05-17-1977 May 17, 1977 9:30 am Special Meeting Present: Dougher, Prime and Supt. Dunn A special meeting of the Cemetery Commission was called to make official our request for certain of the Bochuck moneys that were set aside at the time of the sale for improvements to the cemetery. Motion was made ( Dougher) and seconded (Prime) that the sum of x 000 be appropriated this year for the improvements to the cemetery. Passed. The contemplated improvements at this time are the landscaping of the new section, the culvert and bridge, the stone entry sign and possibly a fence to divide our property from that of Cale Development. John Dunn is authorized to contact Thomas Flaherty of the Town Wa ter Dept. to ma ke application, if necessary, to the Dept. of Environmental Conservation and then to install the needed culvert and bridge on the East side of the property. Before the meeting was held, Ham Robertson and Dan Olsen of the Town Board, Prime, Dougher and Dunn all met with Harry Robinson, the local agent of Cale Development. The area of concern was viewed and clean-up and reseeding was already under way. There are still problems to be solved. The cemetery has lost one hugh pine tree and others are in danger. The drainage into our stream needs careful design. It seemed to be assumed that Cale would dump snow on our land next winter and the commissioners are not in favor of this . There will be an other meeting with Cale soon. Margaret Prime, Secretary