08-02-1978 August 2, 1978
9 :00 am
Present: Edwards , Dougher and Dunn
Letter received from Town Attorney regarding burial
of Breen.
Carl Garb has indicated he will complete the roads to our
sayisfaction soon.
Robert and Betty Monahan have donated some paint for the
iron fences for the outside cemeteries .
John Dunn is working on the 1979 budget.
Interments 810
Sale of lots 1100
Foundations 309
Minutes taken by Sylvia Dougher
September 6, 1978
9:00 am
Present: Dougher, Edwards and. Dunn
Bob Edwards reported that Paul Cushing will have something
ready for our October meeting regarding the sign.
John Dunn amended his budget by $11,000 for a new truck.
Sunnyside Cemetery was struck and considerable damage done
to the fence by a car.
The town has received a check in the amount of 4250 for
damages to the Mt. Hermon Cemetery fence . Dunn is checking
to see that the Pineview Account is credited .
Interments 760
Sale of lots 1150
Foundations 269
Minutes taken by Sylvia Dougher.