02-04-1981 Feb.4, 1981
9:00 am
Present: Dougher, Edwards , Prime and Supt. Dunn
No interest has been turned over to the town at this
point. Edwards will write a report and turn it over now.
Supt. Dunn will move towards cutting down on weekend
burials to reduce overtime .
The rate changes have been approved by the Town Board.
Interments 1080
Sale of lots 750
Vault rental 225
March 4, 1981
9:00 am
Present: Dougher, Prime and Supt. Dunn
There was little business to discuss . We will contact
Sidney Van Dusen and Frank Cowles about the dedication
ceremony for the new sign.
Interments 680
Sale of lots 375
Vault 150
Margaret Prime, Secretary