end verticals. SOT CHORD 2x4 SPF W'2 BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 6-0-0 so briadrrg, WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 OTHERS 2x4 SPF W2 REACTIONS Albania 20-0-0, ftb)�,Max Horz v2j4s-62(LC 7) Max OPOR AM'Oilf 100 lb or less aljoart(s) Max Graz AA reactions 250 to or Was at joint(s)24,14,19,22,23,16,IS excopt 20-325(tC 2),21-274(LC 2),18-325(LC 3),17-274(LC 3) FORCES. (It,)-Max.CoreplMax,Tro,-A"tiscass M Illul or less ex-cept shear shown WEBS 6-20-28540.8-18-285180 NOTES, 1)Wrid,ASCE 7-05:90,nxph;TCOL-6 Opal.BCDL-6 Opsf;h-20,Cat 11;Exto B:"osed;MWRS 0aw-else)gable end zone aird C-C Exterior(2)zona„calere"r left and right exposed: end vettuarl WA and right exposed:C-C for membars and twors&MWFRS lot"tactionat shown;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOE.-1.60 2)Tures drr0grard for ward loads m the Plane of Phar muss only.For studs exposed to wind(normal to the fiaoo).a"Standard Industry GaNe End DeTwer as eppficabi.,or Q....N qualified bulling deslgnrs as per ANSVTP1 I 3)TCLL,:ASCE 7-05;Pg-50.0 part(guerrid Sam);PI-38,5 Pat(flet roof sno.):Category lil';18:Partially Exp„Ch-TA 4)Unbalanced snow leads have been comedered far this design. 5)INS mass has.been des"gned for greater of rrdn roof five load at 16.0 pot or 2.00 toles fat roof load of 38,5 pof on overhangs non-concurrent with other Eve loads. 61 All Oates we 2x4 MT20 unress otherwise Indi 7)Gabia requires rarrifirruous bottom chord.bearing 8)Truss to be fully unnamed from we face or securely braced agafrust lateral movement g 0,diagonal web) 0)Gable shads spaced al 2"no. 10)IN%truss has boom designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurnrlit wth any other live loads. 11)*This truss has been designed for a We loadl 020 Opston the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3.6-0 tall by 2-0.0 wide,Y44 M between the bottom Ouad and any other IMITINnSr 12)Prwrdo macheirseal connection(4 others)of truss to bearing plate capable ofwithslarrafing 100 4)opfill at joinl(s)24,14,.20,21,22,23,18,17,16,15. 13D'The truss is designed In accordance with the 2005 International Residental Code Sections R502.1 I I and 8902.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI(TPI 1. 14�'Sani-dgld FAchtioraks Including heats"Member end fixity model was used in the analysis and design of this truss. LOAD CASE(S)Standard FAtCz No� 085777- Ore. -E, SOA `Re.wno.i to Ix,bh,i.,A I-ANSIMPI T.fily�qt6ne,.I. lll�ic,,hl�lc,,fe.,dl)1,e,1,,,-4r.,i—l.r�lAk,..I,,.,I<'x�,Ki,e,.i.—(,1.I1�,d,,ip,.,b�teal,.Iew,I 1,yr ioudivldiul i I—ti-o"(I'k shoe ro;coulouum" url, .)d...j, u,a t ihC ha idin g.,,I gown u,�g vd,,r aid".,I imV".Hui I d ing D.isnr'Sr. —p—ilr1i ly fti tl.—.In— —y I I[h,dei.,1e�. .,it .dy,6.u,u,.'f-ij k h�i I'ling(`,�nf—rion i fid.,Iy .,h-Mi"rnb,...l.i by.UFP—,J—Y.It......g Q.,.0 r,for hr—1,opsst z voua rocal—only and d—Hoa cpl——6.,o'd Job TmSS ..._... .... T r aS Typ .... ._._.___�__.................... ...e. �� Ply ,... .._. ..,. � _. 1601171U NK � 1J:(A Aute 6�pca0den tDnxvcrsi4Fwasi Pro ducts _12 ........26�_ .......... ....... ....FI...._.... ..,..m..,.._.______ _..... .... a RelararcwalA( d,®all ia:T9YrxClxMHvRORTKCquuER2SGVr1C1.SgkA klmZA'IWU4'9kfAgl ii 4 a z O. 11 1.0 6-7-12 13-0-0 19-4-4 26-0.0 7-0- 0,.0 6-7-12 6-4-4 6-4-4 6.7.12 4x6 SCale=1:51. 1 5 1 5.0012 2x4 21' 22 2x4 / 4 6 1 1 2 4x6: 4x6 3 7 2 14 1 1 186 1 17 17 o 0 131 12 23 11 24 10 1917 5x10 II 3x4 = 3x10 MT20HS= 3x4 = 5x%0 91 8.9,3 17-2-13 25.0.0 8-9-3 5-5-11 8-9-3 Plata Gp w s x vp2:o 6 e epl,la:oa4,©E�faal� _._.____ LCP/VCNNG(psfH SPACING 2-00 CSI. DEFL.. In (lac) Vda" L/d PLATES GNP TOLL 3&.5 Plate Crib DOt, IL TC 0,68 Ved(LLI -0.4210.1'2 >749 240 MT20 127)144 TCDL(Clear'd Snow-50.0)10.6 u Lurnber DOL 1.15 BC 095 Vad(TL) -06310-12 -495 160 MT20HS 148)108 Rep Stress Ina YES VrB 0.21 Horz(TL) 0.12 8 Wo eta 5CLL 0.0° Coate IRC20087FP12002 6CDL Yah. (dafdx M) fM......) 0.65 f0-b2 a999 360 V+laeght':102 14FT=4'k LUMBER- BRACING- TOPCHORD 2x4 SPP 2100E 1.8E, TOP CHORD structural wood showhin gdiVrec6y appllad or 3.100 ac purlins. ROT CHORD 2x4 SPF No2 BOT CHORD Pu'g os d fin�g oOrreAly app ikid or 2.2.0 rs:hraang, MBS 2x4 SPF No.2 SLIDER Left 2x6 SPF No.2 2.60„Rgght 2x6 SPF No:2 2.6.0 REACTIONS. ('Wspae) 2-169305.4(nln.0-2-10)..8.189366-8(mn.0-2-10) Max Hnr'x 2._74p,C 9) Max LIp4it281II-C 8),8--61(LO 9) FORCES. pb'P-Max.Camp/Max,Tan.-AN forces.250(Ib)or law except when Shawn.. TOP CHORD 2.14--56610,3.14®-46440,3.4®..247$4248,4.21 22541242,-21�®.-21 Y 8/273,822®-21IM73,d-22=-2254f242,6-7s-2479!248.7-Y 8.464M,8-16a.-55640 BOT CHORD 93-95 148II050,12:-95•-14842 1.98,.1223'�3aYSi T,1123®3)1847,Y1-24�-3N15Y7,10-24=-3✓7.597,10-90�-91&14195,17-19�-1'.�OMYO",ro0 4MEBS5-10•-58J842,8-Y0�.580)97J.,5.12'�SaS/642,4-12�,566✓173.2-53•.875,10.1S-16a-SFZ68.14-160256.2-16mOP405.ty16s-124SD'YE20,3�i B®-24A0J32'.9.d417®-075)0. 19-20®-S✓2'.SS,Y&2dM ,0J'y6d,8-«' 0J40S.7,7..20-1+249AY80;7-20m-244&329 NOTES• 1)Wad ASCE 7.05.90mpk TCOL-6.Opsf,BCDL-6.0p5t h-240;Cat It.Exp B.a entivi t MLNF'RS prxw-nsa}gable end zona and C-C Exhierm(2)z eel cri,ntihaver fall and right exposed;.end verecal left and right exposadlC-O to;members and 4orces 8 MVVFRS far readUbM mhown.:Lumber DOLu1.60 plate Drys DOL+-1.60 Z)TOLL:ASCE 7 051 Pg-50.0 psi(ground snow);Pf-38.S psf(flat real snowL Category III Exp B;Pavbaly Exp.,Ct-1.1 3)0nbatancedarrow bads have been considered l r rare design.4)This truss has been designed far greater of min nal'five load of 16.0 PSI'or ZOO limas flat roof load of 3SS psi on averharlp nen-concurrent with.other Wo loadse.. 5)All plates are MT20 plates unless olnwwYara Irwt4aatryd. 6)The truss has been desIjned tar a 1,0.0 pet bottom cooed Iva load nonconcurrent with any other Iva bads. 7)'This truss has been designed for a five bad of 20.0psf on the bottom chord fin a9 areaswhere a rectangle 345-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide wiI fit between the bottom chord and aYry ottar members, With BCDL m 10.()psf. 0)Provide or+charriral connection(by others)at trans to tearing plata OUPaf40 of withstanding 100 In uplift atjoad(s)2,S. 9)Thos noes to designed in accordance with tfee 2006 International Residential Code sections R502.1 1.1 and 8802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSVTPI 1. 10)'Sem-ngirl pftchbraaks including heels"Momber and ftxdy mode9 was used In the analysis and design of this truss. LOAD CASE($)Standard F Nt, �+ 1 hit Pa&,g. ,d.. r No. 0857-7-1 y PC N' ti .flue ru a 1,rn le lAio'IL i I-sANSVfVI rp Mriy vtuirnuzuv9 I blr'slut mir-ol arc j.rn.aunts,Inhe-nrxe9 1b1.&e ign r f u erti lq-p rano. 4w-a.art r f'r m it hwldonV. twr!drag uroa7aalrew to be ro.cwfixl sn d 7oodtd wao.olly.Mprplic:ahNny of N.ign I-in acra and paelx^r xlrlir xors aura of¢1p o aon7 r rep 'Nbry t lin IrWrjins t9cc g R Id g tare'g-4.0 ity,ill d-g., io leukin"I thin nhvtw.lrw wuaE'omlulwr-c-,111armasYailmr...weld rcgruuultrrnur 5.14 the gxAlhc bu ldrog n d ga c .Ing x1 d. d" �.RualdIuF D gn.accr7u n,pn-r ihty tl Ow rrxntia1e a w mtrrorwt ur Nes dmvjpr luzpwm:uuen m N may m1a7e to m mpcc k building,Cernhcali.,per wohd Ludy'foam uury a,fish nted by.1111 noump:ary.B-i.gshonnao.rc fwInion,!bspf.4 of uvea n cmhnro rxdy and d-,nanouq'Ure rsrchm and fern -ant tx.acurg.Rafe m Buildimpp C-11--i safety ladoraIt'huu fBCL5lp fax rani rel guid,oxt rrla'dlrig ddinery.w-mttvan anal teocung aawlfahle kcs.SI4CiA lila!T'noue&'loin,Imlftlolc, Pay Clute 26 Holden 16011711 26GABS GABL'd 2 14 1 _.�..., - _. _-__....__ _ . ... lob Raloronoe(roprtlanedf LkWvorsod ForanaaArcts ID:T9YrxCfKaHvR0R-rK.mxwUERzSoA00NVL74 9rmJ.' du'? )6I MVS Id`115 1Mci F1410-A0 1 0-q 13-0-0 26-0- 27.0.0 1 0 0 13.0-0 13-0-0 1 0-0 44= kale=1:50. 8 7 9 6,00 12 6 10 34� 31 5 11 4 12 3 E14 6 Ms E15 13 3EM 1 1 14 1 1'5 co6 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3X4 26-0-0 26-0-0 ... _ ....-_...... .. LOM (PSI)I) SPACING 2.0.0 CSI. DEFL. inOne) nc Vden Ud PLATES GRIP TCLd. 38.5 plate Gap DOL 1.15 TC 0.28 Vert(LL) -0.02 15 nh, 180 W4T20 197A 44 oo - (Ground S50.0) Lu".r DOL 1,15 BC 0.06 Varrolt -0....02 15 nyr 80 TCDL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.10 Harz(TL)0,00 16 rya nye I'i BOLL 00 Code IRC2005/f'PI2002 (Mount Weight 118lb FT-4% ,BCDk�..W.. 10 q ....__................._.,.-_.,.. _................ ...__.._.... ..m..m_....m....__.. .... ..,.,..,....., ...... .............n_.-._._______._.._...._....._ ....,�...,.,.._...__._ LUMBER- BRACING. TDPCHORD 2x4 SPP No.2 TOP'CHORD Structural woad sheathing dltedly applied or 6.0-0 oc purlins,except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF Na.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or U4 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 REFU VONS. Atli bearings 28-0-0. (to)-Max Harz 29--77(LC 6) Max Uplift Al uplift 100 to or less at jorni(s)29„18,,21,20,19,18.17 iMax Grav At roacd'an 250 fb or Iola at jolnt(s)23„27,18 oxcopt 29.292(LC a),16.292(LC 1),24.335(LC 21,25-307(LC ZY,26-25'3(LC 2),28.29'7(LC 2), 21-33,5(LC 3�.20.307(LC 3),19'-253(LC 3),17.297(LC 3) FORCES. fob)-Mm Cornic/Max.Ten.-AN forces 250 Ob)or loss except when shown TOP CHORD 229-266183,14-16w-265183 WEBS 7-24--2M7.e-25--26&164.9-21a-29567,10.20-,26"4 NOTES- 1)4hfnd:ASCE 1.06;90mph;TC'DL-00psh,BCDL-5(had,hs24ft;C"I.II',Exp S;enclosed:MWFRS(kw-rise)gable end Zone and C-C Exladoi(2)zone:caatilover left and right exposed and vertical left and right oxp.W:C.0 ba manhoers and forces B MWNFRS Far reactions shown:Lumber DOL-1.60 plate Pop DOL-1:80 2)Truss deelgned for wind loads in the plane of the moss only.For studs,exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End'.Details as applicable.or consult gnalAod buikting designer as per ANSIrM 1. 3)TCLU ASCE 7.05;Pg-50.0 pat(ground snow);Pf-38.5 Par trial roof ootow);Category W.Exp S;Partially Exp.;CI-1,1 4)Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for firs design. 5)Tile truss has boon designed for greater of rain roof live lead of 10.0 Pal or 2.D0 8mes.gat=1 load of 38.5 psf an overhangs non-concurrent with other We loads. 6)All plot"are 2x4 h7P20 unless athemfse badiceled. 7)C able requirescanharuous halt=chord)booing,. 8)Ta ass hr he fully shoadhod from one face or securely braced against lateral movernarrt(i.e.diagonal mb). 9)Gable stela spaced at 2-00 oc. 10)This iniac has been d"gnad for a 10.0 psi hodtom chord We load nonconcurrent with any caroti We bads. 19)-This truss has:been designed for a W a lead of 20Cost on In i bollom chord in all arreas whine a rectangle 3430 bill by 2.00 was Wil fit between the bottom chord and any other rnernbers. 12)Pmvide mochattoal conneclian(try ahem)of bass to beading plate capable of withstand rat 100 b unlit of joint(s)29,10,24,25,,20.19„18,17. 13)This tars is destgnod in accordance vett tape 2008 International Residential Cade secdans R502.1 1.1 and ROW 10,2 and iefemnoed standard ANS'I(rPd 1. 14).'Seni•rbpid ptchbr asks Including heeW Men*er end fixhy modal was used in the anotysds and design of tyle auss. LOAD CASE43)Standard No. 085777-1, "6h4+h-iwu.1. ueaiavilcr AXSMI q,Way reslukmrnnv..Print,Joall S:.oe'i"smell iylv,hmail c+aarerat ince.+until nab i+n sf lleu o.lrnu Ivaco aper y.rnso h xr rnlu imm inhvdueet Wildunp Knrelxxreetr uv tlm ana�allad niraYlwuist.uenirotdy.Ad*plieatxiny hof d¢aign larvaaa cera snsd p.nspxr uncuxp..rarnvrur el uanol,ueeal�rcp .lalMiry fdc8 8 L*c 6 BuitdingCf rynae 4.7tll tiff oYyndSo uyau lrfnnnraaw.aa rxr rh6a daaxt fax uucfaxcexnax r'.cu.data e and rerlanrrmruar»rd hoe Imarhr.h'Id'r.g nd g us^r.arn8 cexlc t d :does r.11uils9fury Ckso4ra ti mcu:egre.r apxnrszbr➢¢y Lx tfix.cwr�rncas w eccurnry eat etre�nvam bafarm,nocw.r x..a fl araY,rcLdre a n sus YosCmrrGalmrp,c i f tarsi L I il r C1+etaxxo i n Imlxmateal t7®idle s.�l rl.trrurc,wtp uau,nepr iw fur Iata+nR sxsyyrrn acs"rnusx aemtnrra aaVy rind dams sxrx.rx^pincc erc;uluxr std dmmranmu kxmerm8 R.I.to IN0,11ny anon i tiarciy IBf+ha,mvxt(PA'SI)for ycreuxd suidanrrncgmding manage.delrvav),cxcvruaxh nand tx' ui j mailable from SW'.A-1 Tmve('flan laeeilus+z Cty NY .... _ . ... 16011711 26SC SCISSORS 11 1 CIuCe 26 HQIcCer1 ----..._._.._. ........__.... .._. �,...,.........� ... - Jab-Reference(oPdnnal) Universal Fweaf lhc+k�cis -- Ili'Tgvrxc�cn�r�vRORTKOquU R.So -14N r"h� 1��� � M4"� I�°. ' �JWMIMY09rx26"0 h 13.0.019-2-14 _ 26-0-0 27-0 1-0.-0 6-9.2 6-2-14 6«2»14 6-9-2 1_Q iY 4x6 I I Scale=1:51.4 4 6.00 12 3x4 r 13 14 3x4-Z�' 3 5 � ir4 10 4x10 i 6x6= 4x10 0 2WW1 WW16 r 1 11 5 7 xa 5x6 5x6 z �6 a 12 3.00 12 6 3x4 11 3x4 I I 6-9.213-0-0 19-2-14 26.0.0 6-9'-2 6,2-14 6-2-14 TCLL VG(psi SPACING 2-0-0 CS1. OEFIL in goc) Udell Ud PLATES GRIP TCL.L `50 G) Plata Grip OOL IAS TC 1.00 Vert(LL) +0.28 9,10 -099 240 MT20 197/144 TOOLxt Srwww laz Lunaner DOL 1.15 BC 0.84 Vonfl`L) -0.54 9-10 -571 190... TCOL 90.0 Resp Stress in. YES WB 0.65 Harz(TL) 0,34 8 n/a We BCLL 0.0 BCfY. 10.0 Code IRC20061TPI2002 (Matdx-149) Wnd(LL) 0.0g 10.11 >909 360 4NNOIA:1061b FT 4% . LUMBER- BRACI.NO, TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 210OF 1.SE'Except' TOP CHLORO Strec"al wood sheathing directly apireed.except end voidcals. T2:2x4 SPP Wal BOT CHORD Rigid)calling durectry applied or 10-0.0 0o beadng. BOT CHORD 22.x4 SPF No.2 WEBS 2x4 SPF No2'.."Except Wt 2x6 SPF No.2 REACTIONS. garsize) 12=1693rD-5-8(nin,0.2-8',),8-1$130.54(nnn.0-2-8) Max Harz 12=-794LC 6) Max t IA1112=-87(LC 8),8s-87(LC 9) FORCES. lib)-Max.Con le Max.Ten.-All forces.250(lb)or less except when shown.. TOP CHORD 2-3=-3703Pd73,3�t3=.-29011171,4.13+u-275&'f309.4.14=-2758=1.5.14=-2902f171.S-6=370`af273.2.12--1685f227,"-:-1080d227 '.... BOTCHORB ii-92=-119f819.10-11=_133f3287.g-U(V=-133,f3'2g0,8-9®_S9f808 WEBS 4.10=-4211898,5411-atgJ178.3-10=-9241178.2-11--76r615;6r9'=-7.5,m37 �..., NOTES. 1)Wag:ASCE 7-05;&0mphl TCf7-60ps£,BOOL=6.0psf,h=24ft;CaL It,Exp B;encbsed.'„M rRS(low-rise)guide end zone and CWC Extenof(2)zone;canWlevw left and right exposed;end vertical 66 and'.,right exposed.',C-C to;rnaanber;and fomes 8 MWFRS fog reactions sho;Lurnher DOL-140 finale grip DOLa1.60 2)TCLL'.ASCE 7-05,Pg-50.0 ipsi(ground snow);Pt=28.5 psi(flat roof snow),.Category 11,Bxte B.Parbalty Exp Cts9 A 3)Unbalanced straw,bads have been oonsidered for this design. 4)This trusshas been designed lar greater of non roof Wve load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 Wmas flat roof lead of 38.5 psf on overhangs non_conexerent with.other Ive bads. 5)This tresshas been designed for a 10.0 pat bell=chord Iva load ruonooncurrent,weir any other Ove loads. 6)'This trete has been designed gar a Eve bad of 20.0psf can the pelta d chwd±gin aW areas wA re a rwctargle 3-6-0 fall by 2.0-0 ride w4W fit between the Witand droad and any other m rribers. 7)Bearing at feint(%)12.'8 considers parallel'.to grain value using.ANSVTP1 1 angle to grain.,hasarala.Building designer should,verify caipoeffy of bearing surface. 6)Pawkle'haNcai connection(try ogaers)of friss to hearing plata capabie of withstanding 1110 lb uplift at Orate)12.6. 9)This trussis dasigned lin accordance wetfa the 20%Internet"]Residential Cw9a sections R502.11.I and 8802.10,2 and reteranced standard AN'SVITI 1. 90)"Seni-rod plidibreaks induding heels"Member and fixity rrodel was used in the analysis and design of tis Iris. LOAD CASE4s)Slarafanl F N6- to61o, afxd c � r rr, No. 018`r 777 1 " I('t1 T'fir trw.r 9>uf txn¢arml pwr A.'tl/1 FC IvxVury'rexp rrenaeoa.-Ilia daa111w,art Y ear+S 4S<1 i leer erg A rp n10ie t. f1 4m Rry N I p 1--d-4'-"' f r mu is 1-d"'I &xaeld rep,tirYoeYprcm..nt lathe snw.Yltlrd 11 xnwtal.rrrc 8llr.A,gyvlYcatla I uy erY design fix ,core,rid,pw q.e nc mpn,rx� Ycrnnapxxad i w e^eprxra"trfUr}rf r9 r h d 1.19,9 U+rgnrr HYaoidv04 Uoe"guYk{xtM 11 wr fq mlfl JeM1xn vaYeara.auuan rm dr8s s➢reiw.tui 9xuaY'avao.ant-r xxsah cca�oclrruuuzw.aK9m@epuoxru9nxu oCdur hgreduc brYddiu$mnd gnrvcaulrrg,rudew vrml cxYliinaa9ses I9uuV4ErAxg l&%a$avr uc:reryaua rawywvrsatxltryfrrr Mae uwmrcrncxs cw mraunnrc°,W ud dr+,dxw.68e'r zattcruv-waenr us.;an+p vr.9srm to x gk'ipic building,t ntlode,gsa,n vx w;MYcuwu9p+rh'n tnea Yx td.'i atod by x ffl`V xrunpany 4-r rx fi.Inaavl suP-r nC inn -.N.,-1y nddaxs x,t s pkce ee4eu4cn..i Mw.nnrsa 1x2.,4.MrrimBina"1hng Ccanapxxiinn T NlylaYGc rnanmvuar!p>SIS A.il'-jarod-wY ngedunx atzvge,dellwy,cosi aNxiWan,gavdibfitefreiTh SIX'h.and I ruga Mare hHuture. Coo kol Its REScheck Software Version 4.6.,2 Compliance Certmificate Troject 26x4Oi RANCH (1040) Energy Code; 20101 New York Energy Conservation Location: Warren County, New York Construction'Type: Single-family COPY Project Type: New Construction Conditioned Floor Area: 0 ft2 Glazing Area 14% Climate Zone: 6 (7635 HDiD) Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 26 HOLDEN AVE CL TE ENTERPRISES, INC QUEEN!SBURY, NY 12804 6 HOLDEN AVE QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 518-793-7277 CLUTE@,ALBANY.TWCBC.COM Canipfiance: 0.6%Better Than Code Maxiniurn Uk 179 Your UAa 178 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use air cost relative to a minimurn-cocle home. Envelope Assemblies Ceiling 1: Raised air Energy Truss 9751 33.0 0.0 0.0251 24 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 312 19,0 0.10 0.060 14 Window 1:Vinyl Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 60 0.330 20 Door 1: Solid 20 0.160 3 Wall 2:Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 200 19.0 0.0 0.060 11 Door 2: Solid 18 0,160 3 Wall 3:Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 312 19.0 U 0.060 14 Window 2:Vinyl Frame:Doii Pane with Low-E 38 0.330 13 Door 3:Glass 40 0.310 12 Wall 4: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 200 119,0 0.0 0.060 12 Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry 312 0.0 110 0.050 16 Wall height: 7.8' Depth below grade: 7.0' Insulation depth: 7.81 Basement Wall 2:Solid Concrete or Masonry 200 0,0 110 0.050 10 Wall height: 7.8' Depth below grader 7.0' Insulation,depth: 7.8' Project Title: 26x40 RANCH (1040) Report date: 01/06/16 Data filename: ZAClutel\Rescheck\2016-26 HOLDEN AVE QSBY- 26X40 RANCH (1040).rck Pagel of 7 6 B serpent Wall 3: Solid Concrete or Masonry 312 0.0 13.0 0.050 16 Wall height: 7,8' Depth below grade: 7.0'' Insulation depth:7.8' Basement.Wall 4:Solid Concrete or Masonry 200 0.0 13.0 0.050 10 Wall height: 7.8' Depth below grade: 7.0' Insulation depth. 7.8' Compliance Statement.- The proposed building design described here itansister),,t with t ,oil ging plans,specifications, and other calculations submnitted with the permit application.The proposed buitdin as 'den, sn'ed meet the 2010 New York Energy Conservation.Construction Code requirements in R Scheck Version4.6 a o o wi ,tie mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Name-Title Project Title: 26x40 RANCH (1040) Deport date: 01/06/16 Data filename: AClute1\Rescheck\24716- 26 HOLDEN AVIS QSBY- 26)(447 RANCH (1040),rck Page 2 of 7 �.nREScheck Soft,war .,6.2 Inspection Checklist N Energy Code: 2010: New York Energy Conservation Construction Code Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table is provided. -------7 7 stra Fleld Pre-linspection/Plan Review Plans Verified Fleld Verified Compiles? Comments/Assumptions; Value Value & I -- .......... "--77-7 7777' 7 `7 --777-777, p e —77- '777777, " 77 777,777,777 103.2 Construction drawings and 77777-77777,`,,' � [PRI]I documentation sufficlently E]Does Not demonstrates energy code : compliance for the building Not Observable envelope ,.�,'IDNot Applicable A .......................... 103.2, Construction drawings and ncomplies 4017 documentation sufficiently "'T'lDoes Not [PR3111 demonstrates energy code ............. kip, compliance for fighting and Elli Observable mechanicals �ystems.Systems ElNot Applicable serving multiple dwelling:units must demonstrate,compliance with the commercial code. ............ �3 6----,H-e-a-ti-ng-a-n d-cooling-- - ----equipment--—. -----i s- 14-e.-ating: Heating: ElComplies [PR 2 is! sized per RCCA Manual S based Btu/hr Btu/hr— ODoes Not on loads per ACCA Manual J or Cooling: Cooling: other approved methods, E]Not Observable Btu/hr Btu/hr— EJNot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: High Impact(Tiere :ium Impact(Tier 2 ow Impact(Tier 3) ........... Project Title: 2�6x40 RANCH (1040) Report date: 01/06/16 Data filename: Z.\CluteINRescheck\2016-26 HOLDEN AVE QSB,Y-26X40 RANCH (1040).rck Paige 3 of 7 Section, ourrdati n Inspection � Compiles? Ca rnments/Assumptlons _ e .l D 303.2.1 Exposed foundation insulation_._ CCompliesw~v.._.vM [F 1112 protection. ❑Does Not ❑blot observable C]Not Applicable ._..... _ m_..._.._... 403.8 Snow melt controls, ❑Complies [FO12]2 ❑Does Not ©Not Observable; ONot Applicable Additional Comments/Assuumptions 1 N�rla Impact(Tier 1J Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3„ Louw Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 26x40 RANCH. (1040) Report date: 01/06/16 Data filenarne: :1Clutel\Rescheck\2016 - 26 HOLDEN AVE QSR'Y- 26X40 RANCH (1040).rck Page 4 of 7 Section Rlans'�ferlfled Meld verified Re ,i alervw Value ns _ m ,,�,w ramin !Rough In inspection Complies? omrne0ts/Assumptio 402.4.4 Fenestration that is not site built ❑Complies 77 [FR20]1 is listed and Labeled as meeting ❑Ooes Not AAMlA DMkA/'CSA 101/l.5.2/A440 or has infiltration rates per NFRC ❑Not Observableor that do not exceed code ❑Not Applicable limits. 402A.5 IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures„ ❑Complies [FR1612 sealed at housing/interior finish ❑Does Not and labeled to indicate&It;=2.0 cfm leakage at 75 Pa. ❑Not Observable ;❑Not Applicable 403.2.2 All joints and seams of air ducts. ❑Complies [FR13]1 air handlers„filter boxes.and ❑Maes Not building cavities used as return ducts are sealed. " ❑Not Observable Not Applicable _..._d ...___. ._............__._._.._ �_ mm.M �e _.._ 403.2.3 Building cavities are not used as ❑Complies [FR15]3 ducts or plenums. ❑toes Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable ..... _._ _......... 403„3 HVAC piping conveying fluids R- R C]Complies [FR17] above 105 9F or chilledfluids ❑toes Not below 55 QF are insulated to R-3. ❑Nat Observable ❑Not Applicable __...,_ __._.__ ___..._____.___. _...... _._ _.._._...._ _.............._.. .. _._._.._ . ___ .._. - 403.4 Circulating service hot grater R- R ❑Complies [FR;18]2 pipes are insulated to R-2. ❑Does Not Ab, []Not Observable ❑Not Applicable ..__,.._„__. ___. _. _ �.,, 403„5 Automatic or gravity dampers are- ❑Complies [FR19'2 installed on all outdoor air ❑Does Not. dxl, intakes and exhausts, ❑Not Observable tlNot Applicable Additional Cornments/As umptlons: I HNgh Impact(Tie 1} ry MBedAum Impact(firer 2} 3 Low impact(1 ter 3} L_..._ ..._....._.,.._.._____..____ _,.„_ ___._......., ___.._ _,.,.... _.w.. ............... . . . .._ Project Title; 26x40 RANCH (1040) Report date: 01/06/16 Data filename: AClute1\Rescheck\2016-26 HOLDEN AVE QSBY- 26X407 RANCH (1040).rck Page 5 of 7 ectlo, —� Insulation Inspection � Compiles? Comments/As:sumptions I ecolD i6iii Ail installed rnsulatian IabeGed or ❑�omplues [IN13]2 installed R-values provided, ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable )Not,Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 Glrgh Impact(Tuer i) ff 2 h�edrum Impaci(Taer 2) ILow Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 26x4O RANCH (1040) Report dlate: 01/06/16 Data filename: Z:\Clute1\ReschecW016- 26 HOLDEN AVE QSBY- 26X40 RANCH (1040),rck Page 6 of 7 Veri Bectron _._..___. Plans Valuefled Flel Value Co _ Reg. �.,..FFInal inspection pre�w�iia�w� .____.._._.__ __._...__.�_ �'�a� ��e�'� � u�w�unrau� /a� !upti+�ro� 402.4.2, Building envelope tightness ACH 50 = ACH 50 ❑Complies 402.4.2.1 verified by blower door test result ❑Groes Not [FI17]1 of i_vlt;7 ACH at 50 Pa.This requirement may instead be met [:]Not Observable via visual inspection,in which ❑Not Applicable case verification may need to occur during Insulation Inspection. ....... __.._ _._____________ .. _......., „ _.....,_....._.._......, _... _ 40 2.2 Duct tightness via post- cfm cfm ❑Comp lies.._.__.. (FI411 construction with maximum []Does Not leakage of 8 cfm to outdoors, or 1.2 cfm across systems. For ❑Not Observable rough,-in tests,verification may ❑Not Applicable need to occur during Framing Inspection, with maximum leakage of 6 cfm across systems and 4 cfm without air handier. _ _ ..._... .,. �, A —___�_............._..... ......_...._ .. ....._.._... _. ........ 403.,1,1 Programmable thermostats ❑Complies [F19]7 installed on forced air furnaces. ❑Groes Not >> ,[]Not Observable Observable ❑Not Applicable 40 ,1.2 Heat pump thermostat installed ❑Complies [FI1012 on heat pumps. ❑t7oes Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable _..::_.._.._._.... .. _,._.., __... _... ry _._ 4034 Circulating service hot water ' ❑Complies [Flll]2 systems have automatic or ❑Maes Not accessible manual controls. - ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 40 Compliance certificate posted. ;❑Complies [F17] ❑goes Nat "�' ❑gWot Observable _ []Not Applicable 0 _._.._ _.. �_,...._...__ Manufacturer manuals for „ ,; ❑Complies [FI18]3 mechanical and water heating ❑Does Not villa equipment have been provided. [JINot.Observable j❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions, 1 High Impact(Tier 11 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Law Impact(Tier 3j Project Title: 26x40 RANCH (1040) Report date. 01/06/16 Data filename: ZAClute1\Rescheck12016-26 HOLDEN AVE QSRY-26X40 RANCH (1040).rck Page 7 of 7 2010 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code Energy Efficlency Certificate Above-Grade Wall 19.00 Below-Grade Wall 13.00 Floor 0.00 Ceiling / Roof 38.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): MIMIRMIMMEMMEMME= Window 0.33 Door 0.31 Heating System: Cooling System: Water Heater: Name: Date: Comments 00 � s �i I-TT I jfl s r N -I m � � r CL m U l yC2 3' ro o �0 cr GO O a coC C m + S o i 1 i c � 4 rj at � m � � a a v � m m CL _ BOO ¢ S m C 3 0 c w om O c� o ui ti H W 49 o LLI ir ui cc tf1 W e W m y. � W (5 c w W O � a z 'S Q cg _ H 1u c m 'y ,r � F cum : c► ' a ai .d 6 ¢ to c i se J c � � � o CO (D EEQ s 3 L �z 00Q iiLL o � G S t