Survey Waiver Request and Letter of Approval 45P S I ATF RO(JTE 9 5L)II-E-901 At&- LANSING ENGINEERING, PC, MALA"A,NY 'I'E2020 V(51 E3)B99-524-3 F`(5 1 E3)B99-5'245 January 15,2016 Craig Brown Zoning Administrator 742 Bay Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 RE. Paden Enterprises Dear Mr. Brown: We have been made aware that the Zoning Board of Appeals has passed a resolution requiring the survey show existing and proposed conditions. We feel that this is a liability issue for the survey to show the proposed conditions as he has not designed or prepared the proposed design drawings. We as the project engineer show the proposed condition on our design drawings and we will be starriping and signing the proposed design.Therefore, we would like to request a waiver to allow the project to show the on the engineering design drawings.. I hope that all is in order. Please contact me at(518) 899-5243 extension 104 if there are any questions or if any additional information is needed. Thank you. Sincerely, LANSINiG ENGINEERING, PC Yates Sc'?tt ILansing,PE,CPESC, CPSWQ CC: TOWN OF' QUEENSBURY 11Bay Road, Qneensbury, NY. 12804-59012 v January 27,20l Russell Faden/linden Enterprises 29 Liz Ann Drive Saratoga. prin s,NY 1:2866 Re: Survey-Waiver Request for Area Variance and Sign Variance Il u.sseli Faden/Faden Enterprises 75-79 Main Street Dear Mr,.F"uden: l uran writing you aawith regards to ycrur requested survey-waiver. Chairman Steven .lackoski has approved your waiver request. Your application will be placed on the February 17 and February24, 201.6 Zoning Board of Appeals ag uvd � Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do net hesitate to contact this office,. Sincerely, J_ Craig Brown Zoning Administrator `B/sh Cc: Lansing Engineering,P Laura Moore,Land Use Planner L ra l ra n' 016 WteN\Wa leer Faden t_ 7_I :doe 'Hio ie of Nalaral Beauty ... A Good Pince ,Co t., iva '