01-06-1982 Jan. 6, 1982
9 :00 am
Present: Dougher, Prime and Supt. Dunn
There was discussion on the rates charged for the services
of the cemetery. Since the rates went up substantially last
year, the only change really contemplated is the raising of
the price of openings on Saturdays and holidays . The new
rates would be Pine View- $150, and outside cemeteries-$175.
We' ll wait until Bob Edwards is present to make the final
Interments 290
Lots 1050
Foundations 238
Vault 70
Margaret Prime, Secretery
March 3, 1982
9 :00 am
Present: Dougher, Prime, Edwards , Eisenhart and Bob Engwer
There was no meeting in February because of the ice storm.
Interments 685
Lots 300
Foundations 39
Vault 315
Due to the sudden death of our Superintendent, John Dunn,
the Commission has asked Bob Engwer to assume the temporary
duties of that office until we can advertize, interview and
hire a new person. Mr. Engwer does not want to be a candidate
himself .
Mrs . Dougher will consult with Fran Walter and arrange for
an advertizement to be placed in the proper papers .
Applications will be flamed returnable by noon on March 19 .
Our next meeting will be held at 1:00 pm of that day in the
Town Office building.
The cemetery office will be closed for the half-day of the
Interments 135
Vault 210