02-01-1984 Feb.l, 1984 9 :00 am Present: E4wards , Dougher and Supt. Mosher Received to date from Sidney Timms $894 for wood clearing. Reviewed bids for clearing of the land for the new section. There were 9 bidders : S . Timms #1o800 R .McGuire 15000 W.W. Graham 11500 R. Jones 28948 R. Grimes 12084 K . Darling 22300 O' Conner 16900 Stiles 12435 Silver Springs 14495 The Commissioners recommended to the Town Board that we accept the low bid of Sidney Timms . Rodney reported that the 7-3:30 hours have worked out well and no overtime for snow clearing has been necessary.. Letter from Regan & Denny was read and dicussed. Suggested that John Ross might attend one of our meetings . We were informed of the possibility of a Burger King coming in on the site of the former Exxon Station in West Glens Falls . Suggested that Rodney check with the Building and Zoning Dept. to be sure that they were aware of the fact that we use and the Town owns East Ave. . Dec. Jan. Internments 1695 1425 Lots 3150 1850 Vault 70 200 4915 There was no January meeting due to an ice storm. Minutes taken by Sylvia Dougher. ae4A;n-e-- Af