01-07-1976 Jan.7,1976 64 0c Lal S ?CO 1:00 pm c4 UAC Present: Van Dusen, Prime, Edwards and Supt. Dunn Discussion of rate changes . Noted that there is about $100,000 in the Perpetual Care Fund. Edwarda moved and Van Dusen seconded that the new rates be adopted for the services performed in the cemeteries . There is no change in the price of the lots at this time . New charges: Openings-adult $100 ( outside cemeteries extra) stillborn #25 infant $40 Foundations-minimum #20 over minimum 3.00 per cu ft. Setting of Posts #10 per set Prime moved and Edwards seconded that we buy three new lawnmowers from Sears and Roebuck at the special price of $99 per. County Treasurer has been notified about the Quinn bequest and will proceed. Secretary, Feb. 4, 1976 Present: Prime, Van Dusen, Edwards and Supt. Dunn Interments 590 Sale of Lots 1250 Vault 65 1905 Lawnmowers have been purchased and a new mowing attachment for the red tractor. The old attachment has been fixed as a spare. Dunn is authorized to carry spare parts for the machines. A set of three shafts costs $48.00. Secretary,