06-04-1975 June 4, 1975
Present: Edwards, Van Dusen and Supt. Dunn
No business except a tour of the grounds.
Sale of Lots 500
Interments 300
Foundations 398.75
Sale of pine logs 224.33
July 2, 1975
Present: Edwards, Prime, Van Dusen and Supt. Dunn
We have recieved an estimate of repairing and straightening
of the stones in the Sunnyside Cemetery from Gutheil. There
are 425 stones that need. work. At his own pace he will do the
work for #3200.00.
The secretary is to cheek with Dave Little, Town Attorney, for
the law on doing these repairs and if we need to advertize
for bids. This may fall into the "skilled or technical service"
category but Dunn will get another estimate just the same.
Sale of Lots 200
Interments 1050
Foundations 276
Insurance recover�yy--10—
Margaret Primeitt ,�,