01-08-1981 Jan. 8, 1981 9 :00 am Present: Dougher, Prime, Supt. Dunn, Dr. Eisenhart The bulk of the meeting was spent discussing new rates for all Cemetery services . Proposed Rates Single lot 150 Pine View Opening 130 Outside Opening 150 Stillborn 35 Infant 55 Cremation 30 Foundations 30 or 4.00 per cubic foot Setting posts 20 Vault rent 35 Mrs . Dougher will consult with Bob Edwards by phone on above and also on the amount of interest turned over to the town which seems low for the year. If agreeable to Bob we' ll give these rates to the Town Board for their approval. Interments 1045 Lots 875 Vault 120 20 0 Margaret Prime, Secretary / IS P 1