12-07-1977 Dec.7,1977
No regular meeting held. Chairman signed necessary bills for
payment. Telephone conversation with Mr.Edwards-gave permission
to John Dunn for him to contact Dan Olson regarding the distribution
of down trees to the cemetery employees . They will sign the propeer
papers according to the procedure set up by the Town Board.
Interments 93 0
Sale of lots 1000
Foundation 250
Vault 25
Bob Edwards turned over his annual financial report. John Dunn
is to look into the expense of installing additional insulation
over the office and garage.
Interments 800
Sale of lots 500
Foundation 30
Vault 50
The above notes for the months of December and January were taken
by Mrs Dougher in the absence of Margaret Prime.
9 :00 am
Present: Edwards , Dougher, Prime and Supt. Dunn
There was general discussion on the idea of selling one person
lots . Lots have always been sold on a 10' by 10' basis which hold
up to three persons . As the city runs out of land and as we sell
more and more lots each year, the land we now have would last
longer if it were sold on a single person basis . The single person
and the Small family would no longer have to buy more than they
really needed. No decision was taken.
There has been no progress on our entry sign to date.
Interments 1100
Sale of lots 2750
Vault 175
Margaret Prime, Secretary 1