04-01-1981 April 1, 1981 9 :00 am Present: Dougher, Edwards , Prime and Supt. Dunn Sidney Van Dusen will be away over Memorial Weekend. However, he has agreed to write up a review of cemetery history for our use if we decide to go ahead with some sort of ceremony in May . Interments 1085 Sale of lots 22 50 Vault 70 0 May 6, 1981 9 :00 am Present: Dougher, Edwards , Prime and Supt. Dunn The bill from the Highway Department did not seem correct to us . We will not approve the payment at this time. We do not seem to be organized for a sign dedication so we will think in terms of the Fall. Interments 815 Sale of lots 600 Foundation 126 Vault 30 1571 Margaret Prime, Secretary r