04-02-1975 April 2, 1975 Present: Prime, Edwards, Van Dusen and Supt. Dunn Sidney Timms Jr. would like to thin the pine woods . Mr. Ain would control the cutting by marking the trees to be saved. After checking on the going price for pulp and board, the Commission was unanimous on agreeing to the offer. The Town's abandonned cemeteries need attention very badly. The Cemetery Commission will ask the Town to earmark monies to the Bicentennial Committee to be used for repair. Russel Harris of the Bicentennial Committee has asked the Cemetery Commission to purchase signs identifying the various cemeterdes in Queensbury. The signs will be reasonable in price, 00.00 pe;1and part of a larger program of signing historical sites of the Town. Motion to purchase signs carried unanimously. Sale of lots 100 Interments 580 680 1 Margaret Prime, Secreter , , Sri- AA-4"---9---e May 7„ 1975 Present: Edwards, Van Dusen, Prime and Supt. Dunn Timms has not done much thinning because of being busy at the new Mall site. No planting can be done in the new section of the cemetery until the Water Dept. runs its lines back there. The Commission reviewed projects to improve the cemetery. There should be a sign saying Pineview Cemetery. The water line and planting are in the works . A new pond could be developed tarter downstream. There is a real need for a new chapel but this would be a large project. Sale of lots 1500 Interments 1120 Foundations 188.50 2808.50 Secretery, r