10-01-1980 Oct. 1, 1980
Q :00 am
Present: Dougher, Edwards , Prime and Supt. Dunn
Jane Gedney, divorced, wants full ownership of the three
grave 1o4 that she and her husband bought in 1978. Arthur
Greenburg is her lawyer. The deed is in the name of Thomas
and Jane Rotolo. Unless Thomas Rotolo agrees in writing to
give up his ownership of the lot, we can do nothing. The
Secretary will write Greenburg.
Lots in Seelyee Oemetary are still being sold. The question
has been raised as to whether we should be taking care of
that cemetery since we get no portion of the sale price.
Bob Edwards will look into this .
Interments 575
Sale of Lots 4375
Foundations 417
Margaret Prime, SecretaryP4A;n-at—