Sign Foam MIcrocell Technology g
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dreamNew SignoFoaM4 with Microcell Technology
nuc i , ultra-smooth, fast linishingultra-smooth, i
Discover Sign-Foam4,the ultimate artists sign board for What's more, its firer call structure at lower densities
dinruensional signage and displays.Available In 15-and I a- is comparable to others" higher-density products. The .
lib. densities, this next-generation material provides, the advantages of Signor-F amoVs tighter u^nmiaoc+ ll texture
crfsp,dean edges and detailed definition that you demand include,
plus so much more. Its advanced ruuiicrocell technology Boards that are easier to machine
produces an exceptionally fine, grain-free surface �t�hat ellwer,cleaner,stronger edges
minimizes sanding,and greatly reduces p(rruing, painting
and finishing time.lii' agine, ultra-smooth painted finishes Fier,rrrrare intricate 3-1)details
With fewer carats and less process Ilabor. Excellient small-shape,dfuralai.11t
Ultra-smooth surfaces Wth Iess work
Igc -Foau^a 4ls tough-yet-;refined cell structure eccom Faster,rrvore precise hand carving!
dates virtually, area design �u envWor4 hel er irnmilled Less filling,sanding,,primingand painting
by machine,carved by hand, sandblasted,ltd a superb
board for CK-machining finely detailed designs and Greater endurance In cvutdoor applications,
lottering,and nea Ply,Invisible surbee textures, Wood-Bike shavings v ,dust when machining
ire.are very impressed with, the improved surface finish of 'I5-pcf Sign-Fbam —both on the router table, and
in hand carvingand grinding, It fills well, holds edges, and provides a fantastic finish with fewer coats. On
the rw first slgr7 we created with i' n*Foaam , we only need6 pane coat of, rimer on the background.rouur d. Tire
new product is also easier to,clean up: It creates thin shavings instead of dust when we machine lug, arra'when
sanded, it lea oes behind a fine powder that*s statidc-frree. We have used Sign*Faam since the product was
released,and we will continue to use It because of its quality and avalla flit "
Bruce Janssen,The Wood Shop,
IBo' y ire City, M1 a
Pa'n" ,
eve special effect's with less effort
With its very fine, uniform microcell structure, Minimal paint abscrrptlon-T he extra-smooth finish requires
Sign-Foam4 offers Infinite options for painting, fewer coats of pai rrt,saving you time and imoney=
finishing and creating spedal effects. Its smooth-as-
silk surfaces and clean-cut edges also reduce your 'Better adhesion - Paint does not crack, peel, wear,or
production and finishing labor time by requiring flake off,
minimal sanding and usually no filling, Let It Inspire
you to new dimensions of Creativity: Precise sand btastIng-Sigh-Foam4 Is ideal for sandblasting
techniques,such as replicating a wood grain,stucco,stone,
Choose amy paint ix,lacquer-Because it's highly chernically brick or other effect.Stencils remove easily to leave criisp,
resistant and doe5dt react to solvents,easily apply any kind preds*-,designs.
of paint or lacquer. Apipliqluds-Add dimension,wilth a ppliq u6s and icons,The
'Wow"painted and special effects-Create glWed,metallic, lightweight material Ibonds easily Without filling or sanding
and high-gloss,mirror finishes,or faux finishes,like,marble gluejoinm
and granite, Smooth Instaflation-Your dimensional 5!gn5,displays and
models are a breeze to mount',and Install cleanly.,
011111111110 low
I dLm I -fo r a ny Q n Vi ro nm, e n t A"9 re,en," ned to m- n any colo r
%gn-Fria m4 Is virtually indestructible,so it offers an Slgn-goam4 to b6th artlst�and anvlronmantall�filbodly,
unlimited Ilies pan In any application-Inside or out.It Is ThIs wood-alteirnative sign board is sustainably produced
fightweright,yet remarkably strums.and stable over time. and can contribute LEER,certification points for building
Unlike wood,the db5ed-cell,material is impermeable credits,Every sheet contains,240 recycled plastic water
by water and molsturel,so It doesrft rot decay, bottles for a min1mum 16 percent green content.'What%
decompose or swell from humidity.,It's unaffected by more,Sign-FoamAll is nontoxic,,and VOC-and CFC-free,it is
high-salt,environments,And it is formulated,to withstand made in the USA and offers Iffe cycle ftaceabdity.So,this
temperatures from-,30OF to 1404,so,it holds up material is better for your work,better for the earth,and
under extreme conditions and in severe weather. better for you r health.
w r1 and
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Sign-Arts Products irntrodu c d the pramler high-denjity
urethane (11DU) foam to thatip loduitry 26 youtage ..
and in the years since, sign-Foam has been canCrnuail'
Wfe,cted for outstanding Ifbrrnan
ign-Foarrn4l Is produced by General Plastics, An
Innovative manufacturer of unique polyurethane
foams renowned for strength, exceptional physi al
dharactedsticsand'quallty.Their proprietary W-certiliedi
processes assure consistent thickness and density r
the specified material,The result is a remarkable sign and �
display board that remains dimensionally stable from,
production to installation,and through years of use. p
u9� iii
S irp.,aA ir iws [DIro,d,u,uc;tsYo nnr c re XRa (A)1:uo-t,r, OrOr°
Sign-Arts Products Is here to support your imagination,
artistry, Satisfaction and success. hat's why we Wew Sign fbam4 will make every sin maker's job deet
bHng together artistic sign makers and designers of much more efficient with less labor hi the production
d Imenslonal displays with the absolute best high-density
urethane(HDU)foam for the money-Snign•EoarnnC Our and finishing,Mages. MVe achieved great results
extensive network of knowledgeable U.,S.and Canadiah machining it with, a CNC router:Small details hold up
distributors will connect ynmrnu to everything you need to be,tter and all surlace5 rendered are smooth and clean.
ate in-deumiand signs and displays using this reliable, The new uauicroceli technology yields a very smooth
versatkle and time-saving medium. Beyond supplying
you with the riga product for your application, they wedge and creates a smooth finish twice as asiiy as the
offer a full line of adhesives,,(primers,fillers-„coatings and previous HDi .'
textures specifically designed fuer use with ign+ au 4l,e David McDonald,Avila Sign & Design
N.�l � t: you
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An uu dnial foarWat'lwa n for lnspif,,d sign-uu���,v
Sign-Foam supports new realms of creativity and -crafts- � -r
marnsNp in 3-Ili Slguma eM T0139N yet:oflerlrnrg a fIrne-curlh struc-
truc-tui , it accommodates virtually any design your envision,
whether carved hand,millled by machine or sandblast-
ed. And Wcause 51grI is so consistent, It easy to
bond foam boards to rnake signs that are larger than the
manrimuuron sheet size,or to add thickness by larnnhatiung piec-
es trle"tir,
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Routed signs ifef," til i:y to ump,p rt yo:nu.ur vi.,iou,n
Monument-style signs Imangine a mien iuum that actuuallly supports your artistry and
Flat-mounted signs craftsmanship instead of forcing you to ark around Its
Letter graphics 91mitationsl Consider its many advantages:
Sandblasted giraphics, Always flailand stable- igrn•FoamI4 sbeets will not warp,
Sim Witted wood signs, twist or low. And they retain their dimensional stability
over the long haul.
luro'ulrniwia °;lr✓aa �:�m' rol�la ,,.uwGG�wud;Ii; rn l� ude,ilnl ip�� '' Easily+ carp by hand oru a `ne-Ne New i n-F am4Is
TransformSign-dmoI Imp extraordimry display models, easily engraved,carved,chW. ed and shaped lin any dir len,
sculptures, envinanmental graphics and larger-than-life uusing the simplest woodworking tools or sophisticated
creations.The Impervious, enduring matedawl allows your CAD/CAM routers and CNC machines,
artistic creations to be used and admired for decades.For
making oversize figures, or displays, foam boards can Superior cell structure-�The smooth,uniform,grain-free
be securely bonded using a variety of adhesive systems. veil structure supports nary fine.surface fnndshes
rnstsUnt density- Rely on consistently u n form a ruatedal
iTul I InayXrl.I�Iiu.,7tlruu°n d�n,liru�,lr,,,. from sheet to sheet,and Within e�KhbloclO No moresumurpas+es
Environmental displays like hidden,voids orworm holee
Sculptures and carvingis Grain-free - '.Spend) less time cutting and less money
'Theme park clharact,ers on replacing crnuttlN blades.
Theatre park environments Exceptional machining characteristics -519n-FI lets
you create time most precise,intricate designs and well-
defined edges without added sanding.
Less mess and risk-When tnachirved,the material breaks
t cuff Into shavings that fall safely to the floor,instead of
fM contaminating yourshop's ai r,tools and suu rfaceswith dust.
Fast fixes-Ouicklyandera s1lyrfilla,rndr»epaIran,yholes,
mistakes or damage.
Secure banding- Igrn�Frn+4 Is easily glued to build larger
pieom it creates strong,secure bonds that are smooth,,dear
and even..
Specify neFoam for all ofyouir ii o 1 r , rvt
Showcase yourartistry while generating more profits vidth higher-value signs and displays,
Let Slgn-5oam4apdd the final dimension to ym rbusiness!
Thee' igud*Foarru4 HDU material Is manufactured in large blocks to your specifications..
In addld m to stamd!ard sizes,sheets can be ordered in custom thicknesses.
ta ndardshleet sizes for Sign-F aln, I 11 ,
Sign—Foam 15-lb.and I 8-1b.dlenslitie .
4�xiW Tx 10'
Thickness,ranges from,1jrrza,Vmax.coraall denslties:
Ik dra�orruerat'5Structur Ild Black
t lou uuuuumnt Structure Honow Core
i 4loauumerut Structure Metal Care
Sandblasted Graphics,
Simulated Wood Grain
Simulated Tile ar Maso,nry
Letters air Graphics
r ing
M,r;d e l Making
Sign- am 4 is warranted to perform as advertised for a.period of,not lei than 10 gears®
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