03-02-1983 March 2, 1983
9 :00 am
Present: Dougher, Edwards , Prime and Supt. Mosher
We will be obtaining some of our spring flowers from BOCES .
An oval stone has been found in Pine View which predates the
former private cemetery by eleven years . It says SARAH
Died May 5, 1888 AE.8 yrs . 9 Mos . & 15 Days . At this point
no one knows anything about this marker. It does not belong
in Pine View.
Interments 260
Lots 1950
Vault 175
Margaret Prime, Secretary
April 6 , 1983
9 :00 am
Present: Dougher, Edwards, Prime and Supt. Mosher
Seelye Cemetery- We have found that a whole new section is
now devided and being sold. We must stop caring for this private
enterprise with public funds .
There is a new encrochment by the Mall. We' ll get the map from
Van Dusen and proceed. Should we consider a sale of land to
help solve the problem?
Signs for "no artificial flowers" will be green and white.
The secretary will write to John Marzola of Civil Defense for
permission to go to the surplus depot and see if there is any
equipment for us to use in the pond de-stumping project.
Interment 1160
Lots 1500
Vault 175
Margaret Prime, Secretary p