06-05-1974 June 5, 1974
1:00 p.m.
Van Dusen, Cowles , Prime and Supt. Dunn attending
Interments 600
Sale of Lots 340
Foundations 635
Representatives from the Veterens of Foreigh Wars came to
get information on the cemetery in regards to their wish to
establish an area for burial of their members . After some
discussion and some viewing of the land, tie commission selected
three areas that we thought suitable.
Recievet $15,250.25 This is one quarter of the sale price of
the Cemetery property sold to Boychuck. This money is for the
perpetual care fund. It is our understanding that a like amount
is new being held in a C.D. for capital improvements to the cemetery
by the Town Board..
We have been notified that Pine View has been named in the Will
of Mazella A. Hovey with a $500.00 bequest.
We direst Supt. Dunn to contact John Van Dusen to lay the
central section of the new area into plots . For deed purposes
we will need three Indian names . Frank Cowles will work on this.
Supt. Dunn will plant a flower bed out in front as he dit last
Some suggestions have been recieved from the Beautification
Commission on the new area. We are still exploring ways to get
the job done. Van Dusen will speak to the City about their tree
digger and, also, try to locate a consultant to supervise
moving some of our own trees to the new area. This would take
place in the Fall.
Margaret Prime