01-05-1977 Jan. 5, 1977 9 :00 am Present: Dougher, Prime, Edwards and Supt. Dunn Mr. Harry Gutheil Mr. Gutheil was present at the meeting to explain the plans of the James G. Fisher Family to erect a Rock of Ages masoleum using a five lot space. The structure is three crypts high and two wide. The Fishers own two lots and will purchase three more lots to create a large enough parcel for the building. The Cemetery Commission approved the plans and directed the secretery to write the family. The Commdssion is agreed that masoleums and other large structures should be placed on lots of a minimum of 2 0' by 20' and be subject to design and location approval. Concerning the encroachment of the Cale Development Corp.- Mrs . Dougher met with Mr. Brandt and they agreed to write the corporation inviting them to meet with us in the Spring when the weather is better to go over the whole problem. The secretery is directed to so write. John Ingles , attorney, has a client who would like to leave $500 in his will for the care of his shrubs on his lot when he is gone. This is difficult to do and would set a bad precedent if his gift was too restricted. A contribution to "Perpetual Care" would be gratefully accepted, however. The Commission must reserve acceptence of the bequest until it knows the wording of the will. Bob Edwards was reminded that the annual financial report is due at either the Jan. 11 or 25 Town Meetings . Interments $710.00 Secretery,